Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1924, p. 5

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teftg arton xvt rgaa thokhday may 29 1024 qob whites message a meadow wind ami u imf if son o boh whllel hob wliltit tlio morr hits iixirioii tlm iicy i in the nontlnu frlnan if linr vui mttuwl and uissnlllnw imittlph wiivtj ii inn k o hob willi- hull wlittt1 mowing while olovfi in in ihf houjiil o hob wliuol ct hub whllul snatch of twlld locust in dim wood hint of tin- urllnil hityum days when honoyliiolwi mow miiiiy un murid o noli wlll- lioh ulllnl yellow iii iippl lire lurnhik ripe- o itih white o ii b white tliiien h sill milflost ii a ronovlno hold and ii mosiillppod m g ihut in duo nw ll hi iviiuii yim hour tin a ihikm11 r of ruin in lln uutumn chill f lloli while o holt wliuu hue driinnm will lurk lit thci rrowty fell and rchon i lilic mko u allvor hell when wlntor tiptoes over i ho hill i hob white hon whltnl i hutlle whltooy twenty yeard ago from tha imui of the free pro of thursday june 2 10o4 rjuttor und qus were truth ipioted at 13 cent thin wwk tho lreot sprinkler in ubout ready cor business uttuln it hus not boon seriously needed up to tha present owlnff to thn frequent mity showers mr oeo hluthum linker now drive the moat hundsnme ihllvory ttjf ever introduced by no acton merchant it wan hullt hy j n onolll cloorse- town mf j i iuke who bus been forn- nun aftlls vnux imoui the inn year leaves this week to tukn a aituution in toronto mi chaster wullnce ban completed his couria ut the school of pharmacy toronto having panned hln flnol ox- umlnatlon with honors mr p kellyrtturrulo jlus nold hln brick house and tho lots udjolnlnr an quelph and church streets to mr j h denny for 800 aoton won ugaln in tho second homo came of the series on saturday when they played berlin the score wii 72 thla make u fine iitart for the pennant three mmm played three game won rev w s mcalplne b d closed x pan ton te of six years in connec tion with the baptist church on tuea day evenlnf at the prnyer service hla removal is much retetted by the baptist conaregatlon mnd by cltlsena generally mr mcalplne goes to brampton at the close of the prayer meeting- miss warren read a brief ad- dresa and mlsa worden on behalf of the consrecatlon presented mr ma alpine with a beautiful solid leather suit oane born faiaonain acton on thursday may 2 1004 to mr and mrs j k fallon a wn x4ndsay in eaqueslnstv on tuesday may 31 104 to mr and mrs n f lindsay a son the sunday school lesson i for sunday june 1 1024 babylonian fi 1120 lolilen 1 itlklltlh but nil riprouch to uny peophi 1rov n 34 the tent explained vimo 11 zmliikluli juduhn lust klnic bnforo liii full into the hundn of tho lluhylonluna he wun too wowk to rope with tlm plotters und jntrbtuaru iuiiuiiihi llubylnn ut th ruult of jcr- uiiuhm uml t lontfth ticcumtwd to open rvolt iisulnnl hip buhylonlatik thereupon thn olty wm bthlked by the chulduaii army ijnd uftvr alhtu4o montlin a brflucb way murfo in i ho wull the klnir lowunll attrmpte to encupe but wun uptortul nnd sent in chtilnn to babylon whlr jnrunalnm wim dnvantattxl thn ovnrthiow of joruimlcm u unuully duud 87 u c iluivpy jnlllo von- u irlcmtm tin imioplu rinpuhuod their india vlor rone no h l her than that of thnlr king- he loader if tho eountiy a most jtraphlo dbnorlpilon of tlm pollution of fhu inmple in kivdii in kv vnroo 17 tho chaldeunn a people nrlitlnnlly hviiih noutp of babylon on the nea through the conquent of ntt- iktpolannar father uf nebuchuilnexsox ikthylon iwcame a part of tho thul- babylonlan empire the flmtl ed- jtor of chronicles has shown hlmnelf unwilling that the book nhould con clude with u gfromy rocordof nln and ruin and has appended a few lines to remlnjg his readers of tho new life of faith and hope that lay beyond tho captivity in so doing- he has echoed the keynote of prophecy ever beyond mans trunngrenalon and punlnhment the propbetn saw tho vision of his foi klvonenn and restoration to ood chrtrn 38 22 xs the exponltors bible the net of nipigon a mailbag wonderful to him who has the eyes fa aee hr mallbaar iq-llalthflfafey- but capacious depths it hides strange neighbors there is news of birth and of death there are fortune and loos of fortune there is the school boys letter filled with his latest slang and hla wildest pranks cheek by jowl with the polished pages of the learned professor setting forth to his friend the discovery of u greek manuscript the hateful dunning letter is tied in the package with the announcements of an engagement of marriage und tha undertakers bill t or a funeral the lovers tender phrases arid a recipe for weddingcake are peaceful neigh borrs there are womens friendships and girls confidences and the rusty reathar tells the secret of neither the bag mayhana- in the mallcar of a flying maili train with us force of shirt sleeved clerks working for dear life that the assortment of letters may keep pace with the rapid suc cession of cities and towns or it may rest on the bottom of a rattling wagorf behind a good horse with shabby har ness us the rural free delivery agent his reins hanging about his neck makes hie rounds of house and camp the last link in the cb1n which bind the- remote mountain hilltop or the rocky mountain mining camp to the strenuous life of newyork and lon- don joj wherever the mailbag goes it sytn bollxos und embodies that humanfel- lowshlp by force of which man may count himself better nan the brute he has devised und perfected a groat system by which from the four corners of the earth men may stretch out their hands to each other in greeting the written page and the printed one by this system may each seek out the vary nerson for whom it was destined whether near or rur the worn mall- pouch speaks with loud voice in praise of that civilisation by which from con tinent to continent with the certainty of hearing and response men may call to each other how fares it wfth you the oil for the athlete in rubbing down the athlete will find dr thomas boleotrlc oil an excellent article it renders the muscles and sinews pliable takes the soreness out of thonv and strengthens them for strains that may bo ut upon them it- atands pre eminent or this purtkme and ulhletei who for years have leen tesjng it can testify to its value us a lubricant lilys mothers house htreelrur conduutoia him nomeilmun imperilitont and disobliging but when one considers ihe annoyances they havato endure their patience anil courtesy are remtu knit ixtrt- oftoirf- than is gnfitwiuy kuuwn their temper la tried by such an incident us is re ported in this story net long agu a smartly dressod young woman with u nmall white dog hugged tightly under her arm boarded an right h avenuq cur xm she sank back on he seat she said languidly to tha conductor called out the street first street the car rumbled along for a mile or two and past klghtloth hlreet mid way of the block he conductor called eightyfirst street the young woman unheedlngly con tinued to whisper to her dog and again the conductor called ou ii straot number by this time the oar had co mo to a full stop madam shouted the conductor did you wish to get off at elghtynrnt street t the girl started and firmly grusplna her dog stepped out on the platform without leaving the car she lifted the pup high in the air and pointed its nose towurd a luige apartmenthouse title then nie eeverul mynterlou pantomime motions with the dog and turned back into he car and re sumed her eeat the conductor with hta hand mil ti the bellrope again shoutsa madam this is eightyfirst 8 treat i dpnt you want to get off heivr voh no thnk sweetly return ed the- young woman 1 only wanted to show ulywhera bar mother urtc lesson thames the career of zedeklah joholukim was succoedod on the throne of judnh by hln son jeholachln three months offter jeholachln became king tha chaldean army laid siege to jerusalem kebuchudnesxar hlmnelf being in chargo jehplachln promptly surrend ered nnbuchadnekxnr then placed on the throno mattaklah jehoiachlns fathers brother a sdn of joslnh his name was changed tozedokhui ills leven years reign wasthjljast sigh of the expiring david i p dynasty his dealings show one of the greatest faults of a king weakness he was entirely under the influence of the men or the party nearest to him and the only instances in which he seems to huvo exercised hla authority are when he twice interfered in behalf of the prophet jeremiah ilia rebellion against the kins of babylon brought about a two years siege of jerusalem when the food in the city was ex hausted tho icing and his army sought to escape but were overtaken and zedekiah after being compelled to see his sons put to death had his eyes put out and he was carried away a blind captive to babylon the climax of folly the arraign ment of zedekiah is severe and com prehenslve he did not heed the warn ings of- jeremiah he allowed the people to pollute the house of ood he mocked the messengers of god and scoffed at his prophets he did not humble himself before jehovah hardened hlseart against god this record of his conduct la bud enough b hlst f from a pe point of view was his rebellion against nehuchadnexsar king of babylon for thla little province of judah to make war against the coloaslal kingdom of nebuahednexxar was the height of folly and the fall of jerusalem and the babylonian exile of judah were at hand the bitterness of the result we have seen the bitter results in zede- klahs own history who after witness ing the death of his sons had his eyes put out and suffered the double ban ishment to the kingdom of babylon and the more terrible kingdom of dark ness was such a result too severe t judah was not ignorant of ood a com mandments and their high call and opportunity through his prophets ood had warned them definitely un 1 repeatedly their utter disregard both of his warnings and of his longsuf fering mercy was inexcusable how ever in heir dreadful plight there was no element ot vengeance this bitter harvest came from the seed of their own sowing the national dis integration and downfall was not by the stroke of the almighty but the natural result of the course of conduct of judah and her king- for study and dlsousslon how old was zede whan h ba in to reign t how- long did he reign i jerusalem do you udmlre hi character dive reasons for your an swer what influence did his con duct huvo upon his people who was nebuchadnessart was there uny hope that judah could succeed in u cam paign against the king of the chal- deanat what was the result of this encounter show that the babylonian exile was the natural result ofc-zedo- klahs conduct give instances where a group which follows a leader or un individual who follows u leader rises no higher in charaotor and conduct than that leader must we be careful in our choice of leadership personal political soclal7 dally readings for nest week monday june 1 john 14 l- tuesday june s john 14 114 wednesday juno 4aibhn 14 1631 thursday june 6 john 14 s6h friday june 6 acts s 14 saturday juno 7 bom- 1117 bunduy june 8 bnh c 3220 the charm of freshwater tha charm of mirror- nue surfaces and the swssr smell al the wooda ukit u flower escaped front u ifuidun the flahnet found in inlnnil canada neta belong to the aea to tho sea- km of tho atluntlc hhorcu and to lh na i m on runs f the pacific what are they doing inland out of habitat ii uh out of water na it wore but when you chance upon thi in land not of the indian wound around u crude wheel whittled out of wuplings some thing innldo nome saner nanwe upeaku out nuylng thla initio erlgln- al tho sea count of america came here long uftor thin these threads thenu mnahon tlioy run buck back back to the garden -of- eden time of thin continent and rvcent discover ies of fossil skeletons uro placing that porlod buck murh further than that 20000 years to whlctfjaie hud become accustomed even if wo couldnt under stand or comprehend it the nets of nlplgon need m uld from men in order to write themselves n belonging in that class of nlmple thlngx whlot uppeul to tho heart when wo happen on one of them in nome clear ing its gossamer length thrown back about the uld wheels throat it speaks to un with the same human touch ax of some bright shnwft what a vistu of n world of thn wild and fro it conjures up tho twine hi luanlmuto written on the puge of the govoinmonlm indian allowance become a thing of life when you hup- ptoiupon it chunged by tho handiwork of ihe indian into one of these inland nets nets of n lightness of quality to oompuimom tho frailty and mobility of the dainty canoe which la the hyper- aonnitlva flnhhoutr of thin world of in- lund luken and rivers like some luce veil is tlau old inland net you feel you might take t in hand and run it through u flngei ring compared with it how crudo soemn th course strength of tunned lengthn thut is the herring trap of tho atlantic count how rude and rtrong the thick gunwale und heavy limbers tho long ourwwoepa of the nnhbcutj that work the herring not i thchc- are fine pulntlngs jealously hung in un inner room not many t them rare thoae others in the beauty of their strength are tho sculp ture in the gallery or canadian handi work there is no quostlon of super iority only un interesting und very entertaining one of difference some times wo uro inn wood for tin sculp ture for the strength of the nen and nothing can sntlntn this hunger when it in upon un hut tho wuy of the maritime icaat or weal but these iplnnd neta that juund for cunudlan liiutn and ilvera those won derful waterhluhwaya or mora bridle paths utid cunoetrulla of water have their own cliurra tho charm of charm of thn deep peace und the aweet i moll of the woodn what sort nf world work aomeone nturmura can bo accomplished of thesv toy nets more like feminine druper- los than tool it of an induatryt the filigree meshes wound about this old went bored akcleton of u real do not purort to be u bluebook of the immensity und range of the freshwater fisheries of canada and they are immense no rguch us u ttolutflnger of the hundreds of miles of lukas and rivers opened up to siortnmnn follow ing the beckoning of the nets of nlplgon victoria hay ward success leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbing heating tinsmlthintt the success of york in scorgs of homcinnd business places in acton is a gunrnntcc that wo uro in a position to assure you satis faction we will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude mainstreet the art of olvino awav the day of hording gold pieces in old stockings has passu ed kven he mmotwt regions of the modern world learned thut money must pass from hand to hand ir it is to do any good even if it la to increase its own value but uls not ye so clear to on tha i djher possessions must be punned on not treasured in garret und atorerooom somewhere in the world there is a best pluce for everything from a woraout shoe to a dlnoarded muffaa- ine from lust winters cloak to grand mothers feather bed little indeed of this debris of modem ufa ought to find its dlsmul renting pluce undar the eaves of 4hld house the alum the hospital the lonely furnufbuw with its ouck of children the southern moun tains with their new seal for learning the salvation army the city mission thee are the claimants for the cast- ofls which left to themselves would hut harbor moths und breed disorder the home the girl who hua hud from a wise mother a course in giving uway is tha better housekeeper for hr n- itruotlun and more than that she u more eyrupsthollo and generous neigh bor and the more noble soul attacked by asthma tho first fear ful aensallon in uf suffocation which hour by hour becomes more desperate hd hopeless to euwh a caae the relief afforded by dr j d kelluggs as thma remedy seems nothing less than miraculous its help la quickly ap parent and soon the dreadful attack is mastered the aafhmatlo who has found out tha dependability of this sterling remedy will nster be without jt la sold everywhere mutilated titles itcenaful bookapller nhould l mind-reader- ieoplo uak for books by lutllutud titles a doc in books says one of the most mutlluted title is that of the jleavimly twins for instance it in common to tmvolt called the twin angela th heavenly prodlguls the blue angola or the heavenly angels the othor day a man came in and naked for the travel lug hebrew when i told him i thought ho mount the wunderlng jnw ho bogan to laugh und said wh- 1 was sure h wan on viw go unywsyl not long ugo a lady camn in jtnd quietly asked if we had two lloatn which went by in tho dark she was not tho least abashed when i handed her ships thut iuos in the night one of tho most common bulln in u lookntoro in thut- which people rouko when thay unk for- a vest kickt edi tion of websters unabridged or tho bible with both tb old und new toatamonlm in it not long ugu a young man came in und asked for thut horso lunik we named over it kt of treatises on hnrsea but he nuld it wasnt thim we were thun compelled to confuhn our ignorance when he explained well my bona didnt exactly tell it was a horse book but he said to unk for the home with seven htablos we gave him tho houso uf the seven cublos with tho privilege of returning it if it was not the right one the hook nevor canto buck huuie the children from suffering from worms by using mlljers worm powders a mont effective vermifuge lth which to combat thenu ittaldlouw toem of h young and helpless it la excellent worm destroyer und when its qualities become known in u household no other will be used tho medicine acts by itself requiring n purgative to assist ll und ho thor oughly thut nothing more la deairm a hearty farewell tho old friends hud tnjoyed their tlvroe duys toethr in aplte of the faot thut tuct was not a cmmplcuoua quality uf either uf them you have quite u pretty pluce hare in said the gueat as he took u nnal look about him on the morning of his departure quite u pretty place though it looks u bit rare as yet oh huts because the trees are so young said the host comfortably i hope theyll have grown to a good alio before you come aguln then youll fee how much improved tho place will tu und they shook hands with mutual uffpctldii and goodvwll timely warnhmq a novallqt who was giving a lectuio on tho c ha rue t eristics und surround ings of thncluun of people with whom some of hla books deal noticed a dis approving face in the front row of listeners it was thn face of an elderly hcotcliman upd ut the close of tha lecture thn mu sir ho said slowly ufter u solemn shake of the lecturers hand ive lead all your books up lo this and liked thtm fairly man you wouldnu gle up writing und tak to speaking to get your living yourt yel no indeed suid the lecturer ly you think it would be un- wuile as dohtyour it would be sue sreat u mistake that i felt i must tell ye mu thought as an honest man said the scotch man with great earnestness i said to mysel hit may need just a word to nut him right and ill not deny it to him there was one o your books bit dull but- as 1 lintenod to ye tonight said to mysel twan na h dull us it might ha been thut book i ft a r all peovuh pale rustless and sickly hlldren owo ther condition to worms mother o raves worm exterminator will relieve thorn und restore health half truth if only liulf the truth were told uny neighbors would soon be in it turmoil and lf all the truth wore told there would be sioh exodus as would close up no m neighborhoods there uro skeletons in many a closet but men who are wiso or kind or bolh wise und kind do not seek to huvo the doors opened all thut is told should he truabut not all thut is true ahuuld ulwuys bu told her crowning qlorv the tut by has thl aid the new ir hair looking maam pleusuutly ut her mistress you dpnt mean it exclaimed tho woman glancing up from her book in into the nursery and take it awiiy from her will ruin it new lumber yard with builders supplies the georgetown lumber company ltd of georgetown have opened a branch lumber yard in acton ndwlll carry a complete stock of lumber lath shingles sash doors frames interior trim hardwood flooring hydrated lime murdwall plaster plaster purls beaver board fibre board and cement we also do contracting and building and will be pleased to quote you on remodelling or new buildings mr a m mccunn is in charge of the lumber yard and mr john miller will have charge of the contracting and build ing phone your inquiry to 114w or 120 and you will recsive prqmpt attention comfort and climate kach year as the heated term ap proaches discussion breaks out over the prohirtlea in drean in how free und euny un at uro in it permlusfblo for men and women to appear at their offices and factories ut school und in church soma persona are constantly defying custom and thn convention alities of life in trying tobe comfort- uble others endeavor to maintain standards of dress us they would standards of morals regarding dis comfort in ouo yomowhut ut they would tempiatlun in the other the contrasting effects of hot und cold weathaa- apparel have played no ftniill pnif in thn dpvelftpmitif nf lb worlds civilisation to dross fortubly in u northern winter involves effort und expense but whrra the mercury habitually lingers in the nine ties the persons upon whom tho hon or the civilised world full cannot expect to dress comfortably an american traveller in ceylon tells of nwelterlng lit mi railway compart ut in the ughtent clothes thut he could npd only to envy u stately urd turbuned indian wuu mu relied by thn r window almost jtaked the euro- iienn und american colonists w bear up beat under tropical conditions are thoae who udupt themselves with the least rcaurv to the climatic condl- tlona which they and there ituprlety judging by our standards und com fort uro thuu in utmost constant con flict the quentlon is settled by tempera mentqulte us often as by temperature but it is well to remember thut morals e tiinuntnnly manners und that there may be certain disciplinary virtue und therefore spiritual com fort in conventionalities which ure physfcally uncomfortable always handy and retaable erau- cally ull pulna arising from infuun- atlon can be removed with ur thomas isclectrlc oil simply rub it the mora svot und it is quickly uhaorberi by the akin its healing power la conveyed to the inflamed tissue which is quickly soothed thla old remedy is also a specific for ull manner of cuts scrutinies bruises sprains keep a bottle handy al ways effectual punishment thut tha condemnation of u mans n oonaoloncu is the tnout effectual punishment in well illustrated by u story vor the sinner und for the just man the worst torture la mental und for the sinner no other merited tortura so likely to work reform late one summers night as old doctor inirkhurat was returning from a visit to u putlent he heurd u whisper from one of hln cellar windows which had been removed he atoppod and listened intently so youve come at laat jim mur mured the voire well lv found tho meat barrel und precious lirtlv thecj is in it too here you hold thn l while r bring the pork the old doctor quietly obeyed hi structlona und luyor uftor layer uf tin fat moat wan hoisted but to him there aid the thief it aint beat to be mull in thosu things so ive latl one piece now land u hand jim for its eusler getting in than gutting qui thia small window ikuitor iurkhurut hud ijognld lli voice us that of una of hla itelghhurs u ntun uf whom better things might have btieil expectod therefore ho thought it proper tu glvo him hctur before he llit iht required uunls tun i am aorry neighbor that you am leduced to this atritlt und 1 must con fess hst i have never wfore suspected your integrity uid the doctor with solumii gravity at this unexpected rejoinder the detected rugue broke down unit hogged for put don und ao- crecy t will not have you animated satd tho doctor us ha drugged hln ielgh- lmr froth the collar nor will i expose you on condition that thlu is the lust time you trvapuns upon your ntlghtors in this manner but i a hull reaurve he privilege uf tailing this story when ever and wherever i pleusn after thut night ioctoi- iurkhurst told the story doieim or times often lit th very pi csance of the enumlei mrihm man hut no pursmiisloun could over druw from- him tha numa uf th guilty person ills cuurse urtvotually reformed th man and was tietfer thun uny public punishment which could hsyo bee devised iajjjitty v- j corns disappear when traatad with llolloways cnriv i turnover without leaving a scar railway time tables nadlan nationalrailways ci at actofl q west no 38 h 00 am mo ai io3garo no 33 3 29 pm no 35 600 pm no 3d b39 pm no 2 sunday 1020 am going east no 20 70g um no 30 llbam no 3 1 3g pm no 38 017 prjl no 38 1 13 pm 4 sunday 70g pm toronto 8upuhban electric railway westbound no h3 monrn no u lltna m no 7 j 40 v in no 01 r pi ji m no ao 11 lo put wlev lightning proof wmtjatrtlgtrt pswimimftt superstring gonwnmfit tb empire bam b plank contraction tnnw n clantmcally built of interlacing planks vin anomaoux rtnnith dfcujanal bracing throughout completes a structure malu as a rock abb to withstand tho hoanuat storms also outward prossura of bay and era in franaimcoit by on to bo two strongest typo of bam construction no abstructlnx cross beams braces ab all interior h cleas floor spaceldeal to work in get our prices for your barn just tall us length and width and abo drlnos you want and say when you will probably need the bam this will not bind you jn any way we alee tumth separatsly our famous aa empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles fttandarda of quality for 40 years if co any building consult sotvice depr b at your disposal and us our can givoyou reel help the metallic roofing co limited m toronto l wt ma ewryteleg in efcw autele fmnn o north american life assurance co solid aa the contlnsirt 500000 whole life contract a 20 annual premium 500 a 25 annua i prsmium 7375 age 30 annual premium 8800 ag 35 annual premium 10006 age 40 annual premium 912fl39 age 46 a niuial premium 14760 age 60 annual premium 18410 aje 85 annual pramlum 233j0 this contract carries with it liberal cash surrender values and paidup guarantees also extended insurance and non forfeitable privileges together with out monthly guaranteed income for life k c waixs district manajjer 504505 bajik of hamilton building hamuton 1 would llkn rull purtleutura ubout wliou ll cuntruot y ur hpuc lul name k address age occupation 4 wanted a uve local agent vok acton and district castoria nvnnnxnnnnnvsnnnsvs mother fletchera caatoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric tetthing and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomucb drarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assbllatioa of hood promoting cheerf ulnesi rett and natural sletip without opiates r to ivold imiuuiooj tlwayrlook for the ifinaturc of cjamu prywn ircftloni on nth tkmae pluslchua mat wtwaroeod it esstbound n r4 743 a in no go 10 42 am no ch 142 pm no 3 4j3 ptfi no 66 742 pm no 70 10 43 pm sunday ttmetable westbound 1140 a m 340 p m b 40 p m t d 40 pm no 5g o 60 no 83 no 67 esstbound 1042 nm 242 pm u4z pan no flo no s4 no es prslabt delivered by epeclal express frelxht froluht plrkctl up ut any ud- dreas in toronto e t thbtford agent aoton 7 out of 10 headaches are caused fromeyo- strain if you euffen from headaohua you ought to quostlon tha condition of ypar eyes often with vision apnurmitly normal eyes uruatly nexd tln help of k lasses a d savage optometrist d mtg optician savage optics building right at the post offloe ouelph optometrist to the csnsdlsn psolfio rsllwsy co t gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbon- main stnicet aoton mpravlng b3rkimokdstwot ttronto canada acton elevator near q t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake may and orain grain uousht and retailed alex l noble henry awrey manager this stores policy to represent c c aoily as lo tbolr quality to sell to thobo who know and lo thoiio wli dont know at uniform fair price to fulfill all guaiantecs und fully correct chee y correct all mis takes to deserve yur conhdonce by always giving you satisfaction savage co jeweuen guelph ontario 2i

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