Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1924, p. 2

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gibe arton3frcgrgao i imnhdav aran u 1024 sugar weather llu wind fro in un illl7 the miknr bush ml uill hm r u visit i pay in thn country elp loduy 1 klo e into their llw ru hnlwcen them swlilg tn woimi for hi murti g and lh pw lullfulu lirlnjf a ilu ri- mini nrh 1 indent wn a ft 1 fm your hlntttlroti pun 111 th nmokv old kittle ixmu and i nt lik fo thv good old jdun 1 going h make sugnrr mid infty lx rilghi on tho swing pole liinlri the trie 11i ilu girls noil ixiyn for mil ml nil lkhtml iiii frit ixim 10 mo ukllng again lu 1 nt tl beginning tnlaw1 who long have in w mukiuu u forgiving all illtfttiil m lovofsust like a hull with its hearty und sticky yun i kn 1 whole odd with nut tup bus cymmencod to run p mcarthur the age of a woman th buchelor rrlontl of the family wuu idly turning th leave of tho mtth tluiluhtor birthday book ha inn lo thv pugo on which ono of t lui ulrl 11 ti uchi r hnd inscribed her num adding the dato 18qb i take off my hat to mlu ueck- with ho crlod tho young woman who publicly admits that she will bo twentylive your old on docomlmr 171 1iimhiiiim 011 hir honesty t think i 11 hunt hir up and usk her to marry rwuinyiivo isnt vory old tho the houtmh hinted of course miss itockwlth wouldnt iwsltato to own up to that uub llut dont iou sup- pohn uhii ii be sorry urns day that mh put it on rucordt there was no real lured to give uny dale you know und her acn 1m nobody business hut her own that ifaunded ilka an invitation to coiinlit but tho prudent man ignor ed t cvcn at twentyfive she might have falsified ho unvwerod some of them ottily t know a girl who has been fifteen yearn old for utmost threw yearn md all because sho proved to be ton htupld th win her promotion from ti cmminur to the high school ut thn time whqn most of her mate did 8umj ttme i wander what her mother hnu done to the entry in the family iii bio it would seem odd wouldnt it to sot up a he in house keoplnir ihitweeti the old testaments hut whom business is it how old anybody is7 the hostess insisted well lu tho cose of a man a good many people have a right to know for exumplo the officials who put him on the voting list i wont affirm that anybody hut her husband is justified in asking a womans age that is loss she applies or life insurance or does something of that sort ut why cant we avoid un pleas umbos by establishing a ne wsoclal convention on tho ago question t bay wo auaume tliat all unmarried women are under twenty that married women with children ore thirty or less and that whon u woman has grandchildren she shall ie considered to havo reach nd the ago of forty-five- and shall never b oldur such un arrangement would put it out of tint power of illbred persons louuk itiwuc old- molds for- all un- morricd women would bo of the same ago u marriageable age at that moruovnr every murrlod man would mi tiiulu older than his wife which of course irm it should be indeed nu woman would over reach a point 1 wliiru ahu could fairly he called 9 id i hue just ono flaw in the schome the hutholor added gravely if you let me say wore thirty today and n baby unto to your son or your daugh- tor you would bo forty dvo tomor row tu grow old ut suddenly would put u triiln on ones nerves wouldnt itr not wo mavure a strain as one suf- furx from thl dutestable people who try every yuy to find out ones ace was the enorgotia answer tho tmicheloi chuckled after my new symtimi goen into effect he said wo aliol ussunio that people who act no have not reached the age of dlscmtlon themselves we shall send them to orae public nursery and nav4 i ho matron box their ears and put peppur on their tonsjues ohjr 3frrr reae sljurt glnri management al mil i i ouih1 ii raps ffi a tlir ilf ulvllt 1 wlvh nmy to m u mica grout imu- linuliprov uloiulu- huipll ul oil ut of ihln hlit of and thc value of rank tlw xtreme cheapness of military tltluo a luw yeitrs after the war l well uliimtrutud by u utory that wai told ut u rocuitt camp- fire the nar- rauir huu1 umt in the year 1170 be was travelling through a oertaln uopu- louu oountry district and stopped to ooiwno with u farmer who had ronalderublo number of men at work in bin huy tin id mont of theso mefc ore old soldiers maid tbki farmer indutdl are uny of them oiocersr two nf em one of em there wai a prlvuto and thut fellow beyond wii a orpoiul but the man beyond him wus ti uuijoi and that man uwsy over lu it 1 it oritur wus u colonel ludioill aro they gool meiit will imlil thu funner thut prl- vatnu u irnttluss man mid tlm vr- poruln pretty good loo liut how uixiut uiu major and thu lolnmil tho uiujor w rtomi bald the farm- ur hut thu olonolt well iiiiawvred the farmer t alnl muolnlii huy a word sgnlnat s mi vhio wuu it riloiipl in the war but lu niiide up my mliul lo one thing 1 uln t u lih to liliu any brigadier huiieralml tiny hiohlandeh8 bhow in- dependence of spirit jllulilunilom urotho same the world over win i her mpattlsh bwibb ohur- kas or juuiuuta a japanese teacher uimu up from tho plain to uctto a mountnln oliy to tuach in tho can adian tiiluulimury klndergsrtaa there at 011110 ulio imtlood the dlfforenoa in uharaut ur und fvrlto a description wiuah iiiight tit the uoolush clan- men of old html no i ly the severe cold of thin mountain iliuut uuda children have disposition if hturdy independence of muikut imilvlduallty tbelr sslf- auaeoloumiiusv is vtrong and o opera tive effort is dirapult for them we try tu kowp thum titar to nature and so near to sod that their development 1 may bu beautiful leaning op tho lord who require the spirit of unit among 111 followers we would trmju urm ittw ones to bvticnia unlum builders in uln kiflsjoxim- ncil hun kl blast ui kenhlnf ulid i jo nd rime 1 1 1 ihobrldtt lit guatd wl utro of plriiliio unit the nhlmiuutliig hll blil hur fut eliom ttmi gllmpu f lits u hlii iiitthutl f 1 ml ml iiin huuhxiil liulluo nil until lurr tho bindm hii tlomliiatid iitroni u uuuv kin nil hund up and own until it und informed hoi portentously on ilu prnunl mtlury life would nut be nil hoikynioon i hen h hu k d on the palonl iuiijum tl 4 of l bit inuti and ptoughuil hill uuy to th illtrury anklng hlnmelf uulltiy ljs thut hunnli of urt wmt going h manage on hal milury in the llbruiy hu buulnini neiut- wuu fui thn outraged with hu lurgi foot pltiitlod fui upiirt je glaid uboiit him und now nod apoku in hlu imjonilug vol harry wuu urge in body mound juet what i expected to find hi addressed the other mlatlve whi stood admiring ono another s gift now why dont people use tho earn aourid management in giving present to u yaung couple thut they tbelr bumluesst 1 know you folku would glvji em yulh truck us thl- tttlngs thui will wear out or tarnlsl or breuk i got om u wuddlng preit tmt in thu ally uiul hud it uent right up to their hut i ho junttor lu going to sen to putting it ui i just wont into a furnlturu tuf und picked opt u clerk that lookod an if h understood hu buhltiess i auld to him i vo got u nephew thutu going to bo married next week utul 1 want to got hlui a piece of furniture thiitu hut u life time- and ho tiuid that a library tablewould till thut bill u hunduonii library table that struck me ui wound miiihi und i told him to trot one out hoco uncle hurry blew anotllut blast ills blaws wore merely loud punctuation points for his words ho showed mo ono right away that suited it cost me exactly one hun dred and ftfty dollars cosh uncle horry was generous and not at all having everyone know it ho east a belittling glance uu the ar ray of ollver gloss and linen and waved his liandurchief over them as if it were a waiid why it s big enough to hold ull those things and as tnuny more am told tho clurk when your nainosuko lu got tin married you gut cm a pcesont regardlesa of the cost but you use sense in getting it here uncle harry slapped his trous- er pockets with a great bang and moved on to the dining room to in- nojk form the remaining relatives of his gift regardless on the train that bora the brde and groom diroctly to the city whore the groom presided in tho cage of the receiving toller of the i irnt national ilunk the bunch of flu it tilghed and hhook her head think of it hall on hundred and fifty dollars in u library table thats almost as much as wo vo spent on the other furnishings if only she pausod might as well finish it elsie said hal laughing if only ho hud given us the money and let us buy our own table it would probably be more suitable for the upurtinent they had prepared the upurtment far immediate occupanry there wui a tiny living room a bedroom u bath a dining foom and u kite lion the living- 1500m plain remembered with joy it hud u prolty wall paper with a modest rug to harmonjxe with it u few oomfortablo chairs a phimogruph which hal hud long hud a piano which come from ljslem home und a soft comfortable couch that might in a twinkle bu transformed into u bod far a guest why hal uxclulmod tho bride in imirploalty utter thut him till rvlow theres no room foi u library tublu little or bgl hut whether there was room tur it or not there it was 11 ml thure they found it when they unlocked th apartment it nllod the u likewise the living room in order to get it in the janitor had boon obliged to take the phonograph and nil tho chairs qul the beautiful mahogany top mtretchud abroad like tho wastos of haliura hal and islslo regarded it and each other with tears uf inugjitet lu tliolr eyus peary would find tho polai ties easy navigating uftcr this room de clared hal runfully look at thosi legs they curved outward beyond tho top of tho table unit the curves sup ported dromons huutls thut grinned fiendishly in anticipation of tho shins they wouljj skilfully bark tho dresses they would be privileged to rip and chnlrs they would dullght lu scratching llefore elo could respond the tale- phone boll unimouud hal to the hall from her pluco behind tho white ele phant of mahogany she hoard her husband say fctd its you uncle harry ttes we found it whyee like ut wall 1 ii rail kmo a wumun know ktsle was alrvudy uu hor way bin crowded carefully botwooii thu tubli and the cuueh unit took the rocolvur from jlul s llntp hand 1 huie wus 1 peculiar light lu her uyrts but ho voice whs pleawuiit uu uho gmotod ho 10w undo 1 have nuvor ou ui it htautiful carving on u tubh she lntin uwoutly tlmt wus ull shu hud u iliatito to suy untie lluiry fotind grout plruwuie ami profit lu the sound of iiim own big voire ii drop round out of thshe duyx he upded u mii it for myself in itw new home thems nothing like vising u little business tnuiuigi ment in solsut- ins wedding presents vor six weeks life llowud on happi ly in the tiny list and us smoothly us the library table would ullow lllo tuanuged to kiiueexo two uliulrs be tween it and thu front windows 1 hr o tliers wero left in thu hall tut phonograph was crowded into the kitchen ugalust mm stationary tubs once a day regularly hal uskod in oxasperotloii what thoy were going tu do with that confounded tablet once a day regularly lisle answered mysteriously thut in tho near future- unule harry would himself utlend to disposing of his highly prun gin that hi the girt that wuu prised highly by the donor in fuut it giw in value at least once a week rulo was aallad to thu tuluphoiio l fuuelyo a longdlstunro meseagu from unclu harry und although it was ostensibly to learn how the young couple woru getting along it wuu lrf ruullly to heal his gift extolled elsies replios were marvels uf pleas ant truthfulness for our weeks she aid much the some thing praising lho carvings and tho finish of the table and quoting the cxi tarnations it it ihin of irlui tikiiln mrtt tihn eilil thut lr tin time vrr n111 1 thn hut mtmetn wlnht tl tublu ntoxl rtailv to juiinu of that iiin i fd ill mini h of flun 1 lllm lour wnl1ll11 1 id iim a pi miiiinlliiiiul rurultuit lun lnni ufti 1 hi il i htn w luite to u11i1 llimi lnlhllng i fulllll ills pioiiiln uiul unit th i liw diimi riie olirb ihi in th llln 1 elxt wroli in xc ptlnnnlly hi ipiltu hiotxl uiul 1011 uu inukn 11 vellli lit irr i ilk i k ill of ihn room an fui hi making hal dltiomi tlv pound in tltii win kn doesnt gitrrli u hlu u doeii ityui ihall oxpoi 1 lull ru vltlu full nlled afte el pill luted rlpl annthn 1 mijiig wo wuh aauilfiil llbrnry id ho 1 1 un i homo after umlv huitl hnd tel phouel bis intention to muko the vinit and hud set its limit ut u wonk llnle gttva hnl a fow instruction which mitilo htm beat his knees lu un outbunl of hilarity tuesday riele mil ijmle hurry at tho forryaind eiirorteil him 10 tho tiny tint on the wnj uli uppi uu d him with un account of th itnunton of hoi housekeeping ube hid ftit liptnf ull of her ulhwmico for househuld ex- panhtis uiirln hurry actually lutonmj und rxpandnd in deep lii iithm of uutls- furtlou i didnt think it he boomed but i believe you have uimi lilcii of goo i management that h wliul i bellevi in horso in nud in upoudlug money mt woll uu lu making it when thoy reached the tint urn it harry hung u itju hut und topcoat in tho hull and then fullowd iisl to tho living room thn hull wus cleared of chulrs thoy luid boon rcstorod to tho living room whoro thoy hugged tho wall in company with thq piano and with tho phonograph which ha j boon brought in from tho kitchen in the doorway clsle paused and pointed thoro it is undo harry the carving on that table impresses mo more evory day alio was glad that iiul was not presout to hour the truth fui but ambiguous uiatotnutif mrs trim thin its itu thu 111w buautlful table ul 10 uvi r wiw hho thn one you know who covin us itu postieuuluu unclu hurry tool i ubbut him blankly and ok and his tinoal then pending spuuclt he liluw a grout 111 trodurtory blunt huh i ho tlnullv exclalhiad what u lot of fur alt urn you vo got crowdod lu here elsie lookod up n pained surprise too piuch furniture uin ut tleast toll mo how we could get along with less there s thu couch if wo didnt huvo thut we couldnt huv you bo you set how iiticonmury that is and then the plni0 i could neut get along without u piano and hul could hot pans an evening without his music box apd the ohalrs heros lhre of us now und w must allow for ut oust two cullers and thoro s no other furniture oxcopt your ihauttful great big tablet uncle harry followed lliu urgumml carefully a ntfound that in could 11 dispute it bllll elsie being suiiplo uud slend dodged and bent her hourful way to thu front windows ovur herj uncle she tixptnlliud wo huvo put thu euulust uluilr for yotl where iou can watch tho utreut unclu hurry made u gallant urfo 1 reach tint i uul out chair but he wu ither supple nor slender ijn re quired margins of epacu for his molt- tntfiits und there wr no tuiirglns co lu thu little room he hit his kneo a resounding whack un thu itrmi dragons head unit emothorlng u grouii trld to wedgo hlu hulk h iwouii the table and a cliulr but nolther pluou of furniture yleld uo stilling anottur groan hu puhifully llftnd hu knee stopped ovir tlrti rhulr inn against thi sm ond dragons head und at lust sunk into tho chuli h side the window it was no closolv hummed in thut ho hud to bu mnful lest he put bis ullxiw through a pam of glass op one side ur hit u drugon head otv tiiu other then hal cuntu bnexy uud heal t und unaffectedly lluil to sou ills favor ite uncle the two shook huttdu with arms stretched uciohh two chairs und one corner of the tubli afur tlnr ceremony jlal tiiuinped ha table uiul exclaimed wurtnlj the only piece of solid muhotuly i expect to own until i get to be the vice president of thu 1 rut national uncle hairy lookod pleusud und then perplexed writhed lb his limited quarters took lu hlu elbows awk wardly und ussoiilud hul d opart ud to the kitchen to hlp lisle gut dimmr km noon as hul had gone unclu iliurj cored cunningly undo jhu tublu ove ii und round it ho wus suuklug t safe way out of his corner huh ho luuttuiud at lust in triumph he hud disco vurd u mu tlmt by skilful munlpuiutlnu could bi mudo u little wldui with purtlngu und blow hits hu mov- sd lite heavy tublu over uguliist thu muslo box in yielding to his struggles it ruffled up the udgo uf tlu rug uttd whon hul cumu lo all hlu tiut to dluiui tho guest taught his tou on th 1 lime ullll illlllluid kllto ills lluphyw r ullilh j j rut that tuiirpol ht krowhd us he ribuinod ihu pt 1 p mlti ulur uiul folliwud uul to the dltilnu- loom he dlnnei wuu dtlulouii una uudui lis hilhi nt hlu lphltu roitu iillghtly bill tuy won uiuibht to utlulti the htlghlu of hu lilluiluus nephi w v- 011 luavu the illslu foi mu to it 11 r a way llulu hul dliictid uu tltui rose from thulr ulialts vou gu und put our new funny record on the phonograph thatll mull urn le hold ills sld it s u good dlgostsr there was u look of gloomy uppie- hetisloii oil u ni lu llmiyu fuuu us hu folluwod watching hu fuel cautiously and warning haste to loqk nut fur that itlckelllp tirpet thut will he hitiopthod down on soon its we move tliu table lulo re plied woshull have to gut it away from thu inuslu box uvur ugslnf tin rlialrs ugalnyou pull und 111 push- that way isn 1 it dulld and h tlvr mid horry he oldrp abnormally hlluni tlie wtij to du nohl the younger inlnkly is lo put nvi ry i hall out into i ha hnll and push tho tublo ukuiiihi tho front wlnduwu those an lhtleit tirfterii hits s the ixmi at manngrr v ill rhalri the ml idnr gtui ungrr lioipul on his liuntls und ami ruwlcd uixli tim talile wlmluwu thorn lit turiud the over on their shirs utul pushed under the table jn fur us h 1 t reault wltli ilirtlrulty uncle y bent his corpulent liuto pulled i urrled thei all perfor thr ilu hi tol vory red in the faro hero you lire irloil hal with gral glee as ho blocked thn whitlows with tho table uud unfold ml th twd now all you ii have to do in lo stay put in bed until daylight if you go to moving round tint i horry wlpd u b ilumimcns from his forheud a ml fixed uu uppruhousut y u drugun- heiid ulurmljlgly lioav- he head of the touch lin likely in ihiuhh round onslrtorulily lu a nftinige bod he d clured and llirow out myrnm hnl srrulrtud his h ad 1 hen hi nuhl ill ask llulo nhe 11 knuw what lo do in a muineut im was hm k beaming khe siiys in inukn the foot of thn rouoh its hoad und ilmt will put a lot of spat o between ytur head uud the ilrugonu undo harry wiped tils litow ngulu hut what uboul frwsh uir im asku i in a strangled voice 1 always sleep with my windows o i gel tu her window oh t lluts easy i i lul exclaimed with nxusperatlng t hcerfuluom vol will got used to navigating round thh tablo befure tho week je up but il open tho windows for you tonight casting himself un thn table hi wriggled across it on his stomach opened tho wlndbws and wriggled back again his uncle was not yet ready to hove them opened but did not remonstrate for he knew that the feat of reaching them was far boyond his ability at lust with chattering teetli ofupt under the covers of tho ci changing hlu head to the foot of tho ouch brought it into the icy tfcom- bur draft between thn windows nni the hull dtxirvuk but knowing thai the ilmton s nonn wuu r aching out cunningly to bump him nt thn otho- end of his bed ho pit ml lho pillows over hlu hoad and suffered in sll onco only ho groanol a w this and thou subsided nol being ubte to sleep he thought tho following morning whon lie up- poured at the breakfast tublo with u jrge handkerchief in one hand hit niece asked him solicitously how he had slept kerch ow snoexed uncle harry flourishing the handkerchief- ker- chowl where does thai urs vrlm live who wants that table co got it to her this morning that confounded dork down at tho furni ture store didnt have an atom of sense when ho sold hat tahlo to mo it shows mighty poor mnuagnmnnt lu u firm lo keep such an uddlebralno i cltrk lfer chew whoro did you su that mrs him iivus7 a magnanimous act thoro was meat excitement in ion don on ttie dm when 1rrnldnut love hinds vi 111 kui la liinnsagi wuu pllh llulnd nciiily thlrt icnm ago it wus like ti tliundd 1 lap from a h lveobtaly with 1 pullnh lhiod vlrin wus lirltulitl ami angry in tlio evening ilitrn mas a bimttint ut a nromlnuht hotel in london hi itltl of the ators ilenevolnnt iund j large company assembled but ther won only mm tonic if t onvorrmtluti lcvorybotly tulkol about the chances of war between ur ut llrltal uliltcid states there wuro two gin sis at thn prin cipal fahlo who hud u must unromfort- ahlo dlnimr they were to maku apt hchts and did not know what ti say the menu cards with the lount hud been prepared teforo thcru was a whisper of serious complications bo i ween thn two coiiiilrlon om of the musts wus our lrti a runs the be a and while ordinarily it would jmvfi attruulod little atte tioii the iiiivn of the day imparl ixiruordlnury intertjit tu it coinyun stlm brtf uftor dinner aiiiiikrrw in it und tho ltiijard wa fmli isitlilun injlcui umbo nd to it propose ador ur kail how a cross was won the really bravo mans story abo hlu own deeds is always modest not infrequently he is unable lo give any account of them which is sallafaclory to his hearers the reporters who interviewed soldiers wounded bun juan hill hud lv bard time in getting etortes from them oni liuch soldier said thero i tt thing to toll i only wont up thuru with u lot of other chumps and got allot i didnt 1 havo utilise enough to know whi was shot not long ago a french chronlq monlmlrail of tho i arts qauk encountered in a little village of tho south fif 1 ranee a gardener who wore pinned on his clean buuday blouse th ribbon of the legion of honor nat u rally tint newspaper man desired to- know how he got it thu gurdei who like many of his trade soemed to bo 11 silent man was averse tu to uo ting uu old and wearisome demand but finally he begun oh i don t know how i got itl 1 was ut liukulllcs with the rest of the huttury all the oirtccrs wore killed then down went tu the noncom missioned officers itang butiglbangl lly hud by ull the soldiers worn down hut mo 1 hud itrod thu lust shot and naturally wus doing what i could to utund off the havuriuns wull u luoral culnc and says he wliutuu your ufllcerst all down suyu i whom u your gunners says he all down but me says i and youve biiun tight lug htru all 1110110 suyu ho t couldnt tut em come and g t thu guns could 1- i soys and then he up and put thlb ribbon on inc itruhuhly because thcru was no one else hero to put it x though a hue plot u of wood dont wundur lluit- ipru irlui wuutu it t duar luavo yourself loom to gut out t huts- il as uoon uu i lul tiitue tn lu ilumum ol u aoiitf by a vlitlbt slut r iul in order to lot jlslu ruiili ttie plimi thu t lu pull und 1 nili thu tublu ugulnst thu out li 1 liji erf tlvoly bluikud tint iminioigo to thu insy chulru besldu the windows unit uiule hurry nconifoituhly un u stralhtba k ud cliulr in thu dour win vvhllu his nephew stood btsile thu piano tnt added a good busu u llslu u suiirunu llodtiina canio und lisle illnupui drew from hor friends the tlftii weak ed leaving lho two muu to wrusti sh 4ded laughjngly that a oertaln w i ui further diotculllmh the problem mrs trim who lived in a blfsubur y to clear u space lurun onough to ban brxiscs was a- poyaious admirer of ajluw the couoh bod to bo unfolded the cabls xlw uu wvsjcba gpvftia uarry tftsyooiurajr was gay and talk x2 pensions in business surpass church rates men who enttir on life work with various organisations receive annual pensions after thirtyfive years of survlce as follows international mar- v os tor company s carnegie foun dation 11400 htundard oil cu cunudiun sjothodlsl church 9700 11400 toronto iollce rorce flsau which umodntls lurger than that of uhy other church body tn canadu these amounts ure known o economic exports us additional deferred re muneration considering that mln istarlal salaries are not ordinarily lutgutho superannuation rate of tho methodist church 120 per annum foj uath year in the active work is not excessive few prvaohrrs have oppor tunity to make money while in the jiustorate slid are likely to be do pundoiit on the organisation wblph li migugod them throughout thsir pro luutlve yours o tfinpo wnn in an uwkwurd polllon anoibtt gueirt who was improi with thu lm porta nru of homing right wurd uuld interested hlmsel securing u hearty rereptlun for american umbuioaidor meeting fair tin tin reventloiiroom half hour tmforo th toast was proposed ho uuld with lurncstuths j you have a niagnllltnnt ooportun- tty iverylouy u oxcltud toduy o 1 each aide of tho atlantic but wo both know that it is u flurry of passion which will probably puss sodn thr two brunchril of the kngljsb speaking rarxi are not going to plunge recklessly into a disastrous war tonight it u of the utmost importance that ti american umlutusadur should have conllal enthuslnstlo reception from tha kuglluh company lr carr readily uciulisted he agreed to make a hi arty mugnuiiln ouu speoch in the interests of poac without u single unkind word ubo ho wus us good uu hlu wont whoh he lcguu his spool h the mnnlu ut monplmro of his audience wuu chilly but uh ho procooded thu toiiooruturr rtino boon ovorylwdy in the room wni in good humor 1 the first sympathetic soutencu about america waw received in silence the next wus faintly uppluudod but bo fore mr carr had finished hlu speech tho company were fairly wild with enthusiasm ho did not utler a son- tenco that any englishman could crit icise as unpatriotic or hu- timed hut the effect of his generous appreciation of ihe best qualities of american character was electric when the american ambassador arose every englishman in the room sprang to his foot and cheered the resentment and angor of tho day wero forgotten thoro was only ono lm pulse thut of uccordlng lo the re preuemuitive of the united btatetf ot tho evening when all england wt profoundly stirred by rumors of war a hourly und gonorous wolcomu this was thu work of mr carr a cool largo- hearted well balanced nngltuhinun who perceived the- im portance of hlu opportunity and made full use of it lu tho interest of inter national umlty huch magnanimity should not be rurgotton bobrlety of judgment tactful and sprlght in its decisions is a bo un dent influence lu thu lives of moil and in thu urfulrs of nations ho who possesses it and tnulutalnu self con trol when other minds are exalted olid huvo lout thulr bulunoo is a mas tor of men un uncrowned king by divine right a nution governed by huch rulers would bo blest- indued canada drinks less spirits tho total amounts uf alcoholic bv- cragus passing through customs and excise in cunutut for consumption in the ruuntry havo decreased vory not iceably in tho ymts 10131032 splrltw to thu tuna of fid per cunt and bor lo u lessor percentage according to an umilyslu of fedora statistics mndu by liuv li nest thouuiu 1 1 i tlnil also fiom totalling convic tions for drunkenness in every judicial district of thn dominion that tho number has fallen from 7s 3 for evory ten thousand rsonu in 1013 to 17 7 in the lutest uur 19 writes lr thomas lu an urticla foi tho boclal bervlco council of canadu observing that the period of decline- in fucllltlus foi drinking is the period uu thut of decline in tlru hum lr tlioipuh sas thut the stall ties ufa from the olllclul ivcordu of ilu federal dopartnjuuts of governtnaiit ut ottawa and uddu ko fur us national totuls niu corned moonshine whlskuy u u uglblo fucloi the hospitals would soon toll thu story if there were uny ucb general consumption of moon shine wlilttkol uu to affect thosi hiulous the l lljuor legally avail able the lass huor is consumed 1 commuted thu kss drunkenness instund of our hoplu drinking nlm pints of upjrllii per hoad per annum in 1913 we canadians ure uuw consuming only three pints for every mun woman und child bo concludes 5i the rooster saved the day lvery uchonlboy knows the tradi tion fuuious in human history of tin gihiau which saved tho capitol bv uuiu king uu alarm when the oaiib upprounhed in the nismr modern hls- toi y furnluhou an interesting parallel one of the famous victories uf eng land on the sea was ihe battle off caps ul vincent vortugut in 1707 when a llrltlsh fleet uesrfy destroyed s huantsh rtoot of almost douhl uumburs vor u long time th struggle was doubtful uud one of the urlluh ships tho marlborough was bo severely crippled that her capluln was think ing of m render to save further wuste of ufa i ho ships mast had guno by the board tho chief urflcsr was mortally wtfuiutud and so many uf his sub urdlnutes womdtabled that the dls iplliio or ilia crew begun to give way l hy giuw suusn utul or the terrible ire which theyaould not return with rfuit hiutduply a shot atniok the cnop lu fhlch a few fowls had boeti 01 11 n nod ue tock alone was still ullvu and inding hliusulf at liberty rj flapped his wings mlghthly and rihttsred up- puiclieil on tho slump uf ths malninast und surveyed the scenai of hu nlout hlui u raising his head defiantly he bet u n a long strident craw the crew mwurud with three ohuers and even ihe wmt tiled smiled with renewed spirit tho limn worked tho few re- mo 1 11 ins guns and soon a favoi lug ttmi or bullltw drove away the ust thought uf surreuder builders wb can huiily you with grky lllmp lime credit valucy band stone dimension stone verandah caps subj and heads courhirttf hubble stone w1i1ti1 loll imucla d robertson co mmitou lirae und stune quartlai tl muten on seasonable hints april showers bring may fluwiii the first i glad notes of bin 11 wlnr unlock the porlnls of tlmiiprftm the prt saui n of so iiiuny iiuwh gu caws 10 hnpo for i11 iiirly sinlnii now is thn time 10 do yui sjirlng cleaning if you havent spring clean out the will a botanist dnclureu rm li ir lm a jrnlce of its own wn kneiv inohi of them had a bark as wo sow so uhnll wn reap itnmi not always apply tt the line plrtiiron we see un th soetl inrkugru riant nomethlng und sou it glow even if ii is nothing but a nmult de lmslt in u savings lank if thn man who bewails lion lriu it is until kprlng will put u thirty duy note in thu bank he will find it won t lif au long us it noeum thn man who hturtod to write 1 tlprlug poem a few days ago is prub ably using the same pun now to writ a check for another tun of real the time is when no one known just when to shakij his wlutnii clothes kor if you wear them you feci but and if you dont you wish you hud the outside air is pure and sweet the birds are singing in the trees and to the soul them comes a trout in overy cool and balmy broexo within our reach comes all of this for rich or poor low or hlgtc tis our own fault if we should miss these blessings til thnyre pausing by d it m why busy women want smpdvware busy women want smp enameled ware because it will bring food to the toil almost twice as fast iu allmetal utensils and com pletes the cooking sooner a woman can wash sjvtp enameled wuje utensils faster than utensils that have to be scrubbed and scoured three finishes pearl ware two coats of pearlygrey enamel inside and out diamond ware three coats light blue and wfiitc out- sidev white lining crystal ware three coats riure white inside and out with royal blue edging sheet metal products cotnf a complete line of s m 1 products handled by jas symon hardware acton women you envy v have only this secret v you too may employ it to keep the radiance and bloom of youthful skin radiant with the charm of youth sttlf theirs million of clever women arc admired and en vied i to day yet they have no difficult hid den secret no grat gift only this simple method which is for you too to give you as well the charm you envy id tbern armw wimm thh cleanse the skin rcgiilirly au- wsmaw thoritics say to keep your com plexion lovely radiant youthful uut beware of harsh cleansing methods they injure skin wash thoroughly with ialmohve soap ach night be fore retiring- hub the creamy foamy lather well into the tiny pores rinse and repeat ihe washing then rinse again then if skin is dry apply n littje cold cream that is all kiu so cared for is not injured by cosmetics by wind and sun or by dirt tt tlmpu crrtet uny you cannot find a more effec tive beauty treatment llccause ialmohve soap is blended of rare palm and olive oil famous for mild hut thorough cleansing qualities since the days of cleo patra and it is inexpensive so that thousands now use palmohvc for the bath make sure that you get palmollve which n never sold unwrapped all dealers have ic get it and try forope week this simplest of alt treatments see how delightfully and how quickly it benefits your skin thh palfcioltve company of canada limited winnipeg toronto montreal palm amd up ummthlmj tutu madb w canada j n oneill sons garage carriage works georgetown ontario v this hew building is hujlt 011 the situ of our building which wuu totally destroyed by rire in 1djs it has a frontage uf 60 fuel on multi htreut with a dpth of sjj font on wualeyan utu ot it is of kolld brick construction two stores and basement having 10 340 suuare foot of floor mm no lliere is a lurgd eloctr0 elevator running from liiihauinut to top horn- ihe hhowrnoms ottltu htock lloont und luduw vultlng ltootn have entrance from multi hlut ihe urge parking upucu uud qunige uepulr khop in the ouiitre of building have entrances from mulu or wesleyan htrtii lho llluikumlth ijhop ut rar huu un en trance from wesleysu htruot the pulnt bliop wood hhop flrlnimlng hhop und huttury mhdp uro till thw second floor all topartmunts uru well urruugud to carry on the following lines of work vye are again in flflbtclaaa position to do all kinds of buggy wagon and sleigh repairing our tihopu uio onulppd with upnoduti inuthlntry uud iuoih with li i nuhlii uu lu ijo youruiupiitr wolk promtilly und ut ttiutniiuhlti pilcm wn am hi tubulin tern fur larriugo lubber tiling itipulthig rubhui thv wheels wlrit sioko wluehi recovurlttg ni ropuli lug huirgy topn mw iddo cnrtillnu cut rtligi eli wl also cai111v a complltl linc op new buggies wagons and sleight farm implements of all kinds including the well known cot kuhult kruit at wood utul 1 luury uuvs cjiuduki liny 1sjiks and tilings hi en i iruik hludei 1 wine und hope the automobile repair department is equipped with uptodutu labor saving devices wu umpltiv only thoruughl cnmpiitent mat hunlos enabling us to give our customers prompt uud ahiclttpt servient ut minimum cost wu huve udded to our equipment a heavy tteivlcu iruok on which lu mounted u two ton wiecklug uiuue hpoc uttuntlou is g i vert to emergency jobs of nil kinds wo also do ull kinds of tnolyhud wddlnr a hugo utock of dodge btudeltaker overland una vord lits ar carried hi hand at ull tltllcs auto painting of all kinds a specialty wo do ull kinds of fender und body repairing new auto tops put on dooi mudo for any oar new celluloids put lu side curtains and curtulmi repuliid poiiini uhii cuilulnu the battery department is equipped to toko car of alt kinds of battery work uatturwm ieiulrlng to lm to promptly and efficiently bervloo llatterias tnsy bo had ut all timed w un known wllllard threaded itubber uattsrlea uimu ll nttunded ubiliu fm the well- our accessory department s very oomplota we tocik everything that you rear needs our sin k luuuluiti luitulpiiiiv of l ir and tubm in all abea oms qroases bumpers bhrtck ahsorbers uotomelrrd ti we are dealers in studebaker brothers and overland motor w por bcoroctown tfutow and acjon yout patronage is respectfully holiciteo j n qnedlyl son georgetown ont klrmh i

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