Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1924, p. 3

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r r ptjiwrpviw jfjwtc ghtr artntt jffrpp jjrgfla t1iijhhijay junk b ia2l poverty and wealth wll i hlm 14 ml haa penpd witt hlr am i ii mm ir iiirjnfn im niii h 1 i it h i y i ill dreams fc i in u ilin mi i in ith i tornjty i uut i tii- man ilrlt hough 111 hi w i if h r r thin miili i inl iiu sold 1ii lf v for lit ale hortuiio low ouiwurl w nilltl ins nuko not lvf nor iiiiit sti tut ln rullun ir hip kphlt ire charles t fauersoi could not commit murdi idea it i hii unuhuol for man who has u intuit to ulioot u door in return n itnip with ii rleur roiihi ioncn that it in 11 pleasure lo iuolo ilin alary two jui k hunter had bo ho tu 0110 night vn u rrk if iho flambeau lllvor they wi m uuliuf u clumsy hat tatt turned unit wlili h inn of horn propelled with u lolo at leu o clock ihey saw u hurk y 4i1p unlit of tholr powerful arlililn in mi just on he wa leaping to the hank an hour later thoy rounili i 11 ixiiid and found u doe stan- luif in full vlow she wua nut more than twenty yords distant hh threw up har hone and puirod at tin light um soon aa it came within range tim wind wai blowing from hor in the hunters so that ho mild get iiu scent the dun who wu poilng dropped the long slick ut iluwii und look up tha paddle th stood still am iho boat continued foot by fool allowed no uorvouaneaa mow unit on n n ho ihruat her nou far up- wurd turned bor head to on aide and ypandvd her ooatrlla in the effort to kiit tin scent of the strange thing which wum approaching but getting tto wesmr flljhpdid not occur to hr the ixtut got within twenty feet of in r ihn within ten feat- another troko of the paddle and it would ito ml vii but uhu huvn hot n upon hor then she turned lowunl llie bank and walked lowly uwuy twice jihe slopped and looked but k at thn light oncci aha stopped lutluml u mouthful of wajcrrraa and chewed it htill at a walk ovr hurrying oven into p htt ah want up thn bank and diaappeared all this time them had been a man all ting with a hlsb power rifle juat behind the llsrht he wanted deer inuil and could of course have blown w hole through the animal if he had bon ao minded in fact he could havo knocked it down with the gulden polo which lay in the bottom of th ixmt ha said afterward i coyld not a hoot she wo li prim condition a very beautiful animal standing relieved in the strong light ao that every muscle ahowed qim looked straight at me with ner luialroua lurso rytut tht were not frljjhtond but moral y inquutltlve pccrlnir into the tfreat lamp to aee if i conlalnvd nnythlnu harmful or uaeful to h r hhe could nut aee me of oourae aa i wna la the black ahadow lxhlnl the lluht but i could hardly mrhuudo mynelt hat i was unaen klllinc tliat deer would have been wimple murder grannys kitchen my f runny ky old f 11 wiik u plouniiut l lui r in u110w in tha iliac acenled mornlniju of the aprltik of lontf ui with iho merry curtains blowlrur and tho wll vino haunted iloo and ilin 111 ver andlnif ahlmmer of the aha iowa on iho tloor with tlm tiny flie orackllnu and the table mil for two cruaty loaf unil brown wild bono umlnit ixila und 1 11 pn u blu hprlntlm breuhl to raniiy x kit orihurfl volet a nwm und wilil uut her word wim awnnter mualt o a wlalful hourled child haa written about iho mrly jn m thf hook or thn ihlrty fmn mim rtcordod in hla hh ubovi only ilirtt or four now niirvvc the dog nurbeo the cat tnt fillowlnu ttitnr lili in i i 1 i iho oaliihllnhnmitit of filn 11 ilnioo- ihiwiiii 11 al unil it d rt till mi jual um it in rfhitcd ilnr in n niiinl 1 of rodllilo wlltithmih hiiii livlnc w li 1 din vouch for iiu ailhind lt nnvnrii yeiru in 11 mill vllliu in tentnil tlhl 1 llvtt 11 widow uml ht finilly of thif hinnll 1 till irm- jlrnoiw th fjiw khhi anlonm f llibi fmilly wei u hiumii dir not u tii rii dtr vn h iinrnl fnrltu li tin ni ikhii 11 in t i hut be mt wim im ici in 1 illy ilullk 1 own luliy by tin hi 1 iv b the toy canoe f h hiol foil 1 mju lit fill i i ii m rui ht h i dei ihr 1 bin mm darkly lluur saw his mistake it iwil lone been ulmoat a proverb in iho village that jededuth perklpa dldn t know a ahance when he aaw one the public dlac of thin fulling- had often come to uncle jed a eura and hud eounded loudly in thatxt worat of all ho had to admit that he wua in the iangioo of hta neighbor naay ho paid the moat for what he bought and coc the loaat for what he aold of any man within u domen tnltaa uut undo jm1 buw a chance ut laat a railway run cloaa to hla houae and in the middle uf winter during a tre- mondoua anow atorm a paaaenaer train vrua atalled in the cut through hta moulh imuiture and waa unable tit go forward or back after it had been there about tuuf a duy uncle jed aaw hta chance there wre u hundred or two hungry pa- ueiigira enxar to buy food lie had a large atore of ham and bacon hel would huvo aunt sarah make into aandwlchea and they would clear h aeiull fortune so thuta what we done eald unale jmi telling of it afterward we mad up- evory bit of ham in the houae inti aandwlchc and i took em down theae and ottereil em for aula for tiuarter vow i tul latexl u man a hungry them folk a would be willing 10 pay a ijuarmr for a good big bome- made auudwiih but they held back they wu plenty would pay a dime i could u aold out twlcet over ut a dime each but i only aold five at a quarter 111 wait till they git hungrier a a i i went outnlda and aet on anuw i lie und watched them tellers ahuvel- ii tie out that truln heemed to me ihcji mart like to git the truln uut l fore in xt summer ao i dldn t hurry about going u board again with them auitdwlrheu jea aa i made up my mind it wum lime though ulong in fitut oom 0111 of them rotating whirl igig pluwa they aent up trum the other wy und bt fore you tould aay jack ltoblnaou awuy weitt th train behind it through thn rut it made well air um i nat thare wtchtn that train hudn t gone more n two hundrtnl yarda before 1 turn i had made u kraut mlatuke not to well them aaiul wlchoa fur ten enla i aee it pluln 1 ould bti an i um weelnf it ye f jr aunt hurah an me hua been llvln 011 hum aandwlchea for three wcaka and they ulu t half ueed up i hwaotnr of fh a yaaju hearing him fievr mun prom the aprlng of long ago harry le oli ijayh at ijmi houhic hay i firmly bfllovn luhluli tlruiit haa juat h koiki a mamory aa i have and ho hait mguul plcuaurn in rnculllnff eventa ofthe early duya und priiitltilf them for the edification of the readnra of to day laat week ho wrote on int resting lotfur of remlnlacencea of umehouae hla hlatory of the founding of that hamlet la vory inlrreatlnit but i ronfraa butnc of hla recollnollona of peraona datea unit inch en in tlu not nullo jibe with my recollm tl thbt 1m whut ihtt major auya in lilt article in the herald laat wrnili i wua oaknl the other day if i ki anything alwut ilmehouno und early hlatory and i aald i would bruah up my old thinker and record am here a what im giving you ivavlou to 1840 iho land wheru llmebouit mtundm waa owned by hull morodlui that your one glendonnlng txiught the land und the uw mill and called the pluco fountain uren in 1r0 john newton hr built a mill for mulct ing water lime und during th building of the j t it ho furnlahed them with nearly ull thoy required thla mill waa titled up in 1862 fur a hen mill und wah carried on aa 1 until it wua burned down about forty your ugo during iho time tha c t it waa building ita line the plucti wua culled tho hock und up to 1kgt k waa mown aa auch but in tluil your a tho threat of preflutlona tho dog wh inn 11 imr w almrrd in tull meamn n lb the neighbor foi ih cm u meal time wua bait lit unit between him nd hla ft nov thoy could n vi r l tiiugbt lo tut to aether or ml iho name linn without ng-htlng- intll ut length mll rtun overtook nubuy r one iilglit wl n mh wum out on om of htrforuya alii gol tin of in 1 liga fual in a at i trap tin ln wi brokon ho tliut wlhti lm it linntl home th nrxl duy thn 1 r iiig limp und um im tin r jior fuvorlm rtlrout under tho houao whltti nhe icnuli 1 through a hole in th foil mint inn at noon lime when hpry wua foil puuay t amo out for hor portion uml alnoo aha wua uniiblu to defend heraelf with lnr uetuatomod vlgi r hpry oitaliy aelacd her by tho nup of thn nock un 1 tarrletl lit r bunk uliili 1 tilt hollm lit ihtn rolurnod to lib plute unit t liooa ing nimn of lb iialntluht pleteu und ihoo whlu he hinmolf 110 doubt ilk d beat hocarrlod them undr tlm houan uud guvo ihom lo iho out until punay a uppettlt wua aattaded hpry tin 1 oamo buck and atw tho rumuiu ler hlm- aelf thla performance wua it pouted lhre tlmea ollajtlllitlw at recovnrod except liut uftor two tirtlirto day puaa ceuao i to come out although hpry never forgot to foyl ht r on the heat food he hud after the recovery of pna tin iwo imvor ugaln quurrt hi d 1 ut lo the duy of hla deuth hpry would not pminll thnr tut to atuy ruuml tlm houao it may be cheaper to oo around homo voung people when once they have nturtod u project inalat on ilol it tholr own way even if thul way la dfurly not the boat l u 110 d lac red it to tuiu uald for uu ulatutitr9farvlded ymi keep tight 011 going toward your thatlnulloii homotlme um tullwuy k miwny inula u heuiter to go uixtund the imao of a muunulx thun to tuniitl through uml you will und the auinr iruu in your own ruae tlm and uguiu if you dlmugrou with aume one it i not ulwuym ihhci4iy lo uiguo the nutation to u nnlah if you fool that you are nut gtltlng tlm atiuure dewl from your employer it dire pot follow thai you muat inalat 011 an immediate rulae of mulury with youi raatgnatlon aa the ulturnatlvu many tlmea we reach our goal more uulokly by go in uryund a dillluulty thun by hummerliia our way through peal waa iii mu 1 i lled umohuuae with he lain john newton sr a poatmaater it got the nume i imehouae from the tnct that the lime work wq ut the lime prlnclpul induatry the tira to engage in tha lime bualnoa wau lla- coby a worthlngton and tiuxt wun llndaav i 1uniuhur in 1867 oowdy moore bought the itaacoby plan and faryuhur lought out 1 indsay later they ware all tuoiwed into one company known ub the toronto i imo krom 1be2 to lufia while the q il wua build inw thla wua a very buay place the cut through the rock f tho lurgeat and mttat gi dertaktnga that ihe o t it put through whou you luko nto uc iho upplluncea thoy hud for do log auch work in ihoao duya and i rock waa about double the height that it la now the cutting waa completed in ibm und tho lute juinea niekell our or vickoll a father drove u newly murrled inutile through in a alolkli aa he aald ho wua drlv fireman und conductor ut tho ill puaaenger train we uaod to talk about thul event for it viuu un t john mcimieraon kopt u atore hla alater wua murrled in the real old highland munner mualc und da ing eating and drlnklnff the dancing waa dona innawton a mill and wo kept up ull ulght no imda fur many john hmlth and my father were the fiddler and angue meirher of llallhiufad the piper angua would laying when many of thuni would mkini r talk und drink o hi put u aop 10 angua aonio one put u knife hua und lnt the wind fimdeth no qood a woman will b into ygooda tore packed to the roof with gondu if vnry atylo ami vuluo and toino ut with n nvo cent pupor of phut that la what alio went in for and who got what ah wantod wt uuunlly tlul whut we ure hunting foi wo hnvn known people to go to hurt h and romo uwuy with aome grummatlral mbttuko muite by tho pnathor thoy could not ovon recollect thi when you find u mini ulwuya turning up tha bad aldit ni uviy thing you havo got a gutter antpt no man will go noeln uruund buck lunea und into garbage burrela who dot an l llki tho amnll of refuse uud love the tuato of carrion iul tltut down tho ft how who la u lllmirllit will tell you that every mun la immorul und that t vmy womman lmmoleat the conllrmod llur will tell you thut you um t trunt uny hotly theae daya tho crooked hualnoaa man will tell you thut l ou cant be in hualncaa loiluy und t n u roiiatunt church menlbnr tynlc u the liollt name for tho mun whoso own 1 vll experience louda him to think that 1 her la no auoh thjng uu ulnertty r brotherly klntlneaan the woild uuurl agalnat thla dlakaltion to amor uml ucoffal good tuk a hipjura 1 tui m ij lijl 1 iii r a vrtt v- jh- ivl v wsrersp3 v siebhrruskmhhbvaabtr akbbbbbalcevjapbbbb9bsblvvi crj4 mtsnmjjmtmwlaaxkbimmkt9 tha toymaker and his carving la a plant of village growth within when you flpd yourai if aourht on men and thlhga ho that huth forward heart ttndeth no gootl ar yoy finding good or ovllt holoirion i hhoe and leather journul green tea in great demand t wt itty five your ago or on ton wua mom pulr than lllack but due to ihe lnuvy imporlatlon of touf ual liy jupuit un i china green tea a the tleiuuiiil foil ult ceylon and indlu hturtml producing oruon tea on u large acute only in retetit yoara they wero or auch fine quality and delicious flavor thut green tbu drinkers im mediately n ctignlaod ths it sufierlarlty and damauded them in ever lncraaalna uuantltloa halada taa companv u practically the aole importer of ceylon and india green taag in canada the ufieriuiou thoy begun lo start for home aomn were fi but john hmlth waa glorious und it wus auitl that ndrew hcolt auw john inukiug hi way up the iw nillwuy und ho hailed him kuv john where hue lo no surt i think it wua 11 w mid ing hut it was u giuiul mucis hatever your humbh aoivuitt did not think j ub far uu in wu oticemsd for he was put to bod in ihe bunk with id granule ucphersoti uud tlu ugh it s about 70 vars lme i un well emember how i tried uud my mother hud u tkw mu in bund for- poitco uu gutxl order at thul tluif und for many youi tfr the plute wus tullod tho itok even yet i hear it t fnrrttl lo a til hock i will give you uu lustum in uwi the ltev john irlngla wu ullotl as a iilluhitei to lih golown and umehouse by the lri sbytoilans i will ipjuio from u itttei wrlltoii by blip uu the oct anion oflhe itflleth lut- tilvaruaiy of the church livid uul dt etl ultlney octoter so 1u10 it wus uhui his ttrst avrmon f uliu the amllf on th old well rirmeinberod rucem ul the itt k churth when i ibutl th jjrd pulu lihruae yt re 14 and let the tenants of the rwtk with urcents wide rjoln i did not see it until i auw the mil ii hole und there in the church the following wro the itenidn wh llvd in uud about i imehouae in lk to imu k jus i indsay hr juh llndauy jr i a lrunar um hhuuka wpgml nun andrew hcott jr jus uikvn ryfe hoiiiervlllp goo couw tlu n wright r meredith j hnydi 1 jalintm iobble wm hcott alex kennedy henry unas charlt kllputrbk ni11 ian lliidnuy john 1 indsuy john nu kell jus hcott andrew hcott hr w hharp t homervllle j htuin 1 villi j huaaoll john ituastll wtu huyder john nnwnui hr tho luti n i aul kennedy jim ml kell join 0lllns a durno i hope i have nol found icmi much for you altout the llo k jf so rtrt one at nu anil i will do aa 1 did in th buna llo down und keep ijulet it time for iiw to find one lunnlght flower gems in glass murvelous artificial blooms that t semble natures finest specimen in ory ten poet even scant lira uaum rlttilo by axptrt ulna hlowoi ivory jurt of the plant tr ilow r is faithfully reproduced from llm itnic dellcata stems und colorotl polals lo tho almost invisible polli n the first thing which the maker of thjeao wonderful blooms dors is to blow the petals from gluas utt thin und fragile as tissue pupnr tho uuibh lietajs are thin shupml und colored ex actly llku th luiturul uimu borne of tha rarer plants cuniiot he easily reproduoed und often several experiments have to bo curried out with different colors before u lull good imitation is ubtuincd theae glass flowcim ure used ixten slvely in museums lunh lo uow di j tails of plant or flower foimutiitn lld an bacldjtrounds for displaying specimen of birds uid insects iut fur has thla brunch of solrntltli tllusa wluwlna imjonijlveloucd thai it in linn tlcully impoaalble to distlnguiah tin urtlfhiul hloaaoma from the roul severe test for stainless knives when ul chrlslmiih ilnm we turn into u loy attire or in 11 lurgei dopuri merit uttirtt lowurd thi toy coiiutm w uro upt to boo in our ml nd eyn only th toy und iho child home of us nun und fml ourstlvea and in spirit go buck to the iluys whf 11 toyn wtr 1 1 us jis th y tire lo chll lren the ni hodlmnnt of tho lmuginu1loiv the fungible form of our dreuinsl hlghl of tho toys the touch of them is a mugu wund rostoilnt uur lost child hood an1 so w really ljitl in luyljiit iho thlni that wu ilka thn thing thut tukes oui fuitly thut is if wi huvn 11 1 holce uud lire notforctd by t ir cumsluncts of limited stock or llmltitl liiiuiis to tuku whut ut can gul hut th toy louclits furthi 1 biu k thun ihls hi hind mill i th loj maker the mun 01 wt mun wllimo dt ft minor uhiitle th thing of urt mil life oul of uiil romlslng uud wholly qn- uuggentivi ruw tnuitrlul thus can udu bus nifii nit raftsmen who m in the u rtst fog lutfiit flgurtu if quints windmills wcnthi r vane mln- ire cm es irgeu is of mother hub hunt tuko the port i reiich pint indluil muker of the toy mint that so d lights tlm hartm of little boys ivmi sn for luck of lukt tivi or sen in tin ir nelghlhtrlutod limy art forcttl to null it in tin bulh tul or just uirry it to itetl rluspad in chubby urmn ut night an 11 or f guluou whroou to still uwuy to the land of ilriumx is thor not in ilm cunoe u mlrlt of mcnt tht hrenih tiult of m ulpteur um the wottd curvnr tullu hlmutlf dtwn in q11 h r tin i ihe olnmt nlul know 1 tlgt und uiihotliitlon of thn cull m thut in tln indluil v in iks iiu k tt prehistoric days in this greiit stretch of ton 11 try thut is ciinudu ii would im dim ull to auy which ultlt tr him ul lu tin other more but it is tru- thut combination he la mi hlntf niiin of un uttlat thun the united htntt or mtxlto to the south without such oinhliuillon tun boast a lhii loj uinkei ftrnimuo who gt u into iho loy thit prmtlint aomo thing whhh i- f ih spirit and of life uml which niuki it urt product- rilhtr thun u iner thlnjf of wootl ho lint in its llntu thul it u no mom uuhwtltutn hut 11 miniature of iho luig r ti not the bout ut a rure to- teas itmn tliitlklna whip or tho gondola j1 the ixiut of u rut t und a oil w set tho urtisiry mill human in ti rout it t to hmk of the nation ality u till cunudluuhim in auch toyu w would h it c th ni und put ththi nnin in tht hiunlti of children hull we do i ven hi klvlna the tiuroly tnochuultal loy to iht child iho young- mlri not htivlni urrlved ut tin uge of nitihiinlcs l roceetls lo u the auggos lion the romunn tho attiry the us soclution as o wll tho rhu chu trnln rulber thun hut mochunlsm the parts which ulu fur too umull to in- it rtwt tin mind ut thut atugn aiid when you hupp n uon tho mm curvnr ut work out of dixit in one of thos many quulnt untl historic vlllugps uliiig thi ht ijiwreiin im- twttn montroil ami quoihm hla own hill muutntl oil tlm log on of thn toijgh luiiim in his little bund how onriiuta it hiukvs you reel for the cily thlldl fm tho toymakei und hla carv ing lu u plant of village growth tho big log htlll uu it wert touches the fount and all tin si things too are in tin tlu inn ovor which ho mltpl of chlldhool dreams vi tnrui uuy ward taking the flavor out mien cousin jul t went 10 hpeil i the winter willi the ilurtoos tho young peoulu uf cunisibury wtlcomul inr with doulilt curdlullty hulf ui 1 iho llur tons account uud half upon her own juliet wu pretty unit clevor uml rood of guilds und i ural was irnnely popular as the months puaso i u change bt gun to ht noticed i11 tlm way piopl spoko of hi 1 one duy u girl explain m li in u stitimo juliet llurtnu is pretty and brlkhl i know aho uald mt honmhow slit tuks ihi flavor out of th things you hii 01 tin y u go uwuy fiom u talk with her ft allium so poor how did she do it in such unenn clous wuys whou lltllo mrs luttn fur tnatuitrir proud over hoi hi w chl hh tl h th that one of the striking feutures of thu big fulr lu kngland is the inureuse lu the exhibit of silversmiths one irm bus uu exhibit of alulul knivs which have hud an udvmtuiou oyugt through tho north heu the knlvi u were plucetl in a poiforulid tin can- tati r und attach od to u uhlt mcomp unlng u urlmaby truwlui oil u voyugt of 60d- mlfca they warn tossod un 1 huffoted in the vtith heu for lmq houts und when lukeii out f the mutator tht knives wore found to i mi without stuln there is a uupei silt ion umoiid the nshimi thut thuir luck will be out if thy arrled white hudlvd knives oil rd thost ipilve wi it lilted with whit ivory handle und throutlhoi the voyage ua if to confirm iho su nrallllon thn cut h wus disappoint ing hbo hint niud jullot the laxisiluawufll h was surl omtort h iiuai auiiad nupid pick ti up ilellrul aniy him who hui lie 11 ordomd to live in the opoii uir uu much um poaihl lt to utudy blnlt one tlay alio told juliet dt llgbtcdly thut she bu t seen u cardinal jullot unswtrett thut the cardinal wus iiih of ihn cittninoiirit birds in that part of the ouutry hh did not niau to hi luconall r itte mho would huve u ill thut win wut piuily statins fuots hut theie urn mc many dlrforoiil way of muting furta tlurts fttlks that uhi smart am folks thul ure ent rtalulng und futki uiat ur jual uw luatty tolouk at a plctuti uu old countrywoman one auld but give no evi ry time the kind thut heartens you up it is too good u word to grow old fuuhlonotl and happily tho kind list if is never ohttolutu if there ate julhts who dlaheurtnittake the lluvur out there ure ulwu others whou lovell mission tl is to dispel the cre plug- mlsts and tnuke us se our small king doms bright ant full of piomle hi foi us unit metut bs on uui wuy hourii no i up a moving hero hi who imad ih 1 utli of mtuphi r fnlhiws a braiilirul but dalignrou wuy tin chlruuo journal ipiote uomo aeu- torn rf from a mod ru novel which un ut uud t noilgh lin tuphf rs uknn slnglj hut in tinjuik hon inuko ruther 111 ilfobatju rf ills oiiiituuiu ml ulu voir irokt ul heart sank his hp iviipetl iii iym hluxed ulu wokik burne1 ills hloo from and uo 011 am 1 kitillnk ibis om is ptikklid lo know tth th 1 thn hero uau a plumb r u hankiupt or u thor inoiui ur evidence of it ihe young man of fashion uppiouch- 1 i lib ptsptckjvi fnth 1 in hiw i sal jie aul i jour tlaughfr has pnmiiaed to inarry m hut uno hua to bo ureful tllrao lu h ihf like o know juat to ih uure is thi re uny insanity in your fuiuih v rim old blilloinuu looked the ym man up und down then must 1 in auid how the kino works an hour with his majestv king fleorge alnoa ti came lo the i h rone haa aurprlaed lhoxa ufwut him with ihr rapidity with whl h im work und lh lulcknesa with which bo muke himself thn mulrr of any docu menl of atne j n per thijt is pul li from of him the lute king wu rather elow u dellliernl in hi methoda und liked 10 insider over ixilnl with the gi nuleul are th i rotten i king on the other hnml taken 1 vtry thing at lop hjo d but lliort l nothjng thai misuon his ey auyn moil am hoeloty jlo im tislurulty 11 rupl i thinker and ttoaaeaaea a wonderfully relonllvo memory he la u wry early risot uud wliolhr he la btuylng at york ottugi windsor castle or iluckingham i uluco hla up of cfiffee and roll und builer are taken lo his nrom u utile liefore hovbui iy tight o clock hla uajfat is aoule ut hla- tlesk und la going through tho papera i hu t have ar um ulu led from tho previous day lie reads carefully every lletler that readies him no mat tor how humble the aource unit when he haa finished it he ixnehu fnw inst ructions upon ii un4 placci ii in one of iho red morocco leather de bitatch boxes that stand in front of him i2very one of theae itoxea belongs m one uf the mcal or his household and thn name of the owner la plainly murkod ujton it so thut when hla prl vqte secretary and other are reudy i 1 ixgln their days work they find ihelr boxes well filled uml reudy to tholr hu mis there are many paiwr of oure that cannot be dealt with by tho king in a moment or two und these are placed on one aide for more careful consideration between ten und eleven the forenoon communications from prime minister and the heads of various departments of the stum eh the king and by this time hi moat trusted advisor ure ul his elbow ready to advlae him tho king s not maintain that regular anil voluminous correspondence with ihe heade of foreign power that king kdward did during hla reign but hla letter baa day by day i iderable dlmenalons f he la in town aod th deal re an audience thla 1 tout noon qylhis um ilia majesty haa com pleted the routine work for the day nd im able to give undivided attention to nil that la placed before him he nukes it a rule that no member of its houaehold la present at these in- orviewa ao that the minister may teak lu the rulleat confidence if them la anything that the king par lurly dealr to retnember he jot it down on a writing pad in front uf hrm and transfer it lo his diary events late in the day irncuclly the whole uf the htngu ark la done in the morning and he contrlvea lo keep hia afternoons free for recreation of one form or another 1 evening however finds him bacl at work again glancing through the matters that have been aubmllted for hla consideration during the day us he hkea to have averylhln clear be fore he retire for the night very itemler granted iwlng epfcrx mother oidnt see it a schoolmaster wrote the folio criticism on the edge of u itoy curd a good worker but talk too much when the father signed the report uud aent it back the card bora in ad dition to hbv signal uro thi report you should hear hia mother great er hint potato sets the average of flvo y11 iuuiu lit trallng h tulo sets if tllrti i tit hx t ut iho ontario agrlriillui l llrg thiwu thut the hs f th i pi tul jilinlid haw 11 very 111 n lit i in hum 11 ii ylil i 1 mluu t n 1 lvau an luurcaut- in um yl id of pi lu i neu l wire as ihe nlao of 1 1 1 il 11 t hiritiihid in wi ight ii li iwo un e wllh irtpitl litoii vtlth 1 un let h u iltlltlonl jo lloli i llf b oi 1 i j ut m iii f l i l iii i mil ulfirirml moll f u i mln i tl imtlullkn woi h iv df i a smlle ifiiidmiid lou urens me t re less xtruvugmict when di i i c make a us lens 1 t a wr uhv tin it u ihal dm llngiilsh r y ni ihi u hi a year mi h 1 v ut i ii 1 nco til jills i i illoyii kltiw ho u i fir f ht villi llr o 1 i 1 my w11 ulinvln i 1 1 t 1 h w 1 lliwluii rl0 ood you cant resist them different wool wanted highest market prices paid upon chjuvery georgetown creamery georgetown ontario a loophole theodore had been a very naughty boy hta mother had told him thut im muat pray to be made trellwr ta utter pralnp for the various tnenib r of thn rarilly aa usual tl timall voice humbly aald and make ma a better hoy- then after a necrd a hcelta- he added in hi beat imitation the grown up manner noverthalo pot my will but thine b done 22 going too fast means a breakdown the hitood tf the uutoiuohllo u ill natty pluona tegllluti d by law oft 11 n uuiolut will im tho wuinljiu vit houi 01 pctli tho limit is 011 low 1 mu tho skipper told me the irew wi d tp out the cable utturhed to canister i he tnuuuger of the i the ba8i8 for the new pish an itiigllsh realtlunt in china huvlntf made a good dinner from ji taaly out uurecognlae1 dish ullel his cook wmi hon und cougiuiuluted blip on the meal i hope you tlldnt kill one of thnua liogn to provldo the aoupt jestingly rumhrketl the duughtoi rftnlnjf t oourae to the pariah whl h hulmt chluesn streets wumhiki made u solium gtsluru of dissent i no kllhie duwg tnunlu im kiuln d lllpi ulleddy deud who i ph ko upl i mav marriages the ida that i is unlucky luh murrled in muy is not ho provuleitl its wa turn lor tl hut ihn sup rstltlou hi lingers wo got it from tho llouiuus who up bluntly got it from the tlr iks untl ro ught it with them id urltuln ii showe how to train a sujh latltlous light once set going will t irslst through the ugca the curious uilug uttout this supei tit ion la that i should ever have or- iglnuted for ttu nmnth or may in in- ifent ttinoa wua dehoute1 lo ihe akl ham of u older chaps can remain- idesa mulu the mother f miroury and bar gulto well much of what iaiuhian ihe goddaaa of gxowtii and increaae f thf fatalities whl h slunk uu 1vc11 win 11 we did not know tho vl tints uie iho result of disregarding tlu onl luw nhi 11 u niuehlno is golttu at fifty ml- un hum y slight ut htenl muy tneaii tilers uke other giieotl law wtltttil in our physical lonstiiutlouw which inuny young iople disrvgurd 3in puce of the high mhi nl atudept i ft 11 11 totrlrt strain 00 hoalllf it is 1101 the haul study so inui h us tin tin huoiuuirlly lain hours the a hi uf rubs us likt t kdir un mmilay us ki iduy tivoiilng und the vurle1 lu teiomts which rowil the duy untl luuko illhulds n theiim thul should b resoivnl for aeoi n a luws lu slst on u very siild spoilt limit go too fast and you ulu likely to have 11 hroukdowii in health und vlgoi if wo feel listless rather ouili ulmt if wt um irritable fur nil n ason thut we know of ynd itepl tnet as un- 11 t outitiibly ir win 11 w go to biil thed wi rind it hurd to steop mil if wt are troubled by distressing dreams thin we may be sum w are dlraid ing thi speed lawhund thut wu shall uiy iho punuliy a phitltudt is u grut truth slightly shopworn hb the easiest riding car is aforjhd equipped with hda tle body of your ford n till while the wheels and axle follow the contour of the road sudden jars uro turned into undulations 30 tnoro tire mileage due to abaence of liurd roadehoclta rack ing body blown ure absorbed hot jjuaacd to the chuaais false econdttny no housewife can bako bread as economically as we can in our up to date bakery with the quantities wc bake it is impossible to equal our bread in value at nine cents per loaf and for tasto and freshness well we invite companspn with the best that is turned out baked fresh every day and always sold out assures you of the most wholesome and sweetest of bread have our wagon call daily and deliver your supply fairbanks bakery phone 116 mm street acton fairview nurseries having added to our greenhouses we are 1 1 able lu supply hahly tomatols itoth lu 1ot und luixe ealttiy cahraoeh cauljfloweh lunts cblpity 1lanth early and late llfcddino leaaniuuh 11kq0niah halviah cohka bcanhhh htockh asthiih iktuniaw vfeitlifenah airily hi um celxjhiah ant1iuuniiiumb hcaiiious co leo oh iieliotkopb wandkiunq jew 1hlox imummondi haljtamh caunation mauauehitk zinnias iansikh h wiskt willtam 1inkfl hoijlyiiockb laiantdiah dkliiliniaus 1thkthumh order taken und booknd 1lunta delivered in time for planting all order delivered a box 603 phone b4 h bishop market gardener and florist j hotdu kiiuke the cur ride o remarkably easy that afteryou havo used them t jvack you will not ride without them at ten times their coat fgjcej mstauzd pautnger cart 20 ford truck 33 henry a coxe ford dealer acton ontario afrlrafjr the more youtelltlie more ou sell the people of an active district like the one which this is the centre of are al ways on the move buying selling trad- ing there is one sure way to let your wants be known to the entire district whether it is to buy sell or exchange use an artnn 3xtt 1xb vant adv the eree press is read in 1500 homes and reaches over 6000 people picture in your mind this big market and consider die small cost of reaching it your want adv in the free press talks to 600upeople every issue want adv users are reminded that it is not economy to abbreviate want advs often a want adv fails for lack of suf- ficient information the following advs are illustrative of this the wrong wav iiuuk1 i ou haiu ih m uf ai ily lo the hlbht wav ol oem hal luhoh13 iiohsp ui- vult hultublci rui lully v of cnrm iul i runil nnv lo iolii m u alll look uvll ullll illmkn tidrl ttllm you uii i the krlto im rlvlit aiiply i

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