Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1924, p. 1

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ht 3mtm sttt bttss fortynyith year no 47 thursday morning may 22 1924 actoh ontario canada thursday morning may 22 1924 single copies five cents the tmethodist chuhch acton rev cha8 hackett pastor preonoevvlllow st 1100 n n the minister subject an fmi irf liny message i 130 p m hunday school 7 00 ii m rev o napier smith ff tlm uuer cutwta hfble society rviitynodt welcome presbyterian knox church acton minister rv a c stewart m a manaewulow street 10 oo n nt bible class study in aluttl ew ct alter xt 10jdq uy m sunday school 11 00 a m nov w patterson a pf norval v 7 00 p nt rev w patterson u a strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor au are cordially rjvttbd special notices ford car for sale in first clave condition t a morton for sale ford touring car 1123 model with tuner will sell at reasonable price a malozzi 46 x no 12 beardnjore crescent band instruments taught saxophone clarinet brass znstru stent taught by c wadpmgham bandmaster xsoetph musical society band j11 yorkshire 8l guelph pi 08 for sale a number of pare bred yorkshire jow lor sale bacon type due to farrow in june and july apply j f robertson phone 4lr4 r r no acton card of thanks wo wish to thank our many custom ers and friends for their liberal pat- ronaffe- during the years of our bust- ness relations together in acton w also solicit your continued patron- to our success mr a aaeesoc ljjtarofttajhv card of thanks mr and mrs job h maude of axton wish to express their sincere gratitude to their many friends for their kirid expressions of sympathy and the many beautlfuf floral tributes extended to them in their sudden and sad bereavement of their dear son john one cent sale of wallpaper church janitor wanted a janitor for the methodist church a man accustomed to firing a ateam boiler preferred and one whose wife can assist 1n cleaning and dusting particulars as to duties may be had from h p moobh secretary trustee board dry ftarowood for sale yrstofaa dry hatdwood free from bis know and little limbs guaranteed 3 single cords 13 inch wood for 10 cash by measurement wood deliver d at one also cotdwood it w i cord food measure apply o russell johnson jlrno i acton or leave order with 47 2 qeorg soper acton cono distance hauling i j t am tiow vrapared to do ions dls- cv tajjce h of furniture machinery vfltivana am fully equipped with sp- jsit sjm trucks to take care of f ihla ojass 0f work r prompt attention gdredsxl orders w a h cblfpft phone 1 or 1 41- 1 acton ontarto- farms for sale 45 farms in the counties of halton andwaninxtnn varying from 40 to acres let na sand yoo jnrllit a lif jhocnaa and liu jstaoea in afftfui tor aula 1 flro and lu insjnranc money to smith v phono lie anton owl tenders for coal sealed landers addressed to the pur chaslas agent department of public wortukotuwrs wim- tee by him until 32 oclock noon daylight mvlnohbmlsy may ss 1sh for th apply of coal for the dominion build fuss throughout uie provlnoe of on tarto including the city of ottawa torma or tender with ajmoifleetion and conditions attached can jm ob- tainted from thy purchasing asaat jpo- partmant of public works ottawa w corrbrkn and r winter general post oflloe toronto power son r pfwrer kingston and from the care taftsrs of the variousdominion build anta in onufio outside of ottawa idsxmto and xlasston tenders will not be considered unless mads on these forms wt right to deniand from the ui 1 i osseful tenderer a deposit not ex- v oasjdlna 10 per centpf the value of the oootract to secure- ths proper fjilnl mstti of the contract is reserved by order y dksjardins actlns secreury deparunnqt or public works otuwa may t ih 4b1 s j wonderland friday may 23 t- csramoncw from the novel of the frenoh revolution etarrlns alice terry directed by lux ingram 4 u piece orchestra special matinee at 4 one show at nlgbt at n ra prices matinee children i5c adulu x6c night children 16c adults sftc saturday may 3j4 i tbe etovcnth hoar w f ytnc startin shirley son and charles jonea comedy t kcreatipn somebody uod vsn tgesdav may 27 the csmivat chapter 10 or the haunted valley comedy creauort trtuble brewing with lrry jgemon i v v u comnq toruf wy lh kln ygickle cooaan u u gregory son -7- an unusual may clearance of lines which abusy spnn season has left ii diminished quantities valipapcr at ic single roll yes exactly that worked out in this way regular 15c single boll two rolls for 16c regular 20c single roll two rolls for 21c regular 2sc single roll regular 35c single roll regular 50c single roll twotfolls for 26e two rolls for 36c two rolls for 51c patterns for j11 kinds of rooms in this unique clearing borders and ceilings to match in every case worth taking a little trip to guelph to get an opportunity hkoihat isnt it one roll out of avery two you need at only ic paper for a whole room cosing practically only half the usual price ti right clothes for the holiday and after mens womens and childrens needs all amply provided fog many of the womens scte clearing at half pnee straight boxy jacketed models regular 25 00 to 50 00 clearing at s150 to 2540 womens and misses coats at specially attractive prices one group at 1800 includes regular 22 so to 26 50 values d e macdonald bros ltd godphs loading and largeststare weekend specials koka rocks a real favorite a nice soft cocoanut centre coated in a nloo maple cxeara coating regularly 40c b weekend spec ial s2e extra sfjbcial assorted chocolates a new line to be offered tins weekend much superior in both coating and centres to- any line we have ever offered at this price regularly 40c and 50c lb weekend special 32c lb icecream our ice cream menu abounds with good things to eat come in and let us convince you bulk or brick ice cream delivered to any part of the town mill street actori hewilses w will sv you mnay if you will li u quality at low price all new goods sandals slippers tennis shoes coffecrlu tutess yoit comfort cushion soy djnesyouri bts- fgft property and oxfords hosiery work boots school boots try a pair of our guaranteed rubber boots where quality counts with low prices-try- la 1 i harry harrison the shoe man nevr unoa of travelling ban and suit case still further evhdence of hydro success the years operation shows a net surplus for acton of 349770 actons hydro plant capital is now t44taaoe with a surplus over liabili ties of tz711ftl4 a few sreks ifo tiis flue fans had the pleasure or ehowlna the very sub stantial surplus earned in the use of electric current during- the ysar as act forth in the thirteenth statement anrlnuely looked for by all local hydro comtnuilons year by year this week we are able to give our readers more complete information covtirlns the entire business and stand irur of the local com the following letter iras received last week by the fjeci etary of acton hydro commission from ho auditor of municipal account with the hydro electric rviwer commission of on tarlo toronto may ix 1m4 ulu u h fipelaht secrmary hydroelectrio com acton ontario dear madam we take pleasure in eneloalna a copy of the annual raport of the acton hydro system for 1m as it will appear in our records you will note that th coat of power has been decreased by 1 t7xlt which la the difference between the actual cost to this commission and the sum of the twelve interim bills which were sent out taken up la your books you will also note ati increase- in the sinking- fund effalty of ii m7 t which represents the equity acquired in the lines of thbi commission the toronto rower company and the ontario power company plus interest at four per cent per annum on the previously accumulated balance the amount re toronto power company u somewhat aptiottnal duo to the fact that we have this year included several years ac cumulation thus mttajliur your books up to dale the alnkltur fund equity account measures the proarasa being made by acton in acquiring title to the developments and transmission system operated by this ctnasalaslon theea ftanrrs win be bkorporated in your books tho first time our representative ia at acton and the years operation which as yon will note shows a net surplus of t347q after providing for d preclatlon to the extent of 7180 and jnnst be very sufytng 50 your local commlaalon your truly r c mccallum auditor of ifunlclpal accounts the annual report fa as follows hydro electric departjoint op the acuntclpaijtt ob acton ontario trial balance mm at december 1l li lands and buildings substation equipment distribution system o head line ttmnafqrjncra meters street light equipment miscellaneous equipments old plant i lm 5 1 tlt at 12m1 87 t4j is fiwt it 104 07 174 00 1411 so total plant u4ru u securities and inveatznenta f 1 000 so accounts receivable 2t0 11 1111 14 4971 is equity in hydro system debenture balance accounts payable bn overdraft reserve for equity hydro nrve for depreciation debenture paid additional operating 8ur plus total 44iu 0 1 j tl 110 m j0 t m i s4i m fit ss sr 1 mas n uim to t41l 4lw 01 kevenue domestic light 614 tl revenue commercial light 1478 ic uf venue commercial power toisal revenue municipal power 70s xi revenue street lighting ims 43 revenue merchandise 411 so total revenue total expenses 111 575 11 18 010 u net surplus 1417 70 this result will be regarded by the people of acton with general satlsfac- actoo 2 furltaiiks 2 a draw ome ef football at pairhanks on saturday actan atmuiau teanr mat fatrbanka limited last saturday on bo fair banks ground acton won the toas and tho k4ck off tpok placa with 4 high wind blowing which was tn ay- ones favor acton was tn good tooto and played good fuothall tan min utes from th start parry aobred and a fdw minutes later scored aaain glvinc aotbn a twooa fesjal 2cls lead made fairbanks strtva uttie hardev and they soon scored th4sr first coal a good game was bains played by both teams and fairbanks second goat was well earned and deserved half lime score 1 all at the re start a cross wind waa blowing and the ball was often out oc play on this account- acton had the best of the game during this half and heatley lost three good chances to soore turner the aoton goalie ulucklly saved acton from defeat ddctng ihla performance he was rend erecrttors de combat for a few minutes wksq admeones hoot eatne in contact with- hia mouth the game ended a draw1 l thlsweek aoton should be at horn t north oakwood but on account of th day belna s holiday it la not yet kriawn whether the game will be play ed or not an effort will be made lo bar a match here however police court nsps john mcnearney of kings and michael mftnearney a brother of ituffalo n v- charged wttiu criminal legllgenoe tn driving an auto wtoua in anj intoxicated condition were re manded for iwo weaka by magiatrau maxwell at 8 thomas on monday the crown rqiiexlngvjui adournmant so as to permit mnarad mrlttterm men wltneseeat my ssylbj by twar a on victims of fecjdenj such ntlatred nsglmncv to i witnesses mra jh evasi v lha afttasm woottabspluu in a rathar critical condition nl hr ihssiband la al home jiuffering from injurlea about tn obaat and aguiuluars f news of local import tennla dance june 0th the tennis commit ten of the arton athletic assochitlon will hold a rinnre in acton town hall on friday june 6 good mualc preeented with a silver trey prior to her removal to cleveland mrs henry bauer who haa been dlr ector of ceremonies of the lady true bine lodge was prevented with a beautiful silver brrad tray i y the members of the lodge at the homo of mrs k f colfler brock avenue n friday evening two minister from one home rev oeorge n luxton and itev w oruer luxton sons of mr and mrs a o il luxton or mount forest form err of milton received holy ordecs st the recent ordination jat the church of the ascension hamilton this es teemed home la naturally very proud of their prearher sons empire dsy exsreiees the winners in the com petition easaya and exhibits in the publla school will be awarded prfxra by the senior l o d e in the town hall on friday evening at eight o clock the methodist sunday school orches tra will aaalst with the programme everyone interested in he work of the pupils is invited to be preeenl- an enjoyable coincidence on hunday afternoon ur and mrs lyman s ilutlln of port huron mich and mr and mrs h t lepug mr morley lepage mln carter and little jun wood of toronto arrived by motor at moorecroft within five mln utes of each other and neither party knew the others were coming- a brief but very pleasant visit was apasit tn the old home an as ef unforofvable vandalism last thursday afternoon a woman in town who had allttle girl with her waa observed to stop at the bed of beautiful tulips at the soldiers mdnu merit plot the little girl deliberately broke off and carried away a full doyen of the flowers at such a place especially such vandalism is regarded almost as aaeriieare and public sentl ment naturally demands aovere pun lahment for auch offence a home sadly bereft on saturday there passed away at his barents home on beardmore cres cent john maude son of mr and mrs john h maude who would have at talnsd hia twelfth year next month rheu followed ty heart trouble was the cause the tad had been for about a month he waa given endereat care but this did not avail john was a favorite both at home and school and will be greatly missed ball season opened in acton the past week game with hfusburg thursday nlgru and milton played acton on satmday afternoon acton wins both the games and shows fine form for the seasons play the base boll soaaon in ad ton open ed last woek in on meat and tho man agemant treated th fans to a ammo on thursday evening with hlllsburs and another on saturday with mil ton the acton team ha been outfitted in brand new uniforms this year and real enappy team haa been gathered together if the tiro games the past week are indicative of what la in atore for base ball fans here this year this will be one of actun s best yoare li baee ball for some time thursday evening game with hills burg was a aeven innings fixture ii was started shortly after tx o clock and snappy playing enabled the run nlng of the game before duak acton hod the upper hand all the way through and when they acored 6 runs in the second innlnga it put them on street hough who pitched for aofon had huisburs eating out of his hand throughout the entire game thirteen strfck outs waa hia record for this game hlllaburg first hit came in the fifth inning with a short fly to left field their only run came in the last inning d carmlchal singled and stole second and third mclaughlin out clark to maaters taito walked and when jackson croased the infield with- a duke hit between short and third carxnlcnsj scored vvaterworth woe hit by a pitched ball ailing the bases with only one out but hough ruse to the occasion and struck out the next two men ending the game the following la the box score acton au r h po a e macdonald 1 b 4 11110 clark s s gibbons r f robinson c kennedy 1 f kaley i f kentner c f drone c f hough p currle i b masters 1 b social and personal mrs charles mason of kitchener rlslttkl acton friends thlm weak mr htei hen guest was liamn front trtnto a day or two lust woek muu jiiun wllsoi of toronto stmtnt the week end with friot ds lit town mihs lurhardwnn of culgury lavult lng with mr an i mm i c ruaatll mr hoy halt ram of i- rt william siknt a fnw days with friends in town mesara i toy agnnw un rudolph 6illvogni sjmnt the wonk on i in t r onto mr gordon coleman of cart lor visited friends hp und axton the past woek mra joaoph holmes is spending a couplo of wmin with bar daughter in ottervltlo mm a v galbraith of sholhunte la inn ling a woek or no with her daughter hr- 0 10 s 1 1 11 1 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 mucdonal i of r so this woek at duncan his modougall sells show team the show team of grey pcrcfaerona fly and craven owned by duncan medougalt of the second line have been sold by mr mcdougall to thn ramsdep construction co toronto the price paid for thl splendid team they were well known throughout this vicinity as they have been exhibited at all the fall fairs in these parts and won many prises in their rlas milton high school speculum the students of muton high school commenced last year the publication of a high school magasine tn the in teresta of tho student body it is fifty pae volume with a specially handdrawn and engraved title page has illustratsd pottos showing the executive committee and editorial staff has a number of pajretf of w written literary matter humorous paragraphs and personal and a car- loon page of achool events tn add uon the representative business houses of mitoti and a few outside points nave attractive advartlssments the magasine was setup and printed by tftn fama paass last year and proved so satisfactory to the high school atitdenta that the contract has again been awarded o this office for tne 1110 edition oar presets are now running on magasine pages and de livery will be made about the first of june the bible society field day officers of the bible society will occupy the pulpits of acton churches next sunday as follows in the morn lng rev j- tt harrington will speak in the baptist cnorch and rev o napier smith in knox church in the evening jxev mr harrington will be in sl aiban church and rev mr smith a too methodlat church a masa meeting po monday evening wl be addressed by rev o napier smith six years a missionary in central china and two year with the chinese coolie labor battalion in franco rev mr smith la a man who can speak at first hand of missionary af fairs and the influence of the bible among heathen peoples both speakers are able and forceful men of experi ence and tola special series of ser in the intwrest of the bible avoclsty and its activities will natur- sqy create a new interest in this com muntty the local branch of tho ulbto boclsty wltr be reorganised at a meet ing on monday evening when it la hope keen interest will be taken in its operation this meeting will be the baptiae church there will bo isatern views illustrating- the work of the bible society which is slways ao interesting and full of in formation bwaneon lit the tolls at last william swanson who was in this vicinity for m year or so sod who cleared out when snlnced to pay a una of ma0 or six months in jail at milton for violation of the ontario tefnperanos act was arrested by pro vincial constable melville of guelph at guoro- last thursday the charge against him was again one of having liquor in- an unlawful place he pleaded not guilty boore lollc mag tatrat watt atgualphbut was oon vtcted anfi after evidence had been beard m resounded to jail fsmwalc for aenteno according- to the evl dance of provincial conatable melville who sea a turn on the farm of john beams near elora on 14th instu a quantity of liquor was found hidden in ths wall of the barn which beam claimed had- been placed there by swaneon bwsnson denied the charge claiming that he knew nothing about the liquor swanson was con vlctsd at klmira on two liquor charges ago it is alleged also ttiat swanson has been living with a woman formerly a resident ofaeton whom h claims to hav married it will be remembered that when confronted with lha posses of ajt alcoholic mash ofi a farm on th aatou cmeatoad in may itxs swanaon told inspector rsevely that the mash discovered was pig feed and that he was going- to erin for ths pigs next day ilodgers o f vanwyck 1 b rfall p d carmlchal x b mclaughlin 1 b talte l f jackson a a j carmlchal a a waterworth r f barbour c 18 10 31 hillsburo ab r h po a b x o 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 x 0 1 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 o o 10 0 7 4 1 14 1 1 11 1 score by innings 1 1 1 4 e 7 hlllaburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- acton 18 0 0 0 0 x summary three base hits maodon aid two base hits clark base on balls oj hall 1 off rough 1 hit by pitcher by hough 1 struck out by hall 6 by hough 11 stolen bases currle clark robinson 3 d carmlchal 1 rev mr hare or hlllsbure un plred the game and some decisions seemed close but he waa impartial to either aide and satisfied both teams both teams acted as gentlemen and took all decisions as real sports funny incident when currle threw the mud over both shoulder to get to first base when the catcher dropped the ball on his second strike and be was called out by the umpire for leaving his bat ting box batimdats game milton was unable to play their league fixture in the halton county league owing to the condition of thelr grounda they came to acton for a saturday game and put up a real thriller for the fans here it was one of those game told of tn stories that was won by macdonald making- a hit in the njnth innings with two strikes on him and three men on bases it seems to bo muton a falling to lose in the ninth inning a their last game in acton last year waa lost in the final innlnga for this sama jatanagor murray mao- donald showed the fans that his pitch lng staff wasn t ail bottled up in one man ntll gibbons started the game and hold milton for four innings with out scoring- in the bfth atansa both teams broke lose miron scoring- two in their halt and acton coming back with four in their term clark re lleved albbons in theatxth inhlfigi and telfer who had been pitching for milton was replaced by akin the game waa anyone s all through as both teams seemed to have spells at blowing up and it was ho wonder as the west wind blowing was at tlm terrific peacock and hynd umpired the game and pleased both fans and player with their unbiased doelslon the only rttgre table incident in the game was ths deliberate action of mar ritt in rupnlng into currle on third base and trying to knock the ball from him while currle was standing on the base line th action on merrttts part was uncalled for the following la the box score acton ab r h po a e macdonald lb rx 6 114 15 clark a a p w 4 l 1 1 4 l gibbons p lootlo kaley s s 4 0 0 0 0 currle 1 b 5 1 d 1 0 1 robinson c s 1 0 8 0 kennedy rf lb 1 1 0 1 0 0 master 1 b 4 0 1 1 0 drone 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 0 hough c f 4 0 1 0 0 0 ksnter 1 0 0 d 0 0 16 1 4 37 id 5 mil ton ar n 11 pc a k stewart 1 l 0 1 1 1 karlaw 1 b 1 f s 0 1 1 0 x chlsholm c 6 0 0 10 0 0 hume 1 b 5 0 1 7 0 0 ptolmey r t 3 0 1 i 0 0 billot r t j 1 i 1 0 0 wallace t f 1 b 1 1 1 0 0 0 merritt c t 3 0 3 0 0 0 little c r v 3 0 0 0 0 0 telfer p 3 1 1 1 1 0 atkinson 1 b 1 1 t 1 0 1 mcmuuen 1 l 1 0 0 0 1 0 aklns p i 0 3 1 0 4 10 14 tt i ratted for masters tn the th score by tntiluga 133454711 milton a qqoo3004 0 acton 000o400olt7 t 1 out when winning run was scored summary double play maodonld to maaters atolen bases currla aaorl- mlsai margurot toronti spent a da her home hire miss lindsay nt georgetown is visiting at thn homo qf her brother mr n v undsay mr an i mrs c h harrison are pending a few days at london wind or and detroit this week and mrs c l smith or tor bnto motored to acton to spend the woek end with friend here mr ii p moore police magistrate wa ftkluoijon tuesday attending the funeral of hh f r ncj police magi trate dice mr an i mrs a kannawln and miasm j calbralth and laura mac donajd spent the week end with- rrland in shelburno mrs george fryer waa taken to guelph general hospital where a successful operation for appendicitis was performrd on tuesday mrs e j langevln 1 spending a couple of wooks with her slater at rlnghamton n y mr langevln will motor over to morrow and they will return the first of the week mr and mrs a t brown mra john nelson and misses bertie speight and fern brown attended the con ventlon of the hamilton w m s conferenve missionary convention at hamilton yesterday the rev h- a l and mra baugb motored this week to st catharines where mr baugh will attend the an nual synod of the diocese of niagara they are staying at the borne of mr and mrs e m pllkey mr and mrs w j campbell of georgetown announce the engage ment of their daughter lorna mildred to mr david henry roger son of mr and mrs t a rogers streatsvllle marriage to take place in may mr g w thompson of hamilton spent tho week end here ut the home or his father in taw mr a reosor mrs thomiw n and children who have been hero for a couple of weka re turned k mc with mr thompson news of local import every twenty fourth of may rn the ui ring in gladsome maytlme all the world keeps holiday and have set apart for playtime every twenty fourth of may we ii all vie to have a guytlmo and keep again victoria day spring in bore and hearts are gay overy twenty fourth of may a market for wool mr 1l it harbour of hlllaburg who has beon buying wool at acton station of the canadian national railway for several years will open hi market there for the season on june 6 and will be there aiso on the two following thursdays ur barbour is buyer for tho guelph w and spi co prominent county trout fishermen the members of the mlltou flab and gome club limited held their nual meeting at their clubhouse campbellvllle last saturday the fallowing were elected directors judge elliott i e fteck dr mccou v chlshobo w panton p l robertson euley c o marlatt and j a wllloughby the director re elected lost years officer i k fleck presi dent wm panton vice president v chlahaun secretary treasurer some a n trout were caught the largest landed this eeoson o far weighed 1 lb i mr chlsholm wo the lucky ma n cham plo n true liberty te not license rev j e todd b a or dublin street church guelph who preached the methodist church last sunday morning guvs a very forceful and practical discount on th ubjeet of true liberty the gftaal of his theme waa john 1 32 the truth shall make you frro ie showed that which is popularly doalgnated liberty 1 license and works for hi rather than for good true liberty i that which chrut do fined not that we may please our selvoa but that which he impressed when he said for do always thwae thing that pleate htm the harmon won very greatly apt requited doos damaging lawn end flower bed number of dog in town arc be coming nulsanoe becauno of thair deatructlve action in number of place carefully kept lawn have been torn up in place aud flower have been destroyed by tho dog trampling and scratching thrn out owners of dag are rponlble for such damage nd thy should either keep their due lit lf ihmtrol or fasten them up the lit rtlcutturut hoclety will cuoperatu with tho polio tn putting stop to tho let todatlon of doa und owner f animal offending will hereafter be ruaocuted fico hits komiedy stewart truck by gibbon 1 by clark 4 by tetta- by akin vl il off tlbbon s in a inning ff clarke 7 in 4 lit ttliigs off telfer 1 in s innings uff akin j in 3 s 3 inning ba on ball off gibbons s off clark 1 off tolfor 4 off aklns 4 wliiuinar ujichrr fllbbun losing pitcher telfer funny incident when th oedalk mr taught hlmaelf niamplnlr bl foot n tho foot of the la ly next hint and waving both hand ovur hi head in 11 ninth jnntng when macdonald anado ill hit winning thn gam ft r acton coming gamkm i with george iwn will bo playttd lit the park til thurwluyi venlita at alx utlock tho acton team will i lay in lb 1 lock wood tournament on saturday victoria day and the folio wins- hat unlay may 11 the ho k wood bin will perform in the pork her an intensely interesting convention guelph preebyterinj womens mis sionary society in session in acton encouraqing reports in8pir ino addresses liberal oivinqs hospitable reception tho tenth annual mooting f tho guolph presbytcrlal women a mission ary hoclaty wa held in knox church i n tuesday and wa attended with very gratifying success the weather wo delightfully brljflu and tho at tendance of deliatcs wu largo from all sections within tho bounds of guelph preabytory rev mr htowurt th minister who was cotnmlaalanod 1 y tho presbytery extended lhlr cordial greeting and also those of thocoufrcffatlon the program mo wa un exceedingly interesting dm and o comprehensive that all tho missionary activities of the auxiliaries mission bands y w a and c g l t wore rovlowed the various report icave ampin manlfe tatlon of aggressive effort an tho part of all these organizations fpr the ad vanoement of missionary endeavor and the spread of tho gospel throughout the field where tho missionaries of tho church are giving their life service in courageou self sacrificing- effort cor the extension of tho masters kingdom mra d a mckcrracher of water loo the preside nt occupied the choir and expressed ploasuru that nearly all tho officers and so many delegates were present at the forenoon suasion carefully prepared reports were given by the following officers corres secretary imr hen derson kitchener treasurer mrs mcpheraon gal preabyterlol secretaries strangers mia mckenxla uaitjhom helpers mrs r mchardy guelph messen ger mia kay gait literature mra harcourt cua supply mrs jam cowle gojt prow mrs t anderson guelph library mm r h brydon- guelph social service mm goldie guelph forward move ment ml tuttlo guelph finance mra gamble guelph two mln u to reports rrora auxiliaries reflected very vividly the activities of various organizations of the w m g through tho presbytery lively and interesting discussion followed these report and brought out hint and suggestion aa to methods of work und the success at tending them thn pre address by mrs mckeraher waa practical and en couraging it breathed forth the mis elonary spirit and had u vision of hopeful neat for the future which was insjjlrinjr to all tho worker the pic nlc lunch at the noon hour waa somewhat of an innovation to acton but was very enjoyable and helpful from a social standpoint the ladles brought their respective sup pile a they would if going to a aum- mer pic nlc thus relieving the mem bers of the local auxiliary from the time and effort necessary to provide for so large a gathering of visitor and giving them the opportunity of attending the session uf the conven tion with those who hud come a their guests at the afternoon session the mission bands young women m auxiliaries and canadian girl in training were given a prominent placu for the first hour or so report wero resented and information civ on respecting work of the consecrated youi g pe pie band s together for service in those or ganisatlon why i urn u member of the mission randt and what it mean to bo a lsudor of a mission band wore themos which elicited much favorable comment mrs rev l h smith of a 111 ton gave an address on y w a work which was a feature of the conven uon and wo greatly appreciated for it wealth of information and inspir ing thought mr smith 1 an ex perienced and enthusiastic rolaatlonary worker miss jean kennedy of acton sang a solo which was greatly enjoyed this talented young singer is winning very favorable comment tbeo day fur her splendid rendering of sacred song and her willingness lunirlt uto her quota to the praise ervlcta of tho church s varied activities while the programme or the pre hyterioi gatherlngh u naturally de voted largely to n utlno an 1 organlsa uon work a valued cot tributlon to the day proceedings uldu troro this was the inspirational un i informational ad dress or dr j m water of india the voice of u rout live missionary rrh from tho mission flel 1 with hi measak of u peal ui 1 cr oourugement greatly appreciated un i added very largely to tho tnterent of tho con ventlon dr wut r- totalled many facta of interest u to tl o tmxn lo of inda who wore beliu nilulutncud to by the missionary nmuiilxail hiu t f tho chuixh incldunts an i xtmrlui w uf an interesting character worn ruhoar ed and a peal f r th 1 ruyerw and on tinned co operation t the workers l horn wore fervently u llcltod all preaefityfelt that tho itiforntutlou given wa or great value un i tl ere was in heart an inward ruaolvu to give to missionary littereits rune wed consecration an i mure inuiutlva ef rort with tw i or thro uxctptl iiu the officer uf the 1 reabytertul warn re elected it wa a mutter for devout thankful nea that the tlnumlal rfrlnicu for the year reached thn nt h i totul of uvat 110 000 lltaratur table in one t r the transept t t the hurwi in ro a hi b j urlmitt uf nilaul mury literature uulte varied utid conil reh ttslve upeclmens of ful iy wonk an 1 native article of drtiaa li jwi ro xilbltd t these were tuu le t y itutlvo w mult and girls or china an 1 wor uffi red for ugntviit their 1 wul mlaslun fund which aro lovutetl t the ox ion ton ur industrial training schoi 1 ltev mr stewart ui 1 tho la llo uf actun auxiliary mud every endeavor ui ensure the nuwmntif th con vet lion and tho comfort f the lolegalo the result were in all rwt fying and all rarurnol 1 kindly tooling for j iveopla of the town tl ith very it 1 now ernest worden b so among thoao ld a uucceoaful tanlldate in tho rvcmint aruduutlng examination at mt master tlnlvuralty toronto 1 tho name of ilr lruast worden son uf the lui it ii and mr worden norf ilk htreol wl i lias rtecied his lorce in art an 1 science mr worden i well un i favorably known tn thl city having received hi matriculation ut tho itmal collegiate institute and fur u tlm i wa un the teaching staff of that institution quoipu mercury f

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