Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1924, p. 5

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fflftc artxm 3frw irpbfl tiiuiihdayapiul- 17 1924 the easter message hwdflter irowi tho easier story an ghear it oor anl oer dearer grows itn ton dor moaning as i dvroll upon it mora for tho yearn have lirought mo sorrow and i score can btiar tin pain havo that i havo caught- tn vision of ule rluon christ again i con hear iii gentln whisper as iio tarries at my side speaking on ho spuke io mary in tho first glnr kastoitlrte breathing wunla or hope and comfort till my huirt grows ntaunuh and strong and my grluf 1b iurnol to gladness and my sighing into pons o thuu risen chrlslt i pray thao am tint icuhtortldo ilea wo noar unto hourts ihwii iluwn with borrow drum i he vision my appear though tttuir yyati lo blind with weep ing touch tliu ii lord that they may i tht grurious mossago hihkuii unto mo kdlth virginia uradt twenty years ago from the issue of the free press of thursday april 21 1004 london hud is inches or nnow last saturday morn in tho marble loaion in about over and baseball and lacrosse ore looming up halls saw mill commenced lost week there is quite a stock of logs in the yard mr ollbert creemore has rented the 200acre ucqregor farm from mr pater bayers mr j b mackenslo has commenced th erection of a now houso on agnes street near elgin in au probability acton will have good band the coming summer mr charles mason has now a number of beginner under his instruction and much of the success of the band wll be due to his efforts the property of william melvln pn bower avenue who moved to strat ford some time ago has been pur chased by mr robert scott glove cutter for sg0 auctioneer hem- sireet sold the vacant lot on mill amd little streets belonging to charles xaabv london on saturday to j p lawn for flgo ilajh friday evening the boys of the high school and of the first depart ment organised a football club har old nlckjln very gracefully presided over the meeting the following officers were elocted for 1m presi dent harold nlckllo secretary treasurer freeman coleman cmre- tuff harry frankum in uie faroff days a generation or two hence the boys and girls of today will be recounting to the grandchildren at their knees stories about the great winter or 1004 it will certainly seem like a fairy tajo to be told that winter came with spfondld sleighing on no vember 16 1903 and that on april it avo months later there was six or seven inches of snow on the ground and the sleighs were running and the merry sleigh bells jingling ns they were in mid winter mr j kerr brovmwho was pres cription clerk in morgans drtajstore montreal for some time left on sat urday morning for winnipeg where he will take the management of s new drug store the heart of the wholesale district of toronto was swept by a most dis astrous fire yesterday the fire swept the area from the telegram office on the corner of bay and melinds streets to the waterfront and east on front to the bask of montreal fifty su wholesale houses were destroyed loss tlooooovo born wilson at knox church manse on saturday april 9 1904 to rev and mrs j cj wilson b a a son married fibherlasby jat knox church manse acton on tuesday april 13 1904 by rev j c wilson b a robert fisher jr of erin to cath erine second daughter of joseph lasby acton the sunday school lesson for sunday april 20 1024 till luhicncmilht mark 10 1- ioklon tnxt lint now hull christ been raised from the dotal thn first- f culls of them that are us loop 1 cor millers worm powders do not need the afterhelp of castor oil or any pur gative to complete their thoroughness because they are thorough in them selves one dose of tbem and they will be found palatable by all children will end the worm trouble by making the stomaen and bowels untenable to the parasites and not only this but the pfrsders wul be certain to exert mostfrneflclal influences in the diges tive tnm t it didrl comprehend while visiting the south recently a traveller chanced upon a resident of a sleepy hamlet in alabama are you a native of this town asked he traveller am i a whstt- asked you whether you were a native of the placet at this juncture there unpeored at the open door of the cabin the mans wife tall sallow and gaunt after a careful survey of the questioner she said aint you got no sense bui 7 he means was yo ilvln hear when you was born or was yo burn before yo begun ilvln here now answer him ah oil of merit dr thomas eo- lectrlo oil u not a jumble of medicinal substances thrown together and push ed by advertising but he result of the careful investigation of the healing qualities of certain oils as applied ti the human body it is a rare combin ation and it won and kept publlo favor from the flrsl a trial uf it wll carry conviction to any who doubt its power to repair and heal on the wrong bide young jack was talking to the new visitor soon after her arrival he eyed her critically for a fow mumunln then looked up und said 8d youre my grand mother ur your yes dear on your father side remarked the old i udy smiling well youre on the wrong sldo youll find thai oul replied jsck- practical druggist readymade msdielne you need no phyaloun for ordinary tits when you have at hund a bottle uf dr thomas lficlecuio oil for coughs colds sore throat bronchial troubles it is in valuable for scalds burns bruises sprains it is unsurpassed while for outs sores und the like it in un un questionable healer it nor no tes timonial other than the use and that will atulsiy anyone as to its envclve- n sa- lll 30 the tspt explained verso 1 hough t splcee thn em balming onkrlduy ovmilng httd bean done hastily and unly suftlclantly fur the preservation of ilio aaureil body ns was naturally conslduied necessary now there wan time fur morn tender caro at the tnmb verse 7- tlutro film ii ye son him ns he said unto you howlmlt lifter i am raised up i will go before yuu into oalj lee murk 14 28 verso 11 dlslwtlovod a distinction is drawn between disbelief which ineuus intolluotual discredit and un belief which implies indifference anil opposition of thn heart us well over come with grief ut the reality of his death uo minds ot the disciples could not grasp thn fact of his living pres etted which maryh tentlmony brought it muomed- incredible to them a thing luo good lo be true the now cen tury hlblo i verse 12 in another form the oospels rocord jesus appearance aftn his rosurrcaliqii at various limes to mary magdelene john the women pater two disciple apostles and others except thomas apostles with thomas apostles at sea of galilee apostles in oallloe above coo breth ren in all james all the a post to ascension stephen paul john the reference here is to the fact that to mary he seemed to be the gardener john 20 is while to the two dls clples on the way to immaus luke 34 3 he seemed to be a stranger pilgrim at the feast luke 4 1818 the fact that jesus did nor always appear the same and that the doors being shut ho stood in the disciples midst john 20 26 indicate that of the resurrected christ we can only believe wjth paul that ills was a spiritual body verse ie go ye into ail the world during our lords earthly ministry the twelve had been especially commis sioned to- redeem tie most sheep of the houso of israel gentiles and sam aritans being both excluded matt 10 6 6 jesus must have felt the first essential to be the establishment of a strong constituency among the race who rirst understood jehovah jesus had intimated however a larger duty fn the future when he said where soever the gospel shall bo preached throughout the wholo world mark 14 s lessen themes the gvents of kastor morning the events on resurrection morning oc curred probably in the following or der 1 mary magdelono and the other mnvy having came early to the tomb saw the angel and the emptv sepulchre and at the command or the angel hastened to lntorm the disciples especially polor 3 peter and john visit the tomb and depart 3 mary magdnlene having returned left alone at the grave meets jesus whom at first she does not recognise 4 shortly afterward josus appears a second time to mary magdalene now in company with other women the best evidence of the insurrec tion the most significant evidence and the best fruit of the resurrection is the christian church the moat in fluential of all world movements with its living lord au agree that it would never have come into exis tence if the disciples had not believed that christ arose from the dead it hag made immortality a commonpiacn cellor ormeh without it ihero would be little justification for the moral world nor could a social order worth while exist harnaek says what ever may have happened at the grave and in the matter of appearances one thing- is certain this grave was the birthplace of the tndcstrutitlble belief that death la vanquished that there is ft ufa eternul tho eortulnty the resurrection and of a ufa eternal which is bound up with the grave in josephs garden has not perished and on the conviction that jesus lives wr still base those hopes or citizenship in an eternal city which make our earthly life worth living and toler able the triumph of jesusour trlumps in his triumph jesus is our ex ample and the inspiration of our worthiest endeavor he triumphed over self selfish ambitions and sin over fear suffering and death he triumphed early in ufe and at itt close amid discouragements and when the multitude applauded in apparent defeat when all forsook him and when they would moke him king he triumphed because of what he was as a man dwelling among men shoring their limitations subject to like pas sions tempted in all points even as 4heywor-e- tempted his c accounts for his life his death and his resurrection und these in turn interpret his character and reveal the secret or his abiding influences over the lives of men in his life the high est spiritual forces of tho universe were focussod in him thut which wm spiritual triumphed over the carnal life and imortallty over death the eternal over the temporal the divine oyer the human- in his triumph mtut the secret of victory fur every life and the way of escape from sin and self and failure for study and discussion i what day of the week did the resurrection occur t how should this fuot uffect our regard for the bab- bath 7 live thi order of events on kaster morning what expectations of the disciples were shattered by tho death of joaust- did the resurrection revive their hopest did they immed iately set about the establishment uf ha kingdom t what luuturunc dous he resurrection give thn i the kingdom fttio risen christ can bo established u eurtht in what way does the castor triumph of jesus assure oui triumph in living the christian itfet dlly rssdlnoi for next weski monday april 21 amos e 18 tuesday april 22 amos 6 1017 wednesday april 231 lo 4 010 thursday april 24 hos 8 j 11 1 in y april 26 hos lo dlfi hatuiduy april 26 hum 11 19 hunduy april 27 isa 6 012 council of education plans programme mrfuait of the girl who drew an inference the pacific has this story to tall a young man went into a store to buy a tountainpsn the girl in charge uf the counter supplied him with sheet ofpaper u bottle of ink and several of the pens and in try ing them one after another he cov ered the sheet with j he words tempus fuglt tune flies clio girl looking on with s kindly interest if yqu buy one and it doesnt suit you mr fugit she remarked you can brtnc u book aod chuff it no noad to sulfur with iinn or to run the risk of imrlng them remove them surely and painlessly with hot- lowuys corn hamovor x hard hohe sense xi y doc tern is tu lay aside contentions und he sat is nod jest do your lutst und pmltte ur hlai that follows thut counts jest ive alius noticed great success is mixed with troubles more nv ipsm and its he man who does iho best that git more kek thun all he rest juntos wliltcomb illloy tht tpyoa cannot bay new eye ittsjm fsssltlig foe tswgfemcejgsl csssr sssl writs fay f faecore bool 1slr robert a falconer k c m c president university of toronto 2 mr vincent msssey mimur board of governors university of toronto 3 sir artkur currie o c m o prlncipsl mcglll university 4mc e w bsstty president canadian pacific railway chancellor mcoill tho rscunt iinnnuncomuiit that tl third- triennial conferoncw on educa tion and cltlzenslilll to lw hold undur the auspices of tho natlonul council of education wll tiiko pluro in mon treal in 1020 recalls i invaluable work this organisation tn performing under tho honorary presidency of his excellency the jovornoruaneral end the 1 residency uf mr vincent maaaey president of tho masseyhar rls co toronto the council includes many of canadas loading cituons among thorn htr itobert a falconer k c m o president of the univer sity or toronto hlr arthur currie o c m q principal of mcoill uni versity and mr k wj ueatty presi dent of the canadian 1ucina hallway it has as its pripclpales 1 that ed ucation should concern itself with the development of character and should provide a cull preparation for life 2 that education is u spiritual process 3 that education is imported by personality us success or failure i rusts with tho teacher that edu- ration is verybodye business and c that canadas odricatlon must be canadian in its ideals the principal activities of the coun cil urn twofold the national lec tureship scheme is u plan under which distinguished men and woraon both canadians and visitors from crest britain and other countries are an- ttugnd to speak on education broadly interpreted throughout canada tho lluruu provides an organisation for urn uiiiiuugo of information between iho provincial departments of educa tion for tho reception and diffusion or ideas from outeido tho dominion and for dispensing data concerning educa tion in onoda to the outside world until the council established this bureau canadian educational author ities were dependent upon the ameri can bureau of education at washing ton for all educational information th council was stormed as a result of a conference held in winnipeg in 101b and attended by over 1200 per sons from all dver canada the second conference was held in toronto in april nf 1023 and was attended by about i coo persons representing the nine provinces this conference through many brilliant speakers on tho programme among them sir michael sadlor sir henry newbolt lord robert cecil und sir robert und lady uadanpowell sought to set forth the councils conception of the role of education as a cltlxen builder the plans for this third conference now pending wore laid at a meeting held in montreal presided over by sir arthur currie in the absence of the chairman and attended by several of the leading ameers uf thdftjouncll in the persons of mr vincent massey president mr s ii oundy chairman of the finance committee and major i j ney executive secretary at present the council la engaged in preparing o programme for the second trlonnlal period it has secured as educational secretary professor j a dale of the social service depart ment or the university of toroato whose duties will include the editor ship of a series of small volumes on educational problems the success of the national lectureship scheme in augurated last year which established important contact with the leading minds of or eat britain will be follow ed up beginning in september b contributions from dr fin ley editor of the new york times and once commissioner of education jor the state of now york from the strsl ford-on- avon shakespeare fellowship players under the direction of mr bridges adams and reres suml of other distinguished speakers w the first dahlia not long ago there appeared on tho table of u lady who is an enthusiastic gardener 0 dtsh- which puxiled her palate- she could not docido whether it was singularly turnlpy potato or a remorkablo potntocy turnip and which ever it was shu did not like it she summoned the cook and inquiry presently revealed lo hor dismay that it was niether but some of her choic est cactus dahlias innocently mistak en far a vegetable the error was luss disastrous than the famous one of the dutch house keeper who during the prevalence of the historic tulip mania accidental v boiled for onions u handful of tulip bulbs worth a fortune but it was certainly vexutousas well as funny- according to historic tradition the original introduction of tlie dahlia intu en eland oc cured an ecror exactly op posite in character it wus importod for u vegutublu and turned out to be a flower a utile ovur u century ugu so thi story runs ldy holland tmvelllnb in the south of europo was ragalod upon a soup of delicious flavor which her hostess informed bar was called pal os u no soup becuuso its chief ingredient was the jerusalem arti choke lady holland always on tho alert for interesting novel jos orderod r root of the artichoke to bo sent to her gardnor at holland house this wu done as everybody supposed but when the strong shoots thrusting up bodily into the vegetablegarden and tended under the watching eyes of the gardner cook and great lady ar rived at maturity and bloomed they bore a new and splundld flower in edible but glorious the plant was transferred to tho parterre and became tho pride of the garden although ut first lady holl ands feeling were mixed tor she du not like to lose her pulostlno soup but when a london seedsman camo o look at it and offered thirty guinea for the root her last trace of disap pointment vanished and her husbands graceful tribute which was soon pass ing from up to lip through tho fash ionable drawingrooms of london added the final touch to her satisfact ion lord holland who had a pretty taste in verse wrote gallantly the dahlia you brought to our lalo your praises forever shall speak in gardens sweat as your amlle and colors um bright as your cheek strangled wkh asthma is the only expression that soem to convey what is endured from an attack of this trouble the relief from dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy is beyond measure where oil wus suffering there comas comfort and rest breath ing bwwmefrormojundthoenclitat tubes completely cleurwl this un- equullod rernody is worth many tunas its price to all who use il accurate tha memory of theodore parker is beloved as that of a good and wise man but few of the present genera tion realise how highly he ranked as a scholar in his pleasant volume contemporaries co t w higgln- son recalls an instance or mr parkers almost infaluble knowledge it happened to au many years rtgo to wish for fuller information in re gard to the barbaroas feudal codes of tho middle ages the common histori ans gave me no satisfactory informa tion or references and so i applied to tha -most- soholarly lawyer- within my reach a man who is now a leader in the senate ho regretted his inability to give me uny aid but referred ma to a friend eminent for legal learning th friend however owned with some re- grot that he had paid no attention to that particular subject and did not evon know what books to refer to hut ho would at least ascertain and let mo know v i may udd thut although ha is now a justice of the supreme court 1 never hoard from him again stimulated by iii success i aimed higher and struck at the supreme bench of massachusetts breaking in on the mighty teposo of his honor with the name of charlemagne charle- magnet responded my lord judge rubbing his burly brow charle magne lived i think in the sixth century dismayed i retreated but sure of one man to whom law meant also history and literature i took refuge with charles sumner that accomplished scholar himself for onco at fault could only frankly advise me to apply to theodore parker 1 did so go replied parker in stantly to alcove twenty four shelf one hundred and thirteen of the col- lece library at cambridge and you will find the information you need in a thick quarto bound in vellum and lettored potglessar de conditions et statu servorum i straightway sent for potgtessei und found my fortune made a great success the judge tells how mr doolin met mr casey and about the con versa tlor they had i heard ye were on a shtrlka said mr doolin i was that answered mr casey a shtrlka for what coseyt for shorter hours an did ye git miv sure we did that i its not wurrkln i um now talk and heredity thare is u strong fibre of common sense und shrewdness in the negro character which oftun helps the old colored people to keep the too am bitious young folk within bounds oanera nichols of louisiana told the other day of the return to a plan tation of a young fellow who had just completed his college course he aired his opinions an vuriaus subjects far day or two surrounded by awe struck silent negroes at lost uncjs jacob a gray old nagru- interposed solemnly ive bean llstanln to yoh odolphus fob two days an its my opinion dut yuh tnlk an yoh talk but yoh doan reach into de stomach ob yoh subject an yoh argufy mi yoh argufy but yoh doun locatel many brutors with lighter skins and more pretentions than adolphuscould pplylhtse homo i y hints to tholr ur- gumriits with good ecfect another wise old uncle lately lis tened in sllonco tu u dlsmquilon on the dlvtirs woe jul- claims to dlstluctiui of wnvorul educated nuui und women uf his rucw the mmnuini of una family boasted uf duscaiit from wualthy mer chants in tho west indlta others claimed kinship with u wellknown tiegro polltlclsl still others assertod thut their uiicestorw nuver hud hewn slaves but always wwr fruu at laat ho spoke chlllun sal ha with u rup of his uune i doun know unlhln bout yoh uncostry as yoh call it but i du know that when ltttt to himtnd wtk in da mupla woods ubtlln down de serrup when murse ha coma an aliuut du row oh kallltts ho nobsr tuiy uncle uurga how high was do tree dat dls com out ohr or ebon wlmh is tie lieu am dls uontu out olr but just what kino oh sugur is itt home of our educated sons might without personal detriment hood tha woids of this humble preuchur uiul connldoi the valuu of the sugur ruthut than the height of the true from which it flowed cqtps chappcd hands puhh1 tfcttmtfcjitorjirm forc0u6hs colds s and bronchitis g not that bird at all they were discussing ways and means of getting down off an olephant well how do you get downt skej bob you climb down of course no replied his friend tom well you grease his sides an slid down suggested the other wrong again insisted tom then you take a ladder if one is handy and slide down was the next suggestion well you slide down- his trunk no you donkey you dont gel down off an elephant you get it off duck forgot remember not to forget is an injunction familiar to evory ago and walk of life a writer in loridon opinion given tho following as a speci men of what even the most cautious may come to whats that piece of cord ued round your finger fort asked mr church my wife put it then to remind ma to post her letter answered mr chapel l and did you post itt no she forgot to give it to me many mothers can testify to the virtues of mother graves worm ex terminator because they know from experience how useful it is many tourists visit canada it is estimated by the dominion parks branch of the department of interior that tourist trutho lust year wus worth 130000000 to canada and it la expected thut this figure will he exceeded during tha presont year among the provinces british colum bia leads in the tourist industry with earnings of t38o0oooo ontario and quebec show 30000000 each over ninetenths of last years tourist traffic was from tha unltud states canadas mineral wealth canada la the worlds greatest pro ducer of nlckle asbestos and cobalt and the british empires greatest pro ducer of copper sine arsenic gypsum feldspar and talc uccordlng to an ad dress broadcast by mr c pricegreen of the colonisation and development department of tha canadian national railways mr price oreen points out that lite per capita value of the dominions mineral production had increased in thirty- five years from 223 to 29 telltales pus had a secret that the tgrjowdropg wnuperea her and she purred it to the south wind while it stroked her velvet fur and the south wind bummed it softly to the busy honey bees and they bussed it to tha blossoms on the scarlet maple trees and these dropped it to the wood- brooks brimming full or melted snow and the brooks told robin redbreast as they chattered to and fro little robin could not keep it so he sang- it loud and clear to the sleepy fialds and meadows woke upl cheer up i spring is here success leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son jpjlumbing heating tinsmithing tho success of work in scores of homes and business places in acton is a guarantee that we are in a position to assure you satis faction wewill appreciate your ordek and will execute it with promptitude main street acton it pays to use martin senour red school house paint fbr bams and outbuildings it hms no equal write to kmd olfr mlmfj fcr fn boolcut l home mihtinc madc eav sou by wdc talbot railway time tables nadian nationawianways at acton ooino west no 20 si 3 ttro empire barns parma natrt superctron con van lent th emplr barn hv plank construction trusses ore cisrrttscally buut of irrtorlaklnftpunlts giving enormous strength diagonal bracmg throughout completes a structure solid as a rode hit to tsrl hsmvlort storms also outward prossuro of hay and grain pronounced by engineers to be the strongest type of bam construction no obstructing cross beams braces etc all interior is clear floor space ideal to work in get our prices for your barn just tall us length and width and also drives you want and say when you will probably need the bam this will not bind you in anyway we also furnish separately our famous empire corrugated iron and eastlake shingles standards of quality for 40 years if co any building consult us our experienced service dept is at your disposal and can give you real help the metallic roofing co limited ma toronto we sasete wrvulg in sheet metal or rrw butletngs 183 totntq suburban electric railway u wsstbound no 63 jtt tuonm no fid 1140 am no 67 7 240 p m no 1 c40 p m no en j 800 pm no 9 1140 pm no h 742 am no 68 1042 am no cb 142 pm no 83 44lm no co 7fj v m no 70 1042 pin sunday timetable wastbound chevrolet can be bought on easy terms the low cost and easy terms of chevrolet has brought the great utility comfort and convenience of a fullyequipped airto- xnobile within easy reach of a large number of canadians and chevrolet pricethbugh it is the lowest of any quality car in the world is the full and complete cost of the car there are no extras to buy everything necessary for easy comfortable and safe motoring is standard equipment on chevrolet chevrolet offers you everything in appear ance dependability and riding ease that discriminating motorists demand and with all these combines the most economical car- performance known in the world easy payment terms also have been arranged general motors acceptance corporation a subsidiary of general motors provides a deferred payment qlan which makes the pur chase of chevrolet so easy that few if any can afford to be without this fine modern car ask about tha qmx deferred pmyment plmn tor ec tmtntportatton chevrolet fisher king representatives fob this section call on them at or write and they will call on vou georgetown castoria mother t fletcher castoriais a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrupa prepared to relieve infants hi anus und oiildren all ages of gonstipatiou wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in thcusminilattunot food promoting cheerfulness rest and 1 natural sleep without opiates to tivoiu imitaiims alwaji inol or llur iuiialurc ui cjy7ka s tf o r liscvage iliynlijiii everywhere recommend u no 31 y loaduro no 13 339 pra no 3 cottpm n 30 h 39 p ro no 36 hiiiiilay 1030 am qolng east toh ii m ii is a m 3 35 p in 017 p m 813 pm 708 p m no e6 no 6s no ex no 67 1140 a m 340 p m 040 p m 940 pm 1043 om 243 p m 643 pm 1 no e no so no 64 no ss freight deliver by spaolal oxpraas frslght freight picked up at an ad- dross in toronto bl t tiretford agent acton j b paton painter and decorator paperitartging groining signs and show cards qgusfactlon guaranteed at fair prices your order kindly accepted with prompt attention assured arthur street acton t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t- e gibbons main street acton optfes sipltvlnp b3riood3rv3t tkronro cmao acton elevator hear o t r station followingbrands on hand flour manitoba v flour pastrv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and grain grain bought and itetalled alex l noble henry awrey manage this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to bell to thoue vho know und to tliota who dont know at a uriiforut fglr price to fulfill all 4uaantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deservo your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jtvillprh cui mi im a o

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