Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1924, p. 7

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yv w t itf riv joe iarrn em la yw riakci an i the nil per hi alha are now ratea ihftla calh toe memorial ratra lor pocma down jkhi waitnh at 110 2nd avenue oittwa on monday april 21 1414 r mr- ii ml mm m v ltowarnt ip wlnnlfred orth lrl a eon llnnry i ourrti married mojannhtt mncple a the mothu hut i anmnarp acton on thursday mny 1 102 by tho itev chas hurkott john hlmllum mcjannott i r mlltui to hi in tuttte jdacfle of tnifalanr illlown iirilrington al tho v iru acton on tddtgriay may 1 1034 by lev a c b to wart m a urn no binoche iterrlngton of fit rgitovn to fred j brown of tukiucalna- j died w1uout ttuddenfy at airdrto alio i n vrulay may t 1024 herbert wrlklit formrly of ouolph aged 02 years i mattirkws on hunday afternoon mny 4 1024 at tho weston ban larlum joorge william matthew if ouolph oared bl years aldbmon at the home of her ton in law trafalgar on haturday may 3 102 margaret fl prowl widow of tha into thnrrtu alderaotl aged m your 11 memoriam lambert in loving memory of our dear wife and mother mrs mathlas lumbort who died april 89 ltt3 itn ntrett to be remembered and a pleasant thine to and that though you may be absent vou orp always jcopt in mind you nro gone but not fergoten nover snail your memory fade loving thought wiif always linger no und the bravo where you are laid her loving husband and family kindly words from fellow workers on the i v man for wdb muclr 111 lng addrahk by tbo m rn of hi at lit ixar mr it h wit wlllt yon i i r i avlnu ljoianovaln mrn alfred hnper cli knt of ho follow 1 it iwaiitlful brooch t f thn ladle aid huroh h 1 nnrut ih it wn moot night to eiiy good bye novnl fr id ii ilnaovnln the f ununnnliy lonou u vnlund cltl x ii an i hi andrew w churth a faithful memt or your unnnlnsh and clievrful work in tho ohurcli haitfwon fur y u uio renpoct ijn i lova of thtmo wliii imvo laborod with you thcm many yrnrn as nifmbom of tfu la licit aid horlnly wo wlati u to carry with you our hincerent wihii n t n your futun proaperlly and felicity wo ulio oak ynu to accept thle nmall m membranceaa a token of our en teem it la our hope that by th ftrucn of qod you may havo mnny yeant to contlni your noble work umonft now friend a hlancd mrn oeorne xiolx naltl on behalf of ht andrew a t ltudloa aid the farewell rnthcrlnff wna held nt the manac the ratherlng roncludej with the alnain wfih 1 1 the tie that bind hi arton3fffebfl thdiisdat mat um brief local items ruh mtorlea are in no wlae rare now the tullpa are pow bloomlnc pro fuaely- bapd concert atthe town hall vj evonlng 1 citizens of acton e4ltor or vtaae vnxa sorry to bring before you the need of aohlatanco for mr and mr alfred wtntarburn whoso nan who wan their only aupport paid the nupreme aacrt floe on july 8 101 j ho woa one of the first i appeal on behalf of mr win- terburn who han been serloualy hi for two month or no and hoe no money comlns in to meet the needn of himself and hla aed wife would kind friend kindly give thl their consideration and think of the aocrl flee hi aon paid forau now what can you give for him t any mall contribution will be thankfully re celved andctally appreciated by mr and mrs win terburn contribution to be aent to j little ilox 149 secretary s o e prince of wales likes canadas exhibit iwouna cm fairy lake i popular again plant early potatooa now coc nextuweek may mtaowers itr coming with en copraslng regularity spray your fruit tree berry buabea and nhruba now t r- stop lltenloto idle rwnorfl and give your ears a vacation the oad thing- ubotlt amending va cation 1 nponding money r tbo wild flower are blooming profuaety in the woods now tho irwaggor atlcka are qoiie the go with aome of ttao girl hens now next sunday will be mathcra day wear a flower for memory of motbtr the mualo of the lawn mower la added to other springtime melodies there la this to be said for bob 044 hair you know how it la fast ened tit aimed reformer is to issue an old boyv bourenlr boole in tha near future mount jparesjt and staelburne odd fellows have radios installed in tbelr lodgo roonoav tho swallows are back in the old grey barn its stillness thrills lo their eager calling seeding and speeding came with a rush last week when the balmy day settled down some of the many fumermon who were oufon expeditions 0ti may report grntltylng london mny 6 tho prince of wales apeot this afternoon in the canadian pavilion at tho british empire exhlbl tlon his royal highness expressed j hi delight at every aootlon of the quits ipcanajjlajj exhibits and promised vutftne canadian pavilion again when there would be leas of a crowd than that of to day neighborhood news- town and country tm boon w improt churchill mm john mclntyro wh very iii f c r nomo limn in nil in nlowly there wa an nnunually large jtl tendnnco at tho church norvlce oi sunday nflernoon ituv mr howard preached an lntorottllng it i courno the nprlng wbent lo kn exceptional ly well in this octl in there havo loon numom flaher men tramping i ho trout mi unu nlnco the tlnif of mnv but up far no largo catchee sjavo boon roporti d dublin mori ktow hr ivlmohn ulark nrt hern i co hruckeu v jr iv marirnrot waldle lnl modougall jr iii howard webster jr ii wjlmor fryfr hllly mc ph drnn walter lrycr wllrlfl wuldle bdlth uracken stewart it id dick lawrence webnter ab jr i annie black sr primor slgna webator jr primer kathryn mcphedrnn viola itobertsdn denotes perfect attendance per contage ultendanco for tho month ok c p achvson toai her na88aqaweva mr herbert riotoher of darbyvllk lost a valuable horse on monday from dlsfamper mr and mrs hoxckiah nightingale and family of ouolph visited retat uvea in noasagaweya on sunday the friends of mm george gordon who wa operated on a ahort time ago will be pleaaed to learn that aho in recovering mis ellxu darby of ouolph 1 vllt ing friends in nassagaweya meear ollbertvon brothers of eden mill moved their oaw mill outfit lo near qnlt jaat week where they will be sawing lumber for dan can campbell of moffat the real of tho season gardening operations have been rather slow owing to bleak northerly wind which have prevailed things could be worse jugt sup pose now that you had to lather your lawn before cutting the grass the weather man always keeps ipn more cold day in stock to when you take down the stove tho only difference a man notices after soring cleaning la that the dav- erpert la against the other wall x r ywo or three chicken can snatch opart in five mlputos a cable strong friendship that took years to wswvo according to tho oasessors tsgure porgunbll year has a populat6n of 1 nt laat years population was 177 uchsrs momlllan and philips are hsvng- a commodious verandah erect frederick lt f d at thetr residence on thi la oletm up week in numbers of towns it wo made the subvkjpt uf fx proclamation by the mayor in owen hound mr fred brown and family who were recently burnod out at stayner have removed to angu near camp bovdtn t clean up build up help up aud keep up 1 good advice if cluseba generally will do it apton win be much benefitted a few bright flowerif well plaoed adorn u hpmo like tho latest model hnnljllnefy adorn the lady members of our homes t mr fred mclaughlin who 1 in the crescent city has kindly reraera bored tiir fmcs passs with new or leans papers inow the hedged meads renew run uo odor smiling hue and the clear air unlit und tinkle as tho world go busily through band concert free to al in the town hall to rilgnl miss muriel ftsop nlo of band masoi wj play eeverdl violin solos it used tp be hat a girl wasn t in fashion unless she had been oper ated op for appendicitis now she simply get her hair bobbed dragging the highway has been in operation the past week between oeorgetowu and stookwood tbjahasj grealjy improved the roadway 1 the three bridges on the pre vlnofal highway lnnorvai are nemrtns qompiotaod tkftd it is expected hey will be open to uafflo pa mgy 44 jf luubjt burbank evsr a radish or oarrot that wu lma t and choke a weed until it la bjsal the tape he will make a fortus v mccann ht aotop jsst enquiries ore being mado a to when the methodist choir i to ar range to repeat its easter cantata many are anxious to hear it again a lady we know say getting your hair bobbed is something like buying an automobile it ian t so much the first cost that counts it a the upkeep e- k- cook la removing his store and shoe repairing buslnesa from the palrbanks building to tho plnk itorv recently vacated by tho acton laun dry work la now progreaalng at the cemetery chairman nicol has men engaged in trimming the evergreens clearing the walks and improving- the- drlve norval mill was lighted with else- trlclty last woek the first night jt proved to be 4 alght that drew people out of thc home to gaxe and make remarks when warm ahowera bring- the flowers out in every sheltered nook we like to have a friend come atona- and say lets tako a day off and go fishln t a a measure toward the curbing ox reckless automobile driving mag lstrate oundy of windsor on satur day suspended tho licenses of three men for so days lorne school the following 1 lorhe school s rc port for april y sr iv ethel graft luolnda graff vivian wiggins mary mcenchern hector quthrle sr iil lealleswnckharoor george orafr loona wollor wilfred mc eachern jr iii barbara guthrlo chih swackhamer verna jilurray ted liar rop renetta wauer willie ilaxrop brandon crewspn sr ii ruby murray thclma graff boy denny w jr ii corlnnn maadonald harry murray howard graff pansy troupe i wallace swackhamer laura johnaton boh anderson anna macdonald teacher a study in homilbtics ur h m hamlll brings back from hla wan lorlng mnny strange tntos wbch ho delights to serve up wli nil tho taut and skill or the experienced rnrontour among the latest la tho following onn of our ffiur tennessee preeohar wiw ennvenilng with all old time negro preacher on tho aubject of sermon making tho plan of tho aerraon wbj under dlscuaslon the white preacher mnn moved to oak do you colored preachers jiave a regular plan in preaching a aermont yea us nlggors has a plan same as you white folk yost sub was thi reply veil what is lit the white preach er asked w you nee reverend it s die way when we niggers preach wo tell em in dn fut placo what wa is gwlne to loll em don in the secund place wo teh em den in the last place wo toll cm what we done tol e eta we commend tliln to our preachers and suggaat tlyit it would be good oxrrclin for un all in oo if we can improve on tbo old negro plan noijhvlllo advocate r j keirs sale list saturday may 10 v starkman mill street jlousekold effects etc saturday may 17 henry jiauer young street acton household ef- foole etc farms for sale 46 rarmi in the counties of hallon and wellington varying from 40 to 300 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and m places in acton for sale s fire and life llnnranoe money tq loan j a smith real tot to agent phone 105 acton ont wanted topurcha8e for cash collections of old postage stamp alio odd lots and old envoi opes with atampa attached no mos ern usuea wanted preference for early issue dating from lg40 to 1890 of canada usa great britain british colonies it rosy pay you to look up your old letters afypu may find some of those early issues njnong thorn roply to 41 4 box 18 fuse press terra cotta in conneftlnn with the impressive communion service in the methodist church on sunday evening eight jrow adult members were received and tbo right hand or fellowship extended the mount forest confederatu was burglarised on sunday and 43 in cash stolen too bad to rob bro wright of the spending money he had savsd for hi overseas trip in june just a song at midnight when the lights are out just a howl and spitting then an angry shout jusla poor das ed torn cal hurt by flying boot just a nights lost al umber aw finish the poem yourself george moloolm of trafalgar sua tamed a accident by which he lost the third and flngors of his right band in a cutting box which he was operating in the barn at hi farm last friday the hydro shop 1 giving real service now it 1 a comfort for oitlsone to call in thv day time and have their wants supplied ibalea of electric fixture und uienall are alao being freely made the work of further coating the highway hetwcjin acton and hockwood ill soon commence there will be several inches more of gravel coating put on and the gravel will be epread a foot or so wider a cltlxan sfiys if her is one thing that arouse hi admiration mora thun athy other it l a neighbors hens with so great a sense of falrne that they lay eggs on hi premises to pay for any feed they may gather the stone masons und brlcklaynrii arw having quite a contracted exr once in the work of building a new wall for the falrbank bakery in 1 14lnch spaoe between tho starkmu block and tho east wall the gueiph motor club hae es ubluhed three tourist cumpaxor the convenience of visiting motorlat tu the city and luu applied to the city council for an appropriation to covei the cost of equlpiilng them the lova uf flowers lifts one above the sordid life us worth while then to promote good cltlxonahtp by the charming way of cultivating flowers and this is being done more largely this sprlnjr in aotou than ever before the six or eightinch depression in the predariclt street sidewalk where it joins tha uttl street walk at dr bel oorner requires attention ix has been danjrsrou spot for months tad very annoying to people who use that walk the anniversary sorvloes bold connection with the terra cotta methodist church on sunday april 27 were another splendid success the weather for the occasion won ideal there was a largo turnout- rev mi snider who was to have taken uio service wa unable to come uui the rev capt dodds of cheltenham preached a very appropriate nrtnon in the morning while in tho evening the rev walter peterson of norvol very ably officiated tho olonwllllomri choir furnished excellent mualo for tho morning service wbllo in tho evening fthev norval choir very ably supplhd the music miss greenaword of nor vol sang a solo in a very pleasing manner liberal collections wore re celved at both services the quarterly communion service were held in the methodist church here last sunday the rev mr doug las officiated the terra cotta ball team were highly elated over the hearing of another victory ovor georgetown high school boy on saturday afternoon the scare was 9 7 in favor of torrd cotta tho gamq was playod op tho high school grounds at georgetown hepburn s pitching and xcam field lng were among the special features of the gome an extra inning was required in order to make u decision of the game tho batteries were georgetown high school muldoon and butnsldes terra cotta hepburn and j l cralno mrs j coulter who has been serl ously 111 for soma time is still very low but good hopes ore entertained for her recovery mr h webster is able to bo around again after hi recent ii in mrs pulling ne miss norma thompson of kansas 17 s a visiting with her parents mr and mrs v c thompson of the 10th line an epidemic of hair bobbing ha struckterra cotta they are all do lng it alfred heather exprt tuition in voto plaolna braathlng and ceaohlny in opru oratorio will be in acton ones day v each week for twin apply ttt box 29 acton ontario studio cndiaa acdmy of muie shampooing massaging hairdresstng maeceizjng thursday afternoon sunderland home jloum 3 p m to to p m appointment nuy bo arrona od with tho bropriotor a hoooins trimmed hats tailored hats sport hats any style or shape the heart could fancy come in and choose yours we will be pleased to help with suggestions miss j galbraith phone 10 mill street acton qllll wool wantcsd highest market prices paid upon delivery georgetown creamery georgetown ontario 4 dry cleaning pressing and dyeing goods calletj for and delivered phone 62 and the goods will be called for 48 hour service on all dry cleaning and pressing ae cripps ilephe8entatrv3 of j m card co 164 woolwich street godnh ontario mclean co store news underwear be ready for the change merino spring weight penmans make in i piece and combinations 2 piece ahirtsaiul4twers at 125 and sl50 combinations at 230 s25 and 50 turnbuirs natural wool in 2 piece shirts and drawers spring weight all sizes in stock as to 40 at 200 42 and 44attz2s mens circle bar gray cashmere socks special at 50e pair penmans lisle soda in black brown grays and blues with clock regular 75c socks for 50c ladles blue chambray house dresses short sleeves good value at 1 so special at 110 a bigjurgaln in futnneleue blankets just 7pairs j this lot in white anjgray in large size only we bought this lot at a price so we can give oar customers a bargain at this sesson of the year when wool blankets arc tpo heavy and cotton sheets too light these blankets aro good value to day at 3 50 special 235 pair congoleum week may 8 to 17 call early and leave your order mclean co mill street acton ont aciori meat market come to our shop for the best meats in town at the lowest prices i our fresh and cured meats are always highest grades a new stock of lrbby5 pickles catsup mustard etc fresh pork beef and veal always fresh j homemade meats homemade sausage homemade headcheese homemade jejhed veal acton meat market orbie lamb proprietor t phone 45 fairvie w nurseries having added to our greenhouses early tomatoes doth in pot and boxes early cabbages cauuflowstt plants celery plants early and late bedding rjekantums heaomta8 salvias cobea bcandbns stocks asters l petunias verbenas axxysium celos1as- i are now able to supply a ntirrtn11rjm s scabious cqleotjs heliotrope smilax wandering jew phlox drummondl balsams carnation marguerite zinnias pansxbs sweet william pinkb hollyhocks galairdias delphiniums iyrethumb orders taken sad booked plants delivered in time for planting all orders delivered a h bishop bj3x 603- phone 64 market gardener and florivt baptist she on saturday evening and hlodstt prtsumably with the intention of ujaj who removed it to return ud get m the services- of chief sfoejphsrson were called la he found utf roderjiut missed the culprit v gllvtr plated gl a uqcmn waiter cdrnfjlftr sb bass cor 0bel- w3evsb the bla bridge at oakvlll oakvtuo people are now dally ex peeling an announcement about tho famous highway bridge over sixteen mile creek it seams reasonable now to hope tbat the condition of thjt structure which exhibited ominous crack shortly utor its completion 1 not a eerlou a was at first believed und it is expected thai in a short time announcement of tho dole of it open ng to nunc will be made it wa authoritatively elated this week thut the opening would not be jong delayed and that llttlo mora than tlje uotual preparation of tho approaches was necessary to permit traffic to uao vthe bridge until tho date of opening however traltlo along the toronto hamilton highway must wtlll mao ue of the dolour down to tho floor of the valley i another car au unusual incident in connection with a recent trip or the boston jym phony orcheatru from new york to bostqn by special train i reported tho train if appears left now york shortly after midnight and somewhere on the way the conductor recolyed a despatch which read stop nt weal erly to take on d it car j to a railway man d xk cafsnaan mvawlng room car when the train got to westerly therefore it stopped and tha conductor looked round tor a drawing room car there wa none in sight and he waited to make inquiry ghaut it nobody around tho atatloii had jteen any rawing room oar as soon as the train stopped a man who had been waiting at the station got on board and todk a seat in a smoking compart moot when he hod been seated theie for a few minutes the conductor cam in j conductor said the man why doesnt the train start why al4jhe oonduotor have order to stop here foe a qrawlng- rqom car and i can t find it you have just got on did you see any drawing room car around berot no vm new passenger answered1 i haven t seen any well hare is the despatch said tbs conductor stop at westerly td take on d r ran obt said the passenger that does not stand for mrawlnroom that lands for doctor i era daetor csrr x have been oauod suddenly to attend a hnportapt oose in providence and 0 tnijo was ordered to stop here tor be your own boss are you always going to be working for someone else at smaupsy or do you want to become your own ho 7 hundreds of opportunities for ambl tlou men in the automobile industry electrical ignition battery and weld ing work few weeks to lesrm large- demand big pay some work at fifty cents per hour to help you through your training writor call for spec ial offer hemphill bio auto school 103 king st w toronto ont yes start on monjky 1 v at goelph buein cduesf hemld bldg puelph ont i for a thorough business train- look about you see how many of our graduates and to student are well located session the entire year for partclulars address a u bouck principal and proprietor village of acton the train went on court of revision the municipal council of the vii lage of acton will meet as o court of revision in the ifiremene hull in tha town halt acton on mjirday the second day of june lilt at eght o rlock p m all persons bavins ap- iveuls against the asseeament roll of tho aald village for the said yenr ltizi will take notice and govern theinwelves accord ingly notice of all appeals muat be roi oolved by the clerk on or before tho fourteenth day of may 19x4 t i dated at acton ontario tha jt say fmsy 1124 ii n farmer 44 i municipal clerk saturday treat we invite you to visit our candy counter andsjook over our uptodate display of summer candy including marshmallows torkish delight jellies caramels fudges etc not mentioning fhojilgh ijuahty of our candies we ask you to note the very low v let us show you our dollar box the best yet maple fudge 29c xk t summer is here and asfjidge is oife of v our summer leaders we want to start rigbt fay ottering you asraoqth rich maple fudge direct from tho factory regularly 35c and 40c tb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates me lb a y large assortment of high grade- chocolates in assort ed flavors and hard and 30ft centres brought direct from the factory each week and we offer them to you strictly fresh and at a very low price regularly 50c and 60c lb saturday special 32c ft ice cream assorted flavors 10 bulk and brick ice cream always in stock phone us your order and we will do the rest 7e invite you to try a fresh fruit sundae or a chocolate sods they are good r phone 65 v rumley acton ontario north american life assupancectv sditf u th contlnnl- 500000 whole life contract age 20 annusl premkiarp 6640 age 2s annual premium 7375 as 30 apnusl preftilum 85jqq age 35 anhual premium 10006 ag 40 annual premium 120l3s age 45 annbal premium 1470 age fio annual premium 18419 ane 65 annual premium 233 jo this contract carries with it liberal cash surrender ylue and paidup guarantees also extended insurance and non forfeitable privileges together- with out monthly guaranteed income for life p c walls district muuger 504505 bank of hamilton banding hamiltofv i would like full particulars sboutvour suctai whole llfo contract name address ago occupation wanted a live local agent for acton and district t tftff dbt6 for goal boaled tenders addressed tq the pur- chaslns agent department of publto wprk ottawa wul be receded by hlmruntll whresleefc men daylight savlng monday may 26 134 for tho supply of oael for the dominion build- lng throughout the prdvlnee of on tario including tha city of ottawa forms of tender with speclncauona and conditions attached con be ob tained from the jhirohaslnc agent do pertinent of public- works pttawa w corrlgan and it winter oeperal post rqffioe toronto power bon a prever kingstcn and from the care- takers of the various dominion build ings in ontario outolds ot ottawa toronto and kjtlgfton jeoders will not be considered mnlm mad on these forms ths tight to demsaiittrom the suc- cessfdj tenderer ej deposit not eac- oeedins par oent of tqa value of the contract to secure the proper fulnl- mnt of the oontraat ur reserved by ordar i n 4b8jaiidin aotlhat beorejtary department of pubua works otemwev m 1m4 fresh lake salmon the finest fih now procurable watch this space next week for this weekend we will have an excellent stock of fresh lake salmon they wt be shipped to us direct and are guaranteed to be strictly fresh fresh lake salmon at this time of year are the finest lish procurable and our supply will be limited if you enjoy fresh hsh and most people do you must act promptly to get your shafo of this supply remember fresh lake salmon are now at their best and later on will not ho procurable tho price will be reasonable for this delicacy enquire t our counters or from the delivery man watch our windows friday and saturday orspecials w fattlirson corner mill and main streets acton ont j v v j jsigssk

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