Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1924, p. 1

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jttxrit sttt t j forty ninth year no 41 thursday morning april 10 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning april 10 1024 single copies five cents the methodist ciiubcii acton rev chab hacke tt psstor ow st 11 00 n m ih mliiij iti r huhject thn 1 riiiiui h l il 1 vlng 2 30 in himilu 4t hoot 7 00 l in mlnln iter huhject tin ill m mi n illl 1 vliu 1 0t s 1 com 13 presbyterian knox church acton ministerrev a c stewart m a munso willow htreet mid ii in thn minister hiibject 1 kitlt ii i lnoiifih 1 i ml 1 00 in miniil iy s 3 4b i m illhlo lumi htudy in matthew imnti r ix 7 00 p in thn miiliitfi- uhjirl rowing in ruf h is p in union s rvit umlr nusplc il if onturlo prohibition union hp uker hov john it til y m a holulst oorgo n il i tir soloist of moor htreet i mhbyti i inn church toronto strangers leaving uddrran with the by ha ilur will bo on 11 oil aii atik cordiat hy invited special notices for sale hd luirl apply to o 1a younv 4th r 1 for sale hwil re mi friuli ii ii ml butter i- vi wmi i w faum tmiou ldw acton for sale choi young shorthorn hulh colt red from n giod milking dnm can be seen nt thn art on bnrn xvaldati a lahuv i hon 41 3 mill htreet acton farms for sale 45 larmi in tha counties of halton and wellliieton varying from 40 to 200 acres let us send you oar list a number of home and business i places in acton for rale plro and llfo insurance monoy to loan j a mith ileal estate agent phono 105 acton ont the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public health act notice 1m h r by tiven that all real dents of arton uro required forthwith to clean their collars drain yard puj styes wamr closets outbuildings and other promise mid remove there from all dirt man urn and other sub blanco which may ondantor tho public health and to havn thu unw compbd by the twelfth day of may n- m which day thu sanitary inspectoi 111 co mm unco u ouurul imipoction inil further tako notice thnt thn section of the public ileulih act prohibiting thn keeping of hou imlwonn tho lth of may and tin icth of november ex cept in pens nt leant 70 foot from an dwelling hauhtt and f0 feel from any street or lnn with floors kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will h utrlctly unforced all rltixtmti uro earnestly r iiuoatod to ltoip tholr pmmlitafi conntanlly clenr and thurouchly lulncoetfil 11 oiujk hallhkh i i itcovl nf thu munlclimlliy acton april h 1324 j b paton painter and decorator paperhangino graining signs and show cards batbiiuciion nun ran tend at fair price your ordar kindly accepted willi prompt attention assured arthur street acton acton greenhouse a h bishop wo nour hiivo rvady for dhv- firy tho following lu talu 1 aula lomatol h r altly cku uy caiuivaij cauul ulwlll hhuiiahh order takan uf all kind- of bedding plaou pollvry in plenty of time a h- bishop falrvlew avnu phon 64 wonderland friday aphil 11 jiluebeardri hth wife jlou mwuii iltla with wrlitf bill km un ulotlimt coltiutw crudlkm r 3u hudlo ludi imv tliy iwpi mri llippn saturday april 12 y kmo i mm lli ii-v- 1 h aukuiu jcvuii- lovml mi i icml uv ihr kdifruthma conwdy i thin ip in the air i x m w tuesday april 16 tho irecn loddesn hlitiilinf tl in i aiiikw iii i iumii vir in comino iiulxh ilil it u gregory son the lovely new easter fashions are exceedingly wearable ltffl figured up through what better could be said o a suit or u gown in thest- days when woatcfi insist on fitness arid smart simplicity in everything excepting perhaps this one thing important from ahothcr aspect that prices arc exceedingly affordable womens and mioses suits at s50 to 4950 thn ixiyiuh tytx- tw muiinluh tulllou unit thu boxy jik ltt womens coabi at 1275 to 60 00 hi on typou tailored modcl and lovuly wnum ull iiuludm silk drases at 1675 to 45 00 lofl uiiukh to ntnp forth on luiifor murnlnc millinery of charm mi with iirlifh nil th wuy from vnry nmnll hrojtil and hull ucul your flaurw noinnwhorn the correct accesaoriefl to complete easier costumed tlee for woarlnif with tho lallorod hlouben that the haybjh and mannliih miltu rntjutrir in inlhloy tiluln uilk crojui unf hltk knit 76a and 66c windsor tiee for wariiu with itrnwlcy lollnrw 35e and 60c tailored witcot lb com ploto tailored huitu in plqu rici cloth hiimi un 1 fancy ma tcrialu 200 to 350 scarf to ny in tho broom loop uudnr thn ear or th in it took fashion 3j2 to 800 hlefe and iuliilny and polka dot pntlnrnh with plitiii bordr 300 under the arm bg juiit riht to complnln thn boyish and inunnlkh ault lnro envnlopn uhaitok in piitnut ujid rulm i kathorh and in nmylo ilk s0 and 0 00 thr wurh hag or drxy wrqr 200 to 1oo0 lacy flxinoa for n 111 tin fem inine touch with ull thp munnlah tailored htyloa vi u fry vaatnom calor unit collar nnd cuff ol tho luffn exteiiillntf in nomo in- ntuiicou to aim out half aleava luntfth mens new suits and topcoats 20 to 45 lrcot uoletitlon in thin part of tho country i ttorully hun- drou to hoono froni vulumi corriimiiidlnby la ret rmulthitf rrom a lare huyituc pow r make your easter selections in guelph at macdonauvs this sprinjr and youll find yourself well repaid in style and value satisfaction d e macdonald bros ltd guejphs leading and largest store w weekend specials assorted chocolates assorted chocolates in both hard and soft centres larly 40c- lb weekend special 32c lb rcgu mill street acton w will sav vou mony u you will lt u easter footweat- crunches crunches in fruit and taffy flavors and filled with broken nut meats theso proved such a favorite two weeks ago that wc are giving you a special price on them again regularly 40c lb weekend special 32c lb guessing contest wc expect to have the slips for guessing tho weight of the big egg friday april ii be sure and get your guess in as the egg will be weighed saturday apnr 19 at 7 p m the nearest guess to the weight gets the egg come in and seh our large assortment oh easter eggs and novfltlfs h wiles su cem not address the wl liny your 1 notwiuii foi 1 aktr now unit thn uiuortiui nt ifood wif imv ii u utock of nuw bprlnk 1 oolw ur thut would coriecjrzz u himl u 1mui hi l twn ltlssyolt lb aw our vrui r tiiulh minulkr u iuii uffortl 0 ul fessy6u ihapr k- r sr j h m hh l w lihri luwil iho ptvpyy wiik- iii c- wumtni 1utwnl itlir hhoiw hi r utforild mtrnp mllpporh oouihl tuition f in limy uinl patent futiuy mtltuhtl ul mitu in ull thu iiwn btytt ut prliw from zb6 st 100 4j is 00 mfo iutmt oxfuidri mlf ami kid nxfoidh mid hootn jnwoit tt and m a lllit of loodu wu uro multllitf at 5 00 3 60 0 00 7 00 all ooodyo ir wtllx un 1 worth t 00 to 1 co u pah mi r hutu w uri uuklutf children in h rn imot all hutlmix all miium bht h uinl wui it run tlutt ih fy lomp tltion fuml jio to 3oa iioujroop hose mens and v6niend new farm factory school itool4 harry harrison the shoe man new linee at trawelllnn bq and suit caaea news of local import easter mualonary servlno tho woman h mliwlonary boaoty of the mnthodlat church will hold un jiiittrr nervlce i nxt thureday ovcnlnjt 17th miom larratt of kolnkronka for uinny jeurn u inlanlnmiry wl uddn mm thn jtnthrrliiit military unifocme not allowed according to n tlovnrnment order uftnr marrh 31 military un i forme or urtlrlon of military rliithln aro tor tifddon to lx worn xrpt on active phillltitry duty or at unvolllnca or mili tary fuimralu nx opt on tha perm ian ion of thn commanding onioer of thn dia thct i ladlee baseball club reorganisation v iiiiii will b hld in the coun ill chumbur on friday evening at 7 30 o clock tor llio purpoe nf reorcanlx init the ladlce itaeoball club for 1024 all uniform are requiuitad to be roturnod at thl mil tiff a goodj iittandunie of all intereelod la rcmjueat- quartarly communion at knox church tho april communion at knox church waa an occasion of much in tnrnnt at the preparatory aervtce lout rujpi evonlne thirtyfive new mem bora worn received unci the rlxht hand of fellowship extended thn number of communicant on hunday mornlnst wan unusually- larse hov a c htownri m a the mlnlater preach wt a fervent norm on appealing to tha roinncifntion o make their uvea tell for ijo d in dally walk and convent hon llitwin neuuty and eighty now iiimntt huvti been uddod to thn roll at tho hist two comtnunloiik albert gibbons sustains serious fall iluut friday while aasuuttst mi hueh mccutrheon with whqm h re uhlea with home work in the barn altmrt oibbona by a mlaetep fell throush one of the fodder chptoa thn bauement nooe below in the fall truck bin head oji the hide of thi i no bonen vero broken bu he impact waa ito sovefe that m- fllbbonu waa unconscious for eight o- ton hours concussion of tho brain wan feared at first but whan the pa tlcnt had rallied and recovered con sciousness thw was considered im probable mr qlbbons is recoverlne nicely from the sovarn una king- up h uuatnlnod he is ih his 73rd year and thn nhock in naturally serious calebratad his elamieth birthday there was a vary happy family watheriuir at the homo of mr and mm tuvid wllltamaon guelph street insu friday when mr williamson celebrated his eightieth birthday ills broth r mr john williamson of bur- lltiklon mr mid mm fred wllllamaon ii nd mr- hoy wanrough toronto tyid h looal members of the family puitlclpatud ur and mrs wiulam- nop were residents of acton whin they were married llftyfour yrs ulo and thei havci resided in the own and vicinity over since mr w illjumson ras a blacksmith with mr michael r3polct tor ten years or more for thirty years ho operated farm in nasoagaweya and since rr j t u r ii i n from the furm has lived 1 u town they are highly esteemed re uldi nk and have nlways been rcsardo i uu union jf our bout clttzons runaway on mill street mr and mrs edward nation of the third line erin crnnn to town on monday to do shopping their team was tied f t ilaptlst churchjshed wim6iisy iown the horses become crightaiiod ami made j bolt out of the shod in their rush out the wagon locked on a shed post thn king bolt gave way and tha freed tium rushed up mill street with the tongue and front wheels ut a terrific liucc they were caught near the canadian national ilullway tracks a buggy drlvun by a woman with a child in her arms had a narrow escape with fine presence of mind the woman drove off the roadway onto the side a motor oar was grafted by the wheels drawn by the runaway thw only hxrlous dumago was sustained by the hurntw whlgh w badly torn and hrokuii two large businesses consolidated the w ii storey son rusinesh acton and that of h t arnold sons of georgetown have been untd under one manaqementand will de operated tj acton hi nee the mtlrcmont of mr w a htorey from thn manugrmcul t f tbm glove business of w if htorey a son several years ago thn buahteris hut been conducted by mriuirn h t ar nold a bonn with mr ii t arnold as the cxecutlvn hrad iurlug thatif years thn buslncna of tjio alnssru ar nold ut georgetown lltt boon con tlnued tha operation of l hi two businesses in the own towns h is barn found dlulrult owing to th divi sion of intrreals unit u few wooks uk t it was decided to amalgamate them and operate both in tho larger factory and superior equipment in acton tha amalgamated business will now be police court news thn parties responsible for thu din turliunnn nt tho rrntauranl u woek ago acknowledgod the churge nayintt they worn merply huvhlk aouin fjjn with the chlnnmon when thny got ungry a lonvhtlon wrh r plater n mid a due or cq0 nnd costs won imposed tin court ulvlnml that chlnatikiu would bo prolacted an woll ns otlmr cliuomi and drulrod it t i in coilonilly uiidnmlooil that chluoso baiting is u reach of ihe pculo am thoim guilty will b putiuhcd uccord litjc to law thu court ii nra having u busy tlm these days with unaorlnts who huvi mtlnctol t ueruro ihalr markers for ldl tho polko officers are irtcklilk them up wlerovor they are seen hlx offender pu id for their neglect in thu ouolph lolko court last week iollim jktaglutrato moore waa at itraiuptoti youterdny trying two barges of violation of thn ontario tonporanco act n funployci grower was fit i rl ty for with munure i along tho utraot of a uurllnglon frult d1 by magistrate llurr overloading his wagon nd ultowlng it to drop dr farmer writes from far away south america describes the country and condi tions in these southern climes temperature up to 110 de gree8 on the first of february iir i armors letti rs from the fur uwty plurcs he viellu which apieai from tlmo in timu fin ihomi rolumim ur alwayh ruud wlb interest lie b mout obiicrvaut ami hua a wondurfu fuculty rur a iiulrlpg reliable know ludgu rnapoctlng dotal ls which few truvolluru poum us ilia duscrlptlvi powors urn teuiirkubly line and hii stori u uro vivid ud lomprohunulve this wink wo gladly give spuco to a lnttor from the uro pen written at asuncion taraguay on 1 cbruary zh 1ajlaouay luuudrit uutloii when i gaze un you and all your crumblud greatness of the past and gazing on your ruin sigh ngliautl how history crowds upon the sadden- social and personal mius martha orr home over tunduy mr flmtr ilumllton oi mr anguti knik 1 v m hoiim riim toronto uvor tho wo k in i minn tlludyu huffman utoi lionu om toronto ovir thi w k i ni mr i rod wurron of lonmo upont tho woek end with friend hi town xviii itohcrtm en i at hlu homo he 1 women institute meeting iho tnigulur monthly meeting of th voineii s inscltuto wax held on friday ftarnoun 4th lust ut the home of mts cloorgo luhtx mrs wallace a iuuhy first vlceltcsldont occupied chall and the meeting was opened by tha slngintf of o canada uud thn lustltutn odfi fallowing the routine butdnum u good musical programme was glvun composed of the following in burs inutruuihutal numbers bj miss hrdnu johnston mid mrs uyrna ut solo by mls joan orr reading by clarice morton antltlel how old mnon counlol the lga mrs en- glehart tho district president gave u very inteiiistiug address un tho work thut is being done by the women nstuntennrt on the prvsant unmoral undldons of the country it wom lie mod ut qls moetlug that each mam- i of the orvanixuttnti would donatt pillow casil to the armeilluii uoys huinw ut ocorgatowil after closing meet in- with tho mlnglngj hl at iii r 10 m 2 sit fi ll imc ii f j itstsv um is kthsswlswl ivfou m 7 7h jj j the canada glove works w h storey 4 son h t allnoljd irebldent conducted under tho old established bams of w h storey hon tho whole of the stock of tho georgetown business has been remov ed to acton and as soon as the roads ore in good condition tha machinery and plaat of tha fuctory there wilt bo moved to acton the consolidated buujncurlwurtiuvu numerous advantages lloth optratlni nnd shipping will be greatly fmultnt ed the work of tha travailing rupro sen la tires will bo simplified and th overhead expepuis will be coiluldoi ably reduced tho cleorgotuwn factory is nuw of fcred ror aatn and mr h v arnold will also dispose of his tin residential property as soon as itonslbla und mnko acton his home uguln acton is fortunate in this ow ur tungemoiit which naturally tntutm u urger output liorr und thu employ invnt of un increosod iiumur of oper uvwk thu jlnt eld islnsnj tabllshed by thu la to w u slory irtyst yum ago will tako on impetu tlom as result of tho i ulga perpetual care for fairview cemetery isdltor iluex liutssi dear sir i have folluwod with much interest your campaign for tho better care of plots in ralrvlew cemo tery nd am ulto eonvincod uft r studying the data presented thut the scheme is a feasible onu und would be found to grow in popularity whan introduced as already intimated in your col umns the fact that the people deslro improved conditions affords uiuiuruncti that they will look with favor upon any plan that offers hope of huvlnir plots generally kept tidy perpetually the fact that the people nuw upend thousands of dollars upon mat bin und granite warrants mo in lluvliig thut when they learn that uvury dollar in vested in u fund toproducu interval to bo used in cure und tlowuru will do ton limes as much to beautify u c unt ie ry as tha wanit uluuunt lnvusttid in marble or granite they will just un readily invest thousands of dollars in silcb a fund ll u cunslder whetbur any plan rpr tbe cure of cumaturlhs is fvaulbhi an4 if so what urn tha easuntlal fiwi plan rlrst then business capacity must bo liud 1 k management no business wotth whllu any sort succedji without up in telligent nnd pthotfcal uxooutlve head hcund we ftiust get the momy aluty lu wus kational anthvm a social f y wlll hgrdty eet tobe said a suittoloin imrtnunent fund tu produce tho nefos nry annual incunio nf interest iniut be raised a cemetry will hood to bi cured for u long timu und uny plun hum year to year is forodoomud bu cause thu payer will not stuy long onough thut moitey tnuy lw hud from two sources urst froiit th utl if lolu 1 his should ulwuw bo w uourco of in come toward pet polual car luinl whether the cvuioti ry bu u public oim or una privately owned imiii uutliugud for profit in country uim lurlorf at ssd endlny of s lahh yoimy llf- oh himduy eycnlttg jtrt ii 30 mu ouvo mct4imidl dau uf mr i mid mr- nelson mclaughlin nua- buluweyu was aketl 111 while lit the i choir of the mothodlut church bbe wite hunled lu her fathers- homo in nussnguweyit und medical help sum mulled tho dluguoel nliuwwl that die trouble was uppendlpltls und peri tonitis it was ut urst decided that operation oould hot be performed hut as she rallied soumwhut hut physlclubs conaludlng there wum a ohuiice for savbig her life and on thinday afternoon alio was operated tin the shock was evidi ntly too much mi the system und death fol lowed about sveu o cl mik that evtn- litcr mlus m iuughln wus u ivopulur young lady uhw uttnlided tho hhxh h hoid hofw for noma timu und made muny friends hho wus u fine sol slngt and was gunerons in the usn of hr talent us u member uf the tholr und tha young peoples league us will us in soclul clvclos lujoying good hiulth and of u strong constitu tion she triikutlod in healthful athletics und wus u monibui of the iiopuuu judlos llasnbull club wjjlii unjyyd such a successful svusoi lbt year miss mclaughlin wun lu her ftho- lenth ytur tlia tup ru wus hld yesirday bflernoo a private sor- vin ut thi nontc was foiluwed wuh s public uevyicc in the method cuuih oiid by tiv v- mttukl mmhox yrtt sorrow la fyll iti the onmmiaiy tvu thu reujts td ftunily tu their bereavbasdu- leost 60 pr ct lit llf lot uulus go tu the perpetllul lum fulld hut then nvili then it will hardly lu pnu tkublu to mull lots ut u pi lie high enuugh to secure a sufficient poriwluul iuro fund this can bo miuiod by buluti rlptjous frum those owning tu llltelestud ill tho lots to be lured for ihls is whuro u competent nmimgvi i most uchio 1 iuiiii who is a good koucltor urn he should be woll pull ihls talivus- uhould bi pushed until the leading und most liberal outs havo b an nllutcd then fur a year show tlmin wliuf run be done meantime secure tho names und addmutos uf ull uthsis lu terestad und ut ive tint of a yur send them a mtutowttt what huu bni ilone krt w- iit of ull who havu puld uud aag vm tu do u fuh shun und promlso them uuolher stutemuut uaxt vtutr and tnost of thm wfll want to tte til iho list of liuyore thure is itu hotter prvsuurw thut can le brought to lieup upon u tnuu to do his duty hi u tnallef of ltd kjnd than to utuiid him u lu line with others lu iipiul cttuuiu stances onf uhlaty to lay acton ajuril 4 ltu- public schools honor itoll those pupils winning honor stand ing t the examinations held during the past month senior fourth 1 runic cook 271 hthol james s4c iho b ainory 23li junior fourth nulllo llurbur iso dorothy mac him son hu volma murray 174 totul 3l0 m lleniiett teacher senior third mljilrod uolljnger 300 meryl grin d ii 3h ihylli4 lyltr 37j total 00 d 1 olslcr teacher junior third murjoiy oiirdii c0i allan mar i hull jhc tommy olblunim 417 tot il coo m u moore teui liei second class i uu lit 1 lit ut o 470 ioruu mocomb 370 churhs llolmud 3c9 frank win tel 3d9 totul 0u i andomou teucbur junior second kathlo n look 370 hilly junes 344 lord hlllmmi i3ti tommy nicol first class iilu woods 32c jack mcmullcn iluj ootilun tlttis s93 total 460 olla ii armstiong teacher senior flreh ooige moloiil 03 joo mccanii 1sj doris hollowuy 1c5 total 2 so junior first hurvty hussurd 17h wllfiid mc cutchooii 143 lleth ii a rr iho n iso total j 00 n aitdrisdi ci mlcklo holmes murjorld nour ih ci b dorothy mcarthur 16 krai row is uuoiu kwitxor othy mcarthur 14 class c hurry uuruk 1u orucc luiitx hi harvey hwlgins 13 totul 0 promoted from primer to first cl- juuk umlth mlcklo holuios hehut itiklburn kddio 1 ootitl mervln held hi r bio lvlcu 1 rank joiivs murjoi lo neat hulon cumplhll mike ituruk uolllu andtspu llulo atideison jau luiiiu wilson hint lrewson lit lothy uuhcocu moiiiiun tcairow uoroth mcvrthur artle kuir murgusrlt currl uussol muudu hector ijiiu ixrt klcby cross dorutliy cose jorgo hwltzer jilleii dunli nell menubbr jusslo trotter h tluidliur teacher chur morvln hold ib loluu ltodburu 17 noruiyn 16 dor protest against tnjntf imebiaclu 2 000 people st ottsus pass hsaolu hon protesting ajust qovsrn- mrtfs action ottilwu ting i ohlbltloi aim il 4 an uudunci of did p iipln lltti lidillg u tlu iiowly fotmed ottawa union rvglutuivd by u utaudihg veto hiut tiikht uu uiiuulmihiu pkitust ugulnst thu taking uf uitothui pluhlwcltn uuth neat fututo on tho onlutlo f inporuiuu aut itlght hon till diorgo 1 oster piusldud htsolu- tillllh wulo puuhvl us follows 1 ihut tha ontario wmpiutim lacl i the liest provincial tnlliperutlco lugisluthni in tho loiiilnum 2 ihut it huu spiov 1 lbs woith in u very uhoi i pi lod of time in tho soclul moiul und industrjul llfu uf tlu oiimmunlty j ihut no r ipouslhlt bbdleu hiv uwkod to i thu lpuiil of thu onltnlj act id ihut ottawa boiug- clopo to i utlllg thetenult uf oo iptiol wo roil it would h itlbiiutrous to tho homes und huulmi life uf our cliy otlehlc a ii hihop uurdnter u lotnpltlng u h coiul grionliouh m propt rty on hulrvhw avuu t house is ovurtlowliig with inn and budding vluru- und tho will gratly rullitute his w propugullng and growing flow ulttuia ing houso hpulii the itut you od vlow hatud inciulultlonii once you and lopez ty ran lou staggering und groaning undo thci sou tlit tho hire of froadom to phrsuo you wood thn winuomo form of lib erty and kiuics und tyruntw uufforad your dluduln yt unruly wurue thnuu that the cl auui clon uf revolution commorca t l j 1 armor 1uruguuy murch 1 to thu fcdltor of tliu ituvi iiuuui our party loft hlo de janorio on january iq und after a duy sstopover at luch of tho important cities uf uuntos und monti video pronounced us if the luut two syllables wore upelled dikyo urrlvod at huciioa alcoa on tin 3rd sulitos ut the aea- hrt of huh fuulo tha first commercial city of liiuall with u population of 75u 000 on un ihwuted plain ufty tnlliu bilk from tho sea hiring u motor lu tho morulnt wo ut i out for this i f at wot id cuiitro uf tho u ffen trudu und wcro lnluuroly xlguikglui our vuy up u inouiitulii throe thousand ftot hlili on the road tu bun luulo whuu wo worn stopped ut u liolku cliulut und luformud that u part of tha ovcrhuiiclin clirf hud jutit fulluii ucroas thu rx ml u lllilu uhonl uf uj und mini we luuld i o no further wo ro turn od riln tfiillj to our ship having 101111 lilgh i uough howuvor to tutss by uiuni iiuktillllunl wutoifallu u id to 10l uii umpiring panoramic vluw of tho jowl milu bohlnd uu we wio more foituuuto at thu lino urutuiyaii lupltnl of hulf u mllllort ninety mllurf ucrosa tho liiy froin huuiius aires whuiti wo uujoyvtl uji oxtuuulvo motui ujmtli thu uty und ita tnauy vjn all lunula hi nn tixjj iu of tb vun thu not th und luilldhe i chu u in ul lotion ji u i of hi ok i h anl thu great stirring o arluntino improssti ruur wltli its vautticsu ilng u cluuo third to ointiturcu und pupil iwoiitlally the creaturu otnmluulou tho tut wiulth of tho country ii cutth and eiln huallig to putui jhroui ita ivit u onu i uu utbtid on th ortieiu of doitmii of utn ut intursoc il0 tease lvev on uppuitntly uiulusu rowd of uolldlj built up bimlnss blocks vhu sky nip rs of now york und chicago r- hownvr ubueiit and thu bulldlngu liltli havtt tho appouruueo of stono re lu illty of thuup brick cunslruc on luvimi ov r with ccniuiit the public buildings uud thu churchtut are tutvly the purku uruutu of tnugnifl uiic in tholr grout extuitt us wall m in their ululroratu docorutlous of riniiuitinut trou und uxtiulsitaly ur utikod tllupjuya of uowur shrub und plant autos of tho mout expansive d uu well us thu ubiquitous tin hulas of thu ltual dutrolt million crowit und throng uvry street thoy io in tho north making otlmi trulllc dlitutitt und dangerous t um told thut taxation of rul us la to hero is lit lit hut thut thu business tuxu nious lotturluu und ruco trucks on ilantic sculu uuuiii to attract uv ry io ii i 1 thu arguntlnu gov i tiiuout fully sanctioning- both und duilvlng uu uunuo rovoiiuo tin n from hurrcul s trout london dwpartmontul ulore has hugo luiiii brunch in iluouos alru nd th r uio four or hvo large local oiuenih of u iilmllur kind tho city iux tun im la creditable uml imwuy ntlluh dully puporu tho mtutidurd nd tin hondd und tholr o uro up puriutly u mitllciuiit tiuinbur uf lnglui und ann tlciin ptoplo lusldnt in tin aitoitlno capital uml vlolnlty to nmku hxi u uuioitx i ha hotter nluus of iut is huu u tu to cumputm fuvoruhh n imith luted und u ivico with tliouo it tho uiuitt till n of thu north onu tfuiuhiw whtm ho nitii ull this wmltli m 1 vlnuiil pi osp i ity ubtiut him und onuld is tho vuiituuum and urnl uu ui ul icuoiiics of thu country utrttli n ic uu it dots for nurly 3 000 uillus roin thu tiopkul north to tho tutu uiti mil uv u filth uouth uuibruc log th pioiluctu of ull ullmulis un i with i um told i4duuuooou of llrltilh uiltul iiivuiud lino why tho argun hliu jtnllur in only woith u thltd of until i h ivo not ji t heoti vlvun uiiy ltil uuih nit it vo un iwn tu thhi iiiiry laiud hi pi itlii uiutlcul uivuiuiy but m- i h dlrfi runt oxphuuitluiiu hnvo u urfi i t till no dnubt lug tholi uitti to this tluuiiclul dv- tiloiatloii if iho iruiitfer p m ot aiuiiitluuu vilitt ugih ultuiul iitiutchoii am utlll mumil und iuoiioiollx d lie a toiupuuitlvi ly fiw wuilthy fuuillltiu u linuunt of tint old fuujul uyuteiu of mliuin mid um futim tu und tuittlu di ah i u uro hu t h only touuntu uv ing rnim hand to niuutli with no lux urlixi und fuw of the coafjrtu of llf hit iilwu am 1 ix title a fi ui ut il uik itiiln prtionil und piopity llglllil p i lullldid ulut jllrttlio slow itnd mti i lth all kliidu of tnhiil i tilth ii j iho tilth in hiutry hi r his uol hull profit iblu hiiko tho iloi of thu utat i mopi in war thu high lilt t inn obtulnuhh nid tha high utit l il 1 hiving io upsut uml uiu iurlh i tliu luuikut thut it huu hovm y i h til 1 down to uoitnul liuulntu- in this lliit u to duy uliiuut moilhun mid the hiiiiu irhd coudltloii uluo iipijiew luitull tu tho lfwhif ul tisiii 411 hi lt u coinpurliltv ly un liiiiiniructui im lu u 1 im imports of th jiu iitlim mo thrufiuu fat in ux 1 1 mi of in i xiuitu und her ha la mo ul timu ih t huh mueiilly hutvlly udv dl ih fui if mi liituiuul di from ullhoiit l hi iho nil l was told by a ludhitf iihui n wspupur man and iiit ly puis his opinio un us ulv to in hst hiuxll uutl thu argent tcuuliuued ou 1 ago utx mrs h h lloln during tho wwi il nt a fow duys frii a in in tor- vhiittd hlu son it oakvill luut mr htanlc itu week mr and mrs jf xv joi oalbralth sp nt hunday friends mioses i- orn jlrown hlielght spent saturday in toronto mr and mrs hoy hun onto vinlfbd at tho parent the week end miss alice johnston went to chm- loy on hatunluy to visit hor slstur i maclean en and miss llth toronto and nnrtla with frl nds icly of tor- ni homo over mr charles hyr toronto stent thn purnntal honia nd mac of cend ut thn wuiikbrouuh v days last wo un t k- tlgone t kend with mrs hoy h ito spent a f i acton relative mrssrs wllln velhcron iti n toronto friends mrs a hothuiiu and mlsm qrnro of luolph vlslte1 u day hist wnk with irs w j hall mrs fngloharl of fahrmo was the uost of mrs oeorr h acimw during her stay in town mr 13 a hone who was operated on last week for u trouble in tho lower jaw is doing welt mr npd mnj clayton hmlth of oronto m limit thn wuk nd with mr nd mrs w j hall mr and mrs iml williamson and daughter of toronto spout ihtj weok- nt with acton friends mr und mrs a he sr mls nelua and mr frank spent tho week ond with relatives lu toronto nf toronto visit- hoiiihii und mrs mrs trie dnilrii il her sitru mi i nfkllu during tin mr william flank loft 1 tlcnduy on his wprlnir trip to qnebeu in tho ln- terostn of messrs w ii hfor y jfc bon miss illth armntronk of hramp- ton spout tho wok nd wjtlt mm a armstrong und other friend f lutown mrs xv c lles y mid doris and mary locler of o ortotowu spent hundjiy at tin- lionu o mr ii s wilson mrs frd ctoiivo unit mm donald mclouu uinl hliii wriiiit u fuw days 1th friends in ihoiiichnm over the weelc end thomiiu kjoit mius elorance hobertuon und mr chaihi tmdn lioruuuh spent a cntipht of duvi in aatniin tiwooe mr noil mh0orie h ip r wro ut toronto on sunday vhiithiir mru jnu mcloiin who has hi u in poor health for a wuek or mo hv mr 1dwitrdi of tho armouloji hoys relief of cl off town will p roach at both uurvlcts ut tho huptlst church on hunday mr john williamson of hurllngton tent u f w days lust wot k ut the mm of his broth r mr david wil liamson ouelph htrout mr coorga htorey nututui bank who hus been upending ho past three jiths with iiih mother hum r turned to his homo n monduv mr xv m wirklu of ilumllton huiterlnteiidunt uf tlut hrotoctlvo au tioclutlon of canada upmt thursday with mr und mm w j hold irs n i xldjtui wus iniihcloiitly rcov rod from hni roc ut operation to ho nbln tu r turn bmm fiom tho oui iplup nontl ilowpltul ymtoritay mr ivuuk huvlll of tho douiliilon lank itnonto up ut u f w d iyn dur ing tho wok with hlu piroutii mr id mrs tloorgo huvlll alik i htrot mr o a dllli totyuiod from cluolph flemrul houpllul on 1 rl luy ih is nuking upluudl i protiriui toward com plete rucovury and in up uuiiiil u fuw hnuru tlally lu 1 ul niu puuii ottlco mru mblilhitou nnlvod fiom xvood- htocu luut wok to join lur hubund ir w muhlhtnii of tho cuiuidtitti national tilth o lure ihy lutvo titkon uu i r i sld uto in tin upurtniiuits r hussurd s thug utoio r d ii xoiint of aoton und miss ung of otniitetown upont u t uuplti of duyu hint utok ut thui old hona rth of icrln uu i utt mh 1 thi font rut th lite muhulm mcajiulei un old filoiid und iiulthbor uf tho family itiv und mm t con w rtlidliik the giat jubllu ouviimoii tif iho hiptht i d ure ml tulonury chun li lu muumoy hull l ironio this wi ok hvumburs of inu ijoiiui it ii from thu for lun liul 1 tu in m nt and uiu giv ing liiuti ilctlvi und iuiipliliil uii- di im s obituary mlll hichaiu fllliiam llnio pusi i d aw iy ut tho lnumilo in i duughtr mm t 1 iiiiiip i lkj ful nun stun 11 uih v ul 1 oi out uu hun lay loth ull all o vun coyuo widow of tho hiu tl hnd oi i hum a hhcro v tol hi win b u uhoi t iiimuhu hho wun in hi hulh n ml gitiliiim witu u lino mi of chrldlttii woman hi husband prmh is i h r tliuo euii ulii uml dint luuvis ti mourn in i los fi ur iioiiij ant on luiithtur john und it j of aihinov tit lit of loiontu jtml hi ulllluin uf hiooklytl und mi 1 b hiliuu llcr two tldui ditulhiuui mm 1 huffman of ashiiovu itmd mil n 1 hluluuy alton prdf i ntt i hi u y in uk hho wus th 11011 hiiivivlni un mbni f tin rsiully tf mi u oi vjho of i rufulgui tho fuuiiiil s ivlt i wax held on monday an 1 iho imilnu w io biought to nuiil fn hitotnint on tuesday april 1 ii i four soils und two auusin luw sutud as pall huuxerg l

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