Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1924, p. 6

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lpwialabhiew ctye acton jfrf jlneab tuuiu3dat mat 1 1914 write to mothefi today ifynu have a mother door in the old homo far away hohtl to her a raott message lng deforred tram day to day walt not tilt her woory steps cllmh upward to heuvona get iothcrtenowyou think or ir jccr it ho loo late loo late i if youtuivo nn heart of love and a laying word to ray do not wall llll uimwrnw ouj write lo muuici- toduy twill brills lier hwaot memories and- will atioor her on rim way twill make hfr rat happy while you honor mother uoy twentv years ago pram the issue of the free press of thursday msy 12 1b04 tho jhlor pupil amongst the glrla itt hit publlu uchool jinme organized inxkut imll ctub i tito rim t pi tr tile of tho season was liuld on fcnturtlay afternoon in hals urovo a marry compiny of school- mutm enjoyed jt i contractor atacetattxlijoofnineiicod 10 tear down olasguwjjpuee utore- iiouie preparatory to oreollon of mr george sopors new storoi a j when rhubarb plea are rrftlpclt tho flrflt weak in may from the garden grown plants be spring growth 1 certainly not seriously in nrrear porn i browne at slalbun parsonage willow street acton on friday may e 104 to rot and mra j q drowns- ba a aon died waiuwonvin acton on tuesday may 10 1904 john warren in his 7th year the sunday school lesson for sllnoay may 11 1b24 when to prune flowering shrubs tha- main reasons for pruning shrub ar l to enooursge tho plant to pro- duett more or better bjooin or fruit r to keep tho plant healthy vlgor- ty oris and ahspely pruvlncat tune of planting newly lnauaaftar planted shrubs or tree should be prun- il to restore tho balance betwaen the t v root snd the top the atraln in trans planting la severe as the plant ha joat from onohalf to two- third of ita feeding roots toreatoro too balance botwoen uuv leaf area and tbe root ayatetn tho former 1 corrnaponjlatly redoes in thui way also the shape of any bush may bo dotermuned to hme extent at time ofypaspjlne and this 4a paruealarly true in the casa jot larva abrnbs and oroamftniai trsesv when to prone flowerlm9hniba ftowarrlng abnibs rnay b4iaaaiaedaa o time of pruninc tinder ftwo beads 1 thoan- that- bloeaom in may or una ond- axhoo that bloaaom utar than jtme clan 1 bhruba in tbla clan ahould vk hjbupnined immediately after have v- flowered aa they form darins thaaunvj v myntha the trndafor next aeaaon bloom if pmnina ta deferred jin tu taster next aeasona jkloaaom fil h ranioved the rtoatifamniar ahraba in ftthlf elaaa are luaca ahd sv floeaerlna or aweetaeante4t currant- qalden belthforaythuo stberhin pea ay tree caronula and bpawball vi t bamum- opulys -it- k cuuai jttahea unuplootw later thantiubqaheuid not aaia- elaaa prunwfinul the leaf 4jui aboat li thaaprina the boat examplea of ohrube inthia elaaa axe the hydrascea f arhoreacana and panleuiata and the y- bnaji roaoacv on ahruba of thl daaa tha howar bud la produoed in the year wfiit j l of floworlna andnitcarrled over train fcfjljru rtho jremr provfpqtt tbmpreoverely- w ach ahruba banrupwi- in the aprtnit thetaraxr the ixowera wul bx bat r atirauy it uweo not to prune too aevereiy aaa odfattnum- borv of medlmn almdoowivsla better rivl anmi laraeonoa ivt- arouplni- of all rcvabruba into twb claaaea far the pur- it poaejof ipnuolnar anawara all practical ia jbwpfmimi there arc aom ahruba that av4arbapiiood in elthrclaaa to eult tfi vnieiioa or local conditions tho aajwotanjrepuft- vtwpbnaj inay bldrane4 a jilnerinonirlnb may brdlteitinaierly aiixlilt alj vwpjeh tune thjs eanea abcrald wiehorfj rh7aallahtiynd the owoo thin- j jttl oat the jana a jlpoaa l fcv anoihar thijtnljt futnwtlvo 0wabmnfc hrnbiaattlioc- aljeaulyi be prlihed after it haa flniah- poxiag bur in practice u ael- v vtma prunad ontu theiurly aprid op qrutmr balnit that ita fruit la an t- fjf j f4ractly feature t m autumn brer- igraena ahould motr be pnmed but houldbe ailowadfh takethalr natural fowe3coapt whan aheajed a hmaaf learned by- the onurjo horooultural ks i ofjna taavi xi ohltrtron andmn ewupon the vitality jihjmlnp andjndajffl llveaa agbpie andefmotlirttrbniedy tti afother orivaa worm eternlnator- r terrolrnew9 pvan irtah aervant prl aakaid baiva of abaonoe for an hour to consult for tune teller ereturhed wmlklna dut mallyv txd ah ttmsdict aomo creat trou- bier staked hor rauireaa eympatheti- calljr i r ooch mamj4h therrlbi newa mone4 the jjirt wrnainavher handa t tllme wbut ahe oald naked the mtetreea wlahinc to oomfort the bin 8h touldmethatme father works vhard whovennooal an tlndln folraa rtor allvlnl but thuta no dbjaruepj oald tho raletresa v tiffle vexed wt auon affacf 1 tatloo- fy oeii maam me poor fathefl 0b- vbad tbeairl what a hard time nt must be havini y been dead theef nblne yearat j v there w qopolonouarlhcredlvnt 4 mollowaya corn kemover and it can jbe med without dancer or injury- jvoalvti victoht ovbit uaal wonaiiip i kine 11 i- uii joldon text ue btrona- in the ionl and in the atrencth of jlli mllit- eph e 10 the taxt explained vnran latiialah the moihar of ahaslahthe ceniro of intermit u now transferred to the kingdom of judsh whoea ttmt eventful history ns- iumm a sudden lnikirtaiice from its belated share in the relhrioiw revolu tion j lint sccomplliihrd in bphrnlm throuch the elooepplttical und dynas tic lien between the two klnsdoms the public wrhlp of thojtyrluii ilaul hart baan introduce inr joruaulem und athallah tho lst rurvlvor of aluthtt bou- auccewlod for nix years malnlalntntf the family tradition avalnst the hatter mind of the nation uut the crisis thoukb deter rdd could ijiot ie uvertid and if its course was bomowhut more constitutional than the ia ml let mpvomcni in tho north there lay behind it the ureal force the uhrlsliik of national sontlmcpt a inst tlie liahthenuur tendencies o the court the new century bible verso 2- lied iqtuun bar what ii called hawayer the bedchamber in the east hrnjot the kind of apartmont that wo underntand by the name but a email closet into whtbh are flunn iurlof the day the mattresses nnd other beddlns matarlauiapread on tha noora or divans of the blttincrooms by day sueb a lumbekrooni was well suited to be a convenient place for the recovery of his wounds and a hldlns place for the royal infant hnd his nurse jamiesonfausaetbrowii verse s athallsh relsned over the land the uaushtor or abab and jese- bel aha possessed her mothers cour- aae andj like her was a devdted wor shiper of hm the accession nf anaslaha son would mean her loas of the position of queenmother lo favor of the deceased monarchs wife she therefore streturthened her position by first attemptina to destroy ruthlessly all rivals and secondly pppularlslnc baal worship yerse it jehovmb he rnsst com anded lifter six years jeholada thouaht iho tha time had come 1 to overthrow the usurplnx queen and place the legitimate heir on the throne he took into his confidence the oftlcers of the palace guard abow ina them the youna prtpcoand sub- mlttiiuito them a carefully considered plan of action which they solemnly pledured themselves to carry ou in accordance with tbu arrangement the wboe of the palace troops were aenidled in the tamplo on a bye sab bath the boy kins was crowned with au the customary formdlltlea and hailed with acclamation by tha auarda athallah who on hearing- the tumuli had- hastened to tha temple waa by jeholodavs ordersi oonducsde beyond the aacred precincts and put to death the kin and people then renewed their allegiance to yahwah in a solemn covenant tho temple of- baal waa destroyed and cetab j further dhuurbanoe waa firmly established on he throne skinner lesson themes sincerity alon jmulequata with out doubt athailajr vwns sincere fh hea practice and promotion of baal worship she waa fanatical devotee andpaeaaejd upoj thla auhjeot but her lafnoarltr did nor make her course rbjht the alpcere championship of evil in tho muneof roodu auraredy blnoerlty will not save from the diav aster which in such case will certainly follow a majrnuiy swallow poison bellevlns it a helpful slo6vhnt-ualn- berity bbt- p h fr 11 taerraut emoertty alone in- adequate ottrdevotlon muabara the rlsht direction and aworthy object vthst crualtac of statecraftfwhen athallah the last pr ahaba house saw that bar aon ahssiah waa- dead which meantrthat- her position in the royalty waa ended aha promptly prooeeded f destroy au tho royal aeed and uaurp- the throne with like promptness she waa jj iu to death when six years later jeholada brought out the hidden joaab and placed him on the throne throughout the age the history of atatocrartis rod with murder pol itics action in royal circles has beonj uiually without consclenos and has gfvsnjamsll place tjp juslfeo modem tateorafju wfauenot eobtoodyas that of snclentumbs is fondajnaotaliy asi- tho tjrsac war was won in the high raainr of world idealism while ita first fruits weraiiost in tha low eel- oshness of the council tb wfxe only at the ipsginnlna of our task of chrlstlanlxtnx the world order the fall of the house of bgal ljeuolads made a threefold covenant which jstblabed piehovab the kins and the pebpleaa awodsj tuut the covenant made clear the relations- of jshovah and theung tha zeiationa of jehovah and the people and ths rela- ubnaof the ajnc and his people unit ed byvthui triple bond it naturally i jouowaa f 4bththpeple ouhe land went into ffietoise of baal and brako it ddwn his altars and bis imagea brake ihey in pieces thor oughly tbs prosjervauon of thla hard gained victory was not forgotten for they juso appointed omoersover the bouse of jehovah foh study j and oieeuaslon who was athahsjlt who was luuusxt when ahaslah died whai did athaliah dor howtonjr dlcv she reign t host su shduiplacedr who icoeeded- berr m cruelty still a prevailing trait of atatweyan why was the fbouae of jehovahr and the sabbath regarded as holy t what triple coysnant brought victory over utal wotshlpf does eagerness for glory load to unjust und cruel acta fhij oyr djayt is desire for success leg- timatef are there restrictions dally rsatfinga for neat- week monday mnv isk t 110 tuesday maltrsx 1310 wednesday may 14 ima 17 j 17 thursday may laisslst 14xo friday may lios37 ii- 3- uaturday may 17 loa 07 uxa saturday mays xalm at mileage ilohetroitors of the sneleat world nonuids of tho race no soonor u co 11 k on tod dlutrlct than a mutratlon rsvelllnn by day lodging where night overtook tnera such wa abraham out of mesopo tamia into a country he knew not of such the norsemen from the far north into lands of pro ml as such the vik ings calling the trackless deep for new shores such the discoverers and cruatora of tho american world no paths but of their own biasing 10 odometers to report their far timcfa only lonrr ycarw qvir ntl1- an immortal ap6 uf i hair 1itil1es hut for h tifimiidlc hahlt no trlu- ourth humutilty vntcatatlng hrro t took roft wanderlust ba uvtd m n n kind from rnvomlon to thn nlmal ahd is the foreword of all pro- ress pilgrims and iroarn railvyaytime tabjcp kfli anna itidnaima at acton qol no west no j 813 s to pleas him a great many stories re tuld of the jealousy and y i feeling among naualcutns but not always are the tales so fuilof a goodhumored appreciation xt the stats pf thlnga sdi l ths follow ing told by jba argonaut bnsslnl walking 6no day on lbs i boulevard with the muslejan brags wu greeted by mayexbeer who an xlouslynquhedlafter the health o his dear itoaslnt bad very bad answered the lol tar a head ncbe a heartache s slde- aclie and a leg jl- can scarcely move after a taw moments ouiivvisatlon msyarbeer passed- on arid fhraga ask in great oempoaer how uwaahe v hftd auddeniybecoino ao unwell ttmll- juvff his friend 1 vph l vouldn ba bettarj i only wnnjsd id pteaae mayerbsef lie would be so gkid to see- sqe smash up j v t millers- worm ownwa not only make he hi fan tile system unteuabl- rqm worms but by their actio on tbe ijet atpmsch har ami bowou they correct lh sugi roubiea ahjack of appetite jrs nuloiranesa and other internal dtsor- iers that the wornucrajn ohudrfh i thrive upontni ajitl no mcttar what r7mndltoh theuviwormlnfeated auun- jviiui ttisjrvsbs iivthay jm- jvmfemania nob as the treauoisnt too compamion among the jitorlss which were told by certain aged physicians m a re union of medical men of the times when surgical operation were con- ductsdwlthoaf anaesthetics none were more touchinguuu the folitfwingi a little glrl botmor than eight years old was injured in such a way that it was neoesaary to amputate one of her legs hho proved to be of s derful pluck ahd instead of blthmawr her as was custotnary in sueh pases she was given he moat cherished doll to hold pressing if inhlr arm she submitted to the amputation wltbout a alngrl cry when it was done the physician in charge asekln to brtgbjen muiters up with a pleasantry aud jr and now my dear we will- ompu tats yohr dolls l lee- vthein 4ho little glru burst into tears y nol no i she gspd btweuhsr sobs you ahau notif would hurt her too muchl s camprxniovr survey- ore prospecturs and buhters will fln4 dr thomas- fttclfotric ou very useful in camp when tha feet and leas are we gnd cold it is well to rub tbeui 7roelv with me oil and ths raattu wim be tba nraventlon 0 pains in tin toiisolea and ahouo s cut or oon tuelon qsrtrsjn b sustained nothfhg opuld be batter astsvreealiig or lotion every out who has occasion to travel and ovary ono vo thinks at all which la we submit nholher way of saving eyory one in this broad do minion of ours has marvelled at one time or another ever too exactitude with which theyjm number of tralnu on our cnnitdlnn lliuui nro tumdled fely and ptincfimtly express local special freight construction nndotjhnr trains are forever plying to and fro along these lines leaving the some stations and utilising the lump- switches within a few minutes of one another yst delays and accidents extremely rare this ofll clancy which is primarily dnpondcnl on exact punc tuality eannol be aohlevod unless all clocks and watches used by those re sponsible for handling tralnn agree nndjtre all strjotjyiii- r 1 how is this accuracy nislntained7 obviously there must bo an alaborate organlxatton to deal with it tor a railroad company cannot afford to take chances in such an allimportant matter tbo canadian pacific rail way for instance recognises this and has perfected an extensive department employing scores of men who duyats all their energies to checking jvnd ad justing the company- ofllciul clocks and watches some details gf its work are interesting the atldal tltlo of this aggregation of experts is the time service vlatonv color sensosnd hearing department in this department thbre le n- chief inspector for eastern lines and ono for western lines each with a separate omce prom theso offices the work of setting regulating and repairing all clocks and watches is directed and controlled for setting the company cloaks the slblllfjcs of modern sclcioe in cor- tain stations roundhousea and yard oflloee there nro clocks known as com parison alockalb called becauao they have beep nmclally designated ss clpcksaf which conductorai englneeis and othfcrs safely net their watches lilyhe heacrtolqgruph ofdoe of the con paclflp in montreal lhere ta master olock conneobv vlth a similar clock kept sservat operator receiving with comparison fciock in th5servtttory of hcqlil unlver snrnojsity vaiontreal the latter clocks ac curacy is maintained by astrohomlcal calculation end h in turn controls the master clock in the canadian pacific head tolbgraph office from thla of fice lines radiate to every canadian pacific telegraph sutjdnlh the bo- minion 1 axjl tijioiir dozily the mi ms titer clock indicates the correct tlmaj by heuth on a- telegraph instrument ma in mined specially for the purpose in the head telegraph office the sig nals cohimence strictly on tha stroke qf ltfli a m from that inetant to ten seconds short of 1166 one beat is sounded upon every seeoild a pause of ten seconds follows until on the atroko nf 11 wr two beats are sounded jb performance is once repeated ending- on the atroxe ptll58 to the chlfoporaor to delegated the great responsibility of transmitting these signals- to the hundreds of telegraph operators at- the comparison uttlone throughout tho system it is his duty to sit nt a key connected with the lfi- strumrnts of ail these operators and repeat uiaslgnala as they axe received in the meantime thejoperatora have been standing by nwaltlng the olgnal every telegraph instrument onhe immeqao transcontinental canadian jsponslwe department employs a method which i pnelflc system as the time draws near safety of trains are also checked regu ulustratlye of ths wonderful pos- j la bpluely silent at thlsdramstlc j larly and in addition ore periodically noraent the chief operator literally holds the system in pjbf hollow of his hand- the beats begin the operalpr st the comparison stations watch their clookssstbe signals flash west ward to- vancouver and eastward to halifax they notethe number of seconds error alow or faat if any registered by the clopk the signals oeaae and normal work is resumed if the clock is more than terf seconds oat the operator at each station ad justs ii to coiicct tlrae it it is leas than ten second out he announces the fact by placing beside tha clock a cord which indicates the amauut of error to prove 0 officials that he is not negleotlngi trie- job ho must then make jlltry of tharatlngof the clock onl a apeeuu card which covers a period a month at the end of the mp nth the card which hlao contains ijqtesaa to when the- cloak hag been wound set or regulated is sent in to the time service office concerned thus enabling the chief inspector to maintain a close check- upon ell clocks 1 should 0 clock need adjustment by experts it is et onise replaced by a newclock from headquarters stntldn docks bther than compari son clocks upon which the publlo de pend for catching trains ore similarly checked as are ajtto tha clocks in offioes which despatch teiejrroms and orders requirfnslmrng in the larger offices such as the company- hend- nusrtars at windsor st station mon treal fche clocks are electrically set and wound and by one master clock watches carried by employees re fer tne punctuality and asthma doesnt wear off alone i lo not rnuknthe pilstsko of waiting i ir anihtua to wear awoy by unt vvlllnyou arn wultini the dlnoosu is mrvly hatliorlni a etronitar 1 foolholif uni you live in djnor of slroncor and vt ntrbngor attacks ir j d koj ilotfgs asthma itemedv takon early will prevent incipient condition from ml tig clironlc and saves hours of jiwful ouftprlng unacceptable an cleaned strict regulations govern who shall carry watches njid also the malces and grades permitted no less than 11 makes and 7s grades are ap proved fortysix watch inspectors to whom approximately 7o0qman re port with their watches at- fartnlghtly intervals an employ ml by- the com- pany on its eastern lines alone all responsible to he chief insjtoctor who keeps- a complete record of eoch watch au of which lends one to wlali tlmt ones lady friends would iiwecluo tho importance of punctuality to the same extent and were alv compelled to report regularly to tha railway watch inspectors even though their failure to arrive at tho rendezvous on the date is hot usually a matter at llf and death as h is with the railway companies in j liiclucritoonnecled wltlj tuulul tlte oiuposer is told by doc tor millar ha says during the latter part of handels life when a boy used to perform on a german flu to in jondon at his oratorios apout the year 175s in the lenten season a minor canoa from the catho drolof gloucester offered his services to handel to sing ills pffor was ac cepted and he was employed in the choruses not aatlsfled with this department he requested leave- to sing a solo that his voice knight appear to more ad vantage this request ajso was grant ed but he executed his solo so llttlo to tho satisfaction of tne audience that to his great mortification ho was violently hissed when the performance was ovai handel said to him gravely i nniaorry very jmjirytoroutn- deed my dear sir but go back to your church in de country ood will forglf you for your bed singing dees wlek- tl beopres in ixindon day will not fore if you f no s6 hundny qoing est no 3 no so no 34 no ib j no si iqlgs ssi pjn 6 ob pm 11a vm losoajn i 708 am ulbam 336 pjn e17 pm 818 pjn no j sanday 708 pjn- toronto suburban electric railway westbound no gj j 840 am vlo cs ll40ttro no 67 24p pm no 81 p0 pm no 65 i 800 pm no ln4opm no 54 no 86 no 70 eastbound 1a2 uto 1043 am 14spm- u 44s pm 742 pm 1042 pin- sunday timetable westbound no 86 1j- jl49om np 6 tl 340p4 no 93 no 87 8lopm 9d p jn esstbound no 51 no 80 nq 64 li no c -2pm- gizjjjxc pm freight delivered by special express frelghl fcelghv picked up st an ad- ess- in toroplo jtthffefobb agfnuafitop 7 oct of 10 headaches are caused from eyestrain if you suffer from hesdgonox you ought to question the condition of youeeyes oftenrwlth vision apparently normal eyes greatly nw d tlo help of glasses- a j sayagk 6ptomstrat mffl optutlcn savage optics building right at the pest offiot v4juelph optometwatto thecinaaiart pacjflo railway co an equal safety an irish clergyman during his first curacy found the ladles of the parjsi too helpful he soon lettvthe plac one day thereafter he mot his suo- how broyou getting on with tho ladles t baked the escaped curatn oh very well wu the answer- theros safety in numbers vtvfound u in ejmdusr waa thii qojck tfixxt solemn truth f ope buatnesrtman mat another oh the street the second man- seemed downcast and had a look as if he were ashamed of himself whatls t matter asked the first man well to put it briefly said the other i- hnvs been speculating in ptocks indeedt were you- a bull -pr- a bear- 1 welthor i waa anjaaa- first to finish the children- of tho rlrtmert family were according o tjialr respective ac counts all drst lo something st scbool tommy was first in readihg alice was urstln arithmetic sammy n ports and so on janet alone remained si lent 11 well janet how about you r her uncle asked arent you first in any thing r i am bald janet t amflratout of thebujldirig bellrtniav douglas llnimtnt joncepri vim bs liiuuoj pcijonino rlmovlsi all inflammation i it ipuse lrtin senour mjmmrrmmm mam nothing like it for hanlvkodftion invars ike iron home jvuntinc made caav rr yi sold bv r wmc talbot acton autolftts corner auto thieves have put many a man on bis feet secondhand cars are never as good as they are painted the world hag two many cranks and not eriougb selfstarters the automobile has come to stay it haa also come to go a telephone pole neveri hits an outo- niobus only in selfdefense one half the world wonders where the other half t gets itsautomobiles the reckless drivermust go de- clirreg 4b- pedestrian but why must he go so faal the time ucojtffhg when about the only thing that will scare a horse will be to see another boras f the tarmer aeema morose and depressed you can always cbeer him up by pessusdng film to talk about his new closed car and yoo say you- have lost con- i trol of the car r yes i cant keep up the instal ments t bub ryou can always tel a man who has a car i pubmy exnerlchc has beep that you cant tell blm anything j3odt you wish you bad an auto- mobile said emstqa l 9 i ddnnosuawered mr plnkley mule doeentooetnearso much money and lla purty pear as danger ous its easy enough to be pleasant when your automobile la in trim but the man worth while la the man that wui sblht when he bss4o ride hams on ihs rim v v- b il kwtththisl it uses less fuel save money by train sjfr enam eled ware oooldn veaaels they ue leaafoel to satisfy yourself try tbla eoni4ricjmr test la yonrlujen take an smp ejnameled sauce fanand one of equal ajaemadg of nlnmlnnm tin or otbecmetal into each poor two quarts of cold water pbu each saace pan over the fire the water in the smp enameled saace pan will be boil ing merrily when the rtter in the other is just beftinnlni to ahnnver- save yourdoney uae smp v a cmrw line of m p products l handled by i jaa sy paon hardware acton v nation wld fama there is scarce ly a corner of this great oosalnldv where the merits- of dr thomas bo- leotrlo oil have hot been tried and proved it is one of the worlds most efficient remedies for sore throat lame back and many other ailments arising front inflammation rubbed on the skin its heal ins power uj readily ab sorbed and it can njsn be taken in ternally a cooling thought what makes one man warm jnakes another cttpl durlpg hhottsst week lost summers iajhleman walked into the country stare to get his mall an pidmarky was sitting u the biasing sun in a roctlqgohujr an the puuss of the sture looking as comfortable as a chocolate toe ersuiv the while man sank into another chair und tan ned hloiatf with his limp baudkvr- chlef wall uncle job he said i must say that you seem pretty comfortable how do ybu manage to keep so- un a day like this t v said thansgro ts think in datde sun whats maktn dls yore neatness is ssmlllo down on all do watermilllons in leorgta an nasi dem jest so red an rip net say mouf most cynb keep from swausrln f doaht niln dn heatneas wbn i speo late 4n dem watertnllllpn 1 stfjanoe uohhjeusrd to dill on u certain old lady every saturday afternoon and she alwaysaeye him a plees of cocoa not layer cske but one saturday ss she- expected oonlpkny for tea sho datdsd not to cut ths anke and pthersfare nonq uras offered bobble he waited and wait rornls usual treaf till finally t came time cor him to go v t believe i emails opeoshut cake he remarked wiattuhy vising from his chhik and looking townrd ute kltoban tho lady rfaughed went to he pab- tryand cut him a very tiny altes- sohbte thanked herand said it aeema etrange that 1 could emell suob a little pleea doesnt itr for thie motoring public walter kbiritneb main stbxbt garage a 6rst class motor mecbanllc prepared to repair all makes of motor cars promptly tirfes repaired and vulcanized best grades of gasoline and motor oils supplied at reasonable prices air and water free to all motorists boom for storage main street acton garage w kentner proprietor t e gibbons expejbt 8hok repairing y prompt attention fj oboeb8 lept t e gibbons miln stbket actof ttsbowto can 40 ablute prcfltktioii whatevjer comes by insuring four ways with a north american life policy you can provide against every possible misfortune wbich might deprive yourself or your loved ones of a- secure future income j such pplicy paysfourways death accident total disability old ago thus with a 10000 policy tinder this four way north american life plan your beneficiaries receive in tho event of your death from natural causes 10000 if your death is accidental your hoirs receive 20000 in case you arc totally disabled through sjekness or acci- denr yqu enjoy u monthly lncomo of 100 and at the same time your polfcyrcprcscptsa saving for old age when lessened earning power will reduce your income we will be glad to send you full particulars about- this absolute protection policy north american life assurance company v solid as the conllnenr acton elevator near q t b station r -following- brands -00- hand j- floor manitoba plour pastrv s rolled oat8 oat chop oatb oilcake hay- and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henuv awrby manager 0m aar tm wk xvs m r ridjs riii p c walls ulatrlct manager 5ju505 bank of hamilton bldg luaailton onl i would ilka rull particulars about tbe evur wayei- iulloy that ruys 1 name j l r get ypur job printing at the free pies this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to belt to those who know and to those who dbnvknov at a uniform fair price to fulhll ell guaaatoes and cheer fully- correct all mis- takes to deeorve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction 1 j savage cov jeweljera guelph ontario tst ftbl am ssaliiimilii

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