Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1924, p. 5

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ailr aetna 3trp ra0 tiiuithday apkil 10 1024 when father 18 it wtion it rains nil day la rouli ami dull tnt them in fun to bn hud luvliitf i man h l urr whim lnthr li it wi 1 4 biff hut ik eyea lid mo von vory i il lac iid knuwu vhoru w inurhier mill when futlitr 1 i i i r v k f r u n u ft the sunday school lesson for 8uisday april 13 id24 i f irla the uttln hla mr whan fithcr u it he loom t iiilie omtt inliy i wlmn rutin r tu ii t nn uuiflx iii c h i hum l ut tin eloign qn j i you rt ur t imply can ml uu fith r in twenty years ago from tha laaue of tha free pre a of thursday april 14 1004 a couple of lennl vnihjialaatm play od thoir rint camo r tlm acuuiun vn the roorta in tha park luwt imuirstlay tha solf enthusiast urc already niandlna uiojr afternoon mi tha links ur r c johnston has doc t dad to remove to detroit next wook and ham cllaposed of hla property here mm p m mccsnrt who ho bean for many years an esteemed citlsen of acton has djirlnc tha week had he household effects removed to tor onto where her two abna martin and charles hold redd nosltiana during the past week property hoa ben changing hands johji harvey tiaa old hla house and lot at the corner of mill antt fvedarlck street to william ayer for b60 ilobert johns tonfjh la doublo dwelling on main street next knox church to malcolm medouffmll for 850 ii m taylor hla house and lot on wellington street tar walter pearson for ifioo w j chapman the shun and barn nj a fifty foot atrip on church street to johnstone a co for 1276 a large audience gathered in th lecture room of knox church on tuee day evening to enjoy the musical programme provided a number vary familiar hymns were used and a history of the hymns and something of its author wu given married shaw xiaby at toronto oi march 31 1904 robert shaw a esquesuia to annie eldest daugh tar of joseph losby of acton asthma cannot last whan the greatest of all tfthn specifics u used dr j t kellogga asthma remedy assuredly deserves this exalted title it has to its credit thousands of cases which other preparations bad failed to benefit it brings help to even the moat severe cases and brings the pa uont to a condition df blessed relief surely suffering from asthma is need ls when a remedy like this is so easily sectored i spent residing the fully qualified when i woe a young man several years ut the south for a while at port hudson m river a great deal of litigation was coins an there and it was not always easy to obtain jury men one day x was summoned to act in that capacity and repaired to court to get excused on my namo being called 1 informed the jugp that i was not a freeholder an th not qualified to erve do you realdat insujrod the judge i am stopping for- the time betas at roct hudson you board at the hotel i presume r i take my meajs there but have rooms hy another part of tha town so you keep bachelors hall tea sir how long nave you ilvod in that manner r about six months i think you are qualified bravely remarked the judge i have never known a man to keep bachelors hall for the leiurth of tlm you name with out having dm enough in his room to make him a freeholder i the court does not excuse you ihuallhhtitljool w3tii haat wohhhip 1 kings ib 20 24 30 3b ool inn text n man in survn two muntnrs yn cum ut rnirv qail and mnmnum mult d 24 the text explained verse 20 mmjnl carmel actually it abort range t mountains rlnlng abruptly from the rialn of do than very hear the mediterranean and ex lending in a s utheasterly direction terminating abruptly in the central htlla of banutrlu on the aat lies thn ilaln of iadraalon wnlnrml by tlm hrotu klshun un1 u thn- woel the i laltt of sharon tlm contest botwean the ilanl worshippers und ilia worehlj i era of join vuh tirobablytook plaoo on th i highest point of tho rl tge on the sldo of the plain of kedraelon and was thurefons yleible to the vast mul tttudom which undoubtedly gathered til tout hacauno of i la productivity mount curmel wua ronsldered by the i rophi is as thn kind of qlace to re- five loili basamg tho contest was thum hold on tho npot already deemed sacred the contest n mount carmel was of tho greatest importance for tho future of religion in israel for upon its outcome rested the determination aa to whether israel would give loyal devotion to moral and spiritual living demanded of followers of jehovah the qod of righteousness or would silvo itself qver to unsplrltual ideas and immoral rites foatsred by devotees of baal a nature qod verse 21 how long go ye llmplngt vstur of jehovah proven ted thoir open adherence to baal worship foar of the rulers of the nation militated against loyalty to jehovah the people lacked nufftclonl strength of charactot to make a decision to loyally adhere to either religion it was elijah s fear- trust 1n jehovah which saved israel verse 38 when tho fire of jehovah fell it is noteworthy that elijah hi pre eminently tho prophet of yahweh manifested by fire here on carmol the fire consumes the sacrifice at he rob the wind the earthquake and the firo precede the still small voice tho captains of fifty are destroyed by ire kings l 10 and tha prophet ascends in a chariot of fire l kings 3 11 peaffe the passing otf coal and bunk lesson thames a clearcut issuer 1 is to the lro- a corrector of pulmonary troubles many testimonials oould be present ed showing tho great ofbcaoy or dr thomas ecloctric oil in correcting disorders of tha respiratory proc but the beat testimonial i experience and the oh is recommended to all who suffer from these disorder with the oetalnty that they will and relief u will alloy inflammation in the bronchial tube x careful wife royalties are much like other folk after all a pretty utile stocy la told in mr w beatty kingstons men cities and events which elves pleasant picture bf the kaisers fath then crown prinoo of prussia afterword the emperor frederick lit the incident took place at the nuptial ball of the pearl of savoy the wel beloved marguorlta she was dancing when her drss caught in the spur of a cavalry officer and was so badly torn that a wisp of gauge trolled from tha skirt along the floor quickly the prussian hwtr apparent earn up produced a dainty little mor ooco case took from it a tiny pair of scissors and kneeltug down deftly out away tho wreckage when her royal highness had resumod her danoo frederick william went up to prince humbert and craved permission to keep the tatter as a souvunlr of the queento be the request was cordfal ly granted and xlia prince carefully folded up tho bit of kuuxa and put it in his pocketboak kin viator emmanuel oorapllmuiit edthe ybung man on lurrying such an outflf even in the butt room the merit belongs to my wife sire answered tha iruwn prime iung ago ahe gave me a jvocket necessatro with all sorts of ueerul things needles thread buttons hooks salssora and so forth and made me promlss tu keep u always about me what took place just now only provm that 1 am u lucky fellow to have suoh u clever wlf to 109k out for me jo one need endure tho ugutty of dome with holtowuy a corn remover at hand to remove thorn mortal honor of elijah that he saw and expressed the sharp opposition between the worship of bool and the worship of uobovah through ions periods the nation had tried to com bine the worship of the xxrd with heathen lam probably thero wei many well meaning people in that older day who thought that this could be done elijah saw that there was no way that hla people could serve two masters they oould not worship images which ministered to the low est cravings of human nature and at tho same time worship that lord who eould only be found by human nature at its beat as we stats the opposl lion thus it la perfectly clear it was not so clear in elijah time it might not have been ao clear la our time if elijah bad not done hut part to make the opposition self evident the courage of elijah it is true that there were thousands- in israel who had never boyred the knee to but k is also true that these thousands had not yet deported them selves with any degree or conspicuous boldness jbluah could depend on the righteous wrath of the nation being on his- slda in case everything went well but seme thing might go wrong ahab and hut torces were there and bttjsji knew what to expect from them lri case anything did go wrong anyone who has seen a crowd stirred by a great religious emotion knows how helpless and hopeless the cry of single opponent would be in the face of the roar of- the multitude of course in saying this wb are frankly drawing thought of the priests nught have upon our vwn guesses as to what the been in any case however no plctur of old testament history suggests more complete heroism than does thla of elujah and according to the chronicler it all rested upon faith in god tho religious motive of elijah elijah was a social reformer in his life work ha was actuated by hlgt religious ideals and motives such motives have usually predominated in individual efforts at social and nation el betterment th uvea and work of all the hebrew prophets witness this fact and later christian reform era such as savonarola wydlffo luther calvin zlnxendorf and wes toy have followed in their footsteps it la true that the religious motive in reform marges with other motives such as patriotism philanthropy and an altruistic interest in the social weu being of ones fellows thla merging however invariably lifts those other motives to a higher level purifying and transforming them indeed an cannot fully understand or rightly op redattt philanthropy and ultruuuii intll one traces them back to their historic source lit the sense of religion obligation one does not see patriot ism at its best unfll one finds a patrlpf in wham love of country is chastened by the fear of ooct the rellgioua ideal and motive is both capable and worthy of cultivation in one s dally tho noblest life of service with out it falls short of what it might become and achieve for study and discussion what were the characteristic of ijaal vrorsbipt who was active n its promo tlorrt what clear cut lasua did elijah raiser what fundamental mo live prompted elijah la religion necessary in the establishment of all permanent progress tkws the stmul taneous following of jehovah and raal ujistttute a genuine problem to day mention forms f idolatry prevalent in modern western civilisation how rauv theaw be t radicated t dally resotqtor next waek monday april l4 ikngs lt is- 1 tusftday april 5 kings 6 1 14 wrtdnasduy april l2 kings 1 thursday april 171 kings 4 8 13 i ilday april 181 kings 4 14 83 huturday api ii 193 kings 13 l4 hunday april 20 isalin jl ii top left a cosy private elttlno room on the empreaa of france rlom a corner of the royal suits abroad the vassal which is above being assisted into her bsrtk at quebec right a converted cabin and so fix w rid goos on far as human kn lvlu if goes chancl b pver n w there ro mtlll some among un tray h tired hwn they arc who ramnmbor the eli par shl which years ago rortotl the gallao 1 from tho nitanl tlie uruat four mast ed barques that are now soon only in island trade on southern sous but these men are ihu privileged few excopt for a few iichooners which ply the fishing banks the sailing vessels have gone the way of all things and in thelc place we see tho steam driven vessels gigantic palatial and so dlf ferent in almost all their aspects from the wind propel tod veasola as to almost belle their origin there came coal coal revplutlonlxed tha shipping in dustry as thn marine engine was lm 1 roved upon and duvolopud this com modlty became more und more in do mand until it became u necessity lars t ships worn lenlgnod and operated than avof before they becamo morj spacious commodious and faster than ever before cabins were improved upon the sleeping bunks could bo so or ranged as to ensure privacy for tho occupant thostate room was evolved and so the shipping world goes on oil is now coming into its own the nsvles of the world are converting vessels and designing many of the wd dltfons to float for thn use of oil and their older wardships into oil burning finds in up to dale hotels room for some years post tho steamship companies of all nations have been turning their attention to oil as well a to coal supplies and resource the canadian pacific steamship company early appreciated the ad vantages ffered by oil and the latest conversion to bo announced by tha ompany la that of the empress of hruiiro this great liner has for some time hald tho rooorl for the fastest voyago between tha st lawrence and croat urltaln und if is anticipated that tho time made on tha record trip will bo beaten by the empress after her reconditioning another important change is the re i lacement of all sleeping bunks and mattresses and the conversion of the cabins into rooms similar to those one which were formerly four berth cabin ore now equipped with two brass bed steads while cabins that hod two berths ore now rooms with a single bed many of the rooms that ore equipped wlui thn bedsteads have also an ingeniously arranged borth which folds into concealment on the wall thus affording accommodation for an extra member of the family party when so dslrod this ship the fmi roas tit franco has been chosun to cruise around the world in 26 undi r the canadian pool fie management it will sail eastward from new york on january 27 and daring its five months itinerary will be the only object in many an ancient port to exemplify the last ward in modernity a thorough block system after tho train had mad several sudden jerks and abrupt siois he traveller became apprehensive tqwu had been numerous accidents on thu lino of 4ate und there was cause for fear colling the porter aside the said flam in this train safet safe as any sah assured tha porter well is there u block system on this road 7 rains grin oxleitdtnl from ear to ear block system boss 7 why wo had de greatest block system in de world ten miles book we were blocked by u load of hay six miles buck we ware blocked by rnulu just now we were blpcherl by caw and i reckon when we get further aouf jvs11 be blocked am h vermifuge an effective prepare m le mother chavea worm exter mlnator and t can be given to the must delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution the peppery kind tv40 ltev amos lether was a keei id accomplished naturaust his specialty was a quite remarkable knowledgv of different c i oasts of fungi ills enthusiasm however wua but i lid iff aen tly appreciated by certain mumbirs ut hla pariah and one day whan calling upon uno of them old miss locke he was considerably em burrumsed when she reminded htm of the exant length of time that ha i elapsed since he lust paid her a visit he began it make excuses for the ilelay wher she cut him short hi i wua a toadstool she said with by an alligator block system boss t grim irvny you d have been to sec well ah guess i me long ago i he reads character an elevator man in a fashlonablo flat professes to be able to tell n persons character by the way he or she pushes the electric bell sold ho should the ring bo vory light i know that tho person is a mild man nered good na lured whole sou led in dividual whom i am only too anxious to obllga but should thn ring bo a furious one then i conclude tho person la an impatient peevish or hot tem pored person more furious than his ring and with whom 1 take trty tlmo in answering with women it la the aame thing a mild mannered woman will merely touch the bell whle the hottempered creature will keep up a continual ringing until you descend and will then proceed to upbraid you for not hurrying a free smoke a wily old sco at one time had occasion for a long railroad journey scarcely had he become comfortably settled in a corner of the smoker when a stronger entered and seated himself by his side for a time there was hence between them while from all iiidfla clouds of tobacco smoke rosi into the already heavily tadep atmos phore the stranger seeing a cigar in tho old mans pocket turned to him and said my man why don t you smoke your cigar v the old fellow looked about cau tiously before replying hush mon he whispered can ye na s i m getting all this unoku freer notice to hydro users the hyxhio commission have increased the business hours of the hydro shop as follows tuesday afternoon fridayevening saturday afternoon and evening klndlf hu above hours at which thla shop wilt be open buy yoi f i goods in on electrical shop which is owned by the hyd consumers of acton where you are assured of best quality goods enure satisfaction and right prices success leads to satiflfactloy j w kennedy son plummjng heating tinsmithing the success of work in scores of homes upd business places in acton is a guarantee that wo are in h position to assure you sutis faction we will appreciate your order and will- executl it with promptitude main street acton it pays to use martin senour mapbleite floor finish abthtng- like it for jhrdwood moors it trvars like iron wrrte to kd offlc montnol for tnm beokwt momt maoc cabv sold bv s w d c talbot t the indications of worms ore rest leanness grinding of the teeth picking of the nose extreme peevishness often convulsions under these conditions one of the best remedies that can be got is ml tiers worm powders they will attack the worms as soon as ad miniatured and they pass away in the evacuations the tttlo sufferer will be immediately eased and a return of the nttuck will not be likely the advartaoe of position the late charles hsddon spurgeon was not one of those geniuses who auddanly becomn a revelation to their friends aa a child he was exceeding ly intelligent and his subsequent de veiapraent was continuous his schoolmaster lookod to him whenever a question had long gone unanswered one winters day however whin the weather was bitter cold a change seara to 00 mo over the boy his answers wentiwldo or the mark soon he dropped to the bottom of the class and stayed there tho teaahar was puxxled his prise pupil seemed to have lost every spark of intelligence rut vm bo thought he noticed that bpurgeon ut tho foot of the class sat rltfht in front of the stove it took but a moment to re arrange the pupils the head boy was given the warm not and hpurgeon wua placed next thu wlrfdow then the questions began again the ohange was complete prom that moment spurgeon did hot heal tatfl tor the right answer pive min utes utter be was oaoe more at the head of the class sitting in front of the stove u has many quail use the man possesses a bottle of dr thomus c lectrio oil is armed against many ills it will relieve u ci ugh break a cold prevent sore throat it vrltf ruducs the swelling from a prut 11 reliuve the most persistant sorwu an 1 will speedily hitul cuts an 1 contusions it is a mtntlclne tbest in itself not appropriate place tin ir bout was dilftlng idly the sun shuns above und tha sou was seren while she was hitting snugly then he proposed iyom the opposltn mil of the craft iu gssed ut hint mlinly thun aha sail as u ma k tor tif common sense realising that wu urn in this boat on water more thuli rtfiy feet doap and if you were kolnu to ucl as you should an l if i accepted you we would b oapslsed 1 will ileiuno your proposal at this moment but oeorge row ax fust as you can to tho shore und usl again t7vz y en you caaruao our name- ww ej jj frundv will in your ckotcs of stetimtaty sa sipo k1 af good tssu snj pmenslily th ppt tkar gaj rnrra vajpkr art a mm kmpiimr bant shewing aw tiim empire r to m i ushtnbimraof wmumttlfht 100 value barns pvmtatmnt supmtrong crtwn nt j tnxmat mn usgtrngttw tlw cmplra bam is plsnk comtructlon til ckntlbcally built at immtoctng punki wlnf normous ttrfnith dupl brdnf throughout complau stnktuta solid a a nek m to whtntand th iwavkkt ttonra iho outward prauura of hay and rata pranouncod by anilnoan to ba tho atroniatt typa at bamcanttructlon no obatruetlnr crots baanx bracaa ate all latariar h cum flook spaceldaal to work llft get our prices for your barn just tall us lanjth and width and also drias you want and say roan you will probably noad tho bam this will not bind you in anyway vva alao htmlsh saparataly our famous empire corrugated iron u eastlake shirigles standard of qusuty for 40 years il building coroult us our e sotvicc dept is at yur disposal and can five you real help the metallic roofing co limited aci toronto mefce eseryuung in wttmrnt ss4sl iw vnn kl1llaga 18s j no 64 no cs no 011 no s3 no 68 no 70 7 43am 10 4n m 1 43 p m 4 43 p m j 7 43 m v p in no 66 no 6 no i no 67 no e6 no 60 no m no 61 sunday timetable westbound a 11 40am 3 40 u m 8 40 ikjh 0 40 pjn 10 43 am 3 43 pm e49pm r43pm freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at an ad- ea in toronto el t thbtford agent acton chevrolet gives quality transportation at the lowest cost per mile the automobile aa a productive factor in canadian business has proved of greater value than any other single invention by shortening distances and time the automo bile brings buyer and seller together more quickly conveniently and economically than any other means of transportation the automobile has increased mans earning power many times over and chevrolet the lowest priced quality car in the world pro vides this efficient transportation at a lower price per mile than does any other car built continuous daily service under difficult con ditions only proves the complete depend ability and stamina of this practical car in appearance chevrolet does credit to any business house or professional or private per son in appointments and equipment it is as complete as the most discriminating owner could wish chevrolet is an investment that wtllpay good dividends investigate atk about tflg qjfjlc deferred payment pima 16 w eovocsstotl mavtaaypolrtfcslawy see avage and ee better writs or phone for appointment for whan you wlah u come a d savage optometrlat ev mfo optician savage optical building might at the post office ouelph fisher king representatives for this section call on them at or write and thev wilu call on you georgetown castoria motfieri fletchers castona is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drpps and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arm and children all uge of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness respond natural sleep without opiates p to avoid imlutuidi ntwayi look fof the ilsnature of clswr7cjuu v u i n cacl naduge physicians everywhere recomraccu il rwhen t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to v orders left t e gibbons main street acto piles lc3avlng3 jbitouomtsrvtor ttoronto canada acton elevator near a t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henry awrey manager this stores policy to represent goods e actly as to thoir quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know ut a uniform fair pi ico to funl alt guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to dcervo your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewulei guelhh r ontario

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