Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1924, p. 3

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stye jkrtmt 3ree jlrraa tiiuiisnay arm t 17 1024 wanted men 1 1 nr 1 tin chap with the hi 1 rtutit with tin vmt lliu r u wl 11 v i it tliu h khi 10 n you voak to too it i up 1v i lit m ll wtl ijinftt i 1 hirlk ituck whn loi lilt tii t l tu 1 u wit ik bit ut when lis r uj lit 1 nuiy lown i ho hit wh d jm 1 uthlng but slt in n 1 tin nlmp wh 1 lu brnvo whan 1 n n 1 ihlnif u ttat and 1 n afraid without tin t w 1 wutitliik man has no ilm 1 wlih ihcsti what it 1 in ih follow dead samt wlu ll ivmim i tho chap with the i ui nn i l ho will the oft ut una iluallo und do a i th 1 111 who cornea back with t minllo n tils face when th wui 1 1 think ho bouten clean tl r uith ri cliap who 11 back down when hv ki 1 wh ho 1 wronf and lht tim who ii aland pat when hs rlirhl v11 i tl imp who keep faith when lit pletlrnn hi word und will uurk up his stand with nsht te who forever pui rlsjht above wrong and honor o er imrlie and fjuna ah ho is thb ahap that the world looking for the trustworthy wllow druul gamol james edward hmifdrtonj an armful of grandmother now ma am cotno if you re coming axs late here hi fi ut yo said the conductor to a boeltntlnff little old woman whom ho promptly proceedod to hist but mho save a llttk cry of pain und he let go his hold i i gucjia 1 ii have to give it up niio murmured my rheumatic la entry bad and that step does seera vxtry hlgjil as ho turnod awuy to attend to a brtmuhlea and belated family laden with babies and bundle a strapping young fellow in u gay initialed sweater atwunic down to her aide lot me pick you right up and i can put you aboard easy ho declared und a moment later she was safely tatubllahed in her seat ensiling and straightening her bonnet that was real good of ye and now i ro all right my sons to meet m tother end o the line she announced gratefully well boys are mighty nice sometimes and i guess your ma thinks so but she was not all right yet fot there bod been a waaboat on the man line and it was presently learned that u roundabout route was to bo follow ed involving several changes of cars my chum 11 e to you theboy re assured her as he got off and at the nmi change ida chum did so before the next change he too ani all ber fellow passengers but a few girls had left and the conductor was mail sickly and cross she hesitated painfully on the high step thrusting out a tentative foot but unable to elthor jump or scramble so car sud denly one of the djspersliur girls a fine tonnod young ccoalure with a xou sack trxmetr mux and tibja oat her arms bui you couldnt can tyouil drop me l gasped tho itu old lady in transit then admiringly and anus edjy well whod ha thought ttl me carried by a gajj you won t be next time and you wouldn t this if we d known struck in a workman in the now car wurrtr forward oont you worry miua we u see to her miss and if we get off first why well pass the word along any rellowa wultns to tote on armful o grandmother that a of coarse the girt smiled the old lady waved the car went on when at the end of the long trip the interested pas sensors beheld a sixfoot son with a pranelng- small boy at hts ooat tails lift a tired old woman once more and set her oarefully on the groundvtny also hoard him growl something- sboul a stingy company and oldpattern cars und steps a mile high but they caught the answer too oh well joe it dldnt matter piped the sweet old high voice the steps beln extry tryln just made folks etry kind the old time country store tranquil but 8everc my boy said the examine tho friendliest of tones to a ladwho had just finished a piece of latin prose and was about tremblingly to place the composition in the gentle mans hands my boy i looked over your shoulder while you were jrrrl ting you have every reason to bo satisfied with yourself and with cake will get scholarship easily and a good doss in mods es well the examiner whose kind manner reassured the nervous boy had been sent by th university of oxford t like the decisions of poilce ftuajfluoifi imrctssstcsratimhtd iwraomotetca deoi5 jrnedy does there livn u little urclun growing up about a farm who cap scorn the honest pleasure or xeslsv the bveesy charm of a jolting drive with father while the horses pick tholr way over april a chirping runlets or uio autumns binding clayt for the drivq is to the corners and the team draws up before that abode of life and color which its patrons call the toro in its depths uro plow und harrow while their pictures on the wall boldly done in green and scarlet apeutc la eulogies of ull on the shelves are rain how ginghams woven ntouf ror uttio boys clumsy boots for sunday service and to swell the schoolroom a not tthlnlng tin and loops of harness oould u city shop hold moro in its prim and ordered quarters than this bulging country utoru then the clients thut it gatharsl men of wisdom most profound captain abels tnt at u hundred and has sailed the map around jolly self professed old loafer drawl ing out a travellers late while the despot of the post bag- shuffles calmly through the mail politics and social matters local news and weather loro occupy this humble senate grouped about the country store then perhaps the boy brows woary while the gray beards wug away and bis copper- toed tormeittore feel amiss this working day wistfully ho eyes the roadside where the waiting horses stamp till the gift of fathers penny rubs again aladdlnotsip for within one ancient showcase bristle bright as precious ore fellow stick and crimson lozenge qui to tho treasures of tho store what is thist the years have hasten ened and a man grown stout and gray steps across tho rounded threshold ft mn a hrofunk day tailored cloth in place of gingham careful clip for mother a art chance the outward man s appearance bjt they cannot change his heart to a hopeful beat it quickens as he pauses in the door scarcely has a feature altered in the well remembered store now he knows another reason gases up and down why they say god made the country while bis children meda tho town quiet life has brought these neigh bora to an age of placid grace and a seaman scarcely younger drones along in abels place in this old home week the towns man back to haunts he used to know wonders how he could have loft tham since they grip his heart strings i and among tho kindly faces und the quaint piled stock of yore he is still n woo form urchin como with father to the store jeanne pendleton lowing an oldtiue3 auction sale kxpeiuencb- when i heard auctioneer kerr cry- ins out tho bids at an auction sale tbe other day i was remlndod of the sales which georg olbbs conductor in tho early days george lived in acton sljcty years ago he married one of oeorgv walters girls somo of you will remember for a tlmo ho kept tavern at balllnafad then he went to georgetown aha uilt a jiew hotel there up above the white bridge on main street he never made much of a success of the business there about tho urns this neu sixth hotel was opened in georgetown the scptt act came into force in 1870 forty ave years ago ocorge and tho scott ac didn t agree he got into trouble with the law george w black the inspector bothered him and he dldn the hudlnya gavo out that tho wem ghlng to soli i n everythltir un i mv out in tho winl i muili up my mind that id i vn tint buroiiu ihfi nolo tiviun nl l- ii i lock nn 1 tharo wa of muf h it u 11 thut the hurouu wu not put up mull nfti r mm ulc fo dli nor llm hmlloyn hnd t u an i which pliu o igo llblih tie uui tl eor nlwuy rixt mmeiidi tl tin i iircuu wan tut tip rllit ul dinner i tin until it v nil ho f r somrthlnir ixiwian two ty llv and thlriy do hum an i i liu i r riy dolum of my t utter mil rcn m iy in m ofkut homully atarlo t thu bureau u ave dollars mil auctl n ii ollili rnudn ull sorts t r fun of tin utter und ho just pot h poohfd whfn uomo om else raised tho bid to ton d tllurs whoii nay fifteen juut u u men startort nuyu hi un 1 i xldad mj head now who ii make it iwrntyt suy he dt i hear twi illy from nnv one who nays twenty n u limiked at md un i 1 n radii nd mid then he look d over to tin uthcr al it of tiro yard wharu nx at of tho mi n wero standing und hv huv twontyono twenty no tw- r one i have i i hear u twenty two 7 gentlemen and hll u this bureiu li dirt cheap at mfty dollars do i hen a twentytwo from any one i ah huv it twnnty twy twenty twu who says twenty throu7 ho nodded to meipd 1 no ide t yes and then he turned to whoever it was bidding agulnst ron und ot twunty four and soon as ii n d ind that 1 d give twenty tlv ttln other bidder raised 11 to twenty six that made nf ungry and 1 nodded twenty to von and thon the auctioneer nald now who 11 say thirty at a slngto jump thirty thirty thirty and thirty i havel that raised my dander higher than ever und i wns bound 1 d have that bureau i looked round and was glad pa wasn t near to make me stop bid ding and when george olbbs says who ll make it thirty flvor i nodded with my teeth shut tight together and those that stood near said i paled when the other bidder ralsod my bid to forty dollars bull didn t give up 1 knew i d hurvoto encroach on the money 1 d laid by ror silk and i dldn want thu new block block silk very much but i noddod yes when tho br auctioneer aakod for forty five dollars im glad that homebody in this crowd appreciates the real value of u thing says ho homo body knows tit t this bureau la u barguln at fifty dol lars and fifty dollars i must have for lu ah irty i have who says ifty flver s now the bureau wasn t worth an fifty dollars the way second band furniture sells but i was bound thut i wouldn t be beaten i shut my teeth harder than ever and nodded fifty five welt if you ii believe me we run that bureau up to ninety nine dollars and i sold to myself 1 ii make it an even hundred and then stop tho other bidder seemed to havo comb ti the same conclusion for when id nod ded that id give a hundred dollars my bid wasn l raised one hundred dollars said alio tlbneer olbbs and sold to this lady over here 1 felt so weak i could hardly walk but i wont up and paid what money i had with mo then i started hunt up pa to tell him what 1 d donu and hava him take mo home 1 fait au bad i saw him standing out by wagon and when i got hoar i tuvw that he was angry enough and i dldn t blame him a bit i uln t any humbler spirited than most women but 1 says meek enough jm sorry i did it ps but i jus could n t give up to that other bidder that other bidder says pa mad der than a hornet do you know eusy jepson who that other- bidder was 7 why no why should it i can tell you who it was ma and the next tlmo you inland tu bid for a thing you better lot me know beforehand well i was mortified enougbl think of our sitting there bidding against each other like that nlng that bureau up to a hundred dollars when we might havo had ft far twenty five it put me out so that i said than and there that td never gq to another auction and j never will and qeorgo olbbs in telling this tory always addod well there s one sale 1 know of where i earned my fee anyway it dldn t cost jim had ley a red cent for that sulu for tho uxtra amount i got out of the eld couplo for that bureau paid my fees and left over enough for the sale bills and the extra bread and cheese for the dinner supplied to oil comers besides and im njtt so sure but my young friend auctioneer itobert kerr would not even to day toko advantage of just such a clrcumstonco as that ro la led of george glbba experience if he got a good chance oath scholars be was six feet height very thin very tranquil with that sudiedeoftness which seemed to conceal u severity that could be mere less that side of his character show ed itaclf a fuw hours later mr ea- cott describes the exhibition in his book platform press politics and play it was winter the avon was frosen overt and examiner and examinees wero skating- over the aurfgee tho former no less at home upon steelshod feet than in tho teachers chair hear ing a recitation in greek an overgrown lout whose istnoranoo in oreek granunax had been detected by the examiner thought he would obstruct tho examlnerb progri and send him sprawling fancying- that his act was not observed he placed in the path such obstacles as happen ed to be ut hand along swept the examiner und as ha came to the ob struction lifted with a alngle strldo his tall form across tho barrier my young friend ho called out in a voice heard by ail the next time you want to play any of these monkey tricks try them on ono of your own hefglit and now remember that you have in front of you for to morrow thw verbs lit ml which may present dira- cultles to you greater even than this truck und broomsticks did to ffle the laligh was turned against tho 111 mannered lad who nm his eon quertir left the river shoutod three cheers for the examiner i the man was mr perolvui fellow of cjueen h college oxford und today bishop of hereford my creed i would be true for there are those that trust me i would be pure for there are those who care 1 would be slron- for there is much to suffer i would be bravo for there is much to dare i would be friend of all the foe the friendless i woull be giving und format the gift i would be humble for i know my wuukncsm 1 would look up und laugb und love uiul live harold arnold walters the speeding- motor cor swerved cellided with u tola phone pee and turned wrong side up with lbs driver underneath tnlnt no use trying to hide under there yonruj feller palled constable slackputtar rushing up i know where ye surel george kennedy who wan for many yeotsplho back bone of the temperance forces in georgetown n those days also took an jo crest in george ulhbs hotel which he did npt ijkw 8 georges hotel keeping venture on upper main street oeorgotown wun not a howl ins success by the wuy uoorgo moved to th west from georgetown und out thcr he became uulto u temperance udvo cato-i- crank some of his friends called him i remember readlm u letter from him to tin fan pases thirty years or so ago telling how well prohibition was working out there in his new horn und ud vising haiton folks to vote for the next temperance measure submitted bui i fancy i can hanr some of you folks saying alreudy what hua ul this to do with the auction s bual nesst well lot just mlng to that george kept hotel it la true but he hold auction sales between times whenever sales were desired in this part of llalton and the lower part of wellington i have a good story grow ing ont at one of these sulus of over fifty year ago which was a n land in joke among the old timers i guess you 11 enjoy jt best if i give it in the form of u dluloguu just us it happen ed but iii have to substitute other names for the real iartlos or somo of you curiosity soakers might bother the life out of old mrs who was the leading character lu thb story as it is told und she is still umoug us this is the story then as i remem ber itt jim bradley a going to have an auction friday shall you got asked the school teach or mr jepson looked of his wifo and chuckled well he said if mother wants to go iii take her you know v ry well that iii not go a step replied mrs juson sharp y her husband laughed aloud you can laughif you want to david jepson bat i aulij ten years ago when we bought that chest of drawers at kben hadleys sale that id uovsr go to anothur while 1 lived and i never will t come dm sajd mr jepton a little quuslcsjly tell the teacher altout that bureau he wants to tie ubout it dont you mj huoperr of course i do welj u was like this said mj jepson laugh lag a utuev 1 always admired that cheat of drawarv when it bwotjgwj to ssoiy hasuey and wtm neighborhood news- town and country qeorqetown mr wiiiim ii left in friday f i i miui trl to i lorlda with mr im i mrs h irjrs willi tms of chlrak hmllli aihl no 1 lertrienl works urn jtilio buny tticy it w have 1 f mn i i h ii ii tholr fitctoi thi tl ursilay hulf lolldtv will 1 kin in t iwn ii april m i trill cc have purchased th alnxi n li r hirst horn jiankrupt slocl and mo vet l it to their own prcmlnes whore they hnve more room tho report of the arbitration board n i i reaont 1 to council on tursday tvtnluc arnol 1 va town i f ocorge town was aa follows damn awarded uho urbltrutorn fee 1238 ouch i arty to pay tholr own routs the i ut tin library hoard ham been btunti i 1160 by tho c uncll for u now urn loutu nn i i ulntlns thb ihrory room i tof unit apoko nt lust council mentlnjr ixihair of himself nn i thr rckurdjnt tha locution of the boldlern monument stiggtrmtlnff ihn vacant lot at uio corner ofdw l li un 1 cjunen streets erin mr juh long has sold hln resldenre on mn in htroet to mt i anthony aud hls iiurrh isi i uum itoblnnons real denco mr sam niirui un i mrn w blng hum left on mondny for dot roll to lslt tlmlr brother mf j nurse who was very hi the regular meeting of the north ttrln u p o and v r w o wll bo held dt the home of mr and mrs james flndloy this thursday even jng krin will in futuro havo fuur iraao line pumps to nerve the loral gnaollno roqulrementsr mr and mrs jphn barbour and family loft last woek for toronto where mr iturbour has aeoured a tonl tlon the local egtf circle in making rapid i mgrosm an i will vory ioon bo uulfe strong last week tho manager rj mcdougall hhlpimml 288 dosen mr und mrs m tlnknoy wore pro seated with two linn lnoma chairs by their children whinihoy celebrated thihr 30th wwldtng anniversary last week four gencratiofs attending tho celebration county bonds superintendent john m young intends this spring to that heavily laden trucks do not ruin the county roads there is a law which states that all trucks and wag gons must not carry more than half loads over ooumy roads during march and april and county road foremen have strict orders that the law must be carried out milton rex scott left last week to toko a poauon in liggett s drug store corner of yongo street and st clair avenue toronto fall wheat looks well in thin neigh- iiorhood thero havo been no damag ing spring frosts since tho snow dls appeared mrs m kerby of douglas man who has bean spending tho winter with frlendn in toronto mid milton returned to the west lust week police magistrate pice who had th great too amputated law j woek is do ing wolf tljouiih ho ntirfars some pain the wound is healing with no infec tlon davld hutcheon county treasurer came to town on monday and went on duty for the first time since be woj taken hi on january 30 he is still weak but now that he la oat again it is hoped that he will regal p strength steadily hln eon r b hutcheon of the bank of toronto moose jaw bask ifrrived here on saturday evening on his vacation to remain two weeks thu milton athletic association met yesterday evening and re organised for the season there was a large at tendanoe and much interest manifest ed officer were elected on follows president b sycr let vice presldenl m f panton secretary it m a treasurer n a sinclair auditors m f panton und a e mihaon tho seventy second anniversary of milton methodist church was held last sunday tho rev clark logai i ityeraon church hamilton was the preacher for the day the choir ren do rod very linn music tho choir at night was augmented by some from knox church kanr9wjndlftses kant the german metaphysician of last cntury was a singular being the english writer thomas do qulncey made close observation of kants per sonal pecuuurl ties und frequently dwelt upon gua of them with intense amusemunt kant untenant oilmr atudles in the art of taking cure of himself avoided ordinary garters ha permitted no llguture to be placed on any port his body fearing- to hinder in the slightest degree the circulation of the blood he found it necessary at the same tune to keep up his stockings ac eordlngly he hua loops attached to them and ouside each hip he wore a contrivance which may be called n iox windlass these affairs suaib what resembled an anglers reel with a spring which secured the line at any given pnbit ftehpld kunt thou expounding hi philosophy to a select circle of din clplos lhcu the famous counsel wli cap id not stute hur urtcuinuiiim without twisting a bit of twine kant worked the windlasses as he tulked the idea of this grotesquo fancy so tickled do qulncey that h oft on un gered on the odd sight it must have been to obaorvu tho master paying out the cabin or hauling in tho lack by aid of this ourlous machln eryl oakvillx rev t i rowo of vancouver w is the epeuknr nt hu ju t i unji n sunday evening- lasl mr jul iir if io in homo frotn intr it r r a in llday 1 or name limn hast hln t unltit u lak kept him in chicago urn it i- sanderson und miss jj ikdigall ontirtalned their sunday school luuu to tra on irlday night lumen win j layod mil u very j iras nt tlulo wui npept by all mr ji im it ilyorn win underwent u critic tl peratlon in toronto general himlllul is making splendid progress t tward rocovery and will be able to return homo thn work mr harry smith has sold his real once corner of iteyti ids and llobln non streets to mr coulter of men trnl who will take posneeaian shortly mr smith will remove to toronto mr jan i mciermott la hack from iun vngolua cal iraoklnk much tm 1 ruvtid in hralth wlihi them ho hud tho i 1 run lira of a visit to the sunny ni uthocn humu of lt col and mrs ii cox tho town grader lots bean put to e km uiin on several flf the back m tree tit where mud was plentiful and ruts long and drop on friday may 2 tho pupils of llruntwood school will give u concert in gfxigory theatre owln to tho aomowhat crowd od coidltl n of tho pobllc schools anl tho importance of continuing rogu larly the usual clasaes tho hoard of itucntinn woul i appreciate it if the parents wnnf i refrain from sending children to the primary classes after usnter whs havo not previously at tended school utile activity is being shown in the building trade in town mr jos munro has obtained a p remit to build five roamed house on stuart street and mr robert menxle has obtained a l verm it to build u new garage on lnglehart avenue a large number of permits have been obtained for repairs additions eta tho presbyterian und methodist ngregatlnns of the town unite for passion week evenlne acrvicea the ponkirs will be tho itov ir munro hoy dr- dougail rov prof mnnson knox college toronto and rev n holllnntko m a hamilton special mlo each evening it certainly ks lllcn christianity when folks ror getting all denominational ditto ren cos unlto in common earnest devout re mem bronco of the ono divine deed by which redemption comes to all record do it now plant trees wonder if you are one of ttinio farmcro who in always going to pi ml i rocs and make the fqrmstoad com firtulle next year and have you hu 1 our present farmstead for 20 or 30 yearn wind swept barren und un htmnllke because iti all that tlm y u could not get u couple of days or purt of duys to ntart the job in these tlmos we hear u lot about social endeavor farm communities und trying to keep tie young folks on tho farm un t tho right place begin this effort tho immediate homo surroundings can everybody for it mile up and down tho road sen n the palm of his hand ull thut go t on in your farmyard do you know a lilac hunh from u honeysuckle or either ono of these from a hussion wrlowt do you know that other farmers uro growlpg api les and have all the crab apples puitnu an i cherries thny want to use nn t itealdea have privacy in summer and tho comfort in winter that a ahultar belt provldest do you know thgj in six t r eovon years with tiny reasonable care you can havo your trees frern twelve to fifteen feet high and that while you have been thinking about it other mon have done the trick 7 and garden lsllkn wearing a loiled shirt without a collar and without your overalla in vary ing acoven aocrct ofi jentb what is tho secret or nuccciir asked the sphinx push said tho eloctric bell take pains sold the window always keep cool said the ice be up to date said tho calendar never lose your head said the barrel make light of everything- said thu fin- do u driving business said the hammer find a good thing and stick to it said the glue burlington rrlday afternoon will be observed by the horticultural society as clean up day mrs jos s allen and itti muss mono havo returned home from pittsburg pa after a weeks visit with relatives in that city mr and mrs h f graham returned home on saturday evening from motor trip to ohio where they visited friends in dayton and surrounding districts tho trustees at fjhera corner have tho school boarded in and fixed up the shed at tho rear of tho school which was saved whan the school was burned and the puplis havo set tied down to their studies they are qui to comfortable in their temporary quarters miss i williamson lias disposed of hor cottage on locust street to mrs rowley wbo wll take possession this month albert lepage caught a nvo pound pike wlh a book and line in the bay an monday albert had some fun landing- the fish tha diamond jubilee of burlington lodge no 185 a f a m was celebrated on wednesday on that occasion many prominent masons were in attendance including m w bra w j jrope g m of grimsby r w bro j a rowland d do m of tor o ft w bro w m logan grand secretary of hamilton the nnpual meeting of the ladles aid or the methodist church was held ut the home of mrs r j allen burlington avenue on tuesday after noon when the following officers were elected for- tha ensuing year iresl t mrs j arthur undley 1st vice president mrs w v w fisher na vice president mrs ii t foster 3rd vice president mrs j shapland be cretary mrs w cannom treasurer mrs h larimer tho total receipts for the year were si sslcs and the ixpendliures si ssi sh he knew how because a man is rich and can hlro other men to work for hlnr it does not follow that he may not enjoy being able to do things for himself lven a rich man cannot be really happy unless he is employed and if he is born say with a gift for mechanics he will find his enjoyment in exercising that gift tho new york sun reports that when a party of new york gentlemen wore returning from the atlanta exhibition last summer the engine broke down it was in the neighborhood of manas sos the day was fearfully hot with no air stirring and the passengers were in haste to get on but tho engineer could not repair the break and a ions wait seemed in evitable among the passengers was colonel john j astor he joined tho crowd about the engine mm presently got down on his knees and crawled under it- there he worked for a few minutes and then esmo out and bade the engineer drive on as he had re paired the injury the engineer demurred but a trial showed that the engine was in running order do you know who that man lat said the sun oorrespqndent to the engineer pointing to colonel astor some official of tho road i reckon w was tho answer no it la john j aator oh go on said the engineer who couldn t believe that an astor could mend on obgtne colonel astor told me odds tho correspondent that he know enough about locomotive engines to build ono the homo garden is for everybody the owner and the renter both jh cflps jis flu r on so good you cant resist them judiciously different tohojvto tji rm absolute protection whatever comes by insuring four ways wilb a north a ccn life policy you can provide against every possible misfortune which night deprive yourself or your loved ones of a secure future income such a policy pays four ways 1 death 2 accident 3 total disability 4 old age thus with a si 0000 policy under this four way north american life plan your beneficiaries receive in the event of your death from natural causes 10000 if your death is accidental your heirs receive 20000 in case you are totally disabled through sickness or accj dent you enjoy a monthly income of 100 and at the samo timo your policy represents a saving for old age when lessened earning power will reduce your income we will be glad to send you full particulars about this absolute protection policy north american life assurance company sgid as the continent f a walls district maiuujer 504505 bank of hamilton bltfe hamilton ont uld like full particulars about th pour ways policy that pays name addreai age occupation fimeaieiimismiyaasiaai make the debt of things you ll find that your luck isn t alway so bad if you just maks the best or things you 11 find that yog lot isn t always so sad i if you just make the best of things yjolul ond that the mean things of llfi ore but few youli nnd you have friends who art loyal and true you ii nnd its a mighty fine world through and through if you just make the best of thins 1 t an honest juryman look here said a young juryman after tho jury had retired if i un durstand aright tho plaintiff dovsn t ask for damages for blighted affections or anything of that sort t hufvonly wants his presents back that is so agreed the foreman well than i votu we don t give him a oabt suid the young juryman has illy if all tha fun ho had with that girl didfvh cover the amount the pros pu vott him it was his own fault osntletnam 1 cowed- that girl once myself uy tic wosksr itpctystouse martin senour woodlap stain or farnitucflc rk home nyrmnq madc caatv sou3 by v- w d t talbot sfassalaw uptodate millinery news the new boyish sailor hajts at 500 have made their appearance in new ydrk within the past few yec and are now being shown by a few of the most alert millinery departments tho boyish sailors havo been especially designed to wear with the tailored su its the hats have new tall crowns and tiny bnms they are all made of rough shiny straw in black brown navy and sand trimmed with pugario bands and satin lined moderately priced at 500 i top coats for easter dressy coats of tncotme poiret twill and normandy cloth straight lines or wrap around effects also tho straight front featuring the one button fastening tucked collars wide wrapper sleeves folds and embroidery these are the marks of the new dress coats silk or crepo lined colors navy black sand grey and reindeer prices 2750 to 4600 leather trimmed plaid coats good looking plaid and stripe coats with leather applique on collar ciffs and pockets pleasing styles with swagger one button fastening sizes 30 to 40 at 1450 hot cross buns j course well have hot cross buns for good friday a04 course they ii be of tho usual good quality of fairbankv g leave your orders for them early and be sure of your supply they 11 be ready ea1y oo cood friday morning plenty of the most tempting baking for the eastertidb visitors will also be on hand fairbanks bakery phone 116 mm street acton loose back coats plaid coats trimmed wttb one inch band of fawn velour around collar cuffs and over pockets pretty selections of materials in sands browns wood and colorings sites itt to 38 prices j12j50 envelope shape rtiefce bags are very smart indeed in fawn grey nnd blackj titled with mirror and aidvpocktr finished wjth silk cord and tasse prices 395 450 and higher gloves ore neatly cuffed and frilled bilk gloves hno quality double frill on cuff 2 dome fasteners double tipped grey mode cocoa and navy- prlco 200 fine quality silk glove frill td cut mode grey navy cqcoh silver and black price bilk gloves short cult style double tipped embroid trcd nicks grey mode navy cocoa and black g o h prttm 8125 nnd 150 its no joke when you have spoiled your bakng by using poor floqr you can always lie sure thoiigh if you uso ex cahuor brand flour we take no chances in tho making and you take no chances in the baking when you specify excelsior pastry flour dh lindsay miu street acton ontabh scarfs scarfs i paris one day said scarfs so now the long silken scarf worn by fashionable women is most important of all the now accessories it adds the graceful feminine touch to tho tailored vogue of the moment silk knitted scarfs in all tho spring shades prices i 19 to 25 crepe dc chene scurfs at 223 llosiery pure thread silk extra quality uent fitting ankle widened top colon nude ojj cabin v grey nnd beige silos fljj to 10 plain seam mud panel hack bpujal 200 pure silk tmc even weave wide nh tup tip i iced heels aiid toes trim an kit- cjrcy fawn und black 1 65 spurt hobc flue merconz cd rib utile extra long neat ankle colors uuzc beige kicy and bluik all tiizes p5c a pair g b ryan co department stores gtielph and owen sound isjsjsjsj f a

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