Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1924, p. 3

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jjhtog j v li irjnllnaia sbbhwbwbbi the iioueot lfp artnn 3fn hh uamhcr caiiadlao weakly nawapsptr aaaoctatloe utjnutr s the actl thurata of mill suu trlcw if jtf charfecd arid slat the paid u 4k jfcll townwmu otoelarlo j h free press la publiahad ever mlnjr at tba pre ireaa uujujaf acloo ontarie tba aabscriptlos per tear in advance foatas u itlonaj to office- in tba unlfad date lo which aubacrlptlona ara led cm the add re m ubl advertising bates trnaoi advertl- raentt 10 cent pr una asata biom lot brat lniertioaanil j cent a per ijna lor each aubaa- quant inacrtlaa contract diiptar advartia- mcota for jo inches or mare rxr annum ib cent per inch each luaertloa advertisement a with- out pacific direction wlu be laaertea till lorbld and- charged accordingly h p woore president and idiur g a diixs maaaae sad asalstaat kdutor tzlkpiionks- edltorui and bualncaa oset nw ualdascs oi prcaktet ttj cap i tni punishment for armed bandit a drastic plan for dealing with bandits is mooted about tho house of commons it is proposed that ao attack with firearms for the purpose of robbery bo made a capital offence whether anybodyis killed or not there is reason in the proposal it may be assumed that a bandit or burglar docs not carry a gun for self defense there is murder intended under certain circumstances that may easily arise mount forest confederate thursday morning april 24 1024 editorial fhetion for political purpotjes only hon g howard ferguson didnt join the hon arthur meighen and hon rtidolph monty at wind- v sor the dismal wail of those two gentlemen would make one think that canada was doomed well up here in bruce that kind of stuff about our industries going to the dogs would be considered untrue tye invite these two fabricators to visit this town and any other towns in this section and have their eyes opened so that they may not appear so illinformed on the industrial condition of canada of course i their fiction is for political purposes only never- vtheless it is hurtful to the country to have these dismalfaced apostles of tjlue ruin running around loose kincardine reporter the scandal of the provincial treasurery the revelations following the probe into the ir regularities in the provincial treasurers department has been a great surprise to the people of ontario the declaration of premier howard ferguson that all those who had brought the good name of the province into disfavor through bond and other fin ancial transactions would bo sought out and prose cuted in tho criminal courts is one of the encourag ing results of the probe by the public accounts com mittee if will be the general hope that the probe will be codtinued right through so long as suspicion rests anywhere irrespective of whomit may rest upon and until the clear blue sky of public and official honesty have been reached improving historic property tho burlington gazette says a- bee will be hold in st lukes phurchyard on saturday afternoon to remove stumps and brush and clean up and tho men of st lukes parish arc expected to attend bringing with them tools or send a substitute axeman and pick and shovel tho history of burlington centres around this churchyard and it therefore behoves the present citizens of burlington and vicinity of other denominations whoso ancestors arc buried in st lukes churchyard to also attend this bee or send a substitute from those living at a distance not able to attend a contribution will gladly be accept ed a similar plan properly organized would work w6nders in actons old graveyard where one of the founders of tho town is buried and mnnyof the early settlers graves are and woefully neglected it only requires a little welldirected leadership to accomp lish the end desired make the place as attractive fls it deserves and remove the deserved charge of un- filial and unpatriotic rieglect the annals of local history will record honors which will ever be re membered upon the man or woman or organization which will formulate a plan by which this wilderness spot inthexcntrc of the town will be converted into an attractive and hallowed gods acre neighborhood news- town and country qeorqetown thirty nine storekeepers and bunl- nu mon of the town have aimed an as moment to close their stores on thursday at 1zj0 the compact com- moncod last weet and wtll continue until the end of october mr o w itossel has purchased uio dairy business formerly conducted py ma- un young compuinu have been made regard ing pro fun i ly used by some young men on our streets and pome one 1 going to bo prosecuted if it continue mr wm harbor or acton wm in town last friday mr hex folklnghorns visited friend in town laat week lie has rncvm from- owen sound to toronto mr leslie curfle of port huron mich visited his parent mr and mr l d currje over the weekend mm john a mcoui of ottawa w the guest of mi and mrs mcoui laat week mr and at re- j t cameron anl family have removed tc thslc new horn lit oualph the beat wis he of msny frlandwlll follow them mrs cam eron wu the recipient of a beautiful palrw old dutch curdle tfalfks from the memban of vsrdualitsbekah lodtro at the close oxljtnett- meeting prior to her nunora herald jilton alfred barton of milton has pur chased tho farm of 15 htmrk nwiv mlllon and lant wrnk moved hiw fumlly there a car collided with the silent pollco- man at main and martin btroeta laat sunday and put it out of bualnaae delachltg u completely from the baao a good start has been mails in con nection with the coming old doyn reunion to bo held in july next number of clluens have become mem bera of thq association b agreeing ta pay 6 fee for the financing of the event j a business man ore mnln street ask ed ua the other day to put aomethlni in the paper about the dirty state of main street with dust flying so badl that they cannot open their ahop doors vlthout the place being nilatd with tt mil doris jdews who la in training as a nurse at the johns hopkins hos pital baltimore underwent an opera tlon for appndlc1uarcently she la rapidly recovering reformer the cemetery commission is favored many of the cities and towns of the province have adopted the com mission plan for the adminis- titration of the cemeteries the guelph mercury says secretary a e- smith of the guelph cemetery commission was in brantford thursday night at the request of the centetery commission of that city f smith explained in detail the methods adopted by 4hev local commission in connectiod with their work a deputation from brantford was recently in the city to gain an insight into the mariner in which i the local cemetery is handled and were much 1m- r pressed with tho way the guelph cemetery was con ducted as a resultof their visit a cemetery com mission was formed in brantford aii opportunity for cooperative co effort the improved highways and tho motor car have put an obligation on every town and village in the country to clean up andpunrrtiair streets and open spaces thd announcement of welcome that meets ethe motorist as 1k approaches a progressive town i naturally leads him to- expect- to tind an evidenceof refinement when ho complies with the rulo to slow flown even though he does not stop to pass an hour xjr a day this is the time of year when effort has i to be made if our towns are to present alright and lcoloifut appearance rrrtrkrbmmor months some agency however is needed to at least direct the work of beautification the rotary kiwanis and other clubs and local councils need the lead and direction of an informpd body to have action taken tho fior- i ticultural society is tho logical leader in a movement 1 of this kind tho provinco alteady has two hundred rof theso societies twenty of which arc township societies operating in tho rural districts and small villages the total membership of the combined or ticultural societies of the province last year was 50000 one hasonly to visit or enquire about the f city of st thomas to learn what a town can accomp lish under the direction of a horticultural society p many other places show similar if not quite as spectacular results in a speech in the house of commons this year a member made the claim that floriculture is grpwing to a large extent in the pro vince of ontario and that horticultural societies are of great benefit he advised tho house that nearly jail of his constituents wto mombeis of a horticul tural society which ho pronounced a great jnstitu- ltion a difficulty frequently encountered in horti cultural society work is a lack of public support it a rulo for members to be given a prcmiurn of tho full value of their annual fee but these premiums hatu rally are used for private gardens for public planting tho grant ot the provincial department of generally added j town or village thai i no time ta i organiz- ng where societies already exist for the sake of ftbe province and for the home town it is tho privilege of every cjtixen to lend a helping band the position taken by mri taxpayer tho hero ine of the globes cartoon on thursday morning will appeal to most folks her husband was reading the comments of the daily papers on the new tariff when she interjected well father 1 dont know much about tariffs but anyrjiinguiatsco m in gd6 wlftip stead of going up im for t agrlculturo helps and to thia is lr from tne iocal council tho i 1 without a society should losoi buslneas prospecla improving business conditions have undergone little change in the past month as spring approaches however manufoctuijers find orders slightly better than they had anticipated commercial collections arc slow but there continues be a promising volume of payments on account of mortgage and other obliga tions shipping agencies report that bookings of immigrants are larger than for some years past and that the arrivals to date are of a promising type in some districts tbey are taking the place of farmers who are leaving their farms and moving elsewhere and some of those who have arrived in the western provinces are paying cash for the lantt they buy one of the most hopeful indicationsas to business conditions generally is the increase- in car loadings over last year mainly in the case of grain lumber pulpwood and ore from the beginning of january to march 15 tho loaflngs amounted to 551979 cars as compared with 505000 cars for the corresponding period of last year an increase of about 11 per cent for the three weeks ending march 15 the amount was 171964 cars as compared with i3738 cars for the corresponding three weeks of 1923 this is very tangible evidence oftbe fact that trade is not dim in ishing in volume reassuring as this information is with regard to the general business of tho country it indicates more particularly the improvement in the volume of transportation over the previous year when it may be noted the railways of canada hand led a larger freight traffic than ever before editorial notes the league of nations has so far cost canada 81835578 made upas follows secretariat 765- 04531 cost of canadian delegations four 5330995 it is hoped that ultimately it will be proven that canadas connection with the league was worth the money accidents in industry reported to tho workmens compensation board in 1923 were as follows fatal ities 379 permanent disabilities 2289 minor ac- cidents 58441 total 61109 the total benefits awarded by the board was 6173761 this included 788j905 paid for medical aid however much dogs may prove themselves a nuisance no one has the right to cause their death by poisoning such killing constitutes a grievous of fence and is punishable by law there is a way to compel the owners of dogs to keep their pets from running at large but the killing of them without authority is unjustified georgetownherald it is rather refreshing to read this item in a united states paper the worlds longest dry dock is now being completed incanada it is at st john n b and has a totar length of 1225 feet and an extreme width ot the top of 133 foot with a depth of fortytwo feet and is largo enough to float any vessel yet constructed or contemplated usually tho biggest things ard in our sister country south of the line good roads cost a lot of real money but they are demonstrating their value from time the snow left the ground these highways have been practically free of mudj while many of tho sideroads were almost impassable that is the irony of it wo cant have these provincial highways everywhere due to their prohibitive cost but it is real relief for all who have to travel tho sideroads to feel that at least a portion of their journoy will give very pronounced pleasure carlcton place canadian it has been very justly said that tho small town newspaper of tho present day contains moronows than did tho metropolitan daily of thirtyhvo or forty years ago it contains more information more features and informative editorials in plain terms the general average of tho weekly press is as high as tho high sat standard of a quarter 6t a century ago there are just as brilliant editorial writers as the famous ones of twenty thirty or forty years ago there are more of thorn too a few of the modern editorial writers arft better in every respect than the celebrated edltorvof the paat rockwood tho itockwood tmnnui club hld their annual taeeung laat week an reorganised their club for tha aeaaon mr stanley oakaa of detroit mich has been spending a week with hi parenta mr and mrs geo oakeo mr 8 r peart la the first in the village to start building operations for this season by building another storey on the rear of his house wbloh will include an uptodate sunroom prafeuor yohan maatn of indore college india who wu brought u canada by the foreign mission board of tho presbyterian church to inform our people about the progress- of chris tianity in india will apeak in the nock wood presbyterian church mr ffidwsjd hodgsklnson was called to barn la by the death of his brother- inlaw mr nlchol momurray mr ucmurray was barn in hoc k wood and resided here for over thirty years ha was a son of the late charts- mcmur- ray pet worth house eramosa the home of mr and mrs james oakes was the scene of a yery pretty wedding on april 1 when may white of rock- wood wu married to chart walton oakea the bride waa attired in a charming gown of sand canton crepr with vcu and orange blossom and carried a shower bouquet of rosea and illy -of- the- valley rev r m oeurer of rockwood officiated at the cere mony the annua meeting of the rock wood beball team was held last week a large number were present to show their interest in the team far the coming season col mutrla wa unanimously chosen manager for the nfth season in succession and mi praaer of the royal bank staff 8e- oratarytreasurer mr king i elected captain with the veteran sportsman mr john joltiffe aa the head of the ticket sales department the colonel and his team will be as sured of nnanolal support for- the coming season erin if c austin proprietor of stanley park erin is already making jtlans for the opening or tho park on vtay x mr 3atn qlbeon la tearing down the old workshop belonging to the black smith shop at the corner at mimosa those oldtime buildings will soon all be gone mr charles roasell has sold his brick residence on main st root to mr stephen huxley mr and mrs arch mclclnnon left for their new home in milton last week mr arthur horton left last week lor south manchester mass wher he has taken a position mrs hofttnan has returned from detroit where she spent the winter the board ot trustees have com pleted arrangements for the ofllclut opening of the new school to be held on friday april is at x p m dr waugh chief inspector of public sahools for ontario and others will address the meeting erin horticultural society has been 6rganlked with the following officers honorary presidents rev j jllndsai hev j a svana president miss m j justice 1st vicopresldent miss m 13 maimlllar 2nd vlcopresldent mr ic c reynolds secretary treasurer miss a burt directors messrs j m abbott j p bush k modougallh matthews j d leltch mrs j- jus tice mrs w orlffln mrs j h olb- son mrs q t rcott mrs j leslie advocate oakville mr zotlque clement has purchased the williamson property at the comer of church and george streets a bungalow will be erected at the rear qf the lot this season an accident occurred on the high way near v here last saturday nlght when a ford touring and a palgi roadster collided the cars wero severely damaged but fortunately n- line was serluusly injured mr kred utter of alberta who cane east to visit bis parents early in the spring returned to the west last week during his stay here his mother mrs cyrus utter passed away consequent ly o has decided to take up residence on the form at merton with his father uustne houses along the north sldr of colborne street between navy and george streets suffered the incon venience of having lo use candles coal oil lamps or any other meanajof illumination available on saturday evening during rush hours some thing went wrong with the electric lighting system in that section the council chamber was ailed oh tuesday evening at the meeting called tor the purpose of reaching- a decision as to the advisability of an old- boys und qlrls runion in oakvllle this oomlhg summer mayor forstcr presid ed it was unanimously decided tu hold such a gathering a very serious aocldent took place on colborne street near the post office 6n thursday afternoon when wm onunmell who was crossing the road in front of his store was knocked down bye m ca driyepby john xttilaqk of st woodjey avenue hamilton lintack did not stop after the accident and drove on but wa overtaken and arrested by chief kerr within a short time mr gramme was carried into his store dr stead who attended him found a bad out oi the left aide of his head ms left jaw was fractured in two places and he received injuries to his legs mr uiaramell was taken to st josephs hospital hamilton record burlinaton j h kurts and his son harold have started a contracting business they will specialise in concrete con- st ruction and excavauon plans and speclflcatlens for the new club house for the burlington oolf and country club ore now ready and tenders are being called for mr and mrs j w kyckman and mrs harry ghent arrived home from inorldu on friday where they spent the winter mr and mrs frank mcmillan and family have returned home from cali fornia the annua memorial parade of the a w v a will be held in the metho dist church oi sunday afternoon april 37 at- four oclock mr und mrs dave robinson an j family and mr and mrs frank nes- bltt and child have returned from florida where they spvnt the winter they made the trip by motor and on the return journey ran into some bad roads and anow storms mrs kl s cross formerly of the lllue dragon inn clarkson has rented russ smiths building on water street opposite lakeside park and will open a hotel there about may 1 under the nunae village inn the residents on water street are making a move to huva the jamo of the street ohanged to another name snd a petition is being floated which will be presented to the counclal an early date it has been suggested to change the name to lakeside road or lakeside boulevard the horticultural society have made arrangements with the hydro hlecirlo to move baok the fence on thi wust sld of brant strete next to the radial station as far a the towei ai the rear of this property the fenon on the wesi sldb of urant street where the- soft ball games wtll be pluyed will be lowered and shrubs planted in an effort to beautify he surroundings this should greatly im prove the main street and the hor ticultural society shouftl be encour aged n their j jtprkoaaatte not a hard nme either a man with a soft low voice ha just i completed his purchases in the department store and the salesman had taken his order produced a large manila tag- and looked up in an expectant way the chicago re cordherald recounts the troubles that followed what is the namer asked tho clerk v jepson replied the man chlpsonr- no jepson oh yes jefferson no jepson jepson jepson v thats it you have it sixteen eighty two your first name initial please oh k o k jepson excuse me it isnt o ic you dlj not understand me i said oh o jepson no rub the o out and let the k stand the clerk looked annoyed will you please give mo your initials again 1 said k i beg your pardon you said o k perhaps you had better write it your- elr i said oh just now you said k allow me to flnuh what i started to say i said oh becauso i dli5not nderstand what you were asking mo i did not mean that it was my initial my noma is klrby jepson ohl no not o k said the man olvo i tin panel and ill write tt down fur you myself there i guess its o k now if youre satisfied im sura i ar responded the clerk a poets mother rooert buchanan had one deep en thusiasm his another she was always young in her appearance but be re garded her to the end of her life as abounding even in girlish chsnns ha oould never realise that she was grow ing- old in looking at her even when she waa close upon eighty he saw the soft blue eyes and golden hair which he had loved iuo ago cannot imagine my mother as o he as id again and again the day after she died i do not feel thai she is dead for 1 cannot imagine tho world without her when ayouttocx eigh be- w up to london tn take the world by storm he was a miserably h lad he sat in a corner of the railway canlas his heart aching his ym dim with tears i realised be says that i waa for the first time quite friendless and alone i thought of my dear mother praying for me at home and i longed to turn back and ask her forgiveness ior any pain i had caused her- even now 1 never take a railway journey t night without recaluax the dismal heartache of thai midnight journey to london almost dally during this early struggle did he receive a letter from her always full of loving instruction for his guidance his answers wero overflowing with heart und hope mother and eon were constant in this tender service srom first to last they were the and moat intimate of friends the only safe course the supervisor who was always giv ing the children instructions as to what lo do in case or fire usually made his visits to the school alone i but one day there was a board mt- ing and five supervisors descended on the class at once the children had keen well drilled by their teacher and from previous experience they knew jus what mr wales would ajtk them so after a painful period of hesitating answers and mistakes with the uthsr visitors it waa a great relief to see mr wales rise to address them t you have listened so utun lively lo the efhsr gentlamen said their frleivt nd toldi them what you know on the subjects they have chosen whet would you da if i were to make you a little speeertt form a line and march down stairs i chanted the chorus with beaming faces did ft on purpose at one time the liverpool police were recruiting mainly from ireland and it1s told of one that on his first dsy4n uniform he spied u waterlng- jrtreamehlng e ha never seen before end followed it to the street end where it turned to water thu other side pat found this procedure too much for hlro so holding up his hand in the approved snahnsr he roared i shtopl oive had epough av this at j fust 01 thocht ya was laketpg but naw ot see yes dotngjl9jlpury the fresh odor of clean clothes surprise thoroughly cleanses all garments and fab rics leaving them soft well washed and with that fresh odor so pleasing to particular housekeepers 7sr fccum jluisincss directory dr j a mcniven physlolan and surgeon office and itasldonco corner bower avenue and icigln street i j- nhlson kilicdkhicit ktitlcict acton ontario legal it pays to use martin senour 100 pure paint varnishes for ewy purpose or every sucfhce wirrle to hud office moofrrol far froe bookut home funt1nc hade easy sold err w dc talbot phone no s3 p o dox ml harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer eto ferryman block- acton ont money lent on mortgages rf flours j0 ami to s pm saturdays 14 00 oclock h g meir darr later solicit ootery public georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d s ld a dentist honor graduate of toronto etnl ver sify the latest anesthetic um if desired office at residence corner mill ojid frederick street dr f g gollop dds lds dental burgeon office over dank of nova scotia hours so to 610 evenings by appointment miscellaneous new prices of electric bulbs first quality 15 25 40 watts 35c or 3 lot 1 00 watts 50 watts mill typo 75 watts nitro 00 watts nltro 5100 40c 40c 60c 75c 200 watts nltro 110 these prices effective april 10 1924 wo havo some seconcj grade bulbs uo wntt at 4 for 100 acton hydroelectric commission success leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbing heating tinsmithing the success of work in scores of homes and business places in acton is a guarantee that wc arc in a position to assure you satis faction w will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude main street acton francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to ider periodicals of everydescrlptipn carerully bound ruling neatly ana promptly done wyndharo street guelph ont over williams store epbowman 01 s habc ameic land surveying and engineering 10 douqla8 st quelph successor to the late d a nlven o l 8 as www alern shewing star tnewea empire et barns i value trs emplra bam is plank construction t aclawsfcally built of intseuclng planks giving- arwicrrmui dtacmval bracing throughout cornpleus a structure solid uiitnuifprooff weauserugfit ihtmanerit buperetrong csnvenlertt trusses are j strength ltd a a rock ama to wtthstanai tho heaviest storms also outward pressure off hay and grain lronouncod by engineers to bo tho strongest typo of barn conatructlon no obstructing crou beams brace otc- all interior h clear floor space idoal to verk in get our prices for your barn jut tall us langth and width and also drive you want and say whan you will probably need tho bam thbj will not bind you in any way wo alsgrfurnhh separately our famous empire corrugated iron eastlake3htrigles ttandards of quality for 40 years i oss any building ponsult us our expstoncod avrvick dtp h at your disposal and can glvo you roal hfjp the metallic roofflns co limited manufacturon toronto we avmake eesrytfclng imthsat meleita rrm bumelags ibs j phones oiuci 4si iteo 374w dr a l price chiropractic elecshotherapy 130 upper wyndham street guelph ovnr ii year exporloiict consultation ntee r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 1 agent 17 tears jsxperlenoe acton ontario sales entrusted to it j feorr re ceive attontlon from ilato of listing to- date of snlo uat your sales with me itesjdenoo ilower avonuo acton phono 38 aoton call at my expense f gnelph business college orters uptoduto clorlci lluslness khmogruphy und ho- cretarlul couraert by ukport uat- perloncetl tuwchtb atudonts way enter nny day- white foll inloiluationt v ix blmtotl ivlnolpal 7 out of 10 headaches aro cuuouil frmn nyo utieln if you burfur fuup huuilunhon you ought to umhtltm tlin coiulitlnn uf your uynh oftuii with vlhlmi uiuonly liortuul oy uiuutly nn il tlo help of gluutiux a a savage optometrist a mfq optician i ssvsue optical bulldlnfl m at the poat oltlce guelph optoi istrjt t th csnadlsn olfio hallway co the old and reliable granittj nntl marble worku we are inatiufunturens and directs importers of all kinds of monumental atnd headstone wnrk we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customers 40 per oent we hsve the boat eppllanoes and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate piixyniatla tools properly we can give reference from humlreilfl of our customers in toronto and other places where others liavetu have law sutts in older tu cullmt we have the largest and best atutk of granite la the domjnlnn or mor thstt any throe dealers in the wct we are legiti mate dealers and employ no agenta and do not annfv r pent customers ty sending outlknornnt asenis sollclt- lag orders we nmiiloy only mechanltw and defy oompetttlnii hamilton sr sons quelph ont

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