Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1924, p. 7

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ks last mil j ihalhi ai now the following rain illrlhi yjci death ici memorial rt line mtra for pocma dorn lihs in i rln township on mm dm mty 4 1j24 to mr and mm inn a thorn iinim u diiukhier till uh vi tilnvi rnvllln n y on mitiulo j 1 mr un1 mi v lllliiin j ilitim u oo i w unw married millman i 1 hi k3v al hlmncnr miiiioiihi hunli nnsnuirawoyn un i in iliy may 7 1024 by itnv rwi h iihiunim ii a qluilyu liiitchm r mr unit mm levi i- 1 i i i mr 1 wnrl h uyormsn of i hi c 1 tt fttaffat died a ioon- iii rln townhip on tui iy muyfl 104 charles if wutson lir hi rath your i hhl uy at tn r i rl ih 162 dunn i rldiy may 3 iii 1 lluniiuh m widow of ha into la ii lnhiry in hi r 70th year ialcrat 7 spudlnu avfnuii roronto 1 rlilny mornlrtdl may 0 su nth wulkcr widow of hi- lul willliim i nor i in hi r h7lli year gjiir artott 3frm ttb tlmlimpay may ib 13 may malt brief local items nuriiliiir n rrouch invariably mtflccu it riw lliilnn huvii boon f reiiuont durlnc tho wik tin usai usnr pluoa the population of i nruun tit 1 766 mount jorost bus decided to pave lu tnmhiouij slroota clean tup and keop it up enjoy tho oxpnrlnnco mouut brhiss business a tun morn beuuttful 1 rofuho wrowon bountiful crops of liny 1 ixhintr purtlos for the twenty fmirllr uro blnr orranftod itunnlnu un uuto in no excuse for lunnliik umuck through speeding warm misting rain and dripping iiivm hprjnjf brings una in polo dp nine luuves in homo wayti tho world id growing hatti r you hlirdly aver see a woman lauding it pug doft if ho bo an honest angler mny tho tunt wind nover blflw when ha goes ii i ailing ixaojc wolton early aheap shearing 1m on the programme even if slightly cool for thi uhoop and the shearer acton used 12629 91 of hydro- electric current laat year fergus 0 081 33 und elora 8614 the home gardener hasn i been ablo to gat any rush on yet owlnjt to tho prevalence of wot weather tho price of sugar la tumbling it ih udvertlsed this week by toronto grocers ut 8 30 per 100 pounds ion t leave the boosting of your town to the other fellow it is as much your business as anybody a don t camp on the telephone line but attend to your call with protnptl tudu and make the conversation brief ills honor judge elliott held dlvlnlon court in the council chamber on thursday when several coses were dlnnoftod of guelph district meeting in the method ik t church today acton will cordially welcome the ministers and laymen who attead arbor day was loyally observed at glbnwilllams school the school ground were cleaned up and a nun bur of trees planted r mury mary quite contrary bow does your guttfen rpwr with good rich noil and sweat and toll and a willingness to hoe tho bod of lutlps planted at the tioldlars monument by the horticul tural society is now at its best and in btfuuty spot on mill street just suppose every one tn acton took as uule interest in the general beaujiflcalian of the town as i do woll what kind of a place would it be a number of the members at walker lodge a- f a a m attended tho masonic school of instruction at ouolph lost wednesday afternoon and evening they say that th man with the hou plums seed and the vegetable grow but who plants the seeds of the millions of weeds he wars on does unyone know with the aid of a stenographer the town clerk will go over all documents belonging to the town copy all by laws and institute a flung- sy for same brampton herald acton is tn a very happy business position at present every factory and mill is running with a full complement of operatives and the prospects are good for continuing busy i morn tho singing of tho birds the pure bracing atmosphere und tho perfume laden air ure roully worth white an o a t raid on sunday chief mscpbsrsofrvand inspaotor resvely secure arsons on scans street i or ntrin iliiu htir murphrikii who is i hj lut om i i tor tho rifor moul uf ini onuiii tcmporunrn art in arti it iiiim tn i n nimpu ioiih that ii uit- wm imiihk hliiroptlounly dlnpoh ot r 1 1 a hoiinf on hinni hlrn i lcr uiviimi wih hi hm kipl tho 1 1 1 1 o umlor htiri llliimo on hulunllty h di ulitod tt raid tho iiemlmim und on huiuluy fori noon uruioil with ujniiri wnrrunt und no roinpunlihl by i t hh limp itoi it vi ly ii pumctdcd to invpatlgnt llir liimlim f john i orty thu utit luuuo ut the won mil or hin htrot whan m atlmpliil to uitln un nntruncn to he huuuo it win fnund hut lxth front und bulk ilwi v i ik kod a fori o ful miiova by tho luuty ililff iivitfumii thu doiiftl fiintonlnju und tin und th nun tor xvaru noon inuhln vlltorw iorty m wlfi wu in i tin nil uf innuitli intf ii lttlp whu h m1 ijolikly utiutch id from tin lit lit when- f ui itioii wnrn nlttlng a rolongid hi urill about thn plut i wii frultuuu tiut thu chlif dochimxf if inon liquor wau miitixl on tliii pr misoii hn wuh rolnil to mid it hnully ho gliicovorcil n mm plm i nfmt tttl hiding wlili which thn kltrhen wan llnod i iftlpg hiim up thorn was revnalod in u rvoosu four tmjttion of alcohol those were noised by the oinocrs und john tho fori ignar will answor in coui t on huturduy morning to tho nhuigi of unluwrul jkssonslon of ihiuur under tho ontario tempo run c act building fairly active in canada 30198800 worth of buildings con tracted for in april the total awardm for cunutllan ton struct ion for tho month of april jig cording to maclioun uulldlng ho ports limited wore 30 198 000 com p a rod with 11 ss4 500 in march und 30 841 800 in april 1023 residential building accounted for 31 par cent of the april total amounting to 9 658 300 iluslnous building amounted to 9 112 800 or 3d per cent industrial building s3 841 100 or 12 2 per cent and public works and utilities 7 888 800 or 263 per cont the total number of buildings for which can tracts were awarded during april nmountod to 2 1s8 with a value of 22 310 j00 und of these residences form by far tho major part a totul of 1 87 residences will bo eroded at an estimated cost of 0 658 300 noxt in importance uro schools 40 of which arc planned to cost 1 800 s00 and fac tories for which 37 contracts waru awarded ut a value of 3 641 100 other works scheduled consist of bridges dams and wharves roads uid streets and similar contracts theso amount in all to 2 329 at a total cost of 80 ibs 800 roads and streets being responsible for 4 348 or this amount there bnnlg 100 of theso contracts passed and bridges of which hero artt 2c to be erctod with u cost of 311 300 a number of items bulked tinder th classiflc tton of general engineering are am tt muted at 180 800 a puncuircproof pneumatic tire canadas indoatrdotablo lona life tubo h overcome all disadvantages two und il half yi urn itc ih wh- nipt it kvmliig trilitmi on hi aulo mobile pug un r tin hi udlni wanted iliiii turo i n of hiilmlllutj fur pntuinatll tin rci 1 to many devliu pluiid upon thi market und doclurn1 unit none won h itlifuctiry at tho tlmo a piilrintukliig oxperl mu id mixhunln wuh iu wrk in the mi mo ity of wliuiipig hon whu h h dlrr illinlnud th l tlini to iniitorlhth ov ry niilomolill umuunts in iho mfi tnnuni o or illitlirfm t im i html him hi n il gren fur in mlvii nuugillno nxpfi tiitlom lug or t place unio invi ntiir f iiih uv the wlmilpiif miijti tin i rywhirt ull nmlti tlli whli ii in hi a glv pimimd trutlifully to mtinurncturod in und 1 uvuthililf to rumiilhi i dlun fui tor 411 lull tuotoi i hjituiiluy wu itil- 1 unciuro pr of hub fo whom u tho mtn oi woiniin wlfti wilt rnmo forth with a mwlitfn ikij sutihtltutu for tin pnoiimutlt tire ol to iluyt an innovation that will bun j blw nut farovor u rul joyrldp i oct up early thesa beautiful lngtt and onjoy the experience lieut col a o drown of fltew urttown hus retired rromthe command of thu hulton rifles and has been succeeded by major j k mahon of cumpliellvllle who is now lieut col kitchener council will go to the courts in an effort to recover a valu able lot owned by the chairman o tho park hoard and which the coun ell claims ho seoured illegally by vlr itio uf his umee income of western farpiere how the parmera of manitoba 8ss katehswan and albsrta got 38100047 farmers of the prairie provinces received an aggregate income oi 318 800 87 on imports from thel farms as a result or 1923 operations according to official nguro tho farmers of manitoba were the recipi ents of a total income of 86 218 083 saskatchewan farmers 171 667760 while alberta farmers received 223- 814 804 sale of their whoat brought the farmers by far the greatest proportion on their income on tho farm exports saskatchewan leads tho way in tho exports of wheat selling 210000 010 bushels at an average price of 65 cents a bushel alberta followed close ly with the largest crop in the history of the province disposing or 187 260- 084 bushels ut 65 cents a bushel manitoba farmers ware paid an aver age price of hi cents a bushel for their wheat selling 32 804 000 bushels durlnk the year though saskatchewan netted a larg er total return on its wheat production than the other provinces value re ceived on this commodity represents nearly 80 per vent of tho saskatche wan farmers total income for theli farm products on the other hand wheat contributed less than go per cent of the alberta farmers income and about 36 per cent of manitobas alberta takes a long lead in the sole of oats by exporting 144 177800 bushels which represents soveral mil lion dollars more than the combined receipts of the farmers of manitoba and saskatchewan for this grain ajbesta was also in the lead for the sale ix fodder crops receiving morn than 12 600000 for tho sale of liuy and cldver alone u figure which is not nearly equalled by her sister provinces in the sale of dairy products ana live stock the alberta farmers netted more than the receipts or the saskat chewan and manila bs farmers combin ed incomes in lb is department may j4 comes on u saturday und it wlu not bo necessary for the small hoy to sing tho old time couplet twenty fourth of muy is the queen s blrthduy if you don t give us a holiday well ul run uwuy tho conviction of john rdblnson of allliituii by tho police magistrate for coudutilng u billiard room in con neotlou with his barber shop without churning wus sustained on appeal by judge wlsmur lust week ijupoituura of the home hank will not rutluh the prospect for the next ulvidiiul a t clarkson the liquids tor wheij uukad when the next dlvld end would be paid said it will be two years they wore paid 25 cents on iho dollar some time ago iatgmva vlllatfe has purchased a ten wore field of which two acres are bush this has been turnedlnto an uthleti tlatd and a targe sum is being nxpendui to make the field a good one it is intended to have both ladles and gents ball teams herald brampton the degree of doctor of divinity has been conferred upon jtev w m kanuawln of hamilton by his alma mater queens unlvertfty kingston rev dr kannawln onnda good to his boyhood a friends bar j qongratuu- hoes wllllo bee pardon dr kaona- win bun on th water and wind in um trees jny cano alloet into ft atari wjth roil or wftn gun m capture jwr where the blue ddb tlfb flt on the paddle wrism to- tn whan thor gtiilvori tna iffrtftv 1 in th tra l aaj stinim tn watr mother never gets a vaastion a mans work is from sun to sun but u woman s work is never done so runs the old saying now hamp shire checks up und dlscovor that tho uverugu woman on its farfns works 4 000 hours u year that is ubout steven hours u day sundays included mother never gets a real vacation did it over occur to you whut would hap pen if oho struck for un eight hour day vancouver evening sun be prompt with news items hardly a week pussus thst u news paper is not under tho necessity or leaving out certain items that are handed in too late for publjcutlon when the items ure lift out tho con trtbutors ure surprised und often hurt if those itemx worv huiulod lu early und not delayed utull uu hour or so before publication disappointment would be averted kow readers aro fond of ancient history which might just us well havi been published when it was modern blaokbirds a pest a bird lover wrles to the ottawa journal that that city should follow kingston s exumple and kill the black birds he says blackbirds are more numerous this spring that ever be fore last year thay destroyed hun dreds of young robin wrens swallows live sparrows bluebirds and other small insect eaters now the old blackblrda are back with lust years brood swelling thslr numbers un i unless some action is token the small blcds will havo slim chuqoe of raising their nestlings this season now is the time to kill off the blackbirds before they make their nests pram a paoiflo coast reader x enclose with pleasure 2 00 for rsnewak of my fs piucss i would ilka fine to spend a tittle time in the old town sain ant i am a lona war from hpto and have my hands full a present i would uku very much to my der old mouter again 1 bear q biot well and of ooure la up u4 jraaje i am sure thp good xord faubaan very kind in sparing lsh thn punt 1 und muku to wan to1 for that inventor thoio awaits th thanks of thounundfi of motorlnts thi world ovir und millions of dollurs be sides in truth there have boon novorul now fannied ideas li market hut somothlng wus wrong with them so tlutf they did not find fuvnr with tho motoring public whi wanted is not only u tiro frob from punctures or blow outs but one that would also have ull advantages uf tho iiresant pneumatic tiro t tho latost attempt lo solve thi problem consbitii uf a illsc llko who- with the pnoumatlc tiro limld th rim and solid rubber outuld this however huu tho sumo draw buck us many other invention f its typo tho t nil n- of the curs wolght is placod on tho rim of the wheel in stead of tho tire whore it should bo tho pneumatic tiro by tu air ro allloncy takes up ull this n l ruin und isos little or no ohunco for the wheel to break undor its weight tho real substitute will huvo ti made so as to take up this stml tho point where it touches tho road as in tho case of iho present pneu malic and nowhere else except in the springs tho attempt luui been mudo to place spirals or u piston urrangomont 1 1 hollow bpokou to tuko up tills com pression but there ugaln tho rim would flrst moot tho wolght of tho car on the road und strain under it to ul timate breakage tires dhrldod into air bulkheads or niiod with sponge rubber or nomi solid havo also boon devised hut there again tho resiliency of tho pneumatlq is not attained tire manufacturers are still watting for tho ideal puncture proof pnou matlo tire tho elimination nf tiro troubu hm boon tho goal of inventors and rubber manufacturers for muny ynrs tho long llfo inner tube lu np im proved pneumutlo tulo its uptclul features furnish to thn motorist pro tectlon against those annoyance fam iliar to all motorlsth under tho numa tire trouble it lu tho culmination of years of experiment thought und ox pense jinrt hus been uttulnod without the introduction of uny mochunlcul or material mean other than rubber und its recognised company with usual compounding ingredients hitherto it has boon impracticable to use a tubo beyond u certain llmltod thickness because of tho tendency of the tuba to croop within the casing ana destroy jtnolf hy un application of the laws of vacuum in the construe tion of tho long llfo auba this creep ing movement hus been entirely over come and the inflated tube tiucomes immovably anchored to thu inner wullu of tho cosing th travellers itubbor ojompany limited has acquired tho patent right f- domini o to miim invention fn of canada t ah lo puiiiitiimi thn ling life tube phtlvi will not irak ulr drinpll i thn niimhi r of punrturom ono tubr undni uulng hporlaj tent iuiviiik boon plnri d with nulls of various nlio i iiihii than three hundred times 30n in ntuljud thn fifty co pounds uli j ionium introdui li bofon tieglnnlng tli exptrlmont ii ii tnnro itkn living fleiih than any tiling mini ver mudi it muy bo in jui oil but it houls llucir r roduoes to u minimum tho liability to dlnw outu ttio cnsllo njrangth in himnt lu ttm tubo lint if nerves to did tribute the strain of internal pmssure iimrii v nly throughout tho i uulng nvi i tomlnk tint certainty of th illnury thin tube to nonk out tie weak sput in u lanlng und break 11 thorn with thu usual tragic accompununontu f iosh labor disappointment and lay itomovi h untlrely tho danger plnililnr due to open spllros und crucks lu rtio interior of tlie i using n carcass i hi in on account of ita thlrkuuhh iluldlty und luughnohs it lu un abso luti impohsllilllty to pinch tho long if tubi am hurijoiitod l um iiumi tin ion 1 ifo tubo will weur indnhiiltily umloi iho harden t umijfu oilo set of tubes trtidoi obsorvutlon hull guno moio than 21 010 mile lb ono sot of futirlo casing the hun ftunclsco sunday call in n roant edition told this story of a now mourn o to motoilsth tn california und arizona aluoknta wi0 causkb hlventy iunctuhich a day hovonty punctunh in una tiro in hiiiki by ih thi uuenvluhui lerord u california motorist who recently truvnlled through thut section of tin fluid on htnto whore tho puncture plan is proline und productive introduced us u stowaway in bum in tho fleeces ot imported whoop tho plant has be rome well autabtlnhod in certain sec tlons of arlxona and california it 1 rosponslblo for 60 per cent of the bicycle und approximately 30 per cent uf tho automobile punctures that oc cur in theso states uncle sam hus beau conducting a countrywide weed survey und has as oertalned definitely thut tho puncturo weed is spreading rapidly the bur splits at maturity into five sections uurh umlppod with a pair of buyonot llko splnnm about una nuurtor of an inch in inngth theso sections uro hcuttored ubout on tho grounfl in such u munnor thut one of the spines al- wuys points upwurd roady to puncturo any inflated tiro that passes nver it this wood un troublesome to motor ists using tho ordinary phoumuiu tlrnu would bn absolutely harmless to tho now long llfo tiro three hun dred puncture with nulls of ull euus driven into the tire hud no effect on them theso quartorlnoh california puncturo weeds would be entirely harmless und be unable to cuuse any trouble to the motorist whose car wan installed with the long llfo tubes the tnvontor and manufacturers of tho long life tube are not indulglnii in tho use nf extravagant expressions when they afllrm that their now pro- duot is as indostructablo as any part of the car itself on which it is used one of the largest merchandising or ganisation in canada has undertaken to place the long llfo tube on tho market u moat flattering evidence their confidence in its grout future the long lite tube is a i baltefactar to tho motorist winterburn benefit fund to the editor pf flues pjuouj i wish to thank through your valued ituiver tho few kind friends who havo so ilburully rendered asslstanco to tho above fund i cuit ussure them that both mr unit mrs wlnterburn sin cerely thank them for their kind tknn tlons probably tho employeou of a t co tannery axu other organisations in town will come to tholr assistance and help o rnlso up this fund i again thank the contributors ta the agod coupla in their tlmo of need tn fiucm itucs has kindly agreed to acknowledge all contributions in a later issue rlgnid j little base ball opening on saturday a crowd uf four thousand is ex poitod ut ouclpn snturduy at 3 16 whon quit ontario champions und ouolph maple leafs opon iho 1021 schedule tho city is base ball mad arrangements have been made to purk curs in grounds at 10 a m acton meat market como to our shop for tho best meats in town at the lowest prices i our fresh and cured meats are always highest grades a new stock of ltbbys pickles catsup mustard etc fresh pork beef and veal always fresh homemade meats homemade sausgge homemade headcheese homemadc- jcllicd veal acton meat market ourie lamb proprietor phone 45 of tlio urm who oaraa tor huntlm w uf ehqilfth dttr old kan e nvuhuly with th ma f liawwmilwr all cayvronuer tmsrsawan tiw mt or ua- pibtfir ielwr i enwui an announcement vo have purchased tho stock of l starkman and will con duct a ladies ready -to- wear general dry goods and gents furnishing business rcarrangement 0 stock will bo com pleted and the store wilt bo open under iho new management on monday may ib new lines of goods wtll be added and this advertisement will carry weekly uio uptodato store nows pf tho lines we aro adding cash buyingcash selling wo aro adopting tho plan of buying for cash and saving for ouf customers md our goods must therefore be sold strictly for cash tho larger the turnover the cheaper you buy this will bo a real peoplos store in every sonso of tho word practical dressmaker as mrs rcesor is a practical dressmaker all alterations to readytowear garments can bo promptly attonded to a big opening special we have made a special purchase of several dozen ladies uptotheminute houso ami porch dresses in an eltcellent i range of styles colors and sizes the prices rang from 275 up mrs a reesor t mox sirfiet acton stahkmans old stand v t flnrnikw automatic nesajsul oil stoves 1 haabssslaasajii tho wnitii weiltlior is just at hiboibjbbsbijii hand und we have un excellent c3ilaaia2j lino pf klorenro autiimutlo oh mhh htoves to do away with hm ssbbllbbbbbbbsbssb kltchomi bin summer this in huraaav tno 0 btova im lb market vbnhttirh t has many eiiluslvo foaturen kdbghglh not found in otlisr oil stnvos abssnssws come in und lo tm explain ubout gsbkffagsssh thl range irlcch to ntilt ull 9 purqefl eje 1 1 bse the diffarant styles on 1 display in the window w d talbot phone 76 main street purveyors to particular palates to people who are particular about the sort of meat they serve wo arc generally picked to fill the bill we always have thp cuts you want and the slock ls always the choicest wc riavc rightly earned the above heading by our attention to supplying your meat needs cooked meats and of coursejour stock would be- incomplete if wc could not supply your needs tn cooked meats if you dont see the kind of delicacy you want justsk for tt as all our stock is not in view fresh fish wc also have a supply of fresh fish kept right and the supply secured regularly and sold to you wjiilc fresh watch our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont mclean co store news gold seal congolcum rugs the special sale of congolcum rugs clotcs saturday may 17 get your order tn before suturday nnctyou get the reduced prices marquisette curtains at reduced prices 25 pair only 2 yards long with locc nnd insertion good vatuo at 3 50 per pair special at 275 floor oil cloth and linolrums our prices must be right judging from he amount of business we arc doing in floor oil cloths and linoleums curtain v curtain scrims at per yard 18c 25c marquisette curtaining at per yard 15c 50c and 60c madras muslins at per yard 50c 55c and 60c store open all day wednesday ft- tore open friday night as usual untl 10 oclock store closed all day saturday may 24 mclean co mill street acton ont trimmed hats tailored hats sport hats any kiyu or hhupo the heart could fancy como in- and chx yours we win b pleased to help with suggestions v miss j gal braith phone 109 mill street acton j fairview nurseries acton having added lo our uric housos wo uro now ablo to supply kahly tomatoks iloth in iotm and jtoxos iiarlv canilaokh cauliflower punts antirrinhiumh scabious coleou8 heliotrope 8milax wandering jlw phlox drummondi kalhams carnation marouerite innias pans ibs sweet william pinks hollyhocks oalamdlas delphiniums pvrethums ckleky plants early und lute ueddino oeiianiumk beqoniah salvias codea bcaniknh stocks asters petunias verbenas allyhium cblosias orders taken uiiil bpokod imuntj ilellvered in tlmo fur planting all orders ddlveroil a h bishop b5x 03 phone 54 market gardener and florist goodbye to care- and worries too forgetting all the rest of the world in the glorious fascination of the to revel in the luxury of beautiful surroundings to join in the joyous goodfellowship of the ocean to be entertained or to remain quiet at your pleasure to develop a ravenous appetite and find meals of the most satisfying excellence to receive thoughtful courts ous attention and have your desires anticipated and gratified such li a voyage by cana dian pacific em press or monoclass cabin ships to europe jlsk ariy jlqent of the tiianpatific saturday treat coming another supply of fancy packages of chocolates in assorted sizes and prices drop in and look them over you will like them let us show you oar new lines of bulk choco lates kokonut kisses 29c lb sure everyone loves kisses for this saturday we offer you a rich cream fondant strawberry and vanilla flavor with just enough ribbon cocoanut in it to make it real tasty take a pound with you regular 40c ttr saturday treat 29c 15 weekend chocolate2e- the old reliable friend for the sunday reader with a good book and plenty of our weekend chocolates to munch away at you certainly can enjoy solid comfort just a real good assortment of hard and soft centres and assorted flavors strictly fresh regularly 50c and 60c lb saturday special 32c lb ice cream drop in and enjoy a fresh fruit sundae or an ice cold lemon soda or ask for cherry custard the wonder of ice cream creation assorted bricks always in stock v rumley phone 65 acton ontario auction sale the chances ure still good fur the people of actun and vicinity who havo been untibli to purchase jewellery oh in a and enamclwarc at their own price ut auctlou bale dont miss the opportunity which you have now and which you will not havo for a long time again come to this big sale on friday evening 7 m to 1030 p m saturday afternoon and evening 2 v m to 6 pi m 7 i m to 10 jo p m ctpn bargain store next to tony scjmnka

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