Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1924, p. 2

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ihfjp artdu 3frgg 3rr 00 i uilthday aluil 17 1024 l to flfid easter llililv lvit huth tiopinnitmr iy iouon tan rimiomcr tin know wlmn lmler a como iuiilt h t von arlioiura uuijio vlnii mum ii tlu twimtyural u past j mil wnt h tlin nllvory moon utt win ii vdii nn it f an round kimivv iantcr m bo itartt noon fur hit niiin luui riucbed iu full 1 ik n iumii r will to hern rim v i j hunday attar in tuli and every year liut if u ttuv on hun day tin moon should roach its halslit u mimluy f allowing this ovenl will tu hit knot or brlkbt qood friday 1 oiiuirrow murk what in really oho t l tin thrno illntlnkulnhlntf incident tluil r intra to i hrlatlaruty from all itur ityutms of religion tho world linn i vnr known ft la a day chat hluiulil otfciurngn a little re floe i ion ni liu rtiuuxkubl ihlnss connected with tliut oni wlioxi llfo and teachings ioao inuro to do with the shaping or mii iiiik r and tho lnftuonon of which life mill touching has nnctod individ- uiiih unil uovornmnnts to an client unii iriillulod by any or all ayatom of tlmuidit or tho product of modem fi tiliiknir philosophy tim threo outstanding- incidents ore dm birth death and resurrection at iii m who im called christ thus are tluj iilyotal polnu of iba christian doctrine pf all churches acknowledglnc the christ ua a divine head and tho immensity of tho thought contained in nitch of thoao three accepted facta muy in itanlf ha considered aa evidenc ing tbolr dlvlna origin tho dream htunva of two the aral and third vontu may bo aald to bo humanly un- cdinprfilinnalblo tho looond that which w iminmorut tomorrow good 1 rlilny thu death of the christ la torn pro bonded by everyone through wtuoh fxporlonoo all muil travel houkb wo cannot tell why or what tho futuro holdu in ntore jiht lrdy marks tho greatest uacriilce the world haa ever heard of bufor which all human conceptions of haurlrim soem insignificant it ap peal to tho deepest motions of all liumufi kind and haa given to all the nuhllmo inspiration that beyond the vnu thuro is an experience wonderful und uniouo which all tho world a wis dom arid jnvontlon have failed to pene- iritto or explain in a contemplation uf wha l moans the day ought to be begun with a sense of obligation to him whoso llfo and death have given to i in- world un unparalleled faith that h in itsolf tho- greatest strength lend nuppuit of all in the things that can to m uu as human beings qood friday u not a holiday but a holy day shadowed a harming old lin el labwoman haa rvconlly related with reminiscent glee bow ttlm onco sat next mr gladstone at u dlnmr party and listened gravel whllo ho discoursed on the safety of our umos in contrast with the- past liu rrqarkcd especially that it is now tiuuhlhle for public men to go anywheru untfiitirdod with no danger at attack from the many on amies they must in ovltubly make ills htarer was a friend of thi hostosa and was aware that while be talked the impassive- liveried footman behind his chair and another immedl atoly opposite on the other aide of the table were detectives from scotland yard sent especially for hi protec tlon yet another guard in evening dress was waiting upstairs ready to mingle with the guests when they should leave the table tho grand old man did not pre serve this happy unconsciousness oi tho police surveillance ujo which he was long subjected especially in the streets doing entirely fearless despite tho threats of lunatics anarchists and unbalanced political opponents which made protection only reasonable he resented it with vigor and tried per sistently to elude his guardians ha- dodged he disappeared he took short cuts and unexpected routes he gave them as much trouble as if he had boe a cracksman instead of a statesman but he could not escape his shadows onco at his club bo persuaded a fellbw member of about bis general build to take his coat and hat and walk vut carrying an umbrella suf ficiently aslant to conceal his face in the hope of drawing the waiting shadow outside on his trail long enough to afford the real quarry a chance to slip out unobserved it was a clever trick but useless tho watching shadow saw the coat tho hat and the umbrella emerge aod know them to be unmistakably glad a ton ian but the qladatonlan gait an equally unmistakable point of idenu flcatalon woa consplclously absent happelupmd tapped the- ob liging individual sharply on the arm 1 bolloye air he said you have just loft that cub with another gen tlemans property in your possession the auapocted thief had lo confess and mr qladstono to share the con fession it was his lost effort after that bu rooagnlxed one sort of shadow as no teas inevitable than the other ujljp jfrrr iprpbb hnrl tnrjr the ivory miniature and sheaf of easter lilies ilain a l htanhiiuio t wah man i the nortlinr jal cropping i minus on tint tune thin nldtt amonir uioao unappreciated 1h ttvarhor of a district school uln a story that reminds one of mary and her uttio lamb only it is of joe and his iltttu dog joo was a boy about eight years old and was devoted to omail lank puppy out of school boprs boy and dog wore inseparable and joe appar ently could not reconcile blmself to the necessity of leaving the dog at bom for aeveral mornings the teacher allowed the puppy to remain ut juli foot under the desk thn there came u dy when the small uog could not bo kept qulst but fruknit about tu the delight or the school mul tho dismay of the teach nr jou alio sold firmly you must tuku that dog out jou looked at her mournfully hut pliikml up the hup and with us heool usjntiiat iheak startod for the uoer tho imiyw roollngs wera evidently hurt but mild nothing until he reached thn dour then giving his teacher a reproachful look with a pitying glaiioo tuwuri bis dog he said slowly and hes nutnod for you thc evening message th pattoi of tiny foot was heard from thu lop of tho stairs mrs klnd- orby ratsod hor hand warning tho luutnhorh uf the bridge club to be sllout iluah she said softly the child ren uro tcolng to deliver their good night inussage it always gives ma a fool lug of roverenpe to hear them listen i there was a moment of tease alleiico then mamma came a ahrtll whisper wllllo found a bed bug 1 followed the lawyers advioe a man seeking advice from a young will id tor on how to avoid his creditors was instructed to plaoe all bis pro- perty in his wifes name letter the solicitor presented his bill for servloea rendered and received the following reply t dear blri 1 took your advice and placvd all of my poatmsslona in ajr wafts nooio amd now i hv no nymey j r pty 3f0 tot jtojbr sjgtjotsv yearn ago whoti n pacific itullway lowly iicroas the inn its temporary hunks of tho yollow- f thn uorklom gray scarred battlo- grounds of nro unit wator which thf imltunn uplly iinmcd lland-i-nnils-to- travel over u tull unkempt rough ly drejiseil luit gun in hand and olouo- ty followrd by a bound wan walklnc uloug th right of wo ills loan awkward flguro might jmv boon that of tin ovnrsrown boy pf flftoan but the expression of ills fate induiitml nlthor room yoani if ait unnpumtijmbln nmtu ley a a mutter of fact tom iowry wna in hla aovonteonlh yur hut in unlovoly rloii o of llfo ho might havo boon twlco hla real ago friend leiui wulf ho iai boon along by that woatwardmovlng win of progrrsa which cnrrlxl with it nc only tho otitbrprlalng and industrloui but as long ago to david in tho cavo of adullam everyone that was distress and everyone that was debt and everyono that was discon tented he was familiar with unbrldlod li cense or tho fur frontier drinking frofanlty anil gmipluy tho shameless parade of faro table in tho aldewalka when hoot droyo tho play eta frp tho clone interiors of tho bumbling saloo into tho upon air degrading crimes either unpunlahod br dealt with by the summary methods of lynch law all these hnd ceasod to excite hn by tholr novelty naturally feariesa and adaptable and fortlnod by ovll know ledge he hnd made for himself an assured piece in his rough environ- menl hea got the makln of a man in him said jake bolder proprietor of tho tourlat s homo the combina tion hotel and saloon whore tom serv ed as port or and general helper tho assertion was truv although not ac cording to jakes moaning the sun mounted higher and hotter and the hound lagged behind his younx master with lolling tongue the air shimmered above the desertgrowth of aromatic sagebrush and prickly- pear tho only shadows of the tree- loss waste were cost by tho strangu tawny buttcs rising abruptly out of the plalnllka towers and bastions of some old fartlflcatonu tho lad walked on steadily with look bejit upon tho ground vet with all his apparent usilesaness hla eyed were keen buddonl ho stopped short arrested by a glenm of bluo at tho root of a coarse tuft of buffalo grass turning aside to investigate ho picked up- a amall ovalshaped velvetcov ered miniature cauo there had boon no recent rnlne and under iho deposit of tine yellow duat tho delicate color and material wore uninjured tom pressed his ongar upon tho spring and the covers flew apart an exclamation his lips the faco of a lady exquisitely hts lips th face of a lady exquisitely painted on ivory looked out at him with un expression so ufcllko and u smile so vivid and tender that a real soul seemed to bo speaking through the sweetly curving llps and the deep gentle blue eyes it was the coun tenance af a woman in middle age as yet unllned by years yet trans figured wth that mature beauty whlcn comes only from experience of the highest and most tender relations of life she was just a mother tbats what she was said tom in describing hn emotions afterwards id never seen like ber but i didnt need to be told the air thrilled to tliodlstant rumble of a train and tom whistling to his dog strode away a fow paces and concealed himself behind a butti ue could not have explained why he wished to be alono with this wonder ful treasure trove even the thought pt the momentary flash of curious eyes from a carwindow displeased him he threw himself upon ithe ground still gasing at the picture while the hound rubbed a soft nose against his masters arm wondering dumbly at eliciting no responsive caress id a had anybody llko you the boy ut length addressing the portrait as if it were living t reckon i wouldnt be in plko city id a been in an altogether different place an id ji been different i spoao jts too late now a sudden spasm of emotion shook him and ions unaccustomed tears prang eyes nnd uncontrollable sobs shook him the dog licked hla hand and whined poor old mlkol said thu youth lifting hla head youre iho best friend 1 ye ffot yau and me 11 stick ugother rising he slipped the miniature int his breast pocket 1 can keep it all light said he a thing ilka that never belonged to anybody around bore homebody must a dropped it off the train i shant need to look for bo ownui an tom entered the barroom uf the tourists homo with his dug a man who bad been drinking heavily lurch ed forward and trod by chance upot the animals foot enraged by the yelp 6f pain which followed bo dealt mike a kick wlttrhls hobnailed boot which sent him away limping and howling tom sprang forward in rt fury of anger eyes hluslug and fists clenched cut us lie raised hla arm lo strike the mo vein out lightened hu ough jucket and he foil the uimcaui- toniod pressure uf the volvut cuu ubove tils bvart iho oath dinl un hlw lips upd bis hand fell to his sldr stooping he laid his hnnd un the dog and loft the room without u word the habitues of tho place looked ut each other in ustotiluhiueik well what dyrt think n that 7 sold one with u luultli wtiutovurw liinio to torn mmt tiniti i owe nuo him shirk tlm david un oolluth net ulri another i bclluvt- thai boy d inaroh utiln ulhull urmy if ye only got him mad tmough ho dldn t look sculrt tlthiti whutw uome uver the buyt as duya utid weeks pasnod the my tery deepened home wuhtlo tnnuunoe was ut work in tout ills outbursts of l em pel grew infruijuent or were quickly controlled rho oath d hajf- formed ipon his lip lus lank frame straightened and took on u cer tain dignity tom roust v got rullgioni said one of the toon one day when turn had with dlfflcblty restrained himself under exasperating provocation amid the uproarious laughter which follow ed wu beard the roug voice of the proprietor an if he baa jim holstrom ha u kind that k wouldn t do you or ory of the reefhere onyhurtto b for- agin fori i dont gueas id ever be aonuafd o balnea suiot but i tall you fmsvemj boy or man ehhaf around this plgoe that speoka evsrybody clr doaa hla work faithful an no klolttn la goto to be stood by you ftallera 11 find it healthy to ut the kid lontt botpe month had lapaed whtn tom ntarnjjat ttooa abuna cfttlrj6 u aiding l bo luxuriooii prlvul oim of tho offlrl tin of un rpud holder jtrcotcd him voolfortith jal ly tom jouvo come in be nick lime uuniiela an hi pmty uro lnn ohttlll ill he u briilllfht iiim noil alini he told no lutit year that tln biv wnw out binlih an it tomim hn i hcoit nort o lonlng uround rtgllt ulmik 1 1 in futb r allowed mm jnurm y inlpbt do him holi but it looks to mi- llkt ho was booked for n lougur one luintieis tud hts men havo tako i poll to an gmto- on u proitpiioun trip f hey loft a man hore iaridy n n woman lo lookuftur the young follor he n lilppor as tun bo for nil hi i whlto fuco but i ve un idoe that ho gets lonenome now you re juat tho one u blrk him up ijoyu ulwnyj wunt uniimibody of tlnlr own mn tuko all thn time off for biin that you run un it ii be money in my pocki t with bin father if i van koup the bo cou nted his n party of uiffiohuntr aw ut wbju u tom will novor forcot meeting with raymond itunnols tho outline of the dellrnto featuros tlu brilliant bluff eyes tho amilo all sug gested some haunting resnmblanca mr haider promised to avml you aid luiymond with an eager note or welcome 4ji his musical volo und now thut i huo you i urn sure w ahall bo good frlondm good frlonds they worn from th flrul toms sympathy for the beauti ful pulefacod boy cut off so toln- pletdly from tho onjoymonts natural to hut age precluded any fooling of dim den co on his own part while ray mond attracted by tho utrongtb and freedom oxpressod in tom s athletic frame admlrod wltli all hlu generous hasrt the qualities which ho could no hope to emulate for ten perfect days tho boye spent nearly all their waking hours to- gether toms upoocli wua uncultivat ed but ho posseaaod vivid dosarlptlvo powara und hla stories of froittlex udveature charmod his listener and brought a flush of plousure to tbu colorless checks at length the ponytrain had re turned and mr runnels car woa to be attachod next day to tho eastward bound express it was the boya last evening together in raymonds state room a restlobu motion of the sick boys arm threw a book from hu reading stand to tue floor und tom stooped io rupluce it as he did so u small object fell from bis broas pockot and with an involuntary ox- clamatlon or dismay lm bold it up ti the light whats tho moltr7 mond nothing i reckon i wiu ufrald it was broke the rays of the lamp tllumlnod tin oval case of tho miniature and ray mond started eroct in hlu cuuychulr what is that tom7 a picture i found alongside tl railroad truck lust summer lot me soo it raymonds voice was strange tom gave it lo him wondering i thought sol in un excited ton its mine my mothers picture 1 lent it to father to carry when h want west inst year and ho lost it ho thought ho must havo pulled it out of bis pocket with his- gloves or hand kerchief sometime when ho wua stand lng on the platform and just to think that you should find it tom it of boranls futhor paid five hun dred dollars to havo it painted for me welt i am glud tom made no answer his face wus turned away well lie underatood now the elusive likeness why donf you speak tomt are you not glad too tom turned im trying to be he said slowly what do you mean i ii tall you about myself raymond then maybe youll understand 1 was born in the poorhouso my father was dead un my mother lived only a few days i wus brtnjgbt up there till i wus go in an eight then they put me out to u farmur j ain t gain to say much about him because i try nowdaya not to fool about any body the way i havo ubout him there was timea before 1 know bettor when id a killed him ilka u snake if i d bon big enough un durst ive soon a tot o hard men but be was the hard- eat when i was so ilttlovhut i could not hard hold the plowhandles hod sit on the fence an watch un then pound mo if tho furror wunt strulgh i was halffroxo in winter un half starved nil thoyoar ktnalty iran away i begged uoniothln to oat ulons tha way an slept under bushes at bight till i got buck to tho poorhousu an then ho cumo for me an they inuda mo go with htm uguiu vou uu itu ens what sort of u deal i got after that i stayed till i wua twelve an thun i tried ugulu thut tlmo 1 got uway i fell hi with some trumps that took a liking to me wo boat our wuy west thats how i got hero an thonj found u job ut juko uolder place there wua u lot o hurd oustomors an it want long before i could bold my own with em i learned lo awear en to take a glass ive got a hot temper an the men liked to mlr me up just for the fun uf urn thing when i was mud 1 novor cared what i done or said then one day when 1 d been out hitodn gophers i found this picture 1 tiwvwr know there cuiild bo anybody llko that an thu longer i looked the meaner 1 felt it was like i wu turned inside out all oould sua every thing hud id evur done 1 butud 11 ku city thu drinking swunrlng and itht- lng all i kept maying to myself if id only ad a mother like thut then all ui umio- i thought why couldnt i make bollovi nbo was my mother un try to act thuy shodjllko 1 oouunoiiiiitd to liy twua uwful hard work htoimitlliintf it souutid us if imr ryvi looted nofry un vomut1nnt glud when 1 l bueii mad all through 1 would n t lot mymif look ut ull on- whau weak utter 1 fought tim lllluy i dlclu t ilurst opori the tau ive got so that i care more fur thut pltitnio than uliytblng ulo in the world ive looked ut it las thing at nlglit un first thing in the looming all the alms raymond youve hail the real motiier now youve got tin plature too an i havent anything he burled his fao fn bis hands tom i tom orlo the other take itbackt i wouldnt keep it from you for thu world llut lletuill yuu shall have the mother tool you ur goinc hon with meio burl kuther spoke of giving you a chance snuiotlmn theyll do unylhlng or nio ho wrpt tlu rapidly anything you see wi make believe thut i in going to get will but wu kpow batter wt itevnr if want for the little whllo i luii have and i want a brother if was very beautiful in theaulstrta graveyard all uro und t was an avenue of pines and die llptht wind made a soft whispering- in their branqheot the turf was velvet green and ufa air full or roses a slandur lady tn black carry lng a grat sheaf gum up tha patll hm aide her walked n tall ynung man the two stopped beside oho of jha itravea and tho lady placed the iustor llllrii tenderly upon ii tiiih la hlu flrnt iiuetrr in heaven tom ebo said smiling through tears and my first real kaiiter xn earth tom answered you know i nnvnr ixigun tn live iii ou taught m mul her eastertide may the brlahtnoso of easter da mid lie innocence of tho lilies ami the b0efutnesa of springtime weave themselves like golden threads into your llfo all will welcome nprlng coming wintor in just one tun of coal after another toll ui ye wlngod wintry winds that through our whiskers blow is winter never going to endt thai a what we want to know othor mlgns of aprlug the days are longer the hun warmer tho eggs more pjentlfuh undfcheajtetf ami that ii something to ruckle about a mail said be was lettlnsbls whla kre grow since hli wife bus begun ui buy bis neckties lawyer i w truth beforo 1 fend you llo ihlngt prisoner yes oxcopt wh tho money i want hat fur to know the whol an succoosfully do you told me every early to sow early to harvest whllo the expression early to sow karly lo harvest doea not apply to all kinds of vegetables it des to many rucb heat loving plants as the bean cucumber melon popper eggplant and com make little if any progresw if sown or planted in the open befor the ground is warm and dangor from even the lightest front la over bill hi ore la little danger of too early seed ing of carrot lettuce onion peas radish and aplnnch and if caul inn we and cabbage ore well hardened off be fore sotting out tha early planting of hicm will usually n much quicker roturna than if the wore planted late kwen with acme of those plants which require much heat for rapid develop ment an early start jn hotbods li desirable so that they will bo well ad- vnncodofore setting out promptness in getting tha hardlc- vegelable into tha ground in thn spring providing the ground is well drained will usually result in earlier crops tvon in the case of corn one has a warm werfdratned piece of land where the seed is not likely to rot before germination on at least a tmnll tirjt it will pay to sow the seed rolativnly early and take chances of rout for if conditions are favorabu fterwurdfl the crap will beat oqt th ater plant i nc should tho weather lnttvo very unfavorable and tho seed rot or tho young plants freeze another voiding can be made if tomato idnnt are well advanced and properly hardened before thye ore sot in thu asked ruylj thoy whi bmurw an earlier crop than if plants are started late and set nut when very small though it is necessary to bear in mind that the lomuto will stand no frost the im- oortunrc at starting molons early in hotbeds so as to have tho plants well ndvuncod and many melons art by tho time the hot weather of gum- mervcomes so that the glass may b taken off has boon well demonstrated by the uro wen of tho noted montreal melon which is a rather late varieti to have the earilest potatoes set iho ii id be sprouted and planted early n tho warmest soil available it has been found that even if the sprouts hould be froaon they will come again and new potatoes obtained early w t macoun dominion horticulturist birds in the garden tho many itonomlc reasons why we should encourngd the visits and resi dent e of birds in our gaodens pale befnro the great analhella reason we want hit da fer the usjno reason that wn want flowers namely for our own enjoyment and hn would he a rash man who would try to place n nnancla estimate on thn value lo ua nf those things thai we enjoy nut wo ran never quite dissociate tmraelvos from the economic idea ao even while we are enjoying the prea- tino of the birds ao much that we would spend money to necurn them we are opt to hug to our noubt the thought that thoy am useful us well aa en joyuble and of course they really oro ao ivrhupa none other are ao useful in keeping down insects as those that romo in the wintor chick adees down and hairy woodpeckers and the whlto ilreaatod nuthstqh these bundles of incessant activity if attracted to our kumioiis by suet or auot and no in on u slab will live with ua day after day and week after week during the cold weather when other epeeloa oro absent and modi of their time will bo spent hunting over our trees und shrubs for insect pesta and if one tias a fair population of winter birds be lo almost certain to luive a sparse lot of insects to begin the year with when the aprinn campm we greet with joy the return of the aojournara from the southlands and we are lucky if our bird hoxos attract and hoj pulr of house wrens whose incessant bubbling songs ought to cheer even the vegetable lo do their best wrens are rather strange in their selection of a nesting place and it la well for tho bird lover to boprepared to offer them n choice of nest boxes as tho bouse that suited the female that win with us ldst year may not be th thlnr in the estimation of thn latest arrival bo in my own place they always flrrf at leant two types of house in narly may hut it la not neceaaory to gtvf them another of the preferred atylax- fnr their aeonnd brood as when they are once wedded to a location they are ess likely to mnvo in the middle of the reason hut all birds nests sat touat whllo the young are growing and it naturally follows that all birds prefer to use a hew neat for their second hrood a bird may use the same nest n successive years after the lice have been killed by the cold hut in sum mer they want a new house and if we want them to raise their second and third broods in our gardens it is vital that we offer them that cleanll- noas they desire when unmolested their tumoneas becomes almost start ling they are apparently unconcern ed when a person stands only four feet from them and i fancy that a spider offered from the flncers would bo soon accepted by n wren that saw the gardener dally one may have much pleasure and learn n good deal about the nearby bird population by hanging in the hrubs of tbeearden such things as nloces of atrlngs cotton cloth cotton tnttlng etc tho neighboring blrda will find everything that is suitable for their tin six and come again and asaln till the supply is exhausted one friend got ao many orioles around his place in tho country that he oould not toll accurately how many there wore just by auch means and that result awaits the dweller in nail vlllares and inthe cotintiy w fi haundera director ontario hortlcuj tural association ent1tleo to a drink truth crushed to ear will do woll if she always rises as rapidly an u young man who was crushed in ru pf the superior courts this young man says htray attorles had u dell cate atrawcolorod mustache ntul bin hair was ported in thn m ldl in u nd glued down to hla temples lie sauntered carelessly into the court room eyed fhe judge through hla glasses and took a survey of all the attorneys then ho walked up to the bar and poured out a glass of icewalar the judge who la nervous and toaty had obaerved the young man and frowned down on the glued hair am glasses the young man wua just raising tho glass tn hla lips whn the judge roared that water air is for attorneys and other offlcera of the court the glass almost dropped from tho young roans hand he started violent ly turned red then placod thn glass on tha tatde and walkod out of out court the judge chuckled half an bour later tho young man entered tho coitrtroom again with a roll of parchment in his hand tho judge glared at him savagely but the young man never flinched klnally there was a lull in thoprocoedlnai and he addressed the court t your honor what 1 l mr i wish to submit to the court tnv certificate- of admission to practise in the supreme court and all other courts of this state and ha passed the parchment to the clerk well what qr thntt growled tho judge now your honor having presented the proofs of my admission totho bar x would move the court that i be per mitted to drink from the official pit cher and he calmly drained the gloss of water he had left an the tabte a coincidence the janitor how did you come tei lose yer job kxofooe boy mine and the boss m grandmother died on 330 some day kxchange seamankent hardwood flooring there turn be no substitute as you enter a borne the feature thut makes instant impression on yoa is the floors no scheme of decoration no artifice can atone for the lack of hardwood floors they add beauty and character jmd give an air of perma no matter what grade of seamankrnt hard wood flooring you cbooet oak maple birch or beech you will know that yours is a permanent and high- grade floor excellent in quality perfect in workmanship note a hall 8x8 told with 3 h 14 inch no 1 lllrch flooring would coat 4 0 pliia 32 government sales tax those are special prices for casit purchase if booked it will lm norman moleod manager mini ihiqpi without prejudice if wo could gat tho blue goggles off people what a different world this would bo man la prone lo prejudice as the aparka ny upwards we are always forming conceptions in the ab sence of light and reaching conclus ions in advance of the facts there are people in quebec who think peopls in toronto go about wearing orange sashes and whistling kick the pope there ore people who have never been up under the mountain who are fool ish enough to belleva that hamilton fanswalk backwards lo keep their pants from bagging at the knees plenty of people in the states are convinced that in canada they cut tho claws off tho bullfrog to beep him from scratch ing the moss off the backs of the in habitants who according lo report wear earrings swear in chotaw and live an peasoup there era those in canada who conceive an american bo a bumptious individual with k nose and blllly goat whlakera who lalkpi bad english through hla nose and punctuates his sentences with ava lanches uf tobacco all this u the result of thetendoneyrf rramaniryto build conclusions on inadequate foundations becauae some ass an- ounccs that be has stopped putting water on his balr as it rusts th wheels in his head that la no reason why you should form the impression with carlylo that most men are fools a man dowu in kentucky was read- ng from a paper the other day a hat f curative uses to which water might bo put with success throwing aside the paper in disgust he remarked that it would make a aawhorso slok wo ore so influenced by our prejudices that some of us reach the point of the old lady who said she wu open or conviction but would like to aee the man that oould convict her oet off tho goggles and quit seeing things you will find that the world la not blue as it seems bo toman in hhoo und leather journal he 18 risen indeed lias tor comes with tho budding of ur world into new life from the chill death of winter it slugs with thn paw greenery and with the ftowurs uf an immortality which endures past uny or many deaths its sung is of bluck tombs opened to prove thnh iptliiess their powerless nass to hold buck ufa whan the order goes forth from thu bun as it once went forth u resting one in the village of uetliuiiy luxsrus come forth it lt rue prophecy for many a one who v uuath on bis way weeping ami bearing good sued to the sowing plaoo uf wurtlillfe past who is at the groat lauter to come again with joy and bring his sheaves with him the promlsu is always true w are re minded every roster uocause i live ye shall live also t the easter flower the story of the resurrection is told by the flowers the flower la a little preacher coming into the sun- nine to live the resurrection lite preaching the buster gospel all nuwors are altar flowers dowers on the worlds great altar as all ufa la a limbing of the altar stairs those mountain ollrs which slope from lurkiiass up to thajlght every flow rr is a messenger a teacher sent to us growing out of tha bosom of our clodj ry an act of faith the flower lives by un- act of faith the flower grows and faith finds expression h thu flower prays i there is a prayer of faith from that little seed which gradually stretches up its arms to wards its maker answerod by evvry raindrop and sunbeam that oharishss lis iiu ulearwsdla no monkey wrench n automobile tourist was travel- ting through the north west when hi met with a slight accident to his ma chine in some way he had mislaid his monkeywrench so he stopped at a nearby farmhouse where the follow ing conversation took place between hlra and the swede farmer have you a monkeywrench heret naw my brother he got a cattle ronch ranch over there nfy cousin he got a sheep rench further down this road but too cold hero for monkey ranch the elephant advertisers the late mr liarnum had ari ele phant plowing on a connecticut field in view uf passing railroadtrains to a farmer who uaknd if the elephant was a prof tab lo boast of labor for this country the showman implied that it was not unless one had a circus to advertise contractors in a new york town engaged in extensive bulldlngj have imported two work elephants to pull dirt cars it may b- however that tbo con true torn have caught liar- nums spirit uhd have sent the story to tho news papers tor purposes uf advertisement never caught up could you do something far a poor old sallurr- asked a wanderer ut the rear door of u suburban house on morning poor old sailor ochoud the house wife who had opened the door xcajmxr9llowkt the water foe twenty years vfell said the lady us she atom- mod the door in thu faeo of the un welcome visitor all i have got to say thai you certainly dont look as though you had ever caught it you need not hide skin defects now millions knots this simple may to avoid them d keep skin lovely youthful do not make the mistake of attempting lo coxter or judv slun defects it can never succeed and there is a better way which mhliotn knowr this simple method to avoid thfcm to afj the youthful radi ance- and clearness of achooisixl com jor a iflitjr eto this or the alon rcsnlgzly au thorities say to keep your com plexion lovely radiant youthful but beware of harsh cleansing methods they injure stun wash thoroughly with palmolive soap each night be fore retiring rub the creamy foamy lather well into the tiny pores rinse and repeat the washing then rinse again then if aldn is dry- apnly a little cold cream that is all skin so cared for is not injured by cosmetics by wind and sun or by dirt tttmsisttpuu correct toay yon cannot find a more effec tive beauty treatment because palmohvc soap is blended of rare palm and olive oils famous for mild but thorough cleansing polities since the days of cleo patra and it is inexpensive- en joy it for the bath also bat be sure yoa get palmolfse which is never sold unwrapped all dealers have it get some and follow this simple method for one week results wqi delnrbt yoa even in that short time reaws 2u twayw- 10c the palmolive company op canada limited winnipeg toronto montreal pmlm tmd sfas etfi ajt utfr rvatervs frssa cssar waawfaw asa get their orders now think of tho farmers who will want timothy clover whuut ryo oat seeds polutoeu for planb- fiis roofmir or paint for tho barns wiro for tho chicken runways or pig pen a hundred thingo if pricos uru favourable get their order for them now by lohif distance and hold tho goods if necessary whon tha r o a d h aro bad frmora doubly apprelmta your telephoning them hie lint merchant who doetf etanda a mllthty good chance of setting their ordera try a domn calls the reaulu should average very well emiv bm raopaoa s a jheldealcmforpersonqltimsportation tfcegmac deferred psymtbt plan make it easy for yes to own a car uj hp he professional man the salesman who carries samples thef contrac tor tho business- man tho ladies who drive in fact anyone who requires the means for personal transportation will favor this now 4pabsenger master four coupe the rugged efficiency of the mclaugh- ltnbuick master pour valveinhead motor and chassis insures a day in day out servicu tho gasolinemileage ill very high upkoop is cxtrenioly low yot in uppoarance and performance thin car is typically mclaughlinbuick pourwheel brakes s buro safoty prevent skidding provide quicker negotiation of congested traihc a short turning radius facilitates easy parking although ideally suited for perianal transportation the car has ample room for tour space for small parcels and for luggage la provided ty a compart ment immediately behind tho driver and a larger compartment iu the rear of the body i fisher king representatives for this district iu georgetown ont mclaughlin buick m m rik k

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