Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1924, p. 2

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ohjr artrin jffrggyrggfl thuiisday may 8 1024 there a music at home lli row munlc tt i to mo wl on the chll iron uro thorn ai i mil gle tholr voices in lunn swoet unil ruir a 1 vi fur tl a dear na at home draw u ihoro wl irh nook i r the world i not mo with flnowl ur lltii hotm swtot sweet homo vi d i rl y t uiuq home uicro a music i r ii h in tl yu ik w aro iulhl since tin lilt iron worn there ai i i ii nw otst praises roun i dm it urmohalr hut iw thoy pro oniy anil we wnlrh ill m t come rmitfty n mo homo there a music ut hum jiutnu hum sweet nwoet homo ji i ft they ct me homo there musl ut homo rh r u niulc hi home when ll e uhll iron como homo r in wandering or tho wide world an thoy roam j mi ot on this earth itoeirm ao dear t them thore th place whom motlior pours foril 1 or awoot i ruyor home homo sweat wwl he me t 1 oft thoy come homo tho re muu ut h mo the gooly mother thorn 1 1 ii liner piece of writing in i xu madmen p beside the bonnio llrlor uuah which has mn scoro- f idltionu than tho chapter which 1 tjil d his mother sermon the y ung mini tor hod just been oommli ul nod to prouch iiu wm to preach iii flrat mrnion in the old kirk where ho hod boon baptised ha had beau nut rfpart by hla mother during his in fumy to tho work of thb ministry 1 t ro urlm hla normon ho used nil ihu goma of thought hw hud gathered durlnir hla nomlnury courao it wa brilliant it wan un amusement to himself ho had to pray to be kepi humble ho had to pray that he might i ot bo called at onoe to the foremost 1 ulptt in the land it wni a review of modern thought in it wore trenchant criticisms on old rush i on od thought it hud hlatorlcol parallels in it it wtis learned it wu away above the uudionce of plain people to which ho won about to preaon it waa- imuitarploce on the very night before the sabbath a change came over the spirit of hla dreams and bo took tho norm on and threw it into tho red ore uhd watched it ahrlvol up jand dls- ippour then ho fell upon hla ltrtoea and asked ood for a plain message tor a plain jmjople ood board his prayer and gave him a message it was a message about the nasarano it wu tho voice of jesus himself saying come unto me and i will give thee eat it held the peoplo in it holy spell it caught them up into the third beav en the women were weeping the men were subdued and softened they wero praying what was it told him u throw tho teamed sermon into tho fire it was the prompting influence of the young man s mother before aho went to heaven and on her last night on earth she called her son to her bedside and gave him this charge if god calls ye to the ministry yell no refuse and the first day ye preach in ylr aln kirk apeak a gude word for jesus christ an 111 hear ye that day though ye u no see be and 1 11 be satisfied when the night before the sabbath came her face come before him ant bar words bounded anew in hla ears it wu this that substituted the qhrlstlan sermon or the sermon of safglorincauon the sermon be preached was his mothers pennon and this was the reason it told dr david oregg h v eqq8 should be cheaper now you may believe it or not began the amateur poultryman a friend gra cloualy but old sam swift tells me that food drink and lodging not enough to make a hen lay but he aaya be can make hens lay when he wants them to in spite of themselves lib aays that he s going to get a patent on the process nonsense said the amateur poul trymon promptly tl know aomo thing about hens ho continued and i know that they won t lay when they make up their minds not to m sam aays- x don t care what he soya i ve fed my hens all winter on everything cat oulated to make them lay they an properly housed and all and yet now that eggs are acaree and high they reruae to produce and that just the point interrupted th friend- quietly food drink and lodging have not d6ne their work something else la needed what la it sam eaysit is strategy strategy r queried the poultryman yea returned the friend sam aays you must outwit each individual hen and he claims that his invention will do it i don t believe anything of the kind the poultryman declared stout- v let meell you 8am scheme per elated the friend that a what im waiting for aald ihe poultryman sarcastically 1f you have studied bens con tlnuec the other blandly you hev noticed that whenever a hen lays an yms oho gats up off her nest turns round rod after she had made aura thu the egg la there she goes off not that ijnow anything about it but sam auys it a so now hla echeme la this he baa invented a kind of uup or false bottom which nta into the nest and is so arranged that an egg drops put of eight just as aoon aa it 4 laid- suppose ddest said the poultry man what of ut i m coming to that sam aaya that in a noat built without his stra tegto appliance the hen turns round aees the egg and goes away because all her dreams and ombltlona are a compllahed she boa attained her ideal and haan t any further incentive life is full eated ao to speak but with teglo appliance the hen turns around to reassure herself and is surprised not to see on egg the nest is empty ier curiosity is araueed her imagln atlon stimulated so she goes back and lays another egg now see here began the pdultfy man oh 1 m simply telling you what ham told nic interrupted his fclend tommimmmriirnpynirnr lp jffrpp iprjpbb gbort tonj mothers day at tarrah maurl mnlosr tim r i an old time quack in the right hands it is a poor root that will not work both ways old quak doctor was onoe called to see n boy who bad chills and fever ho proceeded fo scratch the bark off a root and put soxtht in one gloss of water and eomo in another glass of water give tho medicine in tbui glass for the chill he tben aald cd the lad a mother but give this in the other glass whon the fever comeexmx llut doctor the mother protested tt is exactly the sums in both glasses oh no not at all declared the quack dut i haw you scrape the bark oil the same root and put it in each glasa yea ulmulod the quuek smoothly but you dldn t sou how i done it my dear lady thla for the chills 1 scrape up on the root and that makes it high coohsjorum this for the fever scrape down on the wot and that smksa it low ewjcablgbrum itlnu cams lata that year in rarruh hlllu tho drat roullutlon of ll hrouuhl a great trfrk nf joy inlo hetty u iwn n i oart for i ow u real muheru dy with enough lowers to mnki tho dlnjy irttu bc oolhouae into a bower of beauty for i or utile sunday hchool was ponslble lcuutor with hor frail wild flowor u blowtontlng goran lum tii 1 ono budding uly ld boon u dluupp idllnic and dmoouragli ff fall uro uut now mol or s uuy promised to be a grand succoiui in tho early dusk uho awunff nlotig tho mountain path with a cave free hai py htrlde hor work ns lok uoojter ut tho lumbar com i any m odloe jrmv stoudlly lighter avury day now for tho veuson was nlmost over that meant moro tlmo for betty dawn a sunday soliool und tarrah settle relent with tlte beginning of juno nho would start tho girls aowlng clans of which aho 1 ud ao long tl reamed lust fall had brought batty away from hor utv home up to the rough lumber camp the family doctor had prescribed for her a change to out door life the lumbering company s advertisement for a bookkeeper had afford od an opportunity for filling that prescription if had boon hard to leave mother und the other flye girls but the cheerful letters and the rvullx atlon that in a yuar or two t a could go back to them j erfoctly well had tnado tho first fow months of betty i stay up here endurable then she had discovered the settle raenf children it had been one of mother s lot tern that had prompted that discovery mother who had heart big enough to lovo not only her own six daughters but all the children who came upon her horizon mother had written a hope that betty waq cultivating ihe village children then betty began to make friends wlth the children boon she had organised the first sunday school that the tench set lament had over known after the ohlldren betty had hoped to interest the grown upe six months bad pass ed since the organization began the children of the settlement never ed a aervlpo but most of the parents remained uninterested but mothers day will be different betty thought hopefully reaching u to pat a branch of the redwood which leaned across the path the roothi will want to hear their children apeak their pieces perhaps the fathers may be interested too after that it will be easy enough to have a real sunday school in tarrah she closed hor eyes to remember last mothers day a minute uow beautiful in its garment of flowers their church had been she and madge her baby bister bad escorted mother to church miriams beautiful soprano had sung the solo she bad written the words herself and adapted them to one of tho church hymns betty now remembered the light in mothers eyes when miriam aajig oh mother mine i did it all for thee she smiled at the remembranes little frank hall with hla bau4ful contralto was to aing that song in the utile eohoolbouse service she wandered if his mother the bushes were parted with a rush and sarah north almoafthrow herself across betty s path we can t oome to the lower meeting on sunday she gasped tbe williams down in the valley are goln to have a party and we all hate to go we just beard about it and 2 scooted up here tor tell you about it fore we axed up the bchoolbouse in flowers it came to betty that none of the north children had an important parts on the programme but still sarah e disappointed little voice told how much she wanted to come to the flower meeting as the children call ed il betty began to plan somo wv for her attendance since sunday school was in the inqrnlng saxaui might spend the day with her sareht tiny part might interest other mothers even if her own would not be preeent but there wont noqe of them bf there sarah sold when betty un folded her plan none ofhe mothers nor the chil nor anyone of us is coming when wuliams give a- party they had everybody and it starts early in tbe morning so we can t kavu a plain overy day sunday school 1st alone a flower meeting maybe ana smiled hopefully maybe they will send you an invite betty shook her head a sund party of thailad the williams appear ed to give on beautiful mothers dasecratl t made bar ablv soy nothing of accepting th invitation should one be given to her yet alio knew that ull of the setue- ment people would go and take with them her scholars batty walkod slluntly ulong the pstn ii the rest of the way homo utile buruh following looking occasionally up into her teacher m face man booubs- panned before betty among them the box of bhriatlons- that aho had akd her mother to eend to her rrom their home fjorlat there was to be a carnation for every mother and now there would be no mothers tbe flower nicotine hud already ptovon a failure not a word did betty speak to sarah as they want along the path sarah drew a deep breath she hud never seen hor teacher just like that betty was far awuy in thoughts from the utile glrlvforiowlng her she was thinking of hora and mother und the church and the girls und thii little mountain acboolhouae where she had worked so hard to make en 1m prvsslon on thoie coming vnd i had planned it to be a success oni to in fluence the tarrah woman to be real mothers and 1 ve workwl so huruv ahe thought and then she stoppt und looking straight ut sarah said my mulhfcr would hkeit if i guv up the flowai meeting mather ul- waya snys that when you undertake things you ahould keep on but there won t be nobody there mlas betty not ovon utile jimmy crew bettv found the front ponoh of th little house where jibe boarded full ot children when she entered he yard they came clustering urnund her all eager to tel in woeful little vulout of the sunday nnrty uid thur they would have to mlas the flower mat ing- it waa evident to betty that thv wore anxious for the mothers pay meeting and that tnado her hearullght when she looked ut ihelr eager fuuos aha thought how it would huu mother to see the children disappointed mother would and some way of mak ing things corns out right she thought she dropped into the barrel stv hammoek on the porch and swayed ep erjrsuoaity gs she sent her thought out as to what was beet to be donk at lat fche stopped awtngiqa flvo got tt children sbe exclaimed says she ii hav to work unll twoh o clock ut i iliii with i lies licit y irow a loi c breath wo to lay is only tliumduyl and t morrow evonlng wo ii i ttvo ur 1 ij rtihoumul aid then haturlay mornlt you children will got mo the rrdw x 1 bi rrlpu and tl n tlojjwood hlounomi then you uu toll them how lovoly it is now nil of uu iun back homo un 1 toll your mother that tho mooting going to be sat urdu y uttornooit nrwj they must ul come friday flow by oa icwlnged early saturday morning found holly ut the utile nchoolhousu adding tha lant fin lulling touoh to tho decorations she hud old tbe children that thoy mum not cumo back until tlmo for tho i ro gram mo tho dingy little building had boon changed to a bowor of lieauty clusters of pin 1 ranchos wh tholr llttlo brown cones naini in uid rresh air that camo in 1 rough tho window an 1 branches of logwood and flowering shrubs banked tho win dow si lis when tho three o clock truln wills tied betty was nt tho atatlon un 1 tier heart beat quickly iih she raw tho big parcel with itn city pontmark when on the plaxsa of her little boarding house alio took the long stemmed curnntlonn from the 1 ox thoy fleemud as fresh ui if they had just been picked oh how tl ay will help us she crlod a little lolcr botty hor arrna filled with carnations went down the wood d path to tho school houno what if they did not cornel but the next instant she stoppod why there la harry dillon a horse up a come and then turning a curve she stop ped again and there la mr croon wuld s buckboard i wonder if any mora ol ihojlphool boavd men arc coming i must give him a pace on tho platform as tho school houoo came plainer in vlotn she saw ho teams hitched to the rail tonce that ran from tho bcbooihouse orr into th woods at the door oho found christopher dulck walling for hor sho had put him in charga whon she went homo for luncheon und had told him to tho largo boys and girls beats in the back and tho smaller children seats in front and tho visitors tho bench ea along the side of the room christopher waa all excitement oh teacher teacher they are there even one of tha committee men y yes i saw mr oreanwajd ofte him a place on tho platform aald betty f did but he did not take it he put the chair down by the side of the people said christopher betty laughed well here you take these carnations aren they beau tlfull put them in tho big jar you ailed with water that la on my tab you know and don t lot the green brunches bide them make them show as wo ii as you can for they are beau ties i wul come in as soon as i got my hat and coat off as she looked around and saw hi beautifully tho country school house hod been decorated with dogwood sprays of vine and long branches of fir her heart boat with happiness as she wondered if there was ever a girl in all the world as happy us was she betty had reason to be proud of the exercises that followed rrom the open ing hymn to the little good by ppem that she had written for nine trod wall tho youngest oblld an the pro gramme and how proud the tathan and mothers were they seemed like different individuals than site was nc customed to later there came tho distribution of the carnations by two of the older girls a she saw th pleasure the carnations gave ah- thought well i have conquered have done as mother would have dono 1n my nines finished what i began when the last carnation was given out mr oreenwald rose and plaelng his choir in front of htm so that hi i hands could rent qn the back of it he began to speak hae something i want to an la a young woman wjho is giving of her best foe our children und for us for she teaahea the children to bo good to tljelr mothers and when ahe teaches that she is teaching the law and the gospel a llttlo longer hu talked part of the time giving helpful sug geatlons to the young teacher and other times word of praise to thu children he closed with next year ohlldren wo will have mothers day doings in the church and qn sunday that night la her llttlo room bott spread out a bjg sheet of paper on tbsvworn tabland began to wrlta ber mother of all thai had happened after a few paragraphs she leaned back und looking ot what she had on tho pupor drew u long breath and then grsaped her pen and wrote 1 thought i could toll you all but i cant i wlu have to wall till i ge homo and do not forget to remind mi about mothere day at tarrah settle mom when you have beard all yo will be proud of your betty dawn and shti is a little proud of herself an 1 you wlu be glad just i urn that thu doctor sent betty dawn out into ood a world to make a atand for herself bxiy mixed consonants a comical story is told nf n joarnad young mun at oxford who hud un od i trick of mixing up hla ronsonuuts when he talkod ho was t right hand some and gonial and a great favorlto liming tudlos but he was utmost er tain when ho vtam cgnvorslng with animation to become nervous and titto ono word in place of another ono afternoon hei was attending reception ul a houaa where he was a frequent visitor and whero he wau suspected of paying more than ordln ury attention la tho charming dauglt tar f trie hostess the drawing ruin was filled with people and ho em 1 loyvd himself in paying- lumpllmants to ono lady after anothar and in serv hit tho guests with tea the hostee rtnally turned to him and asked him to atop into the adj inlng parlor and 000 if her daughter would like u cup f tou tho i rofasnor unconjiclouh of im 1 on lfng fulo oroamod the room ap prouohnd tho young lady und smlllrg 1 icunantiy trlod to may will yqu have tea at thu critical momeut h hesitated starrirnerod an 1 filially bro ight it out in this form will you have mot the lady was taken by uurt rise but wus not troubled in the unn of connon- unta hor answer wun yom follow od by u doep blush and before tha i rofosuur could correct hla mlatake or regain his aolf possession his partner tor llfo hitd rotrealedln confusion from the room to whisper the news in her mothoru ear dased for a moment by the aud dennoas with which his future ha 1 been t rdurfd for blm tbe i rofeasor easily reconciled hlmiolf to he altun tion alnco he had adoilred the beuutl ful and graceful girl for a long tlmo but had iaokpd the courage to lell har bo wllh u leamlng nmllo on his face he joined tha mothi r und a group ludlca in tho doawlng room thi hoatcss who ulono was aware of what hud happened glanced at him mlnchlovoun way and aald archly and with un air of innocence how bright and happy you are looking professor some great stroke of good fortune must have befalls if 1 may judge from your smiling face the prafussor s face waa indeed lighted up with a fine glow of on thuslosm he healtated before reply ing und his color deepened as tie be came a ware that there were sevoral persons standing near who could not tall to hear what was said well i ought to look happy he inauy exclaimed with a great effort for i am going before long to be hero he had an attack of nervous ness and stammered badly what ho was trying to say was that he was about to be married but his conson ants were mixed at the critical momentond what ho sold to the as tonbibmont of the company was or i am going before long o be yo bo burled congratulate me adlesl jll howhe won hio case a famous blunderer qrim jesting death bed jokes uro generally not authentic the celebrated olio attrt buted to tom ijood for mstanco that he protested against blaming the un dartakarwrvo hod blundered into com ing before the great wit was dead and said that the man had only come to urn a jlvety hood known to be decidedly apocryphal nevertheless a remark somewhat of tho same sort which la attributed to lord chesterfield in his last illness la undoubtedly suihontlc chesterfield was very hi and hu death s onw a jqattsr qf a fow wueks but his physician advlaed taken oarrlago and crtsd onj of tlh that for an eoay drive in hla he want out am the eodlpugo waa proceeding slowly ulgnu- it wus mot by a lady who remarked pleasantly to the great invalid ah ray lord 1 am glad to see you able to drive out i am not driving out madam an swered chesterfield i urn simply re hearsing my funeral i pulp and paper exports according to- a report recently issuud by the canadian pulp and pupur com pflfny the exports of puu and paper from canada in 1 obruary- wore value 1 t fobmf an ineroase of 47 140 4r january it exceeds the total for lrbbrusry if bv 96qssi vtshrury exports of t ulpwood aanounte4 to 131 7 cordgj vuluod at 1311 bis whlaj is the highest figure seas- aa and com cords monaleur collno the popular french almplaton who performs in tha humor ous literature of france much tbe same function that the traditional paddy does in bngllah literature has been made the subject of a grave tudy in which his innocent stupldl ties are carefuuy analysed hts li nothing more or less than a convenient personification of a type of the harm loss blunderer and complacent lack wit found in all ages and countries in franca his aaylngs reflect however something of the plctureaqueneas which la characteristic of the nation collno s blunder inge it seemsc be gan at an early age he had not craft enough to tell a lie that would bold water for a moment one day a school ho got into a fight with a com panlon and came home with a gash on his forehead how did you got that cutr asked his father what cut papaf why that great gash on your fore head 1 bit myself there papa bit youmolfl why you coutdn bite yourself on your forehead 1 i got up an a chair to do it papal later on in life cauno delivered himself of the following bit of wis dom tor mil 1 don t caro so much for the sun aa i do for tho moon boo tha sun only comes after t gets daylight when we could see just woll without it but theanloons somo use it shines ut night he had a magpie of which be was very fond tha magpie by the way is reputed to live u hundred ycore one day mrs couno called out to her hus band t i look out for the magpie there s the cut i never mind the cat answers col lno don t you know that a magpie uvea a hundred years r laxly one morning when cauno was out with hla gun he saw s robin in tha garden or his frhsnd cam me he aimed at il but it dropped below the top of the wall then- cauno went into the house crept upstairs softly stole into camllle a bedroom without waking camllle who wu in pointed his gun out of the window at the robin and fired bang camllle leaped out or bed in wild confusion ami alarm wvwwhy w w whals the mat tcrr oh did i wake yqu pv said cal ino i pulled the trigger just oa softly as i could cauno ib gon orally very benevolent h itod been to see an artist one nigh and us started to go after ui lights on the stairway wore put out his friend gavo blm a little stump of a candle to light his way down thv ave flights at the bottom of the alalre cauno looked at the bit cr candle there a quite u piece of this left nn 1 and artists are so poor and 1 m down safely so he carried the oandle back up o ave flights and walked down in the dark a young man from massachusetts 1101 mndo his way to a hustling west trn city und hung out hw lawyer ahlngle them he sat down to wall in nnxlely 1 ut with determination tor ma first cane it camo at last an un important case tram tho point of view of an older and mora nxierlencod law yor but tha event of a lifetime to this youth ho threw hlmair into it with na much forvor as if it involved a to of ihousanda of ilnlun i ram the beglnnlne ct oncea eecmed to b ugalnat him lo trlul waa bofora a junttcu of tha naace in a turbulent nottlarnant three mle away the court room was up ntnlrs over a saloon tho prellmln ntlos convlncod th young lawyer thai ho had small nhnnco or justice and he aitko i for a change of venue but the court indignantly rsruned and ho then availed hlmaair of hla remaining right und demanded n jury the jury win impanelled the trial began and the young lawyer fought with all bin utrangth far the obno against which he knew a atrong prejudice to exlal i gt which ha bellaved to be juat tho jury brought in a verdlat in his favor and the young lawyer was s juiood by a cheer which hook the court room jury and witnesses job in the applause which the lawyer f uml waa th his honors isven the judge did nol withhold admiration for the plucky young attorney j come down stalm and have a drlqk i shouted hla client and led his way to tho door tho whole com puny followed and hare him with it to the door of tho saloon thank you said the young man but i do not drink ntivjuat ono dflnk to celebrate your first case untd the client and it would huvo been eoay for the young man to yield no thank you ho aald 1 sues you m have to excuse me can t do lt well a gluaa of beer then cried ono of the crowd at hi holding hla arm no not oven beer nor wlnot no nor wine the men were warm hearted and generous although rough and ware- disinclined to yield to tho young fellow but he remem bared tho habits of hla home the utti home in the berkshire hills whore he had been reared and hn took new courage well come and have a cigar any way bt client gold- thank you said he but i never learned to smoke ah well cried some one in die gust let him go than and go be did walking back alpne the long three miles and feeling bs depressed over the apparent disgust of his new frlenda an he had felt elated over his victory he often referred todt afterward as the hardest struggle bf his ufe and he debated ovor and over again whether principles o rigorous as his wero atflted to hl new environment but he resolved to be true to himself and bis early training it caused him a struggle to decide but he decided once for all and in that some decialon settled ay great- many other questions without knowing il he did not lose by his fidelity even tbe men who ridiculed hla puritanism knew that their interests were safe with a man of ouch principles and before long it came to be recognised that temptations and ridicule were wasted upon him bo were laid he foundations of a successful career at the bar and of influence in the community i had two coses that first day said the lawyer years afterward and by the grace ot ood i won them both thr green eve thu is bad business murder lurks in it cain had tbe green eye so had baiu it accomplished the death of jeaus of naxareth it la the most con leniptlble and loathsome of au mental and nloral affections the man who wants to hit hla fellow on the head with a club because he is more success fu than hlmaelf la a low eur there are plenty of them running loose but the police administration has some what unproved since cains time that la all that prevents an epidemic of murder if sarcasm and sneers could kill plenty of successful men would provide work for tho undertakers don t got caught belittling your neighbors success give him credit for ffy outstripping you if ho haa done so and instead of getting after him with ihe blub of abuse get out and hustle for success yourself keep out or the class of little fellows who pelt mud and moke faces at their betters decline to allow narrow jeal ouay to betray your manhood into un worthy speech or action when a man lias hla own respect he need not care much about hie standing with others keep square with yourself jealousy la cruel as the grave in more respects than one they say hal when a bee stings it forfeits its life jealousy is suundal solomon in tha shoe and leather journal made for finest laundering you can use this soap for everything thcnc rnnwy crinkly pajmohvc prin- crss soap fiakis were made for laundering tlir ahcorcst finest fabnea flihtt irttina chiffons lacei lovely ex pensive thinjs i or the foamy suds rontttni nothing that rui possibly hurt thr mosxjjsoyle fabric or dim the most delicate coloring it actually lengthen the life of pretty dainty things but best of ill -r- it can be used for laundering everything- ueciuse it is eco nomical being pure soap nothing else it actually goes farther it saves all clothing and it cleanacs efficiently so it is ideal or the washing machine or for opy household purpose if only to ity get spmc today from your dejrter he has them m handy one- poundrpackages q the i almolivk company of canada flmlfi princess soap 4n i v piorftnmsf jinti or coarsmst wooun udf it timmada ifhey compare alj cathedrals with cologne ostney compare au automobiles vfith mclauonliri tiuick floridas wonderful grapefruit groves tbe moat wonderful grapefruit groves in the world ore to be round bedjja florida some of them with trees more than twenty flvo years old and atlll bearing the grapefruit bears when four yearn aid but from the average grove not mucb of a return may be expected before the sixth year the amount it j roducea then and axtrsrsrds varies according to the care glvsn it the trees must- be carefully pruned watened in dry periods spray ed and fertilised with proper care and ln congjeniul surround nm gripftfrult tree wul p reduce a quantity of ifrult almost beyond belief a slnglo tree tap years old only fifteen- feet high and ita trunk no more than abc inches in dlamolor at the butt is cap able pr bearing n ton frequently i hundred grapefruit may be counted on a jlmb the stae of a man s writ- seems n marvel that the tree can sustain the weight of them their name is derived not from any resem bianco to the grape in aloe or lasts but because thoy grow in similar bunch ea fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont what causes sleept will have our flower mwtiwvaa4urdav w4g w oft sib cords valued at wmjw aports4 n february 1013 what is tho cause of sleep t this quuallon bos long pussled acl untie ftf and a new theory is that sleep is due to uomplite musculur reaction either v utltary or involuntary when a humoh being lies down the visual sensations beqome monotonous and musoular reaction removing the impulses which usually pour into the brain form the muscles tendons and joints precipitates the conditions call ed sleep if one wishes to bleep it is s mis take to tire oneself with oxoaastve exerclae in tha hope ot xhaustulg ope self into slumber it is also a waste of tlmo to put a hot bottle at onoe fast in the hope of drawing the blood from the brain sleep ss not due to anaemia of the brain following fatigue at the end of a day s exertions according to soien- tleui there is an excess rather then a deficit of blood in the brain flutlog sleeps qxperlmonts have also tended to give the lie to the theory that sleep la due to autodntoxleaeioh with fatigue products h it has been proved ihl blood sugar ulkull reserve of the blood and plaa ma the fluid in which th ra par- tides of the bloon are auapandftd body weight appetite temperature ability to name totters and do mental urtthmvuo show no variation from normal durinsj period ot sleeoiess checking up m ffi ti 900 5 j r rtl for th tuo month to wllty to nn lottr un do mni ttt ww u k it m 8ato frtrow l k vmuihi ot m ut ut urltnmuo how o variation tw a oolorad man want into a drug store the other day and asked per- mission to ufe the telephone after getting his number hhrnd or the conversation ran thus hello la dla you mrs smith r he began 1 soed youah adv for a good roan in de sunday papah two weeks ago is you all got a good man yetr la you perfectly satisfied wld del man you is gott f ael is you conleinplatlng 1 change soont you is not ail right thany you ma am desiring to be friendly tbe drug store clars said too bad some one already has the job data all right rap had tbe colored man you eee l e do man what ot do job two weeks go an i was jee checkln up on myself 1 advertising cuts cost things have chanqbd tb vouiir kubaltam had but nwlv jolnod tha rvitmont and th major wanted to mako him fjpol at homo slapping him nn tha baak bo mold jovlolty x atutpoie it th old old tory- whatt tha oo ot too family aont into th armyt kb no air rapllad tho yaunr man tjlwaa hav qutbo alurad atnoi your it isnt die- cost of advertising that interests you primarily what interests you is the cobt of selling advertising is one item in the cost of belling but only one store overhead is another money tied up in goods is another you cant tell where yoxi stand till you get the total bcore from the adding machine the tola cost of selling governs your siiccesp if this total can be cut down by mak ing the same overhead cover more busi ness and by keeping ypur capital at work showing faster profitswhatever does tliis is money in your pocket it is advertis- ingsimjetion to do just these things bswswabbjssabbbaa

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