Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1924, p. 1

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0 fortyninth year no 45 thursday morning may 8 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning may 8 1024 single copies five centa the methodist church acton rev cha8 hackett pstor parsonage willow st 11 100 n mthi minister hubjact the spirit if th chluv 320 m sunday school 700 p m thu min later subject our mother l iviyioiy welcome presbyterian knox church acton mwstir rsv a c stewart m a manse willow street lloo n m bible cfnub study in matthew chapter x iooo u m bundny school k mothers day mothers cliotr 1100 a m th minis tor subject a well balanced homo 700 p m oddfellows brvln with oddfellow chotr subject of sermon gods order or mnnh ordor strangers leaving address with the usher will be called upon by th pastor altj are cordially invited special notices ye per inaertioa found x4ulyh watch apply at free 1ukhh office for sale about 3000 ruff brick ileasonablo uric dav1h ilo war a von up i i rtfund 1 uana ovorcont owner may hjuve amo by paying expanse apply to fjiank holmes bower avenue many fascinations have womens and young womens coats two special price groups that will delight the economical at 1650 smart styles for street and sports and general wear sires t8 years to 38 bust measure values up to 2250 in this- group marked for a special value attraction at 1650 worth coming to town for right away at 2000 navy blue and slack poirct twill as well as sports tweed xturcs in this group sizes gcthcr from 18 years to 44 bust measure but not all sires in each style values up to 2050 see them this week young women young women just 1675 for a modish suit articles for sale sliver king range cool oil heater and washstand for sale apply a b meleam i uowor avenue acton 1 for sale low and nine tours s weeks old wui cll together or separately auction sale of the houaohold effects of i starkman will be sold on saturday may 10 at two oclock r j kerr auctioneer j for rent or bale house on scene strict acton mrs alger 11 momlchaol ave phono orovor 1930 toronto 46tf good dining room suite a maboard six leaf extension tble five leatherseated chain and an arm chair for aula at a bargain w- f mooney jltf mill street acton suits of navy blue with the jaunty flared boxymodelled jackots that misses and young women like to wear theyre trimmed with braid and wrnbroidcrings v a well as navy bjuc models sizes 16 18 and 20 years regular price tickets range up to 2500 but jill in the group marked for a speoial at one figure just 1675 if madamoisclle is seeking a smart style at a moderate price here is bj good oppor tunity to bring rjer hurrying to guolph mens savings remarkable all the mens work shirts reduced for a special cleara way this week as follows 200 work shirts to 169 185 work shirts to 149 175 work shirts to 1-39- 150 work shirts to 129 a bjuc chambray work shirt special at 100 all the mens pelt hats clearing now to make room for summer straws regular 750 hatarotu90 regular 650 hats for 495 regular 550 hats for 45 regular 500 hatsfor 390 regular 450 hats for 39 nine hundred shirts fine egljgee styles some with separate collars to match fancy stripes and plain color ings regular 250 to 350 values for each 195 mens socks black cash mere from england also plain black and brown worst ed hose a special saving atf per pair 50c suit coses 24 and 26 inch lengths both brown and black fifty in a special this week at each 129 bandsman wanted bam drummer wanted for aeton cltlsenv band must be able to read iptialc apply to p n f moore i secretary yz ban0nstrirment8tauqht saxophone q tart not bra instru ment taught by c wadding ham bandmaster guelph mimical society band vm- 118 yorkshire st que i ph long distance haulinq i atn now prepared to do long dis tance hauling- of furniture machinery to and am fully equipped with ap paratus and truck to take care of thla class of work prompt attention xlyen all orders a el griffs phono 62 or 81 jtt acton ontario wanted ufa company with head office ut t waterloo contemplates opening- an aatncy at acton one representative vwrnnted tor thla locality good oppor- tunltje or right man with district office supervision and assistance write p o box 17b 441 waterloo ont acton creamery i savlnk made arrud4amenui for the dbipoaal of tgf are now in a uoal- ton buytmr the umg providing thoy are atrlctly frna no amall egga nor dirty one wontein creamery open ort tueapay and friday evening during- the aummer moatha acton croamkry 44 1 t j 11raupopetor jxojtfpanlonwanted desiring a companion to help my aphertt of life i taka thla means of endeavoring to nit one matri mony la my object woman applying ravt be about theage of 40 or 60 aa i am 64 years old myself- i am living aldneln my- own house in the city ofouelph applicant please address 4boxjv fkices pkesh office acton ontario jce cream wo have a large assortment of sundaes and sodas on 4ar ice cream menu also ico cream in brick or bulk next jltimeyou would liko a treattqr one of our frcshfruit or palermo bricks i o o f decoration service and church parade all room beni o lodco nji04x 0 o v and vlsltlnjf brethren are re- susated to meet ut th lodgs room on uddav muy 11 at 3 30 oclock and at 900 proceed tq kalrviow cemetery tbvi brethren wjll meet agaln at tho lodjre room at a so p m n proceed 4 kho church for service ut 7 p my h hawllnqfl hec sec wonderland a n faidav mav 9 i enemies of women starrlna lionel tlarryipore a jktwertul dramn by ilie author or the hflur hiruomon com- edy critatlon uy krlond hodgapotlge novelty reel sbootlng thu earth saturday may 10 ratine at 3 p m night at 7v00 and v16 if winter comes frpm tho atory by a b m hutqhlnaon starring percy wur men t us marlc sabre ptioto- graphed in england id iiv ua- tual icones pictured by the anthor comedy creation th- orphan with clyde cuok inoa news prlcoa mailiioe chll- oren 10c adulta loi night chil dren ito udulta ud mmon four piece vorcistra tuesday may 18 thre wise fools a screen versum of the otage auooess chapter 8 of thu haunted valley comedy cra- tlon qoirmuniu coming ileuramouebs k l gregory qn d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs i fading and largest store r weekend specials mothers day why not buy mother a box of smiles and chuckles she would enjoy them or perhaps we have some other line either in bulk or packago she would fancy neilsons fudge chocolate and cocoanut or maple and walnut a high- class pudge regularly 60c tb weekend special 1lc lb j assorted chocolates assorted chocolates in hard aqd soft centres 40c lb weekend special 32c lb quaker kisses the oldfashioned molasses candy weekend special s2e tti regularly regularly 40c lb mill street acton h wiles w will sv you mow if you will li u special purchase mj mens oxfords and worlou boots correctly xtniessyou aresyoicrz eefpwr wwnen guap sup pers oxfords and sandals misses and infants slippers sandals all sizes tennis goods to fit everyone at lpwer prices harry harrison the shoe man new line ot travailing baa and quit cass news of local import 8ale of ola farm itegina may noffotlatlon have been completed for the sale by wilson dros sv their fififl aara farm at harris saskatchewan together with its equipment of machinery lpo head of horeea and a number of cattle for a consideration of about 270000 changes in banking hours the ilank of montreal and dank of nova beat la hare have adopted the usual city banking hours which they will observe for opening and closing on and after monday next tho banks will oiten each day excepting satur day at 10 a m and clots at s p7 m on haturdays they will opaq at 010 and close at 12 noon dooratlan day and church parada acton odd folio w will observe de coration day on bunday at three oclock in the afternoon they will par ade from their lodge room to falrvlaw cemetery led by aaton ctlxeit band at seven oclock in the evening they will attend divine aervlco in knox church rev a c stewart m a will preach the annual sermon promoted to niagara falls mr w j radford superintendent pf tho toronto suburban raflway for tho puat iialf dosen years has bean promoted to a similar position on thu radial railway from hamilton to nla gam fall his removal is regretted by all who have been associated with him in connection wltb the toronto suburban mr cummlng is the dew auparlntandent leaving the old home mr henry bauer loft on monday for detroit with the intention of roak ing his home in that city it li thirtyeight year since mr bauer came to acton with his parents both of whom lived here until they passed away a number of years ago ur bauer settled hare when he was mar ried twenty years ago the family has always bean held in high estssm and general regrat la felt at their romoval mrs bauer and the children will not proceed to the new home for several weeks lewstsan employs form ball tumi the employees of the- local ractory of the j w hewetaon shoe co ap parently believe in that old aaylng all work and no play males jack a dull boy their latest venture is into the sporting world they have en tered a mens baseball team into a newly formed league composed of umehoum terra cat to and hewet- sona shoe factory actqn the league ia on may 31 el- sweeney la charge of ths team they have also organised 4 ladles poft ball team and exhibition games huve already been arranged with teams representing preston brampton blair and possibly thojocal soft ball team a worthy proposal in embryo a new uptown park a wrw street to the schools aifcuuona school property a proposition for a jubilee park to mark actons jubilee the regular shsslon of the council was held monday evening with coun clllors nlcol and holmss present and beeve barber in tho ohamr the ftnanca committee presented their 9th report and recommended payment of the following accounts qsnsral aoeount n mclam supplies geo uonton labor at corttotery bell teuphono co earvlces hydro electric power com- mlsclon street lighting 4 1cs 00 hydro electric ivjwer com mission town hall lighting 4 60 c 00 7 00 a in 31 18 lb 3 00 1100 74 waterworks account bell telephone co services t hydro electric power com mission pownr at spring hydro kleotric power com mission power at pump housa n p mclam supplies 106 s3 the report was adopted movad by f holmes seconded by j nlcol that thu first mooting of the court of revision of tho ajuesamant roll for 1024 be hold at the ronular council meeting on monday junu 2 1824 carried a delegation representing theschool board the daughters of tho empire the cltlxens band and tho jubllaa committee waited upon the council relative to tho purchase of tho pro party known u corporation pond for an uptown park and other purposes mr n f moors chairman of the board of education addressed the council pointing out the advisability of purchasing this property as addi tional school grounds would be needed vefy shortly and also the conveniens of having- a roadway across there for tho pupil from the upper empoy the social and personal mrs joaeph holmes visited frlsnds in liielph on monday mr krnest coles spent i he wnnk- entl with friends in ululr mr g a dills spent a couple of days last weak in toronto miss uaslo macdonald la home from durham for a week or so mr george jlgglna was home from preston over the weekend mrsc boy e bat tram in spending a week with friends in wlnghaci mrs alfred fopcr visited nor slater mrs olaasey at georgetown an fri day mr w hector macdonald is spend ing two weeks ho 11 jay with frlonds mr and mrs h ii warden of gergetown spent sunday at the old home here bockwood haj past week with town- mrs conwatt he gent of the i o d a double birthday celebration a very pleasant apd enjoyable time was spent at the home of mr and mrs wilfred coles church street on wed- nesduy evening the occasion being to colebrate the birthdays of mis grace howard and mr ernest coles tha evenings programme commenced with fifteen minutes devoted to music alter which games both now and aid were introduced and joined in by all a moat amusing and interesting featuru was t the courtmartial by which nil itenona were tried who bad misbe haved during the evening roost of the prisoners enjoyed their sentenoos at twelve oclock u fish and chip supper was served to which all did justice und soon afterward the gathering broke up i numerous signs wlrlioh csme with may signs of spring are all around in tho ulr and on the ground hens are cack ling on the run baseball playing ho begun the rattle of the ancient fliv ver is heard again the torpid liver rebels against balled beans and pork visits by the busy stork increase youthful loyers linger longer pa un covers bis tulip bed while mother switches rugs and thing willla itehe to doff hla winter underwear cfh golf bug buys another pair of knee- high pants the baseball fan starts on argument wheneor hq can hectors got a dose of grippe and a cold sort on his upper up yes signs of sprfnj- ura numerous winters gone so they nra pout humorous an aeton min in quslph jh t gordon gallagher of acton won sentenced to thirty days in the county jail ut monday mornings session of the police court whethe pleaded guilty to the theft or a watch und fob from j n hodgson a locul resident ac cording to the evidence of mr hodg sou hu met gallagher in st imtricks ward un sunday and while shaking hands with htm the defendant ex tracted his watch from his vest pocket- on mlsalng tbs time plsoo shortly afterwards ha informed the the effort to kep warm and com panion philip forbes also of acton into custody on aearchlnv the pair the vyatrhwua found in the possession uf gallagher- forbes had fob when they appeared before magistrate watt this mornings after a night in the cells gallagher ut first pleaded not guilty to a charge of thsri and elected to be tried by a higher court later ha uhanged his mind and pleaded guilty exonerating forbes from al bluma in the robbery a charge of receiving stolen properly lodged against forbes wa dismissed there being no evidence to oonvlatu the watch und fob were returned to their owner mercury rum from south am wo dr and mis t 15 j farmer reaohed home from their visit ut several months at asuncion paraguay south america last wednesday afternoon during their trip to south america und return they travelled an axgr- gate of soma 2ft00tf miles during their stay at the capital of paraguay they were guests at the united stat oousulate their soninlaw hon digby wiison w the consul at that point dr and mrs farmer war un fortunate in the tune chosen for their visit january february aniuarch is midsummer in that country while we were burping ooal profilgately in in tha effort to keep worm and com fortable they were sweltering in palm beach clothing with th mercury up to 110 most days the doctors in terns ting letters in our oolumns gave inlor ting facta relative to tlje coup try the t war not flattering- bu in bis private talk ths doctor la pvn morn forceful la pointing out tha undelrble feature of lb city ha vlsld rpclfha iu ipw moral top ua insanitary conditions its poor type uf nvlo and federal administration and h gnrl unattraatlveneaa dr nd mrg farmer ylsltdblu d janerlo ynd dianoa ayres gnd found these quim ff a nuohbjhr lyp el on behalf of the committee read resolution that had been passed by tho committee pointing out tha ad vantages of securing this property the following points wore brought out in this resolution 1 the necessity for securing ad ditional school grounds und that this property was the only piece of dealr- able ground near tha present school property available and also the con venience of the nearer route to school 3 tho securing of a beauty spot with accommodations for bathers and the possibilities of making this ground ideal as aa uptown park s tho desirability of securing i suitable place for open air bond con certs whore saats could be provided for tha public and children would be safe from passing traffic und in time q i table band stand erected 4 the possibility or uslitg certain marshy sparta of tha property as dumping grounds 6 tjint shade troes were now on tho property and with little effort it could be further beautified with trees hruba and flowers a the land now routed by the school board as u playground could be glvsn up and this stretch used tho ice privileges would over come any loss of taxes derived the jubilee committee was willing to expend 46000 in tho improvement of the park providing it wore named jubilee park in commemoration of tha fiftieth anniversary of actons incor poratlon the societies represented and other societies no tfoubt would unite and were willing to undertake the task of majnlng the spot beautiful without expense to the ratepayers rve barber expressed himself am favoring the proposal for securing tha land for school grounds details would have to be goh into however mn mjason pointed out the pork im provement would cost the ratepayers nothing the committees were ready to improve the property and make it a real beauty spot hb ulso spoke of the possibilities of the place and the advantages of having it for school purpose beeve barbef pointed out r that through rumor about town he liad expected the commluoe would put 1700 into the purchase price of the property mr mason explained that if this money were put into the purchase price it would leave the comrntttee ith less than nothing to start on and nothing could b done to improve the property for lomn lime councillor holmes when asked his opinion on the purchase of tho pro perty said he considered it ths bast opportunity sine his term in the council he pointed out advantage to the town of owning it und com mended th societies for their help in beautifying acton in various way councillor nlcol expressed hhnself a favoripg the idea and thought the e- lsrprlae very laudable- representative of tha proteato- graph company addressed the council pointing out the merits of hi machine for protecting the council against check artists moved by f holmes seconded by 3 nlcol that tha council purohaao u cheque protectogtuph from tho todd protwologruph co for 30 oo or from w harris thalriprenutlve carried the council ordered that ctiof mnc- phrsou bo supplied with u imw pumstt suit councillor nlcol thought work in ths cemetery ought to bo marled at one the council agree to oom- mnos work ut once und put a couplu of men at work trimming trees and improving the roadways ths clerk presented u petition from resident of frederick htreorrequet- in a continuation of the sidewalk on the- northeast slduf the strset tor sixty feel to th mcmillanphilips property council adjourned at 1016 p m r thf private secretary the comedy th private benre- tary presamvd in the town hull on monday evnlnef by the young peoples society oftil georges church george town proved that he members of the cast re amateur uator uf ubillty th part wna all skilfully inter- pretad abd this old kngush alassia sd popular with young aolars delight ed the mudlencfl rev h q l- uaugh the rector of ht aj bans under whose auspice ths play was given welcomed the visitor in very kindly terms at the otoea of the play the young ieople wr hospitably antertalned at th pariah liojl i mrs macnell of boon spending tho friends hero miss cdna krelger of waterloo spont the weekend with her friend miss nellie reesor mrs a johnson of toronto spent tha weekend with her parents mr and mrs a reesor mr a kn nna win u in hamilton sjxvndlng ft tow days at the home of rev w m and mrs kaunawln mr w i worden went to toronto on monday to spend a month or so on some special work for mr baardmore mrs g thompson and mlose vera and doris of hamilton are visiting at the home of mr a reesor lake avenue mr and mrs william wells win have been residents of acton for i number of years have removed u chicago mr and mrs g a dills and francos and mrs macpherson motored to kll- bride and spent the woekend with relatives there mr and mrs charlea allan and family went to windsor last week for the summer mr allan jtu secured work there at his trade mr and mrs jack ball of toronto and mr elmer maklnnon of brace- bridge spent the weekend at the borne af mr o w maaalee mr and mrs fred babcook mr francis and bjiss eunice of milton spent sunday at tho homeyt mi and mrs william landsborough mrs john denny mis caroline ryder miss edna mccutcheon and mr harold swackhamer spent sunday with mr and mrs fred ryder arkell mrllrt aibbons who has been seriously 111 at the home of mr hugh mccutcheon for the past month was taken to qoelph general hospital on monday for treatment mr and mrs adam taylor gualph announce the engagement of their youngest daughter guinevere mary to mr qooffrey hotcnenee wood only son of mr and mrs q h wood of toronto the marriage to take place on may 14 while in georgetown a few days ago tho editor had the pleasure or a pleasant chat with john langan psq for forty years grain buyer uf george town station mr langan la father of mrs william arnold acton he is tn his slut yoar mr und mrs a t brown attended thu sunday school anniversary- of north parkdnle methodist church toronto on sunday mr j m fern- ley a graduate of acton methodist sunday school la jhe superintendent of this large school and has been for number of years the schools roll of honor for the month the exn ml nations of the pupiis of the public school were concluded lost week thenamesof the scholars who won honor standing are given here th parents of tin- pupils or acton publlc school will scrutinize the fol lowing honor roll with keen interest senior fourth gladys scarruw 343 ada mills 33c frank cook s34 junior fourth dorothy camp boll 33s muriel mo- comb 277 dorothy macpherson 277 total 400 m 7 bon not i teacher senior third meryl orindoll 300 phyllis howard 306 gcorsa cook 343 total goo d folator teacher junior third marjory garden 12 allan mar shall 477 tommy gibbons 476 total 600 mrs m it- moore toacior second 4 isabel bruce 336 churlou holmes 325 velma blair 324 nora water- house 311 lorna mccomb 316 frank winter 316 total 360 i andorson teacher junior second kathleen cook 414 dllly jonoe 383 esther taylor 376 senior plmt jack memullen 367 kiln woods 3s9 jack watorhouse 344 total coo olio b armstrong teacher v senior first cjoorgo moloxxl 204 marguerite hoszel 182 doris holloway 176 total 20 junior firs harvey hassard 215 teddy han sen 105 wilfred mccutcheou ibs total 250 n anderson teacher i first class eddie fooitltt 10 dorothy mcar- thur 18 gertie kerr x7 senior primary victor white 10 hurvoy hodglns 14 hurry buntk 13 total 20 ii qardlnsr teacher njews of local import aeton soloist win mr lowjh in r ont soloists won tiuo ii a a tenor solnlst festival held in ilium last week over itevut clans took purt in mr salt aacompu piano t honor placa actonu promin- tul prise in cltis at tho musical iy hall toronto i thousand musl- tlui compqlltlon tied mr low la ut bpsclal train to general assombly tim canadian national railway will operate a upoclal train to owmi hound for th general atniemljly on wo-lneji- duy june 4 tiilu train will leave toronto ut liio utnndurl time stop ut acton at 140 und maim owen bound ut c co p m the train will liavo dining and parlor car police court news two o4 hs vouna man who attended the recent assembly fined for bslng intoxtasted chief macpherson tieartlly with those li is mrs suit wife of mr t j salt a bride of laat june arrived from england on monday to join her hus band in the new home here ur salt has made many friends since ha came to aaton and these will all be unxlous to make mrs salt feel at once at home here acton defeats g wv a toronto in in exciting gsmsi of footbsll here on saturday boor 31 tho weather on saturday afternoon was not very favorable tor a football match toronto vets were about an hour lute on arriving and the gam was started in u steady rain which ntlnuod throughout acton was the best team without u doubt perry scored the first goal of the gome toronto very soon equalised from then until half time aaton continually pressed and perry scored twice from good pass by mochrle the right wing- half time score acton 3 vets 1 there was no interval the teams changed over und resumed piuy im mediately aqton again prossed and e continually around the visitors goat the forwards played an excep tionally good game and the halfbapk line win in good form- the state of ground and ball however mad piuy very difficult and the score re mained aa at the rastart jon account t the weather th game was shorten ed from im hour to t hour result acton r g w v a 1 next week aatun play conkevjlle ut oukvllle after tha kama last saturday thn acton team entertained the visitor at clyde bastauranl r coope rut ing charge of tho social functions held from time to tlma in tho town in tho effort tn allmlnati- thut class of imirsons who uttand and nra found sb be under the influence of liquor attho danco hold here on the 25th ujt the chief removed two young men from the hall one of whom came from ouelph the other from bramp ton they ci me before police magis trate moore for trial last wednesday uxteruihtu uoih were- found guilty und flnod tluoo and costs each both of them wore profuse in their regret for their conduct and offered to write to tho aavara of the junior l o d el apologising for their unseemly conduct when the outh win administered the ouelph young man sold ho hud a couple of glasses of homemnda wlnu at home before leaving for acton and this tivaa what affectoil him the youpg fallow from brampton swore that he had bought a crock rrom a man he did not know while driving through qeoigojown on route for acton the night- of the dance a seaxlon of the police court was held at georgetown on thursday af ternoon when two cases of the high way truffle xct com up for hearing russell wheeler a youth of less than sixteen wa charged by county con stable marchment with driving a motoe vehicle as the minimum age at whloh a person may lawfully drive car is is years the accused was fined 3500 and exists john farmer came charged with driving his motor car with 1931 markers he was fined llooand coat j lb rusaoll of toronto appeared before bollce magistrate shields at qakville on wednesday of lust week and was fined j50 und costs for rock- lees drlvlnr on apriht this was the case in which ralph grists cur won badly damaged und orrio croxall re ceived u bad cut over the right eye iouls ieuren cheerfully acknow ledged that he had been drunk when ho nppeurodjn police court in guelph monday a he hud been fined on a like charge before he was aasessad 136 und cosiii gualph morcury an austrian resident was seou in toxicated on the street on sunday evening by chief macphorwon who charged him with the qirjnce tha de fendant and his wifo both pjjore hu was not drunk when ut tha trial oh wednesday as chief mug phono n had summoned n witnesses tho court only hsu his unsupported ovldonce unit the case was adjourned until friday evening whan additional wit will be present acton flower show th annusl metlng dl4d upon wednesday august 20 for thla vssrs show the annual meeting uf th acton flower show wuw held on wednesday nlng last there was a fair at tendance of members and others in terested the report for last year wub rud und showed a satisfactory mate of ultalrs ofilcers for the present ymf wtra elected as follows president muck mcdoniltl 1st vicapresdenta mochtit 2nd vicepresident oeo green secretary treasurer p beriven directors mrs j c nelson mrs j mcmillan mr n f moor mrs e t thotford mrs bishop mr holloway messrs j w jones j k gambia itomshuw j m savage h pur- goter b t thntford thu date of the show this year wus axed a august 30 young peoples leutfu omoere eleetsd on monday evening for ths ensuing vsar at the meeting of i hoi yuuiuf peoplo league of the methodist church on monday evening tho of ilea rs fr the cuming year weru electud ua follows honorary president he v churluu haokett president mi uw mlnulu lluiiimtt 1st viae- president mikh clara 1c moore 2nd vlteprenlduiit miss vltlu ramshuw 3rd vice president- morluy itulil- mhaw 4th vlcplusilhll xilh gllu it armstrong hocordlng hetretury oruiivlltv masaleu corresponding bumotuiy miss h malam treasurer miss clara bavage musical convoner mus juuilo v mason iluulstmis adah k oktrunur assist unt iiunlst miss lornu iin- nody the prugrumntu uf the uvenlug in cluded musical mid llturary liumberu and a spirited dubulo itesulved that ull w utile u sflould have tlieli hitlr bob bed tho uirtrtnutlve was urund by misses olla ii armstrong und lornu kennedy while major kunnudy and earl it vincent look the itegativu the arguments wuro inturestlng und umusldk u both sides the judges uwurded the laurels to the negutlva debaters llumomuda tuiiulles were served at the close at the prugraizun th methodut ldio aid tim iinnuui uuiiitliur of tlio ljillev aid of tho mitliinlut uliunh wsu hold on tuesday uttnrmioii liitoreutlnir to- ports wore pruuuiited of tho year work the lluunclitt ulaudiiitf of tho society is vety uutluiuctory tha of ficers far thu cuinltnf year woro elected as followa s preidcjumrn john c noleoiu vice president mm jum mooro secretary mrs ii p moore treusure r ales fred cleavo i vuitlng commltloo mrs frank gamble und mm hannah johnson pursonugo mru ii h holm on mrs g ii brown und mm uobt scott th psrrots frtendly spirit mrs thomas porryman of brough- n has sent tim fiuou piuckh tha fol lowing interesting incident one lino warm day ravontly i let my parrot out of the cage he wuu walking uround enjoying tha freedom ull ut onco a robin appeared on the scene jaoko went up in a frumdly way unduuld hallo there thu robin udvuneed a little and tho purtot utood his groujid and said motlieru jucko after o few friendly chirps hud buen exchang ed tho robin went down tho path and jucko watched with ureal interost and called out well goodbyo wa had a hearty laugh und noted tliat jacko exhibited a friondly spirit falthful ofolal honored mr william tytler for half n con- tury connoctad with guelph public schools first us principal of th col legiate institute und for tho lust 32 years astublla bchool inspector was signally honored monday afternoon when prominent cltuoua members of tho bourd of educutiun oat- pup un and pupils of the colliglut institute pre sented him with a hnnduomu portrait of himsotf oilu tho work uf j w l forstor tho prominent portrait ar tist of toronto hon hugh outhrlo occupied tho chulr and city clark h eudluy mudu tho prauu nation while u nuuibui uf hi let ouluglstio ad dresses were dullvtied mr tytler rb- centiy tdslgnud un hoctoiury of tho hchool board un olllcw ho hud occupied for ilia last hz yearn he is shortly to recolvo the degrco f ll from toronto university mr forstor und or a- h a cohiuhouii deputy min ister of education wero luoseut ut tho un vailing cam 12000 miles to go fishing the most entiiualustlo trout tlshur- mun who patrolled thu trout streams of this locality on muy 1 wimurtd j fa mi or und noriu wero more suc- ceaaful and dr futiner deservod his uucceis lie hud truvelled ull thu way from asuncion puruguuy south am erica 12000 mlleu in in dor to be home for the first ouv uf the open season for trout muy 1 tho doctor reached acton on the wfutnoon train on april 30 und epunt tho uvenulg in burn toh ing his trout rods getting huf linn und tackle into order mid ar ranging far a good uupply uf ball- bright and early imit mornlntr ha hied him for hlu fuvorlto stream uhd alter whipping the brooks with fly and bait- for several hours wus ublu to return homo with u walinilud creel uf speck led beautlea thu doctor tuijoys fish ing ardently but it lit no ioiim upleas- uro io him to dlairlbuio hlu catch among hut frhuds and especially to the homes whoro any mumlwr of tho family la 11l dr farm or wouldnt exchange acton und thu trout streams her environment for thu whole of the city of ascunulon and tier reputed hoards of gold u f o monthly meeting the regular mopthly mooting of the u iiv ouui u k w o yllm liohl ut tho home of mr und mrs u wesley murray llrat llim lust weduusduy even ing it was largely attended mr william mcdonald ji wus chulrinuii and the meutine wbn opeiiud with community singing instrumental numbers wore glvon by misses inubel und wllmer wutkinu mr and mrs t a storey mr uutl mi hugh mcr cutcheun mr uml mru a g clur- tldge und mr m ovorholt tucituuou by corimtm mucdiliuild und vooul nolo by mr alex ilutm a vjiy intuiustltig 0ebutrf wu conducted on tlm timet subject of kuholvixl that lnipiovlnk tho murketlng uf luim 1roducu in of moru iiuportuucu to the fuiniui than improvlnir hlu method of piudui lion the uttlrutullvo wus lukeit by mls evelyn wiikluitoii atwl mr o morrut uhd the uuifutlvi by mlut lilna mu- cutcheon und mr g w murruy some hood pulntu wuru brouglit out un both sides the judguii mua mcgregor und messiil it n uimvii and c u purluir doolduu in favor at tlm uiilnuutlva lollowiliu thu pioiiiulutnu u soalal uvunliig wau spout uiul u bounteous lunch uurvud t tli womans institute ottioere annual iiiuotlnir of autou urouienh liihtitutu wuu held ul tlio home of mrri muiuaut titowurt ihuuk htiuetiwlth tint liutont mii fol- stui in thu ohuli the hucietury uuvn mi lutureuihig wimi t uml nhowd u tfood buluntit in tin hunk the uluo- tlou uf nulcoi- fjllowud- honorury preiiuumt mi it volutur piesldeut mi wullute ut diy ibt vioipioumeiil mm muigiiret htuwurl iixul vlcupiuldenl mm juttte bobble r 3rd vlco1reiilduiu mm john a- mowut- hereturytmsuir mm j e gambia n program mo convonermrn ii h wilson hoclul cottveitermti goo aynw flower cotiveiiut- mm a ii lilihop aiidliom mis m miiuulu uml mm- hwiuur district director mm j u gumhli directors mm j c nolpon mrs alex bell mm vil havoti mm junius momlllan m1m jeuil oil kiivu uwelliolidumd iluiio snlu iin j x kioiuedy and mrs w j itmi hung ii duott whlih wus tnuiili niijoyud after alnginir tlu national anthm tho mwlal cuiumittee served a dainty lunnh a coiihhiou wus tukun in buy dvui uiim fur thu armeuluu bow ut georgetown

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