Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1924, p. 6

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w hull marrlaitc ated tvali tl fl i f ml tl e lolluwing fa ucalht joe memorial r e ru lor imrroi ia it i ll ill 10 oied iflltuliiirk thursday whit beloved maculll ii mii 1 on m bin ojf rd tdndt tl hui i j april 0 hamilton in hlu 01 iir residence 7 iph on easlu v2 william i year 3ile jrtnu jurrpprtbb tiiuhhijay atiul 24 j334 brief local items hmutiry acton vprll nliuwi rw have in fallod ionio nf thn farrnnrw uro buoy kctlllltc anolhr rar if tui nl won hi i ped hint win k i ijuitor lllltul worn unusuutly scan this laslrrtlilc illlll i iw ivllill thing thnsrdnys sugar took u liiinilh hint wmk imp of 25o pr 100 t urtli nlnff operations hav mthi r backward bo far the ruin on good friday wm of vory manifest uenont tn vegetation iukn acton more beautiful hhoul 1 bo th slogan of ivcry aulxen th show storm ami rain havo r tnrdi 1 tin spring wooding consider ably tgg iiroimit last wk to 20c po- iixn tho liw mi price for many months u gnoi prlilay n twelve noun of rain old great good in giving vegetation an itnpotuh do not sp ml your tlma pointing oul whiit tho town ought to do do it yours if tin bout wy to boost aclon 1 to continue to make tho town more ihhutlful walkorton town council refused to i nui l n hocond pool room j iconic last ncik motor jini am becoming more numerous on tho streets and high ways dally tho plurnbors are busy installing now water services and bathroom connection partridge open season will longer thin year bolng from october ib to november 20 all children in owen sound public schools are being vaccinated during the lastur holidays tho sllont policeman ban been treatod to unow spring coat of paint white red and black some men tlo up their dogs at night but allow their children to run without let nor hindrance miss murray is having- a furnace installed and building now foundation at her residence on mill street liur lingo n has had tho houses numbered and at last meeting of tho council decided to put up street signs tho snow storm and tho easter bonnets and other spring- toggery were rather incongruous on sunday morn ing- from snow to dust if a rapid transformation on the streets the dun was bad at times during the week the cattle sale announced to bo held at lasby s bool on friday last was postponed until saturday next sflth lnsl the good friday services in st alban s and st joseph a churches were attended by large congregations of devout worshippers the georgetown lumber com pany has opened their new yards at mccann coal ahed and have a stock of assorted materials there who stands in her place with smile on her fuce and is keeping her little world dean tho good housewife ofttr a prloghouse cleaning if the man who bewails how long apring lit in coming will put a thirty- day note in the hank ho wll find it won t be as long ns it aeefns the fcauterday snow storm cover ed tho ground to a depth of an inch and a half but the snow hod dis appeared a tty of ihu various lvre pressntod ctivo cosmmji easter sunday morning had a heavy fall of snow eastor mondey afternoon und evening had a similar but more disagreeable downfall a tow shrubs a vine some plants a spudu u rake a hoe two hands and u wllllni heart will effect a transfnr mat lou in your home surroundings a vole was taken in aylmcr last wek to i un run too tho bonds of tho uho iwtory there to the amount of j2coou the by law carried by u4 to 42 lr loxo is installing a distilling plunt for nupplylng distilled water fur tho motor cars of his customers this will bo a real convenience at the garugu if tho old saying that a fall of snow in uprlugttmo is as good as a coating of fertiliser then the land the spirit of easter a pretty pngosru imprssslvsly pre sentsd by roth nelson mission ctrcla a vr liniii l iijtuin loiubli ne ihi i mlnnloniirj uplrlt was pit int i in tl mthllil brhojl ittxim in 1 nii moti lay ivniini by the llrm if tl hui wilson mlnl n clrh vn lldly it irlrnl it con lltli tin in hnilhen lindu tho juy un 1 hopn iff rt d tliruiicli tin tlp if jthuu t brlliv mid tiltnlnuti d with thn tclii hi un inunlfentnly il flnud by tho uislnttilv iinnlvorsiirj mlns minnie hairnet t look the rhnruitvr th hi irlt or liiitir very no lively tiy her hutly mnlltier in directing th r prohontiitlvrn of tin bent bnn luiidn to ilio joy and roodnm whlih jtniu ulwiiu glvm tii ihl nl wnti uhly uiuilntil by bff iitti mluntft who appears i in ihti following i lior u tura light hi leu amlnnioil i lf wen maddock ljvo jlidyn hcur row joy hascl turswell ioiiti- ilorls mwddork hop ivy ilth all were in tostumes portraying tin iiii r spirit tho rnprenpntail vi nutlonn whoiui ncoili ttrrr driiutod in ut i imiiktirlslic of ihn dreiiii women for whom iboyi sp ur us fol lows lndlu itcatrlco itltiir it hlld widow of india monu hmltli xlitxlcti llonnco mlllfl turkey ada nollls north america indlun minnie lllalr mohummndnn i mmu llttlo hlani clara suviiro japan snbrn nelson clunn ada mills italj madollne masulim korea ioru lnmljert l africa helen coob dtirlng tho dialogue betwuon tho spirit of easter and her nttendantn with the women from heat bo n inndu a largo crosn was decorated with koster lilies volma illulr thftn re olted the garden of eatir and tin kastor itells irvomo smith hole ostrundor isiibol bwltxer margurut arnold and dorothy itabcock rocltod kanti r thoughts a few turn of i hi pageant was th nolo by miss j lor tlo hmlth with violin oblljrato by miss murlul mason of tho jloa do you hoar our slstoru railing from dark lands ucryus tho saat do you hear them do you hoar thih7 do you ooo tho plrnding hands held out in pain to you and mot do you aee lienv7 do you nee themt thmy are calling they are pleadlnif tor tho christ life full and froo do you hear them do you ace thn and forgot their sorrowing plea 7 refrain calling calling pleading for tho christ life full and free whnt he gives you gladly can you hold as nil your own while your slstcra dlo in darkness and alone the pageant throughout was a splendid presentation of the spirit of easter und the claims upon christian of those who havo not yet heard the glad news of jesus as a saviour for news of local import property jchontjos ho mm abbotiv ixtnt i i v ci ii ui id to tlud td ut b nli wits mud i y it j l fred drown stsynor durned out on hod 1 rlduy nlbht tho immi of red lir wit hnncr u i i nll di utroyil by urn mint if tin contents win iiiho hut m hi vvn with bin wlfo unlmhs i ilnii i move 1 troin arlon to hluj iter u vorul ytarn iik i ho hun 1 ctn in vory kor i tlth lately arton triop in will symt itlilzu with thn fntnllj in tin if inlnforluuo p o sovif a repaid at local office tin lnnt olllro tic tirtmi it but made irrinijti nu ut und b im d in utrui lion i to p i tinnnti ni i f savin i ink dill ten to pirmlt at dhrtt with wilts from hi n u0 x by iv in hi pout nirim ut i ithoui haviui i t th dctnirtnn ii pi ho all preceding the pageant several in teres ting nu inborn were contributed miss marjorlo switser played a plan solo very creditably miss muriel mason of brant ford skilfully played a couple of violin numbers accom parj led on tho piano by miss laura gray uus dertlo smith also sann a number with lino effect the pageant was directed by mlsa bertie speight tho superintendent of tho mission clrcli co opera to with the hoard of health in the spring cleaning up of streetward and premises genemllvn b 0 u katharine home and two monu charles streets yards and promises genomll give tho sanitary inspector a good chance to report favorably on your share of the job mr j ii ierwy brought tjik fttcs ptucss a plymouth rock hen ck which comes u clooo second to the bltt duck ogg brought by vmrs titus last week it measures 8x7 inches and weighs four ouncos more maplo syrup has boon brought in by neighboring farmers thin spring than for many yearn tho im proved evaporating outfits put tp ru cently have facilitated tho manufac ture and increased the output a popular subject for debate tr seme of the young people n sociotlh now la resolved that the auto und tho motor truck will do more in ihi next ten years for tho advancement of the country than the railroads the- motorlstm are out these fine spring days in full force o or the hills and far away they go across stone bridges through wooded volleys past old lime toll rates and snug farm houses the car iravols onward in another week tho guy and fu tivo angler rod in hand will ha in wait for the speckled beauties after may 1 he may lie about the weight inraftxkn il nlniiilcnc who piwj fh for isaak walton s favorite occupa tion the weight of tho big cliocolau caster egg which rut osod in the candy window of ii wiles for a couple weeks wiu gufuaud bynnll gib is the exuet weight vvuri 2 ikiunds ounces whllo mrll h kuois was jkjunds 11 ountoi the mayor t mitt hell gnva noil o the advocuto lust week that nu cltlsens hud been ixiutured with lh hr ighltors hens dtjroylng their bulbi d other kunluii stuh tho by luw a- gardlng poultry lx ins ut turiit would bo strictly enforced ta fertllhtor ought to bo well enriched for the crop of hi24 como with me where the soft winds blow come out where he wild towers grow and thy heart shall sin tho bird m sweet melody among tho flowors one way to get business is to bid for ll invite people to your store through tim fass rasas the paper thai goes into tho homes where the rebulug im done mr l411h0 martin has erected a commodious greenhouse at his garden- on victoria avenue this will facili tate his securing of early plants for his narden plots tim surplus water passing over the wauto apron at the outlet from fairy lake created very pretty falls und cusuudos over the rooks north wear of tho old mill acton cltlsens bond will give an other of their free band concerts in the town vtrttjin wednesday evonlng may 7 the programme and details will bo announced next week trbjk it j w perry of toronto has been appointed by the otahop of toronto rector of trinity church htreotsvllle he commenced bis in cumbency there on easter sunday the regular monthly meeting of v f o and v v w o rlu be held at the jioroe of mr o wesley murray jlrst line on wednesday evening april 10 a good programme is betn ar ranged there has bean numerous com plaints respecting th unhealthy odor from decaying turning in the collar oci the store on willow street used dttruu the winter by one of the ship ping eouponlao officer marjilursott 1 un luullv getting- the utrootu cloun und tidy he ought to give thu unmstcrw who drive with bmlly built louds of manur- and garbage dropping tho nith on the newly cleaned roadways a gentlo hint to be more careful mr outfield mucklnnou the i iold hecrotury of the iturul mull currier i of canada mot tho curriers nf this district hero on wudiitwduy evening lust to confer upon mutters of interest u them au in their relutlun with the iost office department an incipient nro occurred at tho home of hurry htuckwy church htm i on goodviduy mornlnjr u was cu ed through u defuctlvu stow plp ire itrlgadu wu promptly on scene but the lire wiih t xtliikulshi d without ihulr uld tim duimgo slight a number of aoton young women and also some of the matron have bobbed their hair in aplto of the comments of friends thut they would never havo thought it und that they may be sorryj tlrey appear m be revelling in the short locks thuy havo thought about and dreamed about for the last year or so mr frod funk of wngtmmtpn n v has kindly forwarded tim out phsss a copy of tht twentieth annlver sary number of tho iii ng ham ton press a mammoth edition or iso puges wus issued to commemorate tho event it illustrates in a very vivid niunnur the historical industrial commercial und social life of this sprightly city ii iium up t innk i nppli t ut ottuwi time hi pout dflm hovinib itu ill wny stnbliiel in ihor tlnu will rucllltnlp tho with drawn of small iiiuoimth uy iiiutli ifnml rnuku u kvhii of so vorul itnyo ir thi time of mcluui thu nunu y detli ed bwsri on burllnpton bay tin liirltit 1 li f uhito i wuni sioti in thlw dlutiloi nlncit tho din f curly cunudu whiui nuch birds jev plentiful an fuedlii in tho north eusl corner tin bay almost optttille the now ilurllngton golf club lain year walter i llmun fpl three or four of these beautiful wild birds there anil it in iiuppowtil they brought their frlunda hack with them to such un vx rollout fcodlng giound already thr beautiful birds no stuti l and tnicoful have iiltructctl mm ii intention anil several people linvn luki n pictures ol them it hus been mikkeslcil that in ordur in protect them from ulurm ti unpriurlplud huntui h wiinu wn should bu mut over hum guxetto hslton county baseball loaaiis at the mooting of the hnlton couniy leaguo at milton lnnf wook arrange noiitu wim inudo for four teams to comion the lciiuo ihlw ear uurllng ton milton ilri lite nu i cmnpbollvillo oakvllle and the ocxidycur lira co now toronto hindu application ta untor tho lunguu but it wax felt thn trip to now toronto won too big u jump and us thu deloutiih did not favor a llvo loasuo tcum oukvillo hud to bo refused u plucu in tho leaguo the following o ii corn wire olottod for the your prosldoiii or car hurt of campbollvlllo vlco lrtsld nt i c tuck ilurllngton hocrelnry trottsur or r humo milton lxacuttvo tin odlconj and two delegates from caci team death of w h hamilton guelph following an ultipko of six woekn duration death turn a on jumlir sun day morning to w 11 ilamlltontlia trlct maiiagor of tho hun ljfo assur ance company mr hamilton was u frequent visitor to alon in assocla with ur j it audi ruon hu did aktrge businnim for ihu bun life in lhlt co m mi nltv mr lliui lltun vn in his fllst year hu was u native of uniskilior i inmniiuuh county im nd but lumu to canada whin bu wl- twenty 1 pr lueuty llvo ynrs lit bus been an csloomid rusliu nt of guelph was an active workui in norfou biroet methodist church und was for years a member of tho hoard of idu cation of the city unci nftvrru yeuni ago was honored with election us lis chairman surviving urn hlu widow formerly miss noulo d moning neighborhood news- town and country churchill mr aiifcun mclntyro of niagara 1 all i n y spent a few days last week nl the homo of hut brother john milntyrc of tho fourth mm john dopny und mrs arthur hwacklmninr and babe spent easter with relatives ut burlington mr and mrs htunloy anderson if iowassan spent last week with mr und mrs john gran two sons charles of calgary andviulam of gualph in an extondod obltuury on monday von ing the guelph mercury speaks very highly of mr hamilton r j kerrs sale list saturday april i r talbot und bdharlo at loabys bard acton 15 oholce dairy cows saturday my j william walls cjruroh street acton household effooto canada fourth producer of silver cobalt has producsd 1 0640 tons of pure silver in 20 years only three other cumps in tho world have beaten cobalt for sllvor thoy are 400 yunrs old wu uro only 20 oivo us u chance so say tho people of tin bit canadian silver fluid in un invlta tlon thfey ure sundliit out to old timi miners tovcome bock for the 20lh an nlversary bulng held juno 29 to juiv 1 when mining compotltluus includ ing a liand drilling contest iwn to nil canadian minors will bo hi id they back up their slutoniout with figures which show tliut cobalt ha produced over loooo tons of puro silver enough to put idlvtr spoons in hi mouths or 2 400 000 000 lucky babies tho world a sllvci it rord of large camps is silver production locality mutrlu tons years potosl hollviu 3uuu0 hline ltu guanajuato mexico igouo hluco ircs aiculecnii mexlio htho iflh ih33 cobalt ctuiuulu 10 00 hlncu 190 t lreibrg germ my l 13 4162 ihof comatptb novudu 4 80 18g01h80 i achuu mexico 3 c0u u72 mot tho larger cumps wuru dlucuverej und i xplollod by iho hpunlurds their cotmuvst of tho aimiiciih cobalt wui dlscovurml by mlinplo htuckstnitln and uro num ru an 1 ixiloltid by typl cu pros poo tors marly all of whom ho auiuo rich it in usilniutv i tliit ci bait bus produced 5 mlulonuhreu und mud tiiouiuuwla imlopinid utly wuallhy in thu early day t tillvnr was produi id for ihroo contu un ount und woul foi sixty ants iollt1 huvu bori ouorinoim to fortiitiulo uiliu ru incl dontully iho dlslrui bin irovidul iho ruit it cunuilu willi imm pinsili bus n mu such iiw kootn nu i idioeti un i othtr mupplhs thun 0 foilcn cour trlii u m intiiumliig to nuts that tho old timers hounlon june 28 lo july i will rind the camp ut th htlghl of us prosporlty the richest silver rinds in the worlds annul have been mmlu in hm mint yiar a vein i ftiet wldu fiuhl jut hx tnuntlin in plan r is tolld ullvr i ifiy dollars worth of dynmiilto blnstvil wn fluoooo worth of ore cob tit while c nudum 1hmi known mining mnp in lotully dlffi r nt from movie concuptlon it in built vi ry mderly plucu the p only uuo piiiliiuuii un 1 ho brown piitly on hu iuhi tin pout u huwovvr havo all the hourly opumlsii mid the jlfi for wnthui lastlo tuwpltali iy belmging to the plonrcis it is no likely that anyone will huvo u chunc lo aluop when thu old timorb stum poitu liuck na88aqaweva the installation of hydro electric power and light at cumpbellvillo hus bocn doluyed since the by law wun carried lust april awaiting the const nt of the c i it to take iti shun thin has now been given ttnj the installation is proceeding to th great satisfaction of the people of the community wll hum lynnias sold his farm of l7c acres lot concrsipn 1 to dun cun campbell luutar visitors to and from homo in tho township were numerous mrs tleorgo gordon was taken the general 4tosplta in guolph last week fur an operation it is hojod nil may soon bo nba to be around uluiii mr guorge luiterbrook of darby villa who is laid up with pneumonia lias tuktn u turn for tho lienor ho vera i farmers liavo sturted tholr plowing bui these snow storms l dolay uprlng uecdlng for a while yet messrs w and i nightingale nassagnweyu lost a horse last week terra cotta anniversary hervlces will be hold in the terra cotta methodist church next sunday april 2 special mualo by the choir services at 11 a ro and 7 30 p tn mum norma hunter and miss mary lyons of tho normal school toronto uro spending tholr easter holidays with their parents here mr ed townapnd is having the hell phono installed in his residence hero this wook which will be a great convenience for him in tftn work in connection with tho halton brick co mr il clancy is shipping wood from hcra at present he also- has e large gong in tho bush cutting wood mr and mrs j bllllngsloy and family havo moved up to their now faun which thoy purchased recently on tho tlth line in erin township tho ladles of terra cotta are cer lalnly up to date and havo organised a base bail team and are getting their costumes ready for tho games suo cess to you girls wedding bolls ore ringing 4oudly in our hamlet again soodlng will soon be the prder of tho day mr george coulter of cookatpwn im visiting bis brother mr joseph cou tor of this place mr ii logan is rushing his brick plant here to its fullest capacity mr lesllo schrag of brampton spent his kastcr holidays with ur and mrs j a mciuuid and family of union barjnockburn tho monthly meeting of bannock burn women s institute was held on wednesday afternoon april is at tho homo of mrs d d morrison acton crossroad mrs i n i chart or appleby the district president was present ulso mrs agnew and mrs wilson of acton branch mrs inglehari gavo a tery interesting talk on the work of women a institutes and mrs agnew read a letter which came from the lngllsh icderatlon of women s in btltutea a good musical programme followed consisting ot songs rectta tlons and piano solos the next meel ing will be hold on wednesday of tor noon may 21 at the home of mrs it n drown acton crossroad a good attendance of members is re quested us it will be the annual mooting when the officers for the com ing year will bo electod und other lmiortunt business discussed the following is the report of the easter examinations nt han nock bum school t j sr iv margaret brown nelllo young sr iv b harry mccullough jr iv harvey young elva mur ray stanley morrison willie double ethel anthony bertha weaver hr iii percy barker elmer horn by tllllo mccullough jr hi alloon clarrldgo ada weav or jr ii gweunle dobble arnold weaver gordon luxley allan mc- culloueh william loxloy hr i henry i ord duvld darvell sr primer marjorlo cross thoso ubsunl laura wiley jr h itlchurd crungur jr irimor jb wilkinson teacher ltmcmouac a plat the scroggtntf dlvorco cuue will bo given under the uua pices ofjhe llmehouso athletic as soclutlon in the community hall m itlduy may 2 thu peoplo or llmehouso alwayi welt omo the buy scouts of toronto buck to their cunip they have been here sevorul times and everyone is hlud to see them again the concert which they put on in community hull on saturday night was enjoyed by all coma again boys the llo social was held on thuru day night tn spite of the wet weather und all who were there report a very pluuwunt ovonlug the work of tho women la very much appreciated hr lindsay sutherland of mlltuii und his mother mrs ur sutherland of st cuthurlnes are spending a fow days with dr and miss lindsay mr douglas qowdy is homo from knox college for the holidays mr und mrs h davys of toronto i ut 4iu wimk tmd with mr and mru ji hu meredith ur und mrs wesley lane of tor onto spunt easter with mr and mm itobt lane mr howard meredith and daughter wetrh lno holiday with his ihironts mr und mrs albert mure 1111 ail arthur la no of toronto jn upumlljig the holidays with hlsapurunls from cross to crovn csstar servfoaa in th msthodltt church with imprshlvscsntsta at evening service whatever the local fooling may be with respect to the union question there is manifestly no doubt concern ing the matter of she splr of unity lit tho congregations nf ir churches in towo whenever nny v lal occu slon gives the opporlunl of demon t rat ing it on oood j juy evening wjicii the choir of knur church hold their stirred concert the congregations of tho other churches attended in large numbers this was especially truo of the methodist people who wtiro present in largo numbers tho compliment was i c turned sunday evening when the choir of tho methodist churrli was prenentlng a teclaf easter musical aervlre includ ing the cantata ivom cross to crowre with waytt gooil followshlp itev mr htowart nrrungi d for knhx church evonlng servlrq to commend u ijunrtor hourcifrller than usual and to ronrludo nt hnir pant woven nnd then with his congregation proceedod to the methodist church to purtlclpaii in tho service there hov mr howard und the uuptlst congregation also at ended after their own brief service tho church wua crowded to capacity in fact enpsiderable number found it impossible to gain admittance the h rvlro was very impressive and of u mosl rove rent spirit the cantata i rom cross to crown taught jho lesson of the trial crucifixion and rn surrectlnn of christ in a manner whlcl wan very effective tho singing was characterised with splendid volume harmony and expression and wua a very helpful interpretation of thi spirit of the theme presented tho solo parts worn well taken each soloist in turn rendering tho part assigned very creditably the huccoiwivo sectlona of the cantata were un follows i art 1 the crucifixion 1 he was despised recitative and chorus tenor solo mr amoa mason 2 o lamb of god baritone nolo mr t savare with chorus 3 stars in their golden splendor alto solo miss haxel mason 4 o could 1 speak the match leva worth soprano solo mlth adums with chorus i art ii the resurrection h i arose solo miss dertlo smith with horus c o swing the gates wide open bnmt- f mr merviu kennedy with chorus 7 rejolco the lord is risen chorus tenor solo mr rudolph splelvogel thn aitiilalancq of miss adams of corgetown was much appreciated an was also the interest of miss bertie smith who came from toronto several limes to be present at tho rehearsals mr mason is very proud of the worv or iho choir under his leadership tho services of miss pern brown tho or kan 1st contributed much to the sue coasful rendition of the cantata preceding this special musical sor- co rev mr hnckott tho minister gave a brief sermon on the rosurroc hon under iho tlilo the convincing proof the church wan beautifully decor- ted kith eattnr riowors the congre cation otitrhutod u cuneroui easter thank offering lo tho choir fund if our imaginings came true r very old maid would bo married every man would bo a hero each woman would bo a society leader every small boy would bo a pirate a cowboy each author would write a best seller every bachelor would bu a lady killer each infant would be a prodigy our jives would be like tho lives of people tn story books our horse woud nlways win the fairy gold at we d find a mji lnbow s end every girl would im a mury pick fort every ship would rotm in laden with treasure every man would look like the young fellows in the clothing ads every girl would look well in a one piece bathing suit every oil well would lie a gusher each of us would ho u tittle too smart for the bunco men every day would bo pay day and we d ull bu cruxy another honest patron like cuuiion do not invariably urn iluce thn same results homotlmns they produce no nsult at nil but thi r ono can generally tell the reason why tho general manager of thn united hallways or baltimore recently celvod the following letter together with u live cent ploco dear hlr a few days ago i t o olio of jour curs o my hpmn on gllmt street tim car wua crowded un 1 tli conductor failed to reach mo i loft at my corner tho conductor ttclns tim far in front to pay him and i enclonu tho amount nf my fare vhlol would have been sent you sooner but for the fact jhut i have been out of the city tho general manager reported the occurrence to the directors nf tho rend nnd by their instruction nam tho honest patron an annuul pans with a letter remurklnc on the unusurl nature of thn case then evident thn honest imtron told it neighbor an tho neighbor spread the imwii tho next development was the re ceipt of another latter cot lining five cent piece and this hit rf k qonfldenco dear mr manager i nerlt tt 1 to i iwy my tore yon tenia y and en iohc i base send me u puns fenced in a man slightly tho worst pff for that which nebrluten but does not ulways cheer was on his may home when he collided with a box picket fence which had bem placed around a tree to protect it being somewhat unsteady on his feet thft man grasped hold of what he supiiosed was a picket fence and started to reel his way along it after rotating around the tree tor half an hour he appeared somewhat puxxled at tile extraordinary length of tho fence but kept bravely un for some time finally however his cour ago failed him und he sank down at the foot of the box fence with a groan of despair enced in he moanod aoton greenhouse a h bishop we now have ready for deliv ery the following in pots early tomatoes early celery cabbage cauliflower rhubarb orders taken for all kinds of bedding plants delivery in plenty of time a h bishop fatrvlew avenue phone 64 the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public health act notice la hereby given that all resi dents of acton are required forthwith clean their cellars dralnp varda pig styes water ctoaeta outbuildings and other premises and rentove there firm all dirt manure and other sub stance which may endanger the public hru th and to have the samo completed the twelfth day of may next on hlch day the sanitary inspector will commence a general inspection and further take notice that tho section of the public health act prohibiting the keeping- of hog between the luth of muy and the 15th of november ex cept in pens at least 70 feet from any dwelling house and 60 feet from any street or lane with floors kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will be strictly enforced all cltlxena are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clear and thoroughly disinfected george haltber 11 4 reeve of the municipality aclon ajuu 8 1924 farmers cooperative proflptrinc presents reports showing that ftnsn eial corner has been turned officials of the united formers be hove that thu co opcrativo company doing business in toronto iluj at teat turned the corner fcur the nrst time in four yours it shows u prntlt which bus lulrcused every month since lust october hank debts which not so long ago totalled over 400 000 have been paid off completely und if tho profits cunt i n uo us ut present a very fuvoruhlp rvport will he presented ut annual mooting- next deccinbttr lo the o lobe un monduy so nourishing is thn condition of the toronto creamery one of thn coin- juuiy departments tluit a put ran age dlvidund of two cents per pound butter fat retroactive to november t hus been ddclurod this will moan that milk shipper will ropolvu saturday may 10 l starlcrusn approximately tt m0 in addition to the ill vtrssn umuahniri ttm rqyular prios v4neur paid mill street- iftnisaboil effect etc miss tylrdlo curry vlsllod at the homo vt mrs jas macduwell misses olive and blweua marshall mussru will end ralph marshall of torontu spent the holiday with mr und mrs h s marshall mr and mrs wm mcarthur and fumlty spent sunday with mrs martin mr and mrs jolley of meaford spent luster with ther parents mr nnd mrs jolley wu ure glad to see mrs johnstone uround again after her suddou illness itev mr mttokuy raster sermon wun enjoyed by all present und all were vory pleased lo receive the as tor message from their pastor rov r 1 cameron who is still confined to his home tastes like more seat cemajr sold tn town try crap and consequently so inviting youll just naturally want more dcuaous and with au wholesooicl s h lasby ask for the handy 25c package toromto cabbages and vartimc two smokers were standing on qenorul managur h v domes stated- huurb away from the currents stir- rod by passersby one was smoking the qther threw cigar into the street thats against the taw pipe smoker why i threw it into the sutter said the other but ha acoijist the law to throw away oak t4 wiqttn pipe half finished sold the all our hats are not in the window i linty of prutly doslgusln hprluk mlllliiu so if you do not no the one you want com show our models and help with suggestions i liuomi fruni lnul 1 lt no trouble t miss j galbraith aoton dntnrlo that homemade taste is ono of thq features that makes our baking so popular tn every household all our baking has tho home ready taste and with tho bakers skill added you cant resist it aiul its always fresh baked fresh ovory day and always sold out assures you of tho choicest of baking fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton mclean 8c c o every mother knowb pure woo gar ments are best for kiddies wear our pure wool oliver twist suits ncnt warm durable sllades arc oxford lovqt snnd and brown sand and bluo combinations look nt the price main colors at 200 com bmations at 260 ladies knitted suits sleeveless coats with tailored skirts sold in suits or separate garments suits at 750 coats at 295 ladies silk hose when you want a go6d pair of hose pick out a good maker can you get anything better than holeproof we stock holeproof hose in all shades at special price 100 125 150 175 and 200 when you want a pair of silk hose do as ftc do ftuy the best keep ir mind the special selling week on gold sen congoleum uugs may 7 to 18 leave your order early and save money mclean co mill street acton ont acton meat market come to our shop for the best meats n town at the lowest prices t our fresh and cured meats arc always highestgrades this week we have in stock chickens fresh hams half pr whole at 18c id 3 lb pails lard 53c halibut homemade sausage homemade headcheese homemade jellied veal a new stock of libbys pickles catsup mustard etc fresh pork beef and veal always fresh acton meat market orrie lamb proprietor phone 45 saturday treat just arrived another supply of packages of chocolates in half pound one pound and two pound sizes a wonderful assortment including all roasted nuts cherries in marachino fruits and nuts and assorted packages and last but not least is tho club box a ono pound box that sells tor 60c the better package salted peanuts 29c lb yes everybody loves salted peanuts especially when they aro roasted and salted just to suit the taste and brought direct from the factory to us we offer them to you at the very low price of 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb 100 pounds of this special to go on saturday a real good assortment of high grade chocolates inpludmg hard and soft centres and assorted flavors all strictly fresh and equal in quality to any 50c and 60c chocolates saturday special 32c id w cream we servo neilsons ice cream in our parlors and every one knows the quality of neilsons ico cream we invito you to try our fruit and nut sundaes or an ice cream soda always cold and refreshing brick or bulk ice cream always in stock vrrxijvlley phone 6 acton ontario westend meat market full lines of tho very choicest of meats we always havo tho cuts you want and can supply your every need id the line of meats cooked meats beep pork lamii home madr sausage vfcal canned goods wo carry u lno of the hncst ciinucd goods und tho prices ro tho lowest consistent with the quality just phone your ordur for these lines und have theni delivered along with your meat order phone 10 watch our windovb friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner mil and main streets acton 6nt a 1 free press job printing is always neatly done a- rawwjff 1tw jsfcafcfjtfftfru alrili uwlttjviwsa

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