Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1924, p. 4

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s itetimiizvtu aiaaa ijsadriaiste vnrrrpspap i 17ik uqhk ot quyc acton jurr ri00 urmur selected town weckllca ol oourlo t1ie acton fhek prgjts la publlajted thuraday nornlnc at i ha fret pre a a i3ulung mill scwet acloo ontario tba ubacfiptloo price ii per year in xlnncc poataa it charge add ll tonal 10 oacm id the uolted state the dala to which aubacrlptioaa era paid u indicated cm toe addru label advertising katestranakat advtrtlt- aacata to cent a per lino agate ncaanra lor first ismruoo and j cent per tln lor each nbee- qnaat inaartloe coauract dlaplsy advertise- mastta lor 5 lac be a or mora per annum it ccnta per lack aach toacrtioa advertisement with- oat apacuc direct tow a u1 be iaeerted till forbid and charged according j il p moore president and editor g a- dills manager sad aaslataat editor telkpaonks thursday morning may 29 1924 avoiding damage o boulcvaxds cattle men continue to drive cattle through town with an insufficient number of herders to control thenr and as a rosult lawns and boulevards arc being damaged every week the bylaw of this municipality provides for penalties and damages against those driving cattle who fail to control them in guolph lately two lots of cattle were similarly al lowed to get out of control lawns and boulevards were damaged and it cost one drover 21 60 and the other 14 85 in hcpriicc court where the town and its citizens go to the trouble and expense of peeping lawns and boulevards cut and trimmed and tidy to assist in the general attractiveness of acton those driving cattle must keop them under coptrol and they will it theyefesire to preserve the goodwill of the peoplo of the municipality whose streets are free for their convenience editorial ife the premier at his beat members and newspagbrmen who are above pre judice in ttie matter and who are competent by years of experience to express an qpinion were unanimous in declaring that the speech of right hon macken zieking on the evening of division on the budget was the fines forensic effort of his life thus far warmed up by the flashing swordplay of the leader of the opposition feeling the effect of jilood drawn by the taunts of the conservative group cheered by the ihuqderous applause of his own followers mr king excelled anything he bad done before at least within the walls of parliament and onhis conclusion won for himself an ovation that felt an echo even in the crowded galleries f the chamber supreme court declares ontario temperance act is valid a very important and unanimous decision has just been given by the supreme court in which the ontario temperance act is upheld this was given in the case smith versus the attorney general of e ontario th httf ftrtarfirn talrrfi hy thft safety in public travel there aro frequent reports in the newspapers of railway wrecks marine disasters or motor car acci dents in which lives have been lost and serious in- juries sustained the natural inference from this fact is that the dangers of travel are great moat people would at least say that they are increasing through the growth of cities and the demand for speed but neither belief will stand investigation it is indeed one of the triumphs of civilization that life is all the time better safeguarded in no respect s this truer han in regard to travel not long ago an accident occurred in new york harbor by which number of lives were lost in a collision between two ferryboats investigation showed that the acci dent was due to the sudden death by apoplexy or heartdisease of the pilot the discovery ied to the passage of a law which now keeps two pilots always on duty the incident is worth mentioning again because it furnishes so good an illustration of the manner in which presentday accidents are made future safeguards one would not be very wide of the truth in saying that those who mio in accidents are often martyrs from whose deaths come blessings for their successors two sound steamers crashed together a few weeks ago they drew apart with shattered bows and holes which would have sunk a vessel of fifty or seventyfive years ago in a few min utes yet each proceeded safely to dock under her own steam simply because both were provided with watertight bulkheads im afraid of accidents on the cars said the old lady when her physician advised her to travel madam was the doctors reply people have been fouhd dead in bed year after year the slogan safety first is being impressed upon the general public by associations organized with tho specific purpose of guarding people who travel from danger and accident editorial notes 6unshinfe in the soul a llttlo church in thn country wan holding- eieolal eervlcea having evangelist and a singer of some ni n assistants to tho pastor i want you to make visit with mo this afternoon said the imlnlster lila helper 1 you want ua botht j asked the singer j ye both un ypu especially there la ytjiunii woman who ha been hi for u long time and who haa been interested in these meeting i wish you to meet her every day alio in quires about the work apd it will do her good for many a weary month lo come ir you will go with toft and aay a word of comfort and sing a hymn fur her tjin three men went together and together they entered the slckcham- ber a little room not overtwelve feet square in which the young woman had been lying helples for sixteen years stricken downln the midst of a happy girlhood she had spent the remaining years of youth upon a bed of suffer ing from which she never rose so had passed the dawn and the rooming of nor young womanhood she had p- tered early middle- life wijh the proi- liect of long years to live yet with no hope of improvement she was never froi from pain and as her sufferings increased her bodily powers were fall- dig one by one there remained only the capacity to know how to suffer ahnin the bed wm a mocha n leaf con trivance by which she was dally lifted hlle thn bed waa changed it wat painful undertaking and not need lessly prolotnredf and when it had been completed there remained rlothlng more for the day but to walt and beat the constant pain the hearts of the visitors sank as they entered the room and learned the htnry of the woman they had coma to visit what word of cheer could they say to her what song of hop could they sing hut the voice in which ahe spoke to them was not the querulous voice of an invalid the tone was one of habitual patience thrilling now with the joy of this unexpected vtall it was apt hard to apeak words of cheer to her indeed it was hardly possible to speak otherwise in response to her own strong oonfldeht expressions of faith and trust what shall we sing to your in quired the singer after a time sing there is sunshine in my soul she said the singer could hardly brine him self to sing it so strong was his own emotion but be found his voice at last and sana theres sunshine in my soul today more glorious and bright than glows in any earthly sky for jesus is my usht- neighborhood news town and country erin a court of revision was held last evening in erin town hall itss wlnntrred kirk wood or luck- alde who was operated on for aupon- dlcltls at the peterborough hospital last week is dolngas well as can bo expected mr harry paraahuke of iluuburg is laid up with a very sore knee as a result of a wound made by a rusty nail lost week the ptay wulowdole will be given by the younff peoples hi bio class of alton methodist church under tho auspices of erin met hod lit ijidioa aid in the town hall urln on friday evening may 30 messrs ham urock and robert trmthea are busy these days beauti fying the arounds of luokonuf the home of c xv mack at bolfountnln the electric lights have added greatly to the appearance- of the grounda bt wor bro rev w 0 black- well district deputy drdnd uaater of aiey dtalrwl ja1d his official vli lo weltlnktpf lodge fto 271 a it m thursday evening may 15 when very urge attendance of memboi and visitors were present to greet him on that occasion advocate segds and seeds now is the time to bo particular about tho kind of seed you sow you cant hnvo good crops if you dont sow good seed whether it istor tho garden plot or tho farm wo can supply you with seeds that urc reliable und with proper culti vation will yield bumper crops seeds for the garden seeds roh the farm seeds of all kinds dh lindsay mill street acton ontario pv gree li burlington oh theres sunshine blessed sunshine j lo tb tn prklnjr by- when the peaceful happy moments for lnored this biscuit manufacturers announce a reduction in price to the retailer as a result of the reduction of the federal sales tax the fruits of economy at ottawa aro already becoming apparent brussels rost when jesus shows ills irrollins face there is sunshine in the soul both the words and melody mark this as a song for those to whom pali in unknown and who rejoice in exu berant strength yet this song- it was which expressed the faith of the hope i sufferer and for many days there after she softly hummed it as she lay in her loneliness and pain was ahe not right the true sun shine of life is not that of the world which brightens and grows dim but that of the spirit of god within which la constantly bright and ahlneth more and more unto the perfect day conscience makers mrs oeo if harris of culbdonlu pent a few days with her son mayor harris last week owing to the absrice of mayor harris who was suffering from ai at tack of appendlaiusno meeting of the town council was hjjd on thursday evening last mr and mrs daniel hlscox brant street celebrated their golden wod- dlna on may 34 they were at home to their many friends from two oclock until ave county iload superintendent wilson intends to start at an early date to resurface llrant street from freeman to dundas street this road has not been in very good shape and this should be good news to motorists in the district ten acres belonging to c m petrio on the highway near aldorshot was sold to dr walter alexander rlddell of switzerland and mrs wm james douglaa bell via w avenue for the douglas home anniversary services will be hold in knox church on sunday june 1 morning- and evening ilev j a gil christ first presbyterian church st catharines will be the special preacher for the day th local police have asked the oaaetle to call the attention or motor- it pays to use martin senour woodlac stain for furniturefloors wdodnrork write to hand office mootral for free booidot home paintinc made easy sold by w d cytalbot business directory dr j a mcniven phyalolan and burjjaon office and ilosldonru corner iluwer avenue and elgin biroet phonic 88 dr e j nelson ntifliiiiigk wiiuicu acton ontario legal phone no 22 p o box bib harold nash farmer m a barrister solloltor notary public conveyanoer eta ferryman block acton ont money thnt on mohtaaoeg hours 0 30 am lu t pm saiurdaya 13 00 oclock h g mbir barrjater solicitor notary public qtorollown ont dental dr j m bell p ds l d s dentist honor graduate or toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic ud tf desired offloo at residence corner mill and frederick street sixth sftfcs eerie ucaln wih cl of tie hunter moarnuul at raprcsenlaiive points m cutaoa and claewhafe ract is yry evident on elisabeth street in front of the churches lasi sunday night the police report- nine cars on the wrong side of street councillor sam oakes had a miracu lous esca from serious injury friday afteraotjh when the car in which he was riding turned turtle a the car neared funuuii curve on the highway tbo driver swerved to miss hitting a dog- but in so doing the dog was caught in tbe front wheel and turned the car completely over oaxette milton the council haa decided that the bawd stand n victor la park shall re ceive two coats of paint at a cost not exceeding sis and that v maxted s ternlnit of ph objura nmnnwt fr a he growth of the bank of montreal has dosely coutcictfcri with the gradual development of f from a small colony to a greai enunion in the banks westward ad var imjcb in its transcontinental chain of branches was formed in 1878 a winnipeg when the bank opened its first branch west of the great lakes i ate ijilwjy toumimucau w opened up between montreal and winnipeg made available to the mroming population on the prairies the stabilizing cojperarion of a strong conservative and at the same time energetic financial mjonirion of the banks 567 branches 12 are situated in winnipeg and 180 in the prairie provinces tnclucung winnipeg bank of montreal established over ioo years v total assets in excess of 650000000 dr f g gollop d ds lds dental surgeon office over bank of norax scotia hours 10 to b so hjventngs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to rder periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly an1 prornpll7 done wyndham street ooelph out over williams store e p bowman ols ii a so ambic land surveying and engineering 10 oouola8 8t ouelph successor to the late d a nlven o u 8 phones office 461 lie 374w i unt john t smith was that the o t a before the provisions of the canada temperance act were ap plied to prohibit the importation of liquor into on tario wis not an act prohibiting the sale of liquor for beveragepurposes as rr allowed the general slc of native wines and tbe importation and exportation of all liquors the attorney general for ontario ar gued that tbe act need not be an absolute prohibition bnt one prohibiting sale generally would suffice in giving oat tbe decision mr justice duff said wo have cohie to the conclusion that counsel for the attorney-general- has made good his contention 1 that notwithstanding this provision the o t a when viewed as a whole falls within the description in section 152 of the canada temperance act right ly understood and 2 that part iv of the canada temperance act does recognize the possibility that the prohibition of that enactment may be brought into force in relation to a province in which tho probibdon created by the provincial law is a limited one the four judges on the bench concurred in tho judgment this very strong decision will re- move a doiai respecting the 0t a which existed for some time and make it a stronger measure than when a poor man is apprehended in any wrong punishment is sure and speedy but hie wrongdoings of men in high places are not promptly punished investigations and technicalities too frequently im pede justice why should this be make canada a land to love is a slogan of the montreal witness it is a good one and if the spiri of the slogan is to be accomplished every citizen who loves his country must aim to make the country so far as his influence goes worthy of loving in referring to tbo disposal of the smith appeal case the globe says ontario is kept dry by the supreme court beyond dispute and the opinion of the judges of the court is unanimous that looks as if there is nothing constitutionally wrong with the ontario temperance act y courteous driving makes for safety why is it necessary for anautomobflc club to plant its road signs bearing the phrase courtesy makes safety throughout a locality in which traffic is known to be very heavy yet that is what tbe ontario motor league is impelled to do why do we see articles in magazines and newspapers ivith titles like this a little more courtesy or a lot more trouble what happens to a man when he t gets behind his steering wheel in many cases some psychological change seems to take place inhim for he displays a woeful lack of courtesy toward his fellowmotorist ho does things as a motorist that he would never dare to do as a pedestrian for in stance it is not our custom to ram people as we pass them on the sidewalks wo do not cut a man off as he crosses the street we do not deliberately try to steal another mans seat in tho trolley car yet we see analogous actions on the part of the motorist every day we have reached a point in motoring where unless courtesy in driving receives renewed and serious attention says frederick c russell in motor life the piloting of an automobile will be come a freeforall in which everyone will aim to make it just as inconvenient as possible for everyone else the whole question apparently resolves itself into this every act of discourtesy encourages a more serious act of retaliation with its resulting train of annoyances and accjdtnts why not therefore infer that every act of courtesy w4u bring forth a better act of reciprocation furthermore why not try jt automatically others will follow suit wltb the great rocreasa in tho number of cars on our roads and the corresponding increase in tho complexities of driving oldfashioned motor courtesy it seems has pretty wll gone by tho board many of our traffic tieups kv and accidents arclaid uf the score of too many auto- mobies on the streets the capacity of our streets shas not been reached they will accommodate many hmore automobileswithout any trouble if we are more it is quite evident that a very large proportion of the members of the house of commons aro not fearful of the newtariff sending the country to the bowwows in fact it is rather reassuring that after two weeks of spirited debate the majority for the budget was the largest in canadas history a thirteen per cent- increase in the ownership of mofor vehicles in canada does not suggest hard times someone apparently is makjpg money it would be interesting in view of the investigation into agricultural conditions now being carried on to find out who are buyingthe extra cars farmers sun hon w p nickle attorney general made rather a significant comment when he addressed the medical graduates at queens university last week he urged the new doctors to respect the spirit of queens and the law in distributing prescriptions he hoped they would never commercialize their honorable profes sion the prophesies of british politicians that premier ramsay mcdonalds labor government would not survive for six months appears to have been sadly misplaced premier mcbonaid still carries on im- perturably and in tho byeelection at liverpool last thursday the labor candidate defeated his conser vative opponent hy 2500 votes hon george s henry ontario minister of pub lic works and highways has announced a change in the method of financing the- planting of trees along public highways instead of sending out its own workmen ho says tho government has a scheme whereby farmers planting trees in front of their own property will bo bonused so much per tree for planting tho opponents of the church union bill won the first round before the private bills committee of the house of commqns when an amendment was adopt cqnsideraro of the other fellow and tho other fellow led which provides that the bill shall not come into icj more considerate of us suppose wb stop talking jbout traffic conditions congestion and accidents vahl on the supposition that qourtesy t make jiitaty- we feet sure that the daily application of ftfe rule wjll do away with- many of our traffic btonis operation till july 1 lq2p and not then unless the courts decided that the presbyterian church in can ada acted within jti pftwajni in agreeing to union and that parliament had p0weropata th church union bill it imoubtfnuf this temporary victory will be rvjjus from the very start man has been more prone to make a conscience for his nelghbor than to exercise due care as to obedience to the dictates of his own as the man of nazareth aaid of the carping pharisees of ills day ye laden men with burdeji grevloua to be borne and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fing ers some of the whlted sepulchres who today judge their neighbor in the matter of their inward or outward life are net a whit less deserving of the scathing donunclatlpn that fell from the masters lips when he said serpents ye generation of vipers how shall ye escape the damnation of hell men who would complacently stir their toddy on the sabbath have been known to roll their eyes in holy horror at tbe iniquity of those who would desecrate their ideas of the day ox rest by using the same hot water to shave with the world is full of the crea lures who run about with their utue human root rule measuring by the shrunken standard of their own jaun diced ideas the rights and wrongs of their neighbors wnat a contrast to this is the attitude of him who said judge not that ye be not judaed nnd of his illustrious follower who warning the early church against mejarinrhemelvftat with thsm- sevest exclaim of this very tendency who art thou thar judgest another f and who exhorts hla hearers to judge nothing before tho time avowing tea i judge not mine own self- these narrow minded jullgee have done more to sicken the world of re ligion than all the mouthing of in fidelity the charity that thlnketh nn evil la a jewel so precious that it ought to be souaht with eternal dfll- genoe by those who value the price mass of a conscience void of of- tenav toward ooet and man solomon ih shoe and leather journal a promising customer the brisk well dressed trainr6r topped into the corner drusjstore and musing by the boy who usually at tended to casual oustomers approached the proprietor who with hla back turned was rearranging some roods on a eliowcaaw mr sawyer i presume he said pleasantly and the drugsiat turned und bowed sravelyi i have heard my friend benator ilrown speak uf you ortenaaid the brisk mftn he old ma if ever l-ned- d anything in this llnetp oome to 1 he spoke of you as a man on whomene could rely with perfect con- flttenoe who carried only the best of everything and with whom it ttii always a pleasure to deal the senator is very kind said the druggist beaming with gratincatlon lie la one of niy beat customers what can i do for you this morning well er this morning as it hap pens said the strangter with a shade 1 of briskness this morning i should ilka if yob will allow me to consult your directory certainly said the dvugtst we also havv a tin una of postage stamps it ypu ever need anything of that klnf po lil ram i a rum famous in a west virginia village for itiproitenslty to butt was enraged one morning to discover uncle billy nn aged darkey asleep in the pasture uncle illlty sat with his head bowed low and his bald apot shining to the sun tbe ram eyed 19 from a distance uncle dllly nodded and the bald top of his bead bade defiance the rum stood up and waved a chal lenge with its horns uncle ljllly nod ded injiocepunep with a sharp da- aaaal the rem charged and launch- m itself like a catapult at the offend iryf nete a little later it picked itself up from the ground and wandered away to the farthest side of the pasture to rumin ate over the collision uncle billy looked up drowsily i po in rami- he murmured lie done wandered cam de fold and foun sorrow and tribulation i cepted dr and mrs george hume of ot tawa spent tho weekend here with his parents mr and mrs wm hume martin street dr hume la on the staff of the dominion geological sur vey in view of the arvlce of the late mr s dlco lo the town of milton us mayor etc the jdnyor and clerk wore instructed to draft apd send a letter of condolence and sympathy to mm dice j d mckenxle of orangevllle uc- ceeds v duncan as operator ut tho c p it station here he und his family will shortly take up their residence here mrs mckenxle was formerly miss clarice hematreet thewnton district meeting was held la the methodist church hero last thursday the chairman uev r d hamilton of uurungton presided report were very satisfactory tho membership showed an increase while the giving to missions were 113000 which is about equal to last years a special meeting- of the town coun cil wu held last friday evening to hear a proposition rrom some gentle men from heglna wishing lo establish an industry here employing about flftv handa as the factory would require about wo ration of water to nir their tank the pro position waa not entertained rev x w holllnrake pastor of bbeneser tjemcle hamilton foi-ro- erly of milton haa resigned hla resig nation to take effect july 1 he was a milton boy and was formerly pastor of the livingston memorial church but he left the methodist church to become pastor of bbenesor four years ajo- it u understood that he wiu re main tn hamilton as pastor of u new church ueforraer georgetown mlsat hutcheson of prinoe edward island bujrisltlng at mr it i oreel- minv mr w moore of ottawa is vlsltlng at the home of her daughter mrs j h wallace mr freeman kersey has returned home after standing some months at the home of her brother at crcaton valley b c mr il d warren of toronto a visitor in town last weak miss alice creolman is home from mcolll university montreal mr jack thompson is home from oagoode itall and will be in mayor dales law utneo during the summer month the following have passed their ucemtnationa at the school of praotl- cat science toronto tloo kennedy honors jama undaay john hyan tom dlngham there am a lot of motorists who i eed the speed limit whan passing xiur main street corner if one or tw were pinched it might oauae otem to have more reahtct for law the untoer of georgetown hockey club met last week und wound up ther husutesa for the aeasun their fln- anoe are in rood shape and after all obligations wore met a amull bal ance remains in the trvaaury for neat season j it was moved by mr kenmdy and booundad by crlchtou that an adver tisement be put in the herald re break ing window and doing any other dam- aces in or around the school property at the last meeting nf the sctioot hoard tho annual meeting or the jorge- wn conservsttv association wars held last week the reports of t different committee were recalved and approved after wlduh the president vacated the chulr to mr j n ma ken ale and the election of umbers for the year enauod th one lacttd winil president j m bkellou 1st viae president h cork- 2nd vice president wm mcmillan ird vice president h harrison hecrelarytreusurer 1 m arnold cxecutlvst ward 1 m jl near oeo campbell c ilurnsldes executive ward 1 u stone ii kenl- nr c j cummins executive ward s j u maokensle r j mccartney j p raidherald dr a l price chtkopractic electootherapy 130 upper wyndham street guclph over 11 years kxtiot limin consultation 1 mic r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent it years export oil en acton ontario sale entrusted to r j icnrr re ceive attention from date of listing to date of sale list your sale with me residence rowot avenue acton phone 38 acton call at my expense ksjiii yes start on monday at guelph buaiiuaw college harald bijq quolph ont vor a thorough luiuim htf ill- look uimiui yuu iiut how ninny of our aruiliiutou und studunts uro w ii liuat hoaalou th tiitu yirfr 1or imt tijulurm tulilnoim a l bouck piiltojpal and proprlator jlsh about our big luono dass caamtt ships to europe qomfort kind service plus at moderate hates monocluss cabin ships means that on these ships there is neither firstclass nor second class but one class monoclass in other words when you travel can adian pacific monoclass cabin you enjoy all the pleasures and conveniences of the entire ship and at moderate rates hmkanyjlqentofthb ifknafjiati parifir 7 out of 10 headaches ar cnuail rium oy uuulii if iu murfm fnhi liuiluitlurf you ouuht to iiiiimtliii tiu oitdlthm of your oya- or t 1 1 with vision iiimiuitiitly horn ml oyu uioutly mm tl u llulp of gluaauw a ix 3avagk optometrlet jl mfij optlotan bsvsqs optical dulldlnu right at the pot oio ouelph optometrist to the canaitlr pacific railway co the old and reliable granite and murble work we are toanufeolurrl und dlroot importer of all kinds of uuiiumeiita and headstone work we bell direct to our customers at whole price thus saving our customers 40 pr ont we have the host uppliuihs ami tb only mechanic in the dominion who can ouerate pneumatic tools proirty we oan give reforeiioo from hundred of our oustomers in toruuir and other places where others have to have law suit in order to nolleau we have th largest and best stook vt u ran it i- tho dominion or more than any three dealers in the west we ale lltl- mste dealers and mploy no agent and do not aunoy or pest oualomom by endlrg out ignorant agouts sollolt- lag order w employ only mechanic and defy oompetluon hamilton sons quelph ont wqr

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