Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1924, p. 4

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thet home or 2hje arjon 3ttt tyvsq utnur selected town wackuua ol oelarte the acton fhee lhes3 u publlabed every tttiiradav murnlnn al lb free was uulujnf mill street aetna ontario the adbacrtptioo price 0d tier yrmt la advance poataa u charged additional to office 1m tba united states tfee data to which aubscriptlona ore paid a indicated oat the ddrtaa label tnent inter ion and tenia per una lor each aubse quent insertion contract dlaplar edvertiae- ucnta or 30 inchea or mora per an nun cedta par inch eacli in mil ion advertisement a with out epecific difeclloaa will be laserted till feeble and char 1 ad accordingly if p moore prealdent and editor 1 c a dills uanaser sad aaalatsnr editor telephones- edltorui and dnauiesa offc residence of prcaldeat a new and growing market canada is rapidly developing her export trade with jdfinn and it is stated that at the present time canadian wheat and ilout are the most popular m tho orient and that milling men in this country have practically a monopoly on the trade exports of flour from vancouver to the orient increased from 4002 barrels in 1020 to 805247 barrels in 1023 canadian lumber also found a wide market in japan and china shipments of this commodity growing from 25 million feet in 1021 to 201 million feet in 1023 this new market with its large possibilities should have tho effect of en tho prices of the products of farm and forest worthy of consideration tho womens institute is always alert for the introduction of desirablo improvements about town said a citizen to tup fbeii phess tho other day i have been hoping they would undertake to place receptacles on some of the prominent street corners for waste paper candy bagsgum wrappers cigarette carjons banojja skins and 6 range peel such utility v greatly aid in carrying out the slogan make acton more beautiful their public drink ing fountain at the government building and their animal watering fountain on main strcot are prac tical and appreciated benefactions the refuse re ceptacles would also be so regarded thursday morning may 8 1924 editorial the press of ontario will stand for the o t a at tho meeting of the district press association held at elora two weeks ago a discussion on the ontario temperance act and the proposed plebiscite or referendum and the attitude of tho local press towards it disclosed the fact that there was a very otrong feeling among tho newspaper men that the act should bo retained and strengthened rather than that there should be any loosening of its provisions the newspaper men present freely expressed their intention of standing for tho act as the best measure available for controlling tho liquor traffic last week while in toronto the editor was in con versa tibn with a newspaper official who travels from end to end of tho province in the administration of the duties of his office and be stated very emphatically that the spirit found in the ei on meeting respecting tho on tario temperance act characterizes every pres3 meeting ho attends rn all parts of the province country weeklies vs city dailies i an observant and philosophical writer contrasts the respective characters of the city and country papers in this significant manner turning from the city newspapers to the rural weekly which comes to our home is like stepping from the slums of vile odors into an oldfashioned garden sweet with honey suckle and the scent of perennial flowers tho pages of tho big dailies are so full of murder thievery immorality the breaking up of homes by infidelity and selfishness thatthe better news is obscured one puts tho paper aside with a feeling of depression and heartache that the world is so full of such terrible nd unhappy things then picking up the papers that record the happenings of the smaller towns around us one gains renewed faith in life here are set forth only that which uplifts a community the activities of tho business men the church news the civic good accomplished by women the school j terns the happy social gatherings of the people the marriages births and deaths farmers items and all the thousand and ono daily occurrences that make up tho simple annals of the great common people who are the foundation of this broad country of ours scandals are seldom published in tho country newspapers but if it so happens that decency de mands it tho uglier details are omitted or are giveu a kindly touch that- is widely different from tho unfeeling publicity of the city press no wonder the offenders may be our neighbors or people we have rubbed elbows with all our lives they are real iiimaxlbeinga while to the greatdailies they are merely grains of a sort that are ground out hotly in their hewsmill educating kmgrantb to be good canadian phenomenal increase in the volume of im migration now reaching our shores presents a subject of immense importance to the thinking people of canada immigration is generally recognized as ono of our social problems but not everyone realizes that by immigration canada is building up a new national life in a normal family each child may be regarded as a problem but when the family is in- creased also by adoption an entirely new group of problems is introduced into the family circle the immigrant is an adopted citizen and brings with him among his effects a trunk full of new national responsibilities social workers are perhaps a little inclined to view immigration by its failures rather than by its triumphs tho individual of british or anglosaxon stock who makes good is promptly and easily absorbed into the fabric of canadian life contributes to tho taxes casts un intelligent vote and requires no specialized treatment tho social workers are hardly aware of- his arrival the im migrant who drifts into their purview is likely to be one who has some physical or intellectual handicap possibly only that of a foreign language which places him at a disadvantage in competition with those who can speak and read enfgliah but more often the failure of tho immigrant to make g is connected with some physical defect through which he becomes a public charge or a unit ti tho statistics of correc tional or remedial institutions unfortunately there ro no statistics of tho immigrants who succeed and become our leading citizens so that the recordof immigration as fourtd in tho reports of social work is apt to be somewhat pessimistic in iu outlook it n therefore peculiarly interesting to find in tho pro cccdings of the co n von t jon of the social service council of canada just published a suggestion for the welfare of the immigrant which involves the setting up of no new specialized rtjehfaefy for can denization but simply amore profltblotiaof pur filiating aystenf qf oducauoqbowlnaflyiuflrstiltcv has every man his price sir richard squires is the next public man in tho limelight ho is an expremier of newfoundland and is charged with misappropriation of public funds 22000 funds of the liquor control department a re said to be stolen dr campbell former minister of agriculture is mixed up in the case with 400 of public money booktsd against him the east cannot throw bricks at their more westerly friends as the pot may be as dark complcxioned as the kettle every man has his price is an old saying and not true on tho every end of it but it would appear that the fellows with their hands out are growing in number if not in honor it is too bad that such is the cascbut the right thing to do islo thoroughly investigate cut out all the whitewashing and punish the offenders adequately brussels post our imperial relatione had tho debate upon j s woodsworths resolu tion in the house of commons providing complete home rule for canada taken place a dozen years ago it would have been very different indeed from that provoked before the easter recess in those days the present opposition would have waved the flag and denounced as disloyal and unbritish any attempt to weaken the imperial bonds before easter though the house debated for five hours this tbor- oughlyradlcal motion there was no scene no flags were flapped no charges and countercharges crossed tho floor government leader and opposition leader agreed in principle as to canadas practical if not legal independence restrained serious discussion of a grave constitutional issue took the place of the fuss-and- feathers phraseology of an earlier day persons loyally was impugned no motives imputed and the labor member who fathered it quietly with drew bis resolution agreeably impressed with its reception by all groups and parties not that all wero agreed far from it mr woodsworth pictured canada as still in the swaddling clothes of infancy unable even to amend her own constitution premier mackenzio king deemed her as free and untram melled as if that freedom had been specifically stat ed in the bond mr forke the progressive leader opposed the resolution while sympathizing with its principle mr shaw the calgary progressive ridi culed tho claim that canada had power even to reform her owrt senate and mr martell liberal of hantsf labelled the dominion as tied hand and foot by the decisions of the mother of parliaments even as to matters of peace and war as the minister of justice mr lapointe put it tho thorough airing of the sub ject could do no harm and mighty stimulate public thought in the matter alymer gazette neighborhood news- town and country burlington mr and una qetf vv taylor return ed homo fromthe houth last week where they spent the aliter mr it hamilton ha sold his home- on ontario h treat to mr kim or iy- ment of toronto and la removing tt port credit tho vlllaca inn waa opened for the aoanon on saturday mr cross torro- erly conducted the illue dragon inn near clorkaon work haa been comraenmd on bet- tins the burlington tennis club court in ahap and it la expected they fill bo ready for play about tho middle or may j on tuesday may 20 raualcal and literary evening will be held in tha lecture room of the methodist church lome davldeon tenor soloist of toronto and ulsa jackson of brant- ford will be the artists assessor berry and assessment commissioner jarvla have completed the work of assessing the town and have turned in the rolls the aaseee- ment of the town has been consider ably increased which should enable the council to reduce the ta rale this year on friday last several members of the ilurllniiton horticultural society held a bee removing tho fence on the east side of brarit street in front of the hydro electric rich tio- way and erect ins the fence at the rear of the property near the own re the hor ticultural society have beautified tha spot with flower beds and kept the arass cut the past two years untu it haa become a beauty spol gazette georgetown the not roeolpts from the arena for the year exceeded over 3000 the methodist oliolr were entertain ed l iii home of mr nnl mra joa buddy one evening recently tee it la possible to live for a while in the dust but 11 la very disagreeable please mr mayor reeve and alder men cant wn havettie streets aprlnk led 7 mr j it mackenxlo was in toronto for a coup in of days last week ultend ins a meeting of the kxnctttlve of the ontario lumbermens association mr darius williams or pinch creek alta who has besn vultlno with his son in toronto spent the weekend with old friends in oearge towt who were delighted to see him again on monday evening the lost of the classes in the course in llama nursing was held at tho close qf tho d miss dorothy francis an behalf of the girls presented miss ina campbell who hap been in charge of the classes with a very pretty handbag- thanking her for the time and trouble she ha riven to then herald rockwood- editorial notes is it any wonder that the dole system prevails in great britain the figures of the chancellor of the exchequer published last week show that the british liquor bill amounts to 6000000 per week newdomers to canada are giving authorities some extra activity in assisting them to settle mmigra tion officials have seldom been more busy in directing those thousands who are this spring coming to es tablish new homes in this great dominion- russia is no- more so far as that name of the country is concerned canadas officials at ottawa have been ratified from the postal administration of that country that tho name is now union of soviet socialistic republic and that this name should be used instead of russia hereafter in addressing alt correspondence- prime minister macdonald of the british house of commons in his may day message to labor and the socialist movement expresses the hope that an other may day will see tho league of nations trans formed into an allembracing parliament of peoples and predtqts tho coming of a day of inter national peace lasf week tho renfrew mercury completed the first five years under tho management of rupert do vice the present energetic editor and publisher tho mercury hajd reached a high standard of efficien cy under the smallfields father and son but this standard has bectri exceedingly well maintained dur ing the past half decade by a vote of 152 to 00 the freeholders of mark ham village last week defeated the referendum submitted by the high school board to spend the sum ox 45000 in additions alterations and permanent im provements to tho high school tho electors evid ently t trough t necessary improvements could bo ef fected for i smaller sum how much do tho weeds on ontario farms cost wewonder 20000000 annually is tho estimate of premier bracken iri reference to th pest in mjmi toba clean farming assuredly pays a big dividend and this sort of cultivation deserves more praise than ts often accorded thp noxious weed law and the pontcarefarmpr should receive more attention to 4ld thoao who ro endeavoring to farm pro pertly to milton mr m richmond of rocxfort 111 haa been spend 1ns axew days in town the guest of idr and mrs b r bows miss l4nklater of the hlajn school stan who had quit teaching a little be fore easter on account of illness has resumed her duties mr geo c bowes drunut montreal haa been spending a few days here with his mother mrs q s bowes who is in rather poor health at present we regret to say at a meeting of the milton lawn bowling club mr a merktey wa awarded he contract for building the now club house at the green which will be proceeded lth immediately last week rev r r hare of tor onto went to the public sohool and gave the pupils of each department an instructive address on personal hy giene a subject on which such in- itructlon is moat desirable tor every boy and girl his lordship tha bishop of niagara held two confirmation aerrlcea on sun day at grace church at 11 a m- and at all saint milton heights at 3 p ro- v there are not many idle meh in mltton with the brick works and lime and stone works in operation and the taclorles au golnjr in town any man who is able and willing to work should be able to and employment these daya the young peoples leagtie of the methodist church was honored last monday evening with a fraternal visit from the georgetown young peoples league about fifty of them motoring here tha visitors gave the pro gramme which was one of the best ever heard at the leegjue and proving that georgetown possesses musical talent of m very hlb order whether vocal or instrumental reformer g milne of alma visited his eon mr o c milne the c n r ajceni during the week helping him get settled in his new home rev wiley clarke d d of saska toon sask paid a short visit to his slater mrs wilder and other friends last week a mr archie r jamleson left a week ago for detroit wherry he expects to take a position j mrs colin cameron spent m few day with her friends mr and mrs john stalker acton last week mr ttarrlo mutrle brought to the village trora the farm or mr roy hlndley last week an egg laid by a white leghorn hen of the famous l r guild strain which measured seven inches by eight and a half inches and welshed u ounces mr jae cox of owen sound spent few daya with his old friends mr w s edwurda and mr robt thatch er last week mr win mcwtutaroa of hlah river alta arrived loat week with a car load of nine horses of a vory high class as mr mowlillema bred and raised them on his own horse ranch he is to be congratulated on his suc cess as a horseman while he is de livering them ho will visit with his brother walter mr mo williams lived on a ranch adjoining that of the princ- or wales death came with startling sudden ms to mr john blnns who woj suddenly stricken one day last week work he passed away before the doc tor arrived who ascribed his death due to heart failure he had been residing with his sister mrs john leavens for some time and previous to that had lived in guelph the funeral took place from the home of hla slater to klora cemetery on monday afternoon rev r qelger conducting the serviced erin mr george roaxell who has spent uie winter with friends in this iowu ship left for hla home in vancouver on friday his father aoco m ponying him mr el wright haa purchased from mr d l- mundeuv the residence which he commenced to build but fall and the building will be completed as soon as possible miss jean bandera who recently un derwent an operation in the ouelph general hospital is convalescing and will soon be able to leave the hoa- pltaj at a meeting of the county council in ouelph last week the condition of the county road which is the maip treet of our village was given consid eration and it was decided to build a new road through the village this has been a lonefelt want and our cltl- sens are delighted erin vuloge has a considerable credit due from the county and this with the various grants will give us the new rood with out a very great immediate expendi ture on friday afternoon last the new school building was officially opened when a large number of cltlsene of the village and surrounding ecitonwero present to view the taew schooland to listen to the addresses and music the building consists of six class rooms of standard aise with teachers rooms cloak rooms etc two large basement play rooms as welt as a boiler room and coal cellar the building la heal ed by steam and fitted with the most modern toilet system and is ugh ted by electricity the latest type of ven tilation is in use the air of eucb room being changed every twenty minutes waugh provincial inspector of schools officially unlocked the school ile those assembled vuag ood save the king advocate oakville ue c u carson has been elected superintendent of the methodist sun day school and mr j l urnes aa lat assistant superintendent all the old officers and tembere were reap pointed ijlakelock brothers of oakville have old to mr herbert conover one of their new sevenroomed bouses on palmer avenue and have also taken mt a permit for a hew six- room tuoco house an division street the final debate in the mlltoq dis trict interleague iserles takes place in milton on monday may it when lowvllle and palermo leagues com pete for the championship the young ladles of the lioll tele phone staff of oakville exchange in cluding miss laura itray of ii route save u shower to one of their number m us parkins who ts leaving this event took placs si the home of miss mccartney and proved to be very en joy uble at u tueetlug beld about a mouth go the oakville amateur athletic association decided upel broadening out policy tu wbloh all lines of oma taur sport in the town would be taken under the wins or this parent body- honorary members were appointed to the association consisting of ueorgn hlllmer u l a mayor a h kbrster c o merutt m j ilutlrr j b ii oiiust w b davis llev c k hllev hev j is munro rev dn dougall itev father savage and rev t nej son an amusing stunt woe performed lasjt saturday afternoon when mr iookslsy oonductor of the oakville cunoert band called f holt in the centre of the new bridge while the bund were parading to the openlrui football game at agricultural park selection woe then played after whloh mr locks ley officially declared tht bridge open for pedestrian tramv and for the children to play upon some of the boys declared it woe a cracking good bridge and others tuned in ltmdon urldge hi railing down mm they again started on their march raeord the englishman and the canadian a great throng was waiting at the entrance of a public hall in london where several members of the royal family were expected to be present at last ono of the doom were opened and an attendant undertook to block the passage by standing on the thres hold and force the people to pass by him one at a lime so that he could take up the tickets there was a rush for the narrow doorway and many ladles were rough ly jostled and crushed against the w the ticket collector remained in the half opened door refusing either to abandon his post or to obtain aasl ance it waa a fashionable audience but it was also a characteristic english crowd there were furious outcries of indignation and peremptory demands for the opening of all the doors whether the tickets could be collected or not the ticketcollector was obstinate end shouted that there must be no pushing- and that nobody could enter the hall without showing a ticket the fashionable assemblage at once carried the defences by storm the ticket collector was thrust aside the door was opened wide and the be- selgers rushed through the breach and iwarmed into tha hall the next morning there were letters in all the papers complaining of the out rage upon the public caaadlan audience under simi lar circumstances wotlld have sub mitted to the outrage and not protested against a small bit of econ omy on the part of the managers of the hall the english throng- would not put up with the inconvenience and discomfort with being served by a alngle ticket collector when four or five were needed it not only com plained vehemently against bad man agement but it broke open the doors and fought its way into the haltt canadian streetcars are crowded during the busiest hours and there o help for it if any one under takes to etand in ur on top of a london omnlbuv there would be i chorus at outcries and the ticket col lector would be forced to drop the superfluous passenger when a stage is full and the loat seat has been taken the driver le not aluowed to stop for another tare no londoner will consent to tide in a pubtc conveyance unless he can be provided with a seat canadians are leas jealous o their individual hgjhts and allow corporations to impose upon their food nature systematically toe complaining eng mt a stock joke and a butt for ridicule abroad but he is s very aeuetble person canadians would perhaps ydo well to imitate his example and to insist always upon having fair play the capacity op becoming excited a wellknown journalist has said that no one can make a good news paper man without considerable cap acity of becoming excited about things and that capacity fur becoming oxclted le part of the stock in trade of mast successful people whan two sit late talking business in high- pitched eager volcaa they huvo at least one qualification for making ti success the fallow who tu so bored by nve oclock that ho dislikes to think about starting in again next morning may have twice the brains of th enthusiast but he is not likely to go half as rur no one will do uuod work who n not iitterusted in it enthusiasm la the nre that genemtes tin- steam to capacitl of becoming excited about things llid burk of uower personality h revealed in tha u of good jfcatjonar the mf geest tm eatta lolandie wbitimo papeb raaafjra modnllgrit mellos flujjymarshmallows that melt in your mouth sold la town by h wiles a m lasby acton horticultural society a public meeting uncjfef tho allspices of the abovo socioty will bo held in the town hall acton on wednesday may 14th when arr address will bo delivered by t j hannigan esq ouelph ontario on the gladiolus and how to grow it successfully in the home garden chair to be taken at 8 p m a c stewart m a everybody 1m cordially nvlied to comn and hnur thin lecture which is sura to be moit intcrchtintf und instructive uw mr iluntilgan u a well known horticulturist mid sporlnllxoh in clndloll no admission fee or collection frank scriven president e t thetford see tress business directory dr j a mcniven physician and bur office and lie id on re corner avenue and elgin street phone oil f nelson riu in hick sruui t acton ontario legal phone nfo 2 p o liox us harold nash farmer m a barlstsr solicitor notary public conveyancer eto perrvman qlock acton ont money lent on mortaaqes hours 0 30 a m u c p m saturdays 12 00 oclock h g meir barrister solicitor notary pub i la georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d 3 l d a denmet honor graduate of toronto unlverw slty tho latest anesthetic used u desired office at residence corner mill and frederick street the meaning of chevrolets economical transportation it is more economical to travel by chev rolet than by any other means that is what it means to say that chevrolet is the most economical form of transportation this implies first of all that chevrolet coats the least por carmile that it is lens expensive to operate than any other make of car but more than that it means that chevrolet la more economical han any other kind of trans portation an investigation among chevrolet owners of all classes shows that it is not only more convenient but also more economical to travel by chev rolet than by railwaytrain or trolley car the information received gives an average of 30 miles per gallon of gasoline and over 1300 miles per gallon of oil chevrolet is easy to own the g mac plan of deferred payments will enable you to finance tho purchase investigate the new superior chevrolet today ask us about the xjijic deferred payment plan ctna 4w economical lwnapos4nion chevrolet dr f g gollop d ds l d dental surgeon omee over bank of nova scotia hours- 10 to 6j0 even inge by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to dor pcrlodlrals of every description carefully bound ruling- neatly and promptly done wyndham street quelpb ont over willlnms store fisher king representatives for this- section call on them at georgetown or write anp thv will call on you castoria mother fletchers qutoria is a harmless substitute or jcator oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomacli drarrhea regulate bowels ajda in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfolneasi rett and natural sleep without opiates f to avoid imlutlont ilmy look lor tho iltmotiiroi itvftsiwfc prown dlrwtlom on ttsh etskjlfc iphnicjtatr will ay rwoojnwodlt emu mjl yj e p bowman ols u a be a mhjlc land surveying and engineering 10 douglas 8t guelph sueceasor to the late d a niven o l 8 phonps oiulo iul iuh 37iw dr a l price chiropractic electrotherapy 130 upper wyndhum street guelph over 11 yearn cxperluiico consultation jrud r j kerr auctioneer and real estate aitent 17 years hxpvrlt no acton ontario sales entrusted to it j krr re ceive attention from dutn of 1 tut lng toi date of u in lut yoursalee with me hesldunre dow or avenue acton phono 3e acton call at my e guelph business college offers uptqdatu clerical business stenogrupliy und bo- cretarlal coure by expurt ex perienced tn liurw mtudonts may enter any day white jroh invoumatxon v d bpuott wlimlpoj 7 out op 10 headaches are caused from uyo mtruhl it you suffer mini lumtiwht you ouitht to ijutiitlou tin tomlltlun of youi wyux often wllli vulnn ititpiuiy mmuur vm neatly iim d d u help of uiuumos a d savage optometry a mftj optician savage optical bulldlnu right et the roet office quclph optometrlet tu the cshsdlsr petiifio rtsllway co the old mill ucllulilt gmnlte iu marblo work vu minn ru iinil ilhuot of monlimimul w boll dlreot linukmui pruea it re 40 nor itnl iiiuil lninrttre q uumiiim end llauttsttniid to uur custuintiib thus tie vliia our i we im v hit only mechanics hi tu ilouilulmi who tan operate piiviihiiillii tools pnpriy we can rive relwoiiou from hundreds of our customers in tmmitu and other plaoes where nthr have to hse law suits in order lo tollrut we have the urreet and best stork of qra idle la the dominion or nmrt than any three dealers n the west we are legiti mate dealer and employ no ajrenta and dp not annoy or pest customers try eendlnff out lanoraut scents solid t- laet ordered we employ only meohanto and doty oompetltlon hamilton sr sons ouelph ont tvil

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