Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1924, p. 4

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v ii bvv tiie uomi or 1jp artmt ikvee jn0h member selected town waeltlua ol oeurio itf- tiie acton fkek pkess is publuml every thurxuy morn inn m lh free preai huiuloj mill street acton oatarltv ffha eubfcrlplloa paid u indicated in tbi adreaa 1 advebttsinjhatz3 tfatlet advertlm mtcata to ceau per line agate taeaaure or fsrl insertion end 3 cent per una for each aubaa- quenl insertion contract display advertiaa- menta for so indira or morn per annum it cnt per inch each inaertlon advniamenta with out wclac duectiona wul be touted tul tabid and rjiufcd accordingly telepiiones- editorial aod dualneaa ooce luajdanc of president hosts of women organizing to defeat liquor intereuia the ontario womens prohibition committee was the name given at tho inaugural meeting recently hcd in walnjcr koad baptist church toronto many womens societies were represented ms william pugcy presided and explained the purpose of the meeting stating that thoy should recommend to all the local- units u programme to acquaint them with the present prohibition situation and should then be a plebiscite to urge all women to go to the polls and to pray that wrong policies be overthrown and the right triumph during the discussion it was stated that there- were eleven million women in the united states whq were federated in the same way thursday morning may 15 1024 league of nations to continue senators lodged resolution proposing establish ment of a world court of international justice at tho hague as- ojsubstitutc for the present world court which vrs created under authority of- the league df nations covenant so far has caused little interest in great britain official quarters do not appear to treat the resolution as a question of prac tical interest the only comment forthcoming is that it seems useless to scrap the world court already well organized and functioning satisfactorily for a new one which seems to be practically identical with it in purpose it is generally conceded that a formal request from the united states for a modification of tho clause to which they take exception would be readily accepted by the other members of the court of the league of nations huz and jiuz editorial church- union compromise the church union bill was still beforo committee when we went to press and probably will not emerge befbre today or tomorrow the fight has been not only keen but bitter in tho- extreme and in well- cm formed circles there has grown up the impression that the probable outcome will- be an amendment acceptable to both sides an amendment whereby the bhlwili be- reported its principle carried and ap- proved with a provision whereby individual presby- terian congregations so desiring may within a period ofobcinonths or one year register their desire not to abe included in tho proposed united chuvch of canada and retain their present status and property rights crniadas rich resources of fruit canada is well favored not only m tho products of the soil usually considered the great food crops such as wtieatj barley oats rye corn potatoes field jfr roots and garden vegetables but in the fruits wjuch j- can be grown in great- variety and of such high ex- fecalience these fruits while of a certain food value ey serve another purpose mainly in that they are used bh- t give teat and relish to the chief food dishes of the y people- and thus whetting tho appetjto and creating pleasurable sensations thfe genera health of the corn er nnity is maintained and improved it is therefore jjhbcnerally admitted that- fruit is a very necessary part irf our diet while the settler in time grows the v varieties of cultivated fruits which he needs he does kfenot have to wait until ho develops bis garden to ob- k his frtfit because he has to othersources of jvaopply namely the woods and fields where he can jfii obtain native fruit for the picking and the markets vbere fruit is sold in great variety the wild fruits j canada are numerous and varied they are found in abundance in practically every part of the dorain- fhiptil where the settler is likely to go industrial and agricultural conditions the reports of business conditions prevailing vary considerably from those of the political speechmak ers a prominent financial institution says the an nouncement of the governments fiscal policy hasj at least put an end to the uncertainty and apprehension on the part of tho business world which generally precedes the delivery of the budget speech and which was this year greater than usual on aaoijat of the predominance of the tariff question farmers and manufacturers alike arte now more disposed than over before to work out their own salvation and to depend upon their own efforts rather than tho vague hbpe of la political panacea one sign of this is to be found in the attention now being given 4o mixed farming especially in the prairie provinces btisi ness in the manufacturing districts cannot be said to be at present very active it is reported from certain points that spring orders are coming to hand in satis factory volume but oh the other hand there have been a number of disappointments taking employ ment as an index however there can be no serious complaint as the number of hands at work- compares well with that of previous years property owners moral responsibility to community t pwachurches today are emphasizing the idea of fc they tire striving to bring home to vtheir members their responsibility as stewards for the xwper useof money andproperty as they go through life the same thought has an equally strong appli- 5 cation for community lire tho holding of a piece of vpro town entails certain moral as well as legal obligations upon the owner if ho is an un- ureaaonabre person and disregards the welfare of tho b community and of his neighbors to the extent of fenuking his property a public nuisance the munici- fv pality will take cognizance of the fact and send a jman around for instance to cut the burdocks off the j boulevard at his expense the boarder healthwill v hini to cleanse an unsanitary condition of his jpremises while it he neglects- to provide proper buildings to house his poultry his neighbor may look ibr- redress in the police court fortunately there y arcfew citizens of any town that require to be dealt t wih in such a summary manner the majority of ajy popple we like to believe are agreeable and conald- frn erate neighbors yftr passing from the negative to the positive side of this question how few property i ftwpers feci a personal and moral responsibility to their neighborhood by maintaining at all times a course or action that has an eye to tho welfaro a of their fellow citizens and to the advancement of the j community as a whole a single careless property- on an otherwise wellkept street will mar the st perfection of tho whole whereas a uttlc extra care fjpn his part might even add to the beauty of his jfl property and spur on his neighbors to further effort ej thereby improving tho attractiveness of tho street hi instead of interfering with the wellbeing of his g i neighbors he wouiil add to their prosperity as well as to his own a good illustration of a map who feels a personal responsibility to theommunity for the fj of his property is mr jack miner the uj birdman jack has made his farm near ekingvile a place of beauty and a delight to the ky neighborhood a five acre field at the side of his g5bou3o he has turned into a community baseball w the young oiks qf the neighborhood jkvk the grandest times reyefling in innocent amufte- d1ent 0 m have grasped opportunilies in this mine with conspicuoiis reaufta but the point we wish to emphasize here is that every cltlzon q a commun- lty whether he be the hmje dwnen of a garden patch or whether he be a propertyproud man of rtieans has an opportunity to profit and a4vnce hu js fpontniunity if he is seizjdwlthoqflijyictlbti t6itt0 huownership of property is attachcdvmorrroapor jbllty to his neighbor and j r ttaencaa mori roapon editorial notes legislation to make permanent the cost of living bonus to perm an en fly disabled veterans will probably be brought down in the house of commons this session- at least the governments policy follows this line it was stated in the house on friday by the prime mintstcf when will the ontario educational association be in a position to establish a system to settle the rural school question sixteen trustees for 75000 pupils in toronto and 50 trustees required for 400 pupils in only one township in ontario seems a great contrast huntsville forester in one of lie lilt i lowm of connec ticut 1uramn kuller on coentrla min uter of a century npi instill llvlna tritdlllnn lie wu rather uatore in volca und mariner atnd qult tmpari- vjum snouch to ault hln auicrml profoai- nlon nt n tlroo when a new kncland mlnlaiter whm ezpectm to be thi crut of hl uerleh a lunter church edifice ha a lately boon built and it happened that the nrwt children to be presented in the new meeting haute where the twin baby uoyn of mr and un timothy green the happy couple felt ttte din- unction of atandlnk at tho head of the record und made every found pre- 0 ration lra while not exactly a 1u- oravy woman conceived hervelf tittle auperlor to her neighbor on aoeount of the number of- books ahe had read khe had made up her mind what her utile boye ehould be cauaid and ml the appointed time ahe and her hua- buntt and the twins wppearert before the mlnutrr ready for the public oeremony what lire tholr nameet aaked par- eon lailler tonkins at the two infanta mr dreen had carefully conned htr leeaqn but now ebe wlahed ahehad written it down the cyee of the con- ajicaatlfp were upon her bho woe t bverawed ffiat ahe pronounced the names in a half whto6er aucuetuit tlerord green und quata- vui oerahl oreen speak louder madam ld the mln later lance at her baahful buabatnd coqvloced the huatered woman that any vocal attempt on hla part would be jeaa articulate than her own uak- lomr a brave effort therefore ehe re peated the natnee aufuatua gerard oreen and dua- tavns gerald oreen nonaenae ood woman an id the atern otd man loud enough to be hean by the whole consrecatlon theae holpleaa luue creatures must not begin life with such a burden i will christen them out of the bible after the two nephews of abraftain and christen them he did with he names of nahara eons hui hs flmt- born and bui his brother the mortified young parents after a season qf eecret rebellion submitted to the inevitable res mains that oai thv matter stood hui and bu would etlcklo the boys beyond recall in deed it la asserted that the queer names became such a drawing card or the oreen famuy that not only curious visitors rods- ion distances t see the twins but a leading cltlsen of the nest town hired timothy to run hla gristmill and hla wife to keep school loathe millchamber hua and bug would customers to tho combination he aatd and eo it proved the prosperity and popularity of the father- an 1 mother increased a dace we are told and um twin boys grew to be respected andr useful qien one aurvlved the other to old age but tho single stone now- crumbled away that harked both in the country burial ground bore besides the dates only the sim ple inocrlittlon hui green and hla brother neighborhood nevvb- town and country f milton a session of the court or llevlalon will be held ii graham has no id hla residence on the corner of mill and jamcn street- to mr k hndlny of mill btreeu a baaaar under the uumiiirps of tho ladles aid of the mot hod let chu wlu be held id the school voom on friday afternoon may 16 mr t3d karrop who with his father left here last fall on a trip round-the- world returned horxuiijl few dayj ago greatly pleased with the trip und what ho saw on land nnd hu ills honor judge justin or tlramp- ton presided ut the county court held here laet friday and hwrd the case of rtolemy ya creelmann umlled of oeorgetown in which the plain tyt brought action against the defandantn for damages und to reoayer purchase price of two knitting machines thr plain tin alleged breach of warranty aa machines proved unflt for manu facture of fnans hoeo the defendant claimed that plaintiff employed inex perienced operators the plaintiff challenged defendant to operate th machines giving a week in which v do so judgment was roeervod pend ing operation of machines by defend ants itefowa georgetown the grain growers guide evidently thinks mr meigheri was blowing on dead ashes when he talked of the budget as a step toward the united states it is doubtfiil jt says if the annexation bogey will ever stampede the electors of canada again as ft did 1011 farmers sun there seems to be no limit to tho presumption ogerman militarism a german arm asked a well- known british arms manufacturer a few days ago to quote a price on one million rifles equipped with bayonets and a billion cartridges delivered at a german port tho irriaoufactutjer- at oncry notified the british government and took no steps to secure the order thpfrbi press is pleased to observe the evidence of prosperity manifested by the erin advocate in the installation of u typesetting machine in the hands of mr r w hull the editor and publisher tho advocate has attained a wide prestige as a well- conducted weekly newspaper the addition of a typesetting machine will greatly facilitate the work of the office three years ago the international typographical union went on strike for a 44hour week this strike according to a statement made by jas lynch a former president of the organization has cost the union over 17000000 and has resulted in over 6000 union printers losing their positions notwithstand ing the protracted and costly fight the strike has not been won admits mr lynch tho council 6r forest evidently misunderstood tho feeling of the people when they opposed the in stallation of a waterworks system forthe town in the vote tor heoveship to fill tho vacancy caused by the resignation of the former reeve peter campbell arho favored proceeding at once to carry out tho order of the provincial board of health to put in waterworks was elected by over 200 majority canadas agricultural area is growing broader year by yerv bread made from wheat grown g ground wuhln seven miles of dawson yukon terri tory is now on sale in all the restaurants of that city dawson ts at latitude 65 and consequently well up to the arctic circle is thus the most northerly wheat producing point in ihp empire last season yield at governmental farm at swede creek was 30 bushels tothrtacre canada has already far outdistanced the united states aa an exporter of wheat in march the u s exported 2057710- buahclsof wheat as compared wltfa42ftoi644 r the same month last year canada iri maekrrved fluioohuahcls- as against 2fl0iol2 buahed intljfrcb i6ty- in the same l 023 tlb ul sa ports of iv i barrels wbi canadas ip i had a garden it x had a garden apple trees would blossom there lavender would grow there there would be sweet wllllam hank on rank of it there would be rosemary btygree bankof 1l there would be snapdragon o such a show there 1 heads down busily yellow beea woui go there f r had a garden blryony would wander tbore there would be wallflowers scrambling up the wall warm in the sunshine oolden in the sunshtne wann ragged dumps of it dinging to the wall and there would be tullpo straight and tall standing up bravely backs to the wall- red and yellow heads against the old gray wo l if i had a garden yoii would com there o how you would love it you with your fancies flowers which had grown there if you would come there i would ilek you panales velvet panales to hold to your breaat and wo would be alone there quietly alone there atone with the bees and the flowers aod the sunshine alone and at rest a- a mune an additional grant of hbo wait made to the kree library board by the council at last meeting mr e codling who has been eateemed resident of our town for the it two years left last week for hamilton mr and mrs j m skelion hnd family have returned from the city to wudwood their sumner home here mr fred tlenumont left ht week for montreal where he will rejoin the canadian merchant marine as engin eer clerk j a traoy of esquesjng cele brated hla birthday yesterday never mind how old he is looking wall and feeling fine at the conclusion of choir practice at the methodlat church laat thurs day evening mrs hennle a valued member of the choir who is leaving for a holiday in scotland was present ed with a box of beautiful otitic hand kerchiefs mrs r d poulia and soas jack and roy left on wednesday for montreal and will sail on thursday for glas gow stetland they will epend the summer visiting relatives in the old land mr foulls accompanied them as far as montreal the concert held in the baptist church lost thursday evening was well atteatded and pronounced by those present one- of the bent hold in town for a long time the programme given by herbert w plercy dramatic atory reciter ernest a war- tenor k b wilkinson baritone miss may mcmaster pianist herald oakvitle exporting canadian honey a q hautead manager or the on tario cooperative honey produoera asooctauobjatates that ontario honey la beginning u meet ready bale- in great britain and in europe at proqti able prices in fact the export market at the present time is ahead oxxhe looal outlet id so far as prlcesj to the producer r pottowtng- up the advantage obtained by the winning of a champlpnahlp on honey at one of the leading exhibitions in the old country lost year the ontario cooperative honey producers asso ciation have developed an extensive market for their wares serosa the at lantic since last december said mr hal tend we have ahlpied over three- quarters of a mmiion pounds to great britain mostly lb the 0- pound park- age wo have made five shipment a totalling 4oooo pounds to denmark sooo pounds to sweden and have or ders rrora austria portugal andoer- manvt he said that the m- pound package via used abnoat- exoluulvaly fpr expqrt abipmenta because moat of the hc-ney- abroad waa purohaoed for monufketuring purposes ln britain he said anjy ib per cent 1s sold tor direct obnauraptton production of honey in ontario is npw estlmsked at 10000000 pounds and 15000000 for the dominion more over the output especially in the prairie provinces ts increasing rapid ly manitoba for instance had oj out- of a little over a million pounds in mxql last year this had risen o over three million took no chance pheluu casey wars engaged on the ridgepole of squire londs house whan he last hut footing and slid down to the- edge of the roof ills lege went down but he clutched the eavea- trough aad hung on for dear life thats right phellml called the quire who had seep him el i p xfhi hang on a minute till 1 can get a lad der up there lut eveflaa he epoke pheltm reutxed his hold and dropiked to the ground as soon as the equlre made aure tha no bones were broken and that rbellm wm alnuy bruised here and there and shaken ub he began to berate the roan in vigorous language wby in tha world didnt you hang on ka 1 told yaw to you great etupdf hs demanded id have been there in minute t mayb you wud said phellm amid- denly but how did i know but thx oaves would give way before you got uerr one of the newest and moat attrac tive buildings on our main street which wlu be of interest to the old boys and girls who visit us this sum mer is the oregory theatre the saltation army will hold a tag day next saturday the auditors started on wednesday morning last to audit the towns books for lost year in the methodist church laat sunday morning over thirty persons mostly adults were received into church membership of these all but aeven were received on profession of faith what came near being a rathe seri ous accident occurred on the highway east of oakrllte on friday night whan a kxxcd coupe driven by j p br quharaon of toronto and carrying three passenger was aide-swept- by a large truck driven by iteg full or branlford ori monday evening itj jlusk hull mrs warae addressed a fair aud ience on india mrs warne is u daughter of the late rev j mjef- rerls and tha wife of bishop warne of india bishop warne is now in v1- tendance of the general conference of the methodlat episcopal north of the tjblted state mrs warne and the bishop has been in india thirty ave years ahd therefore can apeak from intimate knowledge of the life of india mr jack marcus of montreal called at the ibftcord offloe on moo day even ing en rdute to tos angeles cat he left montreal on april ii and has averaged about thirtyfive mllea per day to date at this rate he will cover the entire distance in three and onehalf months mr marcus carries on his back a pack welghthg twenty- three pound he aocepts no ride and asks no favors paying hla way in all places at which he sto pa record amk erin the directors for ihu school fair met at conlngsby on thursday lust and made arrangements fur the achool fair to be held september haxt mr and mrs donald black end fomuy- have leaeed mret d ulbsons farm or the loth line krln and have taken possession mrs it anthohy haa returned from cargary alta where she epont sorno time wth her son and his fumlly mrs john oalagher of edmonton the guest of mr and mrs w a burehlll mr george itennick hov returnod from toledo ohio und has ucceplod a poaltlonln a garage at acton the first rah story of the season mr harry c austin caught a eoklet beauty weighing ltt pouudm und measured 174 inches lung mr ralph thumpeon whu imu bati tellerln the local brapch of the union bank for some time has been iruim- ferred to the wlurtou branch mr dwigbt a kvaivs of wteutty attending his vacation wiib hu father hev j acuulllu icvuita ut thn iursonaxe- hev und mrs wutlentwurth und eon david uf hlluturg motoct to mi- ford last week und vlattwl hla brother there returning by wuy of toronto where be officiated at the iiiuirlage uf mua chlnn fishing u lu full uwlng ut utlu- burg speckled trout deem to le very scarce in the streams around here y harry hall losj one of his team f registered clydeadulaai lost week acute indigestion was the cuuse mr r li oregory proprietor uf the moving picture theatres at oakvlu georgetown and acton has decided to show pictures in the town hall here onoe u week quite u number from vnrlbus places were ueeth of friends here during the weekend and inctdently tried their luck for epeikled beauties they were put- of luck the cold north wind and the bcarctlyof trouti wuu not long in wending them away ui dlsguest representative of the ulckle klre lcnglnes ltd of woodstock waited the village council monday evening with a view to ttullhig tu the village u lire lighting equipment vorioua prtuxtsllloiin were loft with the council fqr conslderutlon 11 1 aome tlmeelnee krln had a eerluua nr but we are not pre parvd should thn need of suni apparatus le felt und it ap pears that u would be gtxtd buhlness tu inetau at least a ohemluul outfit and be prajyiatredailvocaa it pays to use martin senour woodlac stain for fiimitubbfloars woodtvork ice moorraol tor ftm booklit write to hnd office t jflbfta home painting made eaftr w d c tablot new lumber yard with builders supplies the georgetown lumber company ltd of georgetown hdvo opened a branch lumber yard in acton and will carry a complete stock of lumber lath shingles sash doors frames interior trim hardwood flooring hydratcd lime hardwall plaster plaster paris beaver board fibre board md cement we also do contracting and building and will be pleased to quoto you on remodelling or new buildings mra at mccann is in charge of the lumber yard and mr john miller will havo charge of tho contracting and build- phone your inquiry to 114w ortsfanb you will receive prompt a i fwtion fifth of the series dealing with the establishment of the bank or momtrem at representative points in canada i and elsewhere in halifax vxne of the first forward move of the bank of montreal after confederation when banks and banking passed under the jurisdiction of the federal padiament was to ewend its radlitit3 and stabilizing influence to the maritime provinces the first branch at halifax was established in 1868 with this extension the bank marked its 50th anniversary today the bank has 15 branches in hjova scotia and a total of more than 550 branches throughout canada and newfoundland as well as branches in the leading financial centres of the world a bank what smalt accounts are ivttcome bank of montreal established over ioo years tbtal assets in excess of ig50oooooo business directory dr j a moniven phyaiolan and quraon office and iloaldnuciv corner liowar avonu and elgin htroot ihonk si dr e j nelson piiiiinsnicic hrukict acton onurlo legal phono no z3 i o iiox us harold nash farmer m a bsrrliur bplloltor notary public b convtytnmr etc t r perrvman block acton ont monk1t i12nt on moittoaqiss houra3o arn a c prn 9aturday1200 lock h g meir barrlatar solloltor notary public oonjtown onl dental dr j mbell d d sl d a dantut honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho lateat aneathetlo uaed li daalred offloe at realdenoe corner mill and frederick street dr f a gotlopdds lda dental suroeen offloe over bank of nova sootla hotjrs j0 to 610 bvenlna by appointment miscellameoub frar4cis nunan bookbinder v account books of all kind made to rdr period lea la of every description carefully bound ttuuna neatly and promptly done wyndbaia street quelpq orrt over wuljlms store for your protection there is an estabpahed cash price for all ford products which price is fixed by tho ford motor company of canada limited in cooperation with the traders finance corporation the ford motor company of canada limited has also established afixed price to bo paidif a purchaser wishes to purchase on the deferred payment plan the purpose in establishing this definite time price is to protect the buyer against excessive charges tho charge authorized by the jford motor company of canada limitcdand charged by the traders finance corporation is ab solutely lair to every purchaser who buys ford products on deferred payments this deferred payment plan is a simple business arrangement devised for your con venience by means of which with a small down payment you may drive your car paying the balance in small monthly in- w- these rates are as follows 227 10 3x66 lourlnc starter s2047j 37j06 14041 3o09 runabout stirrer 17041 3575 coupe 270hi asm tudor- 20820 sum fudor sj05b4 6o00 track churls 10828 3275 truck chw surer 111271 38x8 see any authorised ford deptcr carfi tbucjkfl mmi e p bowman ols ilase auelc land surveying and engineering 10 douqlas st quelph suoceasor to the late d a ntven o l 8j phonun oincc 481 lies 374w dr a l price chiropractic electrotherapy 130 upper wyndham street guclph ovor 11 yaam uxoorlmic consultation fljee r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent it tfoars experience acton ontario sale entruated to ft j kerr re ceive attention from date of llatln to dte of sale xamt your aajea with mo ftealdonce ltowor avenue acton pboue 38 acton call at my yes start on monday at guelph bunineiw college herald oldrj qualpfi ont nr a thuruuifh luiultiotim truln- lnf jtok iitxiut youmfo liow tnuny uf nur vtuilutitu uml -x- ktudonlai am witll kuid rvbhioh dip mil hit your for ikuftclulurx uldiuhd a l douck pvlnolpel and proprletuf viltaoe of actokf court of revision tly iluilkiiuil cnunnll ut tho vii- hutaittt autmt will tixwit um h court of ituvulun in ii hrumonti llult in thu town hull ant on on momluy tint eecoittl ttuy or juiu lul ul- iilht oclock p in all iurioim liuvhuf iii- ivuuln uitulllht till hioitllitlllolk loll of tlio atuhl vitiligo for tint ttuul yuivufj will titkat liotloi uml iovln tliomiilvotl ucctirdlnuly notion of nil itniuiulii nillht bit lu- ivuil by iihj clmu on or uf foro tliu foiirtirtiiitli duy f miiv luij yltitikt ut adtoti uiiturio tlu lut duy at mux 1u1 u n tullmlllt 1- munloliml clork ttieoid and rtdlable granite and marble worku we are main ufftptu rem aid direct imoortera of ajl klnda of uonumentaj and ueadatooe work we eelt dlreot to our customers al wholeaale urloea thue eavtrgr our ouatomere 0 er oent- we hate the beat bppllanoea and tne only meohaoios in the dominion who on operats pnumailo toola property we oan ite referenoea from bundreda of our oturtomara in toronto knd other plaoea where optera haye to hye uw ults in order to oollecl w hmvetbo lariwt and tet atook of prmnlte la the dominion tw aior than- any three deavertn t wl we are lojltl- jnt debjani aiidimplor no ajrnta and do not annoy or peat auatomer bgtmadlpf out icnonuit aenu eollau- oidia employ onlytneohiwlaa ad dlv otxflpetjuon eittltojv sons mmm0

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