Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1924, p. 2

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fw fs yf ij hcr i hr arton 3tor jlrrflfl 1 hiijthiay jiinu c 104 outdoor peace in tli siui tn 11 llghl in ug lln hills lly 111m will light y u vnr thlt h n uiim 111 holip i ml will la humanity more important than pig8t dy or mo jul utol jurtai mid own muni dw i resources of her re mil phiiunlhioi jul if 3fo jlrpbh hnrf tonj the new minister hahf kf mnrnpi i limigiwimivjctbamigwitffljbigiibgnww3waingrml c5 hi new ihunh ut romsliig was ioihik urlsh fill h im 1 tullnmi t mill the i right ihurcli liullding in mln il 1 to l i it flit purpose call i liut tin foreal losing hi iiuvvn iirgu may lie replaced tlm u dlliur ih uiyll ir taking life due it tli mm n movnil great euro u t i w 1 lug taken more may yet bi iil n if mr timber raourrw ho villi hi i erf title sheep hogs all ililih urn tuluahlo leuourcos lot fildtinli strike liny of those und them itiimiillulf ularm nil known tnutni i tuk t to tlmk it and wisely and n p ly hut the greatest of ull natural ro- iintt in human bi mgl jt cannot wild tlml lir lhf iwst overy oovern been n tho ilort ti sac in y llow itui turul be oiiim upllfl iiv of debtt i ly any tim w unowh due iclvi ii u0 intl n lit white i lnt i ruvn ir its utilt iuim r- fr in dim i but the duy of dll lot uiiluni ha gom h most oovorn in ntw un now uwuld to the import auto of lis man power unit take nn nun u to conserve it it in a matter f much i iliti m those of my province thut no illubbtlo tinni now die because be cannot afford to pay for insulin mid in muny province thnra is ample pruviwii n for tho identification anil curi of venortal disease i inn indui d glad tqhavij lived to moo tin day when ii enn truthfully bo uilil thut government iwy its much utloi thm iti m as to pig him this biee4h was madu a great cry fur nutlonul aonumy hau arisen und u proposal tiua boon made to out jho public hoalth vmnit ut ottawa a storm of protect lu been tho rojiult labor orfftunlzatlonm medical mortal numlm nimoclatlona tho ntionl council of womin kotaruo public hivutii journal or ofhclauji hoaplutl lxurtlti actuarial aocletles lturanco comunnlcm juvenile court judge ocutl workorn ami hysjantaui from comrt to limwi havo protested vloroujity aciunflt any reduction in our national upn dlturom on public health attention ha bon drawn to ths revolution putdo durlnit thft war where a lursn itercontftse of our canadian manhood wai found to b auffrlnc from tlejtructivc social disease to the consciiuont development trf pro- vuntlve oducatlve and curative nloait lirum the settlnc up of a foffefaj iloiilth depurtment to the joint dominion und provincial grants of hoo ooo evoted o the control of vunurml difcoao and the remarkably ftectlve machinery made possible through these grants to the foot that dr george vincent of the ilockefeller lounilatloti recently referred u can- uou as uv nation second to none in her public health activities and to the en- urinous economic wastage which will litovltahly follow any stoppage or les- onin- efforts to improve tha human stock in canada the public hralth jfiuma for april says odltorjjllly ovor 28 000 coses of rl d iseoses we r reported tjetmuln -in- rs2 uoppose instead of 1 2b ooo human beings attackod by pre ventable infective duease it had boon tho cose of 38000 pigs which had boon so attacked would not the wholn dominion bo alarmed and would it not insist that every means should be taken to combat tha uutase so attack lug our pigs are hitman beings not of irreutiir value ulan pigs in tho last issue of social health startling figures from the united htutts ure presented to show tho costs of tho enormous human wastage due to tho social plagues mjrurcs for canada ar not avail- ublo but this journal gives the ollow ing iiutory of a stricken family from tho rocords of the ontario department ot health a niun in urautford applied to the city for relief he thought he wa buffering front rheumatism but on be ing wxamlned at the hospital he wss found to be sihllitlc ills family was investigated and jt was found that hi wife had had several miscarriages one child hml died seven were living and tho mother wns ulso syphilitic of the living children the eldest was partially blind und def tho second and third wi dear and dumb the fourth has u long bono sypwutin infsouon the nftb eh lid is an idiot the sixth mentally ufmuvr- uuitthnnftvedlh a babe of eiglitt en mouths guve a osltiv wss- surma ii raitetlon this ntlr family is to day retolvina relief medical care nutwrvulon institutional treatment wthtr xnenmve uttentlon from cumminilty und will pmbably te th- tclplut of it for the balunco of their lives und tho editorial concludes this u juat oiih tse tim prevent- aohui scoqruges utbt espensl 1 if j v ii illy u i in ba li ml hyjiflunnj of kiikllflli vr ltr oothlc mill u mclluif of uliy luik of bvituty of do mlttn f vou suld deal orr olivet us lie mid aimon taylor wwlkml uway from mi irmimietloii of the cdlfku hats what i cull u goml johl umm did uell ly uu and hoi mutd u lusty tiling f it whuii wo uot our new minister w l t well fixed anil wo ought to liuvn u great out ourlng iucon ollvwr wiia an active chui member und an influential man in his sphere ills companion wus u younger man doll berate in his motl a fur away look in his deep brown oyes you couldu l call ans taylor lasy hut he hunt qot much sprawl x the village comment on him bo you re set on having a new mln 1st or t lie said slowly as thuy turned from the road into a path which led across the flolds there a no question about it re turned the deacon it was lottled lust parish meotlns wo want a minister up to the times x church like ion i pointing with u twist of hi lumb doosn i wunt fossils anion plucked a lung stalk of dried grass mr nichols fa u good man he remarked as he chewod una end or the stem modiiatively fjlood maiil exdlaimvd the deacon and there was unmistakable impatience in his voice of course be s a good man to my mind that s the least you can say about a parson iiul o church nseds something more than good man its so no to sleep long enough undor mr nichols s goodni i own i d like to see a few sparks fly around sunday mornlngsl tho short out across tha fields into the road near anson taylors house as the two men come along mrs taylor was standing near her spare room window while ltui trick sy who was responsible for the styles fn women s dress at the crossing was fitting a lining to her shoulders thsres ajison and deacon oliver remarked mrs taylor guess you i have to cut that out a mite under the armmcyo j shouldn t wonder if theyd been over the church anson hadnt seen how it looked since the new pulpit was got in well you ve got an elegant build ing responded miss trick ey as audibly as a mouthful of pins would allow l declare i told mrs dean t made over her second best black last week that it made me moat sorry was a baptist- liut what f horn in the blood and bred in the bone can t be changed how does your husband fee about the new minister they re talkli about r mrs taylors bright black eyes flashed he feels just as i do i she answnr- p its for all the world like turning your own father out of doors because there wak a lift n ugfcehtloii of a 1 cuil hcit k i lii i ofetnn ioikw icrutitudn towur i niy heart n v i ivlngly tared fi fliln liistancn 1 gi naronlty it in lln i si nt me on i l mill r inoi sure hilt hi uln trip unnot accept i nly llvw yearn iml dellghtrul in ow of ih dm thur made it u fll hutnl for un hoircnl mail to lln up a111i1 the sllenio ihen a timid ulir ring in a distant nrnr and 11 hum mi hhrinkhii little woman hiimx up j ant winter aim fallen d my mnn wuu kllh i me ami my hahles wuu nturv ink mid mr nhholm- hen h mil down nohhlntl i ut nhe hud no 110 i tell farthn not 11 notil in the muni hut knew the nnillitk 1her wn it ruatle of xllken aklrtm iml hithtli uukkohtlnn of vloh is hi tin air as mra clyde i ho r cheat nifrnli ir or the arlnh 111 iae hailkhu und en loirivv hii wh lulled but then wwm mi rot inenu now ip 1 b tuiiful fuee und her ilesr vu ireilihlod u little uij nhe spoke when my huhy died she sail thought life in id no more fir mo i m hola nine u me und he made fool thut tied is good i tjilnk wi know what mr nleholn u in time a homesick 0ov inoilrk wifesr siujuli expinsca no- o u- mum work whlh it l y hut few more years i my tl niont my good frluml wihie none uf it ueir y peopiit ieuoki oi i i t have i i must hu id f iih my hi artiest thfy dfvtieon twiateil uneually lit htn hair wu 1 ver a man hii ol iuhot e wus about to x ouk iignln whru hlu 1 ye 1 iiuiilimi i 1 llwht upon hi ha thai sh undiratooil tlm purport of islt was told in h r look of mill gled jmln and jwoitndeil rldn and by the ijulck tears which hed upiung to heroyes f tho deacon now ubruptly guess r bettor he going along nichols he nuld buttoning up hlu long the a lettur will im mnn hu he thought as he made his iii writo this vory night won t be an thunre to 1 either ilnesallko ay horn und there ilstuke it cam it bttik from caught little annu im eurrylnif hor to when mr mchoji tho door helen hud in hr arms ami wi bed people nro very good to mol th old man said luylng un affi ctluuui hand on the young should r t world l hill of kindness my iioart helen did not mot her fathers look as sho tucked anna into hor crib the little one reached up and dragged a rosy plump forefinger down her aunts choek what tor uunty uyt she exclaim ed in childish wonder and nymputhy the naxt afternoon anson tuytoi started on his way to parish meeting am he was passing the parsonage ho heard a tap on the pane and saw u beckoning ringer at the window he stopped and helen nichols enmo to tho door she liqld an envelope in her hand und her faro showed slgni of weeping mr taylor ahe aald i want to aok a great favor of you father is sick he has a severe cold the doctor says and he is vaiy feverish thin letter camo this morning i know what is in it i fl sure i huve been told what tha church want but father doesnt dream of it and it will kill him it ibis comes to lilm white ho t ilck may i kefp it u few duy until he is bettor r anson taylor might be slow of movement but he was quick in kind huuh wuiihrokflii now then more silence thu lit in gather lug was fiilrly carried 011 1 of llsolf 11 uf ti r another rune unit bore evl nonet of ho ptimlors holf to unit harry thompson homi from college turjn jaw days who dropped in to the meeting just for fun told with n munly brisk in hlu boyish voice of wise und loving 1 ouusel mothers ami fathers inhe or comfort in tlntee of trnu 1i with id mule eloquence fur more ourhlng than the moat polished to oratory there was hardly one in the vestry but hud mime exuerloncu of mi nomil hi li lo n lata l he spirit of testimony spread like a fire the gift uf imguca seemed to descend on lh moellng and the story bore always the same burden j wus ubrod and ye guve mo meat 1 wus thirsty und ye gave mo drink i wss a stcangor and ye look mo in naked and ye clothed me was sick und ye visited me i was lo prison and ye came unto mo at lust tho chairman urosu and cull eil the meeting to order the tears wire in his eyes for a moment ho eould nut command his voice my friends he said my frlandu we huve been saved from a groat mis tuke this afternoon wo cume hero lo tnlk of u new minister upd we rinl out what our old pastor i lo us what prosperity could we hups for with the of ingratitude on our heudst lol inatul him anew in our hearts and nbmii thirty fii as hum r family ti mo 11 lh i id hu l thtei days win better uf him ii wa wilklni with sum of 11 1 in miinlmr d whi th wuu it ouuhl 10 iii low the llilla nn i dud mid him vi 1 y hu he jill j 1 tthir uoyit li 1 f it when their im the wood but wh n ed nt illnm r- tlmo inlsiiliig thlncm okid oh log partleu worn r hoys wi n hvnt 1 1 i win npei urlvu ho di tho ids oldest whnl t u it 11 1 nvcil year lir ihtllhlut tho small ill ne of the large 1 in lory mlkhll ur mil n fret 1 his home hr 1 mi 0 hi 11 ul 1 his 111 me 1 endleiis u 11 1 0 1 it ho only it mi 1 sii got tin tin taken no by ul think utiythlng ud mi off into u ntry was mill th i 11 h hear nlsed tho 1 nil night v phom 11 id sluilid t i io schtrfil all thlu lima tlx ltll 1 una tilltd by ti for sl iillly ul hiu th itepy llu ml tlml that in o a y had 1 tratk ul ho and hu limed it lltoilitnd to thirty mllo eos a llttlx ie idean forhlnt itwhp ntd to nne ytu part tiufp- bay mr nichols unit up tq the times but i say that when folks get way ahead of the lord s luxuries can wi intelligent cltf 11a remain igaorunt indifferent in- avtlve with rugurd tq thomr as we liuve to foot the bills for the economic lo they mi tail hudn t we better spend more thought and more money on povtticluu rutlur than pay the plpoi for such lerrltlo stwilal ravages t going against the crowd 1 veryono kpotys how hard it is to walk in 010 direction when the crowd is puahlng in thti other uv who roaihus his datlnutiou by rtghtdia hia way thrujrha crowrt surging in th opposltii dlrnctloii needs plenty musiln und lols of pluck as well us un indllxitiiicu to the puehlngr and bowing he ret elves it is niuob easier tq turn uiouiut and go with the 1 rowd guliuf ugalnst the crowd is no4 easy when it in u muttut of opinion and oidtnr prolaliiy you know pie uf y iling poe who always wgreu wiih th majority und do us the other uiu dolin that is the uusy way c uoiirsi hut manly unit womanly youni ui 1 lo urw thinking of soniethlng te si lus ease if you wunt to keep you self rest cl vou inust say and d ittfhf nuiojes- of the tluiughts o ucilonsciftjiti urowit good gospel they better haul up ht and go slower ur nichols s sermons are good tough for me to live by as for his doings and us those that tell well if a man ever acted the lilblo right out in his dally life jts mr nichols hes baptised us and married us and burled u9 und looked out for us be tween and i can t make it soem right anyway i look ut it to turn him out now miss tricksy said nothing she rarely committed herself it wus not business to lose good customers merely for tho sake of having opinions of her own that evening deacon oliver in his sunday black called on the minister was his errand to notify mr nichols of the vote of the tuirlah and to give him a chance to resign and he set about it with a grim ponqo of satisfaction youd betier send 4 letter advised his wife it uln 1 a pleasant thing to do by word of mouth no said the deacon i aint much of a hand with ho pen and writing is liable to be read more ways than one i can put it clearer if i tujjt- so he took his way under the clear autumn stars to curry to the old pas tor the message that his people no longer cjrod for his ministrations vhite- haired mtj nichols greeted the deacon in his cord4sri way the blase from the oldfashioned flrupluco casta u pleasant radiance over the nxim helen the ministers only uv ing child and his comfort anil stay since his wife s death ear by the tamp sewing oil the rug bofor the flrn rolled u tiny b haired girl tho ministers orphan grundchitd 1 i m having a lay time to bight one has to be u little indulgent with those increasing yeurt but the grass hopper has hot yt becoms- u burdi oiunk tho 101dl said the old gentlo- wlth umie let me have the letter miss hot pa he suld i will explain it to tho nur ish id like to say he added awk wurdly that i didn t vote for iii thought i d like to havo you know the parish mooting was held wi tho vestry of tho old church known that tho subject o minister would he discussed thai afternoon and the small roorc crowded after some preliminary buslno ciialrman nnokw of h ehmeh ing need about ir i thin li lila church has cared for us i foi ashumod and i pray h hear of the unkind ness wo wrm lo show him deacon oliver reluctantly got his feet mr chairman he began u a ills sort of way according lo tl st ructions of the committee i- sent a letter to mr nichols morning another hush fell upon the meeting but this time it was the silence of conslornotlon thon wlih his usual deliberation anson taylor came for ward und laid un envelop upon the desk explaining it in a few worrii it was the deacons letter with th eoal unbroken i of course it was most improper for young thompson cheer then ans in that place but he did and moreover the cheer was tak en up by all such a sound cer tainly never rose before wtthln the walls of that room then some ono started the ddxology and even deacon olivers harsh notes joined in the words nung from the depths uf grateful hearts irulse ood from whom ull bless- ings flof ctor all thu dm not be mm h rarfh lust juut uu the up ii rn hud tin fnr iinls with whhh ii- huy u ti rry ilckn bi walk buroru breukfust chap vnry hungry unit loaf of hnml instead it did not soem exactly right to walk on tho bout without paying h hud to act homo about live mlnulih after the r hud inft f tlm houan on his way to the school his sun luavy eyed und sore roomi trudgi t up utui rung the boll wheuh havi yo u 01 chllor ex clulmit the lore mun who opened the rtoor i got in moult fa thuls ull replied tho hoy i wunt my slippers my feet are tlrod a telephone nn ssugu was immedi ately a til to thu school when the rector miurned u little boy was timidly nhudows of lie hall dad thut i tp ip i5c trial bottie jk2jm1s sc coupon dry dull hair takes new softness sheen you too can hnvc tlir linuty of lui- trous silky hair i vrti if onr hair is brittle dull jiiclci ttxmy it can be done by iitinjj tin rorrcct bhampk wfnch authonlits rcirjiii- jniftid this offers you a test free pay attention to this fact which haw specialist know the correct shampoo contimt ohvc oil it cleanses hiir and it tip thor oughly clear down into the tin porci at the base of each hair yet it cleanses gently mildly lnvr hair soft as n childs pttuit richly gieaming with natural oolorand bruuty rins olive oil treatment la given to you in a modern dainty form in inlmohve shimpou pleasant to tiae not 1 int oily quickly beneficial arid economical i ry it it our cxpcnbc send coupon for 15ctml lottie free- after rising it the firit time you will notice encouraging rest lis palmolive shampoo king in he i just the uldn t help ttl ho pl lorgymaii opened tils n ded boy upriuui into was ull right ut las 1m m 1 verythlng dn t auld ulted herself g usa hopper my huklng the curls little not her affair unite 1 phralm hud put on ft cluui har und his host coat and was wulk ng majislually up and down tin you working 10 duy unci of his iiiipjulutsmos uh is lulebrntlii my gulden martini nrty years 1 t lln sllh voi wen lo dsyr yos sutl will why un 1 4jur wife lulplng you to tilebritter my present wife auh replied uncje kphraim with qlgnlty aint cot uooup o do with it flhes de vottrth ilttla a mm crei father s chair and by his knee iet anna ih gsntial she said out of hef eyes mr nichols lifted tin his up heres a young- ludy who ought m huvs been in bod un hour ago only her grandfather wus weak enough to llstoti to her teasing well doon oliver so at lust tho church stands ready it is indoed a nt temple and i em proud of the iteopl wlm raised it without the oursa of debt lo etan 1 lietween it und us full srvl deacon ollvei gave an eniharraass little cough homehow it did dot seent easy to ge in the object of his visit lis almost wished he hsd tuksn his wlfes advice andwrklen u loiter after sonio desultory talk liunado a lesporoie plunge i culled to ilglt he hi gait to e you about a mutter talked over our last pari eh niestlng we fan thut r you ure getting along in years us you just lemurked und we know you must fei yqur work getting arduoua mr nuhols guve laugh not y nolyer my rrlendl tho goml lord tant nio st rength ubuudwiice out 1 thank my iioople tor their solloltuds qmcoii oliver breatheil a sigh sad began again it was voted to er welt to offer you a chatjoe to rest from your labors v the ueaeon fit xhai ftil announce merit wag both ulblical anttoonylnc- in in its torm 1 mr niehol h skated m momenibe t to jitr grm thing and i fairly peiuuaded myself f a more active pustor a you all know the parish has voted to give mr nichols a chance to resign any suggcstluna in regard to this more id case it is accepted us of oouree it will be are now in order there was a moment s pause and thei to nvttry one s astonishment anson taylors long- fdrm unfolded jtsolf it woe an unheard of thing for him to speak in meeting j havent any suggestions he be gan in his moderate wuy und haven t gut anything to say about the now minister i just wsut to tell a little story right here it will be new to moat of you when i wus a young man a temptation came to me i won r go into particulars enough to say that a mortgage came due op tho place my father laft me und 1 could pay it it waon t a big sum it 110001 mighty little now but thi of those fow hundred dollars mean the loos of my house and burn and hefe anson hesitated my happiness xor i was thinking of getting married tmia wus a bad enough hy but worse cams to me in tho nhuji temptation as i said i haortho care of some money the small property ol a distant cousin and there wus w whispering in my heurt which said turn in some of that money nrid ettvi your natnoand tako your wife you can molt it up later and no one will the wiser at hrst i shook the thought off as if it was a snake but that everlasting little whljr kept up atifl by and by it seemed like u straight and hutivst thing just to taki the use of that money for a liitl while 1 ansons voice shook now utnl thou und his throat wus dry und husky hu audience listened in aurprisu at the apparently irrelovunt speech mrs taylor who sat with u rrlnmt on the other side of the vslry grew very led und filially rover d her oyos with her hand well continue il the mucker nt last i gave right in to thut lumpllng voice and hen i began to argu with myself that i was doing the wisest treatment of obesity many fat ieopie huv done them selves muoh harm by injudicious diet jng in tho attempt to reduce theii superfluous flesh it is a very slmph matter to take orr fat any one can do it by systematic starvation but it is dangerously easy to reduce the vital forcis lit hs snrrm tlru n i f ximfortubl utuu that the money i wus thinking r tak ing was a sort nf special provident o sent to help ine out uf u hard plifou time was gutting near it wus tho very day before i wuu tu pay the inert gage when i heard a man speak some nrds that cut ine deep they showed me just where 1 was standing unit i went to that tnan unit told him all that hud been lu my hauit to do wo didn t scorn mo hut he helped me buck my self rospoct aud than he i e the money to pay my inortguge he wusn t riuii i know he wont without many thing that winter foi he want of those dollars i was for aelling nil and paying hint buck but ho sum no murry and settle down in your own home neither you nor the young woman you love shall waste your young years in waiting i teg in your life together ouiitent with little but together and with 1 imu- ou- sciences of m uii an 1 your llak rl that money has been tmld hat k long ago hut i un never- puy tpy deet of gratitude for my lifos happiness und honesty it was a msiia tnnon and a man s deed that saved ine and that nisn was mr nichols lol hies hli thoi was absolute sllonoo when anson aut ilow a stifled sob as mr tuylir caught her breuth no one moved or sjiokn urtul u houise volou front hi rear of the vstry broke in uii the hiinh 1 v gut a wyrd id say tool spiiki s lough looking map with uu nlmost defiant air you all know loo noth ing kept ma from my rrlnn but mr nichols gut y of me when cumu out of jal and he trusted ms aiuf mads a man or me again id work ihst hand off tot the parsnip und every one here known its been an honest better to be fat und hearty than slim and broken in health tho problem r how to reduce tho jiosh ind ut tho ume time maintain health and strength i s one that has taxed tin thought uf many physicians has not yol reached a satisfactory solution it is lmiwrtant for the physician to know before begi lining treatment what is the oamse of the obesity whather it itf an inherited tendency lo put on flesh or is unwise eating eating may be 6 n wise us regards either quantity or quality the patli habits must be known and hlu or idiosyncrasies as to various articles of diet aud the jdnd of obesity must ulso b taken into consideration whether the plethoric or the anaomio rorm short it is the patient that must be treated urul not the disease is possible here to indicate only die broad principles of treatment which it is understood must be modi- fled mtirw or less in almost every fcnno the treatment hi dlotetlo and hygienic for thiro is no drug ca liable of reduc ing flesh that will not ut the same lime probubly reduce strength if th person is a large eater the total quan tity of food must- be gradually reduce et by decreasing tpe dlxe of each meal a iktloespecloily of breakfast tho eating of salads unfl green vegetables advisable but the starchy food ich us potatoes and cereals should b vary sparingly ueed for the same reason bread must bo in great part given up desserts und sweets of ill kinds especially candy should be u solutely forbidden jtut strange us it may seem isless injurious 10011 sweets indeed it should never be entirely excluded from the diet ulthuugh it would bit betfi fo eat of it- in the form of butler or tut meat very sparingly skim milk or buttermilk may he taken and o may eggs and meat the latter unco a day only t tea and coffee may be drunk but not with meals watr should he tukun only between ulid be fore meals not while eating alco holic beverages must nut be used at in the open air preferably walking seveiul miles u day is imper five china buvs canadian wheat china stood second 011 the list of buyers of cuiiadlaii wheat in thu mai- kets of tlm world dtirtncthi month of march 1024 in thut period chiu imiiortd 2g1sum bushels of canadian wluut valued ut 12 303 6116 tho un ited kingdom look 8 724 6dl bushels tallied m m27 47 uelgium und franco wero next must extcnalvo buy ers each taking slightly more than one million bun hub tho totul amount shlppod during tho yeor ending march 1d4 was 268 870- 537 bushels thlu shows an increase over thu proivdlng year when 216 074- 680 bushels were exporto 1 tho value of the wheat exported wus 2b7 76h c6 un increuso of ig 812 g4 iivi- the wheat export value of the previous twelve months germany came siond to tho united kingdom lu the quantity of canadlou wheat flour pun huscd in march the united kingdom took 347741 barrels germany 333uc3d banqis and china 161 021 barrols th export uf flour in the twelve months under review wus jitumd barrels qi u increase of 480 869 barn is over the previous year there has ho a notable liicreaso in the exportation of oatmeal and roll- ed outs during the comparative period a thu value or outnioul und rolled oats exported during thw year ended last murrh w ffaui 4 thk palmouve companv of canada limitfd toronto oot 15c trial bot1xe free fill in and pot 10 the palmolive compsay of csnaih limited totonte out mclaughlinbuick master four 2435 fi gds g27 the prerodlng yeur rrnrr tim not so very weak the uln was hidy puss in in the a compare this car with other fours just as the masterfour excels in beauty of line finish and appointments so also does this car lead the f jeld of four cylinder motor cars by virtue of its mechanical perfection and its unexcelled performance thf valvp s a ance of power and speedfour wheel brakes assure a positive quick stop without effort 6r strain woman lothod as evidently t beside tho the tlokleh few mlnorn two cowboys who looked iii and a mm very hrltuh tweeda lie usoil to roughing it und open window ipdlrr rmt to th cold uir thut swirled into the cur uehlnd him st tho woman shiver- ing across the aisle wus u largo buned westornei ho did not seem lo mind th wind hlm if but he gave a kind solicitous ghnqo toward the woman after an hout of alilvertng she lean ed forwurd and uuked the man in front of her to eigne the window jle paid him to lit r ri uuat nicrjn look the gma c deferred payment plan makes it easy for you to buy a motorcar ask us about it fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont i straight itf himsolr l uuillaiis hue nheud uki i 1 i tho wrd i 11 to be that said add lit lurga weak lot thn tlm rose slowly the botl ion tweed lather rudely into the corner of the seat laid hd uf uio wiaoowealeh with lils hlg thumb un 1 finger ami sent the window down with u slam i guess w uln t o very weak pard- ner ha said lull man ai rows the utak iiim lu id lame just under i hi riuchjxl ucross the pushed tho owner of it i ftf he fpomi whin ht llgwjrd fot yr and hes the one how to learn binding the urt of singing is a precious pos session which lomporatlvoly few piople eau ulaim deepltc tho fact hul lhei- are thousands wht ure certain in lhei own minds that they alone uro tho sol possessors of the jewel the tullsmsn which they can isss on to iim- it is something- which lu fur morn thun the mere knowledge of t voice or of the uriun of the threat ii lw u great urt which must be trans mitted lather than taught iuten to die birds and note how they barn their songs from their teaohprs in the neats the souga of their parents are their only models and they just sing us they heard their parents do it must lie obvious therefore tluit one of tho first prlu olplesi in studying singing is to 1ml laio not t u- fc patriot iml- lutes but to listen lo great singers up ileistandingly mm nalytlcolly hear how they pvduco their tones keel the chuiaiitir the yuajlty f hel volcs often this quality is a matter of years of oureful development very few alugxrs of upiisoiiuoiiun sing with the hume voice they employed when lluy bigau their turners wyt hi th wason that we h imlti wb uie ihillre wo inltuto the vukes thataaounl rts often heso ols ere ysiy bad ones indd hut e instil lively imitate them then jwe have to rebuild our voler uftsr we have destixiytd tho bad lutbits the eduuitlon of the voice is in a urge measure the eduoalluu of the est 00m blned with the individual voice ideal of tha student ocean f pleasure h empress or mono- class cabin service tho exhilarating ea ulr the fagcirm- tioa of tha restless ocean the entertain- menta aboard the ship and what ships large apeedy and luxuriously furnished they repreient tiitj very higiieat in ship building art while the culilno and service leave nothing to be desired truly a voyage of enchant ment ak tooat ants jravelearly ciinadiim telling the story the more you tell the more you sell whim the merchant tells the story of his goods in his newspaper advertisements he automatically reduces the amount of time required to wait on a customer the more completely the btoryr of the joods and what they will do for the customer is told the bhorter will he the time required to sell them in most cases this saving alone will pay for the ad while the addi tional business it hrings in will he so much velvet newspaper advertising is bring every where advocated by the largest advertis ers on the continent as the best method of developing business it lakes some of them a long time hut gradually they all find out that the paper thats read by the- whole family round the table is the best medium through which to reach ihe 1 people by those who have something to sell and the little town paper is the one that is most closely scanned in the home the acton free press j 1 v- w

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