Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1924, p. 4

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tiif home 51i artmizfrrirb0 cl low i wl1 oj otki imi aci ilm 1- in bi vi ml imluatd the in li united itif rlptloe irt label advehtimm biro it la t rill 1 i fnon ak j iuci1 inrrton ail ancclfit itlr rll uatls- rr line bratc mrmr lor fnt r lin lor ach aubu ctinlrbci illipuf 4ltui r mora omt annum tnli ertloa afrtimmt with n will be lortd ull leubid lleljr tviwhones- kdtnrli an ilulnc thursday morning april 3 1924 editorial economies in the estimates a mere glance at the estimates of the dominion government shows very material savings apart al together from that on railways account nearly 4000000 on interest on public debt 330000 on immigration 1144000 on defence 1881000 on public works income 2400000 on soldiers land settlement 3714000 on soldiers civil reestablish ment mora than sgoqpooo on miscellaneous very often a sinkhole for moneys and 61 1835 on dominion parks not a bad showing and one made all the brighter with a prospect under tho budget of reduced taxation what government control would mean if the ontario temperance act should be repealed the ontario elector who votes for government con trol nd if afterwards injured by the reckless driving of adrunken auto driver will not get much public sympathy it is surely bad enough now with an occasional redeyed fiend in charge of a motor vehicle but what will it be if men can by purchasing a yearly license get bottles of booze at a government shop it is true there are severe penalties against anyone in charge- of an auto being in an intoxicated condition but that would not bring back the life or reduce the agony of those killed or maimed by the driver of an auto who is in a maudlin condition chesley enterprise big increase in trade the total trade of canada for the eleven months of the fiscal year ending march i was 1771351283 or 193188505 more than in the corresponding year both imports and exports shared in the increases imports were up 05000000 exports of domestic merchandise increased 98000000 of domestic ex ports in the eleven months agricultural and vege table products with a total of 365000000 form the large t item ncrtlormf wood and wood products with a total of 245000000 of imports iron and its products came first the total being 156000000 a total of 245000000 exports during the month of february were ten millions higher than in february 1023 intports were three millions lower some people forget the former times facts are forgotteji when people say there is as much drinking now as bcfarethc adoption of the ontario temperance act before the ontario tem perance act came into force the people drank twenty times as much whiskey gin and brandy as the high estimate made of present day bootleggers and rum runners supply ypt it is announced a plebiscite is to bo taken in ontario on the ontario temperance act to improve present conditions when they were never so good from tho temperanco standpoint as they are today the word plebiscite simply means that an expression of the opinion of the people will be take if but it has no binding effect on the govern mem it ib altogether different to a referendum which is a mandate to u government to proceed along the lines indicated by tho preponderance of votes recorded on the particular question submitted there never was a hotter temperance law than that under the ontario temperance act and while everybody well knows the act is not enforced as well as it should be yoi generul conditions under it have im proved very much smiths fulls kecordnewb municipalities wnnt port of government revenues a deputation from thq ontario municipal asso ciation waited upon premier ferguson las wock with several requests for changes in legislation and regu lations thoy requested that the municipalities be given a share of the amusement tax nowcoltcctcd by the ontario government the rcqubst was based on tile argument that fcho municipalities hadto pro vide protection inspection etc the deputation also asked a share of the revenue derived from motor licenses in order to make greater expenditures on roads claiming that they should get some revenue from the motorists who use them tho deputation expressed itself as favoring a tax on gasoline the prime minister said nothing could be done this yef r but noxi year the government might move in the direction asked and possibly put on a gasoline tax neighborhood news town and country snjea tax reductions the prime minister stirred hopes in the hearts of tho people last week when ho intimated to the brant- ford electors who waited upon him regarding tariff changes that removal of ftio sales tax upon farm implements was not beyond tho bounds of possibility further ho advised them not toacccpt tho phrase in the speech from tho throne implements of produc lion as referring to farm implements alone its interpretation he hinted might be- broader than had been thought by the press and by members of par liament these vague intimations sent the branttord deputation homo convinced that after all the liberal policy might not bo such as to rdin the farm imple ment industry indeed that it might work out to the benefit of the manufacturing and distributing com munity as well as to that of the producers of food 6f course only the budget will tell but meantime industrial western ontario is very much reassured editorial notes- ontario and quebec with 60 per cent of the population of canada contributed 77 per cent of the income tax tho total income tax paid in 1023 was 59700000 jack johnston tho well known and illfamed pugclist was billed to put on an exhibition bout in tho town of trcifton recently but an indignant public put up such a protest that tho engagement had to bo cancelled it speaks well for public opinion in trenton j a pinard m p p has resigned his position as whip of tho liberal party following reproof for introducing the 7 per cent beer bill without first consulting his leader the liberal party in ontario has takengtrong ground against tumpcring with the ontario temperance act to make it less effective the agitation for abolishuig the receipt tax is becoming more persistent it brings in but little revenue and is generally considered to be a nuisance this opinion is largely held not because it utfects us to any great extent but because it looks like a peanut policy and ts the nuisance the people claim it is tho provincial board of health has ordered the town of forest to install a waterworks system not withstanding that tho electors have voted the water works bylaw down twice rather than obey the mandate of the board the mayor and three members of tho council have resigned these four members of the council can hardly pose as being loyal to their towns best interests it now seems unlikely that tho muchdiscussed gasoline tax will como into effect until 1025 at that time it is said all automobile drivers including private owners and members of their families who desire to drive will bo examined as to proficiency and licensed the number of autos is increasing so rapidly that some such action uppears necessary for the protection of tho public tho great british empire exhibition will open in april and will bring together most of the trade interests of tho empire there will be a large dele gation of tho canadian manufacturers association who will visit the exhibition and also during this time the associated advertising clubs of tho world will bb in convention in loudon tho canadian weekly newspaper association party will visit the exhibition in july tho improved financial position of tho canadian national kailways is gratifying for the first two months of tho year an increase in gross revenue of 1433778 has bjccu accompanied by a decrease in operating expenses of 2098050 und these two months show u net profit of 262376 as compared with adetlcit of 3270052 making an improvement for tho first two months of 1924 us compared with the samo period in 1023 of 3532428 i be careful today the question of person u i safety is soiuctimes lost sight of in the rush and bustle of these times noth ing but good can coma of a general effort to reduce the losses due to accidents m this country and tho idea betarcful today should bo curried throughout tho lund there urn too many accidents soma serious and many slight but all costly in some form or other and nearly ull preventable by tho exercise of ordin ary cuie and cuution most of us are inclined to take chances of various kinds in uu effort to save a few seconds which might better bo spent in taking time to be careful an uvei age of over two hundred accidents each duy reported by industry for the past ycur to the workmens compensation board of this province is ample evidence of tho need for more care for contrary to general belief most of these accidents do not involve coutact with machinery ft is a fact hat ubout unothirttonly of the accidents reported to tho compensation board ure mechanical accidents the other twothirds being nonmechanical such us falls burns scratches strains etc showing clearly the personal factor in accidents and demon strating tho need for moro thought the advice be careful today for tomorrow may bo too late is well worth taking the people of acton wnl emphatically protest gainst the use of uny port of falrviow cemetery s a dumping ground thb abuses following per mission to dumprefusc in the park is ample answer for objection againsr permission for uny such abuses ut tho cemetery other suitablo places aro surely available without even seeming to allow u thing which would be harrowing to the thoughts of many whoscf depurtcd loved ones ure resting in our bcauti ful fairview oakv1lle tim dolour t tho new high level bridge liecam impnsslble jest week tim council passed a strong resolu tion demanding that tlio government lnk immodlale stops to provide nn adequate detour untitling htm mucin its first appear nitro thin spring mr albert hyan hsstnknn out permit for a five room bungnlow to be erected on the cor nor or cotbornn and bran i street tli fourth or a series of afternoon irian nnit nalem ef homo cooking wj hold by the ladles aid bnclely kfiox church in the church parlor on wodnesduy afternoon from throe l six oclock mr rtobort preston who haa beei running the moving picture houae in the victoria hal for the past three yours la now operating a movlfl theatre at aylmer mra ii w ilnicit hmlth and mrs lymun hoot of town are the guests of mr and mm i e clendennln ot tnwa mr allan uuaby la iran form in the dm htar office into two modern real dunces on church htreet tho iakr front property at the foot if tii ii i street commonly known aa the old power house haa bean recently purchased by mr david meklnley quito a mcena waa created on col borne htreet i rut itldny afternoon when two young men hud n cow tied in a motor trurk with ita head and uneea fastened to tho floor the cow won released by an old cattle man and made comfortable a police court cut will follow tho death took place here oh batur- dny of alfred llughea aged 71 yearn following opu 0 few daya lllneaa the late mr hughe had resided in and around oakvlllo for many yearn the concert held on burtday tant in the qregory theatre by the oakvlllo concert hand wan undoubtedly the boat of the series given during the ueason all the selection in the pro gramme wore taken from the beat iyil and aacred workn known to milton f tho eroctton of tho high h lam who dn the rata into pur- m dofoat th iiuslc loving public hecord burlington new lumber company haa been formed horn and haa bought out the old ruttnbluhed bualnoa of the nlchol- uoh dumber company umltnd tho new firm in o w hhynaa and bajfi limited one night lnvt wu adog belong i na to a local realdent paid a vlalt to the homo of mr j a arimtha lake shore hoad und killed a number of valuable mongolian phoaaanta tho llurllngton dlaplay card and icmbonalng co a new indufttry haa located in xiurllngton the new con cern will manufacture all klnda of din pluy und window curdu for advertising a c illggm lit tho ma linger ir w il i lam ford c 1 h dlntrlct lilght agent for tho kootnay tln trlct with hud quarter at neuod 11 c paid a flying vlalt to mra t ii ij t utm fit rd tr dan uumluroit met with a iilight ticcldrtiit ut thu w t qlovur llu wit ht workn on tuuudny morning wlmn in hud n linger ttruuahud in a pullny iii tho federal tuttlmatait brought iwn in the houme of common lant wook 60 waa rovotod in the ea- 1 1 mate- for the aouth pier at the bur lington cutial and ttcdo fqr a brldgv ovor it early on tuoaday morning about 3 30 un unuaual accident occurred at o t it ntutlon when the plate blew off tho boiler of a c j h en gine und hurled the fireman prank tloaa out of the window injuring hla back while the engineer fred uay- hew eecapod with a few acalda mra ti cooper and daughter edith liave returned from england mra jim h allen and daughter aim left lant week on a holiday trip to 1lttnburg mr and mm t w wauoit and lughter nettle have gone to ihj pacific coast on holiday trip n lr jnmea b ijlck of pembroke waa vultlng hla mother mra dick citnilino htreet luat wek mm v d ghuiil wu taken to th cluolph lloapltul for trnatment on baturduy i hockwood the the organization of the onturio prohibition union consolidating the temperanco forces of th province is evidence tjiat supporters of the ontario temperance act realize the seriousness of tho menuce to prohibition in tho province the union will be showing good judgment if instead of spending its energies in an effort to block u new vote in ontario it prepares for the coming light nothing is surer than a submission of the liquor question to the people before tho year is out farmers sun farmers mutual firo insurance companies which heretofore have not enjoyed the right to insure automobiles and accept premium notes therefor arc now given the privilege providing only that separate policies are istlucd to cover such as distinct from the general insurance tarried by tho owners on their furm buildings tc this provision has been included in tho insurance legislation now before tho legislature under the new provisions the policies will cover tho motor cars everywhere thoy go trac tors aro included aa eligible for this insurance jjuvld llurcluy n farmer residing ulont on u farm uu the third line of iramona tuwnahlp wa found dead in hla home with a gunahot wound in head lwtn innt wednesday hlght llurcluy wan u prominent farmer and hud rtldtid on a hundredocra farm in liromimu for aotno yeura lie wa a bachelor lin wfta discovered by hla brothcrlnluw mr thomua voraythe lip in rouiiumy with mra roryth ittlud the farm on hja way home ubout 11 30 oclock that venlng when ilucoverwd llurcluy waa dead with a hot gun lying hear by k h tlamtlton won in toronto uitt week on bualneen connected with ho highway i mr and mra junm thompson oruud lluplda mich vlaited at humv of mr jack vliulmmona and ultto ut out bedside of ihelr brother- inluw mr j am en mttslmmon at the ukielph penenu hospital last week a very pleasant gathering assembled ut thu homo of ur und mra charles lluiihum thu other evening when flightytwo of their relatives and iinlghbora gathered in their ideal homo to tolvhrutw the twontynfih anniver sary of llmir wuddlng day they went prfsentwl with u njte set of dishes tht m p harry company made an uxtru irfort at the close of the season to ship lbs unusually targe quimit of turnips still in the farmers hands tin y succeeded lu loading fiftyone isih in o lev ii daya the crop waa the buuvluht in the history of the business und is now neat ly all marketed mr jam of the 0a c cluelph gave u very llistructlvu address on horticulture und tain enttrtalued th largo humlmir luesent by presenting siinin ml i on did pictures of ideal homes made beautiful by the art of hortl- iulturu in the town hall ulie evening hut witk under the auspice of the llmtlculturul bouuty tii u v o held their regular niuutbig und social svsiilr mpuoloun home uf mr hlms mcleau lust wttuk wlixii ubout 130 were pics- after 0 kmteml routine bual uuss wuu disposed uf li very pleasant iul evokilug won enjoyed by ull jirusent a puhllo mpeuklng vontfsl wui held in on lwu hall itockwood byth j v i a uf wellington county mr john fiouru unit uus lily iatton vpuka for fergus mr kurt llowse and mr uussul hull for klom mr archie thomson to rllllubuig mr charles oakes and mr milton watapn for hockwimd a trophy donated by hon w k ilunsy m 1 p to the tiiairi winning the highest aggrsgate satire wua awarded to miss lily pulton unit mr jobn kreure fergus tunh in leesof u l und 13 for thrf heat individual efforts wtre reepcllvcly won by mr churlea oaken itockwuod miss lily patton fergus und mi liirl howsh kloru uwv hoy m qelger 11 a llockwood who ucted mm judge commended the urgurtlalon ror holding such contests und eugkwld tho holding of claasrji or instruction la the art of publlo speaking tho question tit 000 nililltlon to thu waa up tor dlsrunnlon mtiailng of tho council i elded to submit a bylaw ti payers a bylnw for the poae submitted lant your v ed by tlie electora the council has decided to oftor tli property known as milton textllnn fi sale i mr v dunrah hbtr sold ills hnuha o wqodward ayniiuo to mr miklnnm retired farmer of irln mervln davidson clerk in the c i n freight otneo here for tho pant flv years haa purchased a reniaurant and light lunch business in ottnwa mrs j p itartlemnn of timmlns who haa been spending n fow monthn here with her parents mr and mm a a hemetroat raturiod home last week owing to the illness of mrs ander son dr n ic anderson our federal member has not been able to regularly attend the session parliament since ii weeks ngo the congregation of loiox chun li has bought oeorgn 1nmbn brl k resi dence on martin btreet for u manse and will gel possession as soon as mr lamb can get another houen he- former dominion opened a fow grin quite a number of the farmers of ls district have tupped thnlr maple trees and this sonson bids fair to w a good jrur for syrup mr hobert woatberuton has pur chased from mr john mdclnney his form known- us tho wunshorough farm and will got imismohmioji this week i mr henry wheeler of tho seventh line haa purchased mr kd nodwelln farm on the fifth lino this form will be bettar known to some of our read ers as tho john hurt homestnud the most suconsatul entertainment that ever has boon held in hulsburg town hall nlnce ihli opening concert was ttmi p i on by the minstrel troup bt andrews presbyterian church tho rrln olil qnlilus which was or ganized in janimry have honn mukltig rapid progress und hav nomlm rs enrolled th i vor looked the value of ml have organixol what im known ua ho erin qlrl guides auxette tho ouldea have n dfflnltn object lu vlow it is to help tho lkys of tho armen- 1 toys home near georgetown and try to give them a bolter impression of canada thoy are looking forward to thn hike to ooorgetown to visit the armenian boys advocate thirty hot it pit per agtrl queens tact when queen victoria ascendnd th t throne t was considered no reproach for men to drink thomsolvo senseless after dinner noblemen of thn highest rank joining thn ladleii after dinner in a state of semllntoxicatlou apparently mated no disgust and the hublt of mavy drinking continued frank hlrd in victoria the woniuii snyj iv the itueeii herself ki it ut iftast as far uu the court was concurn- el olrl though sho wan vlttorlu so her face ugulnst th pruttlni thu mo- it she bocutnu her own tnlstrntof und expressel imr dluuvprobntun with giat tact and skill wlmn she went to the drawing- oom with the ludus uftur dinner tihn umulned htumllnu until the gntitlr- nun came into tho room the know- lodge that her majesty wuu standing until the gentlomim left the table made it impossible for thtm to utuy behind longer than tho few minutes pocitu- sary for the drinking of coffee this quiet but slgnlfluunt uctum of the girl quovti hud u most benouclul jit and by tho time sho married socle iy was ulraudy boglunlng to loot ikance at onebottlo und two- bottle men notice to hydro users thu hydllo commihhion iiavu incuicahmd thu iiubnkhb 1iuijhh or ti1i0 iiydho hiiop ah followh tuesday afternoon friday evening satyrday afternoon and evening kindly nolo l ho ulmvo hours ut whlfh this hhop will be upen huy your uirctrlo ooou in un rloctrhul hhop which is owned by iho hydro inunirs of alton where you urn usnurod of heat quality goods entire satufucllon und right price busirss directory dr j a mcniven physician and surgeon orflce and ilosldmue cormir avenue and ilgln htreet dr e j nhlbon kltldi nicic ni ui i acton ontario legal chevrolet an essential in business a necessity to most families among tho greatest and most practical of mans inventions one of the most vital instruments in modern business and one of the most useful and beneficial influences in family life is the modern automobile dependable comfortable speedy unconfined in scope unlimited in endurance and eminent ly practical in the economy of its operation the automobile has contributed more to mans earning power and to hia enjoyment and health than any other single factor and unique among automobiles chevrolet provides everything any car can afford at a cost that is unapp reached by another fully equipped quality car in the world chevrolet has the power to go any place and do any thing that is possible for any other car and at tho bame time it holds tho worlds record for low running cost and economy of upkeep make a personal inspection of chevrolet examine it thoroughly ask us for a demon stration v ou ask us about tin gfac deferred ibr ecooomical transportation a chevr0let7 fisher king representatives for this section call on them at georgetown or write and they will call on you x n oneill sons garage carriage works georgetown ontario yhl hww building la built on tho sltt of our building which wuu totully duslioyod by rir u lfibu it has a nohlage of bl fet on uulu htieut with u dupth uf 11 fool on wwiluyau hlit it lu of solid brlok outistiuctlon two stories utul lukvinunt having 1v340 uquure ft of tlnor umio tliuio is u largo tilectrlu vlsvutur tunning from busuiuuiit to top lloor tin- hliowtoomu oiulhu uln k itoutn und laiillns wulling ltooul huvtt eiitrutim fioiti muln hlieot thu luii purkluf upalo und qiiiuuo ltualr hhop lit thu tuti of building huvo eitliulirtiti from muln oi wnwluyun htriiu tho ltliulnnlth hlmp ut rttr huu un uif trance from wssleyuti htiout tim pulnt hhop wood ahnp tilmmlnu ihtip mill itiilturi shop mo on lw aoud lluor all ijupurtments uw well urrungud to oatiy on thu followlnif llnou nf woik v we are again in plhatclabs position to do all kinds of buggy wagon and sleigli repairing our uiuilis urn nqulppt with uptoduto inuehhuuy utul tools whit h uiiuhlo uh to uo jour uuputr work piompl utul ut r iirkus wo uio houdquurtiu for tut t lull luhhu tiling lupult lug rubber tlt whvsls wlro spoku whuels tvoovutlng or repulrlug buggy ttipu tutwuldo cuttulnu turrliiuo piilntitig etc we also cahfty a complete linc of new buggies wagons and sicighsi farm iniplemenls of ull kltidu ittcludhig ttu well known couuuhutt 1tout i wood utul 1 hmry llnou uhuiuii huy uuiku and ullnus utool tiack llltidor twltut utul itopj the automobile impair department is uqulplt with uptoduto labor waving- duvlctis we ouiploj cuilv ihotoiiulily tninpotoiit inuahaulcu eitubllnu us ti glvo our uuutomurs prompt und omeumt uiuvilo ut niliilinuin tout wo hnvo uddud to our oqulpmoiit ii hvuvy hcivlm truck on whlth in iiimiiitod u tuoton whhuiul iiuiui tlpticlil uttuutloti is givu to eiiieigency jobu of ull kinds wo ulno do ull klinhi of ucotyltlio w idiny a linui miolu of uodgef htudeuukei overland utul vonv purls aro uuriuul on hand ut ull tlitios auto painting of all kinds a specialty wo do ull kinds of fpmlur uiut body iiuilrlnu now uuto tups put n lu bwdi for uny cut now ollululds put in sldu curtulnu und rutluiiih rupuliod phono no 22 j o ilox 38b harold nash parmer m a bsrrlatar solicitor notsry public conveyancer etc pennvman block acton ont monhv llcrt cm xfflhtflaokb hours d 30 u m to 6 p m kuuirduyu 1j l oclock h gmeir bsrrler solicitor notsry publle n ont dental dr j m bell d tt s l d a dentist honor oraduatn of toronto univer sity the latest uujwhetlc tixd if dps i red otflo at resldoneo corner i 1 und frederick btreet dr f g golloptd ps ld s dentsl burason ofllct ovor itatik of nova bootls- uouub- 9 0 to 6 30 evening by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder t ceo u ut books of sll kinds made us rdef 1srlodlcals of every deacrlptloia carefully bound itullng neatly att1 promptly done wyndham btret ouelph ont over williams htore e p bowman ols h a he a ll i c land suievitying atfo engineering 10 douglas gt guclph succokeor to th 1st d a nivon o l s miuuss olllm 1k1 hon 374w dr a l price chiropractic electrotherapy 130 upper wyndham street guclph ovl- xi yuuiv lixporlonco conkoitatiom 1jk1k r j kerr auctioneer and heal estate ajrcul 17 ytrfirt licperu urn acton ontario kalou entilistud lo k j icurr r- celvs attaptloti from dutu of llutlng to ditto ut ml lift your wtlus with mo uumiiuiu liowir aviuo actun ihonv lit auton call ut hiv guelph business coljege offoru uptoduto clerical llushmss htuttogruphy uud ho- creturlul courses by uxpart wx- purlpiiced tuachuis htudunts hmy outer uny day wnitt von iniohmatiom v 1 mjlmtott ltlnclpul ssrfes pltavlhg chilichumiisrwar tfokomto can4u4 ulitiuf iiulc cutlutn the battery department iri uiiultmioil to tuku tulu ut ull kliuu ltuttury wiirk tluttiluri liguhlnu to liu liuiuit uto utttilkilod to itrontiitly unit niillilvntly hotvicu luatbrtvii nuiy tin hail ut ull tloiih uu uu uuuotu tor i wall- known wlllkui- rtnvuiluj uuliltr uutluil our accessory department t vury loiuiiluto wo ulixk ovurytlilnu lliut youi ui in ml out titimtc lomiliitti in linlimlly of tivlu uiut tubon in ull ui uluid uutnuuttf hltobk auotbum mutomutijiii iilo we are dealers in stutlebaker dodge brothers an d overland motor cars- for oeoroetpwn milton and acton your patronage i kesiectfuixy solicited n oneill son georgetown ont h j e ciieevers dook bindeil qusbeo ht e-s- guelph onl liook ami tnuluhlii bound id llundsonie und unbstutitlnl qovors nuiiifh letturod in gold on lllbles ilyiiu hooks und otlui lvooks all worl fmplly ewouud the old tmd kvllnhlti gnuiue and muvblu worlw w rn nmnnructurors und dlreot importers of nil uhuls of uonumonul und hsadstone work wo soil direo to our oustomors ut wholesale prlo thus saving our ouslotiitirs 0 ivr cent ws have the host upphutlcos and the only meohanue in thu dominion who ih operuts pmmtuullo tthils properly we can give juftireiuus from hundrud of our customers lii toronto und other planes whure ttthuis buvii to have law suits lu older to fuilh l wo have the urges slid bust utoou of orsiilto la thi dominion or mor than uny thrve dealers in thu wtt we are hjllui- mattt doalefh ulut employ no ngetttg lid do hot suiitiy or pist customers by sending out ignoiuiit sgonta sol lull isg orders wo tmpliy only tneuhunlofl slid defy oonipluo hamilton sons wjtxwrjj ajjliiuyttktifeteitts fifcmvfj mofrtu

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