Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1924, p. 1

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ttm jrfit pttss forty ninth year no 48 thursday morning may 29 1024 i acton ontario canada thursday morning may 20 1024 smglocopics live cents the methodist ciiuhch acton rev cha8 hackett pastor paraonaae willow bl llati in ihi toiigrckulinn wit vorshlp ul tin i nubylnrluii church j 30 u in htinduy school 7 00 p iti hi i miviro iltv a hlew irt mlnlntet subject tho um in it- aching id llcurlntf kvlhyhoby wucohk presblfteman knox church acton minister rev a c buvmrt m a minu willow street hutu u m bible class hludy in mull how t hunter xi 10 00 u m stmduy hchoo 11 00 u m onion brvlit tht minister hubject tti great con fission 7 00 it m service wltlnlrnwn un ion ssrvlco in methodist church strangers leaving address with the ushers wilt be called upon by the pastor all ark cordialitf inv1tbd i i special notices for sale platform scales 2 000 ttj capacity l ht a i ik man luke avenue for sale indian two speed motorcycle apply alex mcisaac room to rent comfortable fumuhod room for rent jcvery convenience central location apply to box 32 free press office auction sale or tht household effect of f s rice will bo hold on saturday june 7 at two o clock 41 i r j kerr auctioneer auction sale g wayfer will hold nn suction sale on main street south on saturday may 11 at two o clock of household effect ate r j kerr auctioneer snap for quick sale solid red brick house 7 room hot water heajintf modern electrio flx- tfefes wired tor stove 3 piece bath nice lot apply to box 37 48 4 acton ontario for sale piano nearly new mason a risen will sell cheap because of recent death of ny wife and daughter term ar ranted apply evenings w j davis john street acton church janitor wanted for the methodist church a man and hlswlfe who are competent for the position may add 3260 00 to their income by undertaking thl work for w ap t why not make your own summer frocks the smartest styles are the simplest styles really it is no trick at all this summer to make dainty little tub frocks there are such pretty tub fabrics to select from too brisk gay ginghams and linens for boyish morning frocks and novelty voitoa dotted swisses ratines and jersey weaves for charming afternoon dresses take a trip to guclph this week and you ii find w6nderful values in tub fabrics at guelphs leading and largest stores and youll and too a world of fun planning and making your own littlo frocks anderson ginghams at the special price of 35c yard other lines up to 50tv3lncti widths ratines in novelty textures at 125 and 150 linens at 55c and 100 yard the latter in a non- crushable texture crepes in wonderful vari ety plain textures woven bars silk checks jacquard patterns etc 75c 5c and 100 yard dotted voiles colored grounds with whito dots the latter often in patterns 75c and 85c a yard x tub fabrics guaranteed not to fade the guarantee is an absolutely hard and fast rule made by the makers that if by any possible chance any garment made of dure fabrics should happen to fade they will replace the garment including the cost of making trim mings buttons and all s duco ratines are in nbvclty plaids and stripes which may be matched by plain shades 150- yard duro broadcloths in the newest stripe patterns at 100 per yard duro galateas in plain colors and stripe patterns 40 inch widths at 60c yard duro shirtings also in the range at 60c what a satisfac tion to know that the things you make will nor fade d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs t filing and largest store news of local import the turnip growers orgsnlis the on tar i j turnip growers co operallvo ro holding meetings in the ave turnip growing centres this week rtm nfth of the stirlea will le held in thn kurmers club rooms over kcntnorm guragn un friday evening messrs v c llsri k e bluter and 1 rofosaor cnlquotte wilt be the apeak era union service next sunday next sunday the congregation of the presbyterian and methodist churches will unite for the day the methodlats will attend service in knox church in the morning and the pres by tvrlu us will attend the mothodlet church in the evening rev charles hjtckett will attend conference at nlupiftt fnl rev a c stewart m a will itccupy the pulpit mt both aorvlces the new station platform st the cnr the construction of thu new cement pi ut form at the canadian national hallway station is n earing completion it ts a substantial wellbuilt piece of work an additional feature which will be greatly appreciated is the new cement walk from thn new platfi the mill street intersection the old cinder path was often inundated dur ing the wot season when most needed motor csr collided with buggy last friday evening tfte motor car driven by mr harding price of the acton croosrnail and ihjg horse and buggy of mr john sprowl of the third line came into collision oo mjll street opposite the soldiers monument it was during the rain and mr price was unable to see through his mlaty windshield doth tigs were more a less damaged mr price at once as sumed the blame of the accident and agreed to pay the costs of the damage austalned mr sprowl was run into by an automobile last fall while di 4ng the same horse and rig on xoung street not ideal holiday weather the twenty fourth of may is regard ed as onesf the most popular holidays usually the weather is bright and warm and btossonts are to too seen everywhere this year the holiday will be remembered for lis heavy rain during the previous night and for half the forenoon a boisterous west wind prevailed fruit blossoms not at all plentiful- the pretty apple blossoms generally at their beat for the twenty- fourth were absent entirely the season is later than usual but a walk ou into the country on the holiday revealed splendid fields of fail wheat good meadows and a fine showing of spring grain conference at niagara falla rev charles hackett chairman of uuelph district left on monday morn ing for niagara falls to attend the meeting of the stationing committee of hamilton conference mr h f moore left yesterday morning to at tend the executive meeting of the lay pa a e w h is a member the conference opens to day in the historic methodtet church at lundya lane rev dr bndloott toronto and mr moore give the mis slonsry addresses before conference this evening mr j h denny 4a the alternate delegate and mr a t brown ts a member of the committee to appear before the stationing com mittee conqreflstjonal meeting and bsnqust the annual congregational banquet of the methodist church was held in the school room lost thursday evening there was a good attendance and the meeting- was of keen interest re ports were praaentedttrom the various departments of the church and they tned much of encouragement the election of society representa tives resulted as follows miss kern brown messrs james moore j h denny o h swltser g h brown fred cooper end morley rsmshaw for dtstrtct visitors miss bertie h sjtelght mrs fred cleave j kerr a b nlcklln dr e j nelson basil johnston frank gamble bbeueser beawlck walter lamb n f moorr kvan jones orwell johnston the giving for ull purposes aggregated ss 8274 last botutsrsooe ysar an o t a appeal case in october last john tebow of nelson township was charged before police magistrate moore with having llciuur in an unlawful place shrldence ahowed that inspector reevsly and trier offloers discovered liquor on the property on which tbow had his home it was secreted beside a path leading from tebown house to hi barn lis was oonvlcted and fined f j00 and coats or three months in jail tetkwe counsel appealed on the round that hut client s house was 04 publlo highway or road allowance und therefore others bad access there to after long delay the appeal was argued before judge bulot last wed neaday mr nlcol jeffrey of guelph appeared for the defendant his whole urgument was as to whether or not the evidence showed that the liquor was in possession or keeping or con trol ot tebow and h admitted that if as provided by section si ofthe o t a a lrjma tads possession was shown then tebow not having given uny evidence in rebuttal was properly ounvlqted and sentenced there waf nu d tap u ting the stand taken by mr jeffrey and both the judgo and crown attorney dlok agreed the judge m kttrved judgment ladles base ball club entertainment the acton ladles baa ball club provided very eajoyahlo evening for h large audience last wednesday in the town halt co aee the play given by the uvertun dramatic club ea- tlllcd the wayfarers the interest of all was held throughout ths four uols the characters being taken with well atudled impersonation the caste of characters was uncle billy lar- iklns retired farmer p v peavoy ihllum larklna his slater tova cheyne emmallne uncle billys niece annie steward mr arahsro the little minister 1j hortop mr dudley the crook percy hmlth jack water bury constable leman thomson uss green a colored boy a royce mr watson a slavo to drink a h currle bessie lynn clytle and the mutt the wayfarers mrs parkinson pearl rob ertson among those taking leading parts specially worthy of note were thn ones who impersonated uncle buly phllura larklns bessie lynn clytle and mr wataon mr hoy i dudley littroducedthe acta giving a short des crlptlon of each ths music for the evening was provided by the methodist sunday school orchestra end was up to u usual high standard of that organisation the base jiall olrls are to be congratulated un the selection of uus sniatlstnroant long list of accounts for township work a number of changes in path maalers at eaquesltuj cotui- cilfl may meeting council will meet on june 16th at 10 a m- as a court of revision rsquealng township council met last week for the regular may meeting the heeve in thp chulr and mmbors alt present moved by counclliokflfcwn second ed by councillor lesffo that the treasurer pay jrfc fisher ix hours work on the kin line at 37 ho f 3 s george lesllr 1 njay 2 mmind team opening roads lot is 4th line s 26 king udwnrd sanitarium weston care of harry ollllnghnm april 1 to april 30 inclusive t4fi den reld glen hours work on th line at 17 wo jc william logan alen the following amounts spent on his road division during february and april it hours at hc 7 70 83 hours at 27 c six 83 total x0 63 refund to fred hulrman norvsl il r statute labor paid and performed in 19ij 8 0 carried moved by coxinctllor dowdy second ed by councillor leslie that the treavurer puy a fell 2s4 days work on dublin crhasroad man and team six 75 thomus moffat for work done on 6th line lot 32 by c noble ibs 00 bell telephone oo account rendered 1 13 j l rule work donaon ceme tery hill norvai im 00 hfllf to be rocoverl trom chlnguscousy town ship mr clare robertson for one sheep killed iii 00 peter peddle for 3 sheep killed 14 o6carrted moved by councillor brown second ed councillor apielbe that the treaa refund the following amounts fen te labor paid and performed in 1s23 on john barnes division losou hunter i7 malcolm mcnabb 75 david given j226 pay john barnes the following amount statute labor collected in his division 4 00 good roads money for 1mj and 124 j38 total 140 municipal world st thomas statute labor lists and ssles ux 2 10 carried moved by councillor leslie second ed by councillor gowdy that the treasurer nay james fidler norvai putting in two culverts on 10th line 1 hours at 27lc man and team 2 hours drawing same at sec ses7 wm qlllman glen 15 hours shovelling snow at 37vo in 193 on wm logans beat si 88 g a wrlgglesworth ad vance on pay as commlssloner 40 o o brown money advanced for work cemetery hill norvai half to bo recovered rrom cblnguucousy jj carried moved by councillor appelbe se conded by councillor gowdy that the treasurer pay james sprowl for 21 hours shovelling snow on town line at 27ho per hour 16 77 naasogaweya to pay half carried moved by councillor brown second- 1 by councillor uowdy that the treasurer pay canada ingot iron co the follo l culvert s inches by news of local import an unlawful practice if certain vonturesomn lurts in town peralsl in riding their blcyrle on llu cement walks as they have hen lnlng lately they will ond thrmselvoh facing charges in court for violation nf the by law prohibiting this a little child wss knocked down by iiiia of thus- blcyrllng ladn thn ntlinr 1i11 sucoeasful in exmlntlon mr w it c konncy turn succoss fully passed his fourth your oxamln atlonn at the medical college and mr duff wilson son of rev and mrs j c wilson of weyburn bask formerly of acton was also successful in his first year examinations in medicine tin acton frlendsof both those young men will be pleased to hear of the sure of thetr years work an improvement corrtsmplsted chairman nicot is obtaining prices for cement posts snd iron gates for the on trance to fslrvlew cemetery this would make a decided improve ment and would be appreciated by cltlxenn gonerally the old gate posts which huve been in for upwards of thirty nve years are mostly rotted on and must ho replaced hy the use of cement posts and iron gates a per manent improvement would bo effect ed womens institute meeting the summer meeting of tho women s institute will be held on thursday afternoon june s in the parish hall mrs m e love of to nun to will speak on tho institutes value to the com munlty a business meeting of thp institute will be held at 2 30 and the speaker will give her address at 3 o clock a good attendance is asked for and all are welcome bannock bum limehouse und cambellvllio branches are invited removal of a land mark another land mark is being remov ed this week the old barn on the premises of mr ooorge mulhoiiand is being torn down this barn originally tood an the property owned by james mackle thy late abrara staufcer had it moved to the lot where mr r l gregory built his house on church street- mr gregory sold it to mr t p msrtin and it went with the pro perty when mr mulhoiiand bought it laat year a sad bereavement albert bristow died suddenly at huntsvlllo on monday of heart dla up to last winter he delivered milk for the mount dairy at milton he left a widow snd nine children there the funeral took place thurs day afternoon from c il turners un dertaking parlors as the home is quar antlned on account of children who interjnenl was made lri ever green cemetery albert bristow lived in acton for a number ol years while here during the war ha went to tor onto and enlisted in the bantam bat adlrui irtoban humanaaaxa twentyfourth visitors to the old home town c were numerous over the week end and they were ah welcome quite a number went from home on holiday visits to outside points miss 1 tor thu iirown t tnriiiitii mlas frances hunt of toronto miss morcartt brown of toronto mr aurum kennedy wus home fr m in fron lumie from miss i- ttlt dills toronto miss martha orr toronto mr maxwell hell wan homo from toronto mr ernest iirown was homo rrom toronto mr roy brown wuw homo from hamilton mr k j moore of toionto wus ut moorccroft mr james hull of toronto vtsltod ac too friends mr j m fornley toronto was in town on friday misses joan awl anna lindsay wre homo from toronto mr lloyd knnnoy f toronto was homo for the holiday miss marguerite stewart of toronto visited acton rrionds miss mary gibbons of toronto was homo over the week end miss ruby clark of toronto whs home over the week end mr nnd mm frank kennody spent the holiday in wlngliam miss laura hprow of uuelph spent sunday with relatives here miss olive mowat was home from toronto over the week end mrs k f collier and miss annie pent thu week end in toronto mrw charles a conway is spending a couple of week at uxbrtdge mrs maud mcratn spent u day or no last week with tsronto friends mrs a c stewart nnd grade spent the holiday with grimsby friends mr tlttorgf stoneman of toronto spent the week end with acton friends mrs a y galbruilh and miss jessie gatbraith spent the hdlldoy in toronto miss fmma robertson visile ut her home st kenll worth over the week mr wlilium robertson of toronto isited hbj sister mrs cameron lieeh mr and mrs gordon uclood of toronto vialted the home folks lust nek mr und mrs earl h vlment spent the holiday with friends in port col borne miss tona thompson i of guelph visited at her home 3rd line over the holiday police court news shin y llkl ir i cinliill vlu who wus lisigi i 11 liiryu 11 o li 11 of th polite coo i i i oil l ll with ltutlli liquor for mil w ui lln i co on i routs by muulult it wit lilt u ird pleaded guilty l a hill w ll i ui milled having h 1 i 11 1 ihol un 1 wnti 1 in fifty fifty 1 roim ll muiuhvu i- to hlm tustomiiii 11 wit liiknn lulu cuutody by 1rovlmlil ii 11 iiiiip lor grunt and piovln til con iliihli mmvlllo following l i 11 li of mm premises wljoro lln oltjotrt 1 llw 1 v r d two gullotih of ult iliol und t mr 01 t hottlfs of llquoi j william ijwunnoii of 1 hru m ously ronvlitid on a hurk lnv ing llqui r in un unluwful i lu- wim sentenced ly unifntiul wut iuilh friday imruliik to 1 a tin 1 uf 1300 und coxtti un 1 lu lulilitlon wm hiitriird lo tln mtnthii in jul with an uddltlouul throo inoritltm on fullur 1 to pny tint nne hwin 11 11 will llknly inivo up opportunity of u rvln hi six month- lit mill 11 jul i foi libs pon ally imposed in acton two yearn uku on friday vuning n milton mini was char if od buroro i nucn aliufintrulo moore with bolnu intotcliukd lu publlo place ll ploudid uullty nnd wjut flnod 10 und contu tlu miunn of his supply of 11 iuor wim u i ttl of wine hidden buhl ml u wi d pll at the brick yards llu found ll un 1 1m blbedmid has boon nony vur hiiicu on monday charles currlo of milton heights wlip hud boon linrgfd with selling a hot tin of liquor to u hpecal otticer pleudud guilty mil wtiu rtned 8200 und costs jlo uul i ho hid bought two lots from u mun who cinno around from gull four bottles in ull at 3 00 a bottle ho hud not boon in the practlco of m ulng liquor but when tho ofllcor ninin ulong in pluhi clothes and uskod htm f t r a bottlo ho sold him mm ut 33 00 maktup no profit two modlcul men in tin county mudo the mistake of soiling 1 oupto pf pro ecrlptions for six uuiiu n of whlrtkoy to omoers who called incognito u couple of weeks ngo without making a dlogonlsls for uny dlhoaa tho olllcers passed the prcocrlptlonu buck to tho license board ut toronto and infor mations were laid charging the physicians wlui evasion of the suction relating to the issuance of pr uirlp tlons neither of thtso doctor who are reputable pra lltlonoru ha any reputation for issuing pmscrlpilomi oy made u slip fn this oct union thoy acknowledged 1 hi error and were fined 160 00 each und coats at a session of tho pollno court on tuesday morning lrunk uriitlth nnd henry luttee were fined 110 00 und coats each for bolut intoxicated on sunday oriulths sold he got tlto liquor in guelph drunk it on tlio pretnleeu itecami viiry drunk und did not get homo until suilduy night ho did not know tho purl of tho liy or the people when he wus i uttee 1 u gullcun und loft town aflor being summoned to court chief mucphor- son who intercepted l th thouo mon u u warrunt for his urrosl tho cases ugalpst uuusoll iio forest attairt m mm e wu of milton heights who uro t liurgod with soiling liquor woro retnundetl until next mouduy a churgi utulnac luttuo for having a gun wus ulso taudv und will come up on monday card of thanks the family of the lato mrs james vjeaeeman desire to express their sin fcere and heartfelt thanks to the neigh bora and friends for their kind acts during tho sickness end death of our beloved mother and for the beautiful floral tribute bon and daughter- acton creamery will pay 31 cents for cream this week since our supply of butter la not equal to the demand it requires ail the cream we dan procure to nil opr orders help us to solve this problem by bringing us your cream acton creamery t j o nell proprietor dry hardwood voh sale firstclass dry hardwood free from big knots and little umbo guaranteed 3 single cords 12 inch wood for 410 cash by measuremenc wood deliver ed at once also oordwood at sb a cord good measure apply rllssell johnson r il no 2 acton r leave order with t2 george soper acton farms for bale farms in the countiee of halton wellington varying from 40 to acres let tta end you our usl number of homes and bostneos places in acton for sale fire and life insurance money to j a smith real fwtate aganl phone 10s acton onl weekend specials assorted chocolates did you try our nw chocolates last week they are certainly extra nice pieces with a nice light coating regularly 50c tb weekend special 22c lb assorted caramels lady caramels an chocolate and vanilla with nuts and noileat caramels with vanilla and nougat regularly 40c tb weekend special 32c lb our ice cream parlor- come in and try a fresh strawberry sundae with whipped bulk or brick ice cream always in stock delivered any where in town i mill street acton h wiles ilteel 14 70 1 culvert 18 inches by z0 feet 19 1 culvert is inches by 11 feet jsbjo i culvert 10 inches by 21 feet hud 1 culvert 18 inches by ss feet 4i0 total 147 10 municipal world st thomas stationery 1 0 john presawood glen 10 v hours gravelling at bsc s 7t carried moved by councillor brown second ed by councillor appelbe that the treasurer pay geo b thompson the sum of 1140 on his aalary as assessor for wards 1 x ahd o for 1134 car ried moved by councillor leslie seconded by councillor brown that the treas urer pay bert armstrong glen 123 hours at j7 he s33ll albert smith olen 87 hours with team at 66c 4786 john thompson 18 hours at 37 mc 84 40 jas mcnalty it hoars with team at b6c is sb 7 hewitt 20 hours at ic 6 60 w mullln iso hours at 30c 93v 00 planks and spikes 87 76 total 48 76 bernard cairns 134 richmond street toronto 2 ijno stamps 1 14 carried moved by councillor oowdy second ed oy councillor leslie that the treas urer pay w b shostlu fixing bridge oo 8th line and supplying umber carried moved by councillor brown second ed by councillor ieaue that the fol lowing changes be made in path masters charles mclaughlin in the room and stead of robe mcphereon for the village of norvai john press- wood in the room and stead of robe bason wm logan in the room and stead of thoe mullln samuel snow in the room and stead of chas cutis council adjourned to meet on june 18 at 10 o clock q ro un m court of revision- and for the transacting of other business starton monday that superior training which will enable you to occupy a- siml ur position to yoar friend in congenial remunerative work there are plenty of places fur the better trained its up to you to get that training at guelph business college session the entire year don t put it on enroll a l bouck principal and proprietor wonderland friday may 0 long live the kins starring jarkle coogun com edy creation tjll tho w slug them again real ol i friends saturday may 31 the exiles starring john gilbert com- edy creatlopj the explorer h tvix news educational reel universities of the world tuesday june 3 1 the cloud roll by- starring douglas fairbanks chapter 11 of the haunted valley v comedy creall l corn i ed sleuth cominq the man worn brodnwy tart lug warren kerrlguu r l gregory a son w will 8v you monay if you wilt lt u quality at low price all new goods n sandais joucn not oxfords vmrfscs suppers correct tennis shoes ufless yok comfort cushion sole 4re5sycri boots and oxfords dresyourz v eetpvwiy hosiery work boots school boots try a pair of oar guaranteed rubber boots where quality counts with low price try oa harry harrison the shoe man new mee of travelling baas and suit case litjrl the weeks tase ball aoton loses out in hard fought gam in roekwood tournament last thursday evening the senior ball team played a twilight game with georgetown nine georgetown has not apparently gotten their team together for this year as blackburn and other familiar faces on their line up were missing from this gsme the game was acton m all through and the final score was i 0 in their favor the acton team made u good try for the honors at the hockwood tour nnment on victoria day they were well supported by aoton tans too the ulllssns band chartered a truck and went up to boost the team and it was hoped the honors would fall to acton they gut the loysl support of acton anyway ifolkwood apparently had also hopes of willing the affair and had un ther strongest linn- up the game went six innings without either side scoring king for rook wood and hough for actou both pitched a good ganta in the sixth roekwood broke loose ami put wirus their ons lone run this was the ouly score of the game und aaton wits unable to come back with a tally and was eliminated from the tournament the next game was between taylor forbes and hhlsburg and was another 1 0 score in favor of hhlsburg hhlsburg and roekwood came to gether in the final game und hock wood used clark of anton for their pitcher hhlsburg had saved mst thews as their ni tuner clark was pmy meat for the hhlsburg sluggers and they batted htm ull oyer the field matthews put over a hum run with two men un bases and the ball went so fsr they dldn t bother looking for it the gsine was easily all for hhlsburg and roekwood lost by a sioro of b 3 next saturday s game here with hockwood is looked forward to with keen interest by the tsns the brush with the team in hockwood preves that both teams aie evenly matched and a good game is uxpected on saturday the aoton tioya are out to win and will battle hard to uvaroume their de feat at ihb itdukwdbtt uuinamenl mr l b shorey manager of the bank of montreal was a guest at the dinner of sir frederick william tay lor of montreal general manager of the bank at the king edward hotel toronto last friday evening one hundred and eighty one branch man agera of the ontario division and the head office stuff from montreal par tlolpated in this very happy and in teres ting gathering lieutenant gov ernor cockahutt was the guest of honor and in his very informal and happy manner contributed much to the pleasure of the occasion a gath ertng of this character naturally en hancea the esprit ds corps ot the ataf l groat organisation like the bank of montreal 1700 in silver money after chas hanham the aged real dent of the eighth lino had beon taken to the hospital on wednesday chief kerr made a search of the fine brick house and to his surprise discovered about seventeen hundred dollars hid- dfetn in various places and all in stiver money including a hundred or two in american nickels the money was brought down in various containers and carefully counted in thr vnlng in the presence of reeve morden- mr hanham had been living ulone for years and would never accept paper money for any sales made of rann produce he oi waya insist od on hav ing silver money when the tax col lector went for the taxes each year the payment was made in sliver oakvills star l proliflo hog at roekwood for productiveness mr arthui clow u r no 4 roekwood is the possessor ot a sow that hasbrokon all breeding record for western ontario although only eta years old this hog has given birth to no less than ten utters of pigs 3 litters a year hum berlng all told one hundred unit nnty of which one hundred und forty were raised on may 18 uho brought into th world a llttof of nlno teen sixteen of which are living and thriving exceedingly well of this number the mother is raising thirteen or all she can handle the other three beln bottle fed by their proud owner mr clow has only been on the farm for five years und if this six yearold sow continues to bring pigs into the world at the rate nhe has been tlolug in the past for the next flvu yearn the owner will hot huve to worry ubout the high coat of living recently mr clow disposed of a litter to u rook wood buyer who etatod that he had pever in sll bis experience seen a filter lot ouelph meruury 400 soldiers to attend old hems week lieut co hutch major henderson major pealman sergeant major pet ers ami other omoers of tho i duo louues argyll and sutherland high lands of hamilton paid a visit to mltloit on tuesday evening for tliu purpose of interviewing the lad ion who represented the various milton organisations and the old boys com- mlttee to make arrangements for the visit of the hsmllton battalion durtm old lluys week the ladies una ill mously decided that their respective organisations would offer every assist attco in looking uftwr the preparation f meals for the visiting battalion it is expealed that the regiment will oo cupy the arena fur sleeping purpose and receive thulr meuts in the agrl ultural hall at the fair ground tlu battalion whluh will in 4u strong wlexrlv in milton about two u clock on june 30 and will remain until 4 p m on the following tlsy the pipe brass and bugle bur ids will accompany the battalion which will take part in the parade on july 1 and ntherwlsi assist in the celebmtlon thu ohk boys he union is uult tnrtunultt in being able in arrange with the umoeff for a visit from fho hlghlundqrr champion mclam tor mclama home uhd miascs annlci and elinor htewari motoied lo toronto and spent tho week end mr and mrs allan smith of lake avenue spent the holiday with friends in toronto lr n johnstone nnd miss doris london tipcut tho holiday with friends hare misses jessie und marie mowat of toronto university uro holiday ing- ut their home here mr and mrs char i nto visited ut u ver the week end mr und mrs j campbell clark of chute worth njknl tho holiday at the luirental home here und mrs c h moure and mr john b moore of dundas visited mrs jumes moure mr unit mm peter smith returned lust week from a two weeks motor trip to bmcebridge messrs george bell and peroy hay of gait spent the hollduy at the home mr ii s wilson r bill mccoll of toronto spent hollduy at the home of mrs john brown churchbtroct mr ailchrisl islington vtsiied mr and mrs georgo mann brook avenue day or so last wsk mr and mrs james forbes arid miss gladys of london visited alton friends over the holiday city engineer m s nloklln mrs nick un and mary of guelph apent tho 34th ut the parental home mr and mrs f a afcleun billy of chesloy were at mr johnstone s over the holiday mayor forster editor uf the oakvlha star wus a welcome callor at tits kkkm pases unlce on monday mr n l jackson of calgari und mcdermld of georgetown visited aotun friends on friday mrs a t brown and ml minnie ltomiett v utile i tnspeotot und mrs htewurl milton oo aunduy mr harold l wuiisurough of the iomlnon bunk staff toronto spent the 34th ut his home on luke avoltue messrs elmer johnston hugh ken ray and peter bluett of hamilton spont the week end with aoton rrtumis superintendent utid mrs nu ol of guelph wre here on friday visiting their s n councillor nlcol und rumlly mr ii h wuusbtough and his daughter mis fiuttk day nf book- whjl spent thu wetik etui with toronto l-ii- l mr uitl mrs win hunt and chll dien uiil mis j htewart uf ueufuith wui visitors ut mi jus plants over ths holiday mr uim mr hite lhvltxd miss gor tie dobbin und mr mlllr pt kitchener were visitors at mrs andrew bobbie a ovi l th week mid mr und mri nurmun dun i is of gult ulxl mr und mrs rob tt mo ihhi of woodstot k wiro visitors ut the home uf mr alfred sopor tlurlng the holiday mr und mr o 11 luntx und utuurl allompanled by mr und mrs w j vunnormau und donald guelpp motored to lluffulo and spent tho hull ttoy with friends there miss catherine kelly daughter nf mr und mrs martin kelly who under wuill ull imuruttnil for uuputtifi in st joai ph s hospltul luelph lust week is now tuiuvttiiuu tilculy remember ban nock burn lu tht date juiio 36 social mn prize says read nt i o d e concert mass sinning and prsaentawon of prize a were features of the proorammo the uunuui mplro day uiiiurt if the i o d 1 wus hold in tho town hall lust friduj evening iho hull wax puckeu to jipuclty un 1 tho til lores t man i feu led in tliln urfulr by parents and oltlxonu uonurully must huvo boon unoouruglng to both toucher und pupils tho following is the list of prise winners in the osnuym und the wubjucts pon which they wrote senior first horuttco nlghtln gule by klla wooum spot lu tnen- tlun luther x second ilimim itutli kuthloon htowuri und isubol llruci oijiyu junior tbltil rihamapli luof murjory union sonlor rhlni him tuklug of quebec 1 hylllx howard uiioolal hiunitoii meryl grliidolt fourth room ploiiooi duyu in on tario run it c k muo bt wurt husul taixwdl hptiluj tnoiitlun ar thur hendxuoii ivy i ittl y ath of thuno it leu ushuyhitu weri presentwl with hooku in b hulf f tho d i by xlrx win coop t lint vice iroldont of tho i o d 1 tho judgus of tin t muyu w tt thu uergy of acton tho pupllu of tht uchool luivi boon having htvulul utt utlini glvt n t clu run inglng ulnco mis muoio wtu up olnt- il muskul dhoutm list clirlittntuh i tho rosultu w lo uhowuj in tho ooutost botvvuvti tlio vurlouu ruuiuu in ulnglngltuuibaiti 1 utlt vooni uuiig ii group song and u oharuu hut font junlot eooiuu uuttg ulilm it nonuii und thu throo swuuir rooms uuiib two l ut songs the fourth iponi wuti uu mun- fill in winning th- hlgtnst nuinbt i of points in thulr sliming und wuu pro snitu by mrs cmtpei with tlio pilxo u iaruu sliui ctmuit it tlmt whh li wus donated by mrn anus mtthoii the judges for tllt ovont wuru messrs a mutton 1 p h lit uptl j lewis mr hour tilled n of th 1 moatt liducutloii dutlos nf chu voiy ohuh lllluu tupihb mun ft tho fill tho ovulti lutol their g the sho ih hiii pupils ving ut ull th oh ui tt h u it onurutu utliuni uptiu loit mu llurrls huilinglon editor of tho uuxetiu has hud an uttutk of uppendiutlu hm his fi lends will b glad to joiirii tltut it bus passed off without un operation tmliig natjeasuty mr uittl mis churlus aklits tif tor onto mr junies llvlussttne of mount ftirent mr untl mrs melvlu hoimjt of i rejttiiu were giusts at thn it in in- of mr anil mrs georgo bopai nyur holiday mrs il crulnn mi und mrs it kollts mill must i dun ut 1 in ditto mtb j mutnu t ivhuluul liiki it ml miss oiu hutrls of wullut 1 tug woro guemts wltli r und mis w j gmil 1 bver tho hullduy dr i 1 ot hop is alt n hhu tho ontario dontul coiivuiillou ut tho king edwurd hot i un 1 will tuku up tho work of dr lluiol i lv uux on li olsla sti ull i pyoiilt u di glut mrs qollop uio ulsn uttindlii tho homo collide ut tho hoyul t l of lntut hint mis miss amuo m tulvntky if oalt vllle was pros ntod o tho khik un t quesn ut u tliuwhig r otji 111 ull k ingham i slut o on u li v ulng at u tourt ruiill1 n imrkiiik tb t p lug nf tlio ii dui hsosou in ijiglunn miss cawoily was pi h nt i b mm jerkins vlft of imudus ut c t in ullsnlimo miss gulhrultli utttiilotl till moltltttj w dhng of xi i itulmih jt hu i lliii- strt ut ih htiiu in lluiun stimt lonntto on m m luv a v ry i usiiit l uumwus mi tut urstt of ui 11 wus proeentoil ly th iblllioii tuti i hll dr n anil g it siunlt hll li t mi hflmslroot wait inn u in anton un 1 hik uarenu lived bei for uwiiy years tzhlxa asfeafililiwjawlkl kaa iali u j j i jjjt vklt

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