Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1924, p. 3

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itr artott tte tfrttas ihuiixdal may id 1024 its hard to de poor at the show i why ill i vhj old i iill f i hi 1 lit n iitir u i t ull fuhlon iii 1 tj h r liott rum nliiny iiiki blight thl i th my hruln ruim thin rruxy i nil day mill n 11 til iluu in 1 ijuiiluuuittc iloudntur m ihlf 1 hjortmiir und cubruilot kltluii vim rlu hunahout van tl 1 in i lrnuunlne couch unci h in i i um f null model befuddles my ii 1 in not nil nf din mutter ihio hnonnid with the phrauou txpo mi in niu who spilled mo 4helr put i ik k full of wheels off of auto iii mohllw if yau happen tu poop i on my coi you would hear ilka us not wo wnnla i rrimtt in my sloop i nil huutlng uxlcs kllplliul mprlng vlhrallunlnhm motor with motionless ring oil tooled curhuriuor invlsipln spark transmission jult id with the mul mpui ur a smart eugt r pick up a smooth flow of powor mont milt to tho dollar ittaat cost to tin hour gas guugn on tho danti board con- tttvo triple gears v job that l luwi you for twontyflvu years i oli why did i ko to th motor car hlmwt t wanted t iich car that i itaw hut though i diislrod it i could have acquired 11 in no wuy wivti breaking tho law limit ntmom whom in it 7 my motoi show visit huh nipoo ma an envious wrlght wliu groans at hla fato and his bog kurly state v hllo chanting uy ay nil by night the old days the young days oh th ihl days doi diys lundu nnd iandauloll houdsta coupt sp otlhlur unci sportster uml cahrollet ilroughuni vlctorlu hunahout van touring cur limoualnu coach uml sedan uerrtm llruloy lacked just what he wanted the ui not for thti inexhaustible clopedla in twelve iarta ap proached mr hansom with a light und hprliiffy atop and was greatly cheered when he received an invitation to irnwr irp an show your wares and the other rocking chair on tho ehudy ihirch via pushed toward him you say there n everything uny body wunu to know in it nald mr itutuom genially when the ugent t now of conversation had ceased for u momont and he looked hopefully at hla host well i guesn i aha 1 1 have to buy it iuwzce yes i can see how en i iho payments 11 be hut now i junt want to make aura o one or two things before i pay ye down the fust money lt s see what parts have ye- sot with yo vol one a to com that a ull right now you find me the place whom it tells about ant hills and the best way o rid your doaryard of em i vo tried more n forty different way u ready mr hansom leaned comfortably back in hla chair and rocked with a loul creak while the- agent searched pases of vol oni with an anxious face it doesnt tell about them he stammered at lost you see but mr hansom raised his hand in pro test ltd too bad he sold but probably that slipped their minds jest turn over to the bs and find butter now see how you can make ft come when its contrary same as it is sometimes when youre in a hurry to set through churning again he regarded the agantn red dening face with u calm und genial not there i he said when the result of tho search was reluctantly admit ted that laemi curious dont it hut still ill give em another chance now you turn oyer the os till you come to cats there s youve sot it now how do they undertake to keep u matty cut from shedding all over visitors clothes und the furniture so thu whole family won t be picking an eating icray hairs the enduring urooz the ugent shut the book with slum und rose abruptly la spite of mr luinsomn benevolent amlje you stan here a mlnate till mother faiilies yo a gloss o loroonode it s u warmish day said mr ransom cor dially but as to tho book you re puddling why mothers sot a help- to tho huniyihat hfirmothec bud befuru her that youd ought to take u look ut some time what with that nn the world atlas an the diction ury i guess mother un i ii make out o gut along without uny cyclopety young man ueh tho ifurt i i io m 1 down 1 hn dyn thitt uxod thr dead iluyu tho yoimfr duym tho days i lint luughd with m whtn tho bloom wi on th luml and when glory on tho uuu and when the light that nivcr illled all the world for mi oli tho young dayx thu dour du thw days that umd to in when hiio ciuti wayn and brought thu upiih blfimomn nlf t the ky wu bright uboyi and all my mihb whm nttuud to hupplnasa ami love despite tb htmrtuiho and ha borrow of the winters that rumiiitftir i thank tho lord fur that dfui hprlnm of hupplntms and luughtt r binnt how i know that wtmn i mu to his lu ihuh atiht i shall bohold imr njil rfgnln thu ruilur of tin jiunt tilt oiij landmallks altu ftoinu on inomlng un i walknl piml jtllly cooi ori utori home of the id folhh may rotin niher tin od iitory bill tilmn mr i f t w are lift now who iiin ionmmlnr that rr liak liuc miners ujck i ut k in wnin to thrlvn mint unioni lilt pirtiouti iiiftuln 1 rofll hi noli nilikt- mid the 7iluniotid fldi ionu mun t uiuiuu niorlrn thul llliimtrutn tin intbh ut forluiiii cjillfornl i ul- too lazv ahljih hmuhiou imiii 1 into ap tulo wlimilirii lltth ho and iwutic lilmm if on u thru lu l ntoul di lure in iiiiin in u ihl wiguldly mi dreiuiliig tho atlv owner of ilm iho who wun nn ndlng ii net it n dlnirciis in follci mi lu alii luon xfrlru thilr nlinrx t tah lliidti anc lohin h oii1uh ln i f t aunlillr of i xtru rtlli ut from all lf iho til i at oi ii in of ih woodju hrutlio wturdy utll why wll rixi i i potato inspection and cer tification arningument huv bu mml fo thu loiitlnuutlou of potato liuiiwctlou and cvrtmiutlon during the coming htuson und farms of application harvo ulroudy been forwurded to ull potato growers wtiuio riulds were lnspoctud lust yuur thuse forms are returnable up to july 1 mo that there is still uiuplti llui for uny other growers who may desire to submit ux r holds for inspuotlon to wilto for u tbrm und seoure any particulars they may dosln lu resprut to the work letters post ugu fiuu should be addressed to thu dominion llotunlst central expert nmntul hurm ottawa who will ere that ovury uttentlou is paid to m luitttsfor forms and uddltlonul lit forniutloii ho will urrungn fin the carrying out of inaiiuctluns ut tl ui propi lutotimo during the season two fluid inspections will us usuul tm iiiu0 the first as near us possible to- tho blossoming period und thu uuiond sopiu three to four weeks later thu stundurd for ihn held inspection will lu ih same uu that hpphd lust yuur and uny fluid us the lesult f the two inupeutlodm found to inuuur up to thin standard will i hi loiimldcrud eligible for uertinuutlon uubject to un inspottlon of thw tubeis after huvot und the grudlng out of any which tnuy uppvur uudusltublo for seed vurpusus by one tin old lundmurks uin passing uwuy while taking u leisure y wulk down to i ulrvuiw avanuo the other morning to uuu for myself what improvements scott the fighting chutrmun of th cunn tvry commit toe making i liluiuiinalu down there i missed something from tho landscape when i wns pussing nlong tmtwnt n tommy gibbon pluco und the oldh mcphee home now mrs donuld moj uonnlds in the hollow it look mu several minutes to figure out wtiul made the rhuiiged uppoaruncv und what wutf mlwhlng 1 soon found that tho old burn which i havf been going pust for over sixty years on tommy pibbons property was gom an 1 then my thought began to wuntler the old dayh oarou buck to me in quiet mvlew 1 wont back to ti time whin the hny m fumlly llv there und housi d ho family row 1 this burn und thnn i thought of th iloyd boys when they wi to llvln thrio with their iurnntn then there came a pi rlod i could nu remember but i got down to the time noble mgludi wustnrst murrlod and lived there noblo impmve the old place considerably he and roxy had itappy days there and thoie ware days of sorrow too if my old hiad remembers correctly they lost tholr first born whan living in this home and then there camo tommy glb bons und mury mcintosh his wife they have lived there tjultu a lung time und they too have hud lhr joys and sorrow tommy is ono of engineers t thu i lour dm ore hole leather tannery un old reliable year in and year fluti what they d do there without tommy i don t know and what tommy doesn t know ubout tho engines and boilers und machinery in that old tannery un t worth knowing tommys father hilly gibbons wps u builder about hero for over fifty years tommy himself seems to be more for tearing down old things than for build log though ho has done some building too tommy and his brother jim who went to vancouver in uiw boom days and made heaps of money there bought the brick chimney belonging to frank kennedys suw mill n check line which hud been burned down when they wore boys they tors the old chimney down brick by brick cleared off ull the mortar came to acton and bought tho cormr lof at main und chunh streets in adum cook now survey of the old nleklln property had the brick teamed to acton and built tho substantial brlrk house which stands there to day and all the brick cami from thut od chim ney which thuy torn down this splendid house u now owned und oc cupled by w j relit our waterworks tjpirtntetment tmti hut wirs ana rumlly so you see tommy has the building instinct us well us the ability to tear down ills place looks bettor now that the old barn is gone whnth er he intends to build u new house from the lumber hi got out of it i do not know hut it would be just like hi inginulty to do ll rime will toll ro win wlllhmt in captain in umuxi ham is always tli fur us i un see your ihiumh with ull kindh o mn vimloni s un ontrivtd all nuinntr o inventions to make things eny thuts just whil i mtuii said mr hlelghlon with u douful xirmsjon on tijs uullow countmtnin willlum u whose mind ueemn o tu set oo mi in things eusy slid of kt i hi up u fllddy wyuhtlo with m kiuno i always uivn wliy when wllliuhi nome oack frcm follurln tho sou un i accepted of this invitation to come un moko n home with u puyln u llilli immeihm each week i explained to him jel how thlngn wun told him that tin ruiji uitno ugh tho roiif in im in hud wcuthep he room wlmi hn d huvi to iiloep 1 told him ust when it mn through und iihowod him wh ro 1 kt p the burkelh to ki t h the wuir well if you ii buvu nn he never mod thorn buckuth but onto an thut wtfj tho duy affcr ho comt he wun no lusy that he got up un patched thai roof the very next duy uttiern lift them two buck is burk an forth nie or twice an tho uumu wsy willi tho pump ituther n nt p ulrout to ml wilsons un till ids pitcher f r a tnoruln thut man tinkered on out pump till h goln uguln took him th t o two duyu to git bar tlx iloi l begrudge time s long un muv himself takin a few thi immo way onii he h built u o i wife git u llltlu ut lhusln thu ullle u wherry bid i dunno wliut wo ro gomln to top eluded mr hlulghton um bo opt nwi th lorning paper from whuh it wuh his ihtom to spill out the imwu to tho iptaln much to the captains dls tress i m sure i dunno what wo ro ull to william uln t made no y with mi us ylt but you git nyli u luxy fuller as that right in the 1th yo an live with him day after day un i tell ye the nrmrnl tples is liable to give way utild i inland wim imwili 1 with prohiu ct llki irly california r tin uk hn day a purty nfjm tctiifiil mlpi wni leturulug lu u small cutter ku mural tin sepuruti parcels gold tmiltnfglng to iho indlvlduuhini iiummfes an the bullion bugs xft culled and thu whnlu iiuuntlty w sewed togt i in r in a large ttolt ot ru van and luyuiioti the hutrh wlten tho vomhiii etitertd i bluu ktialt u sudden hqiml struck li kiii- kittled ovx r and tin ibl uliot lthft thu si upponi und ilhutm urtil as tun n ipi the pkipptf i nilit et bin vessel in hit nd he took uirfiuiultniil utnl bear ings and running hastily ipjo humutnl kt in retl such pearlers an were wrk ing there and oltert il hulf the gold io uny of them who n toy rod it hi verul divers ut on u mulled for tho spot thnn uftor irne thov cumled and toiled uguln and ug iln they desrendeti and repot tod i inft mud and u ho iim tiuost i eurler uftt r pearler lifted his nnrhnr tin i went buck to ku mural uml ut lust tie rutter ulso holslnl hoi anchor in pr parutory in taking the mlnein hut k to the h field h a illsronaolate tfroiip of mi n they were an tin y luhw tin unctior coming up the hiutgu in tholr facts may be lift to tin im agination win n u tho mud thut clung to the nuko of lr thro saw their van belt of gold monkey jokeoq lilt m to be nupim n ubt thai monkeys of humor wb li huh u joke it is j rtiul tliei cart ut hit expense oi tipocleh oi ours rlly i ractb re mr ii rltx m of tho iwenfy t two bl beardii a alls hi tuge i- tagi in the vhlliulmiihlii in kt lt mu lime ihout i nuoyti amiiug them wi r vim iim klnif ipi n with grar 1 hulr und with the inlen tiny bud vt cy long ul might a hhbli of sitting high up i and allowing their fulf linglh thr tot lior to greater pu ed bui ho with die have ttow an thr ouidancl oi ukahon uorew un old tit just happened to r day when 1 was tui mill and muln hn the days when mr becord used to huvi store there cjulte i lagers of fifty yuui standing on tin toa talking uihiui fa two year of thu mir was wo hud uv muccesl where young tjulf wlllptl by ttome persons and us foolish by otheis i think 1 could nnd voui h hore he sad tb iiiii jones vout why jim h im tould find him wh the bsl men in town himr wul huiii jim 1 decline own medicine story is going the rounds of tho print thai has us upplltutlon to tho dairy industry hevt n upple growers so the story govs sut round u tubln ut trenton while waiting for dessert they talked of growers problems all ugruud that thu flrnt is to grow clean fruit tint hdluiui to sell it they were u little ufiuld of ov r producllonu cunadluiim lo not eat though apples they said instond of buying upple by the box pr burrol they complalnutl the housewife buys by the imund con sumption coull und should be greatly increased an upple a day keeps the doctor uwuy tiumcd on approv ingly then tho dessert urrlved three men hud ordered ruliln pie two tloston cream pie and one u cup o custard one hud upple pit thli slory brought to mind a dairyman u banquot that we once ultoudod in con nection with tho ottawa winter fair in front of each guest wuu u hulf pint bottle of milk all were vrvod with tea or coffoo us well radically eji had tea ot coffee and a rough estimate made ua we listened to a few after dinner speeoches indicated that over half the milk bottlus hud not bean op- it all und few were empty and yet tho dairy industry is financing a campaign to induce tlty people to enn- a guart of milk a day it is the writers observation thut city business are mure apt to order milk as a beverage in a reaturant thun uro farm ers when you were lasi in a res taurant mr iteader did you order milk tea or coffee 7 we are already worrying ubout an over production of milk this summer ir ull furm fami lies were to consume us much muk um city people are being advised to con sume it is a safe guess that thu both ersome hurploua would largely disap pear we have been at many farm luble with children sitting uro und where milk was not served us a hover age we have known school children to take cold tea in their lunch bog for the noon meal we have known farm housewives to use oleomargarine in preference to- butter because it was u few cunts chuauer u we do not our- solves favor tho product o our lie dustry jiuvo we junt grounds for com plaint if others givo tho preference t imported substitutes- fclvery dairy farmer should get an example in th consumption of dairy product from milk to ice cream a writer in the mlly heurld just like him lot morning u bunker wleppoit into office and most effusively greeted his bookkeeper who hud entered bin h ivki juitt twnllty five yeuis befult and ul tin same time bundid hi in a hosul tnvwlope with the rrmurk thin is to servo you as u memento of tho present oriuslon tin grateful tin iplent dirt not venture at firm to open the envt lope until ncouruged to do so by hi nod und smile from his employer and what do you think it contained tin bunker u photograph that sod nothing mort the book keeper was dumb whut do you think of if his prin clpul inquired its just like you wuh the it ply or four brt mttch biiu monkeys voled to exercise und fun whlli thu big monkeys would cling to tho iildo of the raven or sit on n ptrch uonie ten or twelve fet i from tho ground one of tho utthi brown mon in yu would sliadily i reep up on them und soddoiily gnimp tho t nd of the long tall und swing with ull his might of roumf the lilg un coul i not lift his tau ut ull because ef the weight i f in little monkey clinging to if lie coul 1 only limb iwn the side of tin agi with his burden until bo could rciirh the floor lurinu this operation the brown tnonkty kit swinging until his own jill mucin 1 the floor ut which inn lent he would release bin hold und spring to tho top of the luge followed by tho ou tragi 1 monkey nnd the streams of ihn others ll thu hun he hud rtuched u point wlin iiu tould u l luck his little tor nu n tor win would show some signs of rtnliitutui ami cause him to uun for a monont another brown monkoy would nolxn the tali und tuke a swing when mistakes are good for us on of the successful mon in thlh country has said thut mint likes are bid to uk if you know any one rtfuumi to admit the possibility of muklng u mistake you understand we learn humility through our blunders und we learn ther lessons too lvery mistake can toarh un something that will help ui days that lire coming kooli are tm bnty people who do not grow e through their mlstukes t koctmd time mlstukts are not gocd ir uu when young peoplo keep on making the very same blunders o it is i i oof lmsltiva thnt they mil no lesson from thclr hl undent oems qt thought he yho imltatcn evil ulways goes boyond tho cxumplo thill la acu ha who imltutek whut is good ulwnys rails short llrclarfllnl embrtildery of web and wit ml not the fur mirjh khould he thi conversation not the the ornament of the m i hint of gold unfei hug nnd hi s the inst torruptlon of i ute man johnson dlsugroeiihle is high io royulty of vlrtuu no one will dare main twin thut it li elttir to dtrtnlustlce than to tieur it aristotle there lu no ghost so ilimcult to slay s the ghost uf an injury alexun he that doth public good for multl tudes nnds few are truly grateful masslnger t ti be ixwir and seem to tui poor li u certain way never to rise jolii htnllh i unbecoming forwardness oftonai proceods from ignorance than impu- rats und o morcy in uno cnltou xect misery acquaints a man with strnnga hedellows shakespeare is tho truest wis- tc an ura modnligwt mellos fluffymarshmdljows that melt in your mouth h wiles a m lasby dry cleaning pressing and dyeing goodb called for and delivered phono 02 and the goods will be culled for 48 hour service on alldry cleaning and pressing a e cbipps ilkipiircpivntatlvi- oi j m card co 164 woolwich street guejph ontario a oood traveller ik the best truvellor lu thu said a chupuruti uf long oxiuir ipeuklng of u young girl who week of discomfort in sljue w m s ii chmrful und jc do you musn u khh iiu vet im story wjtj momlhi it england nlug tliuyf w sojourn u fcland whereto w n i l e c j to dh io u ol canaoaa sunshine it is to be doubted if canadians gouerully speaking fully reoognlxe and upproclute the sunshine which is such u huructarlstlu of their country hero is u contrast a coroner jn london knglunil suul in this couhfry wo are ull suffering from the wunt of nun- shlnu which is tuuslug general dopres- slou je sun lias not shone there for wtoks past think of the sunshine hs l canada has had during that time people talk of buying bright wall luipors to promote cheerfulness the sun comes in all its brightness and glory to chuer the whole world of cuji- adu for thu fun of the thing koop a record fur a few month and how few days there are in which the sun does not show its cheerful face if only for u short urns then b thank pcron one t ye must llsoomforts muiv ut hand oleui vision for lieuutioj minuet the other eye must 1 to dangers or tllllicultios in tuuco und sue everything uf und churm in ihu im mod ute mud lid uf joi w dp you think ni we have hud out looking tor i nntt ves nlild tr ould ml the try und if you fin i hi oil u dollur all hght said jim u wh on his searuh to t m i ii glv pd wulkud lie surprlsu f all he relututd in h nd thnn half n hour kwrilng ihe missing lunse by iiipe lleovound his mck well weill halt joitet us he took is horst und paid jlm tin dollar low in tho world did you tlnl hhti ulukt jim answurnl in his long drawn out words why i though l now if i wus horst whut would 1 gp7 and ho i went there uml ho hurl und l found him urul bi ought him buck und hvi you live btsmdard in canada kingston i hat event in local annuls wan inure than u tun duys wonder it wan thu talk of tho countryside fur wunks u got into the i up or und othci 1 1 yi io talked about jlnu guidance of ivunon this is the tlmt time hit story ovi got lntu tmk ivku iugaa there was no looal paper hare in those fur back days hat the retelling ut its will b enjoyed by thu reader of my column of todsy and that l why i rstsll what cam fnto ivy mvmory ths othr lournoys it may he hat blindness ti dlscuiu delight lu tieuutles make sulf conduct inlo the must inaccessible und faaalnutlng uf regions the holy l4int1 for uxumplo uboundi lu inconvatileiicas for travellers siclully those tif the feminine sex dirty and ill kept luiix had roads extortionate guides unuufe water supply food ojiiiupputlxlng us it is myulerioos sfrfd lust und wotst tl post of insocts und vermin loimpli to rob iho jour my of many pleasures llui ihe good truvolltr has a muglu poweit to procurb thu best that is to be hud i vuii fiuni ignorant und iu luctunt hands und ulso uy sort of lib sorption un uluvutlun ut the sight of sporting goods the season is here for real outdoor sports and wc arc right on dock with complete line of sporting goods of all kinds baseball gloves bats and balls football suppfcles teivnis balls and racquets t bowlers requisites no matter what game you arc interested in we can supply u you with all tho necessities w d talbot main street pborwr 76 acton ontario ihoso holy ovui whose ucrm feet which nineteen h und rod yours ago wmii ualld kr our udvuntug much a mood not v jiiveiileiici but not fet it uuppy th ii can omrmtnd planet lusdy dutful seorets nolds walked those blessed lite bltier cross ily ignores in- lally does not oman traveller this tlttlu it yield hoi um won jm wne eves refreshes tked byes ypmurt ni i p north american life assurance go 6olid as the continent 500000 whole life contract age 20 annual prsmlum t 05 00 ag 26 annuel jprsmlurti 73 76 age 30 annual premium s3 00 aqs 35 annual premium tfxm ags 40 annual premium 120j5 age 45 annual premium 147 qp ag 50 annual premium 184 10 ags 55 annuel premium 23330 this contract carries with it liberal cash surrender values and paidup cuarantccs also extended insurance dnd norf forfeitable privileges together with out monthly guaranteed income for life f c walls district managcr 504505 bank of hamilton build inf hamilton 1 would like full put tlculars about whole llfu conttuct name addrebe age occupation l wantk0a uve local agent for acton and district money is not the only thinq to be saved health education proper associations arid surroundings for growing child run time savod from drudgery to be invested in so mo thing more worth while sech as tho care of the minds of one si chldrens as well as their bodies all these things must be eon sidarod in regard to saving money the woman who sells her birth right of sound nerves good temper and a gracious home atmosphere for fancifully decorated contrived foods and elaborate furnishings that need much care is not being thrifty nor is she being truly economical if she falls to invest money in wholesome foods thnt mean a life of vigor to growing children or in household appliances that once bought mean hours pf time and strength saved you must tint have a proper senxo of values to know what is mokt im portant to fundamental happiness and go after it buy the cloth of ufa before you spend money for its fringes doing thrifty isn t stingy it doesn t mean endless going without itmeans getting tho most for your money try budgeting which means only wise and deliberate expenditures sailing up the nnanclal stream with your hand on the helm instead of just drifting down it a l p how to know the trees there is an auctioneer whose gift of the gub and native wit draw many purchasers to his sales hut some times he la the subject rather than the cause of amusement the man n name is o a kelley not long ago he had to sell among other things a lot of pine logs and the day before tho sale he went over them and marked the end of each log with hla initials on the day of the auction an irish man camo along and immediately noticed the logs with the letters on thorn o a k he read loud enough for ull round to hoar begorra if lis hot just like kelley to deceive us into betuvlng thim pine longs are oak white goods whiter i colored goods brighter surprise loosens and dis- solves all ifhpurities from fine or coarse fabrics by its gende treatment and thorough cleansing the pattern color or fibre is not injured and takes on a new fresh in ess false economy no housewife can bake bread as economically as we can in our up to date bakery with the quantities we bake it is impossible ttr erjunl our bread in value at mrre cents per loaf and for taste and freshness well we invito comparison with the best that i turned out baked fresh every day and always sold out assures you of the jnost wholesome and rsweetcst of bread have our wagon call daily and deliver your supply fairbanks bakery phone 116 mm street acton seeds and seeds now is the time to be particular about the kind of seed you sow you cant have good crops if you dont sow good seed whethewh is for the garden plot or the farm we can supply you with seeds that arc reliable and with proper culti vation will yield bumper crops seeds for the garden seeds for the farm seeds of all kinds d h lindsay mill street acton ontario i shingles rio crbmoa blukatack you win be surprised at their beauty let us show you why their surface of everlsstinc uuncrml and seal back on underside makes them so fire resorting weatherproof and durable laid four times as fast as ordinary shingles uode in two aloe a carload of prepared roofing has been placed in our warehouse buying in this quantity we get it at a reoaonablo price which wo uro going to pass on to our cash customers wo handle only ilarrett manufacturing co products who are tho lurgest roaring manufucturt rs lu the world llest fjrudo 3 ply rllntcoutud red or green cash mutomoni 2s5persq host tirade 3 ply ituhber flnlshtd to cash customers 3 86 per sq host oruilu 1 ply kubhor finish to cash customers it sepersq host jruda mint coated khlnglc rt tl h cash customers e 80 per sq an advance of 6 per cent nails and cam will be added la these prices f charged nt in rolls es ily put on acton j j b mackenzie georgetown some timely hints the short road to favor is the adver- tibing route team work wins vour customers cooperate with advertising hreedb friendship holds it and multiplies it transient trade usually happens into ihe liveliest looking store people buy whut they want make em want what you have to offer any business that is not worth ad vertising should be given away your salespeople should make a friend for the store every time they make a sale

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