Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1924, p. 6

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p lufairusrf nd frealli are it aiiii lollowfitr rat mi hi be ioci bcalh sj mera ytc kr lino cult for poem gorn disk ny vt acton onslondny april ii ljl in mr mul mr krcd married llintkkiawhon r- on saturday april r 114 ul toronto by the hv j- w prdloy unclo of ttiq lirotitn jiin k lauvhun only daugi tr of mm ijiwrjon and the late wultnr ijiwmin oeoritetown to mr jouoph if hunter nf norvul died tiiomtbon in ioifjidnk on halur- day april r 1024 walter thnmp- non arced ti years iujui at nitlhy n j on wwlie- duy april 0 1034 ilaxol hurd tlmijchtor of thomas hurd formerly of arlon htrachan on fylday april ii 1324 at tho verdun apartment toronto icllmhoth wife of tho into hov donulri hirnchun hwackiiami3r at hnmllton on friday april ii 1024 robert hwackhiimvr ton of til into illrnw jbuiickhumor nf oiiprlnifi alulott at hnr home ooiniit 1934 alulott at hnr home mich on tuesday march 26 mary talbot widow of tno lulu wllllurn abbott and nujthnr of mr jnml moore ilookwood in lirr 70th year qhjp artmt 3tor tsbb thursday apbll 17 1m4 brief local items roood friday tomorrow now for iho now eantor millinery hot croon runn lomorrow mdrn- inc cantor lilies will bo popular the next few days tho moat satisfactory eubstllute for coal in spring tho younfrntors ore onjoyliur the nprlnllme anyhow mitchell council madoa brant of 400 to the town band april haw plenty of timo yet to may it with showers and flowers husbands axe like furnaces if yon dont wmah them they gt out tako a lesson from winter and never sive up without a strifrle tlio message of tho eastertlme l over a mosaase of joy and victory muakrat skins are briruriiur j200 oach this eprlns from the fur buyers try a little advertising mr mer chant the results will aurprlse you elora council is considering the purcbaso of an eleetrla street sweeper neighbor kindly farewell mr and mrs r l dsvldion pressnted with an ad drew and gifts lust wdnindiy ovonluj n lnrco company of uiikiiiiomi and fricntla nn- mnmlkil t ihr honik or mr and mm it u ihivhlton irronrt line to njhiid a norta fviiihur prior to their tnuvlriir tliu farm ami oiiiink t town to ro uble mr 1 w murray wiin rlialrpmn of tho rumtlon unit in 111 imppy munnit dlnxtoil the proldoitlnitn an inler- ntliil prtitfrnnimo lituludid a com- in unity mlnonif volln umbers by mr c o 1 in n it rerltutlona by mi iily mckeown uml corinnu mnerwti- nld no urn try mm field and mr plunk limlrumentitl iiolurtlonn by minn juialn mcarrtfnr and mm ludd and brief nddromhoh by mnnru 11 ii hwllr ilwrt mckwif and a a wordnn a fatnro of tho iivenlne wnn tho prchoiilutlon of tho followlim nddrnnn to mr and mm pavldmxn and maalur wllinor thin wuh nnd by mr 1 w majtalca and n nultii of dlnluk chnlrn and u rockor wrro prencntnd tin tmihnlf the company by uoain oartton joiiiihioii anil adolpbun vordfn mr nnd anrslt l tnvldadn and miinur wllmnr wo your friondh und iolfhbora hava mtt with you thin avenlntf to convoy tho renpoct and oatoem due to you wtfdo not nond to repeat to you all wo fool toward you your honest d online u liberal u up port and choerf ul at- tnndunco to community life hnve boon an influence for ttooti tn wldo circles as woll aa in your im mediate neighborhood and have won for you a warm placo in our hearts wo havo brought a amall sift and in asklntr you to accept thoao dining room chairs and rocker hope you will appreciate thoaplrlt with which thoy nro fflven it la not in payment for any of the immy services rendered but that you may feet that our kindest thoughts surround you and that a bonulno welcome awaits you any time you may be able to retyrn to our homes or neighbor hood signed on behalf of your neigh born and friends wesley masales qoiidon johnston a a worden mr davidson ln a feeling address thanked the gathering on behalf ot mrs davidson and himself for tlielr very kind words and much appreciated buu s- refreshments wero then served by the ladles and aftor a social hour tho party broke up with auld lang syne neighborhood news- town and country nag0aqaweya mr unvld currlo of nniiiiuitiwyii- hnn dccldoil to rrtlro from fuinilnif- mr w o mttfnf of chiihibllvlllc who iiuh boon 111 for hovoral mnntlin la vocoverlns a largo iiumlxir of nitnnuirawoya pooplo uttondod the finunil of mlof ollvu mclaughlin t aitnii on woil- nrmluy lust terra cotta running jlkvlliut no nhtvjiu be hugh igan plant hero at full itov mr dougl npoclut httvlceii church thw pant wmk mr j vzuwm in movlmr to mrs dtiurtoiih houno mi main htroct mr and mrs u tlrny luivo i to mlnti flora mcliudu lioiiiti clurcli htrool n hoiilltit methodist w limehou8e jivoryono la enjoylnff thltt dulltrhtful spring woatlior f tho hokoruun frm ut tho fuurth linn is ugaln occupied the new tenanta urn wolrurnn in oil commun ity a uroud of rnlllo urrlvoil oiniduy inst week for dr ltiiluyh fiirm tho bright sunidilnu and thn upilnt mlnti are doing tlmlr utmont to muuo io snow disappear dont forget thla ih tlu nlgl tho pie socisx another sudden death of to uno lady tiih fitss inijjia received tile follow i ti if mid notf youturday morning mutiny n j april 14 ib24 dear mr editor my deir nlutijj husel patnind nwuy lnht wiklimaday after three day iii- ntnii him was taken with appendicitis unit porltonltln und dlod a few hours after an operation hho had not beanr in good health for sometime as nho ahvtin was nho died u ffnwl chrlatlan young woman father in as well as run be expoctcd hlnceroly j nellie fliiuush mian ilnaol kurd referred to above wan the nerond dnujrhtnr of thofnas hunt for many years a raldent of acton minn hazol pent her girlhood fluyw hero attended our public and high hnnoiif graduated no a jranher and nuftlit ul ilunnorkburn for anverul yearn beforn johvlng with her father brother and nulor for new jerney her brother corp liny hurd was one of the acimi young mnn who gave ida life in tlm groat wot nnd whano name appears on actons memorial monu ment mlwn hnxot trnrt mony friends in the iltl homo who will sorrow nt her unllmnly decease hlin was a member of tho methqdlst church and oclatod with the young people of the church in their activities much nymimttiy will lnfilt hero for thn nged fattier anil the sinter and brother o tiroly bereft ballinafad mr illchard ishotll hr hun boor 111 and under tho doctors core miss williamson tho teacher of uio peacock schoot han returned to her duties after an attack of tjulnsyor a wnek or two itovaoorgo muno of evorott who was for levon or eight yours minister of tho presbyterian church at uallln- afad died bast week and wan buried on saturday mm muno and twd aonn and two daug liters who nro thrown up survlvo mr muno wua greatly be loved on his chargo hero nnd much sympathy is folt for thu beroavod family churchill tho early moth gets tho win tar furs and heavy clothing head him off t famous tost words for tho mo tor 1st watch mo pass him at the next corner palm sunday services in the varl- our churches were well atended on sunday the bane- of the shoe man is tho people who wish to fit not their foot but their prldo in tho spring an old mans fancy lightly turns to tfiought at rheu matism remedies tho maple nutfsx season j now pretty weu over the buds are be ginning to appear every item of news you send the flxs prasa makes it mare interesting to you and others early to bod and early to rise and you wont meet any of yourfrienda except the milkman anthracite at the mjna has been reduced but not nearly so much as it has in the home bins i meaford had a deficit of 2q00o lost year and the result is a 66 mill tax rate for this year dry up once insulting slang has now become tho dignified oo of an aroused democracy as a business proposition tho home gardeapays try il but keep at it all through the season as usual weve gotten past tho placo where the roads each successive spring are tho worst ever you know your welghbora wish beyond a doubt his hedge however low means please keep oul there wore more farmers in town last saturday than for any saturday ince good sleighing prevailed mr a e crlpps has purchased a t ton motor truck and is now en- gaging in long distance trucking lovingly calling name by name- april tripped thro tho meadows bare windflowort violet snowdrop fair j sho coaxed them a little and o thoy came this is the time when no one knows jubt when to doff tho winter clothes for if you wear them you feepbad and if you dont you wlnh ou had mr jamas macdonald m a prin cipal of acton continuation school was appointed a member of tho en trance board of examiners by th county council thousands of billboards are to b token down in england thin year in deference to the agitation against dis figuring tho landscape with huge signs a good idea the hydro shop has substantially reduced the price of lamps this ap plies to all watts from 15 to 200 c p the advertlsemont in another column gives full particulars the niagara fruit c will be all reasy oslarl tri onli regular season of being totally ruined once a week tho oddfellows of paisley are considering the purchase of a radio outfit to be placed in their lodge rooms they say the only time the exhor tation pleajto rnmlt doesnt insult some people is when tbey write it themaelves tho first man whose biography is recorded was a home gardener pol- low his example and get into lino this mprlng mis adams of george town will assist the me t hod la t choir in the can lata from cross to croww oi sunday avenlng half century clubs are becoming popular those eligible for member ahlp are cidsens who havo lived for fifty years in the town grand valley property owners carried the bylaw to guarantee a 10- 600 bund issue of the acme handle company by a vote of 164 tp 2 tho people of milton are uaked to aupscrlbo 4 coo each to a guarantee fund in connection with tho home- oomsrs tleunlon nuttummtr mrs thomas titus churches tree brought to thla office the other day a duok einr which weiftnrptl 5 ouuooa and m assured i lnchea by 7h inchon it is proposed to raise the maxi mum compensation payable by tho post ofllce far a registered article from twenty five to one hundred dollars- mr william tytlsr who has for thirty- two yearn been the very eftl- eient mtfcrotary of the lloard of ed cation nf quelph retired thla week th telephone and thu automobile have brought the doctor to the eld of his alek patient ton times as quick ly am was possible twenty five years ago ho came supping up the walk the fine resldenco of w ralph in nelson was saved from destruction by flro on monday night by tho hard work of neighbors who promptly an swered the coll for help mr c v blatchford has disposed of the llstowol banner which he nuc- oessfully conducted for cloven years to mr ed s hudson formerly pub lisher of the beamavltle express the georgetown lumber company has opened an agency la acton a m mccann is in charge and will keep a stock on his property at his cool yards john milter wul superintend the building contracts here april calling april cajtihg april calling mel i hear the voice of april there in each old appletree bee bloom and wild perfume and wood- brook melody 7o hark my heart and hear my heart the april ecstasy 1 niagara on the lake claims to be tho pioneer in tho movement now go ing on among ontario cities to abolish bill boards from the streets a by law prohibiting them has been in force for fifteen years in old niagara a resident in a neighboring town lid to have built his house exactly alike in the front and on the back his hope was he explained to fool the chickens into thinking tbey were on the front lawn when they were really j the b yard rov mr henry of mcafaster uni versity toronto nuppllod tho pulpit here on sunday uftornoon for ilov mr howard word was rocelved bore on saturday of tho death at hamilton of robert swackhamer a former wellknown resident of erin township a son of the lato hiram swackbamer of os- pringc robert was engaged in farm ing in erin township prior to moving to grimsby ho had been in poor health for a number of years and un derwent an operation at hamilton hoapltal a week ago from which ho fallod to rally ho loaves to mourn hlu loss his wife formerly miss addlo hawkins ono brother j e of ray city mich- and nix sisters mrs a campbell hamilton mrs jj dry- den guellh mrs wilson erin town ship mrs b kenney guelph mrs a- wilson dotrolt and mra young of rockwood tho funeral took place on monday afternoon from his late rt denco grimsby messrs albert smith smith arlftln auntln arthur and clinton swackhamer mr und mrs william walker and mrn r h wuna- brough attended thu funeral of mr swackhamer who was their coutfrn at grimsby t welcomed with good food immlarsnts at csnsdss gstaa will rscalvs qood food canada will welcome immigrants at hor gate with good food nt prices baa ell on tho actual coat of the service according to a ntutemont made by tho hon j a robb minister if immi gration and colonization beginning itnmodintnly tho can toon and restaur ants in connection with the immigra tion bulltllnca nt tho port of qurtxjc will be oporatod by the department or immigration and colonisation on i coat ban in inhtsad of by private- con tractor an in tho past meals nhd foodsupplloa generally will be sold on tho hasla of the cost of the goods and norvlco without any effort at profit making a feature- of tho service will be lunch boxes which can be bought over tho counter and which contain suppllea especially aolocted for use on trains tho inbtructloufl issued to the man ager of thn canteen and restaurants by the department provide that all foods olto to bo of tho best quality and that lists rncstbc pouted ln full view of the pubha showing prices in eng lish french swedish and yiddish the new arrangements are intended to assure the immigrant immediately ipan hln arrival or good food at mod erate nrlcea a practice which it in believed will do much toward creating favorablo first impressions of canada modes for spring an ununually charming and individual collection of trimmed and readytowear huta for a new aeaaon umiauatln style unusual in value in htrawn straw cloth taffola and ismbrofdared novelties thero is a fronhncna and charm about thorn which capturou every lover of pretty thlnga mistf3 galbraith acton ontario hot cross buns ready thursday afternoon at five oclock of course well hnve h6v cross buns for good friday and of course theyll be of the usual good quality of fairbanks batting leave your orders for them early and be sure of your supply theyll bo ready on thursday afternoon at five plenty of the most tempting baking for the eastertide visitors wjll also be on hand fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton rockwood tplponeitwo not a word qi r f nolghborvlnot a hqwdydo gavejlf lh u signal click click click hello mr rslp the wedgewood knitting mllla of toronto is removing to orllua they have bean employing iwsatonv bands and intend to inonesuw to fifty in oruua up in kincardine tfw town coun cil just hired a bandausttsr at w per month the bnd is ttt w en the beach ourtafitm the pulpit of tho baptist churon was occupied on sunday by rev mr henry of mc master university tor onto rev mr edward whe was announced to preach was detained owing u the death of hi father mr john edwards of ke nil worth meeting of the publishers of wellington and surrounding counties will be held in elora on friday april 2ft an excellent programme has been prepared tho press men will be the guests ot lunchoon of mr tc 13 mill of the elora express hydro rates have been reduced in orangovllle domoauo rates which were 5 cents and 3 cents par k w hour have boon reduced to 4 cents and 2 cents tho commercial rale which was 10 cent c cents and 1 cent lias been reduced to- 8 cents 4 cents and 0s cent this is the time oj yur to show your neighborly spirit by dropping over to see tho man next door and asking him what kind at garden seeds his chickens prefer tluiyll est thorn up as fast as you plant them any way and one might as well 1m a little thoughtful about u oh daarmyheurt dont call it rain tls springtimes thrilling drum on rooftrou und on wlnduwpuno w hur its rousing thrum springs boats inuar tuko tholri atiuul again naath muplo oak and lurch and on it lmrnti winters cruel reign attention up ward murch a couple of georgetown youths wero observed by chief maophersan on bower avenue on sunduy evening in rather improper conduct toward two young girl he marched them oft in abort order arivlxud them to bo more clroumepjlot hereafter and saw them lake the first car for home a resident in town who 11 fall carefully wrapped protection about a favorite rose bush found the other day when taking off the wrappings that a mouse had made her neat there ho members of tho girls basobai team presented mlsa erie squires with iplondid goldmountod fountain pon i evening last wovk a dollghtful social hour was apont ut thn homo of miss squires parents the family will leave- for georgetown ahortly mr and mrs colin rcltchoii v lulled friends in toronto a wok ago mrs george h pearau visited hoi mother mrs altkon in brampton last weok intimation was received lost wosk of the death of mr william w lunar ttf yeuilgest slater mr edwin muthosoii of tuxford sasli mr wlnhurt loft dlntely to attend the funeral miss clayton usslatant secretary df tho board or education of victoria b c who has- been apondlng part of her vacation with frlenda hero hat returned to her home at tho coast mrs wm mccutchoon und daugh ter elva spent a week with frionds in brantford last week rockwood lost ha oldest resident when mrs samuel sopor passed away sho v as in her 85th year mrs saper was born in hamil ton in the year 1b20 and was a daugh ter of the lute adam crlppa dpo of the first blackamluis who settled in rockwood coming here when very young sho uvod hero continuously for over nlnoty years a klridly dlspoal- uon and generous hospitality wore strong character 1st lea i her ufa tho funeral took place on wednesday of texnoqnax p- f lalehams on harris street tiio sarvloos wore conducted by rev j uru stewart os- a fa ted by rev john little the pall bearers wcruwooarn hi c hurd howat arex hunter artnjr itollou of rock wood alexander und edwin crippe nf acton and meaheck hard well or quelph interment took place in the frtsnds cemetery service for the motoring public walter kentner main street garage a first class motor mechanic prepared to repair all makes of motor care promptly tires repaired and vulcanized best grades of gasoline and motor oils supplied at reasonable prices air and water free to all motorists boom for storage main street acton garage w kentner proprietor mclean co heres the good news gofd seal congoleum week may 8th to 17th bargain prices 0x6 feet regular price 900 for 0x7 feel regular price 1125 for 0x0 feet regular pric 1350 tor oxiojj feet regular price 1575 for 012 feet regular prico 1800 for 795 906 1195 1395 1595 this is your last chance call early and make your choice 50 only congbleum rugs 18x36 inches all new designs regular price 60c special 4kc store closed all day good friday opeiu thursday night till 10 oclock mclean co mill street acton ont acton greenhouse a h bishop wo now havo ready for deliv ery tho following in pots karly tomatoes early celery caddage cauliflower rhubarb orders taken for all kind of bedding plant delivery in plenty of time a h bishop falrvlew avsnu phone m the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public health act notice la hereby given thai all real- don is of acton are required forthwith to clean their collars dralna yards pig styowuler closets outbuildings and other promises and remove there from all dirt manure and other sub stance which may endanger the public health and to have the amo completed by the twelfth day of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a general lnapectlon and further take notice that the aectlon of the public health aot prohibiting the keoplng of hogs between the lth of may and tho icth of november ex cept inpen atlcast feef fromrany dwelling house and go feet from any street or lane with itoors kept clear from all n landing water and regularly cleansed will bo strictly enforced alt oltlxens are earnestly requested to koop their promises constantly clear and thoroughly disinfected george barber i roova of the municipality acton april s 1924 young ones feasted on the tender hoots ftad bark qf the rose busb to its gran injury iw ttor t a gamld m a a ra orth law rnuuua caaaidy j p ot pttrgasdlaa at vernon b c oatn u lnu 8 wmwforotr mataealat mimltixnar ut japan anil irai fr a term pwtor of norfolk 8trt church oinlph and qbalrhmui ot- uadka tmea mra uj daathr ato aoa i mrorjvn rns new prices of electric bulbs first quality 15 25 40 watts85c or j for l00 60 watts 50 watts mill typo 75 watts nitro 100 watts nitro l 200 watts nitro 110 these prices effective april 10 1924 we have some second grade bulbs 60 watt at 4 for l00 40c 40c 60c 75c acton hydroelectric commission new lumber yard with builders supplies the georgetown lumber company ltd v of georgetown are opening a branch lumber yard in acton aad- will carry a complete stock of lumberlath shingles sash doors frames interior trim hardwood flooring hydrated limo hnrdwall plaster plaster paris beaver board fibre board and cement we also do contracting und building and will be pleased to quote you on remodelling or now buildings mr a m mccann is in charge of the lumber yard and mr john miller will have chargcof tho contracting and build ing phqne your inquiry to 114w or 120 and you will receive prompt attention the methodist church easter sunday bright easter services morning and evening the church choir will render easter anthems at the morning service and in the evening will give that inspiring easter cantata from cross to crown a full choir at 25 voices appropriate easter hermons by tin will ho cordially welcomed pan tor tho public uenerally rev c hackett psalor a printed order of service will b amos ma80n ldr n up piled for the day cantata in knox church acton to be oiven on good friday april 18 programme to commence at 81ft p m saturday treat 99 this being the last week for easter goods we invito you to call early and place your order as our stock is limited something new the goidcfiapheasant a one pound package of chocolates that sells for np it has no equal satlnette29c tb as a dainty confection satinettes stand alone a rich centre consisting of assorted sweetened chopped nuts with a smooth shiny covering flavored just right to suit any taste regularly 40c tb- saturday treat 29c lb i weekend chocolates 32c lb aii ubsortment of chocolates consisting of hard and soft centres including creams caramels jellies nougats peanut clusters- etc all strictly fresh well worth soc and 60c lb saturday special 32c lb ice cream why wojtyojtsqmethingjastjfqllhcpurtj for tcaphono us your order for assorted bricks or bulk ice cream and wo will do tho rest while down town drop in and try a fruit sundae or a lemon soda you will cnjqyjt v rumley phone 6it acton ontario l part i cantata rkukmitiok mono now song t choir hopiuho imiiib 3- special assortment smoked and cured meats for easter homemade jellied veal headcheese and sausage v beef pork lamb veajcooked ham boast him and homerendered lard maple syrup in stock ho joint mrullvld 5 ride on in muty xluii lliilaoii choruu 3 midnight in tin i clurdtm hoprutio utul contralto dytht mrs htewarl ali4mih akltiu 1 and hv ittinlniclum crohm hks holo utul choir holoiut mr amttim 6 ifi reivnortiscur for 111m bopruiio holo holoiut urn klcol 8 now umui the rlrt day of the week r choir 7 tell the olud story worn utioiuu mrs utowurt mukou aklnu und konnudy h juesth ik bwallowod up in victory conlialto hoh and ciioium bololst mihh isabel aiulimoh g the honir of the lledeeiiiod toiloi hold und choir holout wr v rumly 10 inliohl 1 htunclat thu door and knock htipratio but specials for this week smoked meats smoked hum whole or half per lb choice picnic htmrj per lh cottage rolls per lb smoked rolls per lb sido bacon blab or half pet tb laud 2ic 17c 21c 19c 25c n holoiut we hhall ho jbiu holout lit rejoice and ho olud ml m wuidluw uuvid holo and choir u a wurden a choir acton meat market obbib i4mp proprietor pbon 46 iin part ii bolo dream f lurod1o aitamm mr horry kflly selection wuntlolhl utul nuttur mr and mian klly quarlettu uoar llumluy wontii mulili utul hmllh raadliu tbo lageud ut ihu organ uulldr charlea uirr oaautlrul upon ua ucmntaln ilarkor i mr gordon qrtoroqo ouluu- halodeaeripuva fanutala worrell charlea kolly chuics kelly conductor 3 lb pail lurd 55c 5 lb pailb urd 80c 1 lb bricks lard i i8c bulk lurd per lb 17c 20 lb iails lurd wis j lb puils shortening 50c ioitk cuts i hum whole or half per lb 20c side pork by piece per lb 18c shoulder hoat per tb 17c und 18c loin roast per lb 20c rib chops per lb 20c 18c und 19c watch our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson admission 3s cents i cobnjmu and majksthkets acton ont lsassswjwsfakts jjlx

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