Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1924, p. 2

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wiaae 1 t- asstf 1- hr acton 3fag thir 20 ibs mv task lo iy rry il u wandering thlld l lliul mm thought unit nlng tall l i it ov iitn vml ill l owmlli 1 iili in my tunic id follow i ru tli uh lillinl men long for i lit hi li jo my ixhi fiim duwn of dy till nltlt in u my heart lit for 1 imly night vint iiinmii when hi culls thu l my tusk iml when mi huvlour by und ly ti liuvl vluii kulth luuli mudc hor lank on urih mmplete vml luy- my himiugn ut my munturu feel t ivlthln the j wulht thin iixi k culne fathers stern discipline am noon un mr greeley rot into thii hoimo uml hung up iiu hut iuv the clilcagu nwu ho asked utter dick hlii young n whit had wood ailing for a ilny or two mm greeley venture ilio opinion thut hwu it little bettor hln tli rout in till swollen und ha has hum fover nho bald but the worst uf it in ho wont take his medicine i wish you would go up right away uml nee if you can make him ive done everything i could llu linpouou un you wild mr uroe- hj leading tho wuy upelulrn he known ho curt bluff you hut 1 wont nin nil uny f hln foollnhneus con i he too iiovern with html pleaded tho mother llemernber he u little nick boy ill i umombor nuld mr qreelc hollo ilck hn cried in a loud chourful voice un he entered tho bod- all bay wu sluing arbles into a hollow room where uii in bud rolling r uf tho cov riot hollo daddy returned dick equally cheerful tones thon h con tinued in n suddenly durmnl wall cutit i take this old rag off my throat t mil m ma buy lvo rot to keep it un uiwl its all hot and stlckery dont need it oh yen you do nald mr ureeley now my dour where is that roedl- chiir dick hot ua u howl stopt commandsd mr oreeley wont do you any good to nuke such u no inn u that now take thin i dont want to wall youve got to whether you want tu or hot iupa breathed mrs greeley in remonstrance my dear just leave thuj to ma iliuo- dick youve hot to take this medicine no you may as well swallow it ut once i dont want to olckn father suddenly stiffened do you want me to hold you and pour it down your he said sternly toko it nicely now dick i begged mm uroelcy dick shook his head with a tightly cloned mouth his father suddenly pinioned hlu arm and attempted tu force the mpoon between hi hpa thorewuji a ntrugglo and a oputter und tho medicine spilled down dlcka nlstitsown und over the bedclothes mr cjroeloy hook him amortly unl hfletlbgnln thw mnlhr remon htmtod uitnln my dear nald the father if youll luuve me alono with him til noon nettle thin matter o george you mustnt- who nald arjythjns about spankina lilmt mr oreeley lnterruptod now dick this is for your own good be a bood boy and take 1u it isnt bad nluit sea til take some i dont want to i hate medicine then i suppose i shall have tc upttqk you dick again lifted his voice in an guish but showed no sbjn of yielding if he wasnt sick i would spwhk him soundly said mr oreeley in an undertone youve juat about spoiled hlmi you see dicks mother sighed mr oreeley felt in his pocket and produced u halfdollar dick mi ul you take your medicine right down und ill give you this dick manifested interest ca mpend it just as i please t yea dick uul up u little higher in the bod und swallowed the potion down tulu easily there that wasnt very bad wut it i id hlu father handing over ihi promised coin no sir admitted dick just u little firmness my dear mr oreeley remarked complacently to hlu wlfo while dick was lapping the hitxliolno spoon pi uk fifty centsl said mrs greeley 111 u slightly injured tone birds tonques home trwth information about tin tuuguum vf birds recently been gathered by u naturalist many people mlppoae that woodpecker use their m harp pointed tbngue as darts with which to transfix their prey u in liufi that the woodpecker like tho liunnulngblrdcun dart out its tongue willi ustonlshlng rapidity and that its mouth is furnished with an elaborate meohuulam for this purpose yet inves tigation shows that the object of this ttwlft motion is 6nly to catch the prey nut to pierce it- k the purpose of holding tjjo capturevl victim the woqux pvekurs tongue 1h furnlahea with a stjik uecretlon considering its powers of imitating mpuecli it in not surprising to learn lhit tho iur rots tongue resembles that of mun mora closely ttian any other birds tongue dues u is not because the parrot is more intelligent than any other birds but iwcuuse its tongue is better suited for utttuulutlon than theirs that it is able lo umli us with its mimicry thu humming bird tongue is lil hiiiih rtmipuots the moat remarkable of ull it is double hearly from end tu mul no that the little bird is able togrusp tin insect prey with its tongue yory much as if lis mouth wer fur nished with a pair of nngars- e8prit de corps alt thu tiny clippies in the neighbor hood of thu setllomonthouse together with u tuw able bodied children lud bon 1 1 ftwntad un uake and lemonade who n one of thedofermed mites was itmdy to go jinme he rolssed his coat whkh nourch failed to and the young won ui ii who had been ministering to thu wuutn of the comjuiny had seen uno of thu tibln bodied girls go out with stunolhliig under her shawl too bulky tu be secreted cake i hun my dour to jenny alio sawl to one of thu luds in picking up her shawl purhuiis she got hold 6f some thing inn by rain take tht buy moved ur on his stumpy crutch und when lie returned he held tho cout up in triumph the acci dent hail itappenedjiiixny hud jilcked it up with her shawl thu 4irtpplud children crowded close i rounj tho young woman in grant per turbation their self respect had been wounded and they looked djs- dn in fully ut the few sound children uinoug iheni finally un of the ud solrtf 4 ulas martin it aint on of u that did it jnny aint a oritfpls aha tjiib u uunoay sflbpol lr ttt 5 hnrtftbirg aunt polly in town iiiancim oihthijim kuuuink uk wiih htlklpolt kill i illt fllu i wrluklml ilk- un old rtimhot upph- whlln thn wllllv hull tuiil blown urlrntjly in thin wlnpn wirih tho tuuiioil oihium thut bouixiko life much in th opm llur bonnot with un iciiy lxiicuut of nuimuxf rimik und hhllotroio bfnoki untl- iult itml hci vulvxt jin kit 111 lltlfd her utikulur flguru it wiih u urioun plcturi thut the little old ludy ir- luntnd ait nhf nltppml ht in thlonulj throukh cukhlng und wlln omublluli nipiit ook ut whut hun hlotiikd out uf tho oll family ulbum tltttrml thouuhlnu- hulreil iloik of the vo1iuii1kiivi ilo- imrtmoiit muybo h tho lutml niyle up on hosomount iloightn whlxporod u clerk of tho nllk ilepurtmonl und ii giggle responded to thin surcanm the full gut herd liluck nllk hklrt druggvd unownly an tho cuntomr en tered tho ii in i o with itn dlnpluy of modorn cteutlunn tho llttlo old ludy vnn u jnrrlng note in tb benutlrully uppolnlod oxtiennlvely htockod nho and hud tut rue tod tho attention of ilu ontlrti nratftoor ntaff hlvsn her hour i bin hun omo straight from tho country and she munt bo confusod by ull thu uuua und the glumour uf tho city mutteroi kuku- belh aldrich looking out over tho voll counter u glutico of symputhittollow- ing tho strango cuslomor onfunvdly trying to decurtf whlflt dopartinont nhn should uppeut to with hor mhopitng list elixubulh aldrlch did not join in the supprossod titter thut run down tho aide of the counter un tho utile old lady hesitatingly upproachod tho counter displaying gorgeoum orlantul silks with an lllhuppressed nmllo the haughty mule clerk annwered the query of the customer in the negative bin hand waving in tho direction of other filmy creations thut wore u de cided contrast lo tho attire of tho customer u is not fulr thut the dear old uoul should be made a target for fun declared elhtabelh aldrlch her eyen biasing with resentmont 1 know every one of those wrinkles means toll in the interest of helpless humanity there is rore character written in the lines of her race and ill guarantee she knows the meaning of sacrifice und loving- till it hurts hho might ho granny mallory from up country granny would make just such a sensa tion if she slipped into the city with her oldturn clothes and wrinkles the customer was going confunodly from one counter to the other her cheeks pink with bewjldermant yot falling to catch the smiles that puck ered the eyes of the clorks who gave her request and query scant courtesy it wus not a busy hour und few clerks were occupied tho veil counter wum qulto deserted elizabeth ajdrich slip ped down tho aisle und across the floor to the side of the little old lady m she sal rh i just know you are having a bother some time trying to do your shopping in u strange store wont you lot me help you find what you want i have clerked here so long that i know every department on this door thank you dearie i um just bit muddled returned the quuvoring voice you seo it is the first time ever came down to the station and came on business the luwyei who li fixing up the deal und who wroto mi to come brought me ovor hero in his motor car and left me tu do my bit shopping i was wanting to got some cotton near like thin pattern as i could for piecing patchwork quilts were making up a lot of these quilts for the mission boxes at our society this win ter and i gave my promise to the sis ters id bring back enough stuff to keep em going churl lo joe irlce as runs the gomral store has run low on this kind of stock it being sort of out of season uut i allow cushlng und wells would be carrying full stock elisabeth aldrlch lookod down qulx- xlcally at the redundbrown plaid calico and she cuught hor broatti she recalled the quilts her grundmother und friends ploced every winter country and she recognised in thu bit of cotton the rolls generally found un the counters of country general stores ive gut quite a list of things to buy today besides the eturf for the quilts remarked the customer utralghtenlng uut the strip of brown wrapping paper with its scribbling most of the ighbom were wanting things lhy couldnt get exuept in tho city and with a wedding coming baby to fit out seems like there were errands enough tor u wookn whopping stead of just one day prattled tho old ludy im afraid you have come to llli wrong pluce lo find junt whut yuk nl in quilt mulerlul begun kllnv both her eyas smiling you see cush- mun und w til in only carry oxpetinlvi fubricn but you would rind cot torn like this down ut the department ston i couple of blocks went hut then lunt suppose you know your way iroutid the city if this in your day let me look over your list see whether we are stocked with uny v ulfiqjtng you wlsb lnvltedth clerk taking the brown slip of paper from the withered ungloved hand with u sigh of rallef the old ludy relinquished her hud un the lint sho caught none of tho glance of umune tnent that flitted trum clerk to clerk a little amlle crinkled the brown eyes or elisabeth glancing hurriedly the lint ilur hart warmed tc little woman rrom up country in hr dear genuroun willingness tu mhup for neighborhood what u beautiful utnbltlous shop ping list exclaimed elisabeth softly i ullow muybo i cant got ull thu errund done toduy but id t tho carriage robs fur millie murks baby ho the first gtundahlld in lief family you know and id not want to go buck without the bridal veil and kin van and stocking fur bully muclntyrn shes tu be murrltid next week you see and lqlhe meetlni bouse with orange blossoms und ul her fathers welltodo und nut ufruld to spend a good bit on huity you can buy the veil und the ntock- ings and the glove hi thin very store and i nhall have the run of selling the bridal veil to you uxclulmed eli sabeth tilutnphantly imoune what urn i to cull yout i wunt to introduce u to the glove und hone lerks just cull inn what ull the country folks rail mo aunt folly gobbled ick with u chuckle of delight tho little old lady gased upon the bridal veils that elisabeth laid out before her und judiciously aelected one rich in its simplicity opening her purse eagerly allow bally will be us pretty in that veil us any other dont yout kllsabeth nodded her approval and what the veil had been carefully boxed led th customer to tho glove and hose counters she was thinking anougly of that shopping list that could not be lupplled by gushing and wells and the unimrtflnt aaalgnrnent buying calico for ut nmtoa lutlta i ustsn aunt polly 1 have a whola iilxabul now hlllhtoh wc jum spend thut hum togmhoi you no up thu id wall foi tho de thun i wlllokrort yi purtmont mine lnui you i un nhop foi u illtl tlion j ml will ruino hui u und liuu jlnirli with im- in th cufe- torlu up mi th thhd hour whoio plenty- of uhtnniiih iiiik h nlo ill with the employees well of ull thu roollhliupsm and nqiiuiiderlnif of uttoittlon i intuit hity exrluimeil tho uubui uhulr lc u hh kllzubnth roturitod to hor phicn you certainly did iny youi holf out to muun u futut ovai un frumpy u i untoimr un over oimn in cunlilng uml woiih you huve lost two uimmi nalru wlilln you wire cncoitlnk thi uld ludy u round tho ntnni hut i just inuliliit mtuiut by und hon tho drur old mul go lloundoi ing liopilonnly und with bnwlldei mept ubout hor hhoptung piotcntod ensu- leih uhc only nnmlrd llttlo um- nlntnnce unit aftor nil hor purchanun for the country in ido were worth con sideration i imvo hud mro than oitu fnshlonubly uttlnxl portion from llonu- mount hulghtn wulk into tm store und fritter uwuy u heap of time without making one half th puichano of aunt polly cobblodlck thin morning ito- nldon cunhlng and welln udvottlnc by their slokiin court ny und anniuanr to hho p pern ronpondod the clnrk with flun lied rheeku vromptly ufter punclilng tho time clock elisabeth aldrlch hurried to thn eihi room and tucking aunt iolly obblodlck under hor protuotlng wing ted the wuy down the city nttoot through itn muse of confining and bustling trumc td jho departmunt store it wan u busy half hour pur- chuslng calico for tho ipilltn of tho missionary society und checking on sundry errand of the formidable list then back to cushlng und wotln wont tho shoppers und km iu belli eoltled thi customer from up country ut one of tho pretty tables whlln nho flllml truyn ut hie cfotedu counter of muny doli- cacles over tho uppctlxing lunch they chatted or tho up country inil eh tube th told aunt iolly ull ubout tho grandmother who livod upheyond tho spruce ridge elizabeth glunclng up from her salad watched a krtly flguru entor the cafeteria und mako bin way to lherr neighborhood with uwbu- filled tray she recognlxod hubert cushlng the president of thu llrm und nho caught hor breuth iih ho pltred his truy on the table noxtto tho one thut thu oldfashioned ludy shared with her it wan seldom that the prmident cum to the cafeteria tu lunch und eliza beth felt her choeks crlmuonlng nn he glu rcd curlounly ut tho picture her own table prnentvd thu oldtlmoy costume of tho customer wun truly in variance with the chic fuultlusn style of tho pretty clerk thon suddenly thn president gave a uhurp cryund lqruni toward ellxabuths tublo amwipouy cobbledltk nil tin nought to the voll counter was almost verwhnlmlng hut nho wus glimpsing menial picture of u little old ludy n hopelonnly nlilioihtoiiod junket und m line l iqinedlnc towurd jicl homo up ounti y knd into hor hvul wprti ountlunn put kugoh und the heart of liinl iolly rotihlodlik wun ovorflow- iim with httpplrioim fur she hud un- oinpllnlied the m union oiitiuntcd 10 icr liy the nolklitmrhnod drown rot of stone fruits liiown rt in found unnuutly iff tho pen li plum und cherry orchurds of ontario iiowovr in monl yourn tlm iittimku of thlh fungus uro not no vent mid it in only when weuthei conditions urn oxiiomoly fuvoruhle to itu dovol- optnont that hoiujuh upldomtcn of brown lot 01 cur and great dnunclal lonu to ihu grower renultn tfn dontruotivo utuick of thin funguu huu usnumud two forms one un infer tion of tho hlosmome cuuslng lilonnom blight and the other u rotting of tho fruit ii h it upprouchum muturlty ilormiim blight ospeclully on cherrion in often novel n if damp muggy weith- vr proviilln ut thut time again if the name weuther conditions provull at thw llmo of ripening of tho fruit lirowi tot nuts in und grout lonn to tho crop will tcnull unions careful welltimed hullublq nprnys ot dun in uro thoroughly applied lilonnom blight in genorally inltlutnd un u browning of tho culyx lobe hut later may spread to involve tho whols flower und the stem which bourn it huch blonnums arc killed anil uro therefore worth lean from the standpoint of frujt production and they ulno nervo to spread the dlnvase throughout tlm orchard since countless number uf spuro are produced thereon three n pored uro carried by the wind to the fruit where they ger minute under fa vo ruble conditions und chuho infection hystemutlo pruning that tends to produce un open head in of- prime im portance in controlling brown rot au hud air druiuugo fuvots thin disease thorough applications of lime nulphui of ilordeuux mixture junt before thu lilonnomn open whnn ihey show white junt ufter the petau huvo fullon and when tho shucks are shed should give good control about 3 to weeks before hurvest if dump muggy weather provulls un additional spray will bo necosnury muny grower apply dust innteud of spruy for the later applications in such cases u dunt may be applied ut uny tlmo up until harvesting if weather conditions wannni lu in the niagara peninsula touches generally urn not upruyed for brown fot as they received only the dormant application for scula und peach loaf curl if however luter uppllcutlonn aro upptlod self- bo i led lime sulphur wot- tublo sulphur or sulphur dust should be used tho first brown rot nppllca tlon on pluma in generally delayed until tho shucks uro ont the fruit the brown rot fungus jives through the winter on the mummied fruit that hang to the treu or fulls to the ground mummied fruit that fulls to the ground i trnrr is novtoo deeply burled wllf give rise in the spring to microscopic stalk d cupahapod fruiting bodies- which produce the npuren that initiate blou- nom infection however if tho mum mlad fruit is plowed deeply under they uro unable to produco spores this is the reason thut plowing und cultiva tion of the orchard in tho nprlng until ufter blonnomlng time is recommended huch pructices tend to bury the mum mied fruit and prevent the productloi of sporqn garvoll n- llerkloy path ologut ittygihfe coincidences to run ucrouu the liken of you in my own eating plucn exclaimed mr cushlng his big hundn taking tho withorer1nindn of tho old lady into his own und squeezing tliem up tight in u welcoming gamp llov do you happen to bo in my store with out my knowledge wlwie did you come from and why havent you looked me jup demanded tho big mun ho stooped and klnned the wrinkled cheek bob hobby cuahmun it is you oovf bless you luddlut broke out aunt iolly tremuloumly uut i allow ed you were off in some foreign try thut picture post curd you sent me last week coma from italy so i junt didnt bother hunting you up and ive come to the- city to look after the cobblodlck property amos being cure now and not able to attend business any more und im goingbuck up country tonight noon us i gut dune with my shopping my but im plumb glud to sow you not oxieftlitg it fitr- 1 just got back trum euroim and asia thu first of ipo week udmlttod mr cushlng to think i might huv missed you it i hadnt happened lo corns up to tho cufeterlu fur lunch tuduy and ull these years ive bee coaxing yod to corno dnwntq inn city tu see roe und my uturu and you pretty noar guve me the slip hut im no going to let you go buck tonight ivi at hint gut you hore und im going to make up for lout tlmo in trying l pay you buck fot thu tlm you mother ed us boys uftnr our own mother diet it gueun there lnut u homo in thu com munity but you huva mothered und nursed und liulpod out und mudi wrinkles for your sweet fucu cuiryluu other folks worruw uud troumi the president softly uut uobby lvo gut to get back up country to night anion be cure thorn ilayn und the burn blocked with cown that will have to bo milked tonight protontud aunt polly cob bledlck ive lino a rare good tint- shopping thin dear child so obliging und sweet und couiteous id nitvur huvo mutiugid the errands i pro ml nod to do for other folks if mlns aldrlch hadnt taken die under her wing und given lus a helping hund und customers race wun wiuuthud smiles uut you are going tu bo my guunt the rent uf fhe duy aunt iolly i utn going to see thut mlns aldrlch gets u leuve from duty to go along with us in my motor to do t city tlooluied tho pirttldont thu cluck wun nlrlklug three h uflernoon when ellxubuth aldrlch ntlp- lud into hur place behind the voll codnler hvf uyon wole bright willi excitement from tho drive she huil nhuttkl with aunt polly cobhldicu hi the big hmousiliu of hobui l cunhmujl it wun at tho closing hour of tlin ntore thut thu president mudn hln wuy to thu voll counter uud acconloj ellsu lieth miss aldrlch i dunt know how tu toll you how deeply i uppreclate your kindness und help to aunt iolly cob bledlck toduy ho exclaimed a huski- nenn in hln voice enieclally 1 up- preclutn your courtesy and help in thu dear soul shopping von t uro 1 would have been u greut dluuppulnl ment to hor if nhu hud gone back up country wloiout fulfilling the wlnb und wants of the neighborhood uut that wus really nothing h protested ellxabeth cunhmn wells havu u slogan cinjrjsrtfnd as slsrunue to uhuppjsrfltri wag merely putting the nldtfun into nffeot i have nuted thut und fur some time ws imvo bn on the alert for someone wlm pouupuned unough in terest in the nlogun and the business tu take charge of a new department we hope soon tu inuugurntei we shall form a detainment utat will uitur solely tu helping custom shop through our store und it strikes mo that i have found one clerk capable anil interim ted ttniiiigtl to head this fepartinvill in an slat i rig parilnuurly ittutbufxtown nhqnpmn to tost the cour tesy and usslniunutt uf cushtnuu and walla ullkabath caught her breath und ft smile ot tenderness played in her ayall th nw that the president had mfrfi v droppfn a hint tho tar porter noticing that tho punsengvru head did not look entirely easy thoughtfully broqght him u pil low nay the chicago news und ten dered it with a nmllo the passenger waved it uwuy impatiently le mo fix it fob you null urged the porter yo dont look exactly comfortable nohow an youve no idea how that pillow will cuhntflbute to yo euse it reo yo hald nur surprlsln an it dont cud yo a cent no suh ah jen luk tor soa muh imtnsengers comfort able tho panne nger eyed tho pillow with an uncertuln look but did not mow his head its free nuh smiled tho porter ah ulnt uyin lo wuhk yo theys nomu folks thinks that evehy time u potuh shown some little attention hos look in fuh u quutah an lhays some poluhn on the cyahn that is luk that too hut ah donf expeo er gantmun ter put khrhirrr in hut pocket evehy tuhm ah does somathln tar him no null jen let mo fix thin yur pillow undorneef yo bald now yull fee bet tub for it ills tone uf goudhutured uppeal wan irresistible thn passenger lifted hln head and thu pillow wus deftly whlsk- mi into ptaco thnri thoporter stood hack uud survey the renutt uppruv- ingly no nuh ho mild apparently con tinuing a trulu uf thought ah dont bxpuc u geutmuu ter put hln iiuim in hln pocket ouch tuhm ah does some tririin little thing fob him borne people is- luk ttiat but i ulnt ah reckon it puys bet tub in the long fun hn udded with un ingenuous giggle ahvu boon powful lucky the punsenger wearily closed hln eyunund the porter took u fresh start one uontmnh in this vey cyuli tho lun tiip wun nun o ullin uti mlsblw un o conu ah did whut ah could fob him one tuhm when ahd give him u pillow he orfvrud me huf er dulluh i nuyn no suh ah don wunt yo to feel yonef obligated tor put yo bun down in yo itookot evehy tuhm ah does somo little thing lak that he put thut huf dolluh buck in hln pucket but when he gut off ut albuquerque he jen nachaliy give me u nvedolluh bill the passenger nigh oil unit turned wearily toward the window another tnhm buguu the porter the passenger grilutod and putting his hund into bin pocket pulled uut u qua iter und handed it to the attendant th- potior took it with an ut of nur- pluo why ah thunk yo suh hu iild all hllpe yo dont feel obligated oh dry uli unclaimed thu tmnnuh- ger got out yunsuh nutlilly null said tho post er uud went uftur unothet pilluw o lelleve the auryerlngs of another pun- the cheaper cuts of beef the pot roust which in frequently uuuii by thu thrifty housewife hi tho effort to keep down her butcher bill unit stilt pruvldu good meals may be made rrom muny- uf the cheaper cuts suah an ttie chuck of the beef curcunn aftec being willed with a damp cloth it is planed hi a cove led twka pun tir casserole with two cups or mure of not water it should be cpvered tight y und huked in u moderate oven or on tup of the stove keeping the heut juut bulow th boiling point 1umphlut no 13 of the department of agriculture at ottawa obtainable from the publluu- tlons llrsnoh shows how the meat bill may bo itducd by utilising the cheap er outs of beef onehalf hour umi cor each pound of meat in the roast hi recommended about sti hour and u uarter before serving pared potatoes and sliced carrots uud onions muy hi addeil when ready to nerve the roam nhould be removed tu u hot plutlet und tho gravy thickened nnd seasoned if uto meat is very fnt it is sdvlsnbhv to unuve tho fat from the top of the gisvy hufuiu ihluknnlng the pam phlet contains muny other recipes for utilising the cheaper outs of beef issued by the director of publicity dominion department ot agriculture i ottawa as plucky as a boy the uyte und iuoaiih tiy which u clever miilne gh nirued mmiey foi jr ntudlvn in ml mo luleientlng one niimmii hiic worked with a comrade ii un linpiovlned in in ii ii tin y where ih two mudi- jllle nwi ot pickles all prenii yen fn ue tlioy made cljom nut of hull and herrien which they picked ihetnnelveu after thoy got ntuh then employed tho neghlhrhool boys und kill l pick for them the art stuilflnt ulmio win kt d up enough undo tocoep hor ut the art school in now york through the wluior the next nummei when she went home she nut up in do vegetable bunhinnn und hold the pinoeodn of iter garden patch lo hotel nm imijrdlng- housokevptrm in tho vl inlty uttr truck arm payed well but k involve much hard work ind not vers congon- lu golpg tho nxi yuui the indnrutlgable girl thought of another pluii fm raising funds hhe- hud necumd a lri ucholumhlp u the urbbnt hour but there ware still muny expanses to in- n everybody who in familiar with thn islumln ulong the mulnn cous knows bow nocennury tho prlvute ferry is t tho convonlonro of the tourists an cottagers muny nf tho nmull inlnndi ontaln nummei homes or are on cup i iid by camping parties and vlnlt ing in constant a mun in tho art students neighborhood owned nuch u ferry which he had tired of lending tho girl pom un ited him to nuhlet u tu her hho run the out nuccennfully ull that vacation time and mude u mo plrturenquo un well un cupuhto ferry woman in her short skirt shlrtwalat und sailor hilt once it got nut that hor venture wun for the nuke of art und not for notoriety many ieople quartered in the various summor i onion made it a point to putronlxo her ferry whenever possible on their out ing excursions homo formed the habit of coming to the ferry merely to take a ride tho toll uho look that summer exceeded by a rounldnruble sum th revenue from either jelly factory o truck farm thu glrl hug now ultulned u dounlti place in her new york career her work la decorative design uut she declare thut if hor eyen or hundn or ideas glvu out she intend o start unother iiannontter ferry up urmfng th maine inlunds come out and seef some tlmo ugo u woman who has bellied muny people tu ueo the wonders of thu world nlxut them told a friend how her own eyes were opened one summer nho hupiened spending u fownlny at the sumo hotel with u cortuln nuturullst hln e thusiunma did not interest her ut all the progrokn of tho embroidery which sho hud brovght with her for pickup work wusn fur greater concern to her thun riiwid ml rue lea of june but ono mornlnv soolng him eagerly searching the ground under her win dow nho louned out and nnkod curious ly what do you llnd no uhnorblng dow there t come out und noul ho culled in reply why ho did it she could not toll perhupn ufter ull thu cult of the duy was too groat to be resisted bhe threw aside hcrembroldory and went out thut embroidery wus never fln- inhed for tho world of delight she discovered that day changed her whole life bhe bought books and microscope and begun to inventlguta ror hersalf then with herthlldro then with other people after a while sjie began to write und the writing brought hot new friends und the introduction to ncloiitltlc clubn utid nocletles a score of frrsh lntervutn filled her days in terests which she met easily with the renewed health won from the long outofdoor hours hhe lled short u new life lu tho midst of tlm now heuvon und earth to which hor eyes had been ojmnud there uro women thousands of them who need to release tired vyo from their imtty exacting uredli tusk to straighten tired bucks und to let the fresh air in upon their lv tho highest city wujis cannot wholly bur out nature flhv vlalts city roofs and streetaand yards an freely us the country hedgerows all thut she asks is an opportunity to reveal her treus uren of health uud joy her constant cry is come out and neo wonder why hom qulto uii uuto tie lid isnt litfy never noon without hln cut uut i saw him yentorduy without it that no7 whoiu wuh he he wun sitting on thn cowcatcher of u locomotive with u steering wheel round hln neck filling the contract look hole exclaimed tho stranger un hn stumbled into hu twentieth puddle i thought you suhl you knew whole all tile butt plucus welti oil tills rouitr well replied thu hutlve who hud volunteered to guide him through the durk were rinding them aint wett to add hew accounts dont overlook tho vil lage stores off tho lino of railways a salesman wo know be gan by culling on soma of them in a car to make tho necessary airaiiffe- ments ho hasnt seen his new customers since at an uppointed day and hour ho regularly calls up each by tonjr dis tance from a list he prepared and gota their orders if he is away someone else carries out tho sche dule for him his customers like to deal with houtlquartbrs he atutov over 100 ntrw ac count in u fw months maya tho buniiumujbulkx laivo at the end of the year too- tempting mud aiuhellu puxtou hud 1 otlg ii tu id good by to liei youth hi ll unix had uncused her nf doing it with nlgnatlon vyimt wore you thinking t 1 hi ff in that rounrtr imknit mrs jnniihign at county fulr hho had hint icelved dlsxy and dlnjievolod telullve at end of u trip on the flying horses you neednt look o neverly me- nuld mr jennings lepioachfu when cousin arabella had imjou posited on u settee and left to recti her eiuulbrlum hhe tmanl u wor ay tho machine wil enough t n anytiody out of ten yoam giowlh i after that sho wns ponnenned t thh it it pays to use martin senour red school house paint for barns and outbuildings it has no equal wrrte to hood office mortrettl far fn booklet home raintinc made easy sou by w d c talbot what do other eyes see ask and answer this question honestly hout mirror can tell you what other eyes tec ihyou will cod- suit it honestly and honestly ac cept it judgment but you need not fear hi vcr- dicl because unlovely skin need not remain unlovely the allur ing youthful complejtipn nature gave you may be your-4fla- millions of women now follow this simple cule to keep iho radi ance and beauty of schoolgirl complexion you can too just this deansc the skin regularly au- thorirfcx say to keep your coi iilcxion lovely radiant youthful lilt beware of harsh clean sin u method tiny injure skin wash thoroughly with ialmolivc soap each iltfiht he- fore retiring kub the creamy foamy ijthcf well into the tiuy pores unite and repeat the waihiinf then rnc again then if skin ic dry apply a little coltl cream that n all skin a red for t not injured by cosmetic by wind and sun or by din ttier simple and correct ctuiy you cannot find a more effec tive beauty treatment be cause ialmolivc soap is blended of rare palm and olive oils famous f or mild hut thorough cleansing qualities since the days of cleopatra and it is inexpensive he sure you get palmolive which is never sold unwrapped all dealers have it after even a short period of this treatment you will ee a marked improve ment in your skin many now use palmoltve for the hath letting it do for the whole body what it docs for tho face v fwnu anv rnsvty 10c the palmolive comiany of canda limited winmpri timunli montreal ens mlu- wtkimg utf nmsmr rr tur la foimuvm sa mclaughlin buick master six 24j45 sit behind the wheel of this master six at first glance you will certainly appreciate the smart lines the attractive finish and beautiful appointments of this mclaughlin- buick you cant really know this fine car however until you have sat behind the wheel when you have felt the superabundant power tested the speed and unusual riding comfort enjoyed the ease of control on all roads in all weathers that is afforded by the tested four wheel brakes not until then will you know all the value offered in this fine car cuio ash us about the gmlq plan of deferred payments fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont every bstt ttupkons u a long pti station its no secret that al niuchinery and al work men turn out al work we have them i that we give our bent efforts to every order of job printing our stock is bought with discrimination and from long experi ence paper type ink all are the best merits our attention your next order the acton free press mill street acton ontario telephone llvy wwpa

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