Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1924, p. 4

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the 1iohe or acton sforllreha ucmlxf sctl too wceklua ol oourlo tiie acton free press u thufkdar rooming the frwi will street actitt untaito tba aubtcrliklioa price u ao per vaar la edaaace poata u rharced edililmnal lo office in the united state the data it which aohacriptloaa ara paid la htdletd ua i ha addtcaa tebel r advertising ratestranaknt advwtlae menu i ccnta per una mcla ueuun lor ftrat in wr t loo end j cnta per una cor each aobae- qucnt inavrtion com fact dlapuy dftiae- merit for y inch or mora pr annum is ceta per inch cxh inacrttoo advert uemcnt a with out pacific dirocuoaa u1 be loeertad tlu kwbld and charted accord in fly h telephones editorial and bualoeaa omca realdaace of preaidant felt like daniel jn the lions den sir thomas white whose inaciivitjmn home bank affairs whan he was minister of finance is now being discussed njndc rather a significant and withal elo quent introduction to n two hourb speech at the meeting of the itoynl commission at ottawa last i nday his introduitory remarks following on im passioned argument by w t j leo who referred to sir thomas white sir henry drayton and rt hon w s fielding as u trinity qf negligence was when i survey this imposing nrroy of counsel and sec my experienced friend it j mclaughlin my fiery and pugnacious friend mi leo my practical and restrained friend mr browning my very learn ed fnond and leader nnd dean of the bar of canada mr laflcur and a leader ot the bar of manitoba mr symington know whon i sec this imposing array of counsel what daniel felt like in that den of hungry lions and when i co them looking at me hungrily 1 am not without hope that 1 may fare as well as that biblical cliayactet thursday morning may 22 1024 editorial good roads always a live subject good roads make a popular topic for discussion these days mud stalls the horse grade cuts cjowu his load mud stalls the truck grade cuts down its speed load aird speed are both synonymous lor profit good roads proper grades quick sure heavy hauling at low cost thats the answer to tho farmers need of some way to make his business pay better when the farmers of canada unitedly say that they must have good roads everywhere they will get them and the other fortyfive per cent of the countrys population will enjoy them also the new highway between acton and crcwsons corners is a live example of the value of good reliable roads to the farmer there is not a farm on this new road or within a mile pr more of it whose value has not been increased by hundreds of dollars through its construction does prohibition increase the drug- evil in 1008 the dominion- parliament passed an act to prohibit the importation manufacture and sale of opium for other than medical purposes in 1916 the united states passed an exceedingly drastic law regarding habitforming drugs which drove the drug vendors to canada and at the second session of the dominion parliament in 1010 and at the regular session in 1020 stringent regulations were passed regarding the importation exportation and traffic in narcotic drugs in regard to convictions for offences against the opium and narcotic drug act govern ment statistics show that the bulk of offenders arc in the two wet provinces of british columbia and quebec the convictions for the year are as follows prince edward island 2 nova scotia 2 new bruns wick 29 ontario 321 manitoba 36 saskatchewan 170 alberta 160 total in dry provinces 711 quebec 352 british columbia 801 total in wet provinces 1153 the late samuel dice police magistrate hi the death of police magistrate samuel dice of milton on saturday the county of halton has lost a worthy and very prominent citizen mr dice was a native of this county having been born in nelson township in 1837 he was a man who faithfully and fearlessly assumed the duties of citizenship and was eminently successful in public life mr dice was a man of high purpose and noole resolves ho stood for what he believed to bo right whether it was popular to do so or not for forty years he was a power in the advancement of the temperance issues in this county and to bis efforts much is due for tho progress made and maintained toward tho ultimate goal of total prohibition of the manufacture impor tation exportation and transportation of intoxicat ing liquors for beverage purposes as a police mag istrate mr dice was fair and impartial always weighing evidence carefully and ever inclined to favor the accused to far as the ends of justice would permit for flvo years he was mayor of milton and his administration was most satisfactory as a member of the anglican church ho was active and representative and for years was a delegate to synod and diocese meetings the name of samuel dice will ever be remembered m halton county with es teem and reverence the budget of 1924 after being before the house of commons for thirtjmhrco days and discussed from every possible angle by tho members after hearing respectively from their constituencies the house of commons on fri day approved of the- new tariff by a vote of 105 to 53 more than three to one mr woodsworths amendment advocating more radical changes rcceiv ed as was expected little support and was negatived by 204 to 10 four liberals messrs mccrca ray mond euler and murler voted ugairist the govern ment the hon walter mitchell resigned his seal in the house for tho same reason and sir lomer gouin by releasing his pun classes himself among the intentional absentees these incidents indicate some defections from the government in ontario and quebec which will no doubt be regarded as far more than counterbalanced by the prospect of greatly increased support in tho prairie west we arc con fronted with a new political alignment its first effect wjll bo to give the government a large and safe majority in the house putting an end to the talk of an early election itj means also that the country wdl have otie if not two years to comfdr the effectof the new tariff- and of other changes aiut historically tho majority for the budget was tb largest ever given in tho house of comment guarantcclngoliank deposits parfianlcnt at ottawa is being called upon consider a scheme for guaranteeing depositors the banks against loss through the mismanagement and misfortune of the institutions to which their sav ings arc entrusted to some of tho advocate of the idea such insurance will appear to be an easy and simple thing it is regarded by them as something more effective than government inspection as a guar antee against the consequences of incompetence and malfeasance in tho operation of a bank if bank note circulation can be guaranteed it is asked why not deposits thcro arc differences between bank notes and deposits but in the nature and extent of liability bank notes through not of necessity a legal tender in payment of a debt arc accepted as such this new suggestion adds a now responsibility to the government of canada which is not in any respect justifiod robbing peter to pay for pauls specula tions is neither honest nor business like the more the idea of making the people of the country re sponsible through the government for the loss of incompetently directed banks such as the home bank which is responsible for the present agitation the less will it appeal to the reason of men who can view such serious matters from a calm businesslike point of view the ministers pishing trip tim itav alexander llamaey ilka no mo of tho arly rt net pi on vra rfxhmman ho fore he li tamo a halter of men unit ho htm novcr lout any of hln lovo tor tho antln art of tinglln ii had not fannn alx wkn in chare of hln oral pariah umonjr tho tihu of womtnrn connnolloul whan ha discov ered llenvor i rook u sparkling rout ntroiim mmo three mlloa from tho vlllusfy into it alluring poo in ho t1u terminal if u hook ut th imrlleiit opportunity llohold him thmi act i lug forth oio dewy may mornlnir in nn old fashion oil mud aptittered phaeton drawn by u nplrlttui young rnura both willingly lunl by iucoit gould who conaldorcd lht boat animal in hln atablo nono too uiiuil for the young rnlnutor mr itiwmitiy who had noma gift with her lnrll wont loo prepared to akntch willi hor huaband flnhad iloyond tho rati bridge which upon a hoiivor ilrook at tho foot of iowilor- houno hill mr lutmaoy turnod into an open paflluro baaldo tho road and bo gun to- unharnoam tho mnr unfor tunately ho know little or nothing about horaca and ha atrlppad off tho nifinti bridle anil all baforo turning ck in tho carriage to look fur the hullor tho miirr finding hortolf thua un- xpoctctrtly at liberty and feeling the xh duration of thu up ring morning uloutd up her iiooih and cantered 4ull ti way to tho middle of the pair turn armed with tho halter mr llama ey not out in p uru it hut tho capture proved more dimcult than ho md ex- pctctrxl tho mar foaling placldly with a perfect atlmulatlon of indlffor- every citizen of ontario has a responsible duty it is time the good people throughout our pro vince awoke to tho importance of personal respon sibility for keeping the sale of liquor out of on tario if prohibition is ever overthrown in this province whose faujfwffl it be the moderation leagues noithe blame will he a the door of selfcentred indifferent christian voters there are unfortunately many of them who still fail to recog nize the personal responsibility which plainly rests upon them acton and scores of other places in this province suffered for years under the licensed bar because of the apathy and indifference of citizens of this type such incidents as the following have bqen common oh mrs m why didnt you come out to voto questioned an unfortunate woman whose husband was addicfed to drink after tho last local option election here do you know that six more ballots would have carricdjlacalqpjl th houo belonged to a rarn it or imrnoaboanbli 6nawnnm tion and there were three times that number right in our own church that were not polled well really i couldnt we were housecleaning that day and had expected company 1 was sure the bylaw would carry anyway so sorry her questioner naturally turned away oppressed by such bland crass selfishness if an election comes on a plebiscite on the ontario temperance act every citizen should be impressed with his or her personal responsibility ii this important matter editorial notes an observant philosopher remarks that not all who praise liberty and moderation practice modera tion whan they get tho liberty and thats true as gospel last season was a recordbreaker prohibition has been the greatest blessing base ball ever- enjoyed the passing of the saloon increased our patronage wonderfully regardless of the merits of the eighteenth amendment it is a great business booster for us thomas j hickoy president v american base ball association after some months of comparative quietude lloyd george appeared on the floor of the british house of commons on saturday intone of the most effective contributions he has made since tho present government came into office and it was notable that the vocal support emanating from tho unionists drowned that of his own followers hon n w howell k c was appointed to repre sent the lcaguo of nations society of canada at the convention of tho league of nations societies at lyons france at a meeting of the executive at ot tawa on friday when sir robert borden president presided mr rowcll will present a resolution to have tho nearest sunday to january 10 in each year observed in all countries as league of nations sunday george wood of onondaga suggested a wise course the other day at a convention of brant county farmers what we need is a round table conference between- manufacturers labor and farmers i would like to see tho canadian manufacturers association invite n representative of the farmers to place our case before them and when tho united farmers hold their annual convention lot them hear from representatives of the manufacturers association and organized labor tho presbytery of montreal passed unanimouslv the following resolution at its last meeting that this presbytery warns our fellow workers in the cause of reform throughout canada against believing that government control eliminates tho evils associate i with the liquor traffic thlt we regard it jo be n patriotic duty to make it known that the drug traffic flourishes here as never before and is on the increase bo6t jagging flourishes in and from this province bi never boforc that drunkenness la on tho increase and that the quebec system of government control is sotinlly injurious and not a success unco to hit movement would let him approach within nrma length and tfien plunge off again with a ort of ml- chlevouk delight mr iuuney would tharoupon patiently coll up hla halter again and follow her half an hour paaaod in tho rather monotonous repetition of thl perform ance until jrfru kamftey tiring at laat of the umuanment ho had at nrat dnrlvad from her huabanda difficult lew cuius to hla aid with hor aaalatahco the mnro wu panned up in onn corner of the pas ture but at the moment when aucceaa aoemed assured tho perverse creature i on pod u low ntona wall into a pasture which seemed larger than the first and wa partly ollodwlth underbraih unil clumps of trees you go back to tho carriage mary suld mr ltamsey mopping his per spiring forehead and see that no one mukes off with that ill have an other try for this exasperating animal uml if i cant catch her aione ill go toe holp to the nearest farmhouse the chase now became more aatlva for the ministers temper was aroused and the best part of the- day for ang ling wu passing ho abandoned strategy and pursued the mare hotly and rashly from one and of tho pasture to the other she led htm into swampy placs where he sank nearly to his knees through thick und tangled underbrush which tor his clothing through matted grass that tripped his tired feet his hands and face were scratched with brambles and soiled with dirt and grass stains after the manner of nhermen he had worn his oldest and roughest clothing and a very battered slouch hat but they were by this time so torn und mudbespattered that disre putable was too mild a word to apply to them after unother halfhour o this bus- ttoss mr llamaey spent and exas poruted gave up the chase and seeing from a rise of ground tho gabli furmliouae not fur distant ho bent his stops in that direction in search of usslslutice farm itff kitchen mrs ilodflsh one of the most faithful und devoted members of mr itumseys church and withal one of tho best und sweetest of women was going cheerily about her mornings work and she was thinking of mr llamsey s she worked thinking how fortun- lo the white church was to find so satisfactory a successor to dear old iarson hubbard and picturing to hoi- self the surprise and delight of the young minister and his wife when they uld see the new set of furniture parish was planning to put into the paraonage parlor to mrs bodflsh thus happily em ployed suddenly appeared the terri fying vision of u ragged and dirty man crossing the yard und coming to ward the house isar one overmastering weakness was a feur of tramps and never had men a more unmistakable apecl- the melody qf hebron which was softly humming died in her throat she grow faint and her bead swam dlxxlly her husband and her two sons wore in a field half a mile from the house and this tramp would bo ublo to rob and murder her un molested hut us the man turned toward the or of the shod or summer kitchen mm tlodflshs wits returned to her ho naw haw the villain might be ctrcumventod boftly hurrying across the kitchen nio shot tho bolt which fastened tho itoor loading into the shed then she ualxod u banch of keys from a nearby ii slipped out uf the house ran und to the back door t trough whlcn i trump had disappeared closed it pushed u lvy into the look and turned it l leaving it dangling there with its runty felluws she ran back into the houho selfcod the din ner horn und prufoodod to druw from it such wall of distress und nhrulk of alarm a no ouhl have supposed that monot onous instrument capable of producing hhe blew until breath and strength both fuuod und then sank down on tho back stops to watt the coming of uodllsh und the boys un white- mr llamsey had enter ed the shod and begun knocklnrvpon kitchen dour he rapped vigor ously again and again but mat with i response w all ul once the sound of mrs ilod- flshs nnurgetlo performance upon the dlulierhorn reached his ears attd tie riu term inod to go out into the yard in surtih of the instrumentality to his murprlse he found the door at which he hud iiomu in ahut and locked 11a went back to the kitchen door and tried it it wu locked too wrought up to high pitch of exolta inaiit hionfusd und tired brulti be gan ltreiul stories of robbery and violence done upon victims trapped lit lonely farmhouses ha shouted beat upon the door und thrvw hlmstdl heuvlly hgaatist it but it was fust and still the din her burn ishyleked dismally without the panic stricken minister now sought escape by the only window lit the ynd in front of which stood rusty old cooking- stove upoti tli infirm relic he scrambled and andeu ored to raise the window in the raid at of his exertions und of tho legs gave wuy the stove toppled und mr ham soy caught hastily at a shelf to regain his bulancs the oh elf was merely a board laid upon brackets and loaded with atnptv littles and flowerpots it gav way ut once mid down umo ttw stove th shelf and tho wt itched minister among the ruins of shattered glass and pot tery at this juncture mr hodflsh uo- compunled by oeurge and nalban cume running into theyard raeponslvr- to the call of the- horn what under the suns the mattsi mptherf he shouted hearing the crash iii the shed and beholding his wife pale und limp on tho slops a tramp she gasped i locked him in the nummor kltrlmn nathan shoutnd his fat hor go into the hniisn and got your gun i george nnd i will get our nuyforksf nnd i guons well be i nnugh for tho fellow thus urlnod the ilirou man ap proached thu ntitnmer kluhun it wan n dramatic moment mr hiidnuh un locked the door und thrdw u open hands up he shouted whllu nathun preaented hla ruii threaten ingly at the man who uppoutid within what is tho meaning of thin out raii demanded mr itumney angrily his touch hat had fallen off and ua he eteppod out into th uunllght tho rouognlllon was simultaneous mm bodfuh ughumt ut oi thought of tho humiliation to whirl nh had subjected her hdlovud minister throw her apron over hor head uiul fled sob bing into the house tim men woro not long in explaining muttoni utxt mr ljainh was profuse in hlu apolo gia for them tho uftair ended in u heurt laugh but the dollcucy or lira i joel fishs position was felt by thmn ull it was mr itumsays tact that aavnd tho situation uo wont back to hla wlfo whom ho found cnlmly employed jjpon herwkolchbook and sent hor to cull on mrs ilodnnh while ho with usalstanto of tho farmer and s recaptured tho mure now roudy enough to be ruiight then they returned to tho farm house whrn the ministers wife hu1 found means of consolation for mrs uodflii liodeyod hut smiling tho little wamuti met them and inslstod that tho iukmseyh should may to dinner it was a cheerful meal ny ono spoke of tho unfortunate aplsodo of tho morning tho talk watt of tio affairs of church and furm und coun- trysldo and when it wan over the ilamsoy and ilouflshas woro ua uld and tried friends aj hshlng trips go the minister had reason to consider this u mucci true ho brought homo no flub but that often lisp pens tho next hundi itufusdodftsh who had not boon church tor ton years came with hu wlfo to hoar tho young parson preach he came ugaln and bofore mr itamsay left thu white church for u turgor parish ho hud v tho satisfaction of saluting us do aeon itufus ltodrtub the man who un thotr first rnontlnir had stood ready to run him through with u hayfork m w c so tender j ettg sold in town by jlafeosgandug- collected the bill for three yours u had been trying to c puted bill of twenty luwyor whenever business house jlloct un undls- dollard ftom a collector linked for the money the lawyer would test vigorously that u mun of hlu largo affairs could not be botharod with so small a matter as a bill for twenty dollars one day the business house received a typewritten letter from tho lawyer manifolded copies of which had prob ably been sont to many other brook lyn business houses it was evident that he had not recognlzotl tho firm name when ha sent it the latter road in part as follows i take tho liberty of writing you thinking you may have some claims on your books that should bo collected i undertake collections as a branch of my business upon the principle no collections no churge of course i do not bring actions ut law for nothing neither do 1 sue unless auth orised i bellevo that collections are steppingstones to other legal busi ness nnd give an opportunity to bo- come acquainted with my method of doing business the business house sont tho follow ing answer together with its bill against the lawyer we have at hund your favor of tho 23rd instant asking us to send you soma of our uncolloced bills und wo atnrrlasiirolntntrrritnb ytnr herewith a bill which we have boon trying t collect for a long tlma without sue if you can do anything in this i tor we should ba plound to send other bills for collection will you kindly let ua hear from you ut your uarllest convenience t possibly this did not especially up- peal to the lawyers senso of humor but the bill was puld without any further delay florence automatic oil stoves i ho worm wkiithii is just ut hand niil ww huvo un v lot linn of j loruiitu autoinjilln oil blv i to do uwuy with hot klttilium thli iiuminor thru th 1 ut oil utovi u uu market nnd hjni mtuivvxtiluulvo riiitmrm il riiinil hootlior oil n tomi in mutw n explain about thin iii vjbm to suit all pitru i se the dlffaront styles on otaplsy in the window wd talbot business directory dr j a mcnivlin 1 phyelolsn and burrjaon omce and uesldom mini i a vuii uo and iciglti htnvot lk i i nmson i hi- initk i rid i ac tbn onts lu llqal phono no 23 i o jiitx iis harold nash farmer m a darrlater solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perrymani dlock acton ont mon13v mint on m lit i flaolcb itourtl30 am to 6 p huturdiiyn- 1j hi oi lock j fourth of the series dealing wttri tlie establishment of the bank or montreal at representiuve points in canada and elsewhere in toronto a tes h g mttr rltsr solicitor notary publ oeortjetown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dantjat honor gradual of toronto univer sity tho intent arlosthotln ul if desired office at residence cornor mill mid frederick street dr f g gollop d d s l ds dental burgeon omoo over uank of nova bcotla nouns ao to c so evenings by appointment miscellaneous nut- he went on the train an american lady who spoku very little prench was getting into u truln for dleppo at paris last summer hhe had u little whj dog under her arm ono of tho railway guards stepped up her and touching his cup said somewhat pompously mudurno you cannot take your dog i the train hut 1 take my dog tho lady be gan brokenly madame the rules admit of no ex ception you must put your dog in u bamket and pay his fare hut my dog is different sir your dog must go us ul other dogs dot the american ludy was becoming telted hut my dog is is is is oh t 1 tnt think of tho word ill put him in my vallsel impossible o air take the dog yourself the ludy exclaimed i cannot take tho dog piudume it is contrary to regulations a great crowd hud gathered bythls time the amrlouii ludy was bag til ing to try but suddenly she thrust her dog wlllynllty into the guards hands and than he dlscovorud to his intense astonishment that tho anltuul was stuffed the crowd roared with luugbtor tho guard gave the dog to tho triumphant american lady who laid ull the tlma been trying vainly lo remember thu word empaitle und sho took it tin board happy smiling young canadians will wash their faces and hands before eating brush their tooth uflpr each meal und take a hut bath once u weak increase the towers of iiilnd und body by playing healthful game dally out of doorsj with mutes who are manly juasoil the chances being slcktfy wearing tool wash clothes in summer warm dry dealt clothes in winter rubbers un wet days and overshoe on slushy days of melting anow- sa let all eating be done uuiintl times avoid sweets and pickles kresh fruits when ripe are good clean milk from healthy cows is necessary for growth tea and coffee ars not good clgurette or other smoking u particularly hurm- fut during the growing- period he knew it the bashful young suitor wittered the home of his sweetheart beurliig u lurgo box with the name of u wellknown florist on the cover how sweot apd fresh they url urleev thu young woman opening the box i believe tbero is still u llttlo dew on them yet why or yes admitted the youth but its juat a little und 111 pay it tomorrow m mm lves fc after being ourukd the bank of montreal spread its branches westward in july of i8i8 establishing agenaes at kingston and york york which afterwards became the city of toronto had then just had it first stagecoach communication established with kingston and mon treat it was merely a settlement in a clearing amid unbroken forests from which the indians came to trade with fanners and other members of the little community today toronto ranks among die largest cmes oo the crmttnent of the banks 567 branches 26 are in toronto and 207 in the province of ontario including toronto bgkxejvioisnpaeal established over ioo years tbtal assets in excess of 6so 000006 new lumber yard with builders supplies the georgetown- lumber company ltd ov georgetown have opened a branch lumber yuril in acton und will carry a complete stock of lumber lath shingles sash doorb pramci interior trim hardwood flooring hydrate lime hardwall plaster plaster parlb beaver boafd fibre bourd and cement we also do contracting and building and will be pleusod to quote you on remodelling or new butldingb mr a m mccami is 111 horge or the lumber yard and mr john miller will have charge of the contracting und build ing hone vour inquiry to l4w or t20 and vou will receive 1 1 prompt attention north american life assurance co solid th contlrtnfc 500000 whole life contract aq 20 annual ppamlum w 00 a 26 annual pfmlum 73 76 aq 30 annual premium bo 00 a 39 annual premium iooo6 au 10 annual mramlum 120 38 au 46 annual prmlum 14760 at- t0 annuil pramium 1b4 10 au 66 annual premium 233 30 thitj contract cirri ca with it libcml cash surrundcr values and paidup guurantces ulso fuxtotidcd insurance und non forfeitable privileges together with out monthly guaranteed income for life f c walxs dblrlct manager 5im505 ilank of hamilton building hamilton 1 would llko full lumloulurn ubput your h pec 11 vltot ilfu contract name addretui age occupation v v wanted a uve local atifflflt for acton and j francis nunan bookbtnder account book uf till klmlm made to rdor pfiriodlcnla of uvcry doucrlptlon nrwfully bound uullnje neatly anj iiromptl done wyndham strol ouclpti ont ovar wllllama hlor e p bowman ols u a ht a m 1 r e land surveying and engineering 10 douglas 8t quelph succonor to the lata d a nlven o l imuiiuh ofdci 4k1 hm 374w dr a l price chikopiuctic flkctbojueltaiy 130 upper wymjham street gurlprr- ovor 11 y iru ljip hi conhuitation 1ltlu r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yotiru litiirluico acton ontario halo entrumtod to it j korr t- colvo attention from tlatu of i it tins to data of huhi uat your with tud llualdullcu tlowtu avenuo aoton ptioim 3d acton call at tuy expenee yes station monday at guclph bushuit college herald bldy cualph ont ior a tliorouiili litiuliiuttn truln- tnir iwtk about i iiu i how many of uur icuuluutoii and x- utudoutii urn will itiliitid st tin tnthi y ur tor iiuitrhilui hiulkfm a l qouck principal and proprietor 7 out of 10 headaches alo caunl fiotn j till a hi u yon mittor from liuudarluui you oiiicht to lunation thi omlltiim of yoin tyh oftm with vimioii mum i in ly tinrtiiul iyt mwitly iunl tl o liul of h a d savagk optometrlet a mfj optlou qavaye optical dulldlnd rlult at tli poet offitv guclph optometrlat io lite cndun paolltd mallvay co the old and uduhle granite and marble worku wo ara manufacturer and direct importer of evil kind of monumental and hsmdatons work wi aell direct to our otutomar at wholesale prloea tltol aarlna our oua torn era 0 ier oent we hayo tho beat appliance and the only mftchanioa in tholomliilon who oan operate pneumatloj tool prooariy w can gin roferenoee- from hundred of our eurtomani in toronto and other plaoaa wbar jtbera have to have law aulta id order to oolleot we haye th iuvat and boat atook or qranlto la th dominion or more tlian any three dmlara la th wut wo are ltu- mat daalara and employ no ajfenta and do not annoy or traat ouatomara by mndliuv out ignorant anta aollolt- lc ordr w employ only moohanloa nd dafy 0ttpltlon hamilton sons 0ugiph ont i

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