Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1924, p. 2

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she artmt 3rreeiebb imilthijav may 1 1024 village htnlthy stands iluii aui nxu willi iitj iilmr brands ixl it imnip for yours i mill bin in ii ilit kohl wutcli tin hi wrist it llllt 111 i iiiiil- or umetliysl n fuuld luy u ttilnk tho hinltliy worn pleuan the eye out from morn ml in lio bum ujmlrh und urease i llily sum who toll from six u ami uomctlniiii uveii i tin- smithy hover don ii tlilnku tliul work the hildr tho hmitl 1 1 in i nlnif liumn from net i the ii ii floor to uce moino ity fool uuful ninr il to pay homo whopplmblll liun uouked him for ii sunday to- iho kirk tjiiltrt free from rares itiiuiuw hi mon uri- hard at work wild puiuhnttm und repairs ami if ilio weathers flna and warm tho smith iiuya grateful prayers ulm refilling repairing jinminl through life lir got- a ml never onro despairing so ions hi income crown lurh ii lull i the thought of someone ion aullihil mens names jjonii youru uro while in charge of the no lc und queries department of u metropolitan journal i fell into iho habit of jotting down tho name of uny of my lorrcspoiidents which im- prthhiid mo tut particularly odd or sug- uoutlvo in course of time my hut hooumo large and included an assort ment which might have amaiwl chat dickons himself fertile as he wai n tho invention of incredible pat ronymics tim trader and professions were of luurau ii homily represented by such names us smith wright farmer cur rier drapr feature of nature by such an mil iuvors lake building by houses banks and bo on the colors hud gwen such ruunea as grey and green l from feuda unm came knights squires paces from weapons thuro worn ounns swords 8para pikes whllo tombs graves sextons collins and such uko were in abund ance punning over tho multitudes of such common names whose origin la seen at u glance one comes to many that have been given to or taken by fain ii leu for reasons that are rather obscure- how for instance did messrs monday tuesday wednesday thursday prl day saturday and sunday come by their patronymics why hsd men boon called by tho names of every month of the year uut the origin of such uamcm 1 at least to be imagined it lu however difficult to conceive why unyono could have saddled him self ana his descendants with such giutosquo appellations as cowhog dlnglodog jelllebngger tlnklepaugh tullyburllnir or oggybush whloh are all on my lists knocklmsufc pun chard and hnrd- cuftor may have had hardhitting an cestors but in what category shall we places mussrs ibete hugge printers- lemon whltoslaughtr heddalutr do tesru modulo oomenlckol penny- pacher pottteherb or oodxaoo7 wo might make a broad guess at the origin of toothaker and over pity tho ancestral sufferer at puubafgage ironburnor tornfleache and asba- gravo uut luggenbeel lejntwych mitl culilehorso trouble the fancy and it curtulnly rtmiulres german lips to syllable nloderfrankon stelnhauer klnlnormudureln kosmotwuetten and uio glibnosm of a modern greek ti man ii if o toupllutounostros or margo anotintlos vjioii u father lux transmitted t his uun suah an inheritance as dead- man stranglur or murder it would seem tliut ho had gonu his worst but what shul bo said t tliu progenitors of satan j williams lucifer spald ing morocco doddridge holdfast umli 1 tod jacket hamlin artillery purtridga fullfalth prentiss or no blllty uastmant even starsanil strlpan quo liberty stevenson and putrloi kullati urn heavy burdons to bo borne u whole lifetlmo perhaps miss beauty kennedy mrs pretty jefferson and mrs handsome white fulfilled ut maturity the loving prophecy of their doting parents cmdlu tltnt- doubtless coo the b bands of mrs valuable croft and mrs ijxcollont gay n as found their upouupa worthy of their baptismal tltlos it is to bo hoped on the other hand that tho wlvo of messrs savage ackarntn cutter hnlpln thrasher stoim cursor uorry steam holden awful ulbbanl killer andrews and jlutchor lmbroe ull real namea had no ruamiii to tnnke invidious compart boils juilwotm the names and the na- turoh of lliulr partners thu to uutmptus neither exhaust nor ovtui tlo jutttiiti to the ofldlties of my llht but they servo to show that the most fecund invention falls short of the nntuul vutrarlen of patronymlo noineticlnturuh they furnish prob lems for the gunealuglst und pussies for thu lollege of heraldry 1 while aid ing thu historian und more especially intottiatlng the student of human na ture god mud i man man spoiled gods handiwork und named u aceordlng to his follies und sins c l hudroth utljp 3trw irebbhnrt torg what was found in tother creek how lam i ihmmnhon ijlslrsffistogpto hlth llity w wilson iilled it u u illntlnguuh i nlugglnh rlvr with fftmll tlmr crnok they block iuimh ut poi tfd to 1 i blthig tidily froi nln uw ok tin lhr irt lu iiiiukivimi willi it kyhout ttun ooclumil whiv ht pnvsd it ovi i to his hnitlnr i toll you what itlh hiiiii dltw ii hudtlen onllghlnuiixnt uftr u inn unit itm fftil itu iy chin kg hl lui opportunities s4v in mix of the old oreek cities there stood long ugo u stutuo every traoo of it him vanished now us is the with muni di those old ni us i or pieces of guiilun hut there is still lu utl to no on utilgram whicli glvbs us an excel ikiii tllriiinliitlon of it und as we ruai the miiin viii lull surely tllitoover tin htuu whldi thoo wlso old greek mount that thu statue mhuuhl lusch t- uvury paunurby the tiplgrum is in the form qf a con vurnutlon hetwtin u traveller and die slutue whul lu thy name o statue t i uut uuiuhi opportunity who mud- tli iyalppus why art thou standing on thy tuost to ihow thai i stay but ft tntmient why hust thou wings on thy feet tu utiow how quickly x pass by liut why is thy hair so long on thy foreliosdl that mi n may seise me when they niu ot mo why hen is thy hamd so bald b hind j tu show that when i have one passed i ounnot bo cvusfct we do not o atauiea gtajiaing on be highways to remind tu of gur op- pottunltlos for daina good ana iwlov of ervloa to otlien bat w know bat thoy ooina to us thy iwoun toni for moment- u w lt umn thbt kn vosa erupt iillently li th wldor thicket they cuuuht u dosun laco ii u iwill fur blu k buns thtai lhi hurried towunl tolhoi cieuk but up- prime hod its blink uutlounly hod tboy hhoiilil ncuri the dub droinud umlr hooks gently into thti wultr unft- soon had landed two lino bnsu as loin unil hjt k worn tethering their lull in the ndgii of tho ntrunm with un elm wltho llioxiviiro startled by u pluusunt voice directly above tbnm well done boyut you tiavo it roupl of iikeonou looklug ul iy kuw u mtriuigor umlllng down at ibom from the tup of tho bunk he was a kuenroyed ploauanl- faced man of mid dle ago wturlng a canvas coal of sober hue and many pockets u low- crownod ctlt hat and hip hoots he carried in ono hand a slenderjolntod rod in the other a painted tin bull kettle with a perforated cover evident ly empty whllo ho willow creel slung from tho right shoulder under tho loft arm was us avldontly partially filled iiy his euny manner and u certain quality in bis speech and by his dross and t equipment iho boys recognised that ho was no ordinary mortal of thalr evvryday world but one of them city toilers accordingly thoy held themselves rjcady to resent any assumption of superiority on his pail but thoy could not son that be wax a mile stuck up so tom assented with modest pride yes middling and ma do bold tc usk as ho would of uny ordinary mortal angler you got any yes ivo caughruvti or six but not as large as yours th gentle man raised the cover of his creel and tho boys scrambled up the bank inspect its contents theres ono thing about it though a little bass is just as full of fight us big one and ive had a lot of fun with every one of thtfsa chaps said tho stranso srontlcman but ivo serv ed myself a pretty trick or this thing did ho gave tho baitkettle impatient shake i sank it lu tho stream to save the bother of changing the water and the hasp got loose and i lost all my bait so my fishings ended for this day unless i can i1n some smart boy to catch somo mln nowi for roe ho added as if the idoa had just occurred to him the boys looked ut vach other in slow debate of the unspoken quest ion whether they could afford to quit fish ing awhile for any compensation which was likely to bo offered minnies wall i dont know but we might got ye some but wo camo aflshing said tom oh it wont tftko long to catch two or throe do ton with this said iho gentleman drawing -n- smaltmeshed not from ono of his capacious pockets and ill give you half a dollar for them a chance to earn so much money was not to be rejected for any consid eration of mere sport und the boys accepted without hesitation if you want to keep a fishing tom said after a whispered consultation with his brother you can havo these mlnnlcs in our pall and give us as many of yours when we come back but i guess the water wants changing theyre a poking up their noses- all right im glad to got them but how shall i change tho wutor without losing them all thats easy enough maid tom making a u trainer of his hutids and pouring tho wator slowly out upon the grass then sinking tho pull deep in the rlvgr ho lot tho fresh wator pour into it u miniature cataract upon the rapidly reviving captives while the stranger carefully robaited his liaak the boys hurried away to tho brook with the net and katth pulling off their shoos und stocking and rolling their trousers to thob knoes torn wudod in and set the net where with his logs and arms 1 blockaded one of tiro narrowest parts of tho channel whllo dgk made wido detour and thou camo splashing downstreamdrivlng a swift tloud of minnows before him till tom felt the foremost fugitives pattering into the net like tho first drops of a summer shower before tho main body struck thu al most invisible but impassable barrier drk uttered a howl of pain und stoop- ud to caress ono halflifted foot whats the mattort tom hailed looking up an far as ho could from his halfbent posture theyre just be ginning to got hare icaap em coin ing- i cant i ive gut caught myself dlak utimwurod und hobbled slowly to thu bunk upon which ho cruwlod utul sat down minnows no longer puisuod upstream like flouting shadow and glints of light all bur those that swung in uu uncountable mass uf pllve backs and silver sides and red fins at the bottom uf tho not us tom lifted it und climbed the bunk u drlbblu of ryutul drop ruining u wut path before him my sukoh ulivpl un oxrlalnuid when he had tramtferrud the catch to baltkettlu and vainly tried to ronko some count of tho darting con fusion uf littlu fishes bud no ideu thorti wus such u muulu of uin wu shant huvo to catch uiiothur one 1 bet theres forty what is it ulls yoi dlckr look at hut dluk held up large mussel us tom upprouuhud ii shut right onto my hltlo toe una thought hed tuko it on aint bo u old bustoir and hits klml at lopsided us if hotl got hurt jo inn time or utllui it didnt weaken his juws uny thong i if ho didnt bltct jut took ut that tool ho held up tho injurod mem ber and wiggled it slowly for toms inspection hay tom give tut your knife said he withdrawing his utleulloti ft out iho pinched toe to its recent plncher lets sou if tills clum looks us if ha wus good ti out uuolv ullly says they urn if u body knows how conk rm but thorn wasnt hut one n that evor knew hjjw und hes dead i tom handed him the knife with tho injunction not to break it und thti stubborn shell was pried open laying bare th tough flabby mut which tho hays examined iurliijlsly look ut that said tom punching- was urrio with his forefinger a cyst fhutihulged out on one side thats what mudo his shell wopperjawod etlok your knife into it diak gave the protuberance a cau tious out accompanied by a gentle equbom and out pepped a shining nmofpus globulo like the unlnff of ho belf but o a more dell auto tint and about urfet n ono of tho bullets of ubdj- bllly rifle which woro forty i crush it ul 1 crying out o poll tin mirosli t hue if mint and pukod up vhicl he was ti tom cnught htp to til pound vl wnat d6 you vposidtnfct iav orh stoke flttcwtb pmav i too turnlnif it over uid over in tho poujb trf hu tuukl wttfle i 1 witli un liilenin un o son the limlde of iwrj thing nly wish to own u wutch wun ttiaf ho might have full liberty to got at ita interior in thti itiicknst possible way and ho tesented tills luttrfcr- omio with his piosoiit purpo aflll word he never ould thhik without n hliuddni of how- nnir horame to irtnet inif it hho what tho hurt lit- nil i impatiently 1 want to show it to mother mob- by shell put it in her little box of soasholls on the mantel tree sluhf well you can tuko it homo if yourj a mind to but im going to sot under tho bnnty hon or hatch it out in water which ou sposeh b tho best way i want to find out whats inside of it a i luip 1 know wo must hurry back und got to fishing said tom carefully pocketing it its got to bo so lato im afraid we shant cutch a thing when their foot were roclad and theswurm of captives given u change of wator thoy hurried buck to llmlr now ucqualnlanco ho was standing a ilttlo farther downstream knoo- doop in a swift rapid uftho head of a deep pool into whoso green depths tho stsong current swept u tangled skein of bubbles and vexed ku surfaco with a confusion of wavelets he was too closely engaged to notice hl boys his rod hold upright was bonding like a reed in a galo uu the retarded lino spun off tho reel with u shrill clatter that could bo hoard amid thu continual rush of tho ruptds und tho occasional drowned grumble of a alone rolling and grinding along iho rough bottom thon the strain slackened and away down tlw pool where tin- wavelets were pulsing out inundulat- ing rofloctlons of sky and j toco and granny banks a big bass luapod thrico its length from tho water ucnuering a shower of uny drops from its ntilvorlni fins 9f falling in this attempuj get rid of the hook tjo fish shot uv stream directly toward iho angloi who rapid ly reeling in tho line still keput taut till tho baffliid fish turned and rushed across stream then followod othui utaps and other rushes but the con stant cruel strain was never remitted till at last the spoilt fish cumo gasping to tho surface lying flatwise and foobly moving lis fliui then tho angler waded over the slippery unstable fooling to thu miioio and towing his captive to a mhoivlng bank lifted- it out by the glllh und climbed to where tho hoys stood nd- mlrlntr spectators of his skill my sakos x didnt expect ynud ever land him with ihul ilttlo whipstook of a mlnny pole and that line why it isnt any blggcrn a thread said tom dick did not and words to express his wonder thoy uro stronger than thoy look but tho root has a good deal to do with if it wasnt for that such a fellow as this would smash something pretty quick why tho gentleman continued uv looked into the bulikettio whui a lot of rrflnnows youve gotl enougl for tomlay und to morrow if i can kee alfve i think i must incrousi your pay seeing that youve given rat moro than i asked heros your half- dollar and ten oontt extra for each you vlllthal do such generosity won tho boyi hcurts und they lnslstiid on currying tho baltkottlo fur iholr now friend and changing iho wutir us ol necessary in contildorutlou of such service the bait was made common stock so ibey accompanied him in leisurely progress along iho beuutifu stream nover tiring of wutchlroj hli skilful handling of bis fish nor cens ing to wonder at tho powur of the lender rod ho in lurn wus aroused whan thoy fished fai unough from him not to intorforu with his sport to nob the buslnessllkoway in whlcii thoy would tear u duh from tho water thn mom on t t wus hooked unil hurl it high overhoud till it iwnniced upon the sward tho length of tli jum bcliliid them catching thulr fish ho uuld as tho lylshmub tlddlodj by muln strength after following a mile of winding water through intervale meudows where bobolinks sang und violets blos somed they sal down to rst where thi stream slid in u deep unbroken cur rent beneath u green arch of durk hemlocks und pine upon tho higher loft bank and uf uahterlouved wil lows upon the lower right while tho ungler whose uauio they found out was wultun looked on u fresh snell of silkworm gut ho fell to questioning his companions eon earn ing tho ftshos common to these wulors and was miluh inferos d tu the sherp- huad which thoy dclured to be the hardest lighter of them ull though chiefly valuable fur the- lucky bonen found in its head buy tom usked did you know ulams have luckybones heres ouu that dick found lu u clum when w were cutctilllg jou thu inlnnleh therewith ho placed the ulams ugg lu tho hand of dm ungler whose first turolass look iulcklyflushod into one of surprise why boys its u pout 1 1 a goiui- ine poiirll 1 hhouldnt wuiulor if ii was worth homuthlng you dont uupposu its wtuth u dol- lur do you dick ventured to usk oh more than that i thlukl suiil wultoii with un u mused twlnklu is uu nut i dont know how muili ill tell you what 11 do if you ulu willing he uuu after soma con sideration im going back lit hluw york lu u few days uudnf youll trust hie with it ill tuke it und rind out what it is worthy from somo una who knows if you conclude to let mo tuke it unil your mot hoi it willing you can bring ll over to my cousin bqulii holcomhs tomoirow evening they were quite reudy to entrust if to his keeping ut once only they want ed to show it to their mother who they were sure hull never seen u pearl they continued fishing in company till the wunliig duy warned thorn it lti the boys going home with eight gjod buns seventy cents und n pauil to show their mother ami u long story to lolj her of the days adventures mrs wilson f bought much more of the hard cash oiid tho fine fat buss whloh would afford threo good uiimls than of tho shining bauble that she said looked lko a dead t eye sh dhl not beltove it was worfli much more but if t was worth flvo dollnrs she would not bo a mlo afeard to trust it to any of bviuirn llolcombs folki and thlg was even iraatar trlhuu lo the honor und reputation of thiit family thuu 1 he pdmiml render tnlgh infer for the widow won need i mi money imdly just then a mnlter thai blithered her sptitly fnl dick and tom a good deal wnu tliut she hud recently agrcrd in mortgago her little proper t for ono hundred and fifty ilolluru fo juiltto holcomb in ortlnr l- gel money to put linr leakoored old hot me in suri n state if repair that ii might serve her for the decent up bringing uf her 1kj one evening two weeks lifter the bos had had their flslilug exi urslon mrs wllnon und i hey were hovrjjnc clone 10 the warmth of tln nidvi vu hi ll trlng to lie rheerful in spite of u mid turn of the weather hint seemed in have sot thn season bark from hie lirlgliiness of june to the most dlsmnl of midspring days a cold ruin hud been fulling ull ly driven b a gusty iiortheust wind rim eavet still dripped with slow mon otony and at longer intervals could he heard thn tinkle of uu ociaslonul lrop rrh d in thr of tbf esselh which mr wllimi hail hud uet around th ohlinney a imihlruj iioupil in itholf but not i lontt it i too plouuant one when it told of a leaky roof it reminded her ns it had muny times dlu lug the day of the needed repair und their uout wal he unld hope to goodneim ut shant have to hear thut unlso many times morn ive bespoko llic hhlngle mid clapbtard unil mr saw yers pronilsud to make a begl next week und the wrlllngn is drawn und the mono u reudy us soon ign cm plague take tho mortgugel tom we novof can iwy it i long an wo live and brent he oh you dont want to got discour aged before you ben ire tommy nu id his mother t faint heart never won fair lady und you dont want to cross bridges till ou come to am its lung road that has no turn und its always- hero tho widows proverbial phll- onophy was interrupted by u sound outside different from that of tho sod den ulao blossoms mopping the win- dowpanes or the moisture lndon brunches scraping tho side of the house my hakes i believe theres some body knocking i hope it nlut uny traveller that wants lodging or that theres somebodys folks sick it dont seem as 4f i could keep any strangsr nor go anywhere tonight sin wearily ns she went to tho door ii u surprised tone us she opened it ihe exclaimed why good evening squire hot combl come right in anliset by the ire ilai ruul chilly fortjtnc haint it and she mended the fire with has- pltublo clatter wondering what er rand could huvo brought him from homo on such an unpleasant evening aftur an exchange of inquiries con- corning iho health of thalr respeciie families and remarks about tho weath er tho visitor cleared his throat well susan he said i came over to tell you that im a going to back out of our bargain my goodness i she exclaimed in consternation you dont think the pluco la worth tho money no the securitys good enough but i ulnt going- telot you have the money tho widow was ready to cry wlti disappointment but tom was secretly glad there was to bo no mortgage dick who was looking forward with pleasant anticipations to tho ox- t of lepulrlng the house shar ed his mothers fooling you huvunt bud uny bad luak i ventured to ask iioplng for his honors sake ho might have such on excuse for breaking his word though there was not a shadow of anxiety on tils strong goodnatured face replied the fact is i received a letter today that made ma change my mind come over to the tight und ill read it to you ho drow his chair to the la bio und look a letter from hut pocket from which ho unfolded a slip of pa pot partly printed with tho blank spaces tilled out in a bold buincsxliko hand writing see what jou think of that r mi id ns she in u grieved tone wus ttuylng 1 dont moo who in this living woi id has boon uwrltln uuythhtu about me or what anybody could write she udjustod her spectacles and began to read laboriously the hoys listening intently und squire holcomb watching her face wuh an amumd ix poctant twinkle in his eyes exchange sank now york pay to the order of thomas und richard wilson two hundred and fifty dollars john t walton two hundred und fifty dollars what in this living world whut sense is it ull uiiywayt ild mr walton and tho pearl we found i dick broko in excitedly must mean two dollars and fifty cents of course whod havo thought would fetch uo much my aint glad i didnt smash ll hui its just his fooling suh tom unwilling to believe lit good fortune lwcll lulm p whut it tltti 111 lilt lutier said tho squire und ha began to read new york june3 1b23 my doitr cousin after knoeklng about among all tho beat j ewe lie the boys aarl and learning fnuro about such things jttan i over know before i have sold it for two drcd and fifty doltais u prlci which i hope will meet their oxpoutu tluus i enclose u chock fur the umounl tell them i shall expect hut tu go fishing with me next summer there you see theres no mlstuk about it said the squire and the reason 1 wont lot yuu have thu money is ttiai you dont want to now hui cumo over lu the inorulng boys mid woll go and draw tho money good night and ihoru wont bo uny mort gage tom said and dick gasped ob my i if id nmuahod itr hut thqir mother with tears of joy in lut ejos suhl not a word b bauble to find a proverb to sut occasion shaping the youngapple tree thn direction of giowth during the fiirly yearn of thn upplo trpo in ot particular importance tim ideal trrm- ln probably thu i width tins the first hrnnrheti about im hit hurt from the tiround and thti five oi nix hrancliom which form the frutim of the iron spac ed evonly un fur upiirl an possible im tlcultirli deiilnilih in ii to remove the next lo the lust brunch ut the top which it loft will proiluiu u weak top hruiuao of the forked crotch form ed willi the op limb hi udlug hu k ut pluming time li liuennsnry lo hallux e the loss of root i cut off by digging tests made at kentvllle ithow un average growth of 4 h3 inolieu thn first jeur and 0 indies the second year where nowly planted trees had three- quarters of thol row tii removed ot bonded buck i iicli the first yen erand yonr ktrong growth jllipp remind by hei brunches not pr dim it similar trees growth of ono 34 inchon thj hrnn brim brillielles should be ling bat k und weak ned t ull tf hj uliiilu tree in wink u severe hoadlng bmk in he nprlng will throw groater vlgoi into the remaining buds and thu trlnt iitiout a more- vigorous 1u- vpuipinnnt ilul if there uro weai tuumbth on one side of n ireo an 1 strong onvu on tho other jhe roduc- he leaf uren on tho weak will land further to weaken k bninetiii bocnuneof the ntrangrr qow toward the arbiter folingo i obviously therefoie u rodur- of follugii iiron on the strong 111 lesilen this tendency t throw iiioii o owtli toward the weaker branch os tim central brunch should tie allow ed to mulntuln tho loud not however for tho purpose of forming a pyramid al tree wlih a central leader but that from it kovernl wallspaced scaffold limbs may ho developed thus forming a more desirable typo of tree than if nmffold branched uro developed on side limns only after u few good nrnltold branches urn formed on this central leader further tnndoncy to ward u pyrumidiil form with central leader oxtondlng high into the air and huvtng many uranohes radiating from it should be chockod the aim bolnt to form li trio combining tho donlrabli feu i uro 4 of tho moderuto pyramldul form in id eliminating the undesirable opencentre typo of iran to balance tho tree the heading back of strung growing brunches it iiocohimi y tlilu heading bock ten it to develop hide biunches und atten tion must he ulvon to tho elimination of some of these so that too many hcaffold brunch en may not be formed the whole aim should bo to build up vork that will carry large crops of fruit and ut the same tlmi iiqtlhnvo an overabundance of large branches w s ulnir buporlntend- ont experimental station kentvllto a secret so simple mariy overlook it yet millions of women keep youthful loveliness this way y improved on nature a yuar or two uftor the lato presi dent mckluley hud begun tho pruclico of thn luw ut canton ohio he distin guished himself in u humorous fushlon 111 one uf his llrst sucessful casus as often huppoos in court the humor was not muruly foi tho suka of tho joke btu for serious purpose mr icdwsitl t ho in the life woik of willi mcklnley tells the story tho cuso was a suit against a si guon whom tho plaintiff chargod with having set his leg so badly that it wu bowod moktlnloy dof ended thu si geun and found himself pitted ugal john mcswweney arm of the m brllllunt luwyerti of the ohio bur mcsweeney brought his client li court und had him expose the injured limb to tho jury it was very oroov und thn cuss looked bad for the geun hut moklntey had bath his eye pen us usual and fixed them keenly n thu mans qther log as soon us tho plaintiff was turned uvur to him he asked that the other leg should also bo bared the plaintiff und mcsweeney objected vigorously but the judge ordered it done then it uppeared that his other las wasetlll more crooked toon that whloh tho surgeon had sot sly client seems to havo dono bettor by this nwq than nature itself did suld moklntey and mqvn that thw suit bo dismissed with a recommenda tion tu tho plaintiff thut he havo the other log broken and then sat by thu surgtfon who gut the orvt anew honest times at ono time in the highlands of scotland to ask fur a receipt or prom issory nolo was considered an insult and such a thing as a breach of con tract wus rarely beard of so strlcty did tho people regurd holr honor thr presbyterian wltnnus tolls a story of a furmer who had been to the low lands und had there acquired worldy wisdom after returning to his native placo he needed tiomo money and requested iuii from a gentleman in tho neigh borhood tho tutor mr stewart com plied anil counted out tho golil whon farmer immediately wroba a re ceipt and what is this man cried mr stewart on rccolylng tho sljp of paper thut is a rocelpt sir binding me to give ye buck your gold at tho right i love replied donuld tllndlng ye indeed well my man if yo cannu trust youise im sure ill trust yet such us yo cannu hac mv gold nnd gathering it up he re turned it to bis dusk and locked it up but sir i might die replied h needy scut unwilling to surrender his hope of tho lounr and perhaps m t- might refuse it ye but tho bl of paper would com pel them compel tbem to uu haiti their dem futheru honor oiled the onraifed celt theyll hood compelling to do right if tills is the road yoro loading them yo can gung elsewhere for money i tell ic hut oll find m about horu thatll put more faith h bit of paper thun a luilghhors word honor und his love of right 1 rcalixtfthe tlrcui ihat is in every womans heart lo keep ihr youth that every woman wanti turn or a while rum the elab orate treat rurnu and methods try this simple but cnrrrcl way hy which millions of women arc kerpjntf youth fu radiance and charm aulhoritftu advlsa this cleanie the skin regularly au thorities tu hi krep our rom- rilcxiop lovely rdianc yi ilhhil tut lwwf of harh rlcjinuik nicthoui j bey injure nkin vtlmm mmj prji 25c wash t horo ujf lily with ialuiolive snap carli lilghl be fore relihni hub the creamy foamy lather urll into the liny porm kinie and repeat the washing 1 hrn runic again then if akin i4 dry apply a htllc imil cream i hat is all sum uu cared or in not inlurctl by conmrtics by wind mill mm or hy dirt ti mltnplm correct way you cannot find a more rjtfcc- llir beauty treatment ilccatlie halmohve soap it hlcndcd of rare palm ami liv nils famous for mild hul thorough chaiisnifi qualities inirr lheda of cleo patra and it umsmpemtvr just he nttrc lo k palnjolivr which i iicvtr sold unwrapped all tlcalrrs have it i he for one week try thut simple treatment to your drhjht refills will be niiuccablr even id that short timel i he cost if m little that you eau well use ialmolivc or the bajh too tub iaimomvk company ok canada limitid winiiijec toronto niil palm and sm ilitwthlmg thtgivm fittmna gr esjsrje falmllt sp made in canada afour with four wheel brakes the unfairness of it a clurgymuti hud occasion to preach to thu inmates of un insane hospital during his sswnon he noticed that one of the put loots paid the closost at tention after the service the speaker liut iced thut the man spoke to tho uuperln- tuiidunt ho wooti uu 1 hood bio ho inquir ed didnt unit mull spfuk to you ubout my win num v yes would yuu hilml telling me uhut he suld thu buportiitendent tried to uiaestep but the preachur inwlutod well ho uuht ut lust whnt tho man uald was juit think hes out und im in ask as about the gjac plan of de ferred payments the plan that makes ii easy for you to own a motor car tn designing fourwheel a brakes on its master- four models as well as on the sixes mclaughlin- buick has added greater safety to a car already re cognized for its sturdiness highgrade construction power beauty comfort and efficiency the new masterfour is the logical car for the motorist who wants economical transportation in a car of whose appearance and per formance he may be justly proud fisher king representatives for tbis district georgetown ont m l all objsssjttivli cr to sell parmers wives if tho roads are bad many a prosperona farm els wifo postpones buy- intf aomouiiuif she ac tually wants for herself or family until she can jot to town- later the teamd will bo busy sho wont be ablo to jjet to town experieiicb shows she will buy now if you ijivo her tho chance call her by loner distance she will feel complimented know your stock bo you can answer her ques tions readily a ilttlo oxprianob will soon how you bow it works dent fudge by one or two fttteropta try m daun in- taulnnttt others do it whyaol ytot tauiffonut saaoenilly bvnf bmu tbpam u a lana diatano station an unbeatable team theres just one kind of man or in stitution that cannot afford to advertise the oue that has not honest joods ad vertising and the goods go together neither is of value without the other without advertising the best goods will not as a rule reach the public and without honest goods advertising will bring no permanent success nor will any other operation but together they make an unbeatable team if youve got the goods tell about them in the free press every week

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