Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1924, p. 3

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fllhg artnu jfcgg prpbb riluuhuay may 29 102 matilda in the barn ilrop miik klnil of rkacre h iluhty window punas fi i molljld u 1 urn unvllll trutkiru ii tb oiwii l 1 in iwi i in wo telephone through iiui i ik i in tint floor i u a funny rriikhy sound r uru kln1 un klnil can lki them thut wuy best i til the lllllti shutters tha wejir when they are dressed thut irv hunglng near thorn ihny in proud of thorn pr the iloruen mini thoy hniund how hllll how willi k llii it u mm whueo name in lady yi rem of them urn him an 1 they nlj nmkit anerting noises just ilk clement whim he awlmal i ho huy in wurm and prickly tfcd th dust ioi in your nose w an 1 i i tho bourns above you sit tho punton ull in rows riity are drown and white and purple hut you can t gal near to put though i think they ought to lot you they purr just ilka u cat f k i i it li r r 1 4 hut for sliding nnd for hiding and for snuggling in nest the hay the boa teat thine on earth und i tumped nil tho restl they stumped roe to go down tha nhoot f waai t stumped by then i btiat them ull at gliding esseptlng only clem i hut though tho horn the busiest pluco in nuromir for a same you llnd thut in tho winter it isn t u junl tho sumo it ih l that lis lonely und it ian t thut it cool but limitnla down at nowport at iut a school t thitn 1 watch the lilac bushes for iii toll you what i v found hen all the buds grow purple and iho leaven get hlg nnd round they shut up mr somebody a school u quick ua iulck can be and mimmtr coroiu and clement to the hay loft and to met ouy wsunore carryl roused to bo huhus nnd begun lo he children km llttlu all pork if said i their intiient did not flug on hundity uf ti riu oris und uturtny holi lay dm i allium wus un uiifiilllnn resource the fotlur mil in ithi r hud luugho 1 lit thli und thought no hnrm tint it i rliunrod tint i win n lilit yuunc chill wan four ymrs ill ut i his ul lout hurt riurhid thi men of hixoi mr perdu hint oncuiilnn one nihl li i on ail it tho it ilium lln way u umjjin lit uuffi ring parent 111 hi fiitjui of u largo family nhotihl in i ut hn found reunon for unco to h mivum hi broad und the way to our boyhoods school itu starting point tho old back stoop was tiruy with wonther wear hut trjutn of he frohot bloom a roao bush ortomd here and whlto nd ocahot hnllybuplui ahook dewdroph dycr i d kacb raorn upon tho mtrukellntr p tjiut le1 ttwuy to acliool uiuntorrd alnloa of pn dlppd hrot lolauroly hotwo- vlnuyunl bloom with arrow hlmlhtii i orctw how edison succeeded icw truo atorlea of merited cornmer eta i aucceaa luuatrote the value o pluck and persovcrnncu more cirty than that of mr thomiia a edlaoi und tho fncondeacent alectrlo light i woa on october 18 1s70 soya casslera mairaxlno that mxj edlaon decided he had reached condition under which a carbon filament might be made into a jump accordingly cotton thread wua laid in tu hairplnahaped groove in u nickel plate put 1 a nickel mold und covered with charcoal and cooked five houra it wu then thoroughly carbon lied but unhappily it broke to pieces when the inventor attempted to tajto it from the mold hepoalod experiment brought alml- lar failures until late at night od the 18th one was rescued intact but it broke while being laatened to the con ducting wire neither mr sdlaon nor his assistant ofr charles bachelor had had any sleep since beginning work two days before but they deter- mlnod to keep at work and majcd a lamp before they slept on the 19th they made several flla- inenta hut all broke in the clamping process on the 20th one was success fully clamped and hope rap high that the lamp would soon be done but as u wnti being rrx f us shop where it was made to the glass-blow- ins room to be sealed in a globe a braath of wind caught it and blew it away mr bachelor was dismayed and dla gusted both men were exhausted and ulmoat discouraged but they kept af work at last on the morning of the 21t the nftb day since they had slept they had the happiness of seeing a lamp finally completed and lighted tho tno men than went to bed midi slept several hours wnen thry awoke the new lamp still burned mr edison increased the currant and the tamp burned mow brightly pur more bright- ly than jhey had dared anticipate it wojt tho first modern incandescent lamp air eduwn believed it was successful one but it lasted only two ooya and then burned oul at once a host of employees went to work cuxbonixlng every available sub- stanoo in search of u better filament in the midst of the work a passage in ono ot uumboldts books describing a certain kind of bamboo fibre ud denly occurred tu mr edison and sug vested to him that the vegetable strand would be just the thing at once he hunted up the passage and reread it then ho began to search for the proper bum boo x corps of trained tnvesttgatoewab eent out all over the world on this search and scarcely a region of ho known surface of the globe was left unvlalted a hundred thousand dollars were spent in this way before mr william moors found the proper bsra boo in northern japan to insure a iftkhl supply lie bought m tract of land ami put it in charge of two native furmurs then with the bamboo fibre begun now experiments and in the spring of 1881 thejral really successful incitn domcent lamp was made it burned ut sixteen candle power for nearly six- teeu hundred hour ant its success wu thus assured in tho following year t huuded thousand of those lump were made tho shuimt und construction being grsd uully modified ua improvement ug giated themaelve until the present ronimon style or lump wu the result tos year from it first construction four million lamps a year wexo belnjr mudn and eleven years later in 10i amurlcu ulose rviiulred fortyfive njil hun to nil ita needs through hid orttmrd woven gloom anil trailing out whore molllid pink the bergumot grow u nim it struck thu wody unuln of u niuk und rtder f nco bmull woniler thut it loiter tf there whore n rry buntion grew ttf brlor roaux wirn mo pink thn pld or wo rat so blunt tha misty opal of tho duwn bogullo youthful fiwt lay mtored away umldat tho grass und clover bloasomx swoet hut once btyond the fences lino tha path mn atrulght und prim wlium locust interlocked tholr boughs and madu tho morning dim with musky almdo- then suddenly it took a hoadlong turn and scrsmblod down a hollow through a snarl of brake and fern it led an ion lazy atroam and tempt ed us to lag and gather pungent iwppermlnt and root of frngrjuu flag tho mandrake lured with golden tyult the witch elm wove a spell that shattered ut the echo of u loudly pealing boll then straight from idle dallying the pathway firmly sped and up tho heights ut dutya cull un swervingly it led and oa with moist and scarlet cheoks our dally asani we took unwittingly we closod a page of ma tures fairest book harriot whitney durbln the family photoghapim kamlly photographs entered more largely into every day life fifty or sixty years ago than they do to day why this is so i cannot understand in the old days it was the common thing to get now photograph once year at least and thla was always passible sixty years ago in acton wlntt thbrt wnrft thn fwivwlllny nlmln mn an t thny j luunes unit un lb imf ho i ti rks i nl it nkod unriil inly lltth dumb hud hllll ur irrks ii 1 our hol i ro n nut on xt outburht nil got he knew they would fit a allsaismtppi congtksstnan says thn new orleans picayune once atmikl liumlaorue pair of light gray trousrs which were much admlrel by hu tolored neighbors uufortunutorr lhy bikamo spotted llora cliarllu said tlm congi o man to a negro servant who bud ion covet ul them tako these trousers und oloun thui cliurfle ujok them hnnn und uf m t two duys of curuful inuotlvity brought thum buck i hcuso me boss he suld but clnliu to gruuouh aeum llko ah inlu t vgit diit spot uut no wuy did you brush it 7 yosseh hcrub itr yomseh hcour ut yussoh icur ike alt done nv y thllfgbut ah ca fwin l git it nutpiu wuy well did you try ummonlut no suhl no aehl axolslined chuxlfw with u do ugh tod wilcker ah illtln t try k on nia ylraeh but ah knows tttry u fit i definition graph cars which came to town perl odlcally year after year and stayed on the side of the struct usually down by mrs socord a store for a month or so mambere of tho family vied with each other in securing the old daguorreotype each picture being placed in a heat irathor covered hinged case tho location of mr ueard in ac ion father of alfred and estella us permanent photogruphor was u new ru this occurred butween fifty and sixty years ugu he und hia family lived in u cottugo which stood whero harrison s shoe htore und the crwum ery are now it wus here that mary and i had our flrni pictures lakon and wo huvo u copy of this sitting yet the young folks of to day tike to seo thut old photograph but they make so much fuss over our old fashioned clothes thut mary doesn t like to show it hut it s in tho old family album nnd when ihoy see the other old pic turea thry always come an to ours after mr beard moved to george town james o hill opened u gallery over his fathers a tore house and that old galory is there yet when james went over to cleveland his brother charles contlnutd it ho made splendid photos und a lot of them charles continued nnttl about thirty years or so ago and thun ho removed to monroe mich hoi llamshaw who was a student under charlie hill suc ceeded him during thesa years wu hud real artists an photographers und the photo they turned out wore truo to life und eijuul to thorn uhtullied by tha higher up in tho city ho got the united hiutm fever just like the hills nd twnnty or twenty five years ago he iemov to detroit all these act on photogruphits huvo made their msrk un the olhnr hldv und it is said they can aurh pow wrltw cheques for ov fig urea and of fours w all glud of thut when hoi llamshaw left he wo succeeded by ah x ituby of waterloo alex stayed for a yiur ut two und then gravliuted to the city he wus succeeded by jak luiuer jake wiu a good photographer too but ho nuvcf liked inside work he would rauih rather tramp tlu woods und swamps with a camera on his linok with charlie himlght who instilled ills love fur photographing in hlm u i tuke pictures of bird und unlnml hfo and they took th usands of pictures which would delight thu ye of uny iiuturalbjt or lover of- birds und unlmala jake finally gave up hltf gullory ami wont back to his od eraploymeul ilu lllliiul 1iu iii i se notnnt o ly 1 1 ncll niil uiurktl of dunn i uhy plcturm with u gliunly grli quid nothing what lien mo gruphn of homju homl wuh mr i r hhn has thorn up lit hir i utka explulnod hiih eh 7 well you tfvvry ana of nit lllght nui what urn yuu g ing to do lit fust mrs iorkw uskt i anxiounly 1 m going to make num of getting the worth of my mom y und keopuu it mr i arks umtwornri if the chll dron mum huvo photogrui hs to pin 3 with i ii io to nom ii photographer an buy cm u hushol of old iwmili xhou plbturrs uro vulunble to you und mo und our doscondunts to the ninth gen erutlon und i wtm i huvo them do stroyod ha mm 1qrkx confluent d the pla tures in itosali m r in und mr perks removed from tho ulbum ovcry photi graph of hlmuolf u wife and tholr children and tha futhor und mothoi ninnt a long evening una filled will pleasant momorir tiui in arranging them for pnsorvation they clouttod thorn im well us tos ullito on the buck of euch photogruph tiny mark ml thu unhjoti a numu und tin dale exact or upproxlmatu when tho picture wus taken in the case o tintype they noted the background and sometime the name of tho wni tour artist tho whole made a pretty complete photogruphlc history of tho family thert ur pork troptlod one of the drawers under hs bookcuso and care fully i wi eked away tho pictures un 1 locked the drawer now said he thny can bo look mi at on proper occasions nnd under fuv orable conditions but thcy can t lx be mauled to obliteration and thut m as sure as my mum is jlufus ii perks think rufus littlu mrs porks said softly some day tho children will be glad wo huvo tried tu take caro of these and say you can go to scores uf homes right around hero and if you ask to see the pictures of tho children und the parent and tho grandparents for four gonarutlons buck thoy ii bo proud to show you tho old family ulbum or bring out a fancy fretwork box or a velvet bag with berlln wool flowers worked on it and you ii en joy looking over scoros of old photo graphs which uro cherished us family helrloanib and just as carefully pre served us those mr und mrs ilifua porks labelled and put uwuy that rainy evening mary and i have many u happy hour in looking over our collection of the boy and girls when they wore babies and whan thoy were growing up and when john appeared ii trousers and when jannlo first null wearing her hair in curls down her back and did it up in a now fungled ovbt he wants to be serious ben turpln famous comedian inset nd the sts anns bssclllos now in ours of arection yisl linn turpln la permanent rroau eyed though his feet ore not he monatroaltlrs they nppear whim mudn up for tho hereon quebec en whodutcoverd this when he and mrs turptn toyed at ho chateau rron lonuc recently wore also surprised to find them a most retiring modes quietly dressed and devoted couple quite unlike tho movie people on im agines the manner in which mr turpln hut rlsn supremely over the handicap of those famous ayes is an example of the courageous turning of an impedl mont to good account i love serious acting said mr turpln when inter vlewvd on the canadian pacific n route to montreal and long to ptay tragic roles but of course i haven t the looks so i do the next best thing i muke implo luugh moreover its u prutty hard job being funny all the time ofton i fool moro llko crying jlut i vo got to muke em luugh or my htud will to chopped off ii n is tu amoflcan of old htook but urn rurpln lu a prench canadian hi nco this won not by any means the first vlall of lhoamodlan and his wife to quebec yut tho trip on this repent occasion wus somewhat in tho nature of u pllgrlmuge from los an- golut to thn hhrlnq of sle anne do jlutujpre btc anne di inupru will again this year be the mecca or thousands ot pllgrlmugus the now basilica work on which is being hurried oa much as pohulbln will not ho ready for occupa tion for soma two or three years yet hut the httlq wooden church which slnco fire destroyed the old dasulcs has housed aho shrine is serving a useful purpose and thi summer wlp no doubt soa many sticks nnd crutshes uddvd to the pile within its doors head and then theres tho grand father and grandmothers on both sides of the house and the uncle and auats and cousin mid the neigh bom who moved uwuy ob myl those old family photographs lu the old family albums wonder if these modern folks ever make oe rfy uufums now an unofficial transaction pages ovet enrol charlie mutthuw wum the next cupnnt of the old hill gullory churlle hud u long exi orl it oat plioto slious in america from new york lo hun liaticuco the quiet life in tho- old honiu did not suem to uppeat to him us in his 1 hi yliood days so he too grutlvuted to thn city un i for several your huw bvi oarutllig in one of toronto gullerle and now sinre jluirllo luft thrve or four years uuo the i id gallery has boon vucunt itssidanu of tho com munlty uru di ponilunt iimti koduks for family photo uml soup shots have taken the place of thu good old carefully retouched phoiogruiihs of tha older iluys l now hubert tell fia what so on glnriet n sold the teuulier lit is u man who narks an engine replied ilobert current said the teuoher now wllllulri can yuu tell mo what a- plon eor if yes sir answered william hes a man that work a putno thw otd ramltiy album hera in u story 1 ve wiked up to sttow as vividly u possible how hi family photogruph mid tho ill family ulbum hold the i hntos of thu habit us thoy cumo one ufter urn thur und the old family photi graph in the curlier days this is u ttuu etuiy en acted right hro in acffin und with real folks wlmm mary and i huvi knuwti for years of iurm you ii understand i huv not usid thn rul home imme but tlu y re run folk juut the sums there had bit h aui t eanlou or bablus in ths perks family und t very bafcy had hoitn rottd of tin jjitogmph album baby fdun indweil leurned to stand and walk by virtue of his fruutlc desire tq rack it and llahy may in- suited pn mure tha a oocusloh on taking l to bed with her whettthay young man entered a savings bunk in chicago recently und handed he paying teller hi book on which ppeared u credit of one hundred unl sixty dollars id like to draw it all out he said the teller lookud fully whut was ihut forty five dollars u deposited yesterduyt he naked two new york cheeks sorry then but i can t puy that till the check coma buck in ubout two days mure i can give you the hundred and fifteen though but ivo got to have it ull i vo just been ordered to portland orwaoa and i must go to day i dldn t know it yesterday or i wimldn t huvo nuide tliut deposit i ubsulutely must huvo thut money to day im sorry for you said the teller hut i have no option you tnuy bo honest but you muat understand thut that is a very old gume which hai been triad on u tlmo und uguln 1 luy checks from new york may be worth less we must huvo security till ro turn on them is made argumont did no good und tha young an angry and disappointed pocket ed without counting tho hundred und nftoen dollars which the tcjur handed him two hour later he counted the hill in u ticket office und found that ha hud fifty dollur too much the toller whllo talking hud put down u fifty dollur bill und absent mlndedly counted one hundred und fifteen in fives and tens upon it tim young man went directly bark to tha bank as l understand it be auld to tho teller you ullow i may bo honest but you can t risk foity nv dollars oi it7 s that is tho cose exact iy ileuae count thut pile of bills and compare it with th book that lh just us yuu gavo it to me the teller started to say thut could not rectify mu takes after the depositor had left tho bunk hut chang ed his mind and loumed the bill hi looked ut the depositor thou slipping the nrty dollur bill in thi druwir counted out forty nv in fives und put it out through tha slid officially ho said i suspect you of playing a vury old gume on this imnk i tut ihirsanully i reckon uro ull right there s youi money do and dont in politic it may be deslrublo li huye on opjhmiilnn 1 nrty the happy in liglslutkm is often reached by consideration und com prom if which criticism from opimnent cum pels jlut in thu world of social aud moral rolutlons one vigorous this dol is worth a chorus of don best ct rtreri by hearty and charitable speech evil thoughts must be crowded out by noble ones hot by a resolve to think no more evil tha houst which wus left swept and gurnished but empty wfls soon taken possession of by seven devils moro wicked than thu first it muy seem a long step front those generalisations to the remark thut women may win men from undomostlb hublts by other methods more easily thun by untllodge and untlclub socle lie tht man who spends an evening ut home because his wife has helped puss u resolution condemning hi habit of going out will hardly be a pleasant companion ut the flrealde the wife may wll soak some now und fasclnut ing way of saying po stayl ruthwr thun soma now und strenuous wu of saying you sbitll not go if it seems ut flmt thought to be beneath dignltl to contrive effective itersuuslonu she may reflect thut iu turo herself sets her the example bun und rain are none ho less imwerful that they uyo slh nt und conservative forces t a hard life ii7uskoi his jul liuve uny luck thutt why ho giuin awl i nav grumbled the kid whut makos you thi quired dud well ho ruplled johnny joins has tho measles hilt kmlth s got the mumps ilck tellers got scarlnt fever und murg urownvrn diphtheria but i juut enn i get nuthin und gotta keep goln right on to school evory day a travellers tale ys said the traveller 1 had some ixcltlng experiences in hussla per haps the worst affair happened one night whon i wum ton miles from my homo i discovered that my sleigh was twins followod by u pack of wolves i tired blindly into tho puck killing one of tha wolves to my relief tho o stopped to devour him and in tills way i wus able to gain on them hut noon they wire on my acent- i nnd uguln with tho same result i kept on firing until finally there was only one- wolf following my slulgh with hungry oyes flrnul on me in untlclpa- tl n of tho suplr ho was going to make of me tlu friend who hud listened tbu far to tha thrilling story interjected u laugh und oaiil why man u cording to my reckoning thut lust wolf must huvu hud all tho nthur wolves inside of him well yus now i think of it that lust wolf did wobble n bit danger of a blow torch lio nooiormit painters to burn of i 1 paipt with u torch there un uevenil lnuxpvmulw liquid paint re mover on tho market which will do the work lmtltr warn plumber and ri imlr men to axurclua every precau- i in using blow torches or heater ubout u building cumleeaneas workmen haa cuused many fires our hurch wus ricenlly set op fire when or blow torch used oi the bottom of door ignited liuper on the other sid e v h unhurried courtships the summer boarder lu a inuntry village whose afock of light reading run low n u rainy day can otti n wllh a little tact and patience extract cnurtahlps ua entertaining an any to be found in helton one such wus ro canity rotated in a tranquil slow going sleepy town whorn hunt ling in still happily unktfown o hlowt said thn narrator amiably well may bo we ore bill wo used to hi slower ever hear rif abby derby lias olddlng came courting to abhy derby when my mother was i girl and ho was courting bur mill when i was one twenty yours it wus and abhy liked him from the first und or pretended she dldn t only whan it cume to marrying she oouldu t mule up her mind saul she must have time to think it over lius guve hor time wlx month first and then a year and i linn nm ther another till thcro was twenty of twenty yearn i any other mui would have been discouraged but llus had a mind of his own and hod mi it up for two if abby derby could then at lust ho asked her to ride over to tho farm wllh him to sea u new ell he d built und when ho got her thorv thero wus all hut fnlks und all hers uml the pnrsoif waiting and abby suys he just us culm as if ho wus asking- her to lay her bonnot off you know the mnniugi service don t oii7 then just stop across to tho bow window there and he murrlpd pur sons ready she gave a big gasp and said she couldn t and twasn t fair to hurry her has look hold nf her hand npd led her ovtr im sorry abby says he but uftcr twenty years qf hurrying down the lurie its either in ut the front door or set out on the doorstep because anyways youve got there the marriage penvod a happy one so also did another which followed upon a scarcely loss deliberate court ship patty the daughter of wealthy farmer was beloved by peter who wua in his empty and the old man know lng this used the threat of refusing hi eventual consent to their tnurrjage a a whip to drive peter who was slow and rathejr indolent to incroaao hia exertions for year after year tho altuation re malned unchanged but at luut even peters placidity waa stirred and he ventured a meek remonstrance when he was sharply told for the hundredth time by latty s father that he should not have his patty after all well now he drawled plaintively that doea seem kind o hard don t 1t when here i been chasing round after her these fifteen years but he captured her at last a decorative touch to hd uinlgbilv hwi n u lcrf of car ii in i i u kr mi voun i th it neatly mil i i fit thn bu k iivn will i n mutch the innujiiki i h i n wall i i pel or with i vy r t o a bin ling of gimp i r i it 1 m glued i ii o fin bit i the it nvoiiliiir in romovir u 1 luce twi lurao hnnp fam n i i it i gelbt r it th imk miuint veaiivlu they dl in kn w why he wanted it printed r oinimnitors uro auppoii d to bo aula to utlitxr all kinds of handwriting i vi ii that of i dli u mid ministers on hiih toiiit mr itol in isn edlnt tiiifili i rhiler used to till u story i k r i in imy alexander came into mi- olll oik 11 wuy with the manu- u rl i if i hi rmon you launf- lot nio huvo i roofs of tbl t mm rcow ho said i loll him the time wan too short lie mum glvt iis u few days longer no ho mi id i must preach thut h rmon t morrow it is u special hi run ii i wrote u ten yearn ugo and now 1 tjin t muko out u word of it ttwfj3 feet swimqritat sruucs jusaiktimikmlnlllsw profitable litigation un thn boumtury lino of two farms in an austrian vlllugu there is a largo gooseberry bush from which the two farmers huvo for yeurn gathered liio product whut grows on my side is mine und you may liuve tho rest was the agreement thise year ago tho neighbors hud u inlsuiiilsrstundlng und this osme lo a climax whan tho gooseberries lie uuun rlie a luwsult followed and upteals were mudu to higher judicial bodies the final deilslon ha jurfl bean ruionlid in uu ausirlun uir luich party is to huvu tho right to pli k the berries which grow on hi sldo of the iiiii j unl us it use origin ally but nulihi r may destroy thu bush the cosls ar churgsd half to wurh litigant kueh farmer had to pay iw hundred unl twenty five krone tho yearly yield of the bush is wurth about onshalf krone und he judge told tha fighting farmers with good luck it will take you only eight humored your t make tho bush pay take gvod car of it false economy no housowifo can bake bread as economically as wo can in our up to date bakery with tho quantities wo bake it is impossible to equal our bread in value at nine cents per loaf and for tasto and freshness well wc invito comparison with the best that is turned out baked fresh every jay and always sold out assures you of tho most wholesome and sweetest of bread have our wagon call daily and dhlivew your supply fairbanks bakery phone 116 mui street acton u fairview nurseries acton having uddod to our gnei luakly tomatobh both in puts and lkixos kauiy cahhafjbs caulii low bit planttf imlehy plants early and late ihclldinq oeltaniumh heuioniah balviah x co it 13 a hcan1jknh htookh ahtklth plihuniam v vkjtlu- nafl allyuium cliloyiah tvn uro now uble to supply antlllitlnilhmm hcalliouh olloouh hkliotitoi h hmilax waktdeiuno jbw phi ox mtummondi hai haath ajination afauouhitlllj 1nn1ah panhitch hwttttt william 1 inuts hollviiucich al aihdiah lullhimumk rwixmiumb oritsr taken und booked plums dallvnrofl hi nin foi planting all order delivered a h bishop box u phone 64 market qardener and florist 1 sorry he spoke mr wslkumt wandering aimlessly down the street met hut old friend peatly hello peatlyl he called cheerily where have you been this long time 7 serving on a jury said peatly well i can sympathise with you said mr wilkin it must have been a good deal of a bore isn t it curious by the way that they always eem to want ignoramuses on a jury nowa days 7 they never take anybody that that of course i mean as a general thing for they do once in a whllo get a man of intelligence pro not speak ing of you of course 1 dont know whether you get exactly what i am driving at or not but but tho fact i that a mighty fine stick pin you ro wearing old man whored you get ut mistook the motive an old man wa fitting in street 5ir iti the aisle near him stood a young woman ho made a movement to rise says the detroit newajaa if to give her his seat never mind air said the young woman imperatively 3ust keed your eat she smiled patronlslngly on the old tan who stared and looked dexfed after two blocks- more he again a tempted to rise but tho young woman punned him back explaining politely vo stood bo long now i don t mind please keep your seat i oy youjjg lady cried the old man th shrill irritation i want to gl off youve made me go half a mile past my street already wpisnef uaiwsaaftears nitfcej n ii mr hkatft florence automatic oil stoves wurm weft t hod la just at hand un 1 wif iiavo an excellent lino or iliromo automutlc oil h fovea lo do uwuy with hot kltchinu thi hummer this is thu bint ill stove on tho market id has muny exclusive features iiot i hi lid lu other oil stove come in and lot us explain about tills rungi i rices to nult all ei the different styles en display in the window wdtalbot phone 70 main 0 treat chevrolet a factor in modern business and social activity if the automobile were suddenly with- drawn from our modern business and social life do you realize how speedy and complete would be the disorganization wider in its influence and effect than any other factor of presentday existence the automobite has become ot vital importance to commerce and society and chevrolet can claim a prominent place in automobile progress because it has brought qual ity and dependability within the reairr of tbs popularpriced car chevrolet transportation is the most economical per mile chevrolet reliability is an established fact among metprcar users chevrolet exceeds expectations in the beauty of its appearance and the completeness bf its appointments the chevrolet utility coupe with its handsome body by fisher is the choice of the conamercial user the business or professional man or aalea- nuui whose business the automobile has assisted so materially the utility coupe is a car of which anyone may well feel proud investigate chevrolet prices and perforniance risa- us afrom tbe gmac deterred payment pian for eoo uiisuo chevrolet fisher king representatives for this section call on them at or white and they will call on you georgetown tellings the sto ry the more you tell the more you sell when tlie merchant tells the story of his goods in hib newspaper advertisements he automatically reduces the amount of time required to wait on a customer the more completely the story of ttye goods and what they will do for the customer is told the shorter will he the time required to sell them in mobt cases this saving alone will pay for the ad while the addi tional business it brings in will be so much velvet newspaper advertising is being every where advocated by the largest advertis ers on the continent as the best method of developing business it takes some of them a long time but gradually they all find out that the paper thats read by the whole family rourrdhthe lamv is the best medium through which to reach the people by those who have something to sell and the little town paper is the one that is most closely scanned in the home the acton free press jn l jv a

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