Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1924, p. 2

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fsljr artmi 3xts gmsa tjiultaday ainil 24 ibm the loud had ajoo for me i in jinl imil u job for mv hut f hiul j i iniiuh to in i tiulu yini cm oomoixxly nlk or wiilt itll i hul through i don t know how ilm iord cama out iut ii iuihi h cni along i i tit i ri klml ij miuaklnv like kiuiwihi ii ium ond wrong jn iluy i in mind itui lord naedml him niyuulf notxlod him right away and xi j- iiovii imiiwjrud mo ut ull but i oiilil imur hi in nay 1hwn in my ticcunln heart my mon 1 v nt too much in du vihi uot iiiiyiulhjily nine ur wutl until i kit hiough no mill n i never trliw lo uu 1 drotm whal i have on hand and tlyi thii uimhi ivord n work ami tny uitiilm can run along or wall llll got through notmdy ukn un do tho jub that uous murhnl out for you iupt uwranca liunuur fanning mills and how to ube them thn pnljitu to observe in funning nuud icruln are ilrst draper air blut at ornt right nltv and tombli tlan of ulovoi third right pee1 utu fourth running tho grain ovonly und ihluly over tho creen tho wind supply or ulr blast in ull i nut huiuti i provldod tu remove a mitih yf thn lighter eccd and chaff u poimlblu if tho air blast la not ur litem ly strong tbe chaff and pleco of utruw will ii hd tholr way back into tho bumnla while if tho blast la too wtrong some of the food grain may bo blown out tho ulr bloat also eorvoa tho purpouo of keeping tho layc clean of tho llgntor miitorlul thu ullowlng them to do more efficient work trial of tho ulr bloat nhould be mndo with utiuh new lot of onod to bo clean ed in ordur to moo that the correct amount of air in being aupplletl lr ulo may be found necessary to uhatige or readjust the elove to gel l ho bunt result a good assortment of love la imperative and a teat uhould be made with different typca before undertaking to clean aeed in order to uncertain thoao capable of doing tho beat work the top leve uhould b largo enough to allow the aeed to puuu through the remainder of the sample such as chaff and piece of utruw running over the top and out uluie and of the mlll sometime it lii expedient to deliver tho good grain ut tho back of the mill inatead of at the usual feed paint in order tu got rid of a certain impurity that cannot otherwise bo removed the lower sieve or aloves should bo large enough to allow the weed seeds or broken kernel to escape but ino en ough to carry the good kernel over tho top if wild buckwheat la present a ajevo with triangular 884 inch holes or slightlyi bigger will be found a handy uno to have tho following sieves will be found useful for tho cleaning of seed grain wheat and barley tho upper sieve should be a sine or tin perforated sheet with twelve thirteen or four- toon sixtyfourth inch holes the lower alevo should be either a per forated lnc sheet with eight or nine httrytfourth inch holes or should be atuaro woven wire mesh eight by eight or nine by nine squares to the inch or long woven wire roesh two by nine two by ton or two by eleven square to the inch oat upper sieves slna sheets with slot aoven eight or nine sixty fourth inch wide by threequarter inch long goffer alevo i glna sheet with slot one- tenth to one- thirteenth inch wide by one hair inch long tho feed should be adjusted to allow a thin even flow of material over the top sieve with no crowding a larger quantity or impurities fa removed when tho grain travels slowly over the slovoa than when running qulrkly aver them the maker ol good fanning ma- ahlnea are always wiling to give their advice on to what aleve to use should any particular problem aria and in cose of trouble it 1 often advisable to send a pound sample of the seed to bo cluunod to the tanning mill manufacturer for suggestion as to slaves j q cahjerazar cerealbjt central experimental farm ottawa got to be paid for a lot of good people ore now dis covering that good roads have to be paid ror and they dont appear to ilka to hear of auch a thing some how or other it aoema to have got abroad that u good and beneficent government was going to pay for all the roads and that all we had to do was tu ask for them and then alt back and grumble because they ware hot built quick enough and we had to experience a little handicap and annoyance in the shape of detours while tho new roads were being built now tho bills are coini in and tho public la discovering that the municipalities havu tp pny thell ahoro of all this improvement work a small share in the aggregate at that and the realisation is being accepted with considerable surprise at tbe also of tho bill some count- la are practically snechleas but they wont bu very long land you can bet there la tcolng to be a lot of howl ing a tho truth 1 forced heme that you cannot havo your good roods without paying for them of ouunte you cannot and the wise thing to do l to recognise tho in evltablo and pay up as quickly as posslblu it 1 coming high but you saa what u transformation has been affected by good road everywhere on goon they have not cost nay mare than hay ought to have done if the rotda uro laid properly and on that point l jcotifoso i have considerable doubt tburo was some waste tis true in connection with trying to do too much at once in the shape of widening the road allowances and the kovernmont ho wisely called a halt there for tho present much of the widening of the road allowance can be done at any time just now it la the god roads that count tlr pigg with all hu faults gave an impetus to gotid roads- probably cannot etand auoh o pa co but lets hope that the good roads scheme goes on to omii extent ut least until ontario la the tour in l paradise in the long run it will well repay any reasonable outlay involved xm tor thoso who think the cout will ruin the munlcl- imilltle lot them weigh the added comfort tu themselves and their neigh bor and thoy will soon havu to admit u you uinnot gat anything in this world without oytng for it ute ad ditional traollnn for each resident id tho urhun or rural districts for good road litnt going to oompare with tb benofu received if these kickera lived on u city uaved street tbay would soon realise what a good road costs- the puasv willow tlny little buay willow with your fur so soft in pttt wrf all tho cruel winds you hold ywhftd aloft to toll uu it tho springtime vor which we are o pleased for gladlvwlltw bid adieu to oruof winter broeae the children love to gather yoy and bring you in the house they tell momma you look just ukn a uny little mouno and mamma uharoa the childrens joy which sight of you does bring andhida a kindly welcome to the henrto at the spring henry 31p jfrtt ire00 smfiirt stnry a whole trunkful of good luck johiaii hwktt s gaivin mhiiiil wan inclined tn ho u bit bluo that afrinic mornliik 11 wun on hi way u tho ndjuciul clly ufter i load if forllllcni iwoiuy hugu f the commercial product charley tho old homo wus nluwor than unuul that morning which uuinv in saying u good doal for tho lnn yearn it hud wen pnn ileal ly impos- ilhln lo induce thn old homo t travel molni than our mllr un hour to calvrty charley ueamnd tu typify farm life in ifcnornl the factn of the case vnm that calvin wu juut at thwt eiistleeu aa when the hustle itml buutlo of tho city nppoalu lo tho avoniko boy about live mllob from homo end two mllen fmm the ulty the tifrnplke liiimuod beneath llio uiilrtiud calvin wu within a fnw rod of thin rail road brldse wlmn hm oxhre fron thn omit rltynil round fid u bond and enma huuliitf nlnng at a in tin 1 minute up that tralnm golntf said calvin talking to lihnapjr a tho groat onalnn thundoiod ucro tho bridge id lilti lo bo on a italn llko thai and ride from hero to the pacific ocean i at that instant a big trunk lopplod through tho open door of the haggago car pitching ovor- the side of the big steel bridge it utructo tho itranlte abutment on the rightband side of the bridge and bounding buck un in stant later landed upon ono corner in the middle of the macadam road where it aplltopen whowfavled csjvln im glad 1 wasnt whore the trunk struck char ley a rnlnute or so later calvin pulled out to tho side of tho road and jumping down from tho aeat ntood looking down at the demolished trunk belongs to some drummer he said taking note of tho numerous samples of dress good which tho ac cident hod brought to light cues ill load ll onto tho wagon and carry it along with us in spite of it slxo the trunk was not so very heavy and calvin being exceedingly atrong for oboy of hla age experienced no great difficulty in lifting it aboard tbe low farm wagon numerous samples which had rolled out when the trunk split open hff pick ed up and tucked into the gaping top attached to one of the leathern han dles were to check one designated u the adjacent city and the other evid ently a transfer companys check borv the noma of j w morrison be neath wa the name of hotel warneld one of tho largest hotels in tho city well ur morrison i guess you ii be glad to see this trunk even if it is broken open said calvin as ho chained up the tailboard to the wagon mounting to tho wagon seat calvin picked up the rein and started on it was about half an hour later that he drew rein in front of the hotel warfleld the noon whistles were blowing as he jumped down from tho wagotl calvin wo dressed in hla working clothes but he was of an independent turn of mind so ho walk ed boldly into the hotel lobby and atepplng up to the desk asked the clerk if there was a mr morroson stopping there why yes mr j w morrison juat roglatexed young man replied the clerk there he la talking with that gentleman in front of the elevator calvin hastened to the one designat ed is this mr morrison t questioned calvin after u moment of hesitation during which mr morrison seemed to be alslng him up i have got your sample trunk out in roy wagon said calvin it fell out of the baggage car two miles out from the city and split open when it struck the road i picked up the samples and put them back as test i could t dont know how to thank you young man exclaimed the aaleamon starting to walk toward tho door with calvin so that is where my trunk went to ho added the transfer just brought two of ray trunk but the third and most important of all wa mlaalng when mr morrison beheld his trunk he threw back hi head and laughed i have aeon a good many trunks npllt open ho said but i never saw one in quite such bad shape it must bavo struck pretty hard it fell out of tho bugguga car juat as the train wa going over a turn pike bridge explained cawln it struck the granite abutment and then bounced to the macatjam about thirty a- f rmtfiniy nrirk ynfv hard mr morrison beckoned to a porter and a moment later thu trunk was being carried into tho hotel i would like to have you take din ner with mo yqung mun mujci mr morrison puialng hi hand upon cal vin shoulder cant voti take your home to u livory table y why why i i dont think im dressed well enough to eat dinner in a hotu auld calvin u he g in nerd down ut hi farmers clothe flddleatlckat explodod mr mor rison thu fact is i would 1 1 ku no thing better than to huvo a talk with yau young man about ihe form 1 judge you are u farmer boy yes air mpllud cutvln now put your horso up and oomo back here comtnandbd mr- morrlkon 1 will moot you in the lobby ou will wont your why yes air ifif you think i dont look too bftd in theao old dud answered calvin v dont worry about your clothe replied mr morrison when calvn returned some if teen minute later he found mr morrison awaiting hi coming thu latter lad the way to tho elevator and thlrt second later he throw wide the dooi to one of the hutol beet room there calvin behold a spacious tublo already set 1 thought porhap you would enjoy your dinner hrw in tny mum re marked mr morrison a he uharatl culvln within it will be lot bettor mr murruou replied calvin with n smile 1 could not em to get over thinking about my clothe that port wa not worrying mo declared hlnhoat but it did occur to mt that we could have a better cbat here by oursolve just then came u tap at the door and a colored wuirevapiieanh seeing that calvin was pusxled by the frenori word on the menu which the waiter had handed hla guest mr morrison qulotly ordered die dinner i can eat anything mr morrison aald calvin i dont caro what it la ao long as it la food i would give a good deal to be able tu do tuat laughed mr morri son that s what comes of livlnc on a farm that is the life i it rauat be grat to travel re marked calvin while thpy wto wait ing for tho return of the waller 1 was telling father only the other day that i hoped tho tlmu would comi whan i could go to the city and per haps gar a- position us a travelling my dear boy exclnlmed mi lu rlimn im afrnld hint you do no know when you uro woll off ilul in h not film i lutvil oikm- tlonnd culvln looking ut hlu rum punlon ii don t luku vury long for ijwiu t the poetry of ttuvtil tu ooxn out h told i am plumilng o irt off the ruud oiin of tliiitu dnym nrul multe a jiulo driium of nilim a roulliyhtiy a lltllo furm end mciu down v mm i co4i uttjojrjlfo while calvin partook of thut won- derful dlnnet for ll wua tmlcod won- dnrful to him t host told lilmti tory of tho road iyhlh tiurprlsod him stripped of un glamor culvln rtmy drtnni lout much of itn ilinim flume how the old farm imeaii to ui to hi m a nvr lnforn mr morrliion 1 i kum jium rlitlit he unjd ax the illnnur wmi driiw hlg to a clone thu old farm ml such u bad plucn to llu on tiftn ull i am going home and duff in for ull im worth wo have n iood farm now but i am going to ivj to muun it i bettor ono it wji about two year intor that calvin hud occasion to drlvo over to an udjitcent towimhlp mldwny a lane hard hilt he drun rein nnd jumplnr dowg trigged thu whoel uu to glvi old charley a- breathing uocll taking a look around lio auw a mun plowing a few rod distant and ollmhlnff uv tho wall ho mado his wny thlthur toil have got noma good noil hero mlntor he remarked reaching the vicinity whoro the farmer wnn stand ing yos i think it 1 pretty goodsoll replied the man 1 dont toltovc- you remember me he added u twin kle l hi eyot your lace lti familiar but omu- how i cant place you replied calvin looking puxzlad do yoi4 suppose you would recojr nlxo ma if you mot mo down to th tho hotel warfleld t hl tho man laughing mr morrison i ejaculated calvin i am off tho road ul last dedaned mr morrison warmly shaking liundu with calvin i bought thto llttlo farm last fall my dream llacomo inio at last i am enjoying tlfo huguly and how are things with you great ivpliod calvin kojhoi and i are getting along finely camc over and see us pather and mother have said a number of timed th they would like to moot you some day l will come replied mr morrlaon jusl now of course 1 um pretty buy with tho spring work but later if you will tell mo how to got there i will drive over calvin wrote tho direction upon n card and half an hour inter huvlni taken a llttlo trip about tho place h returned to the roud mounting 1 1 the wngon seat ho plckod up the reim and waving hl hand to mr morrison he drove on talk about good luokt ho chuckled huh i there wu u whole trunkful of good luck for m i that fell out or thut buggago car that day i was driving to the city nitrocultureb for 8eed the value of leguminous plants an soil enriohera ho long been recqgnlz- ed and today the custom of includ ing n legume in a syatam of crop rotation la almost universal the votae of iheae plants reals in their ability to mako use of the nitrogen of the air and it ha tong been known that this power came through th nodulos or swelling which develop on the root of heavy plant in thoti nodules bacteria develop which huvo the power of collecting nitrogen from the air and making it available fur the growing plant in many cases especially where u certain legume la being grown far the first tlmo the growth of nodule la weak which reaulta in tho plant not developing this conditions i duo to a lack in the noil of the proper bac teria to meet thl difficulty and to insure that the proper bacteria muv come lo contact with tho roots of the young plants a method wuh developed of mixing a culture of nitrogengath ering bacteria commonly called nttro- culturea with tho aeed before flowing th presence of tho right bacteria lu the soil 1 thus insured and under good conditions of ctlltlvntlon a haul thy nodule growth on the roota should follow the dominion experimental kurmm i diana cof philadelphia at the mint in philadelphia are u number of coin far mora precious thun spy which find tholr way into circulation they are a collection of curios and many of thorn date from times of great antiquity perhaps life moat interesting among thum t n hsndnomo coin hearing on it fuco the prolllo of a woman which has u striking rosomhlanoe to the cod den of liberty of our own uurrencj underneath is tho lngliwurd do- mo which 1 xh- greek for the people on tho reverse of tho coin 1 u buuu- tlful figure of tho gadde tmuim nrchliut her bow and the innurlptlun translated into lcugllh ruuda diana vrloiid of tho 1hlladulphlana the toln was mlntad muru than twe thouhiind yours su at tho city ot philadelphia in aslu minor whaie u we know them grew up in later your- one of the seven churiiho of which si john write thn priao wm dis covered some years ago in europe by joseph miokley of 1lilladelpkla to violin- maker and on authority on coins by him it wua appropriately prone n tod to tho mint lu hhllodolphlu the courteous thing i strap lumum mairl- a minister told the scory ofu blng fellow who brought mh young bride tu the manse for monlal purpose according to my cuatom ttuld tho minister i turned to iho brldegrouin at a certalnpart of the corelnotiy and sold john this is your lawfully wod- dod wife n the excitement of the invasion john turrtod in the direction of hi newlyaoqulred partucr and stammer- ed tm pteaurad to nuwt you capn dilly8 yarns cnini hilly dreuin hml u high rhllilluh vtiltp u winning unille unit wlfltn lynlnslikii wild h wru iilwiiyi blinking when ho moved inlund und holcrtrd hhi hnbltuul barrel in tho odul tlcle of the hontiy soneiul nioro olid itotit olhi o ho entuhllnhed hit ruputmion nt oiico uu un enllvonliut ntiil highly unvnrucloun tullnr of nit tulcn iio lola oiipimi tho nveuhig of iiih arrival wlimi i wu took by pirate ll began uvcryhody lauuhcd the little mjvn the ililng voice and thu ubrupt intro- iluctlon of plruleii into thai tranquil utmimiitiern were irrtmlutlhly funny cup n lillly domplte thn luuifhtar uid niindry or nnlunttl toil it k and dnrll ginglau u ho proceeded continued anil completed hla yarn which proved be fore it wun ondod to bo one of hulr- lulslug luttirest titer luitut ut tho hi ut pipe from cup n hilly barrel ilnntliy wu attentive inurodulou it reinn hied yet rus- ptx tful of thu cup ta in k prowne a n nurrutor if not um u mrlllimt iilv luumil lutul km i ittorhu were too good to apgll by carp irik crltlclitm or hidut mot joirit uiil after thut unit tonquoat of tiiii audl- once he wa llntenixl to with a uerious intcreat mont noo thing und oompll- iui ntui y it did ik t tnnucr wlmuier it worn a new talc or un old fuvurlte iwtold ierhupn ll wuh iruto llley wrj ulvuyu popularor it might be that time wc boat dud thu pluguumhlp down in tho yullor hoa ur when i ia hrxil up bnforn tho ulcabla for kritfing a lhhvng don on the whuif llarculona or off the asoros the it tlmo i oo iho cublnbuya ghonf aneltln in tho noun tr eon with n green light piny in round hla hair for cupn illlly uture won vtirfou und inoxbauntlhto a little while ago capn lillly died und bin widow hud a conversation whch added un clemunt ot avn and uscltemeut to the ganoral t egret cnpn hilly yarna it seemed had been true fvjot all of them bul tho chief fuorite und firsttold of thr serle it wa only when ha found nobody believed him anyway anld the widow dream that ho atarted in making up whatovor come into hi head i didnt want him to but ho anld seeing a hu know it want true and everybody elue know it want and they knew ho know it and he knew they know it where wn lhohurm7 well i never did like it but he thought it wna i joke an he kep it up but now he gone id like folks to know it wa a joke jest pure joko us fur a ho wo concerned and if there was uny fault about it it wun their qwii suaplclon- ing of him that fust time ho mention ed pirates what cried the poatmaator wn thut tory ye sold the widow dream tortlj it was ive got the clipping about it in my acrapbook now if you want to eo then that boor cabinboy you cant mean he saw a ghost with green lights mr dreamt pro tested the postmaster twanl so oxtryordlnary jio come down with fever next week and tho doctor called it antecedent hal lucination explained the widow re proachfully all ia hed havo told you jest plain truth if youd have trusted him you and the rest but a long un you didnt well a aweetes- natored man than the capn never ftv- od but he wan hqmun and ho wanted tho laugh the other way now hei gone i thought youd oughter know qood ovenlngl she wont out and the pomtmaater fixed hla eye first amusedly then self reproachfully then respectful b and mournfully on that vacant barrel where capn bluy bream would ell and toll atorles nevermore if hod been a bigger man or a bigger voico or the least bit more bounce about him ha murmured weakly but our capn silly ohl dnb hundred miles an hour when railway beds have been made t nearly perfect a possible when the lln j have been straightened and u far u practicable levelled and when tho best type of locomotives and car huvo been devleed how fast will steam be able to carry ut an answer to tills question bused on a- nclen lino examination of tho con ditions involved 1 furnished by an uutltorlty on fact relating lo rail ways one hundred miles an hour 1 about tho limit of speed suggested another very important question growing out of the flrt la within what distance can o train running one hundred mile an hour or but little louh than one hundred nnd fifty feet a weooml be stopped the reply is thut undortho moat favorable condi tions a distance of nearly half a mile would bo required a train running u mile u minute can be slopped it la en tlmu ted wltblii u dlutanco of nlno hundred feet jiy adding only tw third to the speed therefore the dis tance rsqulrvtd for bringing the train lo a standstill would be increuaed al most threu 1 1 mi evident thut when truck will became portnnt necessity evt day far more than it is culture for inoculating legume sool and the division of bacteriology will aupply free to any farmer who make an application onu bottle of culture fur each type of logumo he deainiito try out a bottle cu ntui ii enough culturu lo inoculate jo poundu of seed the dominion ilacterlologlat umphuatxl the fact that tho ulture ttto be qonaiuered it an uld to rather than a a substitute for good cultivation the dlvlaion of bacteriology at tho central experimental form ottawi 1 now sending out thousand of these cultures and- an early upplicutloi 1 advised in order to insure delivery lochhead dominion llactcrlolo- glsl getting ahead of yourself there u u funny tory of thu owner of u very ramshackle econdhunu car who utumded uu automobile rucc und finding on ovept in which no car wero entered registered hi pwn at it was likely to atop k any attempt waa made tu apeed up the machine crawled uround iho truck amid the howl of the spectator whether true or not ihu mtory indicate that it is uuy to win in a race where there i only one utry in u school for tho feebleminded it would bo no enpoclul credit to aland at the bead of the cluss r do not bo so interested in gettlnu aheud of other poopla the important point i to got ahead of yourself to mako today better than yesterday nid tho latest achievement the best bright idea government control fallacy i quobtt cinvcintncut iuln was ad utull ii u mtmih of preventing tho numptlon in publlr pluco of liquor of high ultohollu nintont and rontlnlng bovomgo uno in hutni cufetf and almi- r plniin of reuort to lluht winon and i morn itnlonl paiitoruln und mesnagu of the catholic llglicr rlorgy prove thut thn riautt hun huitn the very re- erue of that hopml for lu the larger en iran of popututlun while an the harder tho government nlore liove bocome the chief noun of supply the iiinugglnm of liquor into the united hlaluu aiu lempetnnco run- itlou in ottawa lunt wuek mr john mcqtt deucrlbcd tho fu illilen tlmt ex- id for obtaining intoxicant in queued undur tloverninent control ii mr nlool hud ntutod thut the nplrll of the law wu thut ono bottle wu to bo itold per parson in a day but tho true nliuuuoii wu that people woro luudlng up ut thu liquor stores law said buy it under ik could not puichauo liquor yut hoy lu whorl trnusor woro neon going into tho liquor coin m hut luna utore and com ing- qui with bottle much won sold uf th pro lit tho government wu mak ing out of liquor but to muka a prod of i4uuo00u thu government had to ue 1 1 ij3uo0ood worth of llquoi in car tain part of the lzastcrn tpwnshlps since the liquor act camo into opera tion it wa nut sufo for the women to go put aftbr dark there was more ilrluklng than beforu and the moil rogrottablo font uro wu the fact thai thu majority of drinker were young men who cuiiiu from temperance homuh mr ucott quoted father mo- hhane parish prlast of bu patrick montroal that mother hud reason for alarm and llhor lavergne who tu in liactlan cathollque of quobeo thut tho hailing of liquor under government control had about anni hilated tho work uf tho church if in drills columbia and quebec uovurnmeut sale has fulled to put tho dlvokeopor uio bootlegger und the rumrunner out of business what warrant is there for the asaertlon that a different result will fallow in on tario if the experience of other province uro repeated here govern mont sale will add to the facilities for securing liquor without breaking the law but will not greatly lessen tho illicit operation of lawbreaker the nei result will be a material increase in the total consumption and the turn ing back into the coffers of tho liquor trade of millions of dollars now used for food clothing and housing mrs bcott point out that the government quebec ha to sell liquor coating 133000000 to mako a yearly profit of 14000 000 wore this standard to be secured in ontario the aales lo our population would total over 40000000 yearly and the profit to the provin cial treasury would be about fu000- 00d printers ink ho prevented more- tuberculosis than aj the doctors have cured u baa spread right ideas of sanltatcn upset old mildewed super stition opened window lured people outdoors flooded fearsome brains with truth and despairing hearts with hope what a buy you ate for asking quutlon uld tho exasperated father id like to know what wuuld huve huppenoil if id asked u many quetlun when i wu a boy porliupn suggested th young hopoful youd huvo been uulo lo nn- wer om of mine take and give evidently ho broke every ir my imad and wire your honor dlh in the house ov t muted me cruelly judge did your humbuml upuloglxu or express regret foi hi uctlanat wife no your honor the ambu lance driver took him uwuy before he could speak tu me- united noise planting to transform the home i a well placed foundation planting adds refinement to a dwelling whethor it bo large or small whether bower- lug shrub or dwart evergreen are usod the effect 1 to give charm to the home and dignity to the street daro walla of masonry or even ot tim ber construction are harsh and saver they need tho sottonlng influence of a shrubbery screen attracted by a neal utile homo fram ed by a hedgo with climbing vlnea reaching almoat to tho chimney top tho bare white walls of the garage peeping through purple and white lilacs the oh rubbery planting at the front of the house u newcomer to the town decided that was the kind of homo he would like to have the owner of tho place was visited and front him was sooured the plans and apeclflcatlona for hla houao that was to be built several block a way tho new home was completed but it attracted no interest because there it stood bleak und bare concealing it homlno behind a shining terlor of fresh white paint and green blinds it wa the same home in mechanical construction but it quired the softening in flu once of planters hand und mother nature to glvo it the etiarm mo rquch desired when spring opened the owner of the now home wu hurd ut work with apudo and ahoval digging hole email round holes large round holes and long ahull ow trenches tu receive the trees and shrubs and vines which nurserymen and nearby woods had contributed ho hud studied from ob servation und the printed page theories of pluut grouping and was doing tho work with an eye to the effect thut would be produced in ow yvurw following modern idea tho ural planting wa done within a f0w eel of the walls using bushy plant which help to concut the brick stone und concrete nature soon wrought a murvolloun transformation many village town and city homes huootthtortot treatment the value of which 1 always somewhere to be seen in uu urban vicinity what lo plant is tho problem the nursery catalogue und thu rlursei y operators can u u rule bo safely followed to the uxtont wt whut ope can readily affood whether to plunt one variety or a number of vurlotlo i u question thu individual naust nettle it lu con niderod hotter to mako group uf one sort rather than mix varieties indis criminately with evergreen group two or throe varieties cut vary well bo pluntud tugother affording charm by their different habit of growth llf shruhuory thu uplreu van hout til i ono of the hi out beautiful 1 grow from two to rive feet high und huuru u piufuuu mu of white flower ourly tu june ah eorllur variety li bplroo arguatu tho liar berry ber berl thunburgll 1 regarded a the best burberry for ornamental pur- pouem ll lu u- dwarf corn pact shrub with bright grauii loiive in summer changing in uutumn to deep red it uarrle it rod fruit wall into the win ter ueusun thu curuguha grundl flora uwri 4 feet high and produces vol- low peunhupod blohunnui in may tuttarlun houuybtli ko lonlceru tor- turlui liillitt bo civet i inure room u it grow fiom iivo to ten foot high thl wallknown vurluty produce u crop of brltfht pltik flower towurd the end of muy thuio uro sevorul vuilotlu of the lhlludolphu or mock oiunuu houu iiuhohu hummer an full flowering hydrangea und tlto vi burnums ura uiilutlg other nhrub from which lo choose the foundation planting thut will glvo to the hum that uttmutlvu hlipuaruitce too ttiuuli dual red by the ucuuputil utid ujiulrd by the puwurby liutuml by thu on torlu lui tluutturul asaoolatlon which uf your studies do you llko the beat jfrvin asked hi father of an acton pupil ut breakfast tho other morning i llko geography best i dont- like arithmetic it t qo think ingbotne fnvwm mm keeisbyes7 clear btif ht ami betmdxl i wwtmulteooucwfafobtctipook tlffiolgandie mvaitvsa paper a vecmion tlnv nscmsit that msv tenting rp snj gl i awkluslit a your w sgs tfemttmrow i fdtmt ao 1 longbkirt miseries an lciibllnh would n who hint trltd long nklrtu hun die in con rhaonii foi deploring them they me ilecaiiiiii riiy niollo in comfort irril ilecuunn mi unklo immth iilclrr drawn attention to the huc of tny fru i ilecnune worn hmui r iform iu tnenn warn loiui r necauo i havu iilltviued a vrod und nny ntrldn thu lu hard in icet out of ilecauae i flol thut i aunnt kci iu to the pni- of u mule uiiott like i used to itecauao if a long uklrt in full ll lookii like u umc und if it in ijurrow it look like a mummy hecaune every lime jut on it tiu i sweep the ntnpii ilortiuae the hun rniidin tor of t n iiuj to help me to net un itncuumk when climbing t ilrw i imv to hold on lo my wuli tu with one hund und do jugkling trie un with my luuni- bng umbrella and jmneu uecaune no uklrt thut hun to heeun mtantly held sip pounlbly keep itw ha p uociuise i no lonor look like tho slater of my rlxinmji ur old iluutduii dncuune on tho itul rainy day i caught mid ihroiiidi hiivlui u damp nklrt hanging around my iinkh u iecauno long hklrtii mu licmr ixpnn- slve and take more unit ll ueaue i hoard u nun uny womi u ifxtk niucll he l tur in wltort nklrltt ilecuuso nvnn diini r ft nrlth nin tlf nlgnnd to touch the top of tho elio nocauao my dniw lug nuuitcr iwnor t the fashion und nuy lonuor idepi pleaae this nutihoii giuiefully und evenlyl decauae l dlullku u vnrn or untidy aklrt dncauio i wonder if i look uu awk ward a other longnklrtnd women pid alexlandher7 sure there wu u youth who loved maid hi name waa alexander ho wanted nor to marry him a ring did alexhundhef and later thoy were truly wod and when tho folk tho puper read uaferring to tho twain they said why tbero goa alcxundhor llllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllliiiiiuliinililllll the worlds richest man cant have better floors than you can nature produces the bestof all flooring material hardwood i in point of beauty it u irreproacliable in convenience and durability it stand alone money cant buy any other material o hultablc for flooring as hardwood seamankent hardwood iploorwa give you floor with u binpoth and lilky finish it u perfectly matched it is acientlncaliy kiln dried it la tongued and grooved on sides and end so exactly that a perfect and permanent floor results you arc building wre that seamankent floqrinq 1 if you lisvc rooms in your bouse witti roufth uncveh loot n them ask ua for estimates you will be delightfully urpriaed what little cot is involved in transforming- these room by the laying of hardwood floors seamankent hardwood floor1no l made in plain red oak quarter cut white oak maple dtich dcli and each has its own individual character and beauty i used seamankent hardwood flooring bold by j b mackenzie 13 in lnh thuk no i ulreh floor for utoriik farm kltehnii or ptiblli offer wu ure nelllng thl loorlng i if hooked more ieuvn your norman maleoo msnager ig which ik mum suitable bulldliigo a ii special t llu for cuali purchase rdim with phone 48 free10 much finer slaavesl cleaner shaves quicker with no skin irritation if you were paid for putt in if into words tho perfect shave you wohld probably define it as tho cleanest ijuickest easiest un bkin because thatll wlul 100 men aa ua a really good shave should be now we ak you to judge how well weve put those three requisites info a rhavmg cream at our expense weve nut it up to millions o hipn and having tried it they refuse to use any other cream or soap there are 5 distinct superiorities shaving adtxtn- tages in jalmolivc shavinp cream it cost us 18 months work 130 laboratory experiments to perfect them now judjje our work you find cream multiplying itself 250 times in ldxurrous lather youjt find that lathfcr softens the most unruly beard in one muiute without any trruainik rubbirir in youll find tho lather remains inch and creamy for 10 minutes on your face if neccssacy youll find cutting easier cleaner because bubblei of extra strength hold each hair ftct thu is impoi- tant iinally youll marvel at the cool soothed after feci a result of the carefully blended palm and olive ois t wc ask your judgment on these points as a favor railing the loss would be all ours scud along tho coupon for your ten free shaves made in cano4tf the palmouve company ot canada umlrsd 1 palmolive shaving cream 10 shaves free jiut nil in 4 rwll to to fstaaeltv company of cad ia toronto oat comfort in anyaather safety for emergencies ak ua for details of the m ao plan or lkiferred payment thr plan that makes it easy for you to own a motor car- solid comport is the inevitable result of mclaughlinbuick mccljanicaj perfection the comfort of a car properly balanced the comfort of deep upholstering genuine leather of course protection against wind rain and cold provided by the snugfitting side curtains made with overlapping flaps to keop out the strongest breeze giving closed carcomfort in a touring model complote protection against the unfore seen emergency the protection of mclaughlin- buick tested fourwheel brakea which roduce tho stopping distance by half and eliminate blcid- ding such is tho protection afforded by this new master six touring in addition there is tho knowledge that no derail of comfort or convenience has been overlooked in tho designing of canadas standard car fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont mclaughlin bu1ck v- a luuixiiiitkjfr r wiwrm

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