Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1924, p. 4

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i ii- hour or ljr irhm 3frrr gjrpbh mrtnlf uua lun weklui ol uoltrto illv alti 1 ulk puhss l- publili rrj tifa4y inoritlinr i tlt free n uuiming mill trrrt a tti outailo tit iuif rplloo price txi ter f in advance poflax i ur llllional o office in ha united stale tlio data lo which autcrlplona ar tail iwlkatxl m tlfl addrcu ubcl adveutisim uatfestranalcnt sdxftlae tnrma ceo i a tyft line agate imcaatira lor brat imeriiop and 3 rent r line lor each auba qutiil miertlon contract dliplay advevtla- tncpta for y indira or mote ptt innun cent per iuch each inaemloo aivcrtlcmanu with oil aoeclic airellona will b inatricd lul lorbld ami vhargwl accordingly 1 k i el hones- editorial arid ii u inc ooca ucdlenr ol i reabuol 7 reforming the senate from within deduction of tho membership in tho senate of canada and tho retirement of 8c nn to re nt tho ngo of aovcntyhvo wur proposed in the senate itself last week by senator turriff the progressive member of the senate i he debate on his resolution was adjourned after some discussion by the government leader senator dandurand it would bo better sen ator turriff said in presenting his resolution for the senate- to reform itself than to hnvc the people reform it thursday morning aril 10 1924 editorial open season for trout deferred until may fifteenth trout fishermen generally feci that hon charles mcooa minister of the fish and game department at toronto has been illadvised in shortening tho open season for trout fishing at tho beginning of the season instead of at the close to make the close season commence the first of september or even the fifteenth of august would bo qui 15 within reason and would mean protection to the spawning trout but to defer tho open season until may httccn seems to be altogether unjustifiable and unreasonable nothing is gained of advantage to the trout when tho whole season is considered canadas dairy trade increases canadas exports of cream and fresh milk to the united states increased very considerably during the year 1023 compared with 1022 tho figures being 2608747 gallons of cream valued at 445752 against 1845325 gallons valued at 2832215 and of fresh milk 2132765 gallons valued at 437215 against 78584 gallons valued at 102510 the united states also took last year 10971 12 pounds of butter valued at 460336 04200 pounds of cheese valued at 10167 383464 pounds of powdered milk valued at 42818 and 024100 pounds or niilk can ned or preserved valued at 105125 perpetual care of falrview cemetery plots the indications are that tho matter of the per petual care of fairview cemetery plots will eventual ly become a reality whether immediate action taken by the municipal council of acton or not it may not be generally known that the council has already committed itself to the scheme whether intentionally or not is immaterial the fact remains that the council has already accepted from several parties sums of from 50 to 100 by the very act of accepting these several sums the council is legally and morally bound to have the plots thus endowed properly taken care of in perpetuity numbers of other persons have inserted clauses in their wills in structing- their executors to pay over to the council or other such incorporated body which may be in charge of fairview cemetery sums up to 100 each why not go heartily and unitedly into this matter with the purpose ofmaking perpetual care general and thus ensure the success of tho plan from the outset it is sure to become general eventually the very reasonable thing under existing conditions would be to make an intelligent beginning and to make it now the principals of good citizenship the inculcation of the principles of good citizen- sbip is a most desirable matter and is especially im portant to the rising generation it was julia ward howe one of tho greatest women america has pro- duced who suggested years ago that signing a pledge 6fgood citizenship should be one of the features of the celebration of any countrys natal day and signing that pledge should be expected of the nativeborn citizens as well as of the foreignborn thernajority ofjis were born in christian homes and grew up in a religious atmosphere but there came a time when we publicly declared our adherence to the faith irr which we had been reared and pledged our selves to the service of the father of us all and so though we may have lived all our life in an atmos phere of patriotism it is fitting that as we reach years of understanding we should take the pledge of good citizenship some of us are of the opinion that as far as we ourselves are concerned this would be qui to unnecessary we say indignantly that we are ready to bo good citizens without taking any pledge but many very well meaning citizens are not good citizens perhaps for all our indignation we are not altogether sure what good citizenship requires for one thing a good citizen roust be a thinking citizen ignorant citizens are a danger intelligence is es sential some cu our girls are going to have a re sponsibility which their grandmothers did not have for they are not only going to be citizens but voters that means that in order to do their duty to our country they must be intelligent on public questions capable of thinking things out for themselves it is true that before an election every voter receives from the political party with which bo is affiliated a sample 1 ballot showing just where to put the cross in voting for party candidates but ono who depends on that sample ballot and marks the x as he is told without any thinking on his own part cannot pos sibly be called a good citizen many people consider themselves good citizens who seem utterly lacking in the sense of civic obligation the streets of their town are dirty but it never occurs to them that they have a responsibility in that regard the schools are poor but beyond a little grumbling they do nothing about it tho control of the towns fairs is in the hands of inexperienced men and money that should go for improvements goes for nought and yet the average citizen docs nothing more drastic- than say isnt it a shame good citizenship has the city beautiful as ono of its goals good citizens should see that men both competent and hdnest are put in public office there ore plenty such and the fact that tho other sort are so largely in control is merely duo to tho fact that there are so many stupid indifferent citizens who should bo good citizens it would be a pity for our girls uo get the idea that their pledge of good citizenship would go into effect only after they reached llolr majority there are plenty of ways in which young people can practice good citizenship the girl who keeps the porch boxes well cared for and the lawn raked through the sum mer and- p ok a ti the scraps of ojd newspapers which come blowing down the sidewalks la doing an im portant part of a citizens duties if sho helps the girl in tho kitchen to learn to read and write she is doing something still more important if in her school life she stand for justice and fair dealing and frowns uporf tho ungenerous treatment of some boy or girl of alien blood she is helping to establish liquor sales for revenue tho principal argument for repeal of prohibition presented at meetings of political and other organ izations at which the ontario tcmpcranco act is under fire is that the illicit sale of liquor is putting great sums of money into the pockets of tho boot leggers of tho province and that this money should be diverted to the provincial treasury by the sub stitution of government sale for distribution by divekeepers 1 is pointed out that in british columbia and in quebec the provincial authorities are making profits totalling millions of dollars yearly from the sale of liquor to their citizens for beverage purposes and to rumrunners who smuggle it to the united states would government sale in ontario put bootleggers out 0 busincssj and transfer the profits that enrich them to the public treasury laying aside jor the momeirl the question of morals and assuming that tho great majority of the people of this province would not object to paying their taxes by keeping bar wjjuld the opening of numerous provincial liquor stores end the operations of tho divekeepers and illicit whiskey pcddlars there is abundant testimony to be had from officers of the law in british columbia and in quebec that govern ment sale does not accomplish this end it is asserted that in british columbia not over half the liquor consumed in tho province passes through the gov ernment stores thero is very real competition be tween the divekeeper and the government and the people are openly asked to patronize the pdblic stores so that they may lessen their taxes by drinking whiskey sold by their own agents leaying the ques tion of morals out of the matter altogether is there a reputable business man in ontario who would suggest that the government should provide facili ties for the wasting of 40000000 a year dn liquor in order that one dollar in eight of tho money thus spent shall find its woy back to tho provincial treasury tho policy of government sale is a policy of economic folly far better would it be for the government to take the revenue expected from it outpf the pockets of the people by direct taxation and leave them the balance that otherwise would be spent on whiskey to mow into tho channels of bene ficial trade as it does todayfor the rjurchase of food clothing furniture houses motor cars and other things that last longer and givo greater satis faction in the using than a gulp of fiery liquor now and then globe solved tho speotntor of the outlook toys that bnlnix engaged in an abnormal ntnto wlilih if ola on iio norvea of everybody tho engaged oouplo tnclud ml nobody known itow to manage thorn tlioy nro dim cult to adjust from n social point of view because thny ftro neither tho fish flesh and fuwl of unattached mortals ror yet ho good rod herring of married folic perhaps only iho rntlroly practical puritan can treat tho situation a certain old ire n tie man wan pant mnatcr in dealing with tlia engaged on ono occasion whan bo was acting director nt a bank the case of one of tho nmpluyuen was laid before tha board with tho advlco that tho board llpfltiso with that 1 mplpyeos aer- vlccn wrinln wrong with hlmt asked thn old man ho has been with us some time and ha used to ho satis factory i know it stated the complainant he can do perfectly satisfactory work and thats all tho mora reason why his present work la inexcusabu ilns botin warned and warned ro- heatedly whats wrong with him repeated the old contlomaq cvorythlng halfdone scamped 00 nttcntlon to anything i didnt aak what was wrong with hn work whats wrong with hlmt with hlmt vvo hoard he is en- gaged to a girl out of town hes pending his lime and strength golm tack and forth i supposo well nald tho wise one i should advlsn ralhlng bis salary to a point that will let him bring tho young lady lu this town hes been good before and its ukey hell be good again if we glvo him tha chance ho no doubt tho young man mar- 1 rlod i what kansas farmers ask for at tho recent mooting f tho hoard of agriculture of tho state of kapimn thoy concluded a session lasting over so vera days with discussions of all phases 6f farm ufa and problems by passing the following resolutions 1 kavor stale system of stale highways built and maintained from automobile license fees 3 icllmhmlo individual- competition of marketing farm products and en- do mo commodity marketing through the farmer- controllad cooperative agencies 3 favor and recommend tho est ablishment of milk an n national drink wain please take carvful notice of this i a tax on motor ruo used on roads for road ronntrucon and main tenance 6 legislation to qpn a waterway from tho great lakes to the tit law rence ft hnrtnrsa diversified farming lo provide all the year around employ ment 7 urge congressmen to compel ef forts to a full recognition of the lm- portancs of agrlqulture in- its relation to the eoonomlc welfare of tho nation ian liniment stops bieedino at once prevents blood poisoning removes all inflammation editorial notes the town of forest was fined 1400 last week by police magistrate yfoodrow of sarnia for refus ing or neglecting to carry out tho order of the pro vincial board of health requiring tho installation of a waterworks system in the town the council there has surely neglected to administer in the best ma terial or sanitary interests of the town according to a bulletin issued by the dominion bureau of statistics covering tho average- value of occupied farms in canada tho highest value is found in british columbia where an average of 100 an acre is placed for 1023 tho other provinces arc ontario 6400 quebec 5000 prince edward island 5100 new brunswick 2800 saskatche wan 2400 alberta 2400 tho rural mail carriers have a good friend in tho toronto star it suggests that along with tho other revisions referred to tho civil service com mission there be included the whole case of the rural mail contractors and that their request for a flat contract rate of 70 per mile per annum be fully reported upon lots see a little justice done that isnt done under compulsion of 11 threatened strike founded hot cross buns of course well have hot cross buns for good friday and of course theyll be of the usual good quality of fairbanks baking leave your orders for them early and be sure of your supply theyll be ready early on good friday morning plenty of the most tempting baking for the eastertide visitors will also be on hand fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton reports on canadas crops it pays to use martin semour ip03 pure paint varnishes wlrrlc to hud ooice moolraej for fre boouot home pmnt1nc made tas sold bv w d c talbot its no joke when you havo spoiled your baking by using poor flour you can always be sure- though if you use ex celsior brand flour wo take no chances in the making and you tako no chances in the baking when you specify excplior pastry flouh d h un d say mill street acton ontario at frequent intervals throughout the season the bank of montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in canada these re ports telegraphed to headquarters from the managers of the banks 550 branches cover every prov ince and form a reliable index of crop conditions the reports are furnished free upon request at any branch of the bank your name will be placed on our mailing list v bank of montreal total aiku in excess of 65000000000 absolute protection whatever comes by insuring four ways with a north american life policy you can provide against every possible misfortune which might deprive yourself or your loved onca of a secure future ipcome such a policy pays four ways 1 death 2 accident 3 total disabil ity old age thus with a 10000 policy under this four way north american life plan your bencflcinric receive in the ovoiit of your death from natural causes to000 if your death is accidental your heirs receive 20000 in case you arc totally disabled through sickness or acci dent you enjoy a monthly income of 100- and at tho same time your policy represents a saving tor old age when lessened earning power will reduce you- income we will bo glad to send you full particulars about this absolute protection policy north american life assurance company solid as the continent f c walls district manager 504505 bank of hamilton bldg hamilton onl i would hko full particular ubout the rollcy thai 1uytt four wuys name address age occupation business men generally will do well to be strong ly impressed with the established fact that money spent for liquor oven if bought from fi government controlled dispensary cannot be spent for the goods they deal in and for which under our present pro hitrltory law the people havo money to pay for a government dispensary in acton would divert 50000 or 75000 por year from the present channels of trade in lifes necessaries this amount was spent here annually when liquor licenses were granted tho shelburne economist has completed twenty- one years under tho editorial and business manage ment of mr t f e claridgc it was never more prosperous than it is today mr claridge is a practical newspaperman having had a dozen years experience in the economist ofnccbefore he became proprietor by instinct find training he is an editor of ability and has mado his paper a journal ot in- a word root ho passion or any sclancu may mav u man hopttlossly onsslds4 alt old prafossoiv vrhosa love for phil ology was such that h often dlsrs- it n riled the broader principles of lan- uago in h mlnuta search for th purllclua blndioi an ordinary english word to tts arywir or assyria an cestor t while this was a aource of eattiuuuu pleasure to tha good doctor dryasdust il caused his classes a kroat deal oc discontent dlnolly ono of the boldest of the students resolved to klve ths doctor a hint- with mock modesty hs rose and said quietly doctor i hnv been thlnkina a good dsal latoly upon the derivation of tho word ulddloiown what ht your owtt ides of ttt ahem said tho doctor rssjly air i am sfroldthst la a subjsct which will requlr much concentrated rs- nsollon now might 1 ask sir whether you hsvs discovered any ltbl on u1 voli yusl said the young man with a domura smlla it is my firm beluf ulr that mlddlutowu u derived rrom moses why bless my soul exclaimed tha dofior with u hsaty glance ovwr his spectaclss o assure himself that the young man was in earnest and pray air how do you dative middle town from moses i uuslly enough doctor replied tto ntudont hy dropping osos and add ing iddletownl fluencejn hit community the economist is forty the principles on whjch tho country we love ji onoy0arsof age vnd enjoys rhe goodwill of the ammaaij4 h i a new excuse cuslumor what do you mean by sallung me this stun yoil callsd hair restorur und telling ma it would re store my head to itm original ooudl tlonl chemist didnt you like lit customer no 1 didnt if i had kept on much danger i should have bean entirely bold original oondl tlon indeed i chemist most peoplo are born bald or nearly so sir that is th original pond it ion w ti t jcoqtituacy m t 5ri ixij il- ives wbbs08sbfrulril do you know tfliat- ihoford cmnkaliaic is machinud accurately to one thousandth purt of on inch th ford front axle la modu to withstand ahockv and straina ten tlmca greater than are ovr met in ordinary the ford car u com posed of lour complete units power plant- front running gear hour hun- blng gear frame- only five movements ol hand nvd leet are required to accom plish the shift from neutral to high on a ford cor as agolmh 15 on a aoioctlvc year sliift car tlicro is no potwlbluty ol folium to accomplish guiir uliifc hi the ford car therts id ho chjinco of clash uil years in he ford trunutnlaolontv 15000 operation ura per formed hi dm building of each ford cluudla tlio entire building of a ford dosed body requires 38 houra and is minutes during which time tho body pusitcu through iho himdti of 249 skilled body- builder trimmers und fmiahcrw see any audiorfaed fordt pctw fcars trucks tractors cfc busine directory dr j a mcnlven physlolan end burgeon offlee and ilenldonro- corn or uomr avonua and elgin htrwot phonic as dr e j nelson kitniniticic tiiicist acton ontario legal phono no 2z l o box us harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary pub i to conveysnoer eto perrvman dlock acton omt moniv ii nt on moktoatilss llouraro 30 a m to c pin huliifdiiyi la on nt lock h g me1r parriter solicitor notary public georgetown rqftt dental dr j m bell d d s- l ds dentist honor oraduate of toronto untv nlty the latent annthtlc unnd tf desired ortloa at residence corner mill m frederick street dr f g gollop dds ld3 dental surgeon ofnoe oter hank of nova bootla hotjus 0 so to 60 evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of alt kinds mod xm rder periodicals of every descrtptkm carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street ouelph oat over williams storo e p bowman ms ii a r am i i c land surveying and engineering 10 douglas st guelph successor to the to d a nlven o l 8 phonos oillm jh1 itm 374w dr a l price chiropractic electrotherapy 130 upper wyndhnm street guclph om 11 y im- limriio consultation ku1e r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yooru lxperlonco acton ontario balea entrusted to il x uerr re ceive attontlon from date of lis ting- to data of wile llt your sales with mo ilonldtmico uower avenue acton vhono 5a aoton call at my expense guelph business college offoru uptoduto clerical uuslness jtanogruphy and se cretarial courstim by axpart x- perlnncud tauihorx students may uttter any iluy wiuti3 vou iniohuation v i bimolx principal gladiolus t qutmhi of nil itiirdtm ttoworm 1 tho oludluliiit iitwl ulilmhl b in uvery inowitr lovutu gulden our hotter ciiihm olulj tost no mora fhal inforlor vuilollon umt are uarantemt to flower our dosurlp- tlve catuiiitluti gludly iiiulltid upou rwquost woodnll florid gardvud elmlrs ontario the old and reliable granite and marble work wo or manufacturers and chrwot importers of all kinds of uonumsnul und headstone work wo sell dlrot ui our customers at wholeaolo prlossi thus saving our ciln turners par oaot wo have tho bunt appliance and use only mechanics in the dominion vrtw can operate pneumatic toots property we oan glvo reference from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where other have to have law ultsln order to collet we have the largest end best stock of oranlto ta th dominion or more than any three dealer i the wel wo ar legiti mate dealers and employ tut agent end do nqt annoy or poet ouetomera by tending- out ignorojit agents solicit- if order- employ only mechanical ana atty oom petition hamilton sons quelph ont

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