Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1924, p. 5

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ghgjkrtjon3trgg tbb t1iur8day april u 1814 hcr own sweet way i once knew a girl light hearted and nay who spile of a rather honored years and apltu of a mothers love urn tuir demanded to havo tier own rnnx way 1 mw her com up from babyhood ony she nurarvroij a anil mora hut arter she- panned the teen ago bhe wiintrd her own wwiml way her- smile tyiiu i may her volcir wii rare thn gold of hair ami imr iuiikii m a ml charms hivcct ut a lawn li llko music rich and llio uklm was in her drove ull gloom away qwii vweot way a oil m ik lil tin vi imhh famous but uiuh hlie rolnwtd i ttrfuvnd us i wiw her going aspay hhtf apurned the advlc her twrenu ave aa unto forbidden things she clave and followed horwn sweet way aa a friend 1 struggled her cuurw to stay bho turned a dear oar in all i aald ily vlcloua companion atlll was led nor turned from their evil way dut her race waa short im aorry to aay her body waa wrecked her aoul denied and ahe la mourned aa a poor loat child who followed her own aweet way ernest leo thompaon the sunday school lesson for sunday april 24 1024 amoh and hohea tlbao vqu itlllitbotfhnhm amos 0 i- ilnsca 6 1c golden text i desire goodnctui am not sacrifice and fh knnwlmlia it ood mora than burnt offerings hon 0 the teat explained aitkw 8 1 at eune in klon a spirit or unlmublnl confident aofurlty pre vailed in both zlon and hamarlu amonc thn rich and the powerful no cunactouancsh of ahnrtcomlngs or of rences caused any alarm for the futurti amoa here ilmwi that while hln mea mb la primarily to the northern kingdom the youth in not regarded in blameless nnd therefore deailned to oarape punishment verao 2 catnoh horoath oath calneh i not ynt deflftltelydentl fled henoe nothing i knarwn of tli twenty years ago from the laaua of the prae press of thursday april 28 1904 the ronda have dried up with re markable rapidity the post week former generally ore now ensured in spring plow in and seeding ten new members were received into knox church at the communion on sunday dr t oroy la building a barn and driving bouse on hla property on frederick street messrs a j ucklnnon acton col lj ooodewllue qeorgetown w i sick muton and e h cleaver burlington are appllcanta for the vacant poaltlon of couhty crown attorney gardener brunt has the contract far the levelling and sodding of the bowl- ins green on franklin square and commenced work on tuesday commodatlod wiu be provided for four rinks an enjoyable ptuvy waa held at the home of mr johnlrtfaurs at first- brooks flah hatchery last friday evening the trip out behind a baulky team and the walk back through the bush in the mud were incidenta not quite bo pleasant the large barn on the property of a henderson m p- baa been pur chaaed by wm brown and la being token down ofltj removed to hla farm thia born la one of actona land- marks and was erected by rufus adams aoue sixty ave years no hany muton waterplpes were frosen during the winter- the waterworks inspector sot a hurried call to the laundry but week and found the base ment flooded and the chinaman very wet the tap having been removed ha explained thus mo ukee off tap makee lion led hot puahee in one inch makes not aain puahee in one inch makee hot again puahee in half inch wooaht mo cot heap wet- cham- evcnt to which amoa here refom ifamath the great waa the capital ilamnlb a state ln northern syria a i tola ted on thn orontea it waa re peatedly engaged in hoa ull ties with assyria to whlcti it wn almost con tinuously a vassal the prophet evid ently has in mind home recent dls- aatcr that has left ham nth proalratq oath was thn nearest one of the avo chief ihlllstlno cities to the border or israel according to 3 chron 28 6 it waa destroyed by uxslah or judah about 760 d c illblo for home and school versus 6 and ft idle hongs wine in bowls affliction of joseph sing idle songs better improvise silly songs a caustic characterization of their efforts in music devise for themselves inatrumenta of mualo uko david not satisfied with existing means of musical expression they in vent new ones while the masses to i and auffer these indifferent rich waate time upon foolish trifles thia la ono of the earliest statements testifying to the belief that david waa possessed of great musical skill win in bowls the use of wine la forbidden by uohammed and ha always been plac ed under the ban by the bedouin to amos the champion of the poor and exponent of the aupplo life such reck- indulgence waa criminal dut they are not grieved for the affliction of joseph occupied fully with their rev elry and debauch they have no tlmo nor inclination to realise the stricken state of their country the destruction of which is inevitable powis bmlth hoa t l- ephrolm what shall i do unto thee truly the sinfulness of israel la endless every effort to redeem them only discovers more of it when i would turn when 1 would heal israel then the guilt of ephrajm dla- playa itself and the evils of samaria these namely that they work fraud and the thief cometh in evidently a technical term tor housebreaking while abroad a crew of highwaymen foray and they never think in their hearts that all heir evl la recorded by me george adam smith- verse 0 knowledge of ood hoses hero makes knowledge of god coor dinate with goodness surely know ledge or gods law la necessary to the fallowing of those la wa we can- mot afford to be unintelligent concern- ing the revelations which be has given us through those who have lived near enough to the creator to understand his messages the acquisition of good ness is a growth needing study and thought le themes the stern message of amos both in manner and message amos re sembles john the baptist he may be colled the john the baptist of the old testament amos came from tekoa he forgot the combination a colored imin wan ilrlvink nloi the road in a rmnalmfltln huttgy drnwn liy a bony hpnvlmml old liornn vrhnnn nlrnntror hat lod mm lliillnl tliclo calf yon got mo tn the station in lime for the next train t no nuii i dont believe i klit suli this am u brokendown old rjivalry haw you cant get him off u wnlk nohow huh you say ha an old cavalry lulrsot it inn dilvo him tin- 111m1 ilumnrod upon thn seat and took the rlm make roady ho called out sharply charge i the old homo pricked tip his nara and broko into a naltop as they reached the ntatloti the man nhull haltt tlw horsif obey ml th- m m fllpml old john u iuurtpr the next day two young men xtoppfi john and uhked him to take them to ii tulrkl an pohiuhle bciilmon nttld john oil lie- gathiitd up th relnw mnke renriyt churynl tho hdrsr in olie ttto u killo unil riooti reached the htntlon jlt rudy to jump getilmen john loolilnif frinhtititud shout hi ut hlh farik ive done forgot tht word that aiopa lm the ntntlin t buiilnly rlcht i tuid hhtmiud corns cripple thn toot and mnhfl walking a torture yet sure relief in the shape of iloilowuys corn h- mover lu within reach of ull mr george soper grocer bos pur chased a site on mill street from hen derson co for o new store and tafflee traudlnst- he secured twenty- two feet frontage on the westerly limit of the lot work will commence in s couple of weeks and mr soper expects to be in the new building tn august the price paid was i2so0 per fool frontage the annual meeting of the epworth ixaurue of lh methodist church wai hold on tuesday evening when the following officer were elected pre- sfdont a t brown christian kn- domvor department james coleman missionary department howard oram utarory deportment sunderland taylor social department clara b moore secretary r uoyd a smith treosorer bertie speight organist ethel coleman superintendent junior league miss abbott supposing suppose that s some father who gets up iota sunday morning loafs around most of the day doing little good other than getting his children off to sunday school should soy to his neighbor sunday is o day of rest i rest i look over my garden ride out in the tin when toe weathe l line and it the churches- alonai i seem to manage oil right without the church- a suppose his neighbor follows his load then the street and finally tho town nobody going to church on sunday the belt ring no open church doers no drenchers and soon 1 no sunday schools sunday schools are children of the mother church u no mother tluuurno ouldren in that town no established centre of moral training no clarifying of the ideas- concerning good and bad right and wrong batrathar o lessening of the inoral restramu a ceasing of the spiritual uplook supposing oil this os the consequence of what one man aid xo hla neighbor are you the mont 1 any you acknowledge but my neighbors did not all atop going to church no but the credit goes to them none to you an old philosopher said let your action be such that it could become a rule for oil onuy qobetween thei t u pretty city damsel apendlng the iummr on the it k d route and the little tuinuuter was n little ufrald ahe muhl tuimojre tho heart or his youthful carrier ho he called the young ynui lufur u con ference v now abner doiqhuko llutt autn- mer buarder too erloualy 1 wont i wont she may mean mi harm coutlnutd the postmaster hut shes a bjt of a flirt r i know for a fact th alio ban love and kisses sent liar from three cfty fellers that all right said th y carrier all i do la dellvei wu funny isnt it to hear people discuss ins church union when a tot of them have forgotten what a church oollectlon plute looks ukot itecorder times 1 an oh for all men the aalfor the soldier aho flsbernutn the lumberman the outdoor laborer and ull who are exposed to injury and the element will and in dr thomas eelectrlo oil a truo nnd faithful frfeod to iwln relieve oojd dress wounds sub due lumbago und overcome rheumt tlaoia it la excellent therefor i should have a place in all home medl- clnew and bo amongst those token on o journey o small village twelve miles south or jerusalem and twentytwo miles from bethel he was a herdsman and a dresser of scyamore trees the fruit of which was ground for flour from which o coarse bread was made hla mode of life suggests a man inured to hard ship and a keeh observer quick to detect a wrong and ready to denounce the crimes whlah he denounced ere immorality bribery oppression of the poor such as the selling or u needy faltow hebrew into slavery be- cause he war unable to pay u small debt and taking advantage of the pnhr in the public tribunal amoa noted the contrast between the elaborate offerings brought by the people and their disregard of the law of justice and mercy and told them that ood judges by act not by creeds or cere monies his positive message o hla own people and all others was seek ood and live what doth jehovah require of thee but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly before thy ood the persuasive rebuke of hoaea in the message of hoaea we have on- other quality which i not so distinctly marked in the message of araoa it is persuasiveness oecaaloneo by thn distressing domestic experiences or iloaeoo lif e the heartbreak occasion ed by the wayward course of his beau- tlful wu nnmr strong wards or reproof a certain per suasive tenderness thus amos think ofenovoh as the king of iarael and her judge hoaea aa her husband and her father hoaea rebukes the faults and sin of israel but he emphasises the truth that love is the highest at tribute of uod so that a man should love god und for lave of him keep hla oommandmenl because god first loved bun- which easily leads to tho conclusion that a man ought in uko manner to love his fellow men tim doty of brotherly love js not ait- in ference from the fact that israel liad been first loved by god it i rather a condition of the individual israelites portlclpatlan in that lave whethur parable or fact the story of comer ex pres ea the spirit of forglvenew which tempers but does not destroy the sternness of his message tiiet3outlo message of amos and hoaea the double message of these two prophets is moat appropriate for our day tho world nuwmi forward not by rebujxp uioae but by reproof and hope we liave goiia astray like wandering sheep hut it lapoaslttle to find the ways of ploasaiitoesa und tlf paths of peace in thn confusions of the world tho tnsii find it difficult to ducowr rhe path if the wuy out amos and hoaea looked not to thu whttlom of nvn hut to the kuuiiiiu kcuilnis of uihj it 1m wull forua to avuruh for tho utih but we will imiko morn rupld prugreaa if wtt aetk the orvut shepherd who by tho pathways of peace whall lead um by the uuiat watorw far study and dlsouitjon compare amoa and homho- whuu did they do their work describe th economic and sociul conditions or the eighth century it o cuuraeterue th measageor amoa what waa the mes sage of hoaea t how did it mupple- ment the teachings or amoat show the application of this double message to our day what modern evlta do these prophets rebuke what note of hope did theysuutidr what social cliangm might be brought about it wo would seek ood and lvet does amos declaration of jehovahs re qulranent to do justice and to lov kindness aad to walk humbly before thy ood hold any suayestiona on the currentlon trove ray regarding dogma doally rsadlnas fer neat week monday april 381 kings u -13- tuesday april tramm 4 61s wednesday april 30 amos bl- tuesday may 1 j kings 1 isls friday uay j i kings 17 u19 saturday may s f kings 17 1036 sunday may a p jit m40 another vicious circle a mall enrrw in chicago waa arroa- od for stealing re vo ivors from the mall bag some hgures that have come out ilnco lead to the bollef that u was a goodthlng this man wus stealing a good thing he was arrested and a good thing that some of the inspectors have pried into tho business of ship ping arms all over the country the one mall order house whoau guns wertf being stolen from the malln a sending out according to tht reporters 1100 revolvers per day that is only one mall order busl holl and there are scores of thorn doing the same thing ho moil are- used for this purpose and it means that nny thug can bo armed by writing a letter and enclos ing tho price of the ein the mails ore iron by a service fi nanced by the people the same people in turn pour out their millions to keep up the huge pomf detective- ujjd tiptvlal squads to chase thugs and robbers it is about as silly a performance as could oe imagined nnd yet there it london advertiser broadcasting kqglaying contest results by radio arrnngcmnnts hove hnen mode by thocaindlan national poultry ito- cord assoc is tlnn with tho ttadlo de partment of thn canadian national hallways for in broadcast ing of th canadian and ontario egg laying contest resultw from station c k c if at ottawa each saturday at 730 p m radio listeners throughout csn- aila nnpoctatly those of ontario and quebec willnow be able to learn he standing of the various pens amot am aoou as the figure are available thia now venture should prove of in terest to farmer and poultry keeper and it is hoped- llwt those of them who tire fortunate enough to have o radio vot will avail thpmsalves of th opitortunlty to kaeih posted on contest mutter the egglaying contest one of the biggest things yet undertaken towards poultry improvement in canada has for lis ultimate object the registration of standard bred poultry of high- pro ducing- ability it also serves aa guide to the buying public a the 1 tending purchaser who follows the production records sent out each week can hone hi buying on tho showing made by the different breeders two contestn are conducted at the central experimental farm at ottawa tht cnnadlanopan to breedera throughout the world and the ontario open to lirrdcra from that province only while um yet only u comparatively mall number of the poultry breeders or canada have btrds entered in these contests each year aa this number increase a real asthma remedy dr j d- kellogg asthma urtnody ha never been advertised by vxtravngant state ments it claims are conservative indeed when judged by tho bene its which it performs expect real relief and permanent benefits when you buy thia remedy arid you will not have cause for disappointment it gives permanent relfef in many canes where other so called remedies have utterly failed- for want of practice at a circuit held in a certain judicial district an action of ejectment was tried by the court without a jury the suit was brought to recover pos session or a cemetery the plaintiff whs an incorporated religious society and the defendant as it appeared was a practising physician the court after hearing the proofs and argument proceeded to state the ground of his decision and ordered judgment for the plaintiff whereupon the defendants counsel arose and asked the court to state more fully the reason for the decision certainly said his honor but as you have heard what i have said i have but two additional reasons to give one is that the church aeemt to need a cemetery and the pthor that the doctor haa failed to show that his practice la sufficiently large to require him to keep a burying ground of his own millers worm powders can do no injury to the most delicate child any child or infant in the state of ado lescence who is infested with worms can take this preparation without o qualm or the stomach and will find in it a sure relief and o full protec tion from these destructive pests which are responsible for much sick nosa- and great buffering to legions of little one an optical illusion a motonman on a suburban trolley car slowed up and stopped at a cross ing in order to take on s young woman who wan standing near the track and noo mod to have been waving her hand kerchief with much vigor she made no motion to enter the car why dont you get aboard if youre going to gruffly asked the motor flecause i dont want 10 aha on we red what are ypu stopping for i didnt signal you why i saw you waving your hand kerohlef when i was hslf a mile back i you didnt see anything of the kind i wasnt making o single mo tion i traji jn ere ly standing here to ije car go by here a passenger who had been sit ting near a front window cams out on the platform the lady is right he bald- thought when i first saw her that she was signaling you to stop but as wo came nearer i saw that shjwas landing in line with that oht white horse a little farther on what you thought was a waving handkerchief wo the horse switching lis tall the motorman looixed in the direc tion indicated just inside the fence that bordered tho track stood the pa tlent old animal atlll fighting off the i with its whito tall but making no other signs of life with a grunt hair in apology and half id mortification at hi blunder the matormarvturned on the power 1 the car passed on its way it pays to use martin senour marblehi floor finish othin like it for hardwood floors rt treara line iron writ to hwt ofliee mortrwd fcr fnm booklet tlomt minting maoc cast sold by w d c talbot training- for the unex- pected olsnolng up at the clock mrs peters said koturah iunn is late tlant often tury is bnhlnd time sold miss ann tonnay with that clockwork family of hers everything goes along deliberate nut jest to the minute without a hitch or a happen to hold hor hack most always dont know as i over knew a person wlh three children and m mttn in th house that hadnt to mkomorii allow ances for upsettlnness and accidents thats aa assented mrs lus combe turys little girls are won derful quiet and pretty behaved anl william la a perfect little gentleman he la assented mrs ilonney hut if he wan mine id if full aa pleased to have him plain boy tho kind youd call hilly and spank when needful turys trained too much of the spirit out of her children jo my thinking oh i know shes dona it gonlle there la something sort of firm and soft and smothery about tury shed ought to have had one child a natural bom terror just to liven up he family hahahsh here she comes t in terrupted mrs pot era qa keturah lane with an unwonted flush on her cool cheeks and an anxious lift to her calm brows hurried into the room i know im late she aald breath lessly but i couldnt seem to help it since grandmother lone has been with us shes a really remarkable old lady and so vigorous that mr loan will only laugh when sho undertakes surprising things but i cant take it quite so lightly i feel responsible and yet or course i havent any auth ority i declare i dont know what to do she endangers her own lire ovary day ir ahe doesnt drop with heart disease its a wonder and as an ex ample lj the children shes undon the work of years the poor dears think they can do whatever granny does or tells them she used to do and she has simply no idea of caution lucy and letty are turning into torn boys and when she found that wlj ham couldnt swim would you believe itt wo found her down on the bank of the creek holding ono end of a rope and the other end tied to william and calling direction to him how to kick himself across pushing a board might have drowned susan bonney chuckled nonsense keturah fjsnt deep enough and boys ought to know how to swim mr lane seems to think so ad mitted keturah plaintively he leaching william now himself bui it certainly was not a proper task tor a grandmother well i suppose somo one had etasju aald mrs bonney was that what kept you from getting off no that waa lost week said mrs lane but the boy who was to pick our grope didnt come thia morning and i wanted them for jelly right off and grandma lane knew it i missed her ust as i was coming away and i ran down in the garden i had a kind of fear and she and the girls had got the ladder themselves and thev were all up on the shed roof picking together my heart junt turned over inalde when i aaw them how they were ever going to get down without breaking somebodys log or nock i didnt dare think the girls dresses were in a dread ful condition and lettys knee was all scraped and bloody and a wasp had stung grandma on the cheek ao ono eye was most shut up said mrs lane reproachfully a ahe noticed o lack of sympathy in the smiling face i took me on hour to get them hajf way presentable and even then poor grandma well she say herself she looks as if shed been in a prise fight i and i guess she says it was worth it too ventured mrs boney boldly why yes she does agreed mrs lane please dont anybody misun derstand me shes n dear old lady and quite wonderful and im very fon r of her but im simply d is traded never knowing what will happen nest jtfhofs all right keturah i mrs bonney reassured hor you maynt like scary dolns but theyre oil for the beat it isnt good for anybody to hove things run too cutandrled arid on schedule lakes the adaptable- and uvableneaa out of em aapior ways generally its a lively young ster or so trains us to be ready for we dont know what next minute but i toe a lively grandmother will do as well i absolute protection whatever comes by insuring fouf ways- with a north american liro policy you can provide against every possiblo misfortune which might deprive yourself or your loved ones of a secure future income such a policy pays four ways 1 death 2 accident 3 total disability 4 old age thus with a 10000 policy under this four way north american life plan your beneficiaries receive is the event of your death from natural causes 10000 if your death is accidental yourheirs receive 20000 in caso you are totally disabled through sickness or acci dent you enjoy a monthly income of 100 and at the same time your policy represents a saving for old age when lessened earning power will reduce your income we will bo glad to send you full particulars about this absolute protection policy north american life assurance company solid m the continent p c walls district muuxer 504505 bank of hamilton bids- h out mothers can easily know when their children are troubled with worms and they lose no time in applying a reliable remedy mother graves worm exlor mlnatur why the joneses bought the gar they did because the salesman laughed at mr jones jokes told mr jones she couldnt have a daughter that old told susie she looked like mary pickford told willie jones he had a build like dempsey said the jones baby took after both parents and only emiled when the jones pup njppm myn liniment stops bleeding at onci put vi n rs iuood poisoning ittmovts all inflammation i woujd uko full particular about the policy that fays kour ways name addreas ave oecopatlon attached to the bakery a plausible tale of 0 man who bought a loaf of bread and took away mors property jjian he paid for is told by a correspondent of the telegram the man was in a hurry to catch n car his impatience mud the olerk very nervous she forgot to snap tho string which bound tlu puper ubout the loaf nd away- sped h mun with the loaf while the string reelod off behind him he caught the car all right and although ilia conductor mid some of th paasttnuers noticed u ho ait i down cioho to iljo dour that tho twltm paid ltelf out u the car rolled along the man did nut duoovur lhr tutiglr until he ulltflitrd in thn mtiintlinf the conductor wum liavlnk u good time a phsaenkei m utuppoo uu tlu plutfoiyn he cuuf lotted llieui not ti vfalk on that mtrinf uml thy did nut it might tiuvo lookinl mysterious to the peoplu who saw tht tiring movlnir along tho mtrtht for lh uiirnviini continued until the bakery twine bob bin had wn iiuarly omptled by thij connected luuf u mild dway the man with the bread fell a tug at his loaf um he slsppvd down from the car then he followed up the cord winding as im went he wum ono of ihom strictly honest men who want nothing that doe not btilong to theinl and the beet part of the story 1 that he followed thw string back winding a he walking and in due time entered the bakeryi and re stored tlie ball of twine saxe fuel in ceokit the illustration sboifs an interesting test you should try in your own kitchen it proves the snperiority of good enameled ware for cooking purposes take an sjji enameled ware sauce pan and a sauce pan of equal size made of alum inum tin or other metal into each pour a quart of cold water set both sauce pons over the flrc the water in the bmp enameled ware sauce pan will be boiling merrily in about five minutes while the water in the allmetal sauce pan will come to the boil in about eight minutes three minutes longer save fuel in cooking use smpwakf a foe of poremltdn ttnj a hart of stt ton sjfaln1 rsrl war twe otsli af rirr sstl last sas eat duwsd war tar casts heat sad waits satslaa wait uala crystal wan uu ua p wslu ut4 ma est irluy awyal bis ala v shbtct metal products co momtrevl toronto winnipe3 c0m0nt0n vancouver calaofty a complete line of s m p products handled by jassymon hardware acton chevrolet brings your friends close to you tjie isolation and loneliness of the farm have gone friendsmiles apart are now neighbors cities once the mecca for holidays and market days only are now only a few minutes away m on the other hand the country places the beauty spots of nature and the friends in the country are now within easy reach of the city folks and in bringing this service to canadians chevrolet has gone beyond arty other car built chevrolet oilers quality depend- bility comfort and full equipmentat a price unapproached by any other quality car in the world moreover by its low prices and easy payment plan chevrolet has further enlarged the group of those who can afford to own this fine quality car and bring to them the enjoy ments of motoring to a still greater degree before you buy a car at any price see chev rolet examine its fine quality thoroughly ask for a demonstration 0ilt ask about the gjbt47 deferred pmjmeot pima abr ecooobiloal trnayorierttoo chevrolet fisher king hepresentatrves fob this section cah on them at georgetown ob write and thev will call on you an oil that la prised everywhere rr thurau uutoclrlo oil was put upon the market without any nourish over fifty years ago it was put up to mset the wants of a small section but aa soon us its merits txicama known it had u whole continent for a fluid umr it is now kpown and prised throughout this ounitisat thsrw is notbips 00111 u it castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind oolic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and v natural sleep without opiates r v to avoid imitation always look lor the tlguftturo ot cts pmvrn hrtwi on racli mrluke puyllclaiu cveryvrcrc reconnpena 1l railway time tables apian nationagrailways at acton doing west no a v 813 am no ai 1035 ajxu mo 31 229 pm no an c 00 pm no 38 a an p m no 2c nunilny 1050 ajn qolnrj east no e 708 sjux no 30 1 11 a am no 34 33 6 pm no 36 617 pm no as w olspjn 70 s pm toronto 8uduroan electric railway wastbound no c3 a id om no cc 114oam np 67 240 pm no 01 g4f p m no aa s 00 n ra no to u 40 pjn esslbpund mo c4 742 am no kb j1042 am no 68 143 dm no 3 442 pm sunday timetable no 65 no 60 no 63 noj 67 340 pm 840 pm 040 pjn no 66 no so no 64 no es east bound 1043 cm 243 pm 643 pm 843 pjn freight delivered by special i freight freight picked up at an ad dress in i toronto fa t thetfohd agent acton 7 out of 10 headaches are caused from oye strain if you auffer from headaches you ought to question tho condition of your eyes often with vision apparently normal eyes greatly need tlo help or a d savage optometrist 6v mfg optioisn savage optiosl building right at the post offioe- quelph optometrist to the cansdlan pacific railway co t gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to oroer8 left t e gibboiis main street acto hjipravlng cbiacxuokdsrwot tforokrro canada 3el acton elevator near 0 t r station jfouowjn g bran on hand flour manitoba flour pa8trv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and grain grain ilousht and ketalhd alex l noble henity awrey manager free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to roprmcitl ioods ek- nctly as to their quality to soil to tlio- ulm know und to thoc whn dont know ut a unitono fair price o fulfill all guarantees und cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your oonlldonco by always giving you satisfaction- savage co jeweller guelph ontakio cue 10

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