Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1924, p. 6

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ar ll l and uullll now following rt ilirlhi i dcalhi socl msntoflsl line esirs nr poctni married li mil plliri s in toronto on mon i i miy 12 1024 by llv ir w h htnrkh j tin rraiirls lllalr mil t i on of tlic into prnneln rii hum in l cuhnrln hlale to mar i tuit in in rli im laughter of j i i h rli i ft rmirly of acton died 11 1 vi 111 h m james htreot milton n hut unlay muy 17 193 kiiniui i pice 1 til i cc magistrate in ttlw stun ycoi hixon at toronw on tuesday may 13 10 4 furgart hannah wright wit w if itfv tliumni ioxi n inl or arthur p th year jr hkkhan- at tho oenernl jiosi itnl jiill li n hunday may is i tlrltt oummlng beloved wlrtow if ih lulu jumes jemiman tn her 7illi yar fflhe artnn 3tag grega tiiubhday may 21 154 brief local items twill noon txt u pie blossom umc iull ir und boshes should be t riiyo 1 i iw swlur ln is th twenty fourth of gottln the fan lp iimch linll la it il rurnest now methodist congregational bannu in thu school room this evening flutter eold on tho market here n huturdsy nt joc and eggs nt sic tho spendthrift lilac will won nine their lowly perfume broadcast iim certainly worth a trip to the w nxln thtse day to gather wild flow tho hrirklayprs ore at work on tl walls of th fairbanks building on mill street walter harund has eold hui iock furm near oakvtlle to a com pany for over 133 000 oakvlllo has a big progrumroo for lh twenty fourth particulars are glvun in unother column mr cecil akin of nouataweyt shipped two cam of very fine baled hay to toronto last week i- lower voice all about me carol in tho aun and the lawn mower man in making mualc while i run tliow who keep diaries entered on mummy there was quite a flurry of snow this ovenlng may is mr john crawihaw ha installed a gusollne mil nit station at bpeyslde apd lo doing a lively business at the uapllst church on sunday evening may 2s the ordinance of tlo- llevurtt ituptlsro will be observed saturday being victoria day the usual public holiday in honor of the memory of queen victoria will be ob served owing to the public holiday on saturday the bualnesa place in town cut out the wednesday half holiday yesterday tho annual convention of the tra falgar sunday school association will he held iq mgm a church on t day june 10 the ashgrove tj f o and u f w f will ffiiftflt tflff h pf mr with i on i iii n pruaor t in i its pay n additional pavements wanted petitions are in for new csmsnt walks on church street from victoria avenue to the eleotrio railway council ma ii mi ndu ovonllw ii ilmun uud thetford i llurbor in the chair t inmltteo 1 resent 1 li rt i urt nnit reci mmondod f tlui rlllowlntf ftc oiini qaneral aocount v 1 m oney tile 10 20 a tth iiikh i ukmm uilvrtlalna 37 08 g li itltoiu iflimhib etroete and wulkh u 4g j it miickonxu nupplloa nlroele and- wnttni go i rionton luhoi in temotory 3 60 in htowurt lulmr in cemetery ii 40 kmplre cufo tlmrlty 3 ho it hhuw lubor on ntieotu 3 s iur 30 waterworke aco muolttr mftf li roplr mooney r pulrti ir tit nt hy lulch lilock fourth line tbia thura- day evenlnjc 1 bttu mtsht be a atayat home but oh how better fan to roun the borieeotui leafy wood with alnin eoul on wmv mr ijoyd kanney who wma bom from toronto over tho weekend aonr u aolo very acceptably at knox church on sunday evening- tho dlrectoni of the acton full fair had a meeting butt evening at which mattera were conalderably advanced for the coming fall fair auto lata ahould remember hat at tlmoe the only thing acparmtln them from thla world and the next la the thlckneae of the brake unliur aa a measure toward curbing of recklesa automobile driving magis trate gundy of windsor ausnended the license of three men for so days more than one girl said last sun day it s really sad to have a nice tiew aummer dross and then have the weather kick up so one cant wear it the apricot tree ut mr james mackleri elgin titreet has been a plc- uire during the week w1th wealth ffbtonao advance ofother fult tree auctioneer kerr coaflnqtad a salt or dairy cattle f3r talbot and jqcbarlo at hockwood on tuesday the cattle wro of a good type and brought good prltoa tod fennemore went to a dance at acton last friday evening purtpg its progreaa his overcoat and were stolen from the hall milton champion the salvation army held ita an nual self denial drive last week acton vuh vlartcd by a trio of salvation uuuuee from ouelph who were fairly liberally treated rev mr haokctt clialrman ouolph ijlstrlct and h p moore lay delegate go to ngara fall next uedncaday to attend the sessions of hamilton conference 16 h7 the report wua adn te 1 a petition fur u alduwulk in church ht reel letween victoria avoitue and tho toronto hutiurbuii rluht of way was rcelvi the council laid aside the petition to be toiihiilorttl wlion the ther walks htlttloncd f are dealt with mr h jj namshuw waited upon tin council reuoatlng rollr on quean otceot from main street to cook a gravel pit 1i he red to aupl ly the gravel for ihla work the council grod to look over tho rood and see what coul 1 bo donn a deputation from the citlsens hand requested their annual grant of 260 it waa favorably conaldered by the members present but the ileove requested that the matter be loft over until all tho mem bent of tho council were prenent mr c u hwackhamor desired know hla poaltlon with relation acton and his nelllng oats from the cur recently mr bwackhomer pointed out that ho took urdera and then aent tor a car of outa which wore delivered to the customer he agreed to dis continue his present method and act ua ugent for tho 1 urmon club which was ulroudy iwylng a biuilneaa tmc to the town tho hcevti udvocatod tho paying of tho transient traitera ll censo as u wuy of settling the matter but nothing furthor was done mr l starlunan requested that the drain from his store property on mill street be connected to tho mill street drain tha council agreed to look after the matter on sdon as tha ground dried up mr wm mcdonald requeatod use of the hall for the purpose of organising a turnip growers association the charge was fixed at 17 00 for the meeting moved by k holmes seconded by b t thetford that civic holiday be proclaimed for the first monday in august 9t august 4 carried chairman thetford of the parks committee requeatod a atw necessary repairs in the park to accommodate the crowd which will be present on july twelfth tho council agreed to make what repairs were necessary to put the park in condition district meeting well attended encpuraalna r sports from ths various ohurchsa for the yr tho annual district mooting of aiialph itlatrlrt held in the methodist church itiat thursduy vat a mpranen tnllve gathering lovory tnhitnur in acme work in thn rilntrht an i murly ovory luy repreaanlntlvo waa reaent uev churlos ilackott of ai t in thn chairman of thu dutrlic presided tho early part nf tho i iionoon waa devotod to tho minlnlerlnl mission tho imeallona duullng ith tho ox umlnutlon of niltilittcirtirl character wro soon vnswen 1 iim worm uls thmse relating to the trt hutloners for tha ministry of thvaa there lira three oannoctod with the dlntrlcl nolhon ii hall a lloyd thorn mon mil utorgo t hlmpson tho two first nunn 1 are at proneit atton ling vlt tnrlti lltilver alty tho ottur lu fuling upx lnt mont in tho albert i conference an 1 i neighborhood news- town and country oakv1lle icliem nnd pupils of tho itibllo av purrhased dlono and i it to tho hoard of isduca hi hool i ronenlr lion foreign citizens handle booze durinn the weak john porty and mike niok were esoh fined and costs a number of residents here from foreign countries appear to have little regard for canadian law in the mat ter of unlawful purchase and sale of liquor especially they seem to think they can evade the law with impugn- ityhls n been co to them for over and over again both our local police and the provincial officers have b careful observa tha social held in st joseph s parish huh in aid of a deserving and nobdy family on monday evening proved a great suocess the collection amounting to 21 10 mrs william allan second line has had remarkable success with a hatching of gmtae eggs out of 41 egas 30 g slings were hatched all are living und growltig woll tho turnip producers of this und hurruundtng count lea are organising an association for tbe co operative shipping- of turnips acton will be ono of the shipping tentres tho 0 10 through train stopped hiru on tuesday morning for tbe so com moduli ni of the delegates from oui iph und other points west to tho rrosbytorlul gathering in knox church tim fubm pasaa has received from airs julia moarthur a budget qf in teres ting nsw orleans papers mrs mcartbur expects to reach home from tho south before tbe end of ufa month somq youngsters are already shooting rirecraojterk it u just s woll for au to know that aoto hag a bylaw prohlblung the fliina of ore- craokera within tha limits of th oor pomtlon at any time v there doesnt appaar t6 be igtfojti ruce aulolde gotng on n mjltoivv ifok and raids secured evidence- of viola- lion of the ontario temperance act and the inland revenue act with costly results to tbe law breakers on saturday morning chief of police mscpherson charged john porty of scene street with unlawful possession of liquor in a raid the previous sun day five bottles of moonshinehad been secured eight empty galloa contain era waro also found at the trial be fore police magistrate moore the evidence of chief macpberson and license inspector reevely was taken which proved conclusively the viola tion of the law porty himself went into the box he said he had purchas ed liquor from a jewish pedlar who came along about once a month he had paid 1boo a gallon for each of the eight gallon cans at different times he said he had not sold much he gave a neighbor a bottle for js00 and one day a mason was fixing some cement steps for him and while at bla place he gave him three drinks porty was fined 200 and costs after the trial inspector reevely provincial constables atkins and doyle and chief mgcphorson raided ths home of mike nlckaluk of beardmore crescent- mike had been fined the saturday before for being drunk the surrounded the bouse mrs irickalnk wno was in the garden when the officers arrived hurried into the house during the search officers doyle and atkins entered the family bedroom here they found the woman hastily undressing and sitting an the side or the bed she exclaimed me so sick must go to bed rlglft away the officers expressed their sympathy but requested her to arise for a moment to ullow them to look at tho bed mrs nlckaluk very unwillingly arose the officers found under the bed directly beneath where she was sitting u basket containing six quart bottle of moonshine whiskey the husband who had come in was arrest ed and taken to tho cells within a few minutes the wife had sent by a messenger fa police magistrate moore her husbands post office savings book showing a substantial balance to hli credit und requested that mike might la stationed at holla ii c mr hlmp aon volunteern i a yoat ago for work on the frontier lint und so gat i perlvnce that will ho invalunblo his future work an interesting i cusslon of mothods f work brought tho ministerial tumttlon to a at tho ganoral sttmion rwki ts of th various branches of church w rk were presented prose nt mnmlwrhhlp of tho dlmrlct in 4 106 an increase of 70 the financial r turns showed gun oua glvlngs missionary offerings weru 12 003 a slight decrease on 1 utt yi ur but port promises still unpaid an i an the mission iloarl yiar doco not t oho till juno 30 it is posslhlo that will ho made up last ytur the district made i advance of 3 ooo owing to tho into arrival of somo of the schedules the secrntury of horlg- educatlon whs unable to give his report but the figures in hand aug geat satisfactory progress in young people work ileporta re church property told of a new parsonage ut fergus which is said to he almost tho inst word in parsonage arrangements n that tho people of the ponsonby circuit had with splendid courage und with tho heln of friends on tho district carried through the work of repairs to tho church so badly damaged hy thu storm of juno 25 last the itov n argylo hurlbut wuu elected am representative on tho stu tlonlng committee tho kov j edgar todd being the alternate j tho district hoard or church pro party location is the chairman with rovs j e todd ic w krld n a hurlbut and messrs lilssoll ham and qreenawoy tho district missionary committor la the chairman with tho novo j e todd n a hurlbut and messrs j armstrong jr- h robinson and h butsell the rev j e todd bolhg up pointed missionary secretary arrangements for the coming mis slonary centennial celebration were left to tha missionary committee a letter from the secretary of the national campaign committee was presented to tho mooting by the chairman this latter asked that forts be made to secure tho immediate payment of the outstanding amount so that the fund muy be dosed a state menktfrom each circuit was given and proved that most of tho outstanding promises were from people either re moved or d ocean od and the chairman was asked to communicate to the committee tho opinion of tho mem bens of the district that so fur as tho ouelph district is concerned the uc counts can bo now closed the lay delegates to conferoncn arc as follows w j pcul dr q i llritton w ci howell f f uogardus j k adsett ouelph w w johnston elora c bailey fergus h i moore acton qeor puo stoc j marshall nassagaweya w ii cooke ponson by w j trelcaven relwood w woods ftrton t h fine krin alternates john woods fergus h leadley ouelph m kaakln elora w gamble rookwood j e moore over five hiindrotl names un i dresses of oukvlllo old hoys und girls havo now been handed n to tho nonrotary j l llurnes ror jie coming f union hllltrjer ruet and ice company havo been given tha contract to supply the schools with three hundred tons or coal for tho following winter mr and mrs it mahpny havo nr rlvod home from their trip ovemoos thoy visited england ireland scot lutid und ivunce on hunday june rev dr dougall will hold u futhernt day in the metho dlst chut oh why should mothers only lie remembered and honored not mothers loss but surely fathers somo i commencing on june 1 the local banks vju observe strictly otrico hours to the puhllo us laid down by tho canadian hankers association nai fy 10 a m to t p m 0 so a m to 13 lo p m ualivrdaya the ontario municipal and railway hoard or ti ronto have awarded the liulmar kstuto the sum of 1 3200 und coats regarding tho urbltratlon pro coedlngs of th ikroperty adjoining tho now oakvllle bridge the sum of 31 000 wun asked by tho oslut kc rd miltom after a tedious illness police mag is trulo dice paased away at his homo hero on saturday afternoon ho was for nearly half e century a prominent resident of this town mr dice whi was in his bsth year was tha second son or oeorge dice a pioneer farmer of tho now survoy of the township of nelson and was born on january 14 1837 upon the death of his father in 18s7 ha undertook tbe management of the farm from which he retired in 1880 to tuko up his residence in wal enlown where he engaged in the real astute and insurance business jlo movod to milton in 1883 where hi reslilod until his deuth in religion hi was un anglican and early in jlfc iden tified himself with educational and church work he was for many years a delegato to tha synods of toronto and niagara in politics he was staunch conservative und waa honored by the party with all the offices in the constituency he was closely allied with fthe causo or temperance and mora reform which was an lssuo in his election to the office of mayor of milton in lsset- he was reelected in 18s0 and the three years following received election by acclamation he wus on the commission of the peace for the county and in 1907 was ap pointed police magistrate of milton during his thirty five years as a jus tlce of the peace only tljree of his de clslons wore appealed one of which was unsuccessful in 1s83 he married miss sarah martin eldest daughter of john martin u pioneer of milton by whom he had two daughters who predeceased him both unmarried mrs dice died in u he married a second time abigail dorothy eldest daughter of nelson sheurt of milton by whom ho hud one daughter who becamo the wlfo of key f a i chodwlck but died in 1002 ouelph flower growing by practical man sbl hannloan qutlph gave valu i hints for growing qladloli be allowed to go home to dinner v session of court was held un lntsgv prefer secured who ms a friend of th family the interpreter advised that as the evidence was ample to show that the law had boon violated that mike should poad guilty to the charge mike auld he would plead guilty the liquor was surrendered to him he was slok a plea of guilty waa tared and mike was fined 200 nd costa the magistrate confiscated the utiuur and ordered it destroyed lowing the service lu th mtbodia whifib these spring days wo sit sunny aide of the car wulk sunny side of the street unit sit in the sunny window of tho house let us also walk on the sunny nlfltfof life and sunny nldo of tho disjointed things of life towing to continued ulheelib uev h j harnwell ph ii of walkerton who commenced his ministry at rock- wood in 1bb0 has been advsadby his ihyslclan totake u years reat and so notified tire stationing committee of the coming conference mr jatoes mcintosh is greatly im proving the maples his residence at th earner of frederick street and jtowsjr avenue the walls are being kirsaa ooevung of stucco and a com- bmkuoita pttuoa wul supplant the porch church liut fluqdynadll mdminisiprai tbcflta vt thlrtfn ibiju ntoniw tho umpwmtur tlam tanr ntr tl unn i ipafm parlliiiwir tri utlha tho second of the series of practical talks on flower growing by amateurs who have mart marked success in their efforts was given- in tho tow- ball ust wednesduy evening these addresses have boen arranged by th acton horticultural society and have been hlghly und ins true tlvb mr t hannlgan of ouelph was tho speaker at the meeting last week and he proved himself eminently qualified for imparting practical information for the growing of gladioli which has- be come one of the most popular flowers for outdoor growing of the times mr hannlgan gavo expression at the out set which at onoe arrested thn atton lion of the audience when he usserted that anyone who can grow potatoes successfully can grow gladioli success fully tha main elements tn this uc complishmant are planning planting and cultivating the time to prepare for the flower show he said ts just before the flowers are planted have a hubby plant fiowets as a hobby and you ii enjoy it tho do velopmant of the gladioli is remark able mr hannlgan impressed vary strongly tho necessity for intensive cultivation cultivate yyur land be fore planting u that you can insert your hdnd lpt ft up to the wrist an place then cultivate after plonlitg cultivate to kill tho weeds cultivate to induce moisture cultivate rather than water never sprinkle gladioli when flowers are about ready to bloom get pulverised sheep manure or ground bqne meal and sprinkle an the ground working it irucarefully water heavl ly at blooming time but only at the roots cut flowers ut nfght or early in the morning i lunge atoms into jiot water nearly boiling than into cold water anil ihay w keep wall and such flower will oen out gradu ally cultlvute after blooming as be fore cultivate for tha sake of the bulb a hit of the icuiling growers und the vnost popular varieties was given at the conclusion of bla epjendld address mrs hannlgun gave an ex hibltlon uiulgred luntern slides show ing many fine varieties una mr han nlgan explained each as presented rev c stewart m a was chair sian and in very fit ting wards intro uced mr hannlgan its conxratu lated acton upon the very general jj- 4ntrest manifested in growing flow are about the homes he was de lighted wth tho prosiiecl of securing a mew up town park und could readily see how it could be made a pluoo of beauty president scrlven thunked tho people for tha tntsrest they are taking in hat the horticultural society la an deavorlng to provide ror their edifica tion and instruction he bespoke the united offort of the cltlsons 4n planting flowers to beautify the town and to prepare for exhibits at the flower show in august crewson8 corners mr thomas nellea is recovering from an attack of pneumonia and hopes soon to be quit himself again the radial car coming from ouelph ran off the track near blue spring park on krlday evening and there was aome delay while it wasboing replaced on the rails there passed away at the ouelph erai heeeitsrs late en beturda y night un old and highlyesteemed re sldent of this neighborhood in tho person of mrs jesseman who had un dergone an operation for appendicitis u week previous she had been in ml health the past few months but was out and around again and was ablo to go over to acton two weeks before her death mrs jesseman was born in aberdeen scotland and came with ber husband to canada shortly after their marriage and lived for a time at brentford where her husband pro deceased ber thirty nine years ago with her two little children she came to nassagaweya thirty eight years ago and was housekeeper for the late mr mcdonald until hla tragic death ut the railway creasing here many years ago she was a woman of many fine qualities a true christian a faith rul friend and neighbor one who woj always willing to help where help was needed in her home she was a devot ed mother to ber daughter mrs peter mclsasc tcaqueslng and her son james who resided on the farm with her she was a member and regular ttendant of knex church acton tho funeral took place from her homo to falrvlew cemetery acton tuesday afternoon the beautiful floral of ferings testified to the high esteem in hlch she was held by her many friends here mrs jesseman had no relatives in ihla country excepting her son daughter son in law and granddaughter but leaves three broth ers and one slster in scotland father in thy gracious keeping leave we now thy servant sleeping courtesy in ths posting of letter it is unwise to gunna tho weight of n letter to detormlm the nrnuilnt of post ii go ro ulrnd much guessing often results in pnstagu duo which may r iusa daluy lu dillvury and in the ruse of titinlnass letters often results in a dlanntliiual runtnmir if you do not want tho ud in ssoes to payi douhlo the deficient postage weigh your tetters and fully i rspuy ioatage in sufficiently propald fiostugo results li double postaro to the receiver a pen alty imposed by ha postu depart combine business with pisssure on muy 24th n mmenring ut 10 30 m them will 1e u lr nlo uplury demonstration in the tl lary of mr curl hartwlrk lhaunrville p o on ha farm- of s ii hurtwlck italnhnm centro three quarters of a mile east lot 1g luilshnm mud in tl tl llmnnd unly thare will bo o splendid and profitable nrogrumme iluldlmnnd county liookoapors ass elation will t rovldo taa hookeopors are requested to tuko their own lunch basket cups tc this will ho a splan lid opportun ity ror beekeepers lo got somo vaul ulilo information for this season a management of tho u jury be your own boss are you alwuys going to bo working ror someone else ut small pay or do you want lo become your own boest hundreds of opuortunltlos for ambi tious men in the automobile industry electrical ignition rattery and weld ing work few weeks to learn large demand dig pay somo work at fifty cents per hour lo help you through your training write or call for spec lal offer hemphill bio auto school 1s3 king st w toronto ont 120000 founds of wool wanted it it harbour huiaburg lluyr for tlio ouoli wort 1 spinning co wilt bo at acton latlon to buy wool rturlng thn month uf jun 1qj thursday june 5 12 19 highest market price wit bo paid market your wool direct to the mills roofing fainting etc we aro prepared to do all kind of remodelling roofing or poinding if in doubt how to fix jlut roof or brighten up your home drop us a line prices are right logan barley box 50 georgetown have you selected your hat yet for victoria day reduced prices on all hats v this week miss j galbraith phone 100 m1jl street acton 3 dr j cadesky eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday june 2nd anyone suffering from rye strain defective vision or headache should not miss tha opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist con juse office hours bam till 5pm this is hosiery week at mclean co holeproof the ileal in the market for the money holeproof pure silk hose all sixes and shades in stock at per pair 1 75 holeproof silk and lisle with rib top in all shades at pair 1100 and 125 men a holeproof socks in black brown sand gun metal black and brown black and green girls holeproof in black only at 55c 60c 75c 80c pair girls circle bar hose in black and brown sizes v to 0 at 30c 35c 10c and 50c per pair boys circle bar hose in black a strong heavy rib hose that will rjve the boy any amount of good hard wear at 40c 45c ioc pdr when you want a good pair oh stockings 9 come to this store store open friday night tbi 10 p m pier- closed an day saturday may 24 mclean co mill street acton ont acton meat market come to our shop for the best meats in towns at the loweat prices our fresh and cured meats are always highest grades a new stock of libbys pickles catsup mustard etc- fresh pork beef and veal always fresh homemade meats homemade sansage homemade h homemade jellied veal v00 acton meat market orrie lamb proprietor phone 45 o ita plana will ai waehhw dewhvth m itojay drop eeet7 thi noisy uaaurioe aijnu tree auabaata mrtom l ne arrfsonrs in milton jail for the first time in u number of years hal ton county jul on monday without a prisoner the lust uu oupant of a cell in the institution a uurllngton young man having served his three months term and walked out a free man this stmt of affairs is ajoodtevidsdce that crime la happily the decreasu in hultnh county oovernor moolbbon and turnkey mays can now leave all the jail doore wldjl upin without the fast that asry prlstrtretiy will srogpe 0 j svimay whi joy ileal crown of life is not distant reward but joy or living compensu tlon for pilgrimage is pride of pn gross seeing inhetitsnejj of past transmitted to future what is so satisfying as joy or traus rerrlng laws of ood to statute books of men for tbe blend of heaven and earth seeing pictures of nohte doing on historic utges on gallery walls movie films become living realities in bonds of friendship and oo-operu- tive tolir life is a pilgrimage fraught with fruitful potentialities in the radiance uf spiritual ideals its labors will be como healthful activities and achieve ments lis pains and sorrows will chasten and beautify the character burdsns of co ordlnated responsibility will evolve un emancipated and re deemed humanity ufa has depths otpathos but it is nut tragedy it has farcical episodes but it is not comedy viewed in the glory of an lufintta purpose it divine epiphany and tt iipm pilgrims and lrogrea v a word in ahason the playwright turned pale with ex alternant and a sudden rust of pride as he heard from his position in the wings the sound of stamping feet and roaring voices they are calling for the author i he cried feverishly what shall i do must 1 make a speech t the manager who had not only heard but seen the audience took him by the elbow the best thing you can do he whispered is to slip gut pf the stags door and escape while yet thsrs is lime he knew the qenius during a lesson on the animal klnr- dom the teacher asked gf any una oould give an example of an animal or thn order or edentata that la ono which is without teeth can1 cried reginald his face beaming with the pleasure of assured knowledge w what tg i r said the teacher olsuubftat h mfulrml come to oakville victoria day may 24th big celebration agricultural park athletic sports football game side shows races for the kiddies lots of fun1 cr saturday treat just arrived a wontfcrful assortment of packages of chocolates including all fruit centres all roasted nuts and assorted hard and soft centres all packed in very neat attractive bores jn5rthethin o i evening a garden party fireworks display dancing oakv1lle concert band will provde music both afternoon and evening commences 12 oclock noon continues till 12 oclock midnight lakeshorfe buses stop at the grounds admission to grounds 25c and 15c pink and white fudge 29e lb v for this saturday c offer you a neb velvety fudge straw berry and vanilla flavor summer time is fudge time and we are proud of our fudges take a pound or two with yon regularly 35c and 40c lb saturday treat 29rr lb week end chocolates 32c lb if you are at home or motoring or picknicking or where- ever you are they arc indeed a treat for you can rely on them for quality a good assortment and at all times strictly fresh regularly 50c and 60c m saturday special 32c lb icecream try a chocolate soda a cherry sundae or a rich tasty egg nogg they are good we will have a big special in our lco cream parlor each saturday dont fail to ask for them you will like them we will gladly deliver phone orders for lco cream in brick or bulk to all parts of the town phone 66 v rumley acton ontario 4 an invitation to acton women and misses purveyors to particular palates to people who arc particular about the sort of meat thoy ser we arc g picked to all the bill wo ajways have thecuts yoq wnfcartd the stock is always tho choicest wc have rightly earned tho above heading by our attention to supplying your meat needs- cooked meats and of course our stock would be incomplete if wo coud not supply your needs in cooked meats if you don t see the kind of delicacy you want jus ubk for it as pll our stock is not in view canned tioods wo carry u line of tho ii nest canned goods and tho prices aro tho lowest consistent with tho quulity just phone your order for these lines and have them delivered along with your meat order phono 10 4 we will not attempt to describe tho beauty of this summer dress display it is truly wonderful wo have aeon nothing in any store hat in beauty distinc tiveness and variety could excel this assembly of house and porch frocks wo aro enthusiastic about mhem there is also a good selection of pretty silk frocks serge plaid and stripe skirts in tho latest pleats and modes for street or sport wear wont you como and pass your opinion on the styles and values it will bo a pleasure to show you alterations made to suit mrs a reesor watch our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner mil and main 8tr1bts actonont 4 v jflif a vv aa m1ll8trbet phone 69 fn s

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