Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1924, p. 3

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v 2fir artnnjffrrr jlrrsp 1ihjiisday apml the ree planter i i n vf mntt bnnl aid j n 1 ini ting troas by the hli ik mkhwu and ik odi of uriutunn iiid d 1 llowrrn hit nciutim ihoro iiirourli tli hrairu flint tuiichul vth lui i mj ui t why toll ictnil in tl ir tin v 1 iii duy j luntlni tr iy i ii u iiirii wuft li lluvr o ilni win it in plant of i ming unit sweutlnc ifho answered i lovo tho work m mui and ruit iik nwoi 1 who i tho tli dune why plant li lowers on ilia nigh ways himr hi in umll 1 the children will truth r them hut tin i men you r planting you ii i unit uwuy if tny cunt a whudu by tho block highway it nmll rw little that i nhould die i t uti lull plant thorn mho made ruply 1 love to dnam tht ilia blrdii will swing on the topmost branches und gladly sing and happy phltdran will gather hero to play ncath my trees from your to yctor than iiorchunce a pilgrim will ius lunii duy and tind- a shade by ilia hi oak high way richard posey campboll what one rich man did tbo newspaper of a southern town gave not long since a sketch of the life or a man who bad hjst died there lie warn the only descendant of a wealthy family hat hsad lived in bo town slnoo colonial days after leav ing collage he spent several years abroad and com in home found his native village given over mainly to he control of that portion of its in- jtbluuiu who wen indifferent who condoned dram drinking and in tr norancd opened their doors to dlreat dlseaso an open sewer ran down tho main street into which all garbaga was thrown and left to decay pics goatn and dogs wandered about the houses were dilapidated three saloons kept up a busy trade th schoolhouse was in an almost untend ablo condition typhoid lover lurked in the town the year around mr i the man alluded to was both euro out and sensible j suspected that ho had some secret trouble but if so it never came to light ha did not push hfs way into lolltlcs or literature and made no ef fort to moke more money or to maku bin mark in the world ilka other men he basted himself only with oio town in which ho lived the sewer must ba put underground he said certainly sold his townsmen 1 would be well to do it and we shall do it some time it us do it now he said and headed tho subscription tho drainage set right he went to work at the school house and at the church the die negro boys by his direction and encouragement found themselves at work cleanlng sprinkling the streets when any of his neighbor proposed to build dwelling- he had a picturesque plan ready to offer he gave packages of seeds to many of the poorer house holders and offered prices for the beetkept garden tree were plant ed on the borders of tho sidewalks and the piss and coats were banished this wis the slow cheery work of years more years were needed bring a majority of hie townsmen to close the saloons but at last the town became known as the cleanest and aa being in the most sanitary and social condition of any small town in the state it bad its hospital its free library its reading room nil suggested or given by the some haad bat none- of them called by hla name 1 am not fond of seeing my name in print he said ho was often asked why he did not marry but ho always replied my nnttre town is toy wife and child- it gives me enough work i would rather care for these people among whom i waabom than for family he made no reputation for himself but he opened up a live spring ef health and of jrood in the world mr theodore roosevelt said the other day in a speech in new york the amorion young man without money owes hla work to his family but the young man with money owes hla work to hla country the limited patriotism of this wise and generous ipan of whom we have written flowing in narrow and direct channels will accomplish greater for civilisation in ue state in which he lived than cither he or the gener ation of men about him can clearly apprehend or fully measure the loap jdf bread once there was a little boy eating a pleoe of bread where did he bread come from 7 asked the little boy your father bought flour from he grocer and i niade it into bread said the mother whom did tho grocer get the floor t asked the little boy i bought tt from the miller said the grocer where did the miller get itt asked the little boy i bought wheat from the farmer and ground it into flour in my mill sold the miller and where did the farmer get the wheat t sold the utile boy tho farmer said i took a big plow and dug up the brown earth in my j field then i scattered tuij grain of wheat on the soft earth qod sent down the sunshine to warm the earth and the uttlo grains then ood sent rain to soften tho earth and make the little grains swell they broke their brown coverings and up went tiny green shoots in the oold weather ood mads the rootji grow down deep intp the ground when the warm weather rain came again the little green shoots grew fast soon many grains of wheat grow on the end of the lull stalk then i cut the wheat bent out the grains tuid sold them in the miller my father my mother the grocer the miller the farmer helped to give me this breud but it was ood who made the wheat tu grow no it is first 1 of all ood who guve me this brand said tho uttlo boy kxohohge lllcfc asods private stock gi oitiict o jtu of tin lontlesh city tossed or it hriivlug tl1 1 kinsfolk an 1 friends wo arm t u wt of tbu countryside we of tho poaooful vullayu you of th turbulent mart though our pathways jio asunder yet am we one in nnurt o ouof tho clamorous city for you the seed wuow for you our gnrncrod iiarest when the rlponed grain falls low our rosy nulled orchards our flocks on n hundrml hills th plow thill breuks our furrows wheal lhat turns our mills you of the tolling city what glftu besldi have wct tho tttuniy strength of our forests for your ships that dure the sa tho breath of our waysldo hedgerows blown hwooi ulong your track our winds hint lift your urnolm pall and bring uihim hiiiiuiiiiio back ulnncba tronnor heath thh hucak hoosiieadfc at syuonh tvakeuiousr tho manjo sukar hi a jon has recall oil to me tho tlmoa the uoya of acton used to huvo when hymon s warehouse would be open and joe dickson some otlior of the store boys was carrying in pails of mignr frojir i open hogshead thera into the tprjo the warehouse stood where george sopors store is now located thd it contained surplus stork of nil kinds the hogsheads of dumir worn unloadbd there when they carno in that was a sweet place for the boys the sugar most lduothouo days una tho soft brown liuscavudo whlto augur nearly always in loaf sugar form was a luxury back sixty year age when either joe dickson or clirls rjompsey or other boys employed from time to time in the symon stora was engaged in carrying in sugar there wro al ways lumps falling off thoscoop whom the sugar was being dipped from the hogsheads to tho nails and often while joo or chris was carrying a pall to the store the door of the warehouse was left open and the venturesome chap would dig into tho big hogshead and help himself to u big toothsomo lump dut when tho hogshead was declared to be empty than thero would bo a scramble very considerable quan titles of the soft sugar would adhere to the sides of the big barrel and this made a plcnlc for the boys an empty sugar hogshead boyst what a scampering that announcement used to cause among the boye 1q tho vicln ity of this country store tbo emptlod hogsheads with a luscious coat of sweetness adhering to tho rough staves were cost out in the back yar much to the boys delight one of the boya was always on the watch as informal scout to give notice the rest of anything interesting and available in the way of fun the empty sugar hogshead used to appear with considerable regularity the soout would see tt and after a liberal taste himself would rush to the mill pond where ho would probably find the rest of tho bays in swimming sugar barrel boys was his greeting it was enough putting on half of thelrr clothes as they went they would dash off after the guide like a scattered train of camp-follow- eta it must havo boon domical to see u dozen urchins stroggung along pick ing their way barefooted over the tones and rough ground struggling to put on a ragged vest or a coat hlle maintaining u sort of indian jogtrot for feur of losing u share in tho feast then lo the hogshead and into it the first comers rushed poll met those who came after contented them selves with hoping tburo would enough for all or possibly they ob tained a morsel or two by clever reaching from tho ouuldu the boya to day buv thulr fun nn 1 lots uf it hut the boys of fifty sixty years ago were just us llvoly and had equally a good times us the boys of this age the youths thesu duy wlu navur know tho detectable dt lights of scrum blliig into u sugar hogshead and scraping rf rich soft brown sugar by the handsfu uml cut ing it as fust as they scraped it off and that mug uml uml it was swouter than any of the refined sugars of to day the boy even thought it was butter than the maple sugui thoy sanuittmo hot fn the spring ami to day hcrw muoli sugar could a boy get out uf u cotton bugarsuckt good color to have clothes perfectly cleansed and good color the soap must remove all the vis ible and invisible impurities surprise will do this thor oughly it is durable and pleasant to use the handy man about the house can always tind something that needs doing thcso spring days and he can always hnd the equip ment to do these little jobs with in our complete stock pmtrfa carpenter tools gardening tools paint brushes varnishes mure8co let us help you in youk spring repairs and cleaning activities w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario lllllllliiiiiiiuiillliiillll a considerable amount a tertuln itttl village in the west stands sumo distance from the nearest good supply of pure water and patrick is the man who transports barrels of drinking water it the homes of the village one day aa patrick halted at the tdp op tho river bank a man famous for his inquisitive mind stopped and asked how uu have- you hauled water far the village my good mant tin yjars nor ah how many loads do you take in ft dayr from tin to oftsan lor 4 ah yea now t have a problem for you how mtfch water at tttlg rate have you haulod tnllt t the driver on the watar jerked his thumb oaohwam toward and replledi aj tbo water y dpot turn altlh iiillh molahhuh tax if v speaking of chutllu myimni h unur hogbhuuda reminds nut of airs cbirllu hill toothsome taffy of tbotto day mrs hill was an udupt ut muklug taffy drown sugar and uulduii molas ses were the principal ingrcdlunlu shu used this dear old udy know how tu boll the syrup uitd augur whxri to n second to tuku it off uml whim to uoiiltnanca pulling it whun ilnuli1 it stood out in wruut poldou yelluw imllseyss generous uu to slice mi it always good ant whiiluuno it must have boo i jnuii i wiily ymm iih that irs hill niiimunuud till induittl nji i who lontluuod to mukt thrit toothsomo candle us long uh hii vuh to work ubout tho limn tin demand for theui wus unctitsing un i she llkvd to muku thn biuuso thu youiigstarw urn the older folks tor that matter liked them so rmu h think of it great big taffy bitlttyos regular jumbo lu alls for a nt each or stx fur five mrs 1111 nmdu thestt toolhsomo dainties for thrue gonra- tiens i remembur my father buying tfiom when he wlshud tu glvu the boys and girls of home u candy trout 1 know i wus very partial to thun uvon after i was married and tlui heud of u home and i frequently heur my boys and girls talk about u mm hill i taffy which they got wltmi children and smock their lips whun they rotor to it say do you know i think there tt good deal of tbo child about the oldest of us when wo get talking about childhoods sweets seamankent hardvvood floors sold that house firhaps no single feature of a bouse re- cotfimenda it so highly as hardwood floors throughout hardwood floors make a house more attractive more sanitary easier to maintain consequently hardwood floors make it easier to oell seamankent hardwood floor ing is so jy yictly matchedflo exact in grading that if 6 the standard flooring of canada there ar vidoubtedly rooms in your home which would be brighter cleaner prettier if they had hardwood floors measure them up give us the size and we will tell you how little it would coat to lay hardwood floors zz flooring sold and recommended by v j b mackenzie oak flooring cots little and raises the quality of the home tho front hall where the visitor gets iho llrt impression of your home have your floor rent wed by laying 3x1 inch no 1 oak flooring if your hull is say 5x10 it vpuld coat you u08 plus lc government silca tax ot cover it ror cash purchase if boqkcvl 4p ccnt more norman mcueod manager phone 48 neighborhood news- town itnd country oak vi llc mndi ni iiikn morgan iii rnj l lint m bun i n nrhrtd la n t i inih in u lnill at th itrl hii kmiti l ii arjtt uiiimri i i if nhil tl numbers in lb lei in id it hihwi thlx fvrnlliu i mi i hiii l null i wiiil a ttfrlouu m milt it nil in i rl rinir lh ooplr f tnltmt hit uritn in h usly in plug foi tin irioveri of w it wjndhun 1 rlnnli il uf tin lllttli hi hnol ur up l mil id l i i rrc ovi rlni nlinly from i hi irfirl of tin itiuilin nu i wur i ftlnii1in in not around when jut iihiui m wfk hi o in i i trunticd douhlp 1 in urn tnlti wbl h in bin hulk nindl lion in wn oiiiiih id nvcrrom he din in monduy f ronikin mun li 31 nwii rockwood mr 1 ii milne the new c n il agent has ommnnced his duties here his family will urrlvo in a few weeks mlna clayton of victoria if c spent hist week visiting col mutrie and the croft family here itockwnod community stands at the bottom uf the statistical list of suits entered in tho local division court last year as roportod by judge spot tun a good showing the choral hoclety under the ef flclont leadership of mr ci h martin has made splendid progress appro elation of his training being shown by an avorago attendance of about eighty members a splendid treat is being pro pared for good iriday even ing rwhsn lha society wim render an easter cantata the death nf mrs george ttlwri occurred on sunday morning of last week at tne home of her sister mrs samuel holtshaueh preston the re mains were brought to ilockwood on saturday evening to tho homo of jifcr brother mr henry maud from which place the funeral took place to ever- ton cemetery mfss agnoa manab was not long in following her sister who died early in march mer death occurred last thursday in her death hockwood has lost a very fine cltuen she wa practical christian woman helpful in all good works a neighbor whose memory will be always cherished i a friend lielovod the funeral was held on saturday afternoon hev m stewart her pastor conducted the servlco at the home and at the gsave in folrvinw cemetery acton where interment wm made george socket t of eramosa appear cd before magistrate watt at guelph at saturday mornings police court charged with the non payment of 23 7g in wages to wm weatherston a lad who hd been working for him for two months sockett claimed that the boy had put the time in but com plained that his work bad not bean satisfactory when asked by the mag istrate why he had not discharged the boy if such was the case he had nothing furthor to say weatherston was given judgment for the full amount claimed burlington i that the numbering of the houses is proving quite popular in tow is shown by its use by tbo cltlsona in these advertising columns tpn alonday evening a pioneer of this district in the person of mr itobt sinclair passed oway at his- homo at aldershot at the ripe old age- of bj years i commissioner chosjiunt and his men have been busy fho past week cleaning up the pavements and the town certainly looks improved mr l sykea town clerk salted from new york for england pn thursday last having been called home owing to tbo sarloua illness of his mother mr j b allen is acting clerk pro ttn on sunday morning the halton itlflea under the oommand of major laxler and ijeut qould paraded to the methodist church following w custom of periodically attending the different churches at the regular hour of worship and participating in the service the member of the women s in stitute are kindly ukod to keep in mind the house dress parade to be held at their nexc meeting on april 13 the dundas institute will pay the local institute a visit and it la hoped all members will enter the parade and make it a success an automobile wa responsible for some excitement on tuesday after noon when thu driver of the car lu attempting to turn the corner of on tario and urunt streets skidded upon the sidewalk and struce the ton fanco on dr t w pearl lawn a lady and two children were on the side walk and sm3c tutors stood aghast ex- hictlng thoy would bo struck by the car but fortunately it landed against the atone fence gaxette milton tho spring assises wero held on monday hqn justice mowat prosld ed there wore three nonjury sod one jury case for haarlntf mrs b u mckee of worth uay honorary president of tbu provincial w c t u gave a fine addroas t the women of the town in the metho dist school room on wednesday ovoii ing uf last week the methodist church oholr are mailing great preparation for pre son ting the sacred umtuia huth on monday evening april 14 i i tho induction uf nv w d mcin tosh d a late of heuiefuld into th pastoral charge of knox church ull- toi took place last thursday after noon in ithf presence of a con gregation of the members and ad- hersnts of the church and others the new h ii bass instrument for the bund had just arrived from pugjand uiid is now oil exhibition in j p utiles shop window it uost 3l4 uml is considered oils of the best in- ntiumeuta of the kind tnuile mrs w jt d war hs sold htr rtitv bvick rostdenoo un muitbi htrd i mr i p tansley butcher for 16 boo a number or i ngllnh furm bund- have mn it my urrlvod in towp and an tltitipd with nourby farmers lbey uro tnusily stuidy young miown tho kind we nued mr h uobt held who has been muuagor of thu hilton jlrunt ii of do minion htnrw sltioe tho upcntlng of tlli said store hern manh 1 1bjs over n yur ugo is tmw leaving lu tuk ihurge of ov of the toiontn uninoluh of dominion utun s and ur thus- mcjunrlt will b ttut surcuwlliig manager mr and mrs an run w iudlaw uf jorvl mpnuunvu tho wilglgenint of thilr widest daughter uiliab gertrude to mr donald john istnond youngesi won uf mr and mrs george istnond of korvai the marriage to take place this wonk reformer u the doutb of mary luliabeth itessny widow of the late john gal bra i th who passed awuy on friday at the home of her daughter mrs john hyer toronto milton has lost one of its oldest and highly estoomad resi dents mrs galbralth who was in her both year wag a member at the milton methodist churoh for many years police magistrate b ptoe of mllum who has be seriously 111 at hla home for several steaks hat the large toe of his right foot amputated on satur day owing to gangrene having set in lie u one of mlljona oldest clutene being in tmui stth year and underwent the ppenuion wlutout te ed cc aoaas- top coats of you whj eome to fed a positive affection chosen it in smart plaid coats sand brown and grey in soft wool materials high wrappy collars for snug ness straight lines for style no wonder these coats have an upandicaminp air of being equal to any demand full lined sizes 36 to 40 bust prices 1675 s150 and 12250 camel hair coats fancy panels of tucking straight lines one largo button fastening itncd through out sizes 36 to 40 bust prices 1l50 92zj50 and 2500 dressy coats of french tr1co- itne poiret twill and normandy cloth straight lines or wrap around effects trimmed with tucks fancy stitchings tuck ed collars and wrappy sleeves these arc the marks of the new dress coats lined with crepe or silk colors sand reindeer wood brown black and navy prices range from 2950 to 4900 for a top coat like one of these when you irve your favorite color easter millinery featuring new york creations modes for matrons and miss developed in all the new and fashionable matepals and colors featuring tho new cloche and poko as attractively trimmed as they are exquisitely conceived prices 7150 1050 1200 1450 and up fashionable hats 595 almost one hundred different styles of trimmed hats in this special lot they offer n wide choice of the newest high crown small brim styles fashionably trimmed apd surprisingly prices at 395 pleated skirts at 29 and 445 all wool pleated skirts of navy serge size 24 to 30 price 2js9 all wool pleated skirts of fashionable crepe colors sand cocoa log cabin and light grey sizes 24 to 29 price 445 new shirt waists special 159 shirtwaists of white voile with peter pan collars also high and low neck styles neatly trimmed with tucks and lace sizes 30 to 42 price l59 feature values in silk hosiery pure thread silk hose l0o and 115 at lo0 pure thread silk hose in colprs black white sand grey and brown sizes 8j4 to 10 at l15v pure thread silk hose with neat self clock black only sizes pure thread silk hose special 129 extra heavy full fash oned colors black log cabin cordivan brown sizes 8j4 to 10 compares favorably with 2 00 value special 129 pure thread silk hose special 200 exceptionally fine thread small ankle flare top well tailored look guaranteed tor satisfactory wear and if any pair bags around ankle after repeated washing we will re place colprs bbick tog cable bobolink gjey nude cousaj tares favorably with any s line rico 9240 g b ryan co department stores guelph and oweu sound l r compare all waters falls wtli niagara ascthey compare am autxmobilcs xtn m6lauqtiiirt buick fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont a

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