Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1924, p. 3

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k fflljc artutt 3frjp jrwfl till tiiuuhijay may 22 1024 useful papa lii lie imifhl lu h- llxd it oiivh ilium llttlo nil k iliulk ii hwiinl it holot thfilln htm pkturebooki kutn whillntf putt h a lesson teacher and pupil vi i fortius j ul lu u dumoiil wrlui f mlnojico bnjk in hi ii ml nil was nlto u sghuolmlstreit wlio miiyn ontr who studied under her do- iiorvih immortality iroonraa cary ictf iciest on who wu oim k bet puplld iiuvh in hlh life of bis brntlior kdwsrd tlmi hor peculiar sift in doullnte with uny boy or jcrl lay soolnif what uppout would in thut purltoulur cao pi two iitioiiuiht whim icttkloston cumo under hor cure one teacher iutor an other hud attempted to teach him to write unci hud abandoned tho effort in d i mrus i finally one wrlllnif master who had lwn toarhintf old and ypung- to make hiilr linos for up stroke and heavy omwt for down mtroko and to docoralo thu paper with elaborate flourishes railed tho hoy dunce mid booby and dismissed him from hi school mm muiwint muit hiivo hoard all thin tuul wliun thn ixiy in his morti fication asked to bo excused from wrltitiif who merely said why hu mr wilson tuurht you to wrlto mo wolf that you can learn no more no mrn dumonl said thu humw- tiled lurt i run nvar learn to write who ays thai ho naked tiulotly mr wilson und every teacher 1 over had v lot mo look ut your hand jeorb- ho huld it out bho studied it close l and hunt the nniror one after an other then she sold i hear you ara the host marble- player in town is that no hi imckot ware buurlna with roar- hos and ho owned to an exceptional dcarnc of skill in the gnmo yl mr wilson colled you booby now oourko ill tell you what you and 1 narti coins to do i am going tjj leach you to write u clear legible and sen sible hand and two weeks troro today you are uolntf to write a latter tomr wilson i will dictate it and you shall mibji it and ho will learn whether boy who can play marbles cannot lx taught to write thu battle wan won the boy re solved to make ony effort for thu teacher who had believed in him sho ndvlsed him to have nothing to with up strokes and down strokes and flour ishes absolute legibility she sold wau thn first reoullte in all handwrit ing if one could write rapidly ind vastly no much the better to tho boys astonishment he could actually road the lines he had written for his first lesson at tho end of tho two wcoks he wui master of a plain and legible hand very muah ilka thai of mrs dumonl then at her dicta tion ho joyously wrote this tettor to his former teacher dear sir x am writing this letter ot tho dictation of my teacher mrw cdumonr mm dumonl thinks you should ho pleased to see that ufter twa weeks of instruction i have learn ed to write u sensible and legible hand and that i am not quite so hope less u booby as you thought me interesting people what is it that makes people inter- ostlnir that is rather an important question to answer because most of us nro ambitious in that direction what ever else wo lack we like to think we can inspirit interest in those we meet sometimes it seems as if- novelty wore an important factor wo ore interested in people thit impreaa us as different and yet this in not really tho case for if it were eccen- tro people would be more interesting than nnyoncelse in the world on the contrary wo ore very likely to get very tired of their eccontrlcltus to and litem tho opposite of interesting the people who atartfft us into attention by being different cannot keep the advantage they have gained as soot us we urn accustomed to them w realixo that- their attractions haw do parted no one haaevac ootne nearer the explanation of the mystery than the man who said that tho most interest ine person in the world t tho one who is tlje most interested our little hob bio are a bond of union betwoon oursulves und those who have the an kvory slump collector finds every other stamp collector interesting every milnleton 1 interested in every othi mumlclun hut bo few people com paratively speaking thut this interest is not hkhy t pvove an open sesonte to very lajgii groups tho person who i interesting must tut interested in mo if than things must be interestnd lu pfkiplu thut is thu real sec nit tljeru urs fow of us who full to respond to hit lualizollon that somcbotiy is ltileteter in us por- stiially atul whatever uttruotlons mtuh u peraon has wr un sure to find them wl t part of the explanation of- this uitl- viimiii inturuht is to bo thoroughly ullw at tho death of u vnry populur young worn nil mmii yeurs hi oun o her frlunds wroti there was aomethliir luoru tltiin all tliu n extra do ir llfn wjhth tuusvd a wind of ouctrloltl to flukh iilinut lit- wtikinvnr nh- wflil thut rxtra dumi of llfn is somethlntf thai up wm it to tm all to hl thoi- ouuhly ullvu ih to touch huuiud uatu at nil point it u right thutwe should lw ambi tious o i intirestlnir it i mir bul- nthm to liilrm insteuil of lhrlntf and wearying hot in order to achlovu uiih dxslrd nd w- hiumi avoid too muuli liilro ujid look for what is of intoruht in lh world aliiu uh and 111 the puopli w iiiiiit the golden wedding klfty years married polly and it wim but ymlonlay i wimi jlnoe i hail just turned twenty i and polly won only moviiiitoii nil uinif in lb nd the viiiuri folk inudu fcimt for i oily itiul mo unl the itumi spread iseii und itiirlimla along tlie wny and the blu sky was snilllng ov luud hllhhfti day i feel lluve tre hllvf lll go by mil wo bruathi ui anl the old love yod cull us old und you w and bring loving tokuiiu uiul small ihit polly and o tuvi oth the dourest gift vhlh i all lovo without trlod hy the en loas and the joy kotiultd th hlemlmh uiul faith thats cui iron of him row t and uguin the nun und th are tin fair tin on thut ut when th birds all nunc in ha io tkmtnduy hmilhik sky nmoi day lho otohurl thoy nmide i hoyt the iahly 1jayh my venerable friend major irani cleorgfltown who hettlml ho re with his liarontx uwuy back in thn flftlem and spent ills boyhood ami narly manhood days hor in onlrlhuilng a intensely intenritf ing articles of tho early days in the rolumns of the herald in inst issuo of jh herald which i borrowed from a friend i find he given the following story which he attributes to bqulro awii hall who settled in actm neurly u hundred year ago ho says i remomber very well tho into squire aim hall of acton telling of how in tho early days thny bad to go down to the street dundus street in trafalgar to vote tho poll was kept open for six days but it no vote was poltod for half an hour they closed up so they kept the voters buck so as hot to have to closn ho said they would ho uway several days from home wilting their turn and if they were on tho sldo of the hebe is of the fellow on tho opposite side would hustle them about and try to get them to go homo on one occasion ho said things were going very slow and they hod to wait so wont li the tavern where they woro stuylng and as was quite common in the early days they put in tho tlmo wrestling jumping pitching horse shoes knock ing off caps etc usually for drinks among thn lot was a long lean yan kee up to all the games nnd unothur smart alex who would stump unyaie for anything the big fellow says to tho crowd treat for ull hand that i can throw you across tho crook down there tho little fellow watt game and ull hand went down to se4 the fun they settled on u poi u bo lit six feet jyida and of couruu it would be rather dot p however tho little fellow luy down face to tho ground for the throw tho big follow took hold and gtive a groat hoove hut fatl- ed to land him op tho other sldu the victim goi out none thi worst hut vorv wot ut once he clnltniih h hud won the other sus wait thut wus only the jtrut try the illtut feltow gave in thut h wilm htur unit sooner tluiti havu a 1 1 o titer try u buy nay net it up tho hiuir- said it wus om of the funniest ihingm he hud he did enjoy tellltuf that und other happenings of tint pally days curred to me that it might give noma idea of thu conditions in those early days und what the eaily nttl to contend with 1 wuu often mi rry i could not iimiienibir moro of what lie used to tell us during nil the years x uvod in at kin i found tli hvmutew or ho u i r hulim home oti nftl to out hospituhlv families n well as th most likuhlo in ull ilu couutiyslde time on i udheilni ihf hltiln oi bolh itld tl fa polishing thc larqe8t diamond in the world in the nick of time us she would hnvi her rope it will mut heart said tit hit may on ihe been u long bard win i it marys three bulilih had been happy and wall pu w unlive feet ami humlt und tnii hie they had and how loolliet wu lulled on onr waking miniate lio om now with tln- ilnu of tlm upriiik vuh rir si the wo iderful iik ii urn inc the dlam 11 wink l whill the ulpn 1 ilelhui of work lum invvr helltt hi en i11utii in the i 1111 k c il diamonds tin fnin ili tullli senteit the lute khtu id by the owners of t ie klmbei in south afrit u it wuu net tuihiiry to tlean in tlmeo pint on no us to urn very imd flaw thltt ileav uciomplls tlild hint iy niaklii clnlou in the ntum with a cutting n tw ut a ont whor to t loa ved und following th all dlan nndu liuv e it tfru deiith of onehalf tti three of an inc i lleforo thlii opera ion wan u en i rye ul model wen 11 itd than tentiah h lllgest of imrnle dead of course watl vii upod hul tl hew to rry ladn und poitiilble vhn the just whai would happo same process wasnpplled to the retul stone when thn incision had boon made tho cleaver inserted into the hiu u hpntlully tonittrunted unlfn blade of the flnrst ititsil then with u thick steel rod he struck it a hard blow and ahd tut the stnnn in two exactly ut tho point when ho wanted to the work wus exceedingly woll executed und murentmful for the cleaving of a llnmuml u tin ulwuyu ucrompushetl tlong tho ii n i u in nded i illy it happens it flu into a great in tlw infrequi opera tli of pieces tho culunan nlone having btnm suc cessfully split tht next imd final oper ation wiu thu pollnhhig- thu most tlimoult und nleoht process tho huge gem was polished on u disk made of cast iron and steel revolving ut the rate of 20oo revolutions a minute the diamond was pressed down on this disk which wuu liberally supplied with a mlxtuio of tllumond dunt and ull hy weights of troro fifteen to twenty- five tiounds and tho disk was con stantly turned from seven in the morn ing to nine in the ovenlng every day for eleven months beforo the work was complotodr tho culllnun diamond u many times larger than the excelsior the next largest in the world tho rormor in the rough weighed 3027 carats the part tif the stone tm tho mill when flnlhhod weighed hetwnwon e00 und fl00 carats tho actual commercial value of the stone is about 13600000 but its uniu character makes it practically prlcoloss when the slone wus found it wan u problem of th diamond company to decide how to dlaposu of it tho mre enormity of tho diamond weighing over one and a half poundh made it unmarketuble and unsaleable and to cut it up into emuller pieces would dustroy not only the intrinsic value but its sentimental vuluu also the dia mond therefore remained in tho vaults of tho company for nearly three yours when it was decided to present it to the king of great ilrltaln on the amtlvoi sury of his slxtyelxth birthday too lono about it btw o koxbury oasotte is responsible n amusing story of u falling out eon a iloston grocer und a lady tha lady was one of the fusy and longwinded eusiomer fortunutel not very v numorou we try tho lu tlence of shopkeepers und thu grocr on this particular occumioii wus i hups suffering from un utiuck of dys- pepalu as every oim knows groco in general are models of putlonco and politeness are those ogs fresh the la aslted in a provoktngly susplclo k tnj t yes maum replied the grocer you uro quite sure no doubt about it maam now it there is any doubt ubuul it t shouldnt cate to buy uny you con depend upon it muom wouldnt uy they wore fresh if thov there were three bud ones lit thoi i bought the other day you wont find notto of these that way thw lady took time to consider thoi she beguji ujialn now say you am positive the eggsj are perfectly frosli thats whut t said maam youll tuko back the bud ons if i and any wont ynut you must take litem just u thov of tree the thoughts of t utile hn il remind nugh lanrhmen v housed fof the w n with a hungry d for the sight of nil of rowing witlei id of the village titreet for the sound 4 wo olee id for all th lul lot he home or her thltdhond hhe hud ifliihlil to sleep will evet y ill of tinr will po wei was tieedetl to fotn worn wild und des- h sinnely knew what good t ry would tlo her un moil to have forgotten then tom wus loo busy veil tn know that unythlng wu thn mutti would he cure i r he knew wuu he not ul wruppod up lu hprlng work und the pmspeoth muklutf big monoy this year this wim the situation the first muy util it was full of peril as uny ii mi tor would huvt known had he look ett ut mury hearles tense face unt the dltutetl pupil of her eyes und heard the stmtned tones of hor voice when tom came homo that night he brought her u parket of mull ho believed in keening up with tho tli and there wero ilupcrh and magazine and there were sure to bo letter from tho olhomc mury took up the liundlo indifferently hrr mother letter lay on top und he opened it bho glanced over tho puges of fumlly new hnrdly knowing whut sho read hhe came u tile lust leuf i um solid i ng you alio read hy this mull u tittle box of urbutus i hopn it will do you good dear im sure it will how i wished you won with mo us 1 picked the blossoms thli afternoon not u glimmer of sun shine hud lhiy ever seen till i lifted them out f their gloomy chluy cav erns of snow und dead leaves i never gather them without wondering- tr the pilgrims found them at plymouth li the spring urter that terrible winter und if they plucked heart and couruge with the frugrunt blossom they ure the very flowom for the pioneer unit i am sending them to you my daughter with u prayer that you may oot falter as yuu do in your own place the sume pioneer work which the early settlers were called as mary read her aching hen seemed lu rine into her throat h snatched the box broke the string a raised the cover tho poignant il llclous frngranco of th mayflower met her sho burled her face in tho delicate bloom und in another tnatnni sobs shook her und the welcome tears imured down hor face tom found jiec no ten minutes later und hi why little woman was vory tender us he gathered hor into his arms he had the whole story then and hn bin mod himself praised her and he petted her and he laid plan for tho future all in breath was it the familiar fragrance of the mayflowers thut brought tho tears to his oyest at all ovonts thecrlal was past at the ranch unrf mary told the exact truth when she wrote her mother the lovely mayflownrs cume wafely on the rtntt of may tin how he took it an exrhaitgo tell a story of a tuntoh minister whose physician r dunid him to drink beef tea tho next day when tho don lor culled the iu- thuit complained that thu nw drink mail it him nick why sir suld the dtiotor that cant b 1 ill try it myself as ho siuikji be hurud some of tho tea into 41 skillet and sol it tin tho iii u then having warmed it ho tusud it smacked hi jlp und said excellenl excellent maiisatd the minister l that the way ye sup it of uouimo what other way should it be upplt7 its tixcelleiit it may be gudo that way doctor but try it wl the cream and sugar tnan try it thut way und see hoo 1 did he said but 1 wont do it ya uk it m old fiiuitd htlllhe nail via ti great sloiytullel he ti ijoyed lolling of nv nts of the urli lays just us much us lis yout gel us t rs did in heath ull ill he wn a lustl of the peace a in orinl ilully dlspelihed jus- tloe i u tl t awes at ii ii immunity was well suplud with x uglsirutes in wily iluyu thure wu re ul bo tiijulru aloxu ul lliown kul anhlbuld cut lip iell hiulr alexl rider liunt all h umltll it u lei lid leuij uited y to i and tli fl when hi- y all appie- iii tod ho illgnlty jif their positlotl 411111 were as illutl 1 ulli tit the old count y imgl uh i the tit tho r- huulie very laal tint of thi hul hjulic hull hal uiui atlva over all hit- rvst whn cmn it noting man fiom uwic cahud in ought with him u pule of the fusil lunetl tlentul tuitikuys liu of this p jilou he t cogulxed tlentul surgeo tnuulty so rur us the exrauti ichlng inulais was toniernud in fuul hero wf fw voty few dttutiuts lu he ioiiiuiv lu thoitw fut hunk duys mil even thu huiuli ilontlnt whose hlliglo hung oit on vvyndhani street luelplt lately atteuiiitod auythkig but eotttuctlon tilling trowulng britlglng ulo never then hvlngatietiiplod and thufulse ih eouslructed wele teimfullk ami woitduj fully tihto well when n duouyml tooth became imbiuiuhlc among- the settlor uf thin i itnuiiinlly lluv hlvd t hum to huulro hull for relief i lie wet nt un house the ihitlent wu hotlled in a kllrhen hni thu hiulreti atioiig left urm vinliilod the not k uf thu vlttlin and with ills right hand ho utljusod the wlcke turnkeys on tho uchlng tooth youll wurrunt thut thorn ure t bud ones among them wont you7 no maum i wont id v wr anted them when you euirw in hut theyve grown old since than vvju oaitl expect eggs to lust forever hiuum iuid another thing hut the ludy wultotl tn injur- more the door suiniiud ami hufkulu was iff the strain on parents whut is nlohulr mammy askeil hally peterson jos looking- up from hor slow perusal of the itowspitpef uld keeping hor place on the page with u dusky frenugor mummy jone began to tock fastej- you kntiw wut hulr is i apose dun lour who imiulrod oh yusm rcspomlnd bully pnunptlyi well den does you ki mo is asked h r moth h iii fustoi noin admitted uutly with leluetutl well toko tlo iinliuut licking great to ilattke t hilo yo laiit hp plain ob u nutchel lllstry b fo you suld her mother allowing jhe totkingchaw tg its speed weit youve hunt- mo hi mio ob your school- btkikh an know j- what lie loolui llkv tome to hie uu ill plain do hut ilillhtn lulls undutko hhim in dutv tiwn oddloutlnii shoroly talnt light fo pay tents to dojl all rounding the curve an engineers life is f ull of e mont and ulo or a strange wild joy in the power of the great crcuture under his control no wonder tho strain ul lasj becomes too great um he requires rest from his jiervedes traylng occupation a railway oinoer gives u vivid picture of a ride ho en joyed mi the engine wih the rttemui nnd the engineer he suy when ve were u little lute and had u passing mlnt to make the engl sometimes tutld dont you set uny brukos going down horo ive got to get u gait on then when tho train pitches tv the top of the hill ho cuts her back a much at u time until he got tho centrr and gradually work hor throttle wide open how she file down the hill oxhuust a steady roar dui of tho stack the connecting rod an undlstlngulah- ubln blur the old girl herself rolling ami jumping a if at every revolution sho must leave the track the train be hind halfbidden in a cloud of dust and i hanging on to thu side of the cab for dear life watching out uhead where i know there is u sharp reverse curve and hoping oh ao much thut hell shut her off before wo get there 1 wutcli thut grimy hand on the thi tittle for the preliminary swell ing of the muse lea iliat will show mo lie is taking u grip to shovu it in not u sign hts houd und hulf his body ure ut of the window and now we are upon it i give tine frightened glance at the tooconvenient ditch where i surely uxpect to laud und take a death grip on the slile uf thn cab whaligl alio hits the curve and seem to upset i um nearly flung nut of tho window in spite of my grip llefore she has half- done rolling he hit the reverse and i um lorn from my hold on the window and slammed over ugalnst the boiler und she files on rourlug and rolling dirwn the mountain all the lime he engineer hasnt tiuwod un eyelid tr tho fireman intor- tupted for an instant tho steady i veil tlulumllke swig of the fire door and the scoop shovel how do they do it oh its easy utter one gets used to it keep your fears to vourselp slll nothing is gained by iwo feat- on to oilier poti jf yl w imxlou ulid wonted and unhappy keep it lu yourself us fur m possible most of the things you ftt ubom in untul tutton will nover uome to pass und it uluid enough to make yourself mis erable for nothing without hugging your friends into it tint world need a gi eat mv uiiiikh but il dot not wl any more trouble ut xvtry then uru hoiii troubles wo ouimot kep tl olll selves ii niulior how haid we try hul our foar do not belong to that tlu u i hard to muko u secret f a tooihacli ml one who 1ms lo undergo u ut- linsulf but ihiio is no excuse for giial tnutatlon l bound to bring tils to those who love him in spltw forcing our friend to sham all our a twist unxlatls uud pars thc harpworking critics tint loss people du themselves the more likely they are liable to usk why other prople ituvu done things ln a lertaln wuv- you probably have lit- iluulntance who are ulwuy- woitdvilng why ttie oinmlttoe who decorated th wurt h or eastur or childrens puy ill not use a llttlo tnore of one thh or a lilu ur something else apd you can he pretty sure that those fault- rtndetejiever sjmrit u long day working hart to make the uliutch beautiful foi 4dmu special ocosjiion whon you hear a vulm saying t woudei why they did it that way tuke u gihld look ut lltu spiakor so us to be suro iiavr to ak him oi her for uny usmimuuc if you do usk it yuu will hot gel u thw pimple who sit buck und cilticlso iiovur have uny utiorgy to siuite for putting their shoullels to the wlieel the critd work hunl simply finding fault neighborhood news- town and country nockvooo ii mi rnl mmlth upon lain week in lih li c yartlu at lunidlo mr win tlowdy of llinhiuse nnd hluou lioiikiua of toronl lfniv tnlly mslted frl ih hi iii village lust week mis colin 4tuvron sold hei ivil- dent die capl hhulthi prtpeiiy on iuilpb hlieet to mr duvhl mi ul- lieon of ospi inue who is removing to thla vlllaue the m i hurry compunj hmdutl their last iir of luinlpii tor this hvauon on monday may u completing ih utmost uusono output in their thlriy- flvt yuim expfrleiee lu the uu nip htialneiia itev nalhaiilel anderson ami mix aiuwboii tluughtr of vv j ieul of litiolpll visited friends in this com munity uut wetk pri t their du- puitiln- for mervln musk where they i erin nlti 1 the village council uu double fortygallon t hemlral lire en gine from the hecklo lire knglne coni- puuy tr wtmmlhiot k at a cost of 70 00 a court of itovlnloii will bo held on wednesday evening may 2h mr hurry purushuke mnl with iwlnful accident laut week when largo nail ponotriitod his knee joint ilev j i pettu unit mosur v o i tool und j ii hurt of the haptlat church htllsburv huvo i men uppulnt- od tlelegatos to attend thn cluotph am- soriutton to be held in ht marys oil may 27 211 20 r all who wleh to enter in the kleld crop competition conductod by the erin agricultural society will please make their entries un or hnfoin may 27 uu tho return havo to he made lo tho iuiurlment by may mr hoy grundy ha mud u decided tmppivemont on tho uppturunce of the front of his slur by thn mraovul of the oldfushlonotl windows which woro replaced with lurga plate glass whitlows itovlvul uorvltes in th christian cliuich hillsburg will begin on hun- tluy june 1 ut 11 u m under ihn uiudoruhip of hov john h wells of iteglnu husk uud continue for tw wovloi advocate j burlington of towcontur engluntl urrlvetl here on monday on u visit to her son jame walmsley mr und mrs a k doedorelnor of yurklon susk are upending the sum mer with his mother mr lulighorrf st paul street thw water tower has boon rewired and now lights inn lulled the lights are an attraction in the summer tlmo for summer visitor mrs chonier ptiurt wus the hoetess of u very pleasant gathering of grund- mo there on krlday afternoon lust in honor of her mothers mrs uleasln- gers eightieth birthday ituv w ilurker of st catharines und u former pastor of iht methodist chuich here occupied the pulpit here last sunday nnd preached two in spiring bormons to largo oungroga lions uoorgo kjonnott ourpontor and builder of llronte has tukau up his res id once hero und is now in partner ship with e wren unit will curry on a general business in building decorat ing und luilntlng hev william wlleou of toronto who was tt visitor lust week ut tho home of hi brother j wlloon ilurllngtoii avenue is making ar rangements to go to trinidad where he will work hi the mission field on monday afternoon theio was laid lo rest ln mount pleasant cemetery toionto mrs w h essery of that city u slater of mr w v hopkins mrs essery spent some of her earlier day in this vicinity und would lm re membered us hannah m freeman wry imprestilvo runeral service wu held lu dunn avenue methodist church of which she wo u devoted member mr und mrs w v hopkins br und mr hopkins antl mis esther attend ed the fuiioiul oiubuo georgetown he did it a st hool presided over by u vory luruh ami laid tempered teuutier had i visit tine afternoon fiom the bishop ttie diocese the bishop ugtiulal auul iaud ha- oie him u white fucod urchin who vas vuiy much tijwii1 and dopresseti iv uu undeserved pmilshtnent h hud eiulted that morning my boy suld the bishop in elo- uuunl tones who made this grout and gltirtuus eurth of tmr and sou tlii moon und stars in the wonderful ilrmumoiut tho whitefaced dy hsgwn to blub ber v ugaui i in uu lulurestlng urtlelu on the early day major grunt gives th harnett of 235 citizen whose name uppoured on tho voters list of the vllluge fifty your ago of thut only eight uro now living j l kroner u oruitt wm ii aoturey wm mckay jus hose ur john htuudlsh john wupshot alf watson mr jim mclleuii bus puaoed hlrt oxum ii electrical engineering ut queens college kingston und hus gone to ia ouimiio que for tho summer mrs a annuudulo uud mis joup annalidule huvo gone jo tholr hw home lit st andrews eut qun to join mr antiuiidule mr und mrs kottmoli of wolland vlsltod lust week ut ui homo of tholr duughtot mrs w it wutnon the silent iiollceinaii ut tbo corner of muln uud mill streets huw dlsup pmireti ww expected ux much for he ha hud a slant un for some tlmo mr hone llvnigstoiiu of the tor onto police loicu is spending a ho 11 duy ut hi home hero llosltlents tin queen utrotit complulij that dnllveiy horses uro ullowed browse on tho boulevjirtls a ml destroy the shrulk unit grim the muthadlut choir wie entoi- tuhiml ut tho homo of mi- und mm allutt queen hltot lust tiiuisduy night miss allutt of toronto unnot ed 1uikdule ijidgo no till tortu lust wohiosluy ovoiihig wore tho guest of credit iiilge no 31q tleoigetowu tho visiting lodgo came hy spuolitl curs on toionto huhurbai bringing with thm tho toionto polu kilties pipe tiund the first degree wus exmpuneti by onlc- of purk dale lodge this wu uliwwl by i biilliurt attended by 260 member the ciniliuclor huvo htui worl tut tho founttullon for tho soldtorw motttorlul ul tho t oilier of lueloh und muln htreots the limuition is g it tho aluuis sitmill miss anmtndulo who for some time hit heou a tnuch vulued teacher in ut geoikiu huuday hohool wu piusaittod with u btttutlfully hounil piuyor und hytmi htiok liefou- inr uiuuvul fmm town a inuolliig of the tllroitoru uf 1c- iitoslng auiluutturul hoclety wait held in the town hull on tuesday ovenlng multelh iii gellerul welo ducuaset il plepilliltloll foi tho big full lit floolgu- town on october 3 und 4 president lieu ptili and tinuhjjior p w ctoav welti splltlllltfd tleleuutes i tile tlls- tlllt ineutluu of fail loiiieseututlvtmt til ho held at hiumptou may 3ri herult milton at it largely attended meeting or th nlllclul hourd of urins mothodhil fhurth tnfnljiu towiiuhlp a lonllal lovltatioti wuu oxlendtl to itrv j a jewett to i ull ill an punt or foi an oilier yoill ih m is lowland t him i nniun day from holiettti minn where he attended siirglttil i ihih a ul mayo iiioh hospllal fm mote than a wetu it i itunpheny hu lmiilit ih tlwelllng antl lm of the lute mm mui i catlinei on martin hi pi it e j3tiu mr itaapheny removed lo milton fmti kilhrlds about a monih ld hatiop of the iho i- lltnliiu cot home laut weok fiom ills visit lo bin fumlly in wales and his hip around tho woi id wilh ida fatliiu hum iiarr ile vbtlr and trip covoi in if about mveii monllih mum heiihoii thu nulla lot bus be gun the creolloii of the tlllhhouso ul iho groena of tho milton howling chil li will he ir brltk inilead of frame mi ut 111 st proposed the golf club bus the building of u clubhouse ulvo unilit louhlilorutum at the convention of ihe womens liberal atotorlutlou held at toronto last wool mrs knl deuur was elect ed us om of itii vice1resldenlu ft the hallon dlstrici itov ii it hure lu bark ffoip tor- oitto und will leave for euzll hank this woek to begin work u puntoi uf the muthodlst church therii the annual meeting of the womens missionary hoclety wu bold in th school rixim of the methodist chuich may c when tho rvport of the your- work were read showing u good your with inlorettfyig meeting the feuds raised during tho nui umouutud to noariy 3b0 ht clair uidge no 135 was honor ed lust thumduy o von ing by a visit from m w uro w j drope of grimsby orunrt muslor ot tlo clrun1 lodge of canada in ontailo the hoavy rain of the day und evening must havn interfered wltn tho at tendance of brethren but it wwjt very largo olhor prominent visitors wore it w uro h a graham tif ilurllng toii p r p g m lurraclough of aienwiihn plan d v had begun to prosper t writer tdt s patlietlcally hum- orik story ulu friend of hta jack negly a cumberland mountain farmer the whlor jad lent jack a fow dol lars with which to buy u pair of steers and had rocelvod from him many visits of akilogy for jack wus un honest man und did not enjoy being lu debt ho was a renter and ut loust every other season he was occupying u dif ferent farm lty my advlco he moved the year before lntb un entirely now field u doxen mile from his usual haunt uhd i had not seen him for several months when 1 did seo him ut lost it wo by accident u business callod mo into hi neighborhood a i rodo pust his place ho hulled mo from the corn field und cumo out to the fence v hello i exclaimed is this your tyourariy irtfafta personality ii rmcalea in ttie bsp use qf good j5 tationery m nf s4oj m units bo writiing pajp1sr farm ye und i jlt cumo out to tell you colonel that ill bo ready to pay part of that claim of yourn afore long you must be doing well i think im doing fust rate and im powerful oblldgetl to you colonor for headln me this way im always glad to help if i can i knowotl that colonel and tha ft why i como away over hero so fur frum homo hit kinder strange to me but ex long es im do i it u well ex i um im ugoln to stand hit are you making any monoyr jims face brightened loreoptibly no i aint colonel ho replied hopefully but im losing it sluworn i ever do no in my life before it l rick me u rather odd ut first but ulon reflection i concluded that- jim might have reason for hi hope fulness at last mr llemiotl wus u phlloso- pu on u certain dismal occasion some of tha nolghltorlng woman wore condoling with hor with commond- uble choerfulness nlin replied ive ruined four gills an threu hdys expect i p every time theyll bo twins and redhuded llkfu tholr gruiulpu liennett un yet thoy ulnt an ive worried consldblo over smallpox break n out lu m big fumlly ho for tulnt itst summer durln july un august an tnebbe part of september i wnu rout melancholic fear in id got un oupendlx but i guess i ulnt an through it all it never onct oc curred to mo that id bo iho ono to fall through them rotten old meetln- house steps an break my leg in two place but i be jabs a a gobvtaus ifchu n fin sura it pays to use martin senolir marb1eite floor finish aothin me it for hardwood floors t mars ike iron write to mead office monlrtal for tn booldat home paimtthc made easv sold by w d c talbot success leaps to satisfafttion j w kennedy son plumbing heanng tinsmithing i the success of work in scores of homes and business places in acton is a guarantee that wo arc in a position to assure you satis- faction we wlk appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude main street acton false economy no housewife can boko bread as economically as we can in our uptodate bakery with the quantities we bake it is impossible to equal our bread in value at nine cents per loaf and for tnsto and freshness well wo invite comparison with tho best that is turned out baked fresh every day and always sold out assures you of the most wholesome and sweetest of bread have our wagon call daily and deliver your supply fairbanks bakery phone 116 mui street acton fairview nurseries having uddod to ou kahlv tomatoeh iloth in iots und hoxom raiujy cahiia01ch caudklowkit 1tanth cklkhy 1ianth larly and ljito iikddinu aicilanllfilh heqgniah halvias cohka hcanuhnh stockh abtbh8 pettlniah vehhenah allysium celosias ortlor tukott unit booked all order delivered onhouses wo are now ublo to supply antirjuniiiumh bcaj1ious coucoub heliotrope hmilax wanihrino jenv phtox drummondi halhams carnation uauoueiuth zinnias pansibs sweet william pinks v j holjyhooks oalamdiab deuhiniums pyhrtiiums ilunts delivered in tlmo for planting a- h bishop phone 54 market gardener and florist seeds and seeds now is the time to be particular about tho kind of seed you sow you cant have good crops if you dont sow good seed whether it is for the garden plotor the farm we can supply you with seeds that arc reliabla and with proper culti vation will yield bumper crops seeds for the garden seeds for the farm seeds of all kinds dhlindsay mill street acton ontahio llllillllllmiimiilb its no secret that al machinery ant al work men turn out al work we have them that we give our best efforts to every order of job printing our stock is bought with discrimination and from long experi ence paper type ink all are tin best your next order merits our attention the acton free press mill street acton ontario telephone 11 w lllmsnffl

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