Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1924, p. 5

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mt atton xn tbb thursday may 23 1024 our browneyed cow i ihlnktho happiest childish hour that i remember wnll worn whnn i used lo mount the stile jrovnnir nhadown oil my arms wcmfllldfl with wisps of i fresh gathered from the mow hlio stood nnd watched me eagerly- our font to bruwncypl cow i used to pettier clumny head with timid girlish huhd quito thurfuiffhly mrh othcrii hihiwhl we seemed to uudortilnnil and an i watched hor rlmw her cud contentedly id vow to see thut ovr hurm iwifell that pontic brownoyod cuw were tarutfm she uud i tiy dulniko mill ly yourn and not n every hutnun faoo bo kind look upjmatn j think twould servo to culm my cures and hooum my sorrows now cutild j hi wenlng mount thontllu and food i hut dur old cow alitry it dlafendorf the sunday school lesson for sunday may 25 1024 jkiucmiah and tub uauylon- ian ciu his j or 20 8 18 lulden text amend your ways and olci twenty years aqo thursday f the free pn may 26 1904 ic mum and cool summer drinks i ut htathamtj the band will give un ou concert tonight the fragrant blossom of tho fruit trre nre now out in profusion building and improvements arc in iutgre here and there ubout town major w i moore 20th heglmout georgetown la one of tho mom bora of the canadian team for ouloy for 1904 mr arthur white won several prises on jhls st bernards and bull docs qjlblted a tha bench how at montreal hut weak acton orange lodge uro making preparations for a bis gutherlng in town on tho ajorloutt twelfth thay expect a large number of lodges and bends- present f actott baae ball cluu has issued a iftew folder giving the sohodulo of tho sixty games to b played by tho can adian amateur dase ball league dur ing the season v h grinds maahfnut would much i appreciate the act ir the boye who i took awwr the hind whocjskand gearing oc a wagqn on halloween will return them or give information as to their r a nvw parody on wo dont want to play in your yard la being lung and goes lke this we dont want to buy f at yotir place we dont want to trade there any more youll bosorry when you see us join in some other store you cant 411 us any stale goods we hve opened wide our eyes wo dont want to trade at your store because you do dot advertise the present year appears to be one of the abnormal conditions and the big ralo for nearly twentyfour hours j- wednesday added andther sur- v prise nearly three- inches of water fell and as a result considerable dam w done bhoruy before seven oetotik the dam at beardmoree tan- v n blnoalra wagon shop was carried a way and much cosily work h 500 bni omrln the effort to restore 1l thet dam ai fairy irflkn waa threafened for several the water was higher than aeon before forpearjy forty years when ths dam broks during the tine of b e klouln mulers- the water- washed iovsr the dam and across the roadway cutting out great channel and rend- eatng the road impassible the dam at the power house also narrowly fcacapad it j mw experience for acton to be troubled with jooda the home game of tho canadian liy amateur base bau league were in- ivv- f7aug j the nark h m vl v m- w iay with becoming ceremonies and stowttwialtn a proces- i sjon was formed headed by acton baud y u piayer pmcatora to the hundredii ui ueomwra io- tne fscj p attwothlrtyberoci vs the tnembers or acton team and qalt contestants unftd up on either afltthe ptote the first nail which vit 1 preeeolsd by councillor warren fv w uctwdoy h jt moor and 1 byrve swaekbamer mr x233s2a rudrejuied briefly- h as- sambled multitude welcoming them on h behalf of the club to the flrst of the bv ho btuhesjoxtha aeries the kk y game at once proceeded and was exhibition ofball organ and r tripp made a strong battery and saun- ders- and jaffray for qalt did good work score 0altj jactons the acton team lined up as follows kr doqt9tiut se f beaue shnh etop d beattle centra held tripp ryder snd base wauaae rdbase organ pi ichor oram rjght 5 field mclntoshleft field kr died f ft oook friday uy so 1104 upble daughter- of mr and mrs edward k ymog snubbing an earu an bngllsh periodical tela of a re bukethat a servant once gave to lord ingn and ohoy johnvuh your lad ysr jo 11 the text explained verso 8 had made nn and if mpcukjng the rovtrcnue nliown iimi inrognlsod us n prophut though hlu prophecy bo discredited is hnro in dicated hy tho peoplen refraining to lay hold on juromluh until ho hud in- uhed mpouklng varne 0 llk hhlloh a town in tho cent rul jiart of kphrulnt th pluco whoru the israelite arvctod u taut of mooting niter the conquost of cun un tho templo inter eroctod hora booume tho flnul resting pluco of tho ark until lu capture hy tho ihllu- tlnrs during thn ierlql of tho judge tli mitrictuury ut hhlloh was a cantru for rollglou fomtlvats add pilgrimages it fell into idolatry and urter the loss of hid ark in tho last days- of ill hank into utter lnslsnfounc verse 12 then spuke jaromlah joipmluh peuks with tho conviction nf iho mesaanffrr ofjol htuj is foar- lihs of commquonccn note the similar tone in aamallols words tn the phari sees acts 6 59 verse u hut 11 for mo of his own cueo ho atmiuks neither with hei irs nor unmanly entreaty ho recog nises tho legal right of the tribunal to execute him and qorstronts the prospect without theatrical defiance on the one hand or abject cowardice on the other but with a serene ex pression of his willingness to accept the- verdict his judges pronounce it is a great scene which here passes bofom us in which the prophets bear ing is wholly worthy of himself and in which we do wall to observe his un shaken conviction that bis message had boon entrusted to him by ood himself tho new century jjlble verso 18 then sold the princes princes and people are more free from narrow prejudlco titan the ofllclal cus todians of religion they are impress ed with the cairn bearing and simple dignity of the prophet and with his firm confldenceln his divine 00 mm la slon they acquit him because he has spoken to them in the name of jeho ah not indeed that the mere claim to have done so would have been hold sufficient but they are swayed by the impression made on thorn by the man himself and by the reflection that a prophet who proclaims an unpopular messagoat the risk of his life gives thereby ample aecutisy for his sin cerfty beading thftlntssege through tho man rather than the man through the dlstastefulnesa of the message they recognise that ood u really its author poake lesson themes tbo unpopular patriot true pat riotism is- not always popular throughout his long period of public service jeremiah contended against the evils irrpubllo life with the advent of nebuchadhexsar he held that be cause of its tiny else and limited re sources it would be best for judah to remain a vassal province all this seemed disloyalty but was just the opposite it is good to be popular but it is better to be righteous it la not always patriotic to sound the praises of our people the true patriot never j offers commendation where blame is called for many a thought less man boasts that he always votes far his town then there ire others who enjoy declaring that they are st- ways with their political party and now scratch a ticket it is surprising to find how many people confuse coo- fprmly rfh- iti muif nr rsllglfini railway costs seventeen years ago and now t difference rn what roads have lo pay for equipment makes stiff grace for irarte to climb on road to paying operauiuj expenses lioo i 3qoh total cost etmfrpmbht same tilaim i907 s qq 047 s total cost eqtnmot samp train tjox 1017 30qo untreated ut tho publla in a country or soch vast extent unit small topulullon canada ehoull thoroughly appreclat tho lmikrtanc of the maintenance o an nditiuuto rullwuy ystm whereby the producer may rrach hl markeli it is oiiviouh that tbe very extant of tha country and its scanty population make this maintenance vry coetly- untll mitch tlrae a the kipulutlon n- creasom by immlsratlon to tho oxtent that the trurflc on the railroads is heavy enough to enable them to reduce passenger and freight rntoa and yet moot expenses it is imuosslbln for rates to porno down without serious loss of efnclcncy those who demand such reductions and even expect tho rates to return tu tha standard of ten yearn and more ago do not seem to reallxa tha unayaidabla expenditures have risen phenomenally of late years in practically every direction ilvliiff the railroads u stiff grade to surmount before they can pay operallng ox- enos compared to which such ex penditureswere formerly a lovol track this is especially true of railroad equipment the cost of which in ulmoflj all cac bus doubled or even trebli 907 54243 r for 0l o37 s on4aywhen hhrfjonurim ww having studio redecorated he o kivas p argument with one of vlj iworkmen a redhot socialist 1 v suddenly the- argument w cu kv p tn mans wife who for he tj lmi b acting as housscleaner npwrihen lonrjnw ejaeulted the lody addressing her better half ndt so mi6h up bv never done ulkin your uordshlp one begins i dont believe e knows arf tha time i utlnnbout i dont beljeve 1 ob yes we do mrs johnson said ord wemyss we know lot more tnayo give us credit forknowlng i said men your lordship begfln jrpur pardon replied the lady with a qurtay a rhady answer everyone is malicious enough to en- joy the discomfiture of u cross-exam- tntng lawyer by the witness he is bad ring the atnertcsji legion week- ly reports sueh a case c t til court oxttotly where you f iwre on the twentieth day of said rfrjjvl rtu t ovethlrty in the afternoon ev demanded the lawyer yf an op- posing witness i waa on the corner of second and hi sm stfeeu siklng u man a ues- fi lion peplled the witness arihat jqut how do yuu know it waa exactly hvethlrtyr 4 said the witness tie question i was uklng hhn was what time it was the touch of midas the qjd alory of midas whose touch turned everything u gold aeems the wmjjtz aonie natures there are aeme people who can take the hardest bfci jphner of lite such as dlsap- pr0 polhlment and fouure and turn them -jsjto- the gold 6f osplrattan and pur- pot no matter f dull and cheap and worthless tha experiepces of your ilffl may seem remember that like midas you may touch them and tbsm into gold if you wll cu bjrulea pissppear when at tifa outaacrutches bruises a v snrsilo sph throat or oh est and any sjmnv uitment use ur thoma ec- llp pup its hoaj lug power le weu- jtdowri in every soloo of the oom jwjv a bottlo ofd thomus- krrt4cinr0ll should be tnavery mndlclnn imoitcady for the emergencies thui w dfws ntleibatl rv with righteousness it is well to con formto that whlob is good while to conf to that wjuch is evil is al ways wrong no matter how great the multitude on the wrong side we can well understand the feelings of the peopje who heard jeremiahs direful words we can also understand jere- mlaha courage and faith as he dared to stand against hi people in order that he might stand with his ood jeremiahs oreat contribution fol- lojbgnx jogiaha reform in ftsi ji c the deuteronomlo code became nom inaljy at least the governing influence of jodaha life joalah himself made an earnest effort to bring national conduct into conformity with this law after his death however the people neglected the code and again planed utelr dependence upon ritual and forma of worship religion was purely national affair and the state was drift ing toward ruin it was jeremiah who divorced religion from the state dal save it a significance for the soul in dependent of temple or sacrifice he boldly declared that the state might perish and religion still live even more vitally because of its emancipation from external forma this divorcing of religion from ritual and aacrlnce is jeremiahs great contribution to tho development of religious ideas in jehovahs name he demands not ritual and forms but an inner cleanslnf of the heart and iife the inspiration of the divine ap proval wbat sustained jeremiah u his long and- unappreciated service jeremiah identified the folce of duty as thevoloo of ood wsvdsworth ex presses a like conception in his line duty stern daughter of the voice of ood i- jeremiah was qatained by a viyld ntn of the divine approval very naturally he became tho seer of the inner ur ho realised as ex pressed hy a modern poetess edna st vincent muiay the soul ejn split the sky in wo and let tha face of ood shine through xsecus not speak of jeremiah as the weeping prophet but the prophet of sustained oourajre the prophet of per sonal religion and the public good per study and olseusilori what elements of strength stand ut p in jeremiahs character how did tls countrymen regard his atti tude upon public questions is true patriotism always popular define true patriotism bbow that jeremiah combined the qualities of priest and prophet what was jeremiahs great est contribution to the development of religious ideas t what was jerenushs source nf inspiration t what better name can we give him than tha ipinfdexnihetrrtajitrwetur individ uals have the opportunity la everyday situations to show the fearlessness of jeremiah t- is it itosalhle for us to be a convinced of the right as was jere miah t bally readings for next week monday may s63 kings 13 au tuesday may 372 kj11sb 3i 1e wednesday may kings 19 true that the quality of equip ment has improved during tho seven- toon years covered in the above dia gram tho public has demanded im proved service euch o could only be given by improved equipment and thi railways must pay accordingly the diagrams shown libovb graphic ally illustratet tha facts us they apply to only one class of equipment loco motives and certain kinds of rolling stock in studying them it is im portant to bear in mind thut they do iibt of rititalr muin- r oprutlon including wages tor uctuul construction and is not touched on here have in ftomewhut slmllfujr- fashion tho liutik on which thewi- dlngrums nro uuned uro taken fremtsblos com piled bjfc the iluroau of lultway fjtatls- tlrs in chicago from data iiupplled by the ldieritnl commerce commis sion and apply with utile vurlatlou to canadian as wtt us american roads the following table gives tho oost of locomotlven nnd cars illustrated in tho diagrams from which tho figures quoted therein muy be verified and also gives the cost of other equipment not accounted for in tho diagram heavy freight locomotives onch in 1007 31624300 in ibs4 f63kg0oo insaongcr locomdtnves each in 1d07 htfltoo in 1924 leejqooo h wit oh ins locomotives each 1d07 hlss700 1934 3900000 passenger coaches each 1907 3733000 in 1b24 13390000 liaggago cars each 1907483000 in 1024 100000 freight curs each in 1907 from j 7 00 to agj0 in 1934 sz30100 the increaeo in tho cost of rallwav construction in canada- has been no less startling in seventeen years it has gone up 371 per cent the follow ing nwures nro intensely lntoreslng ss shown whut it now costs to build n mile of rood us compared with tho ngures of neventeen yearn ago they tire conocrnej with that part of- the construction jibove subgrude that- is to say actual track laying and ballast ing on the preparatory work of grad ing bridge and eulvert building rock- cutting etc where most of the ex- j pense is in labor the udvance in coats has been no leas noteworthy an hardly any two miles of right of way urn alike in that respect it js not possible to include above coroparuoni the increase n tho cot of construc tion above uu hi- rude l nliown in the following figures eupplled by tho en gineering deiutrtment of tho cuiuidlan pad no luillwuy and they urn for one mile of road ties 1907 3000 untreated at 40c each 91300 ties 1924 3000 creosoted at 300 10000 ball 1907 30 lb 13s tons ut 3800 3500 roll 1934 100 lb iso tons ntsdoo 8300 angle bars 1107 809 tons at 60 346 angle bars 1924 100 lb 96 tons at 9000 lies 1 uolts 107 09 tons at 8000 54 bolre 1924 100 lb 13 tons at 113600 182 spikes 1007 40 tons at 8000 200 spikes 1024 100 lb 80 tons at 90 640 tie plates 1907 00 tons ut 1400 84 tie plate 1824 100 lb 8000 at 40 2400 rail anchors 1907 none rail anchors 1924 1o0 lb 1800 ut 36o 400 ballsst- gravel 107 3000 yards at 40a 1300 iteluatrock 1924 3000 yards nl 200 8000 traeklaylng labor 1907 400 labor 1934 1600 total 107 7123 tout 1824 287 increase 1824 over 1907 271 lb women who do their own work suppose you could save six minutes ever day in washing pots an tf panstwo tajnutea after every meat in kljnonth this would amount to a saving of three hours of this disagreeable but necessary work this savlno can be made by using 5mp enameled kitchen utensils as their smooth sanitary surface will not absorb dirt or grease no scraping- scouring or polbunc u needed when you use diamond or pearl ware- bow water and a diah towel i all yoa need aalc f on smpf ware a fasm of forclain mnj a it mart 0 slmmt three flugjiea pearl ware two coau of pearly frrey enamel inside and out diamond ware three coats light blue and white outside white llnimr- ovaul ware three coats pore white inside and oat with royal blue edgins sheet metal paqovcrpxiozuskfta omrettoroowinrjl0 railway time tables anadian nfltionalfrailways at aoton going west no 31 no io3carn 220 pjn ttrti pjn romom otfnlrrca lga rvjj jardivare store a complete lute of s m p products handled by jas symon hardware acton modern cr rusoes of today nr cru8oe8 cruboes of today are not so few as many people suppose noth withstand ing that lb in these times almost every part of the even seas is travers ed by ships lonely outcasts are being rescued every year now an instance comes from the pacloc and now one from the south atlantic yet there are castaways who are discovered too late recently n united states wind- jammer rounding cape horn hud occasion to send a boat ashore to look far water on one of the desolate is lands on the patagonia coast they found morp than water in a rough ly- raada little wigwam built in a shelter ed spot near the shore they discover- ed the remains of a seaman of un known nationality by the wreck age strewn about it was conjectured he was the sole survivor bf some vex- ee tha h gonelowwin4eja4neufh borhood a- 11 vywb-ti- h p paratlon is mother craves worm ex terminator it has soved he lives of countless children 21- thursday may 29 j chron 38 11- l- thurso may safflbel orrt lrlday uy 303 chron 38 1731 saturday may 11 fmstm 137 sunday junelisalm 80 17 words of wise men a fine cage wont feed the bird whsnmujlo puys the heart is light ono false move may lose the game a little oil may save a deal of friction prudence wketh unto raith oonteut uj wait solutions we wisely strip tbe steed wo mean tp buy t jcntv centfdqwe pay for every vlelous pleasure loaves put awry jn u10 oven come nut crooked ha overoemeth s stout enemy who pyercqmes ht own koaer largest room without v the question hns often been sskul how lsrge a room can be built without using columns t this of oourso deiends upon the design and material used but the im am bra coo nee ted with the uoham- medun mosque at lurknow india con tains the iavgtst room in the worht without column being 185 fvet long 64 feet wide and 63 feet high- it was built during the great famine of 1781 to supply work for a starving people it u a solid mass or concrete in its arootloh a mould or framework nf timber and bricks several feet in thickness was first made which was filled later with concrete the con crete was allowed about a year to set and dry when tho mould war removed although tho building has been stand- ing ubout 140 years it shows noslgns of docuy no asthma remedy uke it dr djcellogls asthma remedy is dl tlnctly dlteronl from other socsfled r v were- this not so it would not have continued its great work of relief until known from oceun lo ocean for its wonderful value kelt orgs the foremost and best ut nil asthnui remedies stands upon a reputation founded lu tho hearts of ihouaaniu who have known lis benefit where he wrote his will strange things happen sometimes one of the queer documents in the olllce of the county judge is a will written on a piece of unpalnted plank five feet long and one foot wide the plank was sawed out of the house of arnold who uvea just outside city the plank was part of the wall on u bed besldo it luy sick man john m ollrlen whom ura arnold had befriended before he died he wrote on the plunk in pencil- these words mrs arnold ood bless her shall have nil i leave v jie left five hundred dollare1 tho will is an unhandy document to die buit serves its makers purpose advertising the little village could not boast of very many entertainments says writer in punch and consequently concert was anticipated with great delight by tbe inhabitants it so hup poned- on one occasion that a singer o renown who had just scored somo algjial nuccessos at covent garden came down to pond u few days with the ecfulre and smilingly acquiesced in the request of the vicar that he ahould sing at tho- village concert bis song which waa delivered- w deep feeling for which he was famous was tha old favorite the village i locksmith in response to a vociferous encoi c he wus 4out tq give one of his perm tic successes when the chairman tugged hard at his coat tall better sing towd u over again m 4esaid -i- the- chap youve been singing- about the village blacksmith and i reckon it ud only be fair to me if you was to ing it- nnothei blcyclei ii over again upd pop verne saying us ow i let out uihers worm iowders ure tbe med icine for children who are found suf fering from tbe ravages of worms they immediately alter the stomachic conditions under which tha worms subsist and drive them from tbe eye tem and at the same time they an tonlcal in their effect upon the diges tive organs restoring them to healthful operation and ensuring immunity from further disorders from such a chum shabby the detroit free press is well em ployed luf holding up to contempt the mn who insist upon monopolising the family purse here is its la teat effort at which the reader may laugh or cry as the mood takes him the train waa about ten miles wwpt of tpallantl when a man came into ooe of the cam with a bill in his hand and called out can any one here change a ton- dollar bill for met several persona pulled out their pocketbooks and one man said yes he had two fives- but the stranger waa suu little better off till another passenger produced ave ones ill take cm said the stranger but shall want somebody to break a dollar for me will two halves dpr aaked a chevrolet compare its cost with its comfort and convenience scv pronounced is the comfort con venience and beauty of the superior chevrolet that it is difficult to reconcile such quality with chevrolet low price and economy yet the low cost of chevrolet is an established fact luxurious in its appointments is the new chevro let superior sedanan avowed favorite with the lady driver so handsome in upholstering so exquisitely finished its pisherbutlt body seems designed for a much higherpriced car as for convenience there is such ease of control in this new chevrolet that driving is a genume pltasurii litue space is required fcirparking and the sureness of chevrolet in starting stopping and getting in arid out of traffic is still another point in its favor for family use the chevrolet superior sedan has ample accommodation for five adults the mechanical excellence of chevrolet requires no elaboration here an investigation will con vince you that chevrolet is a car you can no longer afford to be without no 3d 8 sb uju no 35 qoing esat no to 7ui urri no 30 1 lu om- no 34 33c pm no 38 817 pm no 38 813 pm no 34 sunday 708 pm toronto 8udurban electric railway weatbound no 53 blo nm no g 1140 um ho c7 1 1i0 pm no 01 m pip 0 v 8 ob pm no 88 114u piq eattbound no f4 742 am no 60 1043iim no cs 14 pm no 83 no os 74 pm no to 1042 pm sunday timetable westbound no 66 1140 am no 59 340 pm no 83 v 8 lo pm no 67 r 040 pm eastbound no 68 1042 nm no 80 242 pm 84 k43 pm- no 88 843 dml freight delivered by special express freight freight plckd tip at uny ud- dreas in toronto k t thbtford agent acton they will have to i suppose if i cant get four quarters im sorry to make bl m f hut jr what a shame the boys of the village had formed a football club and all they now need- ed was u ball und goalposts its like this explained the cap tain we must all subscribe but them as as most must give most there being no sign of dissent the captain continued now theres jimmy slmklns he told mo only tho other day that every time e takes a dose of cod liver oil his mother puts a penny in his money box e must be getting rich no i lntl bawled jimmy why e found out its ull a swlxl when getwterbtf a crown ma tkea1t out and buys unuvver bottle outdoor whitewash waterproof whitewash can be made ss follows r 1 use sixtytwo pounds of quick lime slake with twelve gujlons of hot water 2 dissolve two pounds of common table salt and one pound of sulphate of klnc in two gallons of boiling water two gallons of skimmed milk pour no 3 into no 1 add no 3 milk snd mix thoroughly douglas t1an linimtnt stops but dint ai cncl phi vin is ulccd pcisonimo rrmcvis all inflammation internal and external pains w promptly relieved by dfj thomas eclectric oi l wat gfutufofths ib a tcatimomlal that bptatimtot isumawooa ounattvt ouautjga tal pains 3 i fay m it pays to use martin senour 100 pure paint varnishes tor evtfy arjtmm tor em sulfite writ to hj offk modrwi iwttm beomat m home fkimtinc mux asy sou by w dc talbot aoton iflfe is the old woman has sort d decided to stop off at tpallantl and visit her sister for three or four days while i go to detroit and back her sister may not be at home and shed feel a little queer without money 1 thought d give her a quarter but if i cant get it why i shall have to let her take fifty cents though i know i shall nevacsoe any of itrbaok again my wife is an awfully extravagant woman bhel go down town and run through a dollar in no time and x have to keep a close rein on her- it is too bad to say but the man at last got a quarter and the old woman had tied it up in the comer of her handkerchief as she got off at tpallantl i will relieve m colo cold are the commonest aliments of mankind and if neglected may lead to serious condi tions dr thomas jcclectrlo ou will relieve the bronchial paaaage of in flammation speedily and thoroughly and will strengthen them against sub sequent attack and as it eases the inflammation it will usually stop the cough because it allays the irritation in the throats try it and prove it in the furnwhso cottaqe often when taking a furnished cot tage one finds some of the cooking utensils are missing heie ere a few useful suggestions for makeshift ar ticles when the proper utensils are nor to be found long romnd bottle makes un ex cellent roiling pin when out of use it can be bung up by means of u piece of string around its neok if there is not a proper ptry board spread a place- of paraffined paper on the table and sprinkle it wjth flour a good strainer for vegetables can be made from an empty tin can with a ha and a nail make holes in the bottom in much the same way a dredger for flour can be made from a small coffee or baking powder tin cake tins can be formed from biscuit boxes and pastry putters from the lids of canlstacsv- empty tin cans may be used as saucepans double cookers are easily made by putting a jam jar into the can and filling the surround ing speaa with water no matter how deeprooted tha corn may be it must yield tu llollowi com llemover if used as directed maizics artistic i ent mslxles father was a poet t her mother a painter- and everybody said that aialsle waa sure to bo u genius it was her fate by inheritance no one predicted the direction in which aha would eventually turn but when she was eight her aunt mirabel was sure she would be a great singer what her uncles thought is of no importance they bad little or no imagination about the time that her aun- had eettled mlus career grandpa wilkle salovhe had hopes of the child shell turn out just like anybody he chuck led see f hs dont it seemed that flrt summer night on the farm as if grandpa had struck the right note there had been a wonderful sunset maudes mother with half shut cyo had compared- it to clauds lorraines paintings mals- les father had looked lyrics and the lay members of the family also ex pressed their delight in the soena mslsle looked depressed iwe her whbperer4 aunt mirabel what exquisite fading iu her facet ma isles parents looked but it was the grandfather who spoke whats wrouy with your he uakvd nothing pouted malsie only vurybodya so taken up with tbe sun sol and i wanted to aee the pigs fear ask us about the gmac deferred payment plun t fi tre 7 out of 10 headaches are caused from eye strain if you surfer rrom headaches- you ought to question tho condition of your oyes often with vision apparently normal oyes greatly notd tlo help of glasses t d savage optometrist ev mra opttolan savage optical buildina right at ths post office quelph optometrist to the canadian paolflo railway co fisher king representatives for this section call on them at oh write and thev will call on you georgetown castoria mother fletchers castoria is i harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething dropil and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants -ill- arms an children alt ages 61 y i constipation wind colic flaluknpy to svvcctn storiiach diarrhea rtgtilati bdwels jyls in the assimilation of food promoting cheer fulneiis rest and natural sleep without opiate j to uid imitalioik lway iwk lr tin- kluiulun- i i2liiak ftuvrl dirtlti on fnrll p-fit- hiyirbiis cvciywhcro recommend it t gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street gravltg mibaomsrvvfcit ttorowto ganau4 acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand i flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats- oat chop oat8 oilcake hay and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henry awbey manager i get your job printing at the free press this stored policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to noil to those who know and to thoao who dont know at a uniform fair ptfee to fulail all fniarantoefl and chocr- fully correct all mis takes to deacrve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewelleni guhlph ontau10 mmmtiimm y7

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