Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1924, p. 5

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y fflfttv arton 3ffrge jlmm tjiuithday way 1 1324 ole88ed are the merciful for thev ahallodtain fc mercy lit kind to each tin kind lit nil lie merciful in erory hour to cat nnl don unl insert small wltliln tho compass ii jour pownr keglnct of cam ir cruel blow alike hrlng suffering to tho luiib tho thought of nu li may hring you woo u rt lily hour bu mo itomomlmir this 1m truth i ttluht yo folk who hly for plcnauro allll a clod in iiixmiimi to create- hut ctn u fool ran strike and kill i ion ponball hoe twenty years aqo from th luut of the free prats of thursday may 6 1004 wlhl rtuwcm urn now plentiful in tho wood the niw iilhdh on tho couacl clmralmr uro un attractive and much- ivihj improvement iioven now members ware uddou to ho membership roll at tho com munion norvluo ui ho methodist church on hunijay mom in if twelve or flftoon mom hem of tho wuroun institute wvm to jcorgutuwn yesterday to bo tho gutimtn of tho ladles of tho georgetown institute tho increasing business of the liusy store ham necessitated tho put tin on of a delivery rig and all goods uro now promised within thirty min ute of receipt of order burlng tho wook thomas bennett old to j j holland tho commercial motet the price paid vru about 13000 w j iturophrlos has aold his property on church ijtreet to david lll0tt for 700 donald mcgrogor has botsjht tho thos perryman jr pro perty on cluirch street for 900 ant will shortly move in charles mason boa purchased tho brick cottage on brock street which he occupies norman mcleod has purchased tho quittner property on agnes street for 860 mr adam cook hue completed the muoni npplo whipping during tho last eight months ho has handled and shipped nearly 4000 barrel died jenneit at 2 oak stroet johns- town n y on tuesday may 3 1904 charles is jenncr aged 30 yean holmes in acton on monday may 2 1104 sarah agnes nolan wife ol h r holme agent o t it ber 4eth year thb sunday school lesspn for sunday may 4 1024 t1ik fall ok this noittukun cintldom 2 kings 17- 018 v clolifoit txt turn yn from your kvu ways uml k up my command- monls and my statutes according to mil tho law which con unanded your father and which i nent to you by my norvan s the prop he 3 kings 17 1 always remember to keep fit to shut fear and worry out of your life to be loyal to others to hold your reputation as sacred to be honest and fair in all your dealings to keep your standards high to cherish your friendship to be reliable and trustworthy to cultlvato good habits to avoid forming bad habits to save something tor rainy day to deny yourself injurious indulg to- minimise your difficulties and magnify your blessings to learn everything possible about your business to make every day a redletter day in your life to be always improving something somewhere always bettering your beat to have a worthy aim and live up to it to uct live and work in the ever- present roomont to make the most of your time tal ent and opportunities to be tolerant of o there and their weaknesses to be mindful of others interests and not always thinking of eeir to avoid evil companions and to keep in an ambluonorououig budim- phefe to close the door to un unhappy past and start life anow to try loves way in every tiling and let jealousy and hatred go out of your llfftt to put beauty into every day beau tiful thoughts beautiful deeds beauti ful work to be selfreliant and ruady to us- lumo responsibility i to take time for study and selfim provement no matter what your uge to learn to enjoy things without owning them requisite on th farm every form er and stockruiaerv should keep i supply of dr thomas ec lee trio oil on hand not only as a ready remedy for ills in tho family but because jt is a horso und cattle medicine ofgreat potency as a substitute for kwdu oil for hnrst ami cattle affected hy oollo it fur surpasses anything thut can be administered eyebrows tell tales according to experts the eyebrows speak volumes us to our stats of mind beneath tho 2000 hairs comprising the eyebrows many or our inner secrets lis hidden eyebrow formation is the work of years pleasing expressions are gen erally acquired in youth being a con centration of many smiles joyous thoughts und contentments of mind- gradually each emotion of the mind leaves behind soma impression und the eyebrows uro shaied accordingly 1 this forms the basis of the latest mod t cut theory that a growth of short bushy hurs in the space between tho eyes indicates a gradual weakening- of the mind on the other hand peace and arch ed eyebrows go together when straightened with u frown however it portrays a mental storm in joyous exollemcnt there is n general upward movement with a gradual drooping downward when op pressed the nearer the eyebrows are to tho eyes the more earnest deep and firm the character the more remote from the eyes- the less enterprising und forceful the owner to manage bio saskatchewan farm douglas hill who cam to canada from lilrm ingham hngluud whvn he wus is years of ng luu been up- pointed manager of the looou acre farm operated by he scottish co- operative wholesale societies t hughion saskatchewan being select ed from a ust of nearly 100 lopllcants on arriving in canada he took work on a farm and learned the business thoroughly and he and his brother now have ono of the finest farms in the gilbert pip ins district of mani toba in nil view position he will hav 7c to 100 men under htm ilughton is on the saskatoon ualonlu section of the csnadlun national hallways tt r praises this asthma rmdyka grateful user of dr j 1 kellogg asthma itemedy finds jt tho only rem edy that will give relief though for tbhrjeen years tie hud sought other hat yours at needless suffering may be prevented jo using this wonderful raniwy at the first warning of troublu its use is simple its cost is slight sfnri it cgn be purchased almost anywhere th text esplslned verse 9 high i luces considered holy und used an places of worship because of features of nuture which inspired roverenon such as spring vlows treen mountains high placet wrn not xrullar to tho hebrews or even tho hntnltlc people when tho hebrews entered thn lund of canutin they took over from the canaunltth many of tho high places used for tho wornhln of ifsjtl ami asturle jnaklnu llttlu or no change the joking over of these high placos wiuraocijmpanieil by tho lklitf uvir of customs of hani worship so 10 xsherlm 1lural of ash wooden pole or post of symbolln nlgnmrance in ihjnaanlto oultu probubly iiymtkouo of the goddess ashnrah onn of tho hrathon olo- ments incorxralod by the hebrews in tholr worship vers 13kvll ways the- lan guage recalls deuteronomy and jore- mlnh the sins for which israel is oondemned- are a tho building of high places pillars and asherlm b idolatry c making thrflr children pass through the fire and using divin ation and onchaptments iso 2 d walking in the sins of jeroboam 1 kings 12 a statement of judahs sin is added in verse nineteen ieake verse lhthercforo jehovah removod themxtne ood whom they had forsaken permitted their captivity that the experience might teach them the difference between ills service anil that of their despotic conquerors verse 19j trlbo of judah jeru salem was in the territory of benjam in and some benjomlto families must have been incorporated in the south ern kingdom but the tribe as a whole went with the north skjnnoj- lessqn themes tho peculiar power of idolatry it soems strange that israel had such constant and continued conflict with idolatry it was strange also that after a reform they so easily roll back to their former estate there are however certain explanations of these discouraging facts as mentioned in a previous lesson idolatry had various polytheistic forms and was widespread in some instances it was fostered by royalty for state reasons in other cases it was commercialised and was preserved and promoted by greed some cults as in baal worship there was a strong and vicious appeal lust and with them oil and often blending the motives mentioned the superstition always found in the ignorant mind a popular delusion it is a popular delusion with evildoers that they can do wrong and got by with it tho principles of cause and effect are no less real in morals than in physics the laws of nature and grace are equally rigid in the coso of a com munity or nation the operation of the law of cause and consequence is as certain as with individuals tho northern kingdom had existed a mttlc more than two hundred years nine teen different kings had ruled and of most of thsm it is recorded that they did evil in ths slght of jehovah now the day of reckoning was reach ed th assyrian exile was at hand an ancient writer declared that sin and its punishment are riveted to gether no double code of conduct an equally popular and equally dangerous delusion is that there are two ethical standards ono for the individual in tils conduct with others and ono be tween nations the golden rule it is said will do betwoen cltlxens but not between nations its practice between kpvernmcnts might lead to n world court or more dreadful yet to some sort of n league or nations an early phrasing of this delusion is ttho old declaration that corporations have no souln rrom the first the hebrew prophets declared one ethical standard for individual and collective llf that standard was the commandments of jehovah- jehovah testified unto is rael und unto judah by every pro phet and seer saying turn ye from your evtl ways and keep my com mandments and my statutes accord ing to all tho law which i commanded your fathers and which i sent to you by my servants tho prophets with prophets the same righteousness was required of nations as of individ ual men the hebrew prophets knew nothing of a double code a split mor ality there was but one standard of nduct und that wus tho will of al mighty ood for study and dlsousslon what internal conditions contributed i israels downfall t explain the power and persistence of idolatry what was the attitude of the prophets toward itr who mid sot an evil ex ample before israel in the jewlsl home who was held most ceaponslble for its religious instruction t is em phasis on paternal example needed today 7 can a nutloti be permanently prosperous and in the highest sense successful without high religious and moral standards t what is the outlook for this country in this regard t dally rssdlnqs for nsxt wk monday muy t 1 kings 32 19 tuesday may l kings 22 1323 wednesday muy 72 kings llj 4 thursday jtf ay b 2 kings ll 912 krlday muy 9 2 kings ll 1317 saturday may 102 kings 11 18- 21 sunday may 11 psalm 1 fishermans luck good business laughing too much wo nover elect hod to uuy post of importance he doesnt win the con fidential regard of the boys bocause he laughs too much ive never seen ythlng yet that he could not joke about lifes just ono great big bur lesque 16 hod is it osslble to laugh too much life is a mixture of sunshine and shadow theres always trouble some where as there is always joy else where why not keep the laugh lor for fun und good times but meet the troubles with brae courage without repining but with the grave uurnest- iisms thut thoy donmndt lettt ivo the serious times u surene fsuo and be reful hut to jest at them for such jesting is tie keynote of insincerity the foreigners synonym the ilosfss thank you so much mr krashorfskl for your beautiful playing what do you think of the piano t the pianist ah maritime ldo not in english know how to politely ex press but if it were un uutomobll it is what uty call it in america the elisabeth of tw worms ur enoourugod by morbid conditions of th stomuuh und bowels and so subsist milters worm pow ders will utter these conditions almost immediately und will sweep the worm away no destructive parasite can live in contuct with this medicine which i not only u worm destroyer but a health giving medicine most beneficial ui the young constitution when you see s dsskrlbbon jockey essting the fly on th french rlvsr exhibiting th skm of a nlpigon trout you may knew him for a dood business man homo men are stump collectors somn plnybolf yet others go off across tho rid in anarch of big mime bomo nt hidden ttroastiros whither of an archil ua logical tinturn or tho raw ma terial as found in tho canadian mliiu to soma man thana thlntrs am merely hobbles to others u living fiomu businesses und uomo occupa tions call for a broakimt down of th- castiron partitions which wo uro up root imtwonn what tho world ih pleased to call i living und i hobby when wo have work oil for some tlnii at earning a living wo are apt to bo suddenly uwaro thut xomething of strength something of utnrtneus soni virtue has gone out of us and in order to got back wo set ubout ru- creuiing that lost strittith ly nuturo man is not u specialist yvt wa a i know to our coil th t udonuy nt modrn hucmesslifu lr to make hlm so the pressure of bsslnrss of which we boast the syntum tbu com petition of which wn think so highly as to be always in pursuit of it is in reality a jugernaut a florcti feudal overlord of the worst type since we uro in bondage tct it without knowing it we actually take our chains lov ingly to our hearts sometimes tho awuknnlng romen li the form of u rudo shock a physi cians dictum hut uk uftun us not in quite unother form thut subtle uml yot tangible shock rucilvoil whuii nont younger fresher mind uouio morn chit of a fellow beuts us ut our own gam thut is th uwakeuii ihu hurts hocuusa wo know ilmt at the club other men urn saying ku down in the job wheixus llio truth l stuck to his job not wincj but tot well would be u much nearer tho truth when civilization hrst began pressure when business first began to be so intense we felt we could not leave it the number of vbreak- downs was terrific hut just about that time wo begun to see that to go down and out was not playing the gam but surrendering aurrenderlug not altogether to pressure from with out but to weakness within a failure la stundup ajralnst fearful odds- u no x pec ted lungos and so wo began to cast about for a moans of strength that 1rnstrongtli of norvo which would stand uy nquaroly under ordinary fire and rise liko a walltrimmed ship to meet the waves of unexpected storms this thtdg has been thought out and acted upon as a positive condltloi modern llfo and business we may say within the past twenty years and more irmly yot within the last teq years men now go away end ipave their businoss at least onco s year a no the wiser take a vacation not only in lummor but in winter as well the noro intense tho business the heavier ho ire tho greater need for re-ln- forclng that strength which is burned out the greater need for the gather ing up of new ideas so when you see a business man t hanker or railroad president or a com pany official or any other deskribbon jockey casting the fly on the french hlver or uxhlbltlqg the skin of a nlpl gon trout sketched on a board pleased us any school boy who has carried his bat nut at cricket or kicked a goal for tho school toam you know him not so much for ugroat sport as for a iiwmi business man the very fact thut ho belong to those who get bacs to nat uro wins your confidence you know him fufo mun who has thebusl- oh situation of the day in hand ono breast oven ahead of that nurciu in the affairs of on a live wire competing youth lis hlni victoria i lay ward aunt manthy wins i loans yo nice flnn corrn beets cnbbagoff t totrta loses opputls swet palntltocs nhrlsli otutlioas sang aunt ma ti thy on a warm fragrant summer day in eastern carolina a musical score with nbtes written in the bass clef is needed to show exactly how she intoned tho first vuge tables of tier call then ended with k tune of her own composition any southern town resident or vlulur will under stand many visitors were in town on this summer dayind young colored manttiy was doing herself and the towtl proud gjneatliig her own past records of longdistance shouting llor practiced peddlers voire could be heard for three blocks quite a crowd gathered about hpr curl on market street a fat policeman winked at tho crowd cleared his throat and address ed the colored woman uow much are your tomatoes aunt manthyf nickel apiece yelled the woman gimme a half a dozen said facetious policeman handing her thirty cents as he took the tomatoes he winked again at tho crowd and upoko in loud ofllclsl voice aunt munthy youve just sotd m som tomatoes kor some time youve been selling vegstables around tow but ive navel ucn your license have you one you know its ugumst tho law to sell without a llconsol turning her buck to tho lntoreslod crowd aunt manthy lea nod against her dilapidated old cart and finally from under manifold layers of pluk and whlto skirts extracted a soiled and worn paper heahs de on ilea lahcense ah done got she said ah guess bits all right the policeman examined the papers noddedv his jovial head and gave them back sure theyre all right i was just joking with you for the benefit of the crowd here are your tomatoes too i just bought them to catch you in the act of selling on the highway i cant use them as i dont keep house olve me back my thirty cents ahu gin yuh uh quarter tub dsm well give it here after th tioimutctlon as the crowd was dlsitemlng und the policeman was walking laughingly away aunt man thy called in her stentorian voice came back heah cop dlnt yuh jus sell me des heah lomatsea on hi heah highway dln yuhr den come on wld me roun tuh de station house ahm golrt tuh liev yuh fined fuh sellln tuh me wldout uh lahconsj come on to the amusement of the rollowlns crfovd and the consternation of thi embarrassed policeman she did who is iibrc tldo which boost fellers boost dont let younmlf say ono iii wortl een though that word bo true for youll und it will net like u boom erang and land with a kick on you each pessimistic word you speak takes the placejif n old on thought the world is thn loser und so are you vor that one ill won i you brought ps m ijuutatbd bv sunwinftdustcindebs skdmmimmd sots st otumsutl osticiaks it pays fo use martin senour red school house paint for barns and outbuildings it has no equal vimte to mwd office mootnaj ar ivm bookkt home hmmtiric maoc easy sold by w d c talbot absolute protection whatever comes by insuring four ways with a north american life policy you can provide against every possible misfortune which might deprive yourself or your loved ones of a secure future income such a policy pays four ways i death t 2 accident 3 total disability 4 oil age thus with a 10000 policy under this four way north american life plan your beneficiaries receive irt tho event of your death from natural causes 10000 if your death is accidental your heirs receive 20000 in case you arc totally disabled through sickness or acci dent you enjoy u monthly income of 100- and nt the sumo time your policy represents a saving for old age when lessened earning power will reduce your income we will bo glad to send you full particulars about this absolute protection policy north american life assurance company solid as he continent v c walls dbtriet manager 50j505 bank of hamilton bide hamilton onl 1 would liko full particular ubout the policy that pay kuur way nnmi 1 addrcsri affo occupation worms cause fret fulness and rob the infant of sleep the great nourish er mother a raves worm eat tormina tor will clear the stomach and in testlnes and restore health fulness getting acquainted in his recent ufe of dret harte mr t edgar pemberton recalls i story which turns on the typical wes terners gift for humorous under statement in the authoraarjy days in the west he spent a night in an inn newly opened after he had got comfortably o bed he was aroused h the noise of scuffling and shouting punctuated by occasional pistolshots below f in the morning on going down stairs he found the landlord with bruised eye a piece of courtplaster extending from his cheek to his fore bead and yet with a pleasant smile upon his face taking his cue from this harte said well landlord you had rather a uvely time here last nighl yes admitted ths landlord wit a deepening srolle it was rather i lively time do you oftrfn have such lively times round barer continued harte em- boldened by the landlords cheerful neas well no the landlord replied re flectively the tact is weve only just opened yer and last night was the first time the boys seemed to be getting really acquainted no surgical operation is necessary in removing corns if hollo way coi jlemover be used sowing petunia seed muny failures are encountered by outdoor gardenef in growing petunias from seed irpare the seed bed hy taking two- parts of any light com post or leaf mold thoroughly mxed with one part of clean sand sift all through a fine sreen with the mix ture nil oats or seed pans presslntf down the soil to a fit surface evenly within two inches of the top give a thorough soaking after water has seeped into the soil sprinkle the pet unia seed evenly over this surface but do npt cover with soil to prevent t tacks of fungi which might easily kill the youngpetunla plants sprinkle the newly sown flats with charcoal it place a clean pane of glass over the flat or seed pan and in the day time if reached by the suns rays place a single sheet of newspaper over the glass to prevent burning- at night and in dark weather remove this sheet of paper avoid carefully all exoess of moisture as soon as the seed sprouts say eight or ten days if kept at a tem- iterature of sixty degrees take off the pane of gtsas entirely the young plants should be transplanted as soon as possible into oat boxes spacing thsm an inch apart shortly there after they should be put into twoinch or threeinch bots or set out in the bed v it the seed is handled right most of the seed will germinate ants will carry off the seed if they have ocess to ili snails will eat the young seed lings a great many in one night for this reason seed boxes should be piec ed so that snails and ants are unable to reach them most of the loss of seeds occur in this way we would ggest in this case that the seed box placed on small blocks of wood the blocks resting on jure ur pans and tho later containing etthsr oil or water ths unta and snails are unable to cross the ul ur water and oonnoioontly can hot reach the moil j kjcurtor lre- idant of the ontario horticultural society sug be l theyll manage all riqhy in one of glasgows rtnalylaldout cemeteries a rich ulttseli who wus jiotorluus as u skeptic hud erected a massive mausoleum on what he termod tils ancestral plot oob day he met a worthy eider of the kirk coming away from the vicin ity of the imposing muss of masonry so he said to him v dauvlt yevn been up seeln that gran erection omlnt deed hlv i elrt gey strong plaoe that isnt itl jill take man u his tlnitt tao rise oot yon at ths day o judgment hoots ma mun said david y can gle yersel lltle flish a boot risln gin that day comes theyll tak tho bottom oot ot taw let ye fa doon an oil that is fstnooe though canada was not the birth plaoe of dr thomas bcleotrio oil it ht the home of thet famous compound from her its good name was spread to central and south america the west indie australia and new zealand that li far afield enough to attest its excel lence for in sll these countries it ts on sale and in dornand railway time tables at acton no it and cracks r y would make a dingy room bright and attractive ley seamankent hardwood floors notice thi transformation your rooms will fairly shine with cheerfulrrcs3 and comfort there would be even more hardwood flooring in the homes of canada if it were realized how little they cost measure up your roams and let us tell you what it would cost to refloor them anyone handy with a saw- and hammer can lay seamankknt flooring over the present ones in a day you will be surprised at the low cost and delighted with results jdecide today to aftolish dust alivers and crude seaman hardwood flooring sold dv j b mackenzie whynot take advantage of nur spocial offer in hard- wood flooring t no 1 oak at ulrfl per foot and no 1 illrch at 0hc nor foot plus 3t govt uules tax thoso pricet are for cash pure ha no only if booked r will h uddod norman meleod manaasr phone 48 chevrolet is easily within the reach of all never before in the history of the auto mobile industry has such car value been possible and it is possible now only because the chevrolet car and chevrolet business prin- dples have been so universally and so favorably received chevrolet production has as a result rapidly grown in volume until now chevrolet is the worlds largest manufacturer of quality automobiles chevrolet quality is more than apparent for the more closely chevrolet is examined and the more severe the tests demanded the more con vincingly is chevrolet quality demonstrated and proved moreover day by day continuous service brings out another- economy equal if not greater in importance than chevrolets remarkably low first cost chevrolet is more economical to operate than any other car built and its main tenance cost is the lowest in tho world investigate chevrolet yourself have us demon strate he model that suits your needs we can arrange terms that will surely fit your circum stances gsls t j ask about the gmac deferred psymsnr pimn fisher king uepeesentatives foe this section call on them at georgetown or write and thev will call on you castoria mother i fletchers castoria is a iiannless substitute for castor oil paregoric tcelhiin drops niid soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in anm ami oiilclrcn all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea rcguli bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and no 31 no 31 no 35 no 3d no 30 no 34 oolno esst no se no 38 no 24 runday i 013 em- i03llara 230 pm cob p m 830 pm 1 020am 708 cun 1118 am 3311 pm e17 pjn sfsjmn 708 pan toronto audurdan electric railway westbound no no no no no no lv3 n 61 85 80 h 40 am 1140 am h40 nm 1 t40 pm r l 40 pm eastbound no no no no no et gk 63 88 j 743 am 104z am 142 pm 442 p m 742 pm- 8undav timetable westbound es s3 ii 41 n m no z 940 pm east bo und t 80 64 si no 243 pm no frelgbt delivered by special express rrebjht irrelght picked up at an adv- dress in toronto el t thetford agent acton 7 out of 10 headaches are caused from eye strain if you suffer from headaches you ought to question trie condition of yqur eyes often with vision apparency normal ces greatly notd tle help of glasses a dt savage optometrist ev mfo- optician bsvsge optical building right at the post office guelph optometrist to the canadian psoifto rsilwsy co t gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main strket acto alxuuot m fflrjoimokdsrutst tjoronro canada acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pa8trv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble uenuy awuey manager natural sleep- without to avoid imitations alway look for tin- ugiitur ekpve direction i rath padpr lli u iui very where recommend it get your job printing at the free pressli this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deservo your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario ivvi s-

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