Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1924, p. 6

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v1 r ilinln mlrrudp ant l jrl if t tir lllnwmi 11111 1 lis in 1i1jhii 1 married mliill al llochehler utlm lu april 13 1m4 it- to w otadstono hu titiimirr mill or ur and tor musluwtd atfton viso jam h ai the methodist jer on wednesday april 1 10 4 1 lli charles hackett jiwnlux king jon of sir and ur it v kind nrhfamweya to marion all idest daughter or tho u william ii ml mm jamm of actxm died ihm f af iiih homn in junlph on mmtduy april 27 1924 john m oun i t nmnagnr of the canadian hank of commerce ugnd 70 yearn mai ion at her lain residence nun mikvoyh onkrlday april 2c lt24 helhtcra hmlth widow of the lali- jnmtm mho itoevti in her 80th yuur i 1 i ne1c al th- house of provld haturday april 20 162 itov john joseph knny nlhh itlewl forrntrly of acton in his 7ml ycur ajhrrtnn 3 tse ilrrab thursday mat 1 1k4 another practical example alllaton cemetory operated under perpetual core la now moat attractivo l if upiriilutliin u th unl mi cnn lury lou 1m prulmltlv twrauiui of the in iimii lompcmjtil tho it i lli lr habit of auylntc jul whui thoy mi lolng y u tli j iimo n rln metric of lo pinii it m 1 1 mil it itul fium tltna to tlmn i impruvuntmits which lr lu iium inudu tho alllutin i of iik llnomt in thlu purl lr an i tnurh uuperior in to iitout of thorn the hvayii lionn ntokrt hut huv ftct tin uintrnfui aril lory on of tho ouuni funds hav brief local jtems april ended icatordai clean up and plant garden seed vdi for gardening in real earnest the trout fishing season opens to- dayllkhl saving f into effect in toronto on huntley in every rank treat or amajl tla industry supports us all tho radio crows in popularity more outfits aro being i natal led tho moat satisfactory nubatllute for coal la tho mum spring weather a few hours of goodwaan rain now would make things irow rapidly sunday was a glorious spring day the mercury rose tp c5 in the ahade the tennis season baa opened on tho courta of acton athletla assocla- the fields of tail wheat hare an xeoedlngty promising and attractive appearance now tbeao are busy days the arm- era generally are encased in seeding asifl spring plowing b direful plunnlnf tho mrtnbora of tho hoard have boon able to keep with in their means unit ixrudmilly ui i nm pllnh their ndm in uomo nrtuen youru thi y huvo omplitcly transformed tho uppiuitunco nt tic lumiiti ry from t luther rough buryliu ifruuml to llio pronnnt tidy and attractive resting place of the departed auln tun union crmotnry haw grown uatniiulilnbly in fuvorwlth tint pcoplo of on ilutrlct on ull hiloa of tho town uiiil in i ho pual four or dvo ytturu hua botn muni to thr wlinost total xclualon of churchyard burylna groundn by tho poo pin of tho four town ahlpa contlsuoba to alllnton und in th townahlua of mono and mulmur in tho adjoining rtiunty of ductorln ilarrii and nawmurkot txrvi tho neuroat plocoe that have remoter i oa ul all comparable to the one here and tho dlvldlnff ii nee betwoen thoae two towria and ahlaton will ultimately be tho boundary lino for the territory ecrvod by the came tery in this town the cemetery board has been far aeelnc onougu to reallao thla and havo been loylnc plana adaquate to future requlromenta bamo years aa perpetual care plan of belling lota wan adopted and alnco then ovory lot that haa been sold ho contributed its sum to the perpetual care endowment fund liy careful invoslmont tills fund has been preserved without tho loss of a single fart hi rut and in the past decade has grown till it la large enough now to produce in interasl a sum that will long way towards keeping the cemetery in order during the summer months and defraying the expenses of modest improvements tho major im provements are all financed by capital outlay from the genoral funds of jjie administrative board these ffjnds have also grown to considerable portions during tho past decade ui now the executive of the cemetery company feels that it can undertake an ambitious project that has been the ambition of the best friends of the cemetery for years this is the erec tion of a mausoleum on the cemetery grounds news of local import properly tu k hi ii ntuto of mrilml w told to mudo ly it hantli in mill ktroi ulan ui t hi longing h havo rj hllln memorial servc at glen christie vh 1 ild in hurt tt oloi a ill 1 h i chris tin iroilku iiinl 1 nu purl mr i in hlllfl ul tlm llllll of unapulor riiiiu 1 t hrlnllo mr flnmhln niul sun inudcd tlie crvlr t f thu into mr holoa mr ice for oakslit utlointl n n cocnlx il more outh your il 1 nner if the the dust from mid street has been very trying the past week that new rocoalink oannot come too soon mr john ucdooajd or the third line shipped a bog in a farmers co operative car which weighed 70 pounds six baker at welland pleaded guilty before magistrate goodwin on tuesday with selling ebortwebrht bread a nominal ho ave dollars with costs was wrmfm the social evening of acton lodjre of omngemen last thursday evening was largely attended and a very en joyable time wta spent communion service win be held in th methodist cburob next sunday the sacrament will bo adminlatsrvd at close or the evening- service the directors of the tjuelph halt products company wboaa plant burned out on april 16 entailing a loss of appr sjoofto have decided to rebuild numbers of the homes in town are making improvements to their prem ises these days new roofs new dormers and other windows new steps new walks etc 7ho members of acton lodge of odflfflllqwwill observe sunday may 11 with the annual church parade and decoration service rov mr stewart will preach th ifttum mr leonard atkinaon has leased col ballantines farm at tho corner of the seventh lino and acton cross road ho will give his attention prin cipally to jraulbtrajains- j m iuff for twentyfive years m of the bank of f ouelph died on sunday after a long wneea mr duff was hlgjtly esteemed he had many friends in this commun ity acton baa run out of surplus houses again notwlthsttandlnj- that about twentyfive new ones were erected last year none are now available for rent al families ere doubling up all over town v a successful year annual meeting and election el of hpf of the methodist sunday school flpere of suburban si tho cunalhun ipg oakvlllo moi this year prumjaom to b llmo for improved rumors uflout fy ut ull rellnbl mir town will bo tlio terminal for an hourly suburban cur nnrvlro between hero and toronto tho iitoratin bath ry uir will likely bo tlm muipmoiil unl ror thin servlto the tlrst muvn of thin im proved soi vce nimim into orfoct on monday uuy t whun tho ituhont unn car will inuvo oiikvlllo early onough in tho morning to iimd busliiess mru in the otfy on ilnyllfcht timo htur 120 voices at dsansry choral an intnroetlng ovnnt among tlit anglican churchcti of tho loanory of haltqn will tuko place tin ascension day may 28 when tho combined choirs of tho deanery numbering about 120 volceo will meet in bt george a church georgetown for tho purpose of rendering u choral festi val servloe a similar event pluco in oakvltlo lunt yrror 1 judo e church und a very beautiful and imprpsnlvo servlco was eld tho itecentor on this occasion win bo the rev c e illloy of bt judos church oakvllle and tha sermon will be proachod by the rev canon sherman hector of holy trinity church tor onto neighborhood news- town and country i limehou8c play the scroggan m divorce cum will ho given undr tho uuspln u of the llmohoun y athlotln anaoclnllon hi iho community hull on i rldny may admission ndullii zlr iilulnn20o hornby mi mil mm o ic hnunderu huve iturtifxt homo o hornby uftrr upend inilhnlr third wlntr hi klorliln ul ijuulonlolc tho furmerrt goiirtill art busy r at spring hotilliig the rtjn 1 u luivu tlrlotl up nuoly i uni now in fair condition jll nab8a0aweya mr a ituiruwti was tukon to th toronto for ten for un infection i having run into it over haa returned homt th much improved mr und mrs iovl llslay hreok vllle anno unco the origugemnnt of their dnxjgliter gludyw lg mr i id word byornuui thi murriugfr to tnke place in mav of icion mlllu who wontarn iiospuul dayu being created i his hand it silver month ago hand being oakville mr a if bishop the gardener haa completed his second greenhouse and has now u large quantity of bed ding plants ready for delivery he has named his place fairvlew nur series mr t j llaonlgmn of ouelph will address the members of acton hor ticultural society and tin others in tares ted in growing gladioli in tho town hall on vvdnesday eveulmt may a nearly ull boys like to go on trek- jng trips camping out with tenia pitched near ruunlnjf streams and breathe the pinny nir of the woods tho tlmo lias come again for thes pleasures the annual meeting of the committee of management of acton methodist sunday school was held on tuesday evening at the borne of the bupeiin tendent mr a t brown tho annual reports presented re vealed a year of progress the mis sionary offerings of tho school were especially gratifying and aggregated nearly 1260 00 the officers and teachers for the ensuing year were elected as follows superintendent a t brown superintendent cmerlils h p uoore assistant superintendents prank kennedy and miss m z bennett secretary k h vincent assistant secretaries morloy itam- abaw arthur hackett- treasurer miss bertie h speight organist miss lorna kennedy superintendent homo department xl p moore assistant superintendents of home department misses bertie il speight and pern brown cradle roll superintendent mrs h denny missionary superintendent mrs a brown blackboard artists morley ram- sbaw and arthur uackett chorister grenvllle nts comfort committee mrs frank kennedy mrs frank gamble mrs j r ranuhaw toachers rev c hackotl miss m ss bennett miss clara moore miss vlda ramabaw mrs fred cleave mrs h p moore mrs- n f mooro mrs a il oatrander mr b beswlck mrs a xl brown mr w uaokou mr j h denny an incident of vory sincere regret was the resignation or miss lottie el speight the teacher of tho sunshine bible class miss speight has for yers been the teacher of this class and lg greatly beloved by the incm berg owing to prolonged 111 health she felt that oho must relinquish the duties of teacher the cruislno automoblljst some one has said that the family whleb owns- an automobile lias- a cruising radius of hundreds of miles the motor car has given wings to many and they take udvanlago of their opportunities automobiles have cer ktain obligations which nil holfrespoch rng motorist will respect among are tho duties of respecting building compares when lunching on tho roadside in dangerous places never to leave plcnla nlteif untidy or destroying flowers or shrubbery along tho roadway many farmsljes liavo suffered so severely from tho vandal- ism of those who rldo in automobiles that publlo oplnipn has been roused to vigorous protest this has resulted in some places to restrictive measures both by tho owners of such nroperty and tho municipalities in wlaxh they are located fair consideration for property owners rights will be given by all thoughtful motorists r j kerrs sale list saturday may 3 william wella church street acton household effects saturday may 10 l starkman mill street household effects tc merchants are already beginning to paint their store fronts in view of in old hoys hounion ulatcd for august 2 to b mrs w s davis and mlu j cavers are back from florida mr harry glddlngs 8r bos re turned home after spending the win tor in the barbados island mr woodman has taken out a per mit to erect a six roomed house on maple avenun a poller court case on wednesday ufternoon before pol loo magistrate shields was the sequel to an accident on the highway on april 12 when a ford car owned by ilulph grief and a palgn roadster owned by jos russell or toronto oolttdod tho pol ico mugisrratn after carefully weighing the evldenoe with a blue print in front of him ehowlng ihe poel tlon of the two cars after the accident fined mr russell 0and costs total ling 03 b0 which was promptly paid ilocnrd pupcoo good you f cant resist them 2e1iciousls different 62 tororvto a little wisdom hot words cool affection if praise is due pay it if you can t take criticism don t offer it if at first you don t suocood ask yourself why if you can t afford to loose you can t afford to win look- af ter yourself and the doctor won t look after you itow to succeed is best learnt from why others failed rush through life and you 11 came to the end of it far mors quickly he length of a friendship is often determined by tho shortness of a temper if you want to draw a good salary you must earn the reputation of being worth it if you want to see your way to fame and fortupu it may be because you have let no many get in front of you the paunnfttteib for 1924 appointed by esqueslna township council at its left meeting the earliest of wild flowers the hanaticas and bloodroot are blooming in sunny places in the woods the anemonles will soon be nodding in tho chill north winds which have prevnll- d this spring in a week or two the violets tho real symbol of miring will be in full bloom and they will be roltowed in happy succession by i 30 robl ituddult wild asters und fringod gentian with n alex hume 1 m j carton s david cox 3 james sprowl somervluo 6 it moicachern 1 mcqibbon 7 n xredge a crossman 9 d d waldle 10 t p welkins 11 richard joyce lj mclarty 1 f robertson 14 p mclsaao c ci tl 1 f mcarthur 17 alex luwson ik itubt stark a m hume 20 angus lawsou 21 grifflq sprowl 2 w a young chasziurooks j j nellson 16 tho- itlrd 26 ii cleuvd 17 w anthony t mortal 9 w j lliiry their delicate grnoe and sweet perfume natures beauties will parent everywhere the beardmore dump tun aituh vfimm pmaa acton ontario uenllemim we note in your issue of april 24 that you way mr uoardmora said that nu arm would be quite agreeable to allow dumping un these grounds provided the council would instruct the muni cipal officer to see that those deposit ing garbage and other refuse there kept within tha bounds and i od the place in proper order you omitted to soy thlf this is not by any means a permanent permit and that afony time ere hold the right to canoe the oxrangenaent toura truly uoardtnore v ccx per a t beardmore note thu above quotation is from s3 n devuruuux council will tuixi may 10 ui 1 p in 33 geo mino 34 fred cole 3c t douglas 38 jno barnes 37 j lawlor 34 13 erwln 39 w b shortlll 40 bon harrqp 41 j huffman 43 geo cleave 43 thus m ull in 44 alex mckay at h tlsdale 40 james karly 47 w oatrander 4 itobt 1asoii 4b i rogers fco henry may li il h hunter 62 e greensward t3 j c cook 64 w hut ledge 6h k townsend co it mcpherson 67 jus oruiit gu jaw gumblu ts c swuok- hum or bo jos allan ill d mcbnory cj ciihi rogers wwm mulllu noet on monday prince or waiter it is said that when dr oliver wen- doll holmes was in england in 1886 he found himself on tho occasion of u r crush in london at some social function among a great mass of people including several royal per sonages the doctor sat quietly in a corner but presently feeling faint and seeing refreshments in the distance he turned to an elderly personage stand ing near who appeared to be a butler and asked for some beverage tho supposed servant brought it with great alacrity and then said i am very glad to meet you doctor iiahnea lbe autocrat of the breakfast table was a little taken speck and tho stranger added i am prince christian dear mo sold doctor holmes at once alive to tho joko i have not had much acquaintance with princes and do you know i took you for a waiter at this prince christian went off into a bunt of merriment where is my wifet be exclaimed i must tell her this she admlresyou immensely he want off at once to fetch tho princess and tho genial american phjjsopher was soon the centre of a olrcte of royalty greatly delighted bv the incident a wi0e precaution the army and navy require that in war time all gasoline of the socalled fighting grade be colored red tp in dicate to the tnon who hftndlo u that tho fuel le more volatile than the usual sort and therefore mans likely to tx ore seven cents worth of dye w color a thousand gallons of gnsollno lately the suggestion has been msdo that all commercial gasoline be so colored that anyone can distinguish it from water or coal oil i fairview nurseries having added to mir ureon ttarly tomatohh both in iota und iloxes kaitly cai1uau14 cauliflower planth crlkry plants karly and lata lleddino gicraniumk urooniah salvias coria bcandemr stocks astr rs pltuniab vfuijknias l0urlia ally8um celos1as orders taken and lionked all orders delivered wo ure now ublo supply antiulunhhms bcajnoijk colfouri iii2l1thope b mi lax wandering jew phlox diluuuondl cannauon maroubiutfc j1alsams zinnias pansiks hweet william pinks holy hocks oaiaiiidiah delphiniums pyrethumh plants delivered in tlmn for planting box 603 a h bishop phone 64 market gardener and florist all our hats are not j in the window ilunty of pretty designs in spring millinery to choose from inside wo if you do not hon the one you want rome in its no rouhle to hiiow our models and holp with suggestions miss s galbraith acton ontario fahm9 for vale 46 farms in the bounties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sale fire and life insurance money to loan j a smith real estate agent phone 106 aotoa onl mother never gets a vacation a mans work la from sun to sun but a woman s work is never dona so runs the old sxylng new hamp- ahlre checks up an1 discovers that the average woman un its farms works 4 ooo hours u year that is about eleven hours u duy sunday included mother nouer gets u real vacation did it ever occur to you what would happen if ho struck for an eight hour dayt vancouver evening bun honorary degrees discovered 9 sul at kew inspector- reevely m he provincial con- vtabl atklna sa srch for liquor and find a still atmiut the tlrst f hie week inspector ueevoly was udviea that huuor wuu helng dlspuiisnd frinvi u houao near kelso ho took imaiedlato ateps o investigate und ucoom pa tiled by pro vincial constable atklna und conutablu mason of campbell villa procoeded to the home of william hurry armed with a search warrant scrutiny or the premises woe tnada not much uquor was found but a home brew outfit was discovered lu full operation was a still with copper worm and containur sevetml gallons of mash a number of boulits and a good supply of bottlo stopper berry was arrested his still ronfls- laled and the mash desoroyod ii vae brought before police magistrate oputtcll roeutx not an expression of charge was laid he ws remndod t 22 tbs qiupty jail w mlllob u await his kmss wvtaw la4jswtmttdtv tkaal shampooing massaging hairdress1ng marcelung thursday afternoons sunderland house hours 3 p m to 10 p m appointments may be arrang ed with the proprietor rx hodqin6 village op aoton court of revision is 10 be supposed in the judg ment of charity ut loust tlmt collogu degrees arw never conferred in these days except aa they ro deserved this has not alwuys been true how ever und partly for this reason part ly porhups out of u fouling of modesty uomo tneo huvo tihuuned honorary titles almost us ournostly us others havo co ye tod thum judge peters in authority fqr the elutement that uftor lufuytttn had been made it doctot uf laws by one if our collages 1 tar on htauben was in uhtll fijul inst ha vllould moot with u hlmllar muhun having to pass tliruligh u college town where the marquis hud beau thus distinguished tho old warrior halted his moo and thus uddressed thi m you shall spur da homo vll and rldo troo da town like d muijiler for if duy uitch you day uiakti ouedacttlr of you tlo tough old soldier had no rwupout for suoh u diminution than his utrymuii hand 1 who refused accept tho degree of doctor of musla from oxford vat from my money uway for dat do blockheads vishl i im vunt to i von doctor there is a story that lone ugu wlum conge degrees were scattered soni- what lavishly an uulwrate rich man having been honored with a degree by a college which ho had laid under ob- llbatlbn made u wager lhaxhb could obtain a similar honor for his servant ho won tho wagor and encourogod by his success tnoda aiiothur that he could ubtain a dogreo or his horse this tlnie howevor he lost the ool- lege authorities got wind of his gams and in answer to his toilet- requesting a doctorate for so and so the presi dent wrote a courteous nolo saying that though th trustees were very anxious to oblige so good u friend or the college lhuy had found un num nation of tho records that though they hadonoo oonforrod a degree upon a jackass there was no pmcendent fori 414 rrq w uooa vbocs aim april i jji4 the municipal council of the vl lge uf aalon will ipeot nn 11 court of ulsloi in the firemens hull in th town hall aoton un monday th second day of june 1934 ul eight clock p m ah pwson having ay au against the asseesmont toll of tha said village ror tho said vir lb 111 like notice und govern themselvgff cording y notice qf ull appeals must be ro oelved by the clerk on or before thi fourteenth day or may 1m4 dated ut aoton otrlo the 1st day sf may 1b24 u tl fa11me1l 44 2 municipal curu saturday treat havo you tried our homemade handrolls let us mix a pound box for you they aro always fresh and a good assortment of flavors to choose from ask for neilsoos club the better package assorted toffees 2se lb an assortment of butterscotch peanut crisp peanut bar and cocoanut rocks making a wonderful tasty mixture dont fail to take a pound or twp with you on saturday regularly 30o and 35c lb saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb just a real good assortment of hard and soft centre cbocdlates in assorted flavors this is indeed a wonderful mixture of high quality chocolates for tho pricb regularly 50c and 60c lb saturday special 32c lb ice cream yes wo have ncilsons ice cream in brick or bulk all the time drop in and enjoy a fresh fruit sundae or an ico cold soda try our apple pic and ice cream its great mclean g every mother know pure wool gar ments an best for kiddies wear our pure wool oliver twist suits neat warm durable shades nro oxford lovni sand and brown sand and blue combinations look m the price plain colors at 200 com binations at 260 ladies knitted suits sleeveless coals with tailored skirts sold in suits or separate garments suits at 750 coats at 295 s ladies silk hose wucn you want a good pair of hqsc pick out a good maker can you get anything better than holeproof we atock holeproof hose in all shadevat special prices 100 125 150 1 75 and 200 when you want a pair of silk hose do an w do buy he best keep in mind the special sdlirh week on gold seal congoleura rurb may 7 to 18 lea v your order early and n save money mclean co mill street acton ont acton meat market come to our shop for the best meats in town at the lowest prices our fresh and cured meats are always highest grades a new stock of libbys pickles catsup mustard etc fresh pork beef and veal always fresh homemade meats homemado sausage homemade headcheese homemade jellied veal acton meat market orrie lamb proprietor phone 45 phone 65 v rumley acton ontario wool wanted highest market prices paid upon delivery r- georgetown creamery georgetown ontario new lumber yard with builders supplies the georgetown lumber company ltd of georgetown have opened a branch lumber yard in acton and will carry a complete stock of lumber lath shingles sash doors frames interior trim hardwobd flooring hydrated limes hard wall plaster plaster pans beaver board fibre board and cement pc also do contracting and building and will be pleased toquoto you on remodelling or new buildings mr a m mccann is in charge of the lumber yard and mr john miller will have charge of the contracting arid build ing phone your inquiry to 114w or 120- and vou will receive prompt attention the public health citizen are requested to comply with the public health act notice 1 hereby given that all resi dents of aoton are required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water closets outbuildings from all dirt manure and other iub blanco which may endanger the public health and to have the same completed by the twelfth day of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will oammenca a general inspection and further take notice that the section of the publlo health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs between the leth of may and the 10th of november ex cept in pens at least to feet from any dwelling bouse and to foet from any street or lane with doors kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will b strictly pnforoed all ultlaen urn eariioaily requested to keep their premises constantly olea and thoroughly disinfected qlcorob ilardjbit reeve of the muiucspmuty i westend meat market meath for sandwiches youll wuni your sandwiches fo bo particularly nice for ihe flrsl pic nlc ojt the year hero are potc mead bqllti hum nd the bt of meats for sandwiches fut tin and reuiy to put on slices of bread und bptfer making the tpmptinij tootl- somo sandwiches that are lh foundnllon of a pit nlc il- and canned goods there are women who seemingly by maglli arc able 10 hd before their guests a meal that is a delight behind the bteiicn however one will often find a generous supply of prepared foods which make the meal possible moat delicacies which ro roady cooked and consequently are easy to serve in many tempt ing ways fruits vegetables and condiments that havo that distinction of quality and flavor which makes tho simplest dish a culinary masterpiece auction sale a great opportunity for the public of acton and vicinity to buy jewellery chinaware enamelware buy it at your own price wateh our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont c0mmenc1nq rw friday may 2nd at heven oclock and again on saturday afternoon at two oclock wo wh hold an auction stale of ubove mentioned merchandise jno reserve on thete gooda whatever acton bargain store nrt door to tony scynuks mui street aetoa i lv- d

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