Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1924, p. 3

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v vjji iotl gjiu arloit 3faw frraa l tihnihtlay mat j 1324 i theoar it lirn wr i ini j ml tnecs i llj trf in it 1 by t uv ii i h lnhr nnd ur if- npl i i r iffif iii i fat il rtt tultp rare and ttu ilia iff 1 1 r a joy in nirlii i npcar n nd tha rniist and tho in 1 klrili r h un earth mm of jvnry grain nri of rjinn in the harden of the aoul nhould not lift tier to tho otver of pnra on the crown of a mil for nil to sno loil plaixod a scarlet muiilq troo luaa carman itf kit t- oont tell mv mother kate fnnton stood up in tho middle or the fnculty room at dodge afcadomy and faced without an apparent tram or tlio nine men and womttn before her fjho had just hoard a sentence of azptitntxmfrpm the lip trf tho prln cjbal shetuid been a wild girl for a year and tho limit of indulgence hd been reached by hor latest prank a midnight frolic involving an auda olqus ingenuity or which even she had not beerf thought capable so she muni g she smllod hor quiet dor inn smile as alio met the gravo regard of her teacher it seemed a if the moment wr far more tragic for thorn than for bcr then tho principal wild miss fen on is yotir mother at hornet no mir she ian t the girl yun bwdmd boforj alio saw the bearing of the question vou will tell mo hor address then if you pleaac i must telegraph her at once asking when and where rfhe will meet you 3tiat lsn necessary irofeaiior matthews 1 can gat homo perfectly 4 by myself you muit understand that wouldn t v permittcdv kate i mhah send a teacher with you to see you into your mothers charge nnd to tell her ex actly what ervepts hare ledup to thbi sad ending of your connection wdtb the school i mut have your mother address of courso i can obtalp it by telegraphing her lawyer but you wilt hardly compel me to do that i jcatoh fnca flushed and paled sud denly n convulsion ept over it and 4n another instant the hard reckless girt fnb in n pea ion of tears ohv don tell my mother exclaimed they men looked mora wretched than before and the womoamore helples- the vqungest teacher via carew made a quick gesture of pity and rising went to the girl who stood with hir head pressed hard against the iwlndowl her shoulders shaken by sobs kftte want to talk with- you come lttt0 the offloe a moment exactly whnr passed 1n that hur ried interview nobody knows but in pe minutes mhwcarow came back if i moke myself personally re sponsible or miss fenton s good bs havior will you try b- another monthr she asked i think it would be worth while them musl be soma good in a gui who has so strong a feeling for her mother everybody was glad enough to no nuleace in mjaa carews suggesuon and relieve tho strain of iheisltuotlon the began one of those nghta an old an immunity with two human souls on one side and trie world the flash and the deii on the other the via tory was not won in a week or a month but it was won at last and jfate fenton is to day a strong and selflcotttralted woman caught away from odisgraco that might have ruin d hr whole life bepauas one woman believed in th saving power of love ttpd wna llllnr to take u deal of trouble to prove hor fjatth well grounded lldltuc von mir i guotm so he udi wit d modrntly thuiigli think j on otij lilt thut lltllu boy oydi on main illicit then cvii u i nmldl iit ti di m7 pub i l ko t up lint ntntin in hn drop 1 it hut juai i n hn vin ubqul tu in ike tin throw th man ioi i u hund fiu iiih mm n imvirmlil lin ul 1 iii toko your word for it itippot o any way you it rnthur iituno kr iwn i pie mi i ui in l ik usei oinii lltili i upii and mi y bullllniid v nl in t yut ii i y 1 him w t i li ul th wltn a flllltiy qlkntlul nl n lci m i to bn nnk 1 in nil uorl iikii uia i dun t 4iellovn 1 woull th im i riul you wnghjht qh 1 mot tli grown l eoi in rtuilt ill f n 1 tlmmsolvei at d th llltlo i uopid runt if yo i broke gtau over in mr j tin n imi n iivn you 1 in i inlit unit your futhtr wi ul i ha t i uy hi damuom hut whin you i m ik win 1 w in th tnniiitry tlnruti n inly t tll on you 1 that about tho j of it 7 uob nod jo 1 hocms kind if owunlly whui you put t into wi r 1 i 1 lomi t it tho old gentleman ubtrolmj a frlon 1 of mln ilsad to uny i very tilono thiuwer inn t a coward hut nv ry i owur i is u utuho thr wit hob fluilhtfl but i dl 1 not uponk tho old gentleman gnvo hloi no time do so hie village pump th it ruling ratlltr w trrled up to dnteuew nufd it nndh it l not moving vltli tho tlmr it wit nnd frown nnd mutlcrn on ltn utile groitsy mound out there bmioath tho boechrs and tho plnm tho wjty that pcot la enrry on i fit to mi km one jum jumtk i glad i am i i fanhloiin llttlo y i uinp aay th an interview with helen keller am a result of ntf evex heen keilor j five years of age was left dumb deaf and blind through the teaching of uur sullivan sh br nor able to ad dross uttfaudience from tho lecture platform her accomplishment havo been desctibad as he greatest alngle achievement in eduoatlon over accorn pltahed inlhelilstory ot tko worlatthe allowing is the account of thatnart of orio of hen meetings in which she an- mwared aoeatfons addreaaed to hor througiibllsa sullivan l i from an artloln by vlitam l- stldger perhaps the most beautiful moment of ull wna when mian sullvon iarmlt ted thai crowd of bflslnesa men to ual quest lpni of mlas keller one man said tell mtsa keller thut y know her brother in the south mln m dbllivan put helens two nngem to her own line and helen thumb to vibrate with ecstasy n ahe aald and are you an engineer loo then homebody asked leleir what her favorite snort wo she said with that pooullar and careful pronunciation florpoback rid ing then muut sulmvon asked helen if ahotnew the room was full of man she danced with fgcllemeiit and aald yea i khow llovr do ob jtnow helen t 1 can smell sem tho ernwd roared with laughter and excitement teurs wore tu every eye it yan a tense fan minutes for evoty man lven luuglitcr was to hide the tears what do yqu mean when you say you uan atnell ihnt il amull selr different tobacaos aald lloli n rlahmg hor hand ttiaii tho crowd applauded helen seemed overjoyud at fiio applause somtbody uskml hor how she eoult tell thisy wore ttppluudtng since she could not hour hhe hwld i fool som how do you lool tho applaunot t w1s my foqtl mion ahu uanrd with delight- do you uku golft a man asked no said helen whyf again quomtioned the man a golf enuiuaiost of cavetund it isiasy mans gamv raptled helen lo tbxorowds bbga relight readr asked busim they ro bringing in tho wtcr to tho iiouhom in tho r w i hoar they ro using gas and oloetrlo uk lit wlion i waa young folkn mn with palla and buckntu to and fr and used n lamp and candli aftor night it nil tor alteration now and nhatiga in one big lump i cap t uhl lo auch nonsense cried tho lltui vuiiihl pump and ao 1t fn wnn in 1 urumhlei till tho aumini r lime urnni flitting and old and young a wondor up tho lane for iran fer 1 rlnga hfa poikir there and granny brings her knitting vlille lovorn help their laanes pump again and a it watches thorn it smiles tho llttlo village pump it whisper to its dalny chums a snowy friendly clump i fear my heart and temper were affected by tho old dear human natures juat as nice as p the days or old in every community thorn used to bo a village pump which stood in great favor with thn residents of tho vloln uy porhapa tho moot popular water avallablo in tho oarly das in acton was the spring on the hlllsldo an main street jut aouth of tha creek which ran into speights saw mill dam and from it to tho tannery this spring npvor had a pump until about wanty five or thirty years when house bo gnn to bo erected along that ldo of tho street which was for so many yoar the eustorly boundary of tho njcklln farm thla ap ion did aprlng bad an abund ance of clear cold watnr had aupplle i all the tfomoa in its neighborhood wltn water for domoatla um when rev john mclachtan the first minister of knox church settled in tho now manse where mr and ftfr robert wallaoo and family now real do ibt sixty seven years age all tho drinking wator lor tho homo was carried from tho old spring tho name was true for sevoral years aftor hev lachlan cameron came in 1s03 iur ing his ministry a well was dug at tho manse but its wator wan noyer thought to compare with tho wator from the siring and if tho family desired a real good drink of cold water tfi 6 y alwoyu went to hie aprlng for it about half a mllo nway tho watnr from thu spring wuh use 1 or yonra by the family of the lute john hpolght und the adumnca tho mouma tho lioyds and the peopla on llymlo hilt many a pail of water tho late ox reevo qeorgo hynda curried to hi narenta borne fiontula spring late walter d hoard mort tiud hla flrat drink of wutor in acton from thin spring when he cumu from tomnto on hla flrat visit to tho tannery ij a hoy it waf the enpeclnl duty of tho hev xr cjiarles a cook son of itov cook o kvep tho family water pall filled from this spring when a boy and many an arm ache lie hud before he touched the parsonage on talrvlow avonuo then ransom street with his palls of water this spring itfwaya was the sourco of supply for drinking wator ut bpuighi a black smith shop and many a thlmty farmer ho slaked his thirst from tho black smiths waterpall whan filled with tho sparkling water from the aprlng i believe tho old shop is stllf oupplled from that nmo spring though the present blackamlth n p mclum hus waterworks conveniently in tall oil in his residence adjulnlng tho smithy property f think it waa during thu residence of tit ward en swiu kliaiuer in tha homo adjacent in tho rtpihu thut n cement ourb wus put into tho spring und a pump placod tlo und tho hoard more company jul nod jn thla im provo merit about twentytlv yoarw ago tho pump ond urn ntlll uaed but uld timer say th wator do not tumfo ait bikm now ua it did fifty or jtly or uevonty years ago a suhm hiiot as a stol tiiuowkil here a u loobl utory never told he foxo whloh may be found interesting especially to aomo of u boya about town in i heir teens tile uld gl leather tamtory on the cu ek which croases main street and through old thoma isbbago property imd been ocouiled for monlih the glovo works f w h mturey i hon ceaaml uutng it us a aourco f apply for coi tuirt f theli linos of glove leathers and it was nover utlluol for any othur purpoao it utood us inany mioiuher at a dttai0 from other building tboio was nolxxiy to guard it und tho long ktlreldiaa of u tiered wind ws mpmlullo u lui- tnln boy irrunlstubiy ollisr b i hud found them e juully invltliil i here mu hardly u whoh uno uf gluun on tho north sldu uml to tho vantage ground offwred by tbo eml unkmenf of io oraul trunk hntlwuy hut yv thovo wit oho that was tho onu bob lawl ua trying for i may auy that llqb vnmi t hi roul tmmo alitor not toll his uama righljmt i woul in t ljon i wna i ess man v all o ttmv jwhnt is you favorite book sjs ljiule rtbe gald and in the spoiling 1 hawu trim to reproduce her pronoun a jut ion of hist word it was foa underly spoken as the words pf a molnor in sneaking to her bahy 2e blbule tin that girl sioku tha word ring like swevt mualo in roy erf pluew tjio rose and wvf tholbbrns kneudlng trough nut in th done tluiuuht or thut o ho went n liolliy put ivn tj ndnrcd since whut i ttiought 1 wnu doing when 1 wns throwing wt hum i wimn t play ing ldler or indiiwi oltbor iwunn they dun i fight tl at way onl olty bodtuma ua hrlckii und atonua on each other and i woan t trying to imi tgto them fpr i was a country boy and dldn t know about them i cnuldn t have had any serious ida of training my hand in atono- throwing liecauno if i had i shouh huve net up a target down in the field and i rnrtired where i wouldn t destroy property or run die risk of injuring bomqboily and ym i can t admit thai 1 threw stones because i wanted to smash things ynu wouldn t hko to think you- were that kind of a boy would you 7 bob shook his head ho did not raise it of courno not tho old gontleman ahl briskly i don t bellovo i wrm that kind of u lwy either im you are botlor off than i was there aro baao ball clubs jtn 1 football ctuba now ond n boy can lenru to throw vtralght without being oshwmod wbotito grow- up of tho way ho learned since 1 v owned property an interest in this tannery building for instance it ha been very easy for me to realise whnt a mean trick t wasgulliy of when i used to break windows once more nob wan tod to run nut the old gentleman clapped a hand on his shoulder in a friendly compelling fashion nut im glad tho boys who dldn t think havo practiced on tho old tan nery windows instead of on smaller l and girls ha added cheerily i am glad that pracfjeo has made some of us perfect too you and me for instunqe wo re graduato sure shots we don t need to throw any more sfonom and t ton t think wo will shake hands on it bob shook hands on it than he gasped and stammored and triad to speak a word or two railing he flwd down the track hut tho old gentle man snt smllo aftor him and nod ed his bead wth a eat is fled alrm h know one boy who would throw no more stones to do troy things and 1t is said that whon the work men employed by ir coxo to tea down tho old building to utlllxo the lumber and brick in his big garage ot main street they found one sash in tho tannery building which hud unbroken pane of gloss it la certain phal uob never used his euro aim as stone thrower on that and it la fair lu assume that ho told his experlonr with tho old man to other indfl win good results it is quite certain that uob a luddlc will not bo dowtructlv i iione throwers wren they grow up good for the mayor tho followiog incident took plnce recently in a city of tenneaseo a poor little girl was peddling applet in u rullwny station a train wan about smarting and almost nt the lost moment n tnl rurlnnly pansengo atepped off the car soaps und eail fur flfteen cent worth of tho mpl the girl counted them out the- mai took them and then ns he moved to ward the car began feeling n hi pocket a if for the money tho change was not forthcoming he w on the slops tho train begun to movi v grl ran eagerly aftor it und there stood tha man on tho platform luugh ing at ber tty good luck ho mayov of tho city happened to be among the bystander a wur vfltorurt with a tender heart and a contempt for ull meanness ji run at once jo the superintendent office and said j ll give you u hundred dollar t stop that train and hav it backed ju io station tho offer telegram tj dospa soon tha player ot ihrjoku himself in tho v liald the girl achri8tian army in china 1 tventyrthroo y mi ago mi ignoratjt chlnt ho mi ldur w nh mting h kh thrntigti th nhuruetlrn nf u mlmthh ti ur 1 u itniro iiwiy tlio lialerfi urj 1 to i in w hl imtrid f tho f r imitrm to dnj u it formi r pri ai f till r i oiioj nf tbn in ml uni tie mil infiuintllil nglio til clilpn ml umnmnilir if hue if oi moat biblj llehti innrkut le romwolt this hit ml t en mii 1 1 the 1 iyn of tint nrs uhl li den t li iy un irrtny f thhtv th iihiuid nun ju out ililj 1 eking itld tho latent rni rtu ntu thut hf un th tlnund t the tuopii hnve pro fettire i fifllh in christ it is tho clean et urmy in tro world no smoking drinking hwo irlng r gumbllug is lu dulged in s tn of tboito who iir not tuivnd nur h ey mlkht on well becnnti chrlrttltit ii fir they have to act like them uny way tho men often march tr m trill hii glng khi el iiymnu a y ur or two ugo whoii they w re fight li g th manchurlim w ir it rd they wont into buttle ul iiging onward iirlmioii huhers it la ucurci ly n wsitr in mid tbnl thu um my wus defintul borne llmo agii ttov j fltanlt y j minw vbttrd chin i un i held mo tlngm with dr x si orwood kildy in qenerul kong s urmy mr jonen gives an in tnrfmtlhk pru t loiure of oenarnl tcuk writing in the ilelfiimt witness ho mtyn he b the most outstanding man in clunu in many ways un iinitloiul c h lu m nid forolgnem htivo with auul mi iiusim t ild mi thut they thought ht was thn one man wh could save chluu and hint ho would muki a splendid president j ilny a friend of feng caught him utinwiirti mopping tho floor hom of his sinff remonstrated with him that mjrh work was degrading for hlra und they quoted cofuclun to that effeot 1 eng ald yen confucius said that i ut whut does the now tes lament suyt i lnd soma j assage that hours on tho tiubjoct it was thtu whoooovor will bo great among you lot him bu your minister and whoso ever will be chief among you let him bo your servant ho has n motor car which is used tor guests and officials visiting him but ho himsalf doe not uso it a good defence a young woman in california re tenlly sued thn yoynp man she had boon engaged to for breach of promise fvorythlng went on woll her at torney sbowud thn usual letter 0 read tho gush for the amusement of th- nti llenoe hi tho court room tttvo the amatory statistics tho number of times ho wantod to klsa her look in hi r drar eyes and hold hor in his arms in a fund embrace tho lawyer was tmro that ho had caught on to every man in tho jury tha defendant was an amateur photo- gruphoi his sole response was a photograph of tho young woman sit tfiig on n sofa with unothor fallow a arm about her waist this was un exit clod xiio amateur photographer suspecting nil was not right pretond ed to go out qf town one evening leaving his instrument properly ar ranged with clockwork for taking a photograph in the girls house ver dict for the defendant this world needs a utile mnro kindness and a llttlo lean cieod amittle more giving and a little loss greed a little moio untile und u llttlo lend frown a llttlo iguh kicking a man when has down a llttlo mora wo and a little less i a llttlo mora laugh and a little lots cry a lltthi mora fiowsrs on the pathway or life s r and fewer on graves at the end at tlta strife fgrbc it i astonishing how jjfttloj una fool poverty whon opa loves hot pertatoi atora if you ll show tnu how t hake pot hoei i jwll uurli you imw lo mk hold y iloy 1 his i liiidun remark t y un ituliimlco crojitn vrndor to nn imigllnh c nter living in hrtff ii 1i1u some seventy yfinrs ago rd to the foundation qf th f mi ui direct truda if hie hit ttuttt holler tho ionirlilinmii wliusn iinnio wm 1 wnmil line ul if hid kind noil nnythlnr und nvorylhing hy turn on hln stront hirrnw on i u it tlio hn i py i do of tr vlouidy sold in the itr ft i earned hit h ul made the t vo hlmnelf and built up u flourishing tru lo us tlio first hot jtotnto uinn in london the trtde which in now fast dying out punnet into th hauls of tho italians und fh but tho descnu lnnts of towvim nd know thut it wan iitarttil by nn v ugllshmun tho id mun llvod to i i a too j1u grhndson hltaller jnnon ul a well linuwh strnet trader with a stn in 1 urrlngdnu slreot up a prosperous cunneation in the cltv ho is oxiremoly 1 roud o hu fnmua grandfather vh tor he hit a ufove for otu had been a stammerers wit on on of trie nltletdgo route of maine wus a jolly driver whose habit of ntnmmering was tho occasion of mime innocent nmusomi nt on tho part i f hla friends j ono ley lls lumt erlug con oh was stopped by a f it passenger who in lulrel thn wuy t th mml lawn th t driver attomptei to mil him but n words ennrn at lual waving his hatwl dosiorately toward n ford in the road h said t i try botii roads and you 11 gget tlmro fre i rcan t tell you on another oocanlop he was helping un uncomfortably stout man into lh- couch tho man wan so large hat thorn was more or less delay in finding him surnclont room irritated by thu attention fin hud attracted the pas uqugor exclaimed in imitation of tho driver there 8 start up your old bean tot of a i t team all r ready n now sir wo go ggot the p pork ini was tho laughing re- ply just like a mani trip uway from homo found it necousury to tnnko a stop of a day or two to rest and rupalr damages ha wum nca much disabled however and ha wrote a lettur to his wte telling hnr of tha aocl lent nnd assuring her that ho was a right jind that she noed not havo a moment n uneasiness about him whon ho had posted tho letter an idea struck htm and ho sent her tlio following tolcgram have been hurt in railroad aool- dent letter on the way which wilt explain john two day afterward ho received thu despatch from her why oo earth did you sond thohnrrld telegram i ucy his reply was t sent it to prepare you for the letter john pretty good que8v a toucher in explaining to her pupils tho difference between civilised and uncivilised races insisted npon three jibing as requisite for olvlllxa llmi fooit clothing and sholter tho next any she brought the aub ject up ugaln by wjr of rovlew whut are tho three things noco aary to u clvlllxod mant she asked several of tho children remembered food and clothing but tho third re qulslte seemed to huvo oscapod their recollection entirely finally after question ha 1 been repeated two or three times one llttlo f pi low lifted hi hand and a wtfo wbuthar tlio teacher none him t tho head of the class wo tiro not in foamed the gladiolus and how to grow it successfully soil thn aiiilluluh is nut uxuotln in its demand upon thn wfll a light rich ssndy soil is usually considered most suitable thn best fertiliser lu woll decayed ntuhle manure tip plied in tho fall nn i well mlxud with lire soil nit i supple meuted with bone meal or ucld ppoa plmte a dromsing of wood ualies cun bo used to nil van l ii go wanting oiu tloluii i irnw r bulls nh nil 1 be planted nbuut 4 inches deep depending on the ik 11 deep i tiintlqg help to support thu m to til they may bo planti d in straight rows and if exhibition lowers nru wanted six or more inches apart hut good flowars will be produced if they are planted closer thoy do not do wall if planted in shade pf trees or buildings tlmo yor planting oludluu may he planted any time after the ground 1 sufficiently warm and dry krom may ir to 30 is the usual time but planting may be continued until the 10th or 16th of juno ii y jilunung at luti r vnbi of a week or mofe tha flowering seoaon wlllbe prolonged hut this is afln accomplished by planting a range of varieties if different maturities i lower spike that aro produced last of august or first of maptemlter are often much finer than those blot mlng earlier in august whon tho weather 1 1 hotter planted in may they take about seventy flvo id ninety days to bloom some varieties being murh earlier than othors to produce tina flower effort should tie made to maintain u steady growth and in prdor to affect this they must not bo allowed to suffer from lack of moisture no matter how good tho oorm is or how fine the variety they will not give good results if stunted by dry weather some of the very finest varlotlos do not show to advant age in very hot weather and will be scarcely rocognlsed the size of tho eorfn is no indication of it value soma flna varieties have a small cormi and many poor varieties have a large torm cutting thevlowess cut the spike whon th first aowarg open and place in water without crowding the end of tho stem should be shortened with ered flowers removed and water re newd dally dy doing this all the flowers will open in euccoaslon and tho spike will last a week or mora sufficient foliage should be left on th mr hoppcrdyko who had been blight r ly injured in a railway oolluion wbleafonrit to ymptc tn jtrowtng condition harvesting our the conns before tha ground freezes cut off tho stalk close to tho corm euro for a fow days in sun and air and store in n cool collar in shallow trays or open paper bags and tha corms can b removed at a convenient time during the winter tho gladiolus 1 a flna cu flower far labia decoratlpns and hiero la for taut purpose nothing to surpass it in its season it pays to usb martin senour woodlac stain for rlurniturelioora a woodltvovk ww o xwd 001c maotnoi tor fnt booet i home ruktinc maoc cabv sold bv w d c talbot promptly arbepi liid ted deal in print for uob is married now mid iveu in town und ha u wife of hla wn and two tine kiddles both boyi woll hob wau choosing hln stone with dun retimd t i hu and wulht culqulutlng dlrttunoe with u unxlous eya and ohucklhig wbenovii he shut- torod gifts ovon muuirn it wgtnir th glass fl vint ului rttod in thin limiting oiitorprlsii tliul at ring morning that thu wu 1 leu liuuraiptln of it broukht on u sort f purulytflh an elderly gi nth man mtun link vary nssjr wus watt til ng him lie wits ub sol lfe ty tio sturtlud tu run tho stunt fall from hi hund hestooil urint and trembling until the man sitokf uijed to do thut myself th mun aald umtitbly pretty goad stiof iren i yout foun nda of tho ollco h er fifteen conta o nd offered to pay her u goo more but the officer wro bje amrvo tlp grullflciition lookers on ho was morcln d off to looking ahead mr carter was un cfoiibmluil womu 1 she seldom indulged jieralr in the luxury of u now gown und whunoter she did ahu wo particular only uhout tho wearing qualities material a fuvorito nloct jioneratly uanltted her in making ux choice now amelia you to auro this obi la all wool i can t a so well a i eollld mice s unld when her lust now gown wuii txilng luirchasvd a uut what colov do voti want utpitt land i don i know is i can mud what color it is ao long as it a black rtsionded mrs curler ho after a little dlsauaslon u gooc i lircc if black cuhmoro was purclyja t un 1 take ii homo hut th ntct uollcod that mrs carter did nut soem wholly aatlstled itn iifmld yo would rnthur huo hud snuie o titer ntuterlql thou cashmoiv she flnalll i uggested f xjtft i don t ktiov ns i should ra marn wears uouslderubly well w tlio response imt blank ntn l the color it uset to be und tvo been n thinking i uln t hover hud no loss by death und if i keep oil weurlng blued what under tho sun am i going t mourn in when um of my folk aro tukotit- i bullovo 1 ii see if i ran t git the atoro to take hlia tiack upd give ma n mack that hs sqme klnl of a tint to it nam i mjmll feel a- ubange whet i go out f oolotm not so popular v th iiuraen met ono or hla flocki in tlm village htroot und mfpppod t apeak tu him john my giot man hu said hvarely your wtftj lol tn tliut your conduct of late has nut in up ut all doslmble why dmt t yob laku a le eon from mat i can go to the village and coma back ggaln without getting drunk you must judge naldn t the vjot nlurkwl un qouptga it wait aya meuna you con sir rejoined tour thur kuoweth what things uvtdont that tlus bid gantlomun had the othsr but y e lot popu- y bava need uf bsatora jn suut uln raothinc tu ey about uta old uuumuy tar heard at last father q halloran had s telephone put into the parsonage in connection with the churoh and tho patrochla achool patrick mcpee hla rover en co a handy man was instructed in the usoof the instrument and it was only the next day when put dusting put the church heard the ringing of the telephone bell taking down tho receiver patrick was pleased to hpar father o hallor an s familiar voice asking him some thing or other about jit work in es saying lo answer be remembered thai his revexence waau long way off and therefore he ahquted into tho trans milter at the top of hua voice i don t understand you patrick said tho telaphone pat tried again and with no better success on hi third trial he camo near splitting the telephone but again came fathor o halloran s voice ran t hear what you ro saying pat rick j pat had by this time lost something of his patience and as he stood gath erlng breath far i four blast he could not refrain from soliloquizing in a low t tie ah may the dlvll fly away wid t ie ould fool but pat drtppeij the telephono ilka a hot potato and fell to his kqees in dismay whan fho heard kuther o halloran s voice anco again now i hour you perfectly patrick f for every use about the houjse for washing floors and lino leum washing woodwork and windows for the many uses about the house surprise wears well- washes wellin any water end is soft on the hands itwi- its no joke when you have spoiled your baking by using poor flour vou can always bc 8m re though if you use ex celsior brand flour we take no chances in the making and yoti take no chances in thejovking when yoq specify excelsior wastry flour dt unbsay hill street acton ontario wittv retort in his necotlocttons aubrey do vure the irlalr lkft tolls an amusing anecdote of the learned head of one of the cambridge college scholar highly esteemed this muster for his learning bul the undergraduates thought him as dry as thu remainder biscuit after a voyogs one day two undergraduates in tho college library wore discussing the dryas dust ways of tho venerable toad their irreverent criticisms wert overheard jbv pompous fellow of thn college who said in his inflated style you arv pttobably ignorant young gentlemen that the venerable person br- whom you have been speaking with such levity is ono of the profoundmt cholars of our age indeed it may te doubted whether any man of our agu lute bathed- moro daeply l the saoral fountains of antiquity or come up drier sir replied ono of the undergraduate- that homemade taste is one of the features that makes our baking so popular in every household ail our baking has tho homornsdy taste and with the bakers- skill added you cant resist it and its always fresh baked fresh every day and always sold out assures you of the cholcesr of baking fairbanks bakery phone 116 mffl street acton success leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbing heating ttnsmithlng tho success of work in scores of home and business places in acton is a guarantee that we aro in a position to assure you satis faction we will appreciate your otfder and will s execute it with promptitude main street actop empire planhtmu mauicld ljghtnlnf wmtfrtuhl th emplr 0 barns 100 value pmnatmnt supr4tti convanlwyt tlahk coratrtktlon truufi mn bam la mkntmcally bunt intactodngpiaolu giving anorawnitrinmh dhimial bradnattiraughmit campulaa ttructui wild at a nek ama t whiiataaml tha bapvlait oirpt aha autwanl pmum t hay and grain rraoounoadby nilnaara tab thattronimt typa 1 haot n no abatmctlng erau baamt ferana ato- all intarhir la cuwr rloosskaqfldaal to watk im qgr our prices for your barn juat ml injemth and width and akw ttrlyaa vw want and aay whan sau whjvabably naad tha bam thb will net bind yau n wway fir ab tumm aanaraaly aur tareew empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles ftandanla af quality far myaara iusswy our aarlaneail tjrivicarbfry h at ywi and can lv yau real halp the niatalllc roofing co limited avan4favharara n toronto advertising guts cost it isnt die cost of advertising that interests you primarily what interests you is the cost of belling advertising is one item in the cost of belling but only one store overhead ib another money tied up in goods is another you cant tell where yon stand till you get the total hcore froni the adding machine the total cost of selling governb your success if this total can be cut down by mak- ln gllie same overheatr o ve r rtiore husi- ness and by keeping your capital at work bhowiilg faster profits whatever does this is money inyour poeket it ib ad-vertit- ings function to d just thee things m i m hams- 4 v e ja

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