Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1924, p. 1

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i ht jctiw sftt pft i fortynlnth yearno 43 thursday morning april 24 1024 acton ontario canada- thursday morning april 24 1024 singlo copies five cents the msthodist church acton rev cha8 hackett pl pifmnio- wulow st 11 00 ii in tlic tho fouraj com t 30 p in fcuntluy bcliool 7 00 p m tho minlhtor hubjcqt tho hi cr i of suitoiih i vlkvilti wkicomb presbyterian m knox church acton mnlttjc flv au c 8lwrt m a manaa willow 8troet wimiffiiii nwiiiiiiaiiiiiimiiii lino a m tho minister the christian sabbath 3 00 pfcn sunday school 2 46 p m niblo class lull how chapter x 7 00 p m tho mlnlolor iln name hubjoat hubjoct i rirenian leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor aij abe cordially invited special notices vd vert itencn la thi cofunrn s cenli r ord minimum charge jdc per hisertloe wanted woman for few houra work daily apply to hunderland housed wanted garage tp rent apply by letter giving urow to box b free pbes3 office lost car bumper botweon actcin and milton noward offered return to f n mccleary church street found on mill street a sum or money owner may have tho same by applying e beswick john street fpr sale 1 wood cook stove 1 3burner oil stovo and ovon 1 renfrew cream separator for aalo cheap apply to mrs mcoill church street good dininq room suite a sideboard nix leaf extension table ftvo leatherseated chairs and one arm chair for sale at a banraln w f moony 43 tf mill street acton lost a sum of money between symons hardware store acton and lot si third line esquettins on wednesday after noon isth inst reward if returned to john mcdonald third linn long distance hauling i tm now prepared to do ions dis tance hauling of furniture machinery etc and am fully equipped with ap paratus and trucks to take care of this class of work prompt attention given sji orders a b cripps phono 83 or 61 42- acton ontario auction sale will be held on saturday april 28 at lasby s hotel acton of 24 choice dairy cowe durhama holstelns ayr- ahlres and jerseys many of them with calves at foot or due td freohen i months credit 8 off tor cash don t miss it if you want a good cow this sale will commence at two oclock sharp r j kerr auctioneer farms for sale 46 farms in the coantles of halton and weulnjrton varying- from 40 to 200 acres let u aand you our list a number of homes md business places in acton for sals fire and life insurance money to loan 3 a smith real estate agent phone 105 acton ont- wanted to purchase for cosh collections of old postage stamps also odd lots tind old envej- opes- with stamjm attached no mod ern issues wanted preference for early issues hating from 1640 to 1890 of canada u s a great britain british i colo maviflyygato look up your old letter as you nut find some of these- early issues among them reply to 4s4 box 18 rtleb pre 313 gladiolus the queen of alt garden flowers is the gladiolus and should be in every flower lovers garden our better class glads cost no moce than inferior variation and are ggranteed to flower our descrip tlve catalogue gladly mailed upon request voodall floral gardens elmira ontario wonderland friday april 26 the spanish dancer starring job ngrl and an tonlo moreno in a romunco uf old spat comedy creation fool proof i lodge- podge novelty reel hot spots saturday april 28 six cylinder love fox speclul slurring ernest truer comedy creation un real new reel fojtnnwn tuesday april 29 blinky starring hoot gibson chap ler 8 of the haunted valley starring ruth roland cnm creation buck to earth 0ominq oliver twist with jackie coogan p l fibegory son new wallpapers at prices that suggest decorating in a generous way heres a wide choice of now designs for bedrooms and lower rooms two special prices irro quoted yid every person who comes to town and sees the papers will be forced to admit its an opportunity for saving ttftood portion of his or her anticipated spring outlay i polychrome parersv groat value at single roll 50c thcso heavy papers with their blurry blending of colors arc wonderfully adapt able make an cltecttve back ground for massive furniture in smaller rooms give an impression of spaciousness tapestry papers specially priced at single roll 25c styles suitable for down stairs rooms and halls new designs all 2i inclies wide special purchase value at 25c single roll also two won derful tapestry patterns on embossed stock at 35c single roll fresh new cuitains and draperies effect a transformation in the home youll wont the newest ideas in window hangings and draperies of course along with other new home furnishings this spring come to guclph to macdonalds to llnd the new ideas the new patterns furnishings of unexpected beauty and charm prices to suit every homo purse large or small frilled muslin 45c to 85c yard lace edged nets 20c to 100 filet nets 30c to 2 75 1 leaver nets 1 25 and i 50 madras at 33c to 2 25 ode extra special in 45 inoh width at 45c yard fine marquisette ina small allover pattern at 60c yard panel nets from switzer land 1 00 to 1 25 panel madras curtains special 2 50 pair cretonnes 33c to 50c chintzes 50c to 1 50 shadow cloths 1 50 to 2 50 silk shadow cloth 4 50 and 5 00 nursery chintzes 60c to 05c d e macdonald bros ltd gnelphs leading and largest store weekend specials oldfashioned humbugs the most wholesome candy manufactured a favorite with you rig and old regularly 40c tt weekend special 29c lb assorted chocolates assorted chocolates regularly 40c b weekend special 32c lb c guessing contest we fake pleasure in announcing mr neil gibbons as winner in the easter egg contest his guess was 2 pounds 1 1 ounces correct weight of egg was 2 pounds 10 ounces our ice cream parlors we have a large variety of sundaes and fancy specialties on our ice cream menu also all the different flavored sodas ce cream in bulk or brick which we will deliver to any part of the town mill street acton h wiles w will bav v money if you wilt lt u spring footwear special womans slippr at z76 and 1295 and huna oxford m lbu can not ta07lcu correctiu unessyou dress yaitrz fur spring now ii hero und the ltuy your i ootwei whllo the lxu urn uimurtuuittt loud we huvo u took t nnw footworn that wuuhl bu hard to bunt in any large town or uty ut easfty 7 co to go chuumr huliuuo our uvarhund jxiuiijm urp much aiinnlter we can u fiord ttt than ut thuajn ijjw irlicti lltiuil follomng hu women 1utoni leather hliooa in oxfords trap ullniurs combination hi cruy uhil putunt fanny ut itched tut outn in ull the nowot styles at itu rm 20 f376 4 00 4jm 15 00 mens 1uluiit uxfnnlh calf unil klu oxfortlit uixl boots no went taut uiil loon a lltiu of hooiim wo lire helling- ut 15 00 1564 ta00 7 00 all qoodyir avttm uud worth f 1 00 to tl so u jmli- inoro than wi uru usklng childrsnsrin oil poor boots all lout lion ull slus bum stylos uiut wour ut prlcos tliut dttfy uniuntltlon fruo 1 00 to ftoo holeproof hose mens and womens new farm factory and school boots harry harrison the shoe man nsw llnuof trvslllna bags and suit ca tho new bridge at oakville in a bad way expert engineer declares the con- ritructlon is good but the bridge wrong type cantilever plan not suit able because of the pressure of muck on sides and foun dations tho toronto hllir which wont u tho trouble tp loko photographs anil interview engineers in the matter of thi now highway brldse at oakville uhl on monday tho new bridge at u ill in l our n w union station hi 111 tit oi to iraftlc the htur asks will the new cement hrhlbo at oakville be opened tor trttinc this uummert wilt it eysr be opened tor trafllc theite questions tiro bothorlnsr resliianu of oakville unil exunrtn in olllclal circles in any cumo i ho brlclso will not be thrown open in the near future for a new dolour taking its place was put into operation on saturday tho detour now opened doe away with the viacesslty f pnsstnr to the north of the town and links up the toronto hamilton highway within fifty vitrei on each side of tho uiiuiml now bridge saving tho motorist many uwkwunl turns llio bridge is causing considerable urixloty aw to its safety pressure of mottling earth has moved tho founda lion pleru of the flf toon- tool approach span no tliat it has becomo serfously cruckud und twisted out ot shape the cnglners point out that this in no way affects the bridge proper a six inch split is quite visible the main epnn of the bridge is weighted dawn with 00 tons of gravel in bags to ountorbutance lh earth pressure from tfo sides heavy timbers and a doxen stool jacks havo ousod tho weight from the ouhturn approach soctlon of the bridge hjlcb is separated from tho main structure by a six inch crack he ath tills tho most serious deranged utlon a wall has been dug in uia hope uf draining oft water that la otlll forming from ice in tho approaching foundations and embankment lly draining off this wator foreman arthur bmlth explained the cement will liavn a chance to dry and furthor cruoks and disintegration will be ii topped ma l how j duller former deputy minister of hallways and canals in tho oderal government and at one tlrrfo chairman of tho uoard of manage ment ur the canadian qovernment itallwayii is a resident of oakville and has ink n n an uctlvo interest as a cltixon in the construction oc the hrldgn ihlit is now causing concern when plans were underfoot for the bridgo mr itutler who is an authority on bridge construction wrote tho de partment of highways advising against tho building of a cantilever structure und ajiklng for a copy of the borings upon studying theso documents and plans with the critical eyo of an 6 xpert mr uutler urttacr advised against this type of tyldgo but no heed was paid his suggestions mr uutler m reasons for objecting wore thai at the east side there was an much as b feet of soft muck be fore striking a firm bottom and at the wtwl side 46 feet of muck and cloy boforo striking solid ground aside from this an embankment of vcrth had to be built as an approach using at least fifty thousand yards of muck und clay hy tho combmed weight of this embankment and the soft earth itself pressing against tho main cantilever support which it would do baforo the earth settled into place it wns feared the abutments would shift in the opinion of mr lutlcr this is exactly what happened and should any further shift occur the bridgo will not be safe for traffic tho bridge proper has only one cruck across tho contra of about one inch but tho approach sections which arc fifteen feet wide are chipped and cracked in many spots and their piers ore sunk nearly two feet as to the work done by the contrao tors who built the embankment and the bridge itself no fault is found it was just a mlstuko to build that type uf bridgo there said mr butler the experi if no further movement occur tjteru is no reason why the bridge should not be opened for traf llc the construction work has been well done and so fur us the material ho ng concrete lu concerned that makes otncroncaierwouitraet juai th uaiuo there if on cantilever construc tion tho pressure against the main ubutmnt is too strong especially from on side the bridge cost approximately 100 000 hud it been of steol til oat would have been mure police court news cliarged with using lusultlng lau- ttuugo to u woman seven newmarket bo appeared in polios court recently lwo wore fined and costs added four got oft with the payment of costs one rut suspended hen tunc and ull wr utrongiy reprimanded thru nto truck uwnui i wore ot llrumpton lust saturday tlnod llffjafd oasts ouch for permitting thai ifuolla to operate with heavier louds than or permitted during the present month a llun uuwmun of 1eru who was iiniitumitl to two months in the county jail on murdi 12 for refusing to whoro he got his liquor after being fined flo und oost for being intoxl rated hus beau releused by order of tli attoi nvytlenernl mre llenullo 1 ergllhn htrvftt guolph was fined two hundred dollars itrnl cynis ut tuesday morning s iolloe court ouelpli when she pleaded guilty to keeping liquor in other than a prl vuto dwelling a like oh urge ugslrlkt aikgotlo dqnillo her husbund was dismissed chum weir 3d pleading guilty to 15 out of 18 charges of bouse burglary in oull und i hi on charges of the same uuture in rreston was on saturday morning sentenced by magistrate itlake to 14 years in kingston l lentlury he is also wanted on simi lar chnrge in london uuolpn an t kluhener und will now gu on trlul in the latter itlaoc ttmmlns ur generous to mayor por the nrt time in the history of the town the muyor of tlmmlns in tho gold mining district of northern ontario is to receive un honorarium for hln services this your mayor mo- in i is will vecelvo 91 600 us a partial r oompsiisn for loss he sustains in his profeusiuii while he is engaged in civic duties according to tho wording of a resolution put through the town council th uajfor u a doctor news of local import editor of oakville news very iii editor oorald o mltcljoll of the oakville news wan critically iii last week but on oood itrlday hi took a turn for the better and id now ro ported to bo nut of danger another trest for acton paopls tho same nrtlstrs from georgetown whn played ist s all oct married inst fall and whlnh wns such a sue cess arn coming hern ngnln xn mon day may e uvidor the auspices of st albaaa clmreb- watch for uia blus und get your tickets early luller particulars next wnek quslph preebyterlal moots in acton tho annual meeting of the ouelph presbyurlal will be held in knox church acton on tuesday may 20 pelngntr i will attend from throughout the boutidh of tlio lrobytry dr waters of tho medical staff of india is expected to attend and miss m e hell of hamilton will nlso probahlj be presont easter sunday school service tho banter eorvlce in tho methodist sunday school had interesting fea tures tho superintendent a 1 drown majlo tho service impressive tho easier recluitlons by miss corinn mncionald master tcrroneo o shea miss ifaxol tarxwoll and mrs a k ostrander xrrro appropriate to thj day an 1 w i well rendered the orchestra piovided special mtisi which was much enjoyed statute labor now abolished township dorks oro in receipt of letters from the department of high ways office stating that now legislation regarding township roadworu will be nnforcod next yeur this roqulros that all statute labor bo abolished and thn a township road suporintondoni bo up- pointed to caro for rond maintenance in tho munlcipnllty in order to make tho township eligible for tho govern ment grants for rond work loft hand painfully injured one day last wook as charles cun ningham wns working about tho truck in henderson s mill yard his foot lipped nod ho foil with his left hand under tho truck whool the thumb and first two fingers were badly lacer- atod and crushed it was found neces sary in dressing the wounded hau 1 to amputate tho thumb at tho first joint mr cunningham has had u painful time with the woundertjnom bers since but they ure now healing nicely improving mill street store building mr james wlrbunks baker has commenced the work of improving his store on mill s4riit the collar is being enlorgod to the full slse of the building and will bo cemonted now foundations are being put in brick walls will roplace that frame aiding which has stood he wcithor for over sixty years a now brick und plate glass front will bo constructed and he building will bo transformed both in appearance and utulty when tho im provements are completed tho work on the now cellar und foundations is already in progrctu well instructed in dressmaking the second of the two classes in sewing and dressmaking under com petent instruct ressss organized by acton women s institute completed their course last friday there wore about corty members in tho two classes rind tho work was continued for four weeks the ladles who wore enrolled are well satisfied with the instruction received and feel thai the women s institute provided oppor tunities which functioned into very practical results each member made a dross for herself throughout during her term of instruction easter thank offering meeting the custer thankoffering meeting of the women s missionary society of the methodist church last thursday afternoon was an occasion of much interest tho address by miss oarretj missionary from china was inspiring and contained a wealth of detailed information miss garrett recited particulars of her experiences with tho chinese women npd girls which gave entirely new views respecting the mis slonary activities rhloh uxo bolng carried on in that country the suc cesses accampnrttbcnn wtining people to christian life and character have been highly gratifying in aomj local hies the address throughout was greatly enjoyed by the ladies present miss edna johnston rendered a piano number which wus much up predated mrs a t brown presided at the completion of the programme ten was served jj farm home 6astroyed on wednesday of last week the farm house of walter fryer lot 22 sooon i line esqueslng was totally destroyed with tho contents by fire the fire or iginated in tho kltihan but the causo is unknown mr fryer was away und mrs fryer was ongugad in paper ing in trje front part of the house bh knew nothing about the fire until she heard something all in the kitchen and went to investigate bho found the room u muss of flames so rupld- ly did the fire spreud that nothlnv except a fnw things from u bedroom in front were suved tho onjy insur ance lulil wus g0o on tho house an 1 1300 m the contents mr iryur is negotiating for th erection of a new home ut replace tho one destroyed thl is the farm which was the home- mead o tho into ilnbert mnrpherson und was the blrthplueo of chief mai ph onto n ahd his brothers and aliittjnrf horticulture society notes ptvmldent iscrlviii of tho horticul tural society is surely aiming ut u record year for lfln ho is ditornln- id that acton sliltll hv rtdolwnl wltll flowers everywher at ull the homos on the fhurrh tuwtin ut thi hold tors monument and ut such street inter sections as afford spuoe for ihmis of flowers hecently ho hud un interview with the inspector of tlovqrnment buildings while in town when uo ooiupatllfld with caretaker anderson and arranged for flower beds in the plot on the west side of tho rust otfi und customs building a fiownr bod will be constructed in the little tilangle nfhnre mill und ouelph hlieels inter soot near hj cunudiuu national lullway croeaig a flower bed will also be made in the lawn ut tho town hau ur her i von has also arranged for a second meeting of members und citizens early in way wlion mr t ilutmlgan of uuelph one of the m successful amuleui growers of flow ers in tho ltoyutlty will give an address on how to grow fjladloll bucseasfuhy in the hoinu garden this meeting will be looked forward to wah km interest by wuoy eh the eastertide visitors were quite numerous many homecomers were under the old roof tree for this happy festival a smaller number of citizens spent easjer at out side points mrs iirunt of toronto mr il a fliorey of toronto mls4 ituby clark or toronto miss francos mullen of tialt miss violet smith of oshiiwa mrij edith groves of toronto mr j c juhdsay of toronto mr fred maddock or toronto mr woc kenney of toronto mr william mcnabb of toronto miss pearl somervillo of toronto mr george anderson of oshowa julss myrtle clarrldge of toronto mr h f sutcllfte wan in chesley mr arnold mac donald of oshawn miss itoas visited friends in toronto miss dorothy nelson of avonmore miss margaret bennett of toronto mr c itt lucas was in hal i burton mr hlchard somorvlll of london mr robert w stowart of toronto miss sabra nelson of north hast ings mrs annie h bomervllle of tor- nlo i mr harold i wansbrough of tor into miss margaret j macdonald or tor nto miss clara brown of new ham burg miss barbara- plank of carleton place mr charles bymon was home from london mr and mrs edwin madfock of toronto mr stephen ouosl was jiora from toronto mr w d forbes und merjorio of toronto mrs john colo und children of miss elslo wiggins was homo from toronto mlssos etta and myrtle dills of toronto mr htuurt lowrle toronto homo from lr uoy brow nllton was here from mr i kitchen miss bertha of toronto mr and mm of toronto miss laura gray is visiting relative at seaorth md mm melvln dunbar of nid mr ernest brown ii roy wonabipugtu mr and mrs chatsworth campbell clark of und children mrs frank wllllai f ottarvllle mr a cargo mason b holidaying with alton friends miss elda allen was in toronto over ino week end miss eileen haines of toronto was here for easter messrs george campbell and norrls post of toronto dr harold uowat uf orilun was homo for easter mr und mr metfort collier and family of toronto misses olive jessie und mario mowut of toronto mr and mrs boss anderson were here from toronto mr und mrs joseph hynds and hube of feerboro mr and mrs newton powell and babe of brampton misses jean and annu lindsay wero homu from toronto miss ollvo cooper- is spending the holidays in kitchener mr e j moore of toronto was at moorocroft for easter mr and mrs george murray spent sunday in georgetown miss i fuunshaw speqt tho hoi ida is with friends ut weston mrs stanley husselt and ohlldrtn wero htro from oakville mr churlea lundsbrough is vlsithit fi lends in quit this week mr ed huffman spent tho week end with friends in toronto councillor bell has been hi during tho wook but is recovering miss k dona dec- n spent the week end with friends in toronto mr bert movut of ouelph spent taster ut hi parent ul home mr august anderson is now naklni rapid progress lowurd recovery urni koberl tftrlcker of moorefleld spent taster with acton friends mr und mrs w 1 burt spent the holiday with relatives in biosluu mluuem martha on uiid frances jlurst uf toronto normal uchonl mr w ji miller spent soveru days this wuk ut his hums in mudnmy mr kenneth mcklnno week und with friends in l spent the toronto mr and mrs ernest h near of toronto were with aatou relatives mr and mrs w 11 gurncy miss marjoile and wallace of wllighum mr joseph a lashy of toronto spent good p rlday with his tmirents mr und mrs hume of guolph spent tho aveek end with mrs thos botl mrs ooi don haywurd ur toronto vlaltud her daughter mrs oliver cool mr muxwell bell came from tor onto lo spend easter ut his home horti mlits mai thu wiimou is spending u few days with fr loads in ueorgvtuwn mr und mrs oi h brown sietit thn holidays with relatives in toronto miss mamlo mainprise of toronto is spending the week at her homo here mr charles uoldham of detroit is spending u few day ut his home hex knox church choir concert tho cantata redemption song wss splendidly rendered knox church choir wan greeted with a woll filled houno at their good fri day evonlnir concert tho programme ombrncmf two parts the cantata be d mptlon s song and u portion con tributed by frr kelly miss hattlu kelly jr gordon grlorson und mr hurry kottv tho cantata was given under the direction of prof k11y it was n vivid eaaler theme improsalvo in concep tion intornrotlvo of ho tragedy of tho crucifixion and tlto joy of tho reau rection of christ it wus a peculiarly appropriate oftcring for a oood friday commemoration tho solos duetts quarto t tea nnt clinrusen wore rendered with a volunn and expression which knox church choir la so woll able to glvo and the cantata throughout was greatly en joyed by tho large audlonco an ef fective flnalo wan tho grand chorus bejolco and bo olad part two of tho programme com prised n no jo dream of paradlso by mr harry kelly a mandolin and guitar duott by mr and miss kelly a quartette by messrs rumlay wor den mnnn and currlo a solo how beautiful uppn the mountain by mr grlorson nnd a descriptive fantasia on tho gullar by prof kelly mr kelly gnvo a reading the legend of tho organ builder all theso num bora wore n warded gen oro us applause tho vocalists who took nolo pnrta in tho cantata wero miss jean ken nedy nonrnno mrs nlcol soprano mrs bold soprano miss aklns so prnno mrs ptowart contralto miss anderson contralto mr victor rum ley tenor mr gordon grlorson tenor mr alex mann bass ur l word on baritone mr harry kelly soprano mr charles kelly guitarist and read rr miss h r kelly mandollniatand pianist and miss nellie anderson organist miss muriel mason of brantfora contributed- a coupleaooy solos which wero grcntly onjoyed hov mr stowart the minister was master of ceremonies a tho conclusion of thn concert those who took part in the programmo wero tonderod n dainty tea by the ladles of the church mr owl m grunt v rn hi lush r ml v 1 eastor rat detroit mrs jamon i wnrron ff toronto spent tint holiday wilh relatives in town boy mcintosh and i for good friday nnd irvey is spending th n wli friends in minn jan i mosaics of toronto tqtmt sunday wlti mr nnd mrs j e ambit- mr unit mrs boss burt spent tho holiday with frit nds and relatives n toronto miss i lor nee hotmes of the tor- ito ujihlnc staff is home for tho hollduyn iln dr gruy is spending a few kiyw with he mothir and other frlemu ut bljth mw a c klownrt und children arc npendiiig tho week ut tier homo at blenuilo ml mrw j xv jone and uisn gilbrulth xpent sunday with shol- burni friends mr hilwi ullllums of the bank of mohlrtil trenton spent easter at his tut hoi u homo mr jordan ijiwoii is homo from toronto technical school for tho fustor vacation mi tom lorath of toronto uikmt tho holiday with hla uutor mrs it w lowrle 6th line dr and jrfrs 1 armor ure expected te reach home from south amorlei early next week mrs william cuslcfc und mr john uf moffat spent sunday ut the home of mr w j bold bulb bowman und miss i luxe of out lph hpont sunday with mr and mm w j bold mrs alfred yutuon v lulled her par nuts mr und mrs james duitlehl hock wood last wook mr und mrs b v kenyon miss mabel und lloyd upent the holiday with kitchener friends mr frank day and family spent good rlduy ut mr r ii wnns hruutujlakuvonu xir douglus llobinson of toronto kjiient a wnek with his cousins m und mrs prod johnston miss both wurrun of wnlkorton spout u fuw dayti this week ut tho home of mr john wood mi und mrs o c cunmbell und miss lllotiu of georgetown upon supilay with a j ton friends miss jean barnes of toronto sjui tho week und ut lly homo of mr und mm l ryder park avenue mm w c anthony or georgetown spent u fnw days lust week ut the homi of mi u u wllxoti tho mihhou conwuy touchors u spundlug iht liistor holidays ut their fathirs home church rtroet mr and mrs w w crom of hamilton spout the holiday ut thu home of mm o cook muln street mlas charlotte mucklt of toronto upent the 1uslor holidays ut thu home of mi jiimm maoklo churh hiroet lri bvl j w mtiod of west 1111 and dtuuhtei npnnt tho wocu end with her parents mr tuul mrs it j lvn miss lottu e hp liihi who huu l en veiiotinly ill with bronchial us theiiu thu pant sli weeks m tuiw grud uitlh tec ivtilugv mm 1 h likv wlmuuiit to bur llnutiil tn vilt bur duubhter hint wook was lukh iii thur mr 1th wont ovor on 1 ucuduy mi iud mm trunk wiiktmj uiut ml juan of tlult hp nt th holiday miikon ut thu luimu uf mt und mtu win i jni in broufi i mirt tlortloit mi kuy und children of nor lb toronto is vljdlliig ut hur i arnutu home mr u ll wuim biouth h 1ukt avnuo mr j f tainiovln drovo to blng buintoii n y on thursday j ml mrs lj returned with him after u tiuiiilijj vlnit on sunday miss j myrtle young uf tho 1 etro ha high school nturr who spent east at her homo huu luft mtutdny ovunlng foi chltiuio where she purpose ponding tho nut of the holiday ob joivlng mothtitw of teaching in amorl can schools mi stuart iiwrlo who hus been at the head office of tho manufae uiom life insurunto co in turonti fur the past yeur has boon appointed tihtlstuut cashier at tlulr branch ii calvary and loft for tho west un ruouduy evening after spending u weeks vuuatlon ut hu home ou the a splendid dumping ground now available the deep gully south of iteard- moro crescent may be used under proper super vision a car of broken stone for the main street corner the municipal council met on mon day ovitnlng in regului n union m in imjrn prohcnt hoiivo ilurbi i un i councillors holmon tliotford jni nlcol tho commuino on rl nance pnouoi the following uccounth which worn nrdorod to bo paid general accounts fr n farmnr uulury 5137 do ii n farmer stationery post age etc 6 4k il m mcdonald promluma on indomnlty bonds 0 00 crow no n mclauchtln work on streets 10 60 d ii lindsay truck and suit j 90 o il ftltchlo teaming 40 60 waterworks account h n former stamps i i 61 a petition for u commit walk on tho north sldo of bowi r avonuo from wubur street lo tho right of wny of tho canadian national hallway was presented by muaiiru a e crip pit l- slarkmon and a j liavlew tho petition wus favorably rocelvod but tho council locldud to dofar con struction until it wun uucerialnod what othor cement walks aro likely to bo petitioned for this spring tho matter of tho transient traders by law way up for discussion the causo bolng tho receipt of a car of cats by a neighboring farmor part of which was distributed to othor farm ers at tho cur 1 tho yards of tho canadian national railway tho farmor referred to discontinued do- livery bj soon us notlllud roup e tin tf tho terms of tho by law dr coxo and w j patterson waltod upon tho council to roquoul that stops be taker at onto to ropalr that soctlon of mam street opposite their proper ties which wan always in a verj muddy condition wliun it rulnod tho council docldod to purcl o a cor of crushed htujie und proroet upon its arrival to re moil y thn dofoct messrs edwurd itydcr und major m kennedy wore in uuondanco to requost a grant to onnhle tlio base ball club to improve tho diamond in the jiark this was tiuosary to facili tate tho games played by thu lady baso ball clubs councillor thotford said it would bo more ual olfactory if th ihiso ball club would submit a statomont of tholr flnnncvn in vlow of tho allega tion mudn joai ufter your that the club wui in a molo financially ho thqusht bunluessllko me i both hud not been followed the member of tho deputation ro plied that tho club wan this year or ganized on a bumiin mi bittlii aud tho 1 nances would bo curjifully mnuurvod und bunlnusai methodu would bo ob served thoy niltnlltihl thorn wore a umber of hack dobta to bo paid they utno remarked thai uny donation tho council suw st to muko would be uaod in improving thu park us recreation grounds moved by e t thntfoid socondod b john nlcol that tho sum of 76 0d he grantod to at ton huso bull club this amount to bo paid whon tho pro- poml improvements uto itoctod carried the doputatlonuls rejui itod that itollce protection im provtdud when gumes are in progr an the puruhusu of an uddiilonul 6 h p motor fur tho waterworks wiui dis cussed superintendent willi n of tho hydroreioctrlo commliuilou inforiuod tho council thut nuch a motor wus uvailublo in guelph ui j125 0o moved by e t thotford seconded by john nlcol that tho 6 h p motor referred to b piiruhumud from v uliur hyde quolph for 12c on condition ikut the count 11 bo liv ii thirty duyu trial use would bu paimlttud und that a guarantee be ivtii it to its uullu factory condition currl d the mutter or seoui lug a propor dumping ground tame up for discus sion councillor thotford li ported that he hud u con vernation uttfi mr itaurd- moro ruspectluu th ui o by tho c r- porqjjpn of che dump how being used iiy llio rtisiduiitjjollfjulnu crs tout ui tho huuth i ustorly limits of thu crescent hub ilivlulmi mi beard more said thut mm him wifuhl bo qulto itkrweublo to allow dumping on those grounds provldtd the couutit would nstruct tho munlclpul oitli r to sou thut thoso dt potilthil gutlutu und ollur refuse thuiu kept within the hounds und mulnluhiml tho puo in proper order council udjouruud ut 10 t tu a work of art a vory llnu upemm u of art wink hau ruurhid thi otlluo tiont il utu liu uf huupum multhuwn i imituil loronto it hi tho uniuiul talonliu of thu tom- paiiy from mutili id j j to march 1d25 the tllustrutlott which emhulltalmi thu broadshoot is a llnu spi olmoti of thu work of tho uimllov 1 i ruttuniuu producoil in the quiet ro t of mini old monuutuiy t4n uui fun und tox tutii lay ull tho ui nui luilillc t uf uu oil palntlliir jilmt in if th wink lu protowa of luauufu tut 1m i been pilntmt in oil by huu 1 hut tnoduri i rafistn in bus ilivlm 1 uu uiiu of i pi e lutlnu thu oi labial painting tuuny limit niom inpldly with utuitllu ui luiuti of ditutl und jllll rotalulng the d tplh mil ikhnej of tohn tono of tlm oil lnal iho baokgrouiullii uu iirtuth pio- duttlon of tlio uniuiviiu art tho omp ti lim wan divulopetl by mr 1 lank turmlttml in llio utudloij uf humphiimuuhotmi i hull i liiw lcu iluajll 111 ojlli ululli i tnuil of thu fuel that mi hull a g m ilthowu he maumliig dlieitoi in u uruluuto of tills oiuoo tith line bishop wsrno honored by vlotorls at tho convoi itlou of vlttmla uut- verulty toionio op joiiduy hvunllig tho degruu of lhtoi if ihvlnlty hou- urla rauai was i infiueil lipon buv bishop iaiik w unie lu uhti ntla bishop win no ulio lt munoiury bishop or tlm moth tdlst t hmoli lu india is u sou df th into wllllant warnu ur uf lui hi towiihhip h i wuu urduliioil foi ty nvo yemj uto uu u nlnlsler uf tho m tho iht uiului in cunadu lor thhty umi yuii uo him be n eugugod hi mtnulonui i w n k lu india mrs wiiruo in u duughlui of tho into hov 1 hum ui u jeff ill wlio died at oakville ut yoai in v i 10ut icar during hi i uot vlittt to i inn three or foui imuim mo bishop wume preach oil u inwu ful uorniun in thu sxethuaut church cl fit il i

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