Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1924, p. 3

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tihiiuiday a phil t lotm courage r i of i h illiy in it v it uiuit rim it iimii if uf vi wilt iii i iii tl lu k i i i iii tin u iilil lii lay it ui in jl w r iiioun itui tin won 1 iti tiny won- willing pl tli inn out fulf itml f lentv tl y uil i o n lilt lhul mm k11i w v inn lor lit li filll in lit mucki ii w tin tlty fiiinl lln- mirk wild roures ami imilxt ilnlulil for ltii lino ir iiiuir tin oiir uum- niiu that jiiyu li nit wliyl iti win but how lo fort i r tii i tlio waulfxl days hlurt ill lit on w one now juno ilats the dcst sources of seed grain lt rmmx looking for rcuabln tnor- nmtlon tut to whom desirable aoel ot itpiirovixl varieties may bi burehaaed will in i tlio canadian xmxi oroers amuwiallon 114 vlltorla hlrool ot- uw i nno of the moat eatlsfaetory uimrcrn upon which to lraw this or- ionization la composou of several hundred growort of high grade eeoc ktkin they operate according to lo- nnlla rule in order that their seed if satisfactory may be in line to receive l ho highest omclal aed rado namely ilcfflatorol seod thla erode of seed la requlrod tr be pure ad to variety free from wwd need and other im- burulea con lain not more than oiw hoed of other cultivated crop per five jwuniut of aocd mid tormina to at least 90 per cent hoed which does not uuiid comply with thla high atandard in ao fas as freedom from other cul tivated sraln la concerned but which doe not contain more needa of other cultivated brains than a total of id to the pound may receive the official mux grade called extra no 1 it la one of theae grade which the farmer should endeavor to aocure for seeding the association constitute the chief rnrdlum through rhlch the pedigreed hoed produced at the kxperl mental kann in propagated and brought into ciimmnrcn il ulo cooperates with our imtui ho1 merchants the lattei purchnslng a consldurnblo proportion of their wuppllua from or through the former the association is therefor- in u position o direct proa pec tlve purctinsnra wherevor they may be tu whuru they may moat likely be able tu mecure reglatered or extra no aoed of the varieties which will give them satisfactory results tho commercial value of pure vital seed or productive varieties la fully recognised by a great many of our beat farmers unfortunately how ever it is not appreciated very fully as yet by the average crop raiser special trial sample in order to facilitate and encourage the distribution and trial of registered seed through canada the canadian seed growers association is prepared to receive orders for 100 pound sacks or nwro of ilanner victory or gold italn oats o ac jl barley or huron marquis or ruby wheat at s3 per 100 pounds f o b shipping point for the wheat and barley and jj75 per 100 pounds for oats a money order at tached to a letter ordering 100 pound or more of one of the above varieties addressed to the canadian seed qrorw- era association 114 vulorta street ottawa will receive prompt attention tho above amount of seed would give a farmer a very good start in good aoed and at the game time would give him an opportunity to compare the returns from hla own seed with those realised from the seed purchas- her honeymoon pish the bride was m bonnie highland lassie born and bred among heather- clad mountains and she was a first- rate angler tbe bridegroom was a city man who had found hla sport and excitement to life on the stock exchange he bad no knowledge of angling beyond a dim idea that ang lers oat or reclined on the banks of gently flowing streams with a plenti ful supply of provisions beside them the while they patiently waited for a gayly painted float to signal a bite now says field it la usual for a prospective bride to choose- where the honeymoon shall be spent and this bride selected an angling tour to oiu of her beloved highland rivers ar rived on the scene the bridegroom having seen t his bride fairly started enaconed himself in the shelter of an overhanging brw jjealde him he deposited the lunch basket gaff and landing net and then the weather being aaft hobtted hla umbrella having made himself quite comfort able he drew a newspaper from his pocket and was soon deeply absorbed in the latest financial new anon he was roused from his studies by piercing shrieks his wife must be drowning he thought so leaving all else behind save the um brella he held he tore down the river side in the direction of the sounds some two hundred yards off he found his bride hut far from drowning she took kneedeep in the river with bend ing rod holding a beautiful fivepound grilse which now exhausted with ltd struggles lay broads do on the surface or the water give me the gaff quick l she cried uut my dear it didnt bring it then the landing net i hnvonl got lluat i thought you had tumbled in and wore drowning oh you stupid then scoop tho ash out with hat silly umbrella 3to do ihls ws necessary to des cend mix feat of precipitous bank and then l wiul hut the londoner was oqual to tho occasion and although an umbrella full of water with a floun dering tlah in it as well la hy no means easy tu curry he successfully intra it to ihe top uf the bank am 1 forgiven tiowt litf asked oil yea dear tjultol llu jul nt that moment the um brella itppod uutwunl with the rwiill chut the uncltir received n goatl bucket uf water rull on her upturned smiling fatt slut wum completely drenched from ikumi to fool that tired feeling tho nun liykeeiis in the process ion to day has to deny hlmsalf in i other words he tiuu to shake the nestl aside utid let tlie mind be supreme thq man who eats too much drinks too much loiters too much or sloops too much wlh have to foot the bill in hard cash sin ugalivst the physical being like those agulnat the moral nature will find us out sure jut hoar lis tired man feels more tired and the follow who keep up usalt at other seasons la tempted to ease off in himself a little retreat ion properly taken is a good thing but a man must be on the watch mi in the dog duvs against the disposit ion intuitu with most f us to lapse into touting theru are soma l too pie howwer who have a perennial ure 1 feeling like the dog who was so chronically tired that he used to lean up against tho fence- to bark the dis ease becomes chronic if not kept con stantly under control the rull orbed man is able to mix roc re lion and business lu such proportions as that one does not inlorforp with the other solomon in shoe and leather journal the old comp chest on tho further edge of winter whe the unowlrlftrmlt ulnl run neatti i in ll kiildcn eluiining f the rnbrtsury nun somelhinr beckons in th twllltfhl something vn lilnrm through west till you steal umll the nlmilnnn to th old cump rliul there s a xound of inke wives luugh- lug as you rlimh the uttlr stuii and clutchlnif tit your lunrihtrliiuh that hus gripped you utmwun oh forgotten trull that tempt yuu by the guarding pail lock hid ijow liny hold you and enfold you us you raise the lmtltro i lid iennyroynl cllronellu pungent imir- rnmem wubtly blmit willi the hmoke f lnihutichil camp flrpu and tliti nunwurifioil hemlock nt all the sundalwood of aulu of in of arnby the hlcut cannot boa at the haunting frugrunr of the old lump chrnl ilod and hue npur anil stirrup eiirh ran tell its wellknown tub eaih ran stub to fevored longing with lis mehkugi of the tntll till ou l then iwrk in ull n tlirr with miow reluctant huiiilu 7 to their sleeping huthe keeping of jiie one that understands m iri that outr world of striving facos cimo and farei go hut as xurti as apring iltr sunlight falls n fetiruary mho htutnir clearer sound the vole u that can time and chnngf outlust of the trlel und limited comrudwi from the camp flrou of llio past hark i i haar them coming coming down each hemlock bordered trail to ihe wavelapped nttlr uhadowa in the winter twilight pale jacques llerre und old lu ilomburd cupllan and all the rest smile their greeting dim and fleetlnu by the old camp cheat martha huekoll clark knittrngwoltk n my article lost week i told you about the important t place knitting held in family affairs in the earlier time that or course in the main affected the women only excepting that the men profltted from the knit ting by having the produola of the busy needle for their comfortable and endurable hosiery the other day i come across u new definition of knitilngwork new to me at least though it seems to have been common in soma sections many years ago singularly enough in this case it is applied to tho men hare la tho story i think it comes from over hw england way aunt alvlra plfer wa what her neighbors called a regular driver possessed of untiring energy and un failing strength herself she made little allowance for idleness on the port of any one and she declared that he could put up with a mw i man easier than with a laxy one aunt alvlras husband uncle kthan wrne small wlxened weaklooking man wham aunt alvira declared to be mighty wiry if ho did look ao spllodln one day a summer lioarder who chanoed to be atuylng at a farmhouse near the ftfcr homestead wondered over to the little brown farmhouito and sat down for a chat with aunt alvlra the visitor took note of the enormous quantity of stovowood piled up lo tho back yanl and overflowing from the great woodshod the wholu yard was strewn with it the caller estimated that there wore not less than twentyfive cords what an enormous quantity of wood you have ho said lo aunt plfor ye thoro is conulde ruble who replied 1 rallato on aelun most ot it in the fall who cut tit oh ahhaii did it assort knlttln- work i think its a good thing for a man to have tomu kind of knlitln- work to do when had ristln und that woodpile has been kthund knlttln- work quite appropriate iihi wasnt it t why shouldnt u mu huva knitting work to pick uji for tho odd tnonmnti as well as his wife liuve her knitting well while i say tlif t rui 1 new to me the hiiblt isnt 1 ii auy us i shouldnt perhaps tlmt 1 ulwayu uepljjj mury well supplied with well seusonod neatly cut und plied wtove wool just as long as w burned wckmi hhe never hud to stop iti tho uilrist of he- puking or whmi wush duy work was tm und itci out t look for woxl slreel i hud tnv knitting- work and did it just an wii un uttule ellittlt too tiik lati d j ciiitnn in the passing of 1 d iirlhtl lust week ut his itomv in luelpi another uf my wurm frlemu u gou bai um 1 look uvor ttust yulm unit try to real friends whom i huvu known for ovor liny years iih i did mr diritle t tit- numbor u li outing woiifully winull my arquulututtra with thin good friend dates buck nftytwu juti i tdlnu it wus lit april mis thut mr clirlntlu cum with mt iluiiderson rauu hilton to make their homo in at ton i mel ur christie ihe hist wwk hu wu it business horit- it wuh hi ohnfll by mons stnro or ruth or tlu storn where churlle myinop lutd done busl- for years but which christie hendermti hml bougtit i took u liking to mr christie from our first h tee ting he was kliid antl considerate lit the store und it wuiul long before ho was tiuue li favorite in town he ut tendeil old kno chuth the rlrst sunday an wus in acton uu of course i saw him titiin it wuuui long be fore he wus u huniluy koliool teacher and i remember quit weill how much his scholars llkod hltn wei rny itcquulutunt e with i i christie rltteusd lulu u wurm friend- ship und it wus uuldhig all through the yours it hus tontlnuwl und when the news cunju thut ho hud audduily talluu on sleiip i tvt thut itad lost unother dour friend i u christie was never uuslous foi nubile ufflce i ubsorvvd throughout his career he u lined to serve in an humble capacity in public altulrm shunned publicity in the distribution of hla benefat ilmin und wu evidently aatiafltml with he inwai i coiihclon tktuansm that he was a rrlnj to ingji i alwnyn stronn in he defonco of ivitj good ilium- foi i ho liltonnen of llio coiiiinunlty lie vv m looked lo for toupml und piiulhil iiuiirtniun wlicn w muloii li mil rid d und iino looltid lo him in uln fr help in un iu iiixitl for hi itiilirt of hilnittully thr tliimh alwa ills itiyal horl in p mhiiuiv tftuit und llniin in fiinctoklii lliiwunirly lo th i nun of fiiliiiilnoii wtm lie ki iou und in piovldhiu mi mm und oppor lutiltlrn for rmtllng liithir for re llgious tdikutlon for tho with until id udvnntuim lln in mr chrull wn n good ituon bi ry nenun of th uoiil und li bin tin iin of out xluiidiiu nldlltl huvlni divnlope i mitny bunuieniiu fioin imull tfctfln- nliigji lo ponltloiii of oiiuldf ruble lm lor tinry cikmi work bin brurt wuv worm und bin hmul niifit nd tlu plnreti win re hi t time to ilni rtsldrnl will luivti gool uuiio to reiitnin her his true churitl muny jtum li acton hlii yeiini in toronto und his quarter century in unlh ndeurvd him to muny lit nil llino omtnunltlcs ills thoughtful lniiriiliy provhuh places tor hrlitlun f ilowphlp unij worship ut kelut hi i blrtnplsi nl lien chrutie wlwfi lnunrtunt orku or his llmt ur- htuhllxluil uwl in st patricks wurtl cinlih lu u looalltv whero iiuh u community hurch sun needed s it makes mi have reul lonesome feelings win n i jeflert upon ihe foot that few indnoi of uk older citizens or thin locality ur i ft now hut audi lu the way of llf ii is ours in pro- pure for the liibvftubln purtlngk mid b prepared vvliyti the nurnmonn comes to ach of us family funds one of th old residents of u mas- suchusetts town delights ihe youngei nenerallona with her stories of life in the town seventy years ago when am was a little girl ller father with hla wife and children and hlft brother with wife und ehlldrni ul occupied a great farmhouse which is still in a state of excellent preserntlon in npite of its yearn or hard service my father und my ulirle had u common purse suld the old lady to n young visitor wh wus lngglng tor rwnlnlscenocs of lliut bygone lime and all the family expenses worn providnd for from the funds it con tained there were twelve children in our pari of the house und thirteen in my uncles so thullt took p good deal u provide us with food and clothing my uncle had tho reputation of being a little more prudent in mone mat tors than was considered necessary by my father or any one acquainted with our affairs so x have heard since in thpae days the children of both fsmlliesj knew by instinct that my rather was the person to whom uti uppeal for aomo desired bit of finery or what we called unnofessarles had better be made the common purse seemed to have greater powers of ex tension fn hla hands than in my uncles 1 well remember my pretty cousin uyr dancing with delight when ahe was on tho eve of her sixteenth birth day i am to have a piano after all jennie she cried giving mo a hug father was very doubtful about 11 but undo amos told mo not to worry for if father couldnt afford lo give it to toe he couldl an early settler hihtiiinhr i m ul huu 1 i lltll iy the moral of the postage stamp mr chiiuil ililt th hrltlnb mutes iwni urn of our k lt mkul l f lln iiiviim lf omiuonx who wot no nlw wh l vuuuulhp foity nrn f in ml yu iiim i illu firm of i pi nd tliliin till it gciu lb i in full i and vilin lm ublllty to stick io theytre lavdyjjut arfcnt they terribly expensive are you one of those who think that hardwood floors are too expensive or h too much trouble to lay have you s the idea that hardwood floors are beyond your b reach hen we want to hear from youl seamankent hardwood flooring whether plain red oak quarter cut white oak maple birch or beech will so transform your hallways e and rooms that you and your visitors will be charmed with their changed appearance 5 seamankent hardwood flooring is sanitary e easy to maintain and adds tremendously to s the appearanco and value of any home and e the first cost is the last for seamankent b hardwood floors last a lifetime and more g seamankf nt h for sale by j b mackenzie rcfloof that dining room with no i oak flooring which wo arc offering at a special cash price of oqty per foot supposing your room was 11x14 it would cost you 18 80 for flooring to cover if plus 3 per cent government sales ta- if booked 5 per cent more 1 mclleod manager phone 48 nlriquirvg dimpses into eshiorts crystal shechats about the new suits one achieves girlishness by affecting boyishness mtmmuiimmf immmf miha1vtaim1m1v boyish suits of tncotino and hairlino stripe so boyish in their simplicity as to add years of youth to the women who wear them made with straight short jacket notched collar flniblied with braid binding some suits sponsor pique vesttes fob and silken lapel all silk lined skirt re phi m and wrup around styles sizes foi missed antl omul woman s prices 3300 and 3750 poirct twill and trlcotlnc miiio for e womut who does not wish a severely tailored myle the coals are stylishly designed with two slit in buck und on side front tapped with fold uf self and finished with bilk arrows notched collar silk lined plum skirt black und nuvy sifccs otj to 45 prices 2500 up to 4900 awyfcuneves refreshes tiled eyes wibmutlncochuv rofctccialvxjc acton greenhouse a h bishop we niw have ready for deliv ery ihti following in imtu kailly tomatoi kaitlv cisllity cainiaai caumplowki1 niltjiiahii v orders talcsn for all kinds of bedding planta delivery in plenty of tro a h bishop falrvlsw avenue phone 64 builders wb can hupily you w1tj1 grey lump lime if credit valley sand stone dimension stone verandah caps sills and heads coursing rubble stone white tou imuceij d robertson co limited lime and stone quakes tel 3z milton ont most acton housewives i in 11k the inn dm and set on 1 xlclsmr tlrund pni try i lour nnd ihcy uro right too no better pastry flour cun ht ccurcd than excel- sior brand wc carry a com plete mock of seeds and feed d h lindsay mil stkeet acton ontabio success leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbing heating tinsmithing the success of work in icorc of homes nnd business places in acton is u guaranico that wc arc in a position to assure you satis faction wc will appreciate your- order and will execute it with promptitude main street acton it pays to use martin senbur red school house paint for barns and outbuildings it has no equal write to hd office moolrol for fre boomat homc raiwting made ca5v sold bv w d c talbot this charm you can veep youthful radiance of complexion millions of women have learned this simple way the fresh softness the radiance of youthful skin need pot be lost as the years accumulate clever womea guard this charm keep hi today this simple method docs that for millions of women now you nuty use it and kttp that school- giil complexion you iww oniy do this cleaiuc the skin regularly au thorities say to keep your com plexion lovely radiant youthful rvswsov hut beware of harsh cleansing methods they injure skin wash tho rouffhly with palmohve soap each night be fore retiring hub the creamy foamy lather well into the tiny pores klnse and repeat the washing then rinse again then if skin is dry apply a little col cream that is all skin so cared tu a not injured by cos metics by wind and sun or by dirt the simple correct way yoti cannot find a more effec tive beauty treatment because palmohve soap is blended of rare palm and olive oii famous for mild but thorough cleansing qualities since the daa of cleo patra and it is inexpensive be iuro yon get palmolivc which never mold unwrapped all dealers have it for just one week try this simple method and watch result von will be aston ished deliffhtcdt uepatnollve for the bath too thousands do it is bo economical the fajlmouvk company of canada limited winnijwg toronto moatna easter millinery a most varied and individualized is- ficrnblago of spring hats each displaying a distinctly different treatment plchsmg to tho discriminating woman hats for every vyp fr fevcry occasion fashioned of tho newest materials and trimmed in the most becoming and artistic manner nearly all our hats were made and selected by our buyer in new york g b ryan co department stores guelph and owen sound wsmmmmwmmmmsswmmmmsmi ztfbrfondpncdonunatcs many reasons front many users u yo4 were to asc dio niott fifty vom ptnoi3 yqq p wliyiliey pmtf perqs vh wouldf got ji ujdp vgrjecy p answers- 8cap wotjd wy bticaiw they ejn never to war oqt otliufa wpuld answer becauuo they pom so little many would reply because i cqp get bervlco any- yberej ami juut na nuty because i ia the only car i can aflortl to own au would tell youbecauw thoy toaster a bad road in any weather a woman driver would respond because i cat drive it wj easily from the fleetpwnera you would hear because i fan buy two or three or four ford truclw for tlio price of one big truck wherever you might inquire you would hear expressed these basirj reasons why fort predominated why year afnr year ford sales equal the total tule of all oilier curs combined see ay authorised ford dealer cars trucks tractors

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