Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1924, p. 4

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it artnn 3ffj ptbfl is i1iuuhday aliul 24 1034 just so wli ii vn 1 don t jit 1 vu ll kl h ythlnjt k ur oluit llrlid to ill nor ftinw ii r flduot u tirplln 11 h tl hot winn j mil rl hkll v y u hunt th 1 n it if you d 1 i s ui i tl rln niruin win ivi r wliwn hy ll ii nkl in j o u irl t ik mom thitn firm unil pit u uiuuht lu you huir inuiuit 1iui if hn ami r just v u on 1 you r intlmeu of fournf l ltfimlln itr u kmpatllll uffy yi u w rln in r 111 luuuh electric cars without motormen moil nlosu it iiluml on an ordinary nuhvii truck m t nllnnry iionilola car such tia br ussil for l ho transpor tat ion f col nxc pi that ll i about luuf tho uitujil ulirf not u tfean l within h lliouiinil 1 fnot uf it hut ud tluuly li mturlji and moves down i crude llillii ul un mitflo of twnnly lexrocit ni w mout mm y uld runl ilowrt rnich it ilocllvlty ftt a tiotl which would imcomn cyclonic a tho foil wn mitred thin llttlo car jiow xvur urtuihy slow itt vnc and very u ntly ruylfl u tho bottom where ulf t r puuiiinic u rfloniant it starts aali unci tontlnunu along uhoul ll busl ui uu whlch involves slopplnfc while it u louuml starting- and cllrablnk hi incllno lualn l hi tlmo with a load of tan tnnn tho apectuclo of an inanimate struc ture of wood unil iron uccorapllshlnif all this uppursnlly of 1u own volition ruuy l aeon uny day at u certain blt to no quarry south of chlcagxi it hrms nom tho lea uncanny when lho thsrvjr lourns that u mdn in u tower on tho udge of the pit control tbi niovemtmta of the car entirely the oik ration in fact la one of tho multitudinous performance of oloc trlclty when hoxneaaad by modern en gin vera at thla quarry an area of thirty ucro hna been excavated to a depth of moru than sixty fot around tho alila at it run a railroad with a trak in th nhaps of a furunt eight with the ypper or smallest circle oil tho mrfilca the track la divided elcctriuilly into sections each inde pendent of the others and fed with current over a third rail in th middle tho car i oqulpped with a mo lot and in addition a varrety of simple but ramarltala dnvlce without which jt could not perform as it doc when tb car near tho brink of the bltf hota in tho ground the motor li working wy merrily without tiin to indicate that tt 1 anything but a motor but jturt a it creases the brink the polo changed incline striking an angle iroq frame which shifts a lever changing th connac tlona on the car so that the motor la converted into a generator changed character it proceed to work immediately after the fashion of leo trlcol machinery a resistance coll come into ploy and the motion of the car is so retarded that it slip down tho fitudo as though held back by a wire rope slowly paid out when the bottom i reached the generator transforms itself into a motor again currant is thrown into the next trad section and he car moves on its business 1 to recelvo a load of broken stone from ono of the huge mechanical shovels you see at work it stops at exactly the right place to receive its load by moan at an auto matic brake a current of ninety volts is used ror braking while 260 volt is needed to actuate the motors the car has still oxbor dutle to performs and proceed about them la a semihuman manner when the load ing is finished a signal is given the tower man a signal because the dls tanoa la too groat to see clearly he pulls a switch the car loaded with broken sumo runs around the pit works up the grade to the sarfatitt as easily as it rododown and moves into the building containing the crusher it registers itself on entering and a short distance farther weighs itself a aimple movemsnt of a lever unloads it and with a brief stoppage the car la sent forward on- another journey llkft he first there aru u number of plants like ihla around chicago operated by elec tricity and in nearly ovry case the electricity is transmitted to them by reneratlrig stations miles away borne times it 1 necessary to build a sub station on the ground in the portl- cplar tptant described all fhc heavy machinery in tho building is run by electricity the huge shovels scooping up stono aro worked by current so are the numerous drills one sees barn meting shot holes through tho rock the dynamite shots axe all fired by tho man in he tower even the great whistle that scroams out that a shot is about to be exploded is brought into action by a switch under his hand tho rlrno objci i tt t rrliool wna to tnnrn to wn tltiu en i wiii ilnfully i moili rn 1irmtu fil lit 1 tl it nn i voli n inch r lit iwn to he uhl t i i in jlllimlt nullum r int u on the mill pond bridge all liihiy whltn the narrow road that ulidi mdown tho hill and yondor nctlh thu uipumnt trees yrt rtanda tho eray old mill it heained wnlln grllrg tho uun it moauotl root aro aa yore and powdered with unmeaurod toll tho miller in if door loan nil ho hwint hi i thor loyiv half notlnil whit ho m hiu tn uort mgerd at tho 1mm and husgy ul the knc- iinr 1 tin 1 rl lo whom j wna w now th ln illo fflt awntrh to ntlicli tho 11ns of la 1 an 1 lanalo who ahnll duro to loll a tnlo that la not tru or wloop without d prayer tnlr aplkea of vivid cardinal tilt grow 1 alonn tho brook and mtudylni tho aelfaamp aonff in some loaf cloistered nook nd on do re mi va sou la si doi kaster time year by year seems t bring out the vry beet that in our church choirs this week i vo had- an unusual treat for i took in tho cbalr concert in our church on good friday night and i wont to tho mothody church sunday evening with our crowd to hear tho choir sing their cantata there ye i mury was with ino ubth evonlnga wo onjoyod boti ahdlrsvecy much r ymljihyqu l teleoraphinq clab8ic phaabes went into the country to proparo bur cottage for oocututney during the aummor uefona going tho chicago tribune says alio made ar- raneemenl with her huabamd to have u lot df liousehold good packed and forwarded by steamer for home reason tho ahlptnent was delayed and she wrote inquiring the cauao uf tho delay and asking her huabnnd to uend a telegram when tho goods wore ahlpped the husbund went to work and wrsonally saw the books hunglnga furnituro und other property packed foe tho trip then he went to tho dock and now them safely on board tho boat ho then sent a urogram o requested laroa und peuate on board boat ha aald will arrive tomorrow uiornink thi wun the way the telegram read whojp tho boy brought it to tho waiting woman n tho lujle michigan town lurd und peanuts on board boul will airlvo- to morrow morning a marriage ban hpeuklng on the marriage law at u meet log prealdod ever by an arch leaoon a curate remarked vio it was not tiuruy known that u man oould not marry his widow a coualn widows sister you mean our ruoiod tho probldont v no rpllod ho ynutbful cleric f ntoun widows coualn thu urc7deunon wus on bis feet in tn inatdhl ilia law mut not be chsl- inngod by a ouratr toll you hjj said a man may marry til widows coualn but not his widows autir ttou must really allow mo- o know dut porslstod the curate how can a man do anything lit the way of marry dig when his wife 1 a widow r r generally useful mrs rtanklln mrs qldaigad says aho takes a loj of comfort oqt of their now maidl t mr phylo but isn t a maid a jrres oxrfenss to a person jlntet clitaim- tanosf tos but bus sgja she gtm bmr both of llwaf jgtrssttclgrs k j hv hermit thruah croon n until tho frottlnif pain of tad to day fan allppod away and loft m rhlld actuft a child who laughing leans to watrh- a tongth of floating twine and feel with happy loop of pulse a twitch uron tho line o world that brook u on tba whool of want unsatisfied that toacho 0 the fulno and iruo humility and pride jnave leave u jut touch of joy llko that atlrrod within when on the mill pond hrldao w nhod for big troit with a plnl uary clarke huntington eastmitide and eistcro come and gono again with all it hallowed memories and reverential pralae and woraltlp i really believe there la a muoh bolter understanding generally to day a to tho why of easter than thorn was in tho early day tho impressive or mono the splendidly improaalvo l-stc- muslc by tho choirs the good friday remembrances havo grown rooro and more reverential and worshipful ws rarely hsor anything now of the egg eating contests so common fifty or sixty years ago tho lost week of lisnt were observed by most of the boys on the farm as an occasion for hiding ggs so as to have a big store to bring in on easter morning for i great boater sunday feast 1 remem bar quite distinctly the first question of tho boys then as thoy arrlvod at the church for the early sunday school sj nlno o clock say ai how many eggrf did you eat for breakfast t oh i only had six ma wouldn t let ma have any more how many did you have george i had len and then had to- quit but our duve ho ate eighteen and ssld ho was good for i couple more but there wero no morn cooked and so it wont ono rarely hears anything about extra eonuump tion of eggs an eon tor now a day and i guess ltv3uat a well it cer toinly 4s more timely to think mor upon sacred filings und to have the opportunity of enjoying such music us we had this eastertide in town aim h nili k r ro ni huh i lender i f ii luritw nir lni trucloil hy tho innhllliy t lo nlng ni munlc will i tho i tmpii ubi tr i ui i i rouaht in tlto hundu of t tljork of tho nv ii thtro wiiit ii viirurmi ru m fn wol lu h h lr dla lli try f thorn nllikors u 1 itf in rimt utturti on lii d a lura ihnri wo ur1 or the hi i kbonrd w utilised mill i rulea nrpokgio an i akipa wctn rnrtliu i in vnrloun key until thu toucher tvnn itntlndrd 1 hi lininn tho real j y of thr nnlt i thl rnnjtid nil tlm wij from u roun i like hrotlmiu ii llurnlni to n hymn tuno with tin tuloroti i hurniniiy 1 chlnu from u rrtnihluic imtliirn lk speed away o un oratorio chorux ijkn llo wutrlilnjj ovor inrnol of rourso llii rinoi t ffocl wi ro nut uchiovoil hut tho frnnhncun f llm volroa tho unthunlaani oflhotig vni und iho coiimulontloua poral luni r of bo teuclior ucrtutnullafiod w idera when tho evtnliii nncludod wit i prulao cud tn in win m nil hloaslngm flow all th hliikirn fill nu ro or lean clearly thut it i id boon kod fur thm tn bp thoro nn i tluit thoy hud htid ti gllmi k lut n now relon whor i cuuiy r ltno un t un heavy can n of tho workaday i rlil mrttod before tho touch of art thun came tjio xtltlng m rutt whoti ono un i nnothir of tho group hnnliful boy ttt tho door plucked u courage to go homo with tho girl of hhi choi tho whlii tleuu und the lurllght nn 1 tho foirst ronches and the nnolrclink hill mnrto a sotting for many a romance and the ovoninit begun with mualc often ended in love a love no frumoil wit pretty itur t bo n wholoaomn ono tho parting on thn ntono atop in the fromy ulr wai an hwoot n sorrow as thar of romou and jullot under italinn akloa und n num horn of cuncn which i could tnenlloll right in thin community ondod in happy ubcful uvonftm heads of homoa followed in duo ecu rue with hn families and many of these to tho necond and third genoratlona took thalr places in tho church uholrs whom tholr imronta and grandparent ha 1 prccooded them i noticed that in both tho choir whoao iaator rnualc morv and i enjoyed so much during the week thero wero descendant of th young folk who attended tho acton singing school fifty or sixty yearn ago gathered plower8 yea said th lady who hbd juat handed a bunch of jonquils aaros the fence to the llttlo boy who had beggei for soma to take to teacher please yea moat children love flowers but moat children treat them barbarlcatly and hnlf of them keep on doing so when thoy grow up dldyou notice how that little boj rlrst clutched them a clone as roaaiblo in a hot llttlo flat und then fished a bit of twlno nut of hi pocket nnd tied them almost tight enough to cut the atom in two well when he geta thorn to teachar i know her i ve visited her school aho ii atlck thrm juat a they axa string and all into a fat vase with a thin neck whore some wilted pink applo blossoms and a sprig of acarlot geranium are al ready thoy will nil bo aquoexod to gather wreqehed and unbekutlful but nobody will notice anything wrong yet if some one who know aoparat ed tho inharmonlou colors release the pinched tem arranged tho aweet things separately in anything how over simple that was unpretentloun and gavo them room plain l would serve and than pointed out tho difference in effect those chlldrun would see it tn an instant it is the japanese who ore truly dvulxed in their treatment of flowers thoy moke tho arrangement of them a ana art in which people receive in btructlon as thoy would in muslo or painting we smile at the ldon yet it la charming- and qute sensible and practical besides people who won t give proper usage to tho flowsrs they pjck ought never to pick flowers nolthor ought flowere to bo plckod haphazard for the mero soko of picking when people have no place to use thera to advantage afterward that a floral ethlcs elementary ethics too and beyond that thers is room for any amount of tea to talent or gsnlu in dealing with flower 6nlv a copper whnn a ruling puanlun gets tyrun ulcaj it is tlmo for it in turn to bo ivoirulod a pontpou i ol t aautlomnr in n now york rnllwiiy nintlon was buying hln ticket tt r chlcugo wiumi 1m irn ped u out puiu t y u ifjno no mo if y nir rhuikct nnknd tho lick t iitim yns it wun i nly u spiiar i ul ho ml j unto i hlw rluaaxn and bptil ovrr in nniirch of iho mlwnlng ri in oih or two i f tin 1 yntumlera jnuil him ho mull tlld yo lrc 17 iako i ob only a upper ntlll iio bent lower and ipcred undnr a mill curloun how money wl dlaap ponr lu null gtyoaurae u coer is inil a trifle uxcuao me air may 1 trouble you lo move your satchohi7 i onslhly tho coin may imvr rolled ho hint thim it wja only i think it rollnd uiutur thai nout tivir therel rullr i n muu nnur by oh did itt thank you ho droppod to bin knnoa iitnl ptorod urulnr tho sent hin ghiam a fell off and ho roadjuatod thorn lriuk mutch burrowol under tlto au uid then roao lo his foot wiped the dual from hln truliaors and anld to a lolly exciiho me mudum hut i think rtirr cjlu may huva rolled jn thl 1 1 ruction would you take tho trouble tn rlnot it w only n topper but tho woman cluing her mo it antl ho riaumod his pnomnft ttiou n man uald 1 dou t think li roll ml lu this dlr irtlun- inn i that it over lltnro nglllnst the itaaaboardr ah perhaps it 11 jjo thl la jut a brass button of course u copper la tho merest triflo but he pulled out hi watch glanced at it nnd then at tho clock ton the wall then he hurried to tho window und uskod tho ticket agent when did you ay that train went to chicago tour fifteen air went juat a moment jigo it did then 1 m lot und all on uccounf of still a coppers u ooppor it tap t very much but n and ho began lojioirch for it again never heard our own choir do bettor prof kelly was proud of thorn 1 could see that so wero wo atl it was ousy to see thoro ware mors tlmn rrcsby lorlana in tho big crowd uaseoiblud for the applause wi louder than our all lreabytorlan crowd a over la woll wo got another irvat on sunday nigh thosu mothodlit pooplo do put aim inlo tholr singing tholr i ontatu from cross to crown wus tlno i wo sorry it wus sunday night for i would liked to have ah own my uppre elation by u good rounlng hundcuip when they vnded upon fhat laut grand chorus llojolci tho lord 1 iflaon speaking of tho iholr un 1 tluir concaru und cuntutuu lukes inu right back to tho do ra ml duya und the alnglng hiula we uaod to hav right here in aum the old lualilomjil inglng school ought to have a hlstorlun boforo ll 1 forgotten llras ihulallght of coun try ufo in canada fifty or ulxty yeurn ago it gavo to tho lov of good muslo an lmpotua which i felt yut und it discovered scores of vouo wbleh du ally found tholr way to tho cluilr of the rhurutea and roaultud in the sab buth aervlco of virolaft being muro impressive and helpful how slmpls k all wti und how pleasant i tho teachor went from village to village usually with his own horse and blolgh ami was a wej omu guest at one house after anothvr among hi patron horn mimes bo carried lu hi nlod u mnlodeon with n myatorlous arrungumont of foldings uen and podulh sometlmo lio wus muster or a violin morevjfton howevwr t only musical instrument at hla oom mood was a tuning fork wikmo h s bss wan tho delight uftlie email chjidrtm at early candle light lug the singers began ta gather at the ooaoolhouss or the meetinghpuse a kpuukf teaoher would often haye u hundred pupils and these with a few of two dollar for twentyjour lessons gavo bin what was in thoss days u ganeroui income for hla winters work w w prioe was a famous teaoher here in the early days he was a good teacher of the do ro ml method and his influence was left on at the young people of bis day from john h1u on william gordon downv the aingingbook was usually suit mbls tot xuk in churqb ofaolrs and wms lor with ejlerrlss for uui- rflsrfthg in tba iolrcuotmrnitbass ooiloouons had quaint ntaajtr tow baaail lmsthe mo4am bufv tup i jmmmumr artdatoi ehavmh ir 9t thetftke chyreh k thinking for ons self frequently one hoar it aald that such and auch a word if spoken boforo thl or that man or woman i like n rod rag n front of a i ull some of those inflaming word or phrases in political speoch and writing aro pro toctlon froo trade oovcrnmen etmtrsli prohibition- controversy has waged round the ideas for whch llioy stund and all tho hard fooling aroused by angry dispute aro rocelled when tho word are uaod men and women aro in muui mlrlct bondage to word ihut it i dimoult to got at tho nvrlts of a que hon in ill russlon wlh them if ny of tho luurrr word aro used the wins man therefore uvolda sujb word and maken use of ulhor la wqrn when h dealros his vlrwo on copiro verled auhjecta to rorolvo a raawctful hearing thoro ur wui la of alluii mont ulaq which tuetful aiwakora employ io gall tho gowl will i ihtlr hourora tim discerning nian who aoo through word to the things tlmy atnnd for in seldom oxolted by the quarrel word mid 1 noi iiften ullurod by tho pntlco ment of empty oonipllmenis iio doos his wn thlfckliik an r merson advised tho ouug men of hurvurd to do when he told thsm that 1 lato und other n n uulti thinker ut tho time thoy wero evolving tholr thuorles woro young men in libraries und held no patent o he right lo reach independent con oluslon th iniillnutuin lu let o thorn do one thinking ui flrsf couslp to iht willing noss to sit in bondage to mors words there in no place for elthtr of thi ouslna in the intellectual outnt of tho men and wumoii who load in tho work of tho word i quick work at into tlmo uuhop wtllluni uf muniuolto was unlvqrslty preacher u cornell for u few week und during thut tlmo ho not only guvo fins er muni but prqvlded lit friends ut the university with muny guod storlea one he brought from winnipeg where he had been attending the synod of the canadian church he had aeon tbers a missionary bishop who ksd coma a long journoy travelling for six wokiot of the tlm by canon this miealonsry had brought me sages and ekousss from a brother blshon who was prevented front com ing tolthe synod bscmuse his dlocessi had gone to the dogs rv proceeded to explain that the brother hlsbop was laboring among ul jsmumom north of hudson bay ttevjbdt httut thmn 0 with whalen ba for tartars cwarsd with tamrrsd wlrujlhlo tihwa fight rjeraorsij said or kajmopvry blho and sisrvtod its purpose wall until in sv bad tlnie the grv fejmlatierl and devdurext the s m k n a ah h om a chlneso cook in the em ploy of a family in california was a great admirer of the youngest son a daring and mischievous boy of sixteen ah porn himself to quote the do crlptton of doctor foustu in the old legend hod a naughty mind and win oihtrwlae odd lo tod especially to pro fanlty he evidently regarded fred a it prontablo mod to study although tho lad worst vice yeas slang which he used at timed with dramatla lp tensity hla favorite invective warf n a and ah fom secretly added it to bis own vocabulary ah foms profanity w5 fearful to listen to ho woe t unintelligible ti english ear he usually worked him self up to a pit max and then resuroed hi task with the smiling equanimity of mien peaullar to celestials one day company was expected and ah fom was endeavoring to outsblna himself ha bad mixed the partlaalar cake which wap tho pride of hi heart and put it in the oven then in tho hurry of his work ho forgot it when tho mistress came and asked to o li ho flew to the oven and found it burned to charcoal tho rugo of ah lom was dreadful n behold he whirled round like a top with ills pigtail flying uttering word so diabolical in tholr inflection that the mlatrns fled in terror and then impelled by rurloalty she paused by tho dosr ah mil whirled and nwore and swore and whirled until it seemodto the ingle spectator as if he roust drop exhausted and then with the air of having reached the vary quintessence at pro fanity ho brought down his foot once twice thrice and cried n 0 1 n 0 n o i when the mistress rtepvored from her emotion ho wn placidly mixing the batter for unothor cake he harp tho harp was ono of tho fofvprtte string instrument atnong most of the ancient peoples although very prlml live to begin with it was improved llttlo by little and more and more hiring wore from time to time added to it tho ordinary harp sometimes called the big david s harp which is played sitting or standing and of which the strings are pliicked by the ringers of both hands haa a rango nearly equal to the piano the half tones were originally produced by pressing the thumb nfcalnst the nock or the strings or using hooks the use of pedals for this purpose first earn in tl u30 five and later seven being the number the pedals are also used to produce different tone qualities and to rrmke the tone louder or softer old a t 1 however tho harp 1 one of the least complete of instrument an improvement in our 8ene of humor t 1 perhaps claiming too much a soy that our national sense of humor label ng gradually refined the laugh ter that greet coarse and allly movies indicates that the is plenty of rooiri for improvement jn- this respect but ut least the silly practical joko one so popular 1 losing favor there may till be ypung people who will jerk bock a chair when soma one iaabout to it down a mutiptam vhicn has mode a good many invalid from lu- juries to tho splrfo but their number 1 hupplly diminishing ii t to be hoped that tlm pront generation will discover that tiiuo joke which arj likely to injure thg body or humtllula the spirit should be left to ssvagox instead of being practiced by clvlllied people critical moments tho hlntuiy of tho minting of fltaoiim la no long ilory of patience win n llenuvi nuu cilllnl coat bin great per nouu according to rules whloh 111- own iiniitua hud laid down overwork nnd xp muro bait do undermined his iitronglh lint ut tlm crltlul moment hp wan hmgcd i ik to his led an 1 lenvd the rout f iho process to name fullhful worlimon who understood his i iuiim 1 liiji howiivi r otu f them enmo running into hla nick r urn where hi luy dsxed and groaning with pain ond told him with many lamentation that tho procesn was a failure und thai thn motal wan oakoi cellini apiwng from his bed run across the street nnd rapidly drug god n load of dry ouk wood back to hi furnaco ho mndo a roaring are nnd finding that tho base alloy in hi metal hud been hurne l our ho thrpw in all thn powter vcnnoln of the houao hdld then the metal bubbled thu irrnut persons wu cost und the maker itnd hl faithful frieiulm exulted stiglmayer uhormun goldsmith in tin nrst imrtyk thl century having an umbltlon m nttempt larger work than any ho had accomplished went l nn plan li order to n tho casting o4 cuiiuyuh stutuo of cbarleaih but was denied the sight of mrtain socret technical procosacn stiglmayer fouod thorn out for himself nevertheless an 1 un soon us ho wont homo made hln first experiment o u statuotto venus many dftny occurred and tho excitement increiuu 1 tho end drew near liy sumo mmnko one 111 anabitanifl poured hi moult op motol into tho nir hole thon hi cuatlng cume to a stand still the crowd tt lookers on wrko the poor founder in hi dlury stood flmt dumb about mo anil then slipped om one by ono and loft mo with my palri in u month a necond coating wan begun and foiled with unbroken courogo he began tho third cnal und on christmas own tho metal wus uguln poured in it ran into iho mold and spurted joyfully out ut tho air hole our joy knew no bounds ho dp doren ws raised a loud cry of joy und embraced and klsaed each other pan lunlo tho holpor klsaod tho head of phidias coming out of tho broken form und burned hla mouth for it had not had tlmo to cool o in aj near ah c itny und i lagan t concerning orapholoqv the simpler necrots of graphology tho aclonce of handwriting aro woll worth mastering graphology is a aclenco only in the popular sense of tho term even export cannot dls cover much in a persons hondwrjllpg hoy ond his genera characteristics al- thoush they can sometimes hit on these with startling accuracy so loo can the average person after compar ntlvily llttlo practloe any ono who reads over a lottei must get a general impression of th norjjonality of the writer and graph- logy consults in nothing moro than deliberately analysing that impression six or seven rule will supply thn beginner wttlt his equipment in the first place be should study the gen eral tyle of the writer if ho- is con tent to use poor paper that in itself is a mark of his pqor spirit for a cultivated writer will show his good taste unmistakably in the selection of his puper if the paper chosen 1 of unusual lint if tho writer has put too few word to tho page his ten dency to faddlnhnesa or eccentricity 1 at once apparent any deviation from good aense ha its significance the space botwecn a writers words are one of the clearest indications of nl character if thoy are narrow tie is likely to be selfish sccretatlve bigoted if hi words are reasonably far apart the writer may be set down as generous and sincere if his spaces are overwlde the sign points to a careless and slipshod nature the next thing to consider is thr size of the handwriting proud and simple natures usually write a targe hand they are likely to make much out of llttlo they aro not close ob servers and are quick to take offense on the other hand tho thinker the scholar usually writes u small even minute hand io la accustomed to concentrating his attention and r uncbnalnously leurns to economize in effort he la appreciative and a care ful overseer v a hopeful prospect thl story of a beloved president or an kaatern college la told ono bead tjful day the president was strolling over the campua with hla wife thov were admtrlng the building- some ot whloh had boon erected by wealthy alumni presently lhcy came to a noble hall built df stone und occupying a commanding site over tho main en trance was n marble tablet which announced thut tho hall had been erected by john c blank a a mem orial to hi uoloved wife the president stood for a moment and looked at tho imposing pire than imtoaaied-sigjuuu-inighcuas-uau- envy ah ho sold tliat is what i about 1 like- to do for my college i h cannot understand why hi wife should have looked so horrified a drisk correspondence mm lumion wuu waving un sffoo tfonato and tearful fu row nit in he husband um she wus about to stuff for n months visit tp hpr old homo now my dour auld mr iamson in u plouauni 1ut nrm tunu w1bi ou would try not to uak ma fur monui every tlmo you write woll f will try not to aald mm laiiisou wit imf her eyoa but you vou know henry that mean 1 ahull huvo to write oven oftuner tlian usual new lumber yard with builders supplies the georgetown lumber company ltd of geokgbtown a aro opening a brajich lumber yard in acton and will carry a complete stock of lumber lath shingles sash dopra frames interior trim jhardwood flooring hydratod lirjie hardwall plaster plaater pons beaver board fibre board and content wo also do contracting and building and vill bo pleased to quoto you on romodelling or new buildings mr a m afccann is in charge of trjo lumber yard nqd mr john miller will havo charge of tho contracting and build ing i phono your inquiry to 114w0tf 10 and vou will receive prompt attention meant for a compliment immigrant tho wurkuru in tin tinclal not tinmen i ay no ofti n wtih to cnnudlnnlia ttiomnolvos us fnnt lomslblo in way and s pooch th tt tin sometime acquire tho language n it were wrong aldt foremost goitlnk a vivid and modern unsortmnnt f slang before they can uao oven i r lip nry word correctly a young woman who liun tuught a iujm df little foreign born who happens to bo peculiarly ami had tho nleanurt recently or oyi hearing two of her pupils m en king f her she lu a buuv lady nail the llrnt with enthusiasm she in great oh ys ossontad iho other oho is gtent she is gran she i immense an the hat alio wna weiir ii is a most atyllah corker another woman had u tnuio mart ling expoflonco she i plump und pleasing to look nl just right in til eyes of her friend but lu in r own u little too near the joint whero one eeasjo to ay plump and beglnu to uao a loss agreeable word und that hi may omo day slip over tho lino of division between the two latter hocrot nnd haunting foar a v churlty vvorkof and ih pure neighborly kind noss she has made muqy rrlondi among tho foreign born real ion in o city 6n of them a voluble warm hearted woman of middle age whoso vocabulary is innocent of moro thun bne pronoun and nil but the mout direct and obvious adjectives onrn mot her unexuactedly in thn street ufmr u yacittlon from which tho settlement worker had returned rasy sunburned vigorous and carrying an extra pound or two which he preferred not to ro member iter friend rushed up to htu beum ing with welcome seued her in nn onveloptng embrace and then wishing to express a poll to appreciation of her blooming appearance exclnlmotl loud ly in a voice of rupturn ooahl aln l he fat hssdoslowll in j vv7hen your interpt coupons w on victory bonds become due deposit thtm tn a savings account in the bank of montreal where interest u paid on all dc posies of one dollar and upwards branches in all important cenrres in canada savings departmenu in all brancfif bank of montreal earahnhrtj over up years detective off guard there is a member uf tho detective corn at police hoadquartors in wash ington about whom a story la told wbleh has afforded much amusement to bis brother detectlvos says the washington star th man had boon detailed tn an important mission and a it was half post two o clock in tho morning when he returned to head quarters he thought he would ram aln overnight and occupy tho spare bod in the sleeping room ha went up to the room but a few mjnutes later was aeon in the omen asleep on a deek what is the matter r some on asked him in the morning when ho appeared at roll call showing tho ef fects of not jiavlng occupied a com fortable bed overnight 4othlng at all was his answer have you been home elnee yester day 1 fepent the latter part of the night here with ray head on a desk sold the slespy detective who realised that his superior probably suspected some thing wrong wriy dldn t you occupy the eparj toedr spare bedf echoed the defective there was no spare bed in the room i went up there but there was no room for me a few minutes later the man who had the right to occupy ono bed be cause he was on duty was called upon to explain why both bed had been occupied the night before only one of them was occupied ik stated 1 bul aald his superior mr say to the contrary cant help it he said 1 oocu pled one bed and hod my clothes laid out on the other and has a detec tive was his concluding remark their church art irishman want into n church and fell aslesp the sexton aroused him and told him he was dosing up what do your mean r said he irish man the cathedral never closes thl is not the cathedral sold the sexton this is a presbyterian church the irishman looked around him on the walla were paintings of he apostles tsn t that sl luke ovw thero t he in mired it is sold the sexton and 8t- mark just beyond him yes and 8l thomas further ont yes tell me he aald alnce vfhen did they all become pre by terlans r but what did he meant how was your speech received ut tho club asked one of chumley w friends why they congratulated me vuey jieartlly in fact one of the members enma to mo and told me that when t down he sold to htmsetr that it was the best thing i bad ever done what lnobio jjg unjabxl nobler than the humble spade usks u somewhat poetlo cltixen woll no not about the llnte tho home garden ing commence internal and external pains are promptly relieved by db thomas eclectric ol i and is tooay a oreateh bcuxfll is a tutimonial that srcaica for its stumcaous ourattvg quaut1c ial painsjd oifl it s no joke when you have spoiled your baking by using poor flour you can always be sure though if you use ex celsior brand flour wc take np chances in tho making and you take no chances in tho batting when you specify excelsior pastry flour d h undsay mill street actoft ontario the handy man about the house can always find something that needs doing these spring days and he can always find the equip ment to do these little jobs with in our complete stock carpenter tools gardening tools paint bru8hes paints varnishes mure8cq let us help you in your spring repairs aj4d cleaning activities w d talbot main street phone 78 acton ontario service for the motoring public walter kentner main street garage a first class motor mechanic prepared to repair all makes of motor cars promptly tires repaired and vulcanized best grades of pasoline and motor oik supplied at reasonable prices air and water free to all motorbtsroom for storage main street acton garage v kentner proprietor an unbeatable team i theres just onekmd of man or in stitution that cannot afford to adverlist the one that has not honest goods ad vertising and the good go together neither is f value without the other without advertising the best goodb will not as a rule reach the public and without honest goods advertising will bring no permanent success nor will any other operation but togethertkey make r ah unbeatable team if youve got the goods tell afeout them in the fii week- ii iteiirfsyia

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