Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1924, p. 5

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sup atftptnjtr llrtaa thursday mat s 114 wrie to mother today ifyojj hare a trim her dcai in tho old homo far away bond to tier a bwn meimin lng deferred from day to day walt not till her weary slop cllmh upwards to hrmvann yule jsefhor know you uilnk of liir kor it lio too into too nt if you hnvo on lioort f lovnc and a loving word to say do not wait till to- morrow but writo to mother to day twill bring her tiwoot momorlen and will ohoor her on ih wny twill make nor reol happy while you honor kin thats day twenty years aqo from the tu of tho free prase thursday may 12 1mx tie older puplu ninniifil th girls ut iihi nubile nchoul have organized a tkliut hail olub tho rimt ionic intho uuuion was liclo m hnturday afiernoon in units grove a marry company of school muto enjoyed it contractor maulfimxlu cotftmenood t0 tear down tho glasgow hou-mtor- hauao preparatory la creation of mr george soner new store whon rhubarb plea era- on deck the flrat weak in may from tho garden jrrown plant the spring growth certainly not seriously in arrear born browne at 8l albana parsonage 2l0ow direct aotan on friday iy mqa to iter end km j a browne ba ft eon died warxubnr- in acton on tuesday may 10 itov john warren in his 7th the sunday school lbssok fon sunday may 11 1924 when to prune flowering the main reason for pruning shrub are 1 to ehoourage the plant to pro- muck more or belter bhom or fruit cltp keep the plant healthy vigor qom and shapely v pruning at time of planting newly planted ahruba or tree should be prun- v od to restore the balance between the j root and the top the traio in trans- planting hi severe as the plant jii mehair o two- thirds of its ssti feeding root tareetore the balancd v between the leaf area and tbe- root system the former is correspondingly redaeod ib this way also the hp of any oitsfa may be detertriload io r some extent at time xtt plaaflhst tjd 1 thlels varacniarlr true in the ctimmt lars bhruba andornametoal tree wnenio prune fjowbtlnphnidb ptowartnj ahrjibs may be ejjufcsffledm to time of prunlnst under t two iied i lhobe that- blossom tn may or ky jun d j those that blossom later w than june 7 class t shrubw in this elan ssoum pfi jbr pruned immediately after they have xyi- owree as they form darlnsr theum- ssw mootha the lrads- for next eeaeone mv- rljloom if prunlijls deferred until urnmt aflasoni- blossom wlllb r removed thomotanihlar hrobe in t cusaarevlllacj and- l tbe ss- fleecjboiacor swetsenie4 cttrrant v clalden belrporaythia stverjanipea gj vlree carajrnjlaand btfowbajl vi- j opulys c1iubi itusi thatbloomi later junaii3 victoht oveil waal wohhhip j klnc ul4 ltb doldoii text uc n trans in the lord and in thatretth of i1 mlatil eph 10 ths text explained vnrtio ltathaliah the mother of ahaxlah tho enntre of intcroot in now transferred to the kingdom of judah whoa less eventful hlatory hs aumea asuddfui imitartancn from helated share in the reltsloum revolu tion jiint acchimiiuhed in ephrnlm through the ajono pplttica and dynaa tc tlcn batwchjn the ttio klngduma the public worship of tho tyrtun haul had bn introduced in joruanjem and athallah tho latnurvivijr aluthu houas suqpewlod forntk ymtrs maintaining the fnxnlly tradition agalnut he hotter mind of the nation hut th crlalt uough daforred could not be uvertiml and if its oourad was namiwuc mare constltullomn than uie parhllal mptomont in rfio north there lay bohlnd it the great forco the vuirllng of hatonal sentltnepl agalnat the hvfithaiilali tendencies of the dourt thptjew century blblo verse 2 bed ohamber what 1 called however the bedchamber in the east uranot the kind of apartment that wo understand by the name but a small closet- into whlbh are flung during the day the mattresses and otherbeddlng material spread on the floor or divans of the slttlnggooms by day such a lumberroom was well suited to be a convenient place lor the recovery of hi wciupda and a hiding place for the royal infant ind bis nurse jamlasonfausaetbrowii vexel athallah reigned over the landthe daughter of ahab and jese- bi ahe posaessed her mpthers cour- ajrevajjt like her was a devrfted wor shiper ofbaal the ccealon ahaslahs jsort would mean her loss of the position of queen mother in favor of the deceased monarchs wife she tberefora strsngthanetr her position by first attempting- tp ruthlessly all lvais and seoendly popularising rhnl wnrahlii 1 compering wtches 6t train time wiileaoe ulibetrottors f uie ancient woilil rtomudu nf the rnce- no isooner u vqnkntim dltitrlct than a migration trevellliin by day lodging whore night overtook thorn such wo abraham out of mesopo tamia into a country ho know not of such tho norsomon from tho far north into lands of promise such the vik ings sailing the trackless deep for now shore auah tho ducoverem and creators or the anrnncun worm no pnthm but of thalr own biasing no njflomoti4 to report their fnr lunfii only lonrf ycartf qver unr t 1 mill t in immortal nplo of wi id mifmiliica i hi i for iln- iidiiiinllc habit no liiclcfl oiirthiuilinuulty vtatntng whcrfv it took root wonderluut ba huvtd mnhklnd from revurfllon to tin unlnut and is tho foreword of all pro kraapiirrlm and irogresa railvvay time tables naoin natiohaerftllffays i3- thon jube eheuid nbtoveiaaj bw a pnjned until the leaf tjdgshoiv m y the print the besi examples of bj -r- shrab in this el are the hydramre r l fjrboreoasjwl panlcujata and the burtroeesv- on shrojm of this das the flower bud 1 prodticed lntb year j l of flowvtasjajidnolcajrled over xroxa i the jfeer prerp4tc the more swmly jt sch hrpba njriprupod in thesbrins fv lherarsiet the howersv tsglu be hot twerejlylt u nqf to jwtie tcoser f akrvof medlmn alosqowmr 1 bettor ruibhia jtow large one t while tberouch soupjmr of 411 ms shrub into two ciaose for the- pu- pose of pruning answers all practicao purposes there ore aoarv ehrub that vtnuiy bo placed in eltheiola tosult convenience or local oondltlen tho shrubs known asmocjrpraarejhll delphua may be nrnped- lar ji just after flowerln orvths prunln may be deferred tavuarly sprlnfcat which time the cape ebuld he aort onod allghuy and the owbotf thin- nod out tho japsj jctoge iftoaig itugoea another- irdgftty f4trctlv summer flowertpc hrpbbwhtraor- r be pruped after itha ttnhih- edvoowertng bat tejjnraetlce j pel- dom pruned until srtsrlyeprfnc one reasoilbeln thatltlt fruit is an at 1 tracfvvsj feature in mutuoui bret- green should nojbe pruped but should be allowed fb lake their natural form axoept when sheltred ahedjteec baal worships verse jjehcjvh- the prleat com msmded after bi year jeholadn thought thoj the time had- come 1 to overthrow the usurping- queen and place the legitimate heir on the throne he took into w confidence the oltfcer of the palace guard show ing them the ybung prince and sub mlttlnif to them a earefujly considered plan ofactfon which they solemnly pledged themselves to carry out in accordance with this arrangement the whole of the palace troop ware as semhled in the temple on a given sab bath the bojr king- was crowned with all the cusbmnary formautlee and hailed with acclamation by- the guards athallah who 00 i hearing- the tumult had hastened to thb temple wen by jeholadar order conducted beyond th sacred precincts and put to death the king- and people then renewed their allegiance to yahweh in bleoui povenant the temple of basuv vu datroyedf and joashsrithptlj further disturbance wo firmly etabllhed on the throne skinner y lesson themee- v blncrly alone inadequate with out doubt athauah- wmji sincere fa he practice and promotion of boat woreblp she was fanatical devotee aadobe thi btihject but heir jtnolertr did pqr mikohereoura right tlie sincere ehamplonhlp of evil in th nana of good 1 otraredy sincerity will not save from the di- aster which in auch era wl eertaloly follow a man- mayawallow ppuion pel loving- it helpful dodbut pia in- cerltywlll hbt proteet hlnximhlte fatal result sincerity v alone j ln adequate our devouen mogvhve the right direction ajtd awortojpobleet v th crueltr- of statearrtrwhen athallah the lost u ahabhodm aaw uuit bar van ahsalah wadd which meahrjthat berpojritlan in the royalty wai ended she promptly proceeded to destroy all the royal eed and usurp edthe throne with like promptness he wan jut to death when six year later jeholada broughfout the hidden joah aifd placed him on th throne- throajomut th age the history of statecraft 1 red wth murder pol- ulcalaction ln circle has been uuallywthout conaclenqe and- ho gfven smell ploee to juelfoe modem totecroflj whue not o btoody ihar ofantlentthne 1 fnndamentally sai- flshthe oreatwar wi won id the blgti realm of world idealism while it flrstfrailui wer thalow el- oshnss of the council t w ere lytthe beginnlpg of our task of chrlstlanlxtng the world order- theftuof the house of baal ateholada- made a threefold covenant which establubed jahovab the king and the pebble a a woeiaj rtiilc the issued by the ontarw horuoultuml cbvenorit loode clear the relauopsof ajwocuulon srt- ttvt jehovah and the- king the relation of v a bovab and the people and the ceta- worm feed upon f ohlldrenmid- en live t simptemdejceouve remedy te fother oravca wprm ksteninator tertriblttnevye an irish aervant girl skbsave o ubaenoe fop an hour tocbnault for- tuneteller flhererurbed walking al- mauy v did she mlct aomo great trou- blnr asked hef mutra sympathetl- cully v ooch manv eich therrlhi new moined the jflrl wriiurln her hand teuqwjiat h ald naked the tnlstre wunlng to 00m fort thglrf 1 she1ould ma that m father work hard ahovenh coal on 4india fblree for allvin but that io dkgruoey ald- the raltrasatrtfle vexed ut such affeo- tutlqnt och ffuitam me ikjor fthf f eob- bed the gtrl what a hard time tn mustbe havin u been dead theee notne year t r lj there i no potoonoue ingradlant in hdjuyitay corn nemover and it can he used without danger or injury to pltae hmv a great many itorle r told of the jealousy and 1 feeling anioog muslelgh but not always are the tale ao fulivf a good humured appreciation of tho state lf thing as 1 the follow- lng by the argonaut boaalnj walking ape day on the boulevard with the muflclan uroga wm greeted bg meyerbeer who an- leurvinquhred after the health ofhla dear llosalnl jbd very bad answered- the lat ibr a ssd chr hearlaeha a ld- ache andxjeg 1- can scarcely move after a few mom antsjcn valuation mjsyerbeer pasaed am and- llfgga ask edihe great compoeer bow- it- wa he t r hftd udflnjtyboome o un bmll- v jbts friend 1 voh 1 vmildnc bebtier ionl would ijtv frnnfma id ptaase meyerbeer he 1 ce- so glad to see me amaahupl t mllbw worm powrferenot only w not the infantile ayeteoj untenable romj worms but by uialrdbtlptilon the tonwcli ttver and bowel theyoorreot iv aucji roublesj mwk of appetite rx nulouenes and other internal dljr dec tho the worjnbrbjn ohudren ii h ponrfhem nod no amtter what yoondltloh- ttiolr etom- nwwhrniayb itr thy wiftw jm- nto eoon the tres4nieni 1 jehovah and the people and the uonaor the king and hi peools unit ed by trip bond it naturally iollnwhallmhpoble otth land went into -the- ofaa of baal and brake it dawn j hlsaltar and- hi image brake they in piece thor oughly the progervatlon of thl hardgained ylatory wo not forgotten for they jdmo appointed ofncra over the house of jehovah- for 8tudyand ojsouaslon who wo athatloht who w atuudohj whenahoolah died what did athallah dot how idng did she relgnt uow wd hedlpucedt who succeeded her 1 cruelty etlll et prevailing trait f atafeeraftt why wa the houe of jehovah and the sabbath regarded am holy what triple covenant brought victory over ttaalworshlpt doe eagerness for glory load to unjuetund cruel act in our dkyt i deelre for succes legi timate ar there restriction dly reeding for next- week monday mav 11 ift l 110 tuesday may is ia 1330 wednewtaymay l laa 371t thursday may ivlalnt 4ip iprlday may l isa 17 11 -sb- saturday may it xoa j7 303s saturday may 48 iam it compassion ampnjl tho jftcjrles which were told by certain aged phyaiqlans ut a re union of medlca mvof th omea when aursjoal operation were oon- dpctedwlthop anaesthetic none were more teaching than the ouowlngt a little- girl hot more than eight yeoraold waif injured in such a wmy that 11 was neoesaary to amputate one of her leg she proved to he otwon darful pluck and inatsmd pf bltahi tier us wa oustocnary tn such hk- she was gtvenhs inaet cheiihed doll to hold jeaeing it in her arm she rubmllted toiho amputation without single cry v when tj wa done the physician in charge aeekjng to brighten matter up wllhj a phtasuntry sbjd and now my dour we wluv ornpu tat your dolls log- thnn the llueglrl buret into tear no nopllhe gasped hetweninr ob you hnu nalh would hurt hertoo mclil x v oeete in cmnplpxni survey or prospectpre and hunter will and brthomaa ntalectrto oil very useful jbxoamh when the feet and teg are ret nd cold it iiwejv torb them reely with pjo on and the reauit wil be the prevention pain in the rjtlsole and houtf a out or 001 tuaton or ebroin be nothing gvary onft who hut occasion travel and every orie ytio think at all which is we submit another way of saving every one in this broad do- minion of our hd marvelled at one time or another over the axaciltud with which thevjint numlibr of tralna oh our canndlan llnow iri handled safely and punctuully kxpresa local special freight conotrucilon undothrr trains am forevor plying to andtro along these lliiea leaving the same stations and utlllxlnir the- nuno switches within a few minutes of one another yet delays and accidents are extremely rare this ofneiency which is primarily dapondont on ycact punc tuality caruiol be achieved unloes all clocks andvntohes used by those re sponsible for handllps trains agree and are all strictly on- time how is this accuracy maintained obviously there must be an elaborato organisation id doal wllh it foro railroad company candot afford to take chances in such an allimportant stutter- tbe canadian pacific hall way for inatanco recognlsos this and ha perfected an extensive department employing scores of men who devote all their energies to checking jind ad justing the cotppany official clock and watches some details of its work are interesting t the otlclal title of this aggregation of experts is the time 8ervlev vutlmt color sen and hearing iapytment in this dapavtment thbte le l jchtef inspector for eastern lines and one for wevjern lines each with a separata officer- from thesoofdee the work of setting regulating and repairing all clock and watches is directed and controlled for setting the company clocks the department employs a method which illustrative of tha wonderful pos sibilities of modem slmmfl in cer tain stations rodndhouse and yard office there are clocks known as oorn- parbjon clocks so called because they have- beep officially designated clock at which conductor engineers and other may safely net- their walchen lhyhe heoit tolegruph ofqee of tha cajyvjii facinc in montreal there larableotrlcal master aloek connect- riyith a similar clock keat in thy ervatoryof mcoul unlver- sltyatontreal the latter docks ac curacy i maintained by astrohomlcal calculation and it in turn control th master clock in the canadian pacific head telegraph office from thl of- floa ibnef radiate to every canadian pacific telegraph etatldnlh fhlo- jnlnlon at a certain hour dally h mcqlll master clock indicates the corrnol tlmo by boats an a telegraph instrument maintained specially for the purpose in uie hsad telegraph office- the- sig nals cohimcnce strictly on tho stroke of li5 a in from that instant to ten seconds short of llse one beat is sounded upon every second a pause of ten eond follow until on the btroko of 11 m two beats are sounded chi performance lm once repeated ending onthe troke pf- n8 to the cnle operator in delegated the great rosponslblllty of transmitting the signal- to the hundred of- telegraph operators at- the comparison station throughout thoayatem it bis duty to- sit at a key connected with the lh- struroeot of all the opera tor and repeat thealgnal a they ae received vln uie meantime the operator have been standing by awaiting tho algnal every tetesnnph instrument onth qperqigrrpceiwnc l wifh comparisoniclock ppelflc system a the time draw tab0utely silent at thui dramatic moment the chief operator literally hold uie system tnth hollow of his hand tb beat begin theoperaiprk at the comparison stations watch their clock astb signals flash west- ward to vancouver and eastward to hallfajc they ndtn th number of seconds error slow or fast if any registered by the olopk the su-nals- qeoe and normal work 1 resumed if the clock is more than ten seconds oat the operator at aacp station ad- juu it to col oct urae if it i lea thap ton seooniu out he announce the tact by placlngvetde the clock a card whlcfc indicates nh amount of error to prove to efflolal that ho i not neglecting tnejpb he must then make an entry fthe of the clock on a spkoia card which cover u period of one month at- uje end of ths month the card whjch huo contains noteaa when tha- cloojr bo been wound set or regulated la sent in to the tlme service offlq concerned ihu enabling the chief inspector- to maintain a close check trpo all clocks 1 should a clock need adjustment by experts it 1 t onee replaced by a hew dock from nulauarun stattdn- blocks pther than compari son 10ck upon which the public de pend for catching train are similarly checked aa are also the clock in office which despatch telegrams and ordctrequtrfngicdlng in the larger office such a the company head quarter at windsor st stauon mon treal tha clock are electrically set and wound and by one master clock asthme doeant wear- off alone to not nmkn tho rnlhtnuo of waltlnjj cr antliniato wenr awy by i two if wlilloytiu nfn waiunii u10 dlflfehoti ih auioly unthorlnir a ntronunr foothold una you livo in dncor of strongorund vol iitioncnr- atacki ir j dmtbl iolus aathina- llernedy rukon early will iimvont incipient condition from hcroming chronic and save hours ut uwfui aufferlng watches carried by employee re- immiqlo- transcontinental canadbxn aponslble tor the punctuality sod safety o train are also checked regu jarly and in adaluon an periodically cleaned strict regulations govern who shall carry wutches and also the make and grades permitted no less than 1j- make and 75 grndos are ap proved fortysix watch lnpoctor to whom approximately 7000 men re port with their wachoa ut fortnightly intervals aroj employed by- the com- pony on its e linos alone nil responsible to the chief inspector who keeps- a complete record of each watch ah or which leads one to wish that ones lady friends would appreciate the importune of punctuality to the same extent and wore a compelled to report regularly to tho railway watch inspector ovnn though thulr failure 10 arrive at the rpnitaxvouu on the date is hot usually a mutt or df lli and death a it la with the railway companies unacceptable an nmuiilnn incident oounecim iuilot tlio cimponnr js told by doc tor miller he aaya purlng the lattor part of handels life when a boy i uuil to perform on a german flute- 1 iomlon at his oratorios about thpyirar 1763 in tho lenten neason a minor capo from the cathe dral of gloucester offered his service to handel to sing ills offor was ac cepted and ho was employed in the choruses npt satisfied with this department ho requested leave- to sing a solo that his voice might appear to more ad vantage this requostolno wa grant ed but he executed his solo so llttlo to tho satisfaction of the audience that to hi groat mortification he wan violently hissed when lhy performance was over handel saldto him gravjy i nmaorry very sorry for- you le- dned my dear sir but go back to your church do country god will forglf you for your bod singing des wick ed booplas in london day will not forglf youl an equal safety an irish clergyman during his first furacy found the ladle of the pariah 00 helpful ho soon laftvlhb place one day thereafter he met his sue how kro- you setting on with the ladles t naked tho escaped curate oh- very well vol the unswot there safety in numbers tfouod it in exodufwn thi quick rep v v v solemn trtffrl f ope busineeaman mfi another on th street 0 econd manaeemed downcokt and had a look a ifhewero sjihamed of himself wnat1 tho mattervwked the first man jwoll to put it briefly ald th other i- have been epeculoung in stock indeedt wero you a bull or a bearr neither i wa onaoi af f1r6t to finish the children of the plttman family were according o uislr respective ac count an first lo aomethlng at chool tommy waa flrat- in readlhg alice wa first- in arithmetic sammy in sports and so on janet nione remained si lent- ii well janet how about your her uncle asked arent ybq first in any- thjngrv i am k4d janet tlitfflhii out of tho building when thebelurtnmo eg k mnimtnt stops iirniim j onepvt n 8 iilcod pci50np0 rtmovli all ivflammarion it pays to use martin senour mabeeflxeflo pnish uathin like u for hkrdwvodftoom ftweara tiaewn wkrte tohdpftct montrl tot fnm boowrt home fwhtiho maoceaav wd talbot autolafa corner auto thieve huv put many a man on hie feat- secondhand cor ore never a good a they ore pointed the world ho two many cranks and pot enough solfstarters tfhe automobile ha come to toy it boa also come to go a telephone pole never- hltaan auto mobile onlfr in selfdefense 1 one half the woild wonder where the other half get itsuutomobllo the reckless drryer must go de- i chtres -the- pedestrian but why must lhe go o fujnti- t time igoopuut when about the only thins that will scare a ho will i b to see another bora the farmer etn morose and depressed you can always cheer hbn up 1 by perauadlpg hltn to talk about hu now closed car andyo0aay you hava lost con- trol of tbeearr yes t cant keep up the instal ment bub you oav always tell a man who ha a car dubmy experience ho beep that you caht tou him anything tdont you wurh yop had oh aunr- mobile rt sold eraatorf o i dunnoabafcerjd mr pinltteyt uudoeantcost nax so much money and its purty near a danger ous t its easy enough to je plaaaant whon your automobile t in trim llut the man worth while li the man that will smile vvhan he bo to rldej beawon the run j l save money bjubinjx smp eiuuir- vied ware cooking vessels hey uw- jeag fuex to satisfy yourself try this contid test ua yowrldulien tke an senamdea sauce pan andone of equal sige made of alnmlnnm tin tor othexmetsi gtt eeh poor two rqairis of cold wslr pbtce egxh jsaace pah over the fire the water in the smpkojtmeidscacclwinbebou- i in- merrily when the hur in the othsr jnaf rwg4nnln irt jnnir save your jjjonew ubo smpware 0 gs attbcas xatun-mrlde- fmo tbexe icarce- ly a corner of tbj great qomlntdn where the merits of dr thomas bo- leotrie oft have not been tried and proved it laone of the worlds most efficient remedies for sore- throat lame bans and many other ailment aruhig from inflammation flubbed on the skin it healing power 1 readily ab sorbed and it can ejao be taken in ternally v a coohno thought what make ope moo warn moke another cool during the hottest week jaat summer gentleman walked into tbecohntry store to get hie mall an old darky wa sitting in the blaslos sun in a the ptaxxs of the store looking comfortable e ohooolute ice cream the white map sank inta another chair and fan ped himself with hi ump handkur qhief- well unci jsb he said vf must say that you seem pretty comfortabl how- do ybu manage to keep so- on day j ike this the uaurro i think in dat d sun whats roakn dls yere beatnes 1 pamllln down on all de vfatermllllons n oeorgia an mahln dam jcatsored an ripe dat say mouf most oaynt keep frocn ewaufrln f doant mln de heutn when i spees jte ao dem i strange ataqt9n oolnowerr no 3 313 em v tfl no 33 320 pjn il no i 608 pm no 33 b38pm no 26 simdity lojoojn- oolnq east 1 so 2f 708 nm no 30 lilam no 34 j pm w nd sb 617 pm no 33 813 bjn wot no 34 saoday 708pjn toronto suburban electric railway 7 westbound no 63 840 am no dtt i i 1140 1101 no c7 240 pm m no 1 c40 pm no cd 800 pm jmg no flo n4opm esstbound m no s4 j i 743 itta no do w 1042 om no dh ijap m no 03 y 442 pm ijk3 0 bb 742 pm ikrlh no 70 1041 pin s ib v vi3 sunday timexaole westbound no 65 1jj ll40am np s 340 pjn- no 83 ju 8ctpm m no 37 ft4qprn eastbound no 53 io42ajn iw no 80 i- 342 pjn no 64 642 pn no 88 sopm freight delivered by special expreee freight fnelgh picked up st on ad dress in toronto t thidtfoajd aiynaoton 7 oct of 10 l headaches jare caused from eye train if you suffer from hcadaono you ought to question the condltjoh- of youcym often- with vision apparently normal eye greauy hed tfco betp of glaase- ajbsayagb optometrist a uq opttelan sevao optical bulldlnq right at th post owe vauelpm v optometristto thcandisn paeifle railway cot for the motoring public walter jsenttot main sthjb5et garage a first class motor mechanic prepared to repair all makes of motor cars promptly i tirfes repaired and vulcanized best grades of gagojine and motor oils supplied at reasonable prices air and water free to all motorists boom for storage aoiv garage main street w kentner proprietor t gibbons expebt 8hoe bepa1bino prompt attention to orders lept t e gibbons matn sthbkt acton ifolfes jsksftaylng 1 53haao3it5ot tioronto cakiaoi i y a complete tine of 8 m p products 7r jfa sywoh hkraro acton xlobblq usrd to clill on a certain old- lady every saturday afternoon and she olwoy gave him li plee of cocoa- not layer caks tjuf oil saturd she espeeted oooiphny for tea he dbdejd not tu out the oake and thorefow none wo ntedbobblev he waited and- waited for hi usual treaf till llnally h 04m time cor him 10 go t t believe 1 smell ooooahvu cake h rsnuvked wintfuiiy ruiog from hi ebsjx and looking towurde kltohtn- the lady faughod went tohe pan fryvaod cut hltn a very tiny slloe- ijohble thanked herami said it aeema strange tbfcl i could sufitll uoh a little place doaant tv absolute protection whatever comes by insuring four ways ith a north american life policy you can provido against every possible misfottunc which might deprive yourself or your loved ones ot i secure future income such a pplicy pdy8four ways i death 2 accident s 3 total disability 4 old age thus with a 10o0q policy under this four way north american lifo plan your beneficiaries receive in tho event of your death from natural causes 10000 if your death is accidental your heirs receive 20000 in case you arc totally disabled through sickness or acci- dent yqu enjoy a monthly income ai 100 and ttt tho samo tlmo your policy represents a saving for old ago when lessened earning power will reduce your income we will ho glad to send you full particulars about this absolute protection policy morth american life assurance company solid as the continent r c walls dlatrict marawer so4s0s bank of hamilton bldg hamilton onl i wuuldtike full puttloutar about itour ways the lulloy that iays name address afto occupation acton elevator near q t r 8tatk0n following- brandsonr hand v- flour manitoba plour pastrv rolled oats oat chop oat8 oilcake hav and qrkin grain bought and retailed alex l noble hentty awrey manager xe ym v vi fn tjs v- get your job printing at the free press this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to bell to those ho jmow and to those who dbntknov at a uniform fair ptloe to fulfill all guaraatocs and cheer fully correct all ml takes to deaervo your confldonce by always giving you satisfaction savage cov jewelleni gubiph ontahio ii r fi 7 ilhiv v i- rtuii

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