Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1924, p. 4

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vtf a the 1iouk or sty acton 3frrc vvbb mmur wlclcd town weaklu ol oolarlo t11e actom free press i publubad vry thursday rooming at th praa prf bulultne fill slrrat aon ontario tb rfobactiptlo pile la t per r in advanca pbataa m clurccd additional to office in lb united state the data to which aubacrlptiope at paid i indicated oa i addreaa labal advertising ratesvtraaaleijt edwtlee cent 10 canta p una agate omaaur for irm crtiofl and 1 cent pr una lor aeh aubea- qucot inacrtloq contract dlaplay mttum men if for to tncbea of mora par annum il ote per inch aact inaertloa advaruttnt with out epaclfic dltactiona will bat inaerted tiu lotbld and ctvarid accordingly telep110nes- editorial and bualacaa osea keaidc ol pic want the british empire exhibition hi majesty king george in opening the british empire exhibition at wembley london last week appropriately recalled its tgrcot predecessor the ex hibition of 1851 hold in hyde park behind the latter was an idealistic motive especially emphasized by prince albert it was fondly hoped that so aplen did an assemblage of the products of industry illus trating the economic triumphs of great britain under a policy of frcotrade would give a powerful impetus to the caruso of world peace and hasten the era of unfettered international commerce quaint but good bocolled government control the daily papers report that a crowd estimated tit 25000 people stormed the doors of a montreal brewery last friday night where each person calling was given a bottle of beer to take home and each was served with a free glass of beer the crush t get in tho brewery was so great that pohce reserves had to be called out the crowd included many women vith children in their arms old rqen walking with qrutches young women andmen actd persons in all walks of life thousands of persons lost their hats and ninny suffered large rents in their over coats it is estimated that 5 000 failed to get in if that is the kind of government control we are to bo invited to accept in lieu of the ontario temper once act well may ontario people pray from this may the good lord deliver us thursday morning may 1 1924 p editorial r i the coming fall fair in th6 old days at the public school here the master who was a latin scholar drilled incessantly into the pupils the old latin phrase tempus fugit with the translation time flies every thoughtful person realizes that time roll its ceaseless course the time for acton fall fair will be here again before we know it in about twenty weeks the date will bavo been reached president woodhall and his board of directors have matters well in band and have in outline a programme which if properly carried out will mean a record breaking fair but they cannot do all that is necessary to be accomp lished to ensure the success aimed at it might be well for readers to stop a moment to think about whose fair this is frankly whose fair is it it belongs to every citizens of the four townships ad joining acon if it is your fair it js your oppor tunity what are you doing or intending to do to make hefair of 1924 a great success you may tey that you do nor know what you can do and so if will not be out of place to mention a few things which you might do first of all you would encour age the management a very great deal if you would call upon mr w j akins tho new secretary and v pay h your one dollar membership fee for 1924 why should there not bo 500 hundred or even a thousand members once a member in good stand ingyour interest wjp be aroused and you will be anxious to know what else you can do make pre- if1 parttcon to take an active part if you are a farmer dddl at once to have an exhibit of gram or live stock or both the lady of tho house may be good with the needle or with the baking cabinet with the preserving kettle or the butter ladle or with the ii covers every woman loves or you may be a vege fffable specialist if so prepare some entries along your a particular line you may be a chicken fancier ex ttiibl your best thero is a flower department exam- ine the prize list and pick out the contests that 7ini iritereat y most and get to work at once if you c riavptb guard your exhibit you must start now if everyone would assume a little persoaal responsibil wit ty prepare say two entries the fair would be c vnejhundred times as valuablo to the community suta it would be if ten individuals made all the ex jvhibits remember now is the time be a booster kv p dot be a groucber rk kvl f curtailing public expenditures representatives of the boards or trade and sqrambe of c f john new bruns- wick to vancouver british columbia at a national econijtny conference field in ottawa recently passed this important resolution jrtjc whereas we have the greatest confidence in v the financial stability o canada and in its kji ftlture development nevertheless we feel that thp feaent burden of taxation is hampering t p f business preventing the influx of copitali and im y migration and therefore retarding our national progress it is recognhusd that consistent with y apollcy ofrigid economy there must and should be expenditures on public works necessary for v our national development but there should be 5jt pa expenditure which caonot be justified on the r basis of national requirements and sound bus npfiyt nesa principles therefore be it resolved that the national economy conference representing vftkvi i the commercial interests of canada as expressed through boards 6f trade and chambers of com merce throughout the dominion urge all gov omments to unito in an effective effort to curtail public expenditure both as to capital outlay and administration costs in the judgment of this conference economies can and should be mado in administration it is for the governments to r say hpw theso can be best effected but it is be sieved thqt much can bo accomplished by depart mental amalgamation and closer co ordination by tho adjustment of staff and working condi tions to present day requirements and by close study of every detail of administration including such matters as tho puol cation of reports whose l may not justify the cost the conference requested the peminlon govern ment to consider the sdviaabjlity of calling together ri representatives of the nfnh pndlf tioverfltnetlta to determine whetheraubstabuijttalwntlifajotal cost of governing jthoohtss1j r closer cooperation and tn eltm9p4fridnuql tlori and overlapping in tsa0- i ornottt ton oconohtj 1 9 kft njwoa ilaeandja km rural mail carriers salaries considering the fact that the ruraf moil carriers pf canada are obliged to provide themselves with conveyances for the daily delivery of the mails they are the poorest paid civil servants in the country their remuneration is less 4han that of the average laborer who has no outlay beyond his clothing for his work tho rural mail carriers have united to request from tho post office department the follow ing 1 70 per mile per year as salary 2 per mancy of occupation during efficiency and good be haviour 3 statutory holidays and two weeks hoh days each year with substitute supplied by the de partment these requests are fust and reasonable this would make tho average salary about 14 per year in the unttejl states the men who are doing the same work receive 75 per mile per year two weeks holidays and two suits of clothing the request of the canadian rural route men should in all conscience be granted it is due to these faithful servants of the public in their own interests every rural route carrier should unite with the association and press their claims upon the government editorial notes parents teaching your children to be careful is part of your business many motor accidents woutd be avoided if the danger of playing on tho streets were properly impressed the ontario safety league directs especial attention to this fact last sunday was lord s dpy alliance day throughout ontario in hundreds of churches the tjaeme of the fourth comrnendment was presented in timely and forcible sermons it is an historic fact that thjo countries which have disregarded xir abrocat- ed the sabboth have invariably lost power and pres tige v amendments to the budget promised by hon mr robb whereby exemption for children under the income war tax act is increased from 300 to 50q per child is welcomed in all parts of canada this further cut in taxation for the present fiscal year will add a very considerable amount to the cut of twenty four millions previously announced canada will receive from the british treasury the sum of 8 000 000 in final settlement of war accounts bqtween the two governments the british treasury is returning to canada at the same time the 67 000000 of canadian bonds which were received in the early days of the war as a loan but were never marketed the securities being used merely as collat eral it is gratifying to learn from reports presented at tho annual meeting of the ontario library asso ciation that during the past year ten more towns in the pravlnchacbeen supplied with public clfculsl ing libraries ontario now possesses 460 such insti tutions which is asserted to be the largest number in proportt6n to population in any country state or province in the world the new arrangement between canada and the united states by which stolen property of residents of oncdountry seized by the custom authorities of the other may be returned to its legal owner is a sano plan and should be effective one immediate effect will be to release a large number of auto mo biles stolen from united states xitirens and smug gled across the bo dor ontario s requirements of liquor for medicinal purposes aggregated in value 4 840875 during tho qscglvyetr ending october 31 last according jp tho adnual report of the board qf license commission era just issued my what a cure all some doctors must consider booze to bel docs any other drug entering into physicians prescriptions for all ail incnts combined cost one tenth of this sum thousands of students at the high schools and colleges are now reviewing with a view to the june examinations all their work is leading up to the securing of an education what is education may be asked education is the formation of such habits of thought and action as will enable us to uye sanely and happily o know how to make knowledge when we need it and to be of real service to the com munity of jvhjch we are a part the beaverton express entertains little doubt as to the jewa of tho sane and intelligent cltizenery of ontario when it comes to a shown down the loud yapping of a few interested ones which is con stsntly being- dinned into the public ear itrgetjttb keep themselves in the limelight is not in any sense aynrrjtomatlc qf public opinion but rather the source ijfqlsgust tho purpose being very transparent the flojtemperance act is all rights a proper effort it u all that is necessary to render it with possibly an amendment where its rtdail s s oft- rnsflu with markbd charactora nmoni the cloryymen in the remote imulm of statiand w icr itownup mjopt may- lub foun4 wboiukv never een a rmltroed or a alflu ttmlth of oumfrtuotv wu one of title fllaam he wee rector of the plaoe or half- century and hla recreation wu to excavate the bone mammoth the hyena the cave bear and the wld horee out of the cavvrn vhere they lied onoe lived bmlth a appearance uepjoeted on of the old patriarch tell ell pro portioned etalwart eye uknh aa ef hawk a intellectual haad and ample beard in fact when hla photograph was exhibited in a atore window chll drcn iraaed u it with awe thinking it u picture of the tfther of the katth ful tie wa fond of natura in every form and knew the habit of bird beaata nahea and reptllea he waa a be maeter and walked about to aatonleh hla frlenda with hla handa covered with live boea tby knew htm h aald and never a tuna- hln hla favorite jnqulry to a trancer waa have you aald your prayarat some ladlea accompanied by oflloera at the army vlalted smith church a ftmnll old lichen end ivy clad edl i want to aak you a question aald will you dwiwrr net en if we can have yob aald your prayere to dayr yea beelna tho orlcere sntllnc out of th way he called them luck and aald did you aay your prayerp oil morn inar we are aahamed to aay we did not they answered frankly there m grace in you after all aald the rector if you axe aahameft of yourselvea ao kneel down on that rave and aay the lord a prayer with me the offlcera knelt and thanked the old man hie favorite doa uaed to follow him to church whare be remained during the eervlce keeputa verv quiet on belnsr remonatrated with the rector replied why ahould not my dog come to church t he la a better christian than half my jwrlshloneral at an autumn evening aervloe he came out of the chancel carrying a very thin candle 4a there waa no other light in the church before i begin my sermon aald he i want to apeak to you on grail tude for the bleeang of artificial light we are none of ua sufficiently grateful for small mercies this candle for inainnce and he held it up letting tho grease drop from it to the floor the author of- random rooouec tions of some noted xhainea aay that hla preaching waa quaint and sometime beautiful he would take a flower pot or a bird neat or a piece of old pottery or an eastern lamp or avea a foaall bona into the pulpit it as an illustration and then hand it round to the congregation one sunday morning the jeason for the day wa the narrative of the daughter of tterodla dancing before htffodu ho commented on it instead of preaching a sermon fjfimpadent hussy dandinc to amuse old debauchee in hi cup so when neighborhood news- town and country ocorqetown the firemen made a good job of flushing the pavement last thuraday evening r mr and mr j il roaa spent easter week with friends in kleaherton w4 havo beenaaked to warn the boy once more who have been break ing windows in the arena building that they will be urpeatoutetr if again found damaging the building in any way at a apeclal meeting of council the site for the soldiers mumorlal waa choeen and work will bo commenced on the preparation of the plot aa soon a possible the alte is the triangular plot at the corner of quelph and main street herald rockwood the new realdenoe recently vacat1 bymr ralph caaklnette has been pur chased by mr walter mawllllama alias resale jardlner spent the ean ter vacation with friends t niagara palla she is back on the teaching staff at acton again t the sale of the property and houio hold effect of the u te mluea mcnabb waa held last vfeelc ijhe home was purchased by mr malcolm smith the rockwood choral society o over 71 voice under the able leader hip of mr o r martin gave a very excellent rendering of uanneys beau tlful iaater cantata the rcaurrec tion in the town hall on castei monday evening milton a l hematreet has mold hla brick dwelling and t on the south aide of the town to a w oaaley mlaaea eileen and freda harrison went to washington u c last weok on the excursion mrs h patterson and family left milton lui wnek to sail on tho max burn on ualurday from bt john for scotland mr jl b scott ha gone to renfrew to visit his daughter mrs j i maude james vaughan ha been prpmotod to the position of head clerk in the freight oltlce at the c p r elation to nil the vacancy caused by the re ignatton of mervin davldaon who bought a confectionery bualneas in oihawn reformer sold debauchee in hi cup so whei hod alght enough of her he promla d her whatever she might ask to the half of hla kingdom half of hla king dom indeed why he had not half nor a quarter of a kingdom to give it wan not hla he waa only a trlbu tary of the roman emperor so she asked hermother and wh should a young lag ask if a man promhtee to give her anything but her mother bo her mother told be to aak ror the head of john tho baptlat in a charger what a dead man had ln dlshl a pretty sight that for a young woman a pretty sort of mother thatl so- you see that between thtun both they daaoed a aalni heaj on there were some fashionable peoplr in church who had eomt over from the neighboring pariah of tenby the urcachef gave them a algnlfloant look und then delwenftl the application now mind ye good women where you dance and how you dance and with whom you dance for they tali me there la dancing going on at ten by that would please herod a good deal more than it would either me or john the baptist now don t dance your souls away whatever you do with men s head which i dare aay you know how to turn with your caper- when bmlth waa on hla death bel an old friend cam to see him dear friend aald the dying man let us aay the lord prayer together aa we have ao often aald it- we ahall soon not need it at all ready made axioms bualneas neglected la often lost aboye all that i am not a coward the btll dog win because ha hangs n a merry heart doeth good like a high interest generally mean low tiourlty xmi yourself and not your frlenda paalt for you there 1 nothing in the world worth dulng wrong nun true wealth la the good be doe for the world when apeed aacrtnce safety twerv batter to go slow to be of use in ih world la the only way to babappy jmpoaslblutt are merely the half hearted effbrt or quitters happiness 14 neither a vetd right nor a self aiutaftibjbjt tat ty a cusftomar cjrndad w harder to b won than a strong elty the biggest room in jtn world t the room for improvement rclng everlastingly on th job beats currying a rabbit a foot for luck if you see good in everybody nearly everybody will aee good in you no one t ueele in the world who tighten the burden or it for anyoit else the man who says b never makn k mistake probably doen t know onu whan he t thriy who foraak the law praise th wlokod hut auch aa ksiw the law content with them iw just stonkd his namb t famuu preacher mada a neat score on one occasion against an anon ymous correapondent whilst in hla pulpit on bunday mdrnlng a note waa handed to him by the verger and upon opening it he found scrawled acvp a ht qf paper the word foot lualng to the occasion he exhibited it to hla congregation and said in my time i havo received rauon anonymous correspondence in which the writer has written the fetter but forgotten to sign hla ham but hero la a strange thing a matt has 4gn6 hi name and omltt0 to writ the letwrl burlington mr and mr harry bleaslnger have returned home from florida mr and mr r lajigloln arrived home from florida last work looking hale and hearty after their sojourn in the sunny south about one o dock oh sunday morn ing last flro destroyed a garage owned by w t bigg freeman together with a ford touring car and a truck the aum of 36 wa realhied at the rummage and home made baking sale of the clara k moore mission circle girl held on saturday afternoon laat it wa a decided huccas in every way by a vote of the town council at its regular meeting held on thura day qvenlpg last after giving the treet signs by law two reading the previous meeting defeated by law on lu third reading mr walter oaken returned from england on monday where he spent the past few month work la plentl ful in england but wages are very low while living la high wedneaday night april 16 inn wilt go down in history a one of the greatest event of burlington iodge no he a f a a u when th diamond jubilee of the lodge wa cele brated in a moat atttng manner over 20q masons were present which lu oiudm visitor from twenty on slater lodge from hal rim county hamilton and aero the lake rev ju jhapmart a former pastor of the local bnjfuat church who for the pat year hair been supplying freeman mission haa been called to the pastorate of the heapeler ihtptut church he cloaca hla work at mlaalon next sunday evening and ume hi new duties in heapeler the orat sunday in may oazette greek to her exchange quote the following conversation between huaband anl wife she suddenly ddrese him what are you reading ao absorb inglyt it a new scotch novel ohl criea th wife with on thus lam im ao fontr of those dear dla lect things do read me a little i can 1 understand itr ahe repeats loftily well i should hope anything you are reading need not be greek tt met no but it might be scotch well go on read jiuit where you are ta aee klapie said duncan douce y 1 might hae mair the matter wl me than ye wad be splerln alb 1ms ma van 1 a bit dustit on lm hearln the poobtti thuddln in ma ear an ma toonue is ctavln whet it sud be gaeln an dlv ye no hear the dlrlln o mu hnitl an fuel the ahakln o ma bond thla day gin i ga gltmpae o ye aalr hlrplln like an auld mont div ye nae gtlea what the ateer hlnney wl out mo gaeln it mair wordar stop i stop for goodnas aket whaljn the world la the creature try ing to eajrr ilea making a declaration of love a declaration of love i thougt i wa telling a lot of symptoms t his doctor not fair two tlttl boys who had been nuua lit y all day were told by their toucher that they must stay after school and write their names 600 imea after the other pupil had gone they fall to work and for several minuter wrote away without a ajund thoi one of ttfero began to wtcb the other ihapplly why don t you write tommy t asked hi teacher tommy buret into tears tlsn t fair lie ami i between hut tub hla names l and mines bchluttermey err just be q lad i t be life la too ah rt tyr grouchun 1 glad too busy counting bleaalnga t 1 be audi why llvo in i rlaon gloua o u lifer and make no life flgur just u cluhert hem at- lowfr und folk an 1 sun ahlne gqld standing in line for youthy say llehol 1 1 open wide lire a portals an 1 pur joys eafoldl woeorg w tuttle 5prtw acb the handy man about the houso can always find something that needs doing theso spring days and he can always and the euip ment to do these little jobs with in our complcto stoclc carpenter tools oardeninq tools paint bru8he8 paints varnishes munesco let us help you in your spring repairs and cleaning activities w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario service for the motoring pyblic walter kentner main street gakage a first class motor rocchanic prepared to repair all makes of motor cars promptly tires repaired and vulcanized best grades of gasoline and motor oils supplied at reasonable prices air and water free to all motorists room for storage main street acton garage w ikentner proprietor to the farmers of canada to the men who till the soil and who there by add to the wealth and prosperity of canada the lank of montreal extends its complete facilities and the helpful coopera tion of its branch managers la all parts of canada the bank has con veniently located 1 ranches to which farmers regularly come to discuss their plans and seasonal reourernents with the managers small accounts arc wtltmgty handled l d 8horev mahaoer actors branch bank of montreal established overioo years v- 7h the car that tackles every job when a tnaw needs n car or many job he turns instinctively to the ford tounng can pnmaruy tho ford tour ing la a family cai and as such hnu estab lished a splendid reputation of service and de pendability but its uaciul- nea does not end itwtw there you will nan a r i uvaordiii lind the rord iba numi touring doing llof lw uvery job tliat cars have cvn bcit umd for mak nig the quick run to town on urgent iutuiill taking produce to murkt and upplien buck home dahiii uvcrydiing in lut that u util ity cur ltt called upon to no and it docs them ull quickly eco- nomicully and wi t vu tuiiblactpruy a a your car rvk at real car lor work utw and recreation lou 1onl onuria s445 taw aura see any authorized ford dealer i cars tru business directory dr j a jvlcniven phyalotart and buroon offloa nd raaldanc c ir nor uowar avanu and elfin fjtr lonb as pr e j nelson vnrttmuf c hthkidt aoton ontario legal fhon no 22 p o uox ts harold nash parmer m al barrlaur solicitor- notary public co nvay a no r etc perrvman block acton out monkv lknt ov moiltoaaeh houra ft jo to 5 pro haturtlaya 1 oo o clook h g mfir barrlaiar bolloltor notary publlo qaorgatown ont dental dr j m rjell d d s l d a dantiat honor qraduat of toronto tjnfvar- alty the uteat aneathetld ud if dealrd offlo mx realdonce cornar mill and pradarlck strt dr f o gollop dds l us danial 8uroon ome ovar nnk of nov scotia boursu0 to so ejvenlnat by appointment miscellaneous franos nunan bookblndar aocoui t booka of all kind mad to rdor periodical of trvary deaeiiptloal carafully bound rulln neatly and fromptly done wyndhjro btrt ouajpb ont over will bun store ta e p bowman ol s b a he amfjc land surveying and j engineering 10 douglas 9t guelph succaaaor to thai d a ntvan o l 8 i hon si oinco lyi lit t7tw dr a l price chiropractic electrotheraipy 130 upper wyndham street guclpb ovnr 11 y at txj lonto cosbtrtttion 1 kfce r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yoara fcjcprtenoe acton v ontario bale animated to il j kerr ra calva attoi ton from ditto of liatlaa- u data of villa uat yuur aalss with me itealdince itower avenue aoton phone 30 aoton call at my ejcpenaa guelph business college oiyrru up t lut clerical llualneaa sinn tiuhy au 1 h crotnrlnl cnurs d ly iai rt ax pnil ntnl t ifl ru htudfttt iny intci u ij luy wuit 1 oil iml ohm vtion r milton jiiiidiui 7 out ok 10 headaches aro cvikod fr in iyu attain if yiu nuitor fr ni liu i 1 idi i y u utfht ti iu tstton tho t ull ii of y ur uyim rtii with vui i mi n nor i ml j n i iu illy i i it o liolp of uium utl a d savage otoirtatrlat a mfg optician bavaue optical dull llnu u at tha poat oilc quelph optomatrlat to 0t canadian paoifio railway co the old and reliable granite and marble wotkn wa ara manufacturer ant dlro importers af all wnda of monumental and nodaton work w eell illrao to our ualtomra at wholesale- prloast thus ssvu1k our cuatomera 40 per oant wa hava ui beat appuanoes aod tb only osehsnios in th porolnlon wnp can oparat pneumatlo tools proparty in omit ftrs rirnoea ftoro bundrtds of dor guajtomsrs in toronto antfrqtbst plaoss wbaro tbrs dsts to hsv law u1u to bra w oolltu w hv tns isrssfit so4 bast ataekot qrajtlu u tb dmnlntf t nors tnsn any thrss damlart tn tbs- wl w are leftlu- etttsnraaai a ajpipioy o aseota inrv at paat ouatomac 4iwuit aauoit l smnlor only meohanioa tmton n sons bs

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