Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1924, p. 3

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a 3jhi artnn 3to flrejaa tliuloiday may 8 1924 hib mother ik ao norm mil m 1 i ii 1 11 m w i i liln nilclil 11 thrlllril il wi rl 1 v it wi r itul ki w ul r 1 ii in h until futth mil nodi liln naihn tlironn vol i i hut f of ill rl 1 it i v l or wmin 1 l 1 t rfjt mf rl in itln ii 1 hllt l nil i li nii 111 fart slnglnr mil ml tlur 1 1 4 t 1 1 r in wlnnik hu power llf 1 frol 1 h u w nrirmin owr fn ni woiiijroun nource muai hut 11 1 niv ur 11 it ni ll ut wondered know ii i f lln wlvcnof rhen i 1 1 nci 1 whllo flrst h smw i k iirouniit iwyorul their kon ciirtn ln wren co anrlrtiws before the mast lli jfo vjjmtessor aubtjin mark it pluyfully that ho works hid wuy into mtool bforo the mast nut whim he mils the story ho muko ll ilnr tlmt bi boenn by thrwtoiilne to run ii way fropj school if ho woro not ullt wnl to try d bailor m ho llvod in un inland town on the urout lakoii and wu pass with u hoylsli infatuation for a whip un uhh to lako any lnlrst in hu btudlen nl hrliixil ho provailfttl upon his rttu- uti to allow him to drop hi book uurt to nhli on board a lake stoamsr you will b ojlad enouh to back to hchckil in two or thr wwki his undo remarked to him hut that wa a mistake the toy unllwl u and down the lake for two or throo yearn boforw he was wsry of lfo lif for the mtil even than he hail no doalro to return to school win n hn loft his ahlp ha entered a tinsmith h hop and worked away at hi trado with a heavy heart for a mullnrw life hud made him restless and huron ton ted at last the tinsmiths apprentice rnmo to hltnaelf he had deliberately norloctpd hu education and wss nnhamed of tl ignorance iii ir back to the water he oald to himself and earn enough money to carry mo into collsga itoturnlnst to the lakes he hipped un mute of a vessel atudled duriiuf hut lolnure hoprs and avad every dollar of hi earning h had tlvo now for his occupation and he was tho happiest man afloat 1 nm ttallinit into colieca before lb wind ho told his friends t shall comw to anchor by and by and enjoy my stay in port at tho end of another season he passu mb examinations and entered college with the disadvantages of an inadequate preparation be had at first a low standing in his class but sr resolute was bis determination to suc ceed that ha outstripped all bis com panion and was valedictorian at the nnd lie made several lake voyages during vacation seasons to replenish his saving and by prudent manage ment paid his way through college his brilliant record brought a tutorship within his reach end before long he was a college professor with the prom ise bf a useful career a ablp was a strange trainingschool fbr professors lecture room jet l served the purpose when precunl years of hu youth had been wasted in an employment for which be was unsulted although it had exercised a potent fascination over hut imagina tion the profeaaors experience was an exception to the rule that boys caprice for sea- wo ought not to b indulged when it involves sacrifice of education and sheer waste of oppor tunity over the hills jo ncwry lunslo lone klu kick lulls and lift our foot keiury tor tho baggage is utuwed and ahead a tho road thai a over tho hills to no wry the old rtvd there ib something better in me a year ago an employee in an ordinary position in a jarge concern said to himself there is something better in roe than this and vm golfur to get it to work for mel he dldnt- watt for his resolve to weaken or his enthuelnm to grow cool and although a wife and two children were depend ent upon him he threw up hta job then and there and started out for himself to day this man la doing splendidly in a business of his own all because he had the faith to act on the belief than there was something better in him than ho had been called upon- to use in his dependent position as an ordinary employee thousand of bright employees know perfectly well there is something better in them hit they are usln but doubts the sears of rldlculo if they should fall hesitation to assume unaccustomed responsibility to take the uk of starting out for tbemselvue pulling up stakes and risk ing everything on the chance of suc ceeding prevents them from acting on their belief that there is somejthln bettur in them so they bang tu their jobs hang on year- in and year oirt every year- thinking that tha next year they will surely start out for tttenisetves but the years go on and before they realise it they are in the clutch rf a habit which day by day grows stronger and stronger until they hnd it pimtlcally impossible to break away just think this over and see if it jon t urue in your own a feel that thero la aomathtnj better in you than you have been uey ing if you feel that you have not yet dona the beat thing possible in you why duo t you have a heart to bear talk with yourself and see what la holding you backt why dont you nnd itt dont wait until it u top j late now ik the time to ln4 and bring ut the larger man or woman within that 1m clamoring for expression o b warden huckle te chuckli wheels heem to know how tho dunn boy fwl lie n smllln there on tho hlwlor tout from thlnkln of inn ho m a goln to a girl that k out ut the entn for now with hand held level ditto t her umw hand at her for rani and oim at hur t lark in with all hvr mtifht fur foar shell mlm tho rurklo te chuckle roar of the wheels a laughin tow wardn her door o dunn boy dunn boy how va ye ben down in tho city a tuuilln moiit twaa hard nt tho flnul that right 111 bet slippery footln till toe got aet bum its and brulafa until you won hut i hear you vn como out on top dave dunn flood for you that you vo cot holl ktek klek there letudo go long there colt i and now you are com in to get her heyt lad you vo been loved alnce you went away true to you over as noodle to polo lovin and longln with all of her soul kyin my stage when it rumbled by with a t bank rin gaxe and a wishful sigh no wonder you won in the world men with her for a prise when you come she won dpwn this at the big old elnj near tho neld t j p tbo mlaeioff packet waa duly oorn received and delivered ho and she said if you ro brlngin a packet for me you may leave it to night at thle old elm tree ah davie you know the path from thero follow it in at tho grove take euro to whistle tho call of the hermit thrush there there now lad don t blush dont bluahl for you know tls needful in nhidpln freight to have directions all right and straight she told em to me with a roguish smile for she wants you all to herself a while so tight you down at the old elm hqre shes over there waltln owl bless you dear i kjekklek there desaio oo long go long and stir your hoofakotury j wish twos me for that old elm tree instead of bound to newry molman day paper moneys short life haw long does paper money laatt this la a hard question to answer un less you name the part of the united status in which the money la being uaed for instance in new york city mom y cliungea hands so much castor than uny utlutr place in america that a ave dollar bill is worn out in about oilfht months a one dollar or two dollar bill wu not last nearly this long- hut u ten dollar twenty dollar or w h unit rod dollar b not bandied aa often u the amallor denominations and mu 1 hut so quickly worn out tho new york efoderal reserve hank keeps un hand a constant supply ir jcoo 000000 ipink or it half a bill- ion dollars in new paper money just for the purpose of replacing worn out currency sent in by banka of the new york dlstrtal at present there la about four and one half billion dollars circulating in be united states this amount almost four million dollars is in paper money which most of us prefer because of its lightness and convenience in the large cities silver dollar are seldom seen or given in chunge so paper ttotee are un almost constant duty just recently a new machine bee been inula hod tor washing soiled money but this process rapier creases the wear an th paper the real purpp of this taundrylng is to prevent tpiopaselng of so many dis eased garmn worn out paper money is sent to washington where it is put into a rmoerutor that converts it into u useless pulp if we did not use so many chocks in our business paper money would wear out far more quick ly than it does 5c v i old landmarks nauovd i was greatly surprised the other day as i took a walk down dower avenue when i reached the corner of frederick street at the maples the aspect of things at this comer seemed strangely unfamiliar something ap peared to be lacking and it took ma some tune la study opt the causa finally found that the two stately spruces which i had been accustomed to seeing there foe the past sixty or seventy years were gone for some time the tallage baa been confined to top branches and mi mclfitosn decided to cut them town these two trees have been long as eocatod with actons history and de velopment it la over seventy yearn since the late thomas c moore brought these spruces from the old home farm and planted them on the lot where he had established his home thomas was a great lover of troea- hr not qnly planted spruces but maples balm of gtleads osha elms and macs and other shrubn these were all very pretty when they ware young they made quite a hedge along the frederick street and bower avenue sides when they grew up to msture size there won quite a dense growth when the late john hharp retired from farming and bought this property over fifty yearn ago he out ouf about every other tree claiming thay made the house damp a good many cltlsens thought he wsjf slashing out too many but they gradually grow fewer when h i moore became the owner of thin place forty yeara pr more ago he planted more maples but the hlg maple at the corner was planted by his uncle when he planted the spruces none put maple are npw left and the name which the property has borne for more than forty yoarm the maples was never mure appropriate than pow during tbelr seventy years- of fife on thls property tho old nprucea lent their shade to only si families thomas c moore who was a carpenter and build erected his home there after ho and mrs moore had rualdod there far a number or years thoy removed from town and john matthews and family lived there for u time the place was than sold to john sharp ur sharp built tho house at the corner of church and john streets ami went thnru tu live mr and mro jamm moore wera the next poomaasara uf uiis har think nearly all the member of their fampy worn horn there whllo resid ing there the brick houao which la now ur nelson s home and aurgery waa built for them and mr und mrs moore want there lo reside ii p moore then bought tho maples and he and mrs moure made that their home for fuurtoea- years in the meantime moorecrort wartntjlt and when com pie ted mr and mm moore and tlielr son k j wo at thero to reside mr james molntoah the present owner then purchased the place and ror the past twenty eight yours tho old spruoee have guluuirly waved ttuur evergreen plumes over the domicile where they have lived happily and dlsponsod warm hospitality lo every visiting baptist divine who came to town to uftloiuto on special occasions to the congrega hon of that communion here jefcl record of the paaaln of the trees which have been so long wipi us recalls another obituary of tree which x read recently jatiii dipped fur my owit edification jul which i now give to all fbe readers of the old mans column tub old ktm of njcwbury thle la the obltuur of u tree an other old elm is gonu ahpttier of thosv uisjesuc storied alrns of new nets- innd which urn tin di llrht nf thn vlnllor and urn jut t iltli of the nntlvi tho hi rim of old nwhuiy foil n victim to ono 1 1 41 n iniui iilc truri it wan punt itti prim vi i rmilikii mill ixuiitirul ntlll tint tho ml irnim of tin hint 1 kpii yciin liml wrenrtin i uwtiy a numlii r iif itr ut brum hf i irji i iioiu h ra h i f tin in fi r ii c i iilur i tic and tlt pfrfollitl if lt nwi np iixit uilln wjii mairt i itml tnalpi i nuvtrthih ih ll will it uy tnli d and tho cory of wi l 1 hi ijiiio in tho lxuci uko of tin nil lent lr- wan not known bill ii i uld liuv liicktd liul fmv jiiiuj tt tv ciinturliii ixmiii irnilllioii ptrpiujnl l hn vor ly tho nco ipulitr hut i w almost forfioton p mtonii hnnmih floiiut tin nlgnoil tu it u iiliuiilnu hlmtnr ll atnod bifoit tho ju iitnii hnum nun the entrnnco cuti plunti i ihoro ut cording to mil story of which thorn t no rmimin tu doubl ll n truth by ynuti hlchnrd juquoi wlmii it win a nap ling ulendor ukht mid oiniill ououuh to ih carrlrd in tin hind up a walklno ntlrk ho hail hot ii calling oiv his fiworlhearl llluililli itniclit uml having t return luti by ti 1 nely i iuir lighted only by ilia in turuin rum uf the minin and ihadowod doly much or tho way jin l ullc i up lb htlh olm un pnrgardil j rnwtti by imr d or and took it with lilm by wny ut ntatt uni lefenno when ho remhcj bin wn home h rocallwl with u frcjty tomb of tinhll mnt the plum wtm nci tho little tree came and liml- 1 i nf t mllng it ualilo htv plant xl ll i ho lilt l uroori hj rlif k and lourluh d uim in tlnlo xhol tored not only the lovi r who worn married in 1713 but tin ir i htldreit ami ctillilnmn chlldmu the ohl cm of sowhury wau one of that wldo and i olovad clrclo of acqualntanto all jrrnnt treoa no valued by dr oliver woiulnl holm u ju tested it with tho fumlllar tape measure nlwujn in hu pooknt and adinlrod ltn huu itirlli hiti luwnr n grencry true ho i rum uncoil it in caroful comparison with orin or tw other of tila nobla frlandn whom tie winters havo trontnl more kindly lightly ovorrntimt hut he mlontod tho morocnt that he had pronounced judgment anil h mlcncil to mil that i was none tho iomk u ntntoly vogo- tablo llttlo do iliouo who plant trees realise tho bin lory tin- pitthoe tlio nentlment wtbli will naturally mr round them diylnif ui miccfiodlnh do cades of thnlr life time the old prucon ut tho mupltu will imj groal- ly missed by many und ttny will bo remembered er8 two lost letters an english merchant was advised by his agent thai a check for six hundred pounds would be en to him by the next mall it did not come anil the merchant at once made complaint at the post office the postman on that route was called in by the post master and in answer to tjucstlonn bored it distinctly its shape color and postmark as his habit was be had poked it under tho houno dooi with two other letters and it nown paper the merchant s wife had pick oovu0 three packets and wan positive there had nut bean a fourth the postmaster wont to tho houno and examined it carefully then he looked into tho buck garden his ei lighted on a llttor or puppies a thought struok him have the dog kennel clpnrod out please nonsense whyt kindly have it cleared well if it must be thomas take out the straw the floor of hie kennel torn into a hundred bits lay tho m liming latter and check a current of ulr along the passage had blown the letter about the puppies naturally enough had pouncedupon it as a plaything and had had a good time mr samoa who tolls this stocy in his forty yeara at the tout office adds another equally good a mer chant complained of tho ions of ajelter mailed from this office containing some hundreds of pounds in hunk of long land notes finally un export from the post office department culled upon him believe me sir the expert saldt havo an object in vhftt i aaf will you kindly sit at your ek und recall each operation connected with the missing letter r with pleasure nit here i take a sheet of this nolo pa pur und one of these covers then i write my letter and fold it up no next i go lo my safe and take out the notes bnter their b fold them put thoni in the letter and the lnr into tlio cover then i seal them all up as you now see mo do just so and what nextr why my clerk comes in and clears off my desk for the post hut you wrote this one ut noon and the post does not go out wfuro night i i oh yes of course i quite forgot to say that u moooy lutter for greater security i pub in a tdfthnnd drawer which oner whicht why this ono i open it so and i liless my soul goodness very sorry for oil the troublo i ve given hero is the letter quick quaker courtships 1 hi i i lends tiro usunlly ruppoai d d 1c moio ljlbnniu in their uiiyn tliiu tli vorliln pi orui ly min i re not linti tiiu 1 i if tio- hivr ofto 1 rov hi murlvi fi cnpnlilc of ulc ilcrb nh an nulfi juilum nl vmi uiihui n vim if wliul thny uro llkoly t i ill in otliom tbo foollnjiiiosu love nt tlrst hlffht hui b nn tntjtunci iv ur i hut if anuiau llollfti i ml idle ijnl tmclirlor of reimtiil niggardly tin llti und nunlen uppcaninco i ilcmcunur when lua tycn mat fell upon in lovely ill ceo or his nelifhbor jonl iln wn hho wan a girl of xt ilnlla hut guy rony and of luushlnt i untc tntrtrw who ha i conif from dint ml ti wn lo visit her uncle ui uuril unit bud accompanied lliom i inoetlng pretllly shepherding the dock of seven children early thu von next morning amunu called at hi lliowi furm 1 rlvnd joshua bo said i havn cion thy nloce itathol and i porcalvn her to bo both comely und nmlubla i dnulrn yt fir my wife hrltud airman waa the prompt und placid ronly my nleee lluctul hnn alap aeon thoe and hfaw porcnlved tho to be neither the one thing not the otln r that tho has named novor tiioleaa i will nnk hor if she desires thoo or a hunband niedleiim to any itnchol did not hotter fortune attended the m rlii ko nnd prompt wooing u sill of colonial dayn for a fair quukeroiv if mnrylnnil riarnh cnvlnglnn as the inlo is told by drvjnhn william 1 ulnior two brother ifldward i ibl lemon i loyd had seen and n numbed to harnh n charms but ei was unaware of tho others feelings until the day following trlands meet ing whan the two each mounted on a sleek mare and trimly attired in his nplck and span heat met at the gate of their charmers home when they had recovered from their surprise and embarrassment phi in rnfinj the younger made u proposition iet her be for whichever you or i did sno liar hrnt kdward the older and the heir as seated no sooner had i taken my place in the meeting than i wheld i he girl and loved her said philemon i passed tho night before the meet ink at the peach ulosnom harm said iddwurd and ut the foot of the hill turning into the gate ut the water mill i ww this girl on n pillion behind hor father and they inquired the way to the meeting house and i loved her then philemon rode bsck to talbot und edwurrt dismounted at tho gate und ted his horse to the porch the lovely sarah gave him her af foctlon ulthough it was somewhat leas npoedlly won than his had been she became in dua time bis wife the mis tress of wyo houseand many broild acres and the mother or daughters an beautiful as herself order a thousand cars with tho placing of a large order of freight and passenger equipment all to be built fni canada for use on tho canadian lines of the system thsr-can- nalnn national railways are preparing for the summer and autumn trade which it expects will break all records this year says a statement issued from the c n it headquarters hero an order for one thousand sixty- tun box cam in being placed to add to the equipment uoctntsary for the proper handling of tho grain from the west ern provinces und these cars will be used aim os entirely in the movement of crops the traffic is growing yearly and makes big demands upon the einilpment of the system says the stateroom which continues these demands will grow us thi country becomes populated and it will be nocensury to maintain increanlng numbers of grain cars in that area through tout the year anne qorddn9 white carna tion ivory woman that anno oorloti mtil on lr wy to i bnruh hud one n mrs t un johnson plump and nmy goltur ii mother i f llvii children all wi 11 nun rlcd with inmen und nuloinobllon i f tin it own and luunitklcrn onouh if i i raced nam to knnp their grrttul m itliorn tnliiit iuifl ungorn imi i uy o ui lod knitting mull jiwintorx in ntrlkliir runtrnsl wun mhi hot man jrjftttli ivho mivr ann ntuloli liiiu from llm o poaltu nldwwulk lall 1 nndsonio pulrli inn u mnihor who iul lulltille credit to my nun oil iui lln inuld orimth a ntort of nurprlno njirnng to anno h tyim when nlin new that mrs jnku nonlilt woro a lurnnlioli tuo ircnl dont of ho kedorntlon of women m lulis hnad of tlm mobilised women if mlddloton holn tary f tho w map suffrage union mm josnlcu was promlnonl in so mady other thing tinii somotlmen forgot sho win also a mother and un hor mlnlnc engineer nun lived in africa and hor medical nluniopary daughter in china only dime homo bn furlough once in seven yours thero wan some excuse for ro mlnancsn of memory thu name eyas suddenly softonod to n tender light misty wlfh team ptnnd with tho white carnation that mrs avery woro was an lnconnplou oun lltttn flag in honor of her boy who luy nleeplng in franco anno gordon wi doopty religious hut during the church norvlce that innrnne try ns nhe woul i hor thoughts wnndorod they were rest- lonu llko hor heart for that was the form anno n loneitomenciis look kho wun too disciplined a woman to be rebellious too wholesome to mopo itut during the desolate months she had been back in mlddloton since her brother second marriage there wen times when her longing for the love und companionship that hud been here in nuch brimming measure the twelve yours nho had made a homo ror steve und tho children nhe refused to nil with quietly foldod hands in caring for stave a six children from julie and judy tho cunning two year old twins up to maynsrd whu hail just crossed over into his teens whou she went to them anne had known the mothnr life in nil its rull- nonn the spirit of motherhood the lirtut thrilling throbbing joy that poluon through a woman a heart when it given itself out in loving sntsl eoeet- jng love in return tho practice of motherhood as well ull the little dally problems and perplexities and anxlcues tho mother life that had tho same nplcy fragrance wafted all about am qs she sat there that mother sunday undrcorated in the midst of mothtru with tholr white honor badgox of bloom and suddenly a most ridiculous pic ture flashed across annas mind thai of the superbly dignified mrs rodman griffith seated opposite with my son colonel reginald orimth a kjcklrur yelling small boy draped across he knee being spanked would she ever forget the first spanking she administered mused anne with a new swing to her truant thoughts tho hot anger thai commit ted hor to the deed tho benumblpc tagofrlght when sho began the un dertaking tho physical dlmculty with her slim strength pitted against the struggling and shrieking hilly for of course ollly was the transgressor poor incorrigible billy 1 wliin con tcionce dictated she had not spare 1 the rod but had it done any good had anything made un impression t punishment reasoning pleading her prayers t hilly tho ramlly no er-do- well the only one of her brothers children who had been a disappoint ment and a heartache as anno with thoughts as far away i tho fur country of tho wander from whom sho had hot heard for so lone automatically followed iho go ture of the congregation and knolt in prayer tours sialic tho facu hid in her false economy no housewife can bake bread as economically as we can in our up to date bakery with the quantities wo bake it is impossible to equal our bread in value at nine cents per loaf and for taste and freshness well wt tnvitc comparison with the best that is turned out baked fresh every day and always sold out assures you of tho most wholesome and sweetest of bread have our wagon call daily and deliver your supply fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton jov kuler8 are you a kill joyr your negative indignant und emphatic good i uut wait a minute the activities of the ordinary kill joy we know the fraternity are on to spoil in tho mass a innocent fun and gaiety uut rheru are other kill joys these are not organised they dpn t seek to spoil he fun of cros their una is to take the joy ou of in dividuals one ut a time and yet tbey do it without malice or do 11 borate in tent hut the nocl is exactly the same sumo parents are kill joys tho are too particular with tholr children too careful too much concerned a childish game in which uuges might join is brourht to a sudden hull hobby you mustli t do thutl iclslo little girls should not tear around un if they wore little boys ht down quietly at once the joy is killed uncle gives tommy it uuarur and tommy with grout joy pictures what he will buy bui u killjoy parent in slnts that the numey must be put in the savings box utile munu with grout joy lays the table for tea mother will be so sur prised hut mother has a rebuke never do ouu ugnln monat if you hod of brokeu a oup i should havu been vory upset torduy without knowing or mean ing it yoti may liuvo acted un sulii t kill joy havu you anubhe i anyone t have you turned ugulust u pntbusl asm of one of the younger und jovou your older perhaps ynluul wisdom t have you laughed n your superior fashion at noma eager ideu then you are a killjoy anything which riackotis thu nun dloulh nr causes shining eager ayes to cloud or ends innocent happiness killn joy and those whu do the darkunlng thu cloud ing or the like uro kill joys it pays to use martin senour ioo pure paint a varnishes fbr wkt v h4 ofto montraol home nwmtinc made ea3v sou by w d c talbot hands lor always would be tho tor luring doubt whnthnr hilly might not have turned out dim rent if hlu in tb had lived sho wan no hnppy in mil h proud nf he nlhrr flvo hplfin lid yndng people ov ry ono of tliotii may nurd ul h university hrt luuilun of th funilb covering hlmn if vltli ujiiiy ui iho uri u himil r llti but pll married tin twins dom wholesome high nclmnl glrjs f ivnrltoi wherovor thoy went vci in h r up of thnukfulnnnn ihuf tlifl tilt nil hi en hiirh 11 credit k her wi ri hir hilt- r duyn of imr fnlluro in luhi u umu hilly whom 11 ho yrnrim i nvni m t in hr nee ret hourt lovnl mm iban uny of the others anne doar cant ou drop in tlilt itfternoon sal i mm tom johns 11 waiting for her nfier servlci tiv children are ull cotninjf over un i j havon t soon hurrlol n boy sinci jf- got back or jims hun jo with hor tt ixiblied l anno gordon mndo un nvaslve ropll it was liktt mrs tom to want to sliaru her mother day hupplnenn hut shi had no intention of going it would be rubbing it in more than sho coull bear and with u doaponlng nhadow of sadnonn anna gordon walked home through the may ndnsbinc u inocklm hrlghtnesm there a a speolal iovory inttir fpi you miss anno greeted tho ol i fumllj servant who had eagerly come bucv to her an annes return to mlddlotoi expectantly anno turned lo the hall table not until that moment hnd nhi uilmltted to herself how hurt sho wni tlmt the children bad let tho da pass without rem cm bran q5 or hor sh who had tried no hard to bo a mother to them was tho letter trom m nsrdt kdltht or a round robin from qert and he twlnnt bhe picked it up from the lablo 1 gave a start and a stare than the blood sprang in a flood to her cheeks there could be no doubt about that- scruwly writing it was from llllly with shaking hands sho tore it opei and read dear mother o hint for thats tho way i always think of you dear little auntie mother whi spent yourself so unstlntlngly to mak u kids happy ungrateful brats that we often were yours truly leading the list but all the same deep down in our hearts we sure appreciated what 1 you did for us thats why im writing now to get something off my chest ihatn been cumulating a long time- to tell you that mora than once when i ve been down nnd out the lit tin gjtma dldnt teem worth playing any longer dear picture of you with the mother look in your eyes und tho mother smlla on your lips has flashed before and given tno courage to make another try to tell you that many a time whar i ve been up against big ugly tempta tion threatening to bowl me over in the mire the thought of your rloyo your patience your faith in me hat been like an outstretched hand to hold on to well after soma pretty hard knock ive come to my senses at last have got a job on a cattle range out here and tike it fine i m making good wages and for the tlrst time in his lire ilule willies saving something every month for aunt anne i don t always intend to be somebody else hired man hut as soon as i can buy a little paten- of ground at the past variety and a few head of cattle i m going on my own as for my not answering your letters i have no excuse to offer th or is no excuse but tbjs much i 11 say by explanation when i was down on my luck i hadn t tbe heart to write and afterwards it had boon so long since i d written i was ashmod even now i might put off writing if i badn t stumbled on a mother sun day story in a magazine i was reading but night a whae of a story about a homesick kid tho kind of little talo that sinks its hookers in your heart and i calculated if j followed tbo guys example und wrote straight off the bat i could get a special delivery letter to you just in time for mother sunday with heaps or love hilly j and that afternoon anne oordon unl to ur tom johnsons after ail bhe went jubilantly with head held high u radiant smile on her lips n shining happiness in her eyes for she too wore a white carnation on bar heart busily engaged a newly married man bought u rabbit and asked his wife to make 1 rabbit pie far his supper ha return ed home in the evening expecting to und a good meal awaiting him bu instead he found his wife in tours weii ho exclaimed what s the matter dearr your aupper isnt ready darllntf replied his wire between sobs ive been all the afternoon trying to pull the hairs out of that rabbit i j how to wash and preserve woolens- woolen garments or articles cleansed whh surprise soap feel soft fluffy and well washed dry woolen articles ia a moderate temperature not in the sun and dq not allow them to freeze scin is injurious to wool freezing cadses shrinkage 7- a v i l vi success team to satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbing heating unsmithing tho success of work in scores of homes and business places in acton is guarantee that we are in a position to assure you satis- faction i we will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude main street actoa sporting goods the season is here for real outdoor sports and we arc right on deck with a complete line of sporting goods of all kinds baseball gloves bats and balls football supplies 1 tennis balls and racquets bowlers requisites no matter what game you are interested in we can supply you with all the necessities w d talbdt main street phone 76 acton ontario seeds and seeds now is the time to be particular about the kind of seed you sow you cant have good crops if you dont sow good seed wheiher it is for the garden plot or the farm we can supply you with seeds that are reliable and with proper culti vation will yield bumper crops seeds for the garden seeds for the farm seeds of all kinds d h lindsay mux street acton ontario m2 v- j keep your eyes clian clia and huitht new lumber yard with builders supplies k the georgetown lumber company ltd 6 ceokgetown hjivo opened a branch lumber yard in acton and will carry a complete stock of lumber lath shingles saah doors frames interior trim hardwood flooring hydra tod lime hardwall plaster plaster parts boavcr board fibre board and cement we also do contracting and building and will bo pleased to quoto you on remodelling or new buildings mr a m mccami is in charge of the lumber yard and mr john miller will hjtvo charge of the contracting and build ing phone your inquiry to 114w or 120 and you will receive prompt attention to merchants and business men gentlciiicn do you realize that you can make use of a similar bpaee to tliib in the free press to tell a purchasing pumie what you have to sell for the small sumof ouly 378 per week or 18c per inch single eohlnm this paper has an average of 5000 readers weekly you may use any space you wish at this rate and change your copy weekly conte in and talk it over with us it will pay you wct arton 3ttt tz

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