Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1924, p. 5

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lp arinn 3hrjt jlrrsb tjiuiihday aiajt j5 ih the new villaoe store rh vlllnito nloro iiuh liuuu liil or nr it h mi to m h m ilirfcrrnt in to k in i ntyln i roil ulllll it u m i i in tho ci inker imirtln v iilnht i niw rimrvn nothing l f imunll vfw to tniu y nr i i i it tlmm in ni in i f ii t i it thut unul i i luiimr thtt itir our wli m mil i ur i nlvo wit aren i liqmtl iher n y in tn tho ptaao la nil hi li k m i m mi and i i titled iti i niiiiiri its simply i utc ii ut iii rlui ami riirki 1 iiucl loufi r u in yrl i know li h m ikliit in in y fuut lioiti it li ih iniintrd uu wuya it lirvt i iii i it dill ll iii tho past ltjt tin w i i i old duyitl it wi t 111 uu hi i ino uu hub i i in uliid tlmt f yon it wimhni fuiiuii hi i iho lui i i i i w ii ii jtist nturo iciidxvlllo fxioh the sunday school lesson for sunday may 11 1024 twenty thousand dollar baby christened jl twenty years ago from the iwui of the free pre ol thursday may 10 1004 rh re win quite n full of hull uu hu inlay at noon tho leave aro pretty woll out nqw tha hloaeotn bud urn bursting tho bowling lawn will bo u beauty eppt in a week or two contract llrunt hob made a good job or it tho pay of tha private volunteers at the coming camp next month will bo 70 cent porduy instead of co canti as formerly orders tiro bain filled rapidly for noxt winter coal supply already tho coal stoves have hardly cooled oft yet from tho paat winter s burn inn aoton barbers have decided to close their shops ut so clock every evening excepting wodnosday and saturday and the evenings preceding a holi day the council chum bo r now bra cod wltb a beautiful new clock with a twelve inch dial in oak caae and guar anteed to keup standard time the cunudlun pruss association ax cufston to ho worlds fair at st jloula loft toronto hafurday morning by special train there woro about one hundred and fifty newspaper men ahd their ladle in tha party ur james il anderson blacksmith who recently purchased thja black- ml thin business of mr james mc lam main htreet want to eden mills butt friday night to move his family to acton evhtlo there about ono hun drod and fifty frlonda mot ut hla home to nay goodbye and spend tho even ing during the evaning he was pre sented with a one pipe and mrs an demon with a beautiful dlnnor set a purse of money and a hanging lamp the town kail committee has been improving the property new blind hare been put on tha council chamber the stags waiting rooms have been carpeted a new carpet has been put on the stage and further improvements are contemplated the baseball season opens on satur hay and until september 24 next every week has a game scheduled for each of the six clubs in tho canadian base ball league acton will ploi the first of its twenty games at ouelph the second game will be played in acton on victoria day with oajt acton cornet band will play during the afternoon i i viah h1hiu lii the text explained v run i unit kll ono or tin itiomt prominent klnge i juduli ho 1 1 mo o tin inn no urn r mm rathei alius i bout ji c 7w iho political nltimtlon which raeed lil in hud in en rondi ri illltw ut ty hie ubml1oi of iiih fut hi r lo aijuyrlu ami thn ronsn tuimt vasmntagi at thn sumo mine tlu i gyptlau wert in uuruflik the wliy kingdoms of i 1 nllm alnady restlv i unit or tho atmyihin yi k lo fight fo indt rmli ti th itfytluii purly ulwiiyx ut tin ioiirt f jrrubtttnm fo lured tif tluiutlitfuoilon hur mini i apples most in demand the dominion fruit comuusalodor has secured some interesting informa tion from wholesale dealers in the leading marketing centres as to the varieties of apples most in demand tn different ports of the dominion the results of the canvass indicate that mcintosh and spy rank first and se cond as the most popular apples in the opinion of tho trade mcintosh lekds in british columbia- alberta manitoba saskatchewan and quebec spy is supreme in ontario and prince ektwjird island and oravensteln in mew brunswick and nova scotia in all some seventeen varieties are mentioned if we omit mcintosh which is named in oil the provinces save nova scotia and prince edward island we find that in or general way tile prairies favor four varieties ex tensively grown in british columbia intruding wagoner wealthy wlnesap delicious and jonathan while the eastern provinces incline to spy orav- enstetn baldwin with king greening emmeuse duchess lied astrachan sweet bough and bishops pippin also named it must not be assumed that de mand constitutes the sole considera tion for tha grower to take into ac count in making a selection of varle ties to plant naturally climate sojl growing season and proximity 1 markets are prime eonslderatlor have mn important bearing on atableness of any variety the director of publicity- department of agrlcultui no matter how deep ro may be it must yield corn remover if used as how the old time brewerie6 are being used the usca to which the breweries of tho days before prohibition are being put to ore almost as numerous as the different commercial enterprises curried on in america it is interesting also o learn thai the present enterprises in many cases are earning far larger dividends thltn did the old brewery business a million dollar corporation took over the ban antonio brewing company and is now doing a thriving business in the whaleeule manufacture of icp creum cheese butter end similar product professional mushrooom growers huve taken over several ur the california breweries milwaukee com panies are making cundy in clncln natl in twenty such buildings a flour ishing business in the manufacture of ice crenm cereal beverages and elec trie motor parts is being done prob ably there la only one brewery in the country that ever aorved us u church that was in flint mlohlgun where the ms l ho it 1st bplscopul ohuroh bought the old mint drawing cnmimny and tor several ysat s ued it for their church services whtm ovutituulty it became too small fur their mimlr- ahlp they sold it to a oolit storage firm the official baby the arttvttl of u purly of hwuxl cltlefa in england rvmlmla tho london chronicle of the visit of u imllar de putation in 4alt4 uml ks introduction to queen victoria whiui shook a little even her expvrloiicud eiiuunlmlty t come o great moth tuins- is tod ilia interpreter to brlnw to thee our buba take him o mother to thy knos fold him thy breast at thut stage tho queen was becom ing alarmed uut where is the child v aha cried i don t see him here o mother said the hwssl gravely brlngln forward u powerful savage six feet tell and weighing con slderably mure than two hundrod pound here hu is simple and sure ir thomas kcuc- irlcoii is so simple in application that a child can uttdnratund the inatruc lona uaed as a liniment the only direction is to rub and wt en uswd as 7 dressing to apply thu dlrectlonu are so plain and unmistakable thut utey ure readily uiuturstood by young ur out irn liowovi r hesekluh aeamu to vn remained faithful o tlio su sorbin tha ucraunlon f fleonulharlb 706 joined thu coullllon agulnat assyrlu received tho lrttcr from the hand of mtusangerm tlio massage nent by the klnjc of assyria isa 37 10 13 in hich the king sroffs ut the powor of jehovah and tried to terrify hozuklah by citing rltlos and kings which hnvo yielded to tho assyrian yoke versn 21 isalub of tho four pro pilots of the eighth century ii c some of whoso prophecies am preserved the old testament isaiah appeared third in the order of time some twen ty years after amos preached a bethel and a few years aftor hnsoa had begun but before he had ceased to prophesy isaiah a prophetic career apparently began before but clowl that of mian ilosea was u nstlva of the northern kingdom and addressed hfmselr mainly if not ex cluslvoly to his own people amos was a native of judah but prophesied nd td israel and thus isaiah is the earliest of those four prophets who addressed himself primarily to juduh and even he in his earlier years like his fellow countryman amos pro phealed ulno against israel 11 gray sennacherib king of assyria 706 091 d c was tho eon of uargon to whom samaria tho capital ol tho northern kingdom had surrendered in 722 ii c a vain and boastful monurch lacking tho sterling military traits of his distinguished father he nevertheloss carried on many wars and among them one campaign ho un dertook to conquer judah op well as to antxjuo more thoroughly the northern provinces which had rebelled against hcs authority shortly after hla ascent to the throne of assyria while hi was besieging lachlah hesckluh en deavored to buy his favor by sending to him rich presents thirty talents of gold eight hundred talents of nllver precious stones couches and seats in laid with ivory but this effort failed of its desired results and at last letter was sent to mesekiah demand ing the surrender of jerusalem then followed the catastrophe described in our lesson and sennacherib was able to continue hla conquest verae 22 this is the word which jehovah has spoken concerning him- in his capacity of prophet who for te us or explains events in the light of revelation from god isaiah was able to discern what heseaiah would be praying for and to give the divine an swer verses s3 3e verse 38 the angel of jehovah the immediate cause of the destruo tlon of the army is not mentioned jasephus quoting from herodotus mentions that a multitude of mice gnawed to pieces it one night both the bowi and tho rest of the armor of sancackertb a array we know to day and u seems to have been known o the ancients that bubonic plague is frequently spread by mice and other rodents i sam t 4 b prof george adam smith suggests therefore that the assyrian army probably perpthed of bubo n la plague whatever the means used he inhabitant of jory salem regarded their deliverance as providential and as a fulfilment of jehovahn promise lesson thames the fulth which enriches life th pre omlnent lesson in the dramatic defeat of t great assyrian arm is faith humble faith in and dund once upon an allwise and beneficent ood whajgjovjcnros and over rules iacenljd l tn p of men jpjka eolourn ln tunm such ibles char- trysts his with hla lumptlon e honest l he who trusts no nations who the narrow comprehend their part work than i ha been nd whose outer ias been based upon a cynical mistrust of the whose existing aocul order of the world he whoae strength ood is is optimistic hopeful and ex pectant of the future confident thut the best that now la gives promise still better things to be the trial of faith just at th time when the good king hexoklali doing his best to lead ills people to the ood of their fathers came this terrible trial threatening the absol destruction pf gods kingdom ha in t a arv not exempt from trouble un i sometimes trouble comes to them jus because they are saints hut if thotl faith fall not they find the trial of their faith was more precious than gold look at hexeklah ufkn hla kneeu ln tho templs see htm spreading out beforo the lord tho haughty demand of the assyrians hear hla pruyer in that hour of distress t here is uu example for q ait in times of truil it is our privilege to bring our trouble and our need to god in prayer the victory of faith the unswai cade at once for the need wu im mediate it came through the prophet us the spokesman of god it wua n onmpleti abundant unswir leaving nothing uncertain that lpd wus with his people hut ho would protect them and hell imm um tiny wrie he would glvo them vjctory uvr their foe lcvrry answered prayer upon the nugi of holy writ uveiy answered prayer in the unnula uf gods thuiuh is uli iiuorugrmaiit to utf to pray hi thu insln body of thn assyrian urmy far from jirusulvin liroko out u i tuatlleace whlvh tlestroycd more than u hu nil nut thousand ivdm utid hunt the invader home in defput never did thut assyrian king invude jehovah a land and years af lei ward he wus sluln in hla idol lurpple by hla own sons thu ln strange ways does the go i of heuv en overrule iho purpose of men in the interest of ills own caliae making tip wrath of men praise him for study and dissuasion who wns bennacherlbt what waa his attitude toward judah t what do you think of heseklahs receipt of the leasoasr whet is the significance of isaiah a decisiveness and usaurancot what is he great fundamental leaaon taught by- this inuldentt what 1 tha result of trial with it true fuitht give personal incident what i the re la to faith t how do we benefit by welting our problem before god lit prayer would our country benefit if we set our national problems before god in our nhuroh gathering on the habbseu success leads to satisfac tion j w kennedy son pijumfung heating tinsmitiiinf the huxtcsi of work in jit of homes and husiiila places mi acton is a kiiarniltcc that wc iitl in a position to ii as lire you uti faction wi will aipkiciat youk okil l and will lxecutl i j with 1nomp h i uor- main street aclon railway time tables at acton r no 34 w 5 00 i m h 33 in ii o a in 7 m 11 ik u m 2 3s p in 17 p m ruiim 70b p m tin ri v tl t rln in hhu mount il ul ii i m uti ly unit iult npr it it w mnntroy tl i h null i huvhu on li in i v iy jin tholr alliuijii nti un ih 1 lirltuhi i it hi itiy i ul klx ismprt j ik tin f w nt lot l ii oil untry fo iivoihiiuliiip and ro 1 11 ng lit on l lug yrliumjod th niklf 1 wiih sen to till mount itoyol 11 win rn it will ik mn in on exhl rnon q cardy lltl 1 111 1 w ii re mr vo r mi 1 nt tn ii ajfcr of tli hotel crack 1 but l o i intpiiuttqm over tho 1 w i hit ch iil nlnir th o montioyal as li n vrd t 1 rr new lierlh the model uf tho montroyul is plete in ovei y imrtli ulr and li lined such un excellent r op lea small scnltr of thn fufmor emprasn that it bus bono innurol ror 20 000 tho model u rourtoni provldim u daal thn vuilloi- whlhtti- udult or juvonlte en ziit in longth und of ntoi tulnmnnt to daily rssdjnoa for next wook monduy muy 1u jr 2f 1 7 tuesday muy 0 ji r ho h 10 wotlneaduy muy 21 j i 7 i 7 thursday muy 2 j i 9 10 frlduy my 23 j r 10 6 hi saturday muy ii ji r ih 1 13 sunday muv 2 i ltn 1 h got the wrong boy m mother fellts jw vliilung a pro orrled by a c rtiiln inn vlurlul mhool wiih nun the iioiho f iho hiiiouu- room at iuhi unull o loin it uni lonuor ho oiiliil ih door und burnt upon the luis hiolnl out buy to oth ulkli groat deal ho c it uk lit hi in by th ojlur carried him to hln own i mm und plunto i him in th ill myitis alt tlnio mil b uull ilnutou inter it hinull lioud up pearol round tit lot r an i n inn ic little vole kail please ulr you vi ui i out tuu lit r s it v rm if i lu un w tlont pro para l ion 1 mothoi hnivut worm terminator it hint suved tin lives of count loan chlidron moisture as fuel tbero 1m no l iter wuy lo cut down cur fuol blltu than it i mi ly molatunlng the indoor ulr tro bruuthn thn aver ugu pomnn will feol wuroi ut a torn peraturi of dh miiirun with a fifty per emit humidity than uf u turn pc rat uro of 80 ilijirun with n 30 tn 30 per rent humidity liim winter in one large fuctnry tu worki rs wurn llatloss and tlit indlvl luul produrtlnna wus moat uiih itihriiltncy a vonti latlon export nun cullid in tlio tmn peraturn roui n i oli von dotfri to un averugo of 6k und tin hum i llty in crroacit to 40 ur nut aptl un it ro suit of theuo rhunkrx in th productive cupallty ur tlio utniil toa fi r work was inert iimod onu ihlrtl tlojtd w parson in the world s work keep within hearing it wus tho young candlduto a first campaign and h vory first political i h ha wns much encouraged by thn in arty wel omn nxtonded by tho lorn ontmlttno and delighted by tho itiborak propurutlons for the mooting thoro wus nvon a ban 1 to pluy on the iitund boforo the spooch at lust thu liulrman cume forward and uililroum il tho crowd us follows 1 ollow tltlsonh wo have with un to day a young rnun that is dostlned tn tnko u pluco in the ranks of our i 1 jvi d i urty ho urnm to toll us of tin burning ihnupm thut comfort ua und lilu fiinin its nh orator has of i out i ri do 1 him he will now uddrokd you und wliflii hu has unlabel hi lurul will ntll you lognthnr ttgaln went one better min imk rty ten stllchus did tho kit ti r hnvo to take in mo ould man fiber did flgh last litgfct mrs ohuru tint waa that alir fthurr whon the doctor soon mo poor huxbund curried in tills morning he aaya hub any wun got u nowlng mpohlnet i roberts for ccuohss colds i and bronchitis s he knew her poat office clerks no doubt poasesa u larger amount of general infnrma tlon than they aro nometlmtyi credited with but tho irlah world tells of ono concerning whom tin xact ouponlto la true i hud occasion to go to tho post office to sohvifald in true lng u puck uge tuit hu i fulled to ho do i vo rod rho polltnnnmn of the olorks remlndod mo of u rrlon 1 of t ura who was a poat oil to clnrk und ono of the most polllo of iiuhni it he wus bom in county klldurr and omlgiuted to it pays to use martin senour red school house paint for bams and outbuildings it has no equal wtrte to hod offumt moolrtol for ft booklet home wumt1no maot easy sold by w d c talbot chevrolet meets all the standards by which a car is fudged by whatever standard you judge a car what ever qualifications you demand chevrolet can meet your closest scrutiny chevrolet economy is an established fact no other car ian be run so inexpensively chevrolet is the worlds lowestpriced fullyequipped ckr chevrolet dependability is proven by thousands of owners every day in all kinds of weather over all kinds of roads chevrolet appearance and con struction set new standards among lowpriced cars chevrolet service is the final factor in determin ing the value of the car wherever you travel throughout the length and breadth of the domin ion chevrolet service is close at hand there are chevrolet dealers and service stations every where where you can be sure of getting genuine chevrolet parts and expert service by men who thoroughly understand the car weigh all tho evidence carefully and you will more fully appreciate chevrolot value ask us for a demonstration ask us about the gmac deterred payment plan cai tor econ transportation- chevrolet fisheft king kepkfisentatives for this section 2all on them at ob write and they will oall on you gb0r6et0wn america ut inn yours twenty five he had attained a alx foot physique u big black beard and a clerkship in un up town post otflor station in now york ho told mn gleefully that ono day looking through thn tlttlo brass burs of tho gonoral delivery he uaw up preaching u mr harney mcoumn t fine bid irish gentleman ho hud known at home tho old man was unchanged but the boy had outgrown i mr mc gufiin s remembrance is it too late for lho steamer said mr mcgutnn us ho poked u letter through tho bars ror the widow o lirlrn curragh of klldarv klldare co 1 whom tom hud also known fathers neighbor ut home is this to tho widow o itrlon who llvtut on the llallywlnk houd asked tom and how did you know she lived on i llallywlnk hoad what would i be doing in tho post olnce if 1 don t know that the widow onrlen lived on tho llallywlnk roadf tom said that frequently nftor that ha saw the old muii guxlng ul him with uwo und wondnr ua ho explained to some companion that a tho man what knows ovory body in ireland in hla cheapest of all oils considering tho qualities uf dr thomas tsclootrio oh it is lho cheapest of oil prepara tion offered to tho public it is to he found in ovory drug store in canada from coast to uuat und nil ountry merchants keep it for eiilu bo being tuslly procurable und extremely mod erute in price no min mhoulit tu with out u bottle of it unsettled ciu you lei i mo wlmi sort ol wfuthor wo muy expect iioxt monthf wrote a subscriber to un nil tor and uccordlug to tho cumbeilund lraby terluti thn editor rvplled uu follows it la my belief that tho weather next month will be very much like your subscription the inquirer wondorod whut the mil tor meant till lie happened to think of the word unsettled could hardly live for asthma writes ono man who after years of suffering has found complote relief through dr j d htolltigg asthma itemed y now he knows how needli has ttoen his suffering thu matchless remedy gives sure help to all antllcted with asthma inhaled as amoko o vapor it brlpgs th help an long need ed very dealt r has it or can got 1 for you from his wholesaler an old anchor not long ago thu crow of un english trawler engaged in lobstei fishing near klnsdale has great difficulty in getting their anchor aboard u was nly fixed in aomu mulv nurd subatuncw in the sand hunk when ut lust they succeeded in bringing it to tho surface there was attached to it a very undent unchor five ons in weight he shank being uver ten foot long uni ttie bend uf squul proportion vuatenod to tint unchor was a small cannon the anchor which probably ttelong ed tu uno uf the ships of th hpaiilsh armada wracked on this const had become oovoiod with murine matter and this in the three coiiturlo during which it had been imbedded in the sand had been converted into u rot ky fossil substance the uncluu is of counm consider ubly worn but it still presents u very massive appeuruiico and must huve belonged to a lurge ship v lui man w iudarliig he spoke too late a pentisylvunlu gentleman tvlu u stoi y which is u good iatr on tin tyie uf pm noeker who cannot allow u man lo he laid d cently nwaylu his giave before he la after his pluue a map went to the govvinor f onu of tin otatqs mil unwii f i the plan tf junltor of lho stut htiuxt thn iivrii muld ho wu tho place hud boell fillet lumulned in the city fin waiting for m rhunci one da while hr wu along lh luniks f tli i tv od something fins ting down mtruam to hi horror fuun i it wau the body or a dnutl unn and on uxupilnutlon it prdvod to h thut of the ntun who hud bnun up olntud to tht place ho hu i sought h hurrln i to he executive rhumb r uml uhkud to kw tin gover nor governor jio gusi cd 1 huv come tu neurv list pi ten pf janltoi hut thorn is tin vacant y ho vacant y i i just auw the janitor taken out f thu wulut ho huu been drowned yes 1 know lmt 1 iuv lust ap in ted the muii wilo uaw him fall n minors wuim 1 w tiers ui tho mtkllclm foi rhllilrm who ui fpund suffering from thi tuvsgtut of wouiua 1 hey imuiidluroly ultot thn m iiiiuliiii roiidltluiis lindet wljch tho wi rum subalat and drive thatn from thu ays i and ut thn name llnie thry am loal in their orfool upon thu dlgos- tlvs organh restoring tltam u health ful operation und enur1n immunity rraro further disorders from svuh osuse service for the motoring public walter kentnek main street garagb a urst class motor mechanic prepared to repair all makes of motor cars promptly tires repaired and vulcanizrd best grades of gasoline and motor oils supplied at reasonable prioes air and water free o all motoriala room for storage acton garage main street- w kentner proprietor toronto suburban electric railway weatbound no ra h 40 u in no fir 1 1 40 n irj fcl t 2 40 p m no tit r 41 p m no ur h 00 p m no 19 eaatbaund luopm no rt x t42 am no ba i012u in mo h i 42 p m no f2 4 4 p m wo pc 74- pm no 70 10 43 p m sunday timetablk westbound no gs mo l0 no es no 07 no flo no 84 no 88 11 40 u m 3 40pm s 40 p m fjwritn 10 42 a m 2 42 pm edpm 9 43 p m freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at an ad dresa ln toronto el t thetfoud agent acton wgatimf sjpc- convwiimtt ttm emplrg bun is plank construction trusioa are ssdawitwcsliy kuut of intasrlainxptftnlu slvlnx memteut itrongth dblsaaaal braclnsttiroucbout completes m structure solid a rvest big to wtthstand ttt bosvimt storms also outevard pwui of hayandsraln lronouncd by nglnr to bo tha strongmtrtyp off barn c t no obstructing cross bsams braces tvttv all intarior is clear floor space ideal to work in get our prices for your barn jurt tall us lonsthf and width and bo drives you want and say whan you will prabably nasd tha barn this will not bind you in anyway wa alas furnish separataly our famous empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles twmfasrds of quality for 40 yoars i cor any butldlnav consult us our scrvicc dsuft is afc your disposal and can glva you roal hslp the metallic roofing- co limited toronto 1 uaaat iw rare iinanng l83j castoria mother i fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in anus and cluldreu all ages of constipation wind colic flatulencj to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of fqod promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates p tq avoid imitations alwayg look or tho signature o tf ptw hf ti w racli packip ehyllcuuis everywhere tccointuenj ll 7 out of 10 headaches aro caused from nyo strain if you huffar from h adaches you ought to iiuestlon the condition of your eyes often with vision apparently normal oyes greatly nod tie help of glasses a d savage optometrist a mfo optician savsa optical building bloht the post ohioe ouelph optqmetriat to the cansdtsn paelfle rsllwsy co t gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons uatn stuekt acton jesipravlngg 03lbchuomo3tva3r ttoroino camad4 acton elevator near o t r 8tati0n following brands on hand l flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and grain grain bought and retailed alex l tobl iuenky awkey manager i get your job printing at the free press this stores policy ro roprcitnt nuods un rltly us to tltlir quality to sua to thou who know unit to those who dont know ut u uniform fair puce to iulill nil gua und chce fully correct all mis takea to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guklph ontario

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