Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1924, p. 4

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vwmw i f i st ffi j jwii4if h i i tk e 1iomk of ffiljr artntt jfrrp llmra urlrf slrtd town waakllaa ol ontario advertising siata cent per una ants i inxivmo and j ccala pr una lor each ob tiie acton free pkens u eublubeil wy ttiutdt worn jog t ua pree pre fluul uiu street auua ontario the autmehplum pri j iaoo pr r is advasc pmui u charwd additional to oami in th united staleatthe date to whkb anbaerfpcioaa r paul u indicated on lb sddrem ubel hatestrab a lea t advertise r una meaaui all per una lor ei coauact dliplar advartl- menta lor to mcmi or bqe per snnntn ll cents per lath ech laacttlao advert laasacat a wllh- oot bmciao direction will be ukamtud till forbid and charsad accordingly ii p moore fresldcst m4 editor g a dimcm ad amuusi xduor telepuoxxs- editorial and suimm qffca inr auald ol irealdaat id the province of jamaica there are indications that jamaica legislative council are about to consider the avisabilify of a commercial and political union with canada feeling that jamaicas future is with canada is growing especially in view of the attitude of the british labor government towards preference canadianinterests on the island advocate complete free trade between the dominion and jamaica this would enable canada to take all jamaicas fruit in addition to rtticr products tt is said political union muit follow closer trad relationship canada will bo quite ready to wclcbme jamaica as the tenth province creating the playground for children a very interesting little booklet with the above title whose preparation was directed by one formerly a jchool principal but who has taken up that im portant part of education which dcali with the em ployment of the pupils out of school hours contains a good deal orjniormtion on this subject and also some clever and appropriate epigrams among the epigrams arc play the fundamental right of child hood the right to play js more important and fun damental than the right to go to school tho play ground a builder of body and character thousands of little forms lie silent because there was no place to play than the street these are excellent epi grams and quite appropriate to the campaign of the jubilee committee in its efforts to secure an uptown park for tho kiddies of the town neighborhdod news town and country georgetown the th town has a urplus in hydroelectric books or 110311 msny rratlfylnk comment have baan without a hirpmroikr hat a new mam has opened business here now ula alien of doswetj ii o was the cuet of mis plnley over the week and many arrmtlrylna comment have bean heard on he appearance of our horary since the recent renovatlona our lawn bowlers held their open- ln- came last week when the vice- presidents rlnka defeated the presi dent rinks a ira cj ci drown returned from the hospital last week and proareealnk tlte favorably isr and mr- prank adam and family of ouelph and air and mrs- prank holm and eon of aotnn visit- ed with mr and mrs jo ruddy over the weekend herald when horses eat hay thursday morning june 5 1024 editorial t what is heaj soecost an tat cresting definition ol achieving real success isgven by an experienced and observant teacher in this paragraph he has achieyed success who has lived well laughed of ten and loved much who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children who has filled his niche and accom plished bis task whether by atf improved poppy perfect poem or a rescued soul who has never lacked appreciation of earths beauty or failed to express it who has always looked for the beat in others and given the beat he had whoso life was an inspiration and whose memory is a benediction inspection of canadian banks the official inspection of canadian banks is a liyc topic in parliamentary and financial circles the chief inspector of national banks in the united states mr w j pole has lately been in ottawa tes tifying before theparliamentary committee on bank ing and commerce from what he says it would be impossible to evolve a system of bank inspection such as would prevent bank failures banks fail in the united states where the system of bank inspection is believed to be the last word in thoroughness last year no fewer than 77 of them closed their doors however from what many of us have seen each bank is a law unto itself there and capital is often small that is the branch system does not obtain there as here it is well known that canadian banks along fthe boundary line get much united states business the same topic was discussed at the canadian bank ers association convention last week what is in the interest of the banks said mr e c neill vice- president of the association and general manager of the royal bank he also said without hesitation he was in favor of government inspection of banks provided that this was done in a rcasonatfp way and by a competent official return to penny postage tho plea for a return to penny postage within the empire is redoubling in vigor and it is believed the time is most opportune now that the empire exhibi tion is in progress at wembley park- it is recalled that it is now 20 years since the imperial postal conference decided in favor of an imperial penny postage though that was not at once adopted by all the dominions on that occasion canada represent ed by sir william mulock led tho way in favor of the penny postage heartily supported by the late mr joseph chamberlain it is now urge that canada should lead tho way again although in this respect jt is forgotten that new zealand has already reverted to penny postago since the war however the ex ample of this country could hardly fail to have an effect all over ther empire as for ono thing it would almost certainly induce great britain to fall into line victoria colonist lik hie hydro adopts new rating system a revolutionary change in the rating system for domestic and commercial lighting throughout the various hydroelectric systems of the province was v announced last week by the hydro commission simplification of the rating methods has been under consideration by the officials of the commission for some months the result of these deliberations was a decision to abolish floorspace rating for all domes tic services and to provide instead thereof a ocent service charge in tho case of alt houses large or smajl connected withmunicipal distribution services in the various hydro zones a new basis for corn- pitting the- charge for current hw been arranged this new schedule when applied to acton appeared to work out to the disadvantage of consumers in the j smaller houses chairman a t brown of the hydro commission here had the secretary immediately communicate with the hydro commission of ontario pointing out this and referring to the fact that acton already has a large surplus over 3000 00 and the increase hero was unnecessary the hydro commis sion has advised that no higher nrtes be charged here and to use the old schedulo for the present this r watchful supervision on the part of the local com mission is commendible 1 the fall fairs admittance fee the question of the admission rates of the fall fairs is a real live one twentyfive cents admitted to the fajr grounds a quarter of a century ago when he cost of running fairs was a great deal less than it is today and when the special attractions were very limited indeed if fairs like those of ottawa and toronto leave the cost of admittance at low figure the smaller fairs can scarcely charge fifty cents the larger fairs however save themselves through the fact that gate money is but tho initial cost to patrons gojng into tho big fairs people pay fifty cents for a seat in tho grandstand and thoy usually find other things to pay for through which bo society or association receives direct benefit the average fall fair board is now finding that the receipts rarely equal the expenditures nowadays and feel that something must be done to increase the income sever neighboring fairs have adopted the 35 cent rata and find the general public quite prepared to accept this increase when it is clearly understood that the new rate is inevitable if tho standard of the fairs fs to be maintained an objection long urged against a higher admittance foe at fairs is that tho whole family desires to attend andthat this is practicable only at a 25c rate 6t against that objection is to be placed the fact that fairs come only once a vearnd also that children are all- admitted either free or at a low admission fee in some fairs vlike ac to it tho membership tickermallows two ad erin and ura w w matheaon and family conlhcaby enehl the weekend with friend at actpn mr and mm thomas kmltn uf conlncuhy intend iravln ahortly for an extended trip to the weeu they wui so as far the ooeat mrs near has sold her residence at krln to mr m sinclair and has mov ed to toronto where aho has purchaa- ed a realdenc mr l uundetl la repairlns the mill race and dam in connection with the planlnc mill and the corporation la put tin a cement culvert over the race which paaaea under the road before the road which la under con struction is completed mr h l qreaory proprietor of the local nvovlnc picture show waasneted with a full houae on thursday sventnc leal when he showed scaramouch the acton fourpiece orcheatra added inelderable to the proinunme and tbe fan were highly pleased with the pictures shown patronise the tnovli mr greeory put on the beat available picture advocate the present better than the past s optimism in the present age was tho essence of an address delivered by sir robert falconer presi dent of the university of toronto at the presentation of diplomas arone of the colleges last week this is a changing age 1 could linger over many such changes some are very prone to say things are not as good as they were this is nothing but a sign of old ago and many become old before their time i thmk things today are better than they used to be what i wish to l with yon is th ynn fntr ring an age full of power and full of capacity there are great developments ahead of you and you ought to be full of hope and resolutions let mo urge upon you when you look at your diploma to bear in mind that it is a guarantee not only of your fitness but that it is a guaranteeofcertainmoral obligations and that you as a scientific man shall be honorable reli able and truthful as a professional man you have certain obligations as the community has put you where you are you are not merely to make money it is necessary to make a living but it is essential to serve the public the community needs not only good professional men but men who can think for themselves and are not afraid of expressing their thoughts we need a certain number in the com munity who will be leaders and have the courage to direct the people the graduates thus addressed may count themselves honored that such opportuni ties for usefulness have been pointed out to them by so wise and experienced a man as president falconer editorial notes it is encouraging to read that cities in the united states and even the state of new york are objecting to chicago stealing water from the great lakes to allow her to pour her sewage into tho mississippi and thus avoid the cost of a purification plant it now looks as if the canadian cities may get justice women voters in great britain will outnumber thojnen if a bill now before the house of commons becomes law women under thirty in that country do not possess th franchise but tho labor govern ment proposes to reduce tho feminine voting age limit to twentyone tho law there will now be the same in respect to women voters as it is here in canada referring to prohibition in tho united states bishop leete who has been visiting the hamilton conference at niagara falls during tho week said he had travelled extensively and during the past four years had seen only three drunken men there may be drunken men by virtue of the bootlegger but there are no saloons for the boys ind girls to see the people of united states will neer gwo up prohibition declared bishop leete with emphasis the town of cochrane has called neighboring municipalities to a conference to discuss the question of the exemption from taxation of the canadian national railway property the claim is mado that the line was constructed through a wilderness and tho towns were only brought into existence after wards that tho coat of constructing towns on the sites selected was very heavy that some have been burned due to forest fires and that tho railway should pay taxes on its property tho hudson bay route which has had the ap proval successively of all the political parries is atill an unsettled national utility part of it is built part ia graded and several hundred miles are in abeyance between the end of steel and tho terminal at fort nelson tho fatitro of the route is atill in the air on thlitg is certain the government will be actjng the par of wisdom by deferring any expenditures somewhat gjgteafpiia yhe directors of adtdn jpalr favor the 0rdiryttqaary route this yer when a son asashlbkhlblffl milton key t ii hole and mr x a den- yea b a attended the annual con ference at lundye iane church nia gara falla durtna the week iter mr bole bad a bad jl tack of lumbago while there mr and mr prank rnrtn and mr and ura wilson motored over and attended the lay mens banquet on thursday evertlnx rev roaalnaton hare of victoria colleatb ha been appointed to a charan at denxll baak for the montha there are a lot of motorist who exceed the speed limit on rfur main street if one or two were pinched it en lent cause them to have more r speet for law mrs geo oowun and mia lullan who have been spendlaa the winter in donna texas have returned borne mrs ernest ooocb john street nn derwent an operation for appendicitis at the ouelph general hospital on tuesday tbe annual convention of the tre- rabjar sabbath school association will be held in the methodist church mil ton on tuesday june 10 an interest- ins programme baa been prepared mr and mrs thomas movaddan announoe the enxaxement of their dausthter anne violet to mr lest j ftrown son of the late v j brown and mrs brown of korval tbe mar- riaae to take place early this month- iialton farmers plenlo will be heli on the lawrence vkno second line on saturday 7 oakville a garden party under the auaplce of the i o l e will be held on june 14 at lady balules residence lake shore west durtnjr the months of june july and auxuat the public ljhrary wui close wednesday afternoon and evenings also friday evenln a bylaw to authorise the issue of debentures tor the iun of 910000 for the purpose of payfnx the floating in debtedness of the town st t for twenty years was passed st last meetlnx of the couneu l vwy happy event occurred on friday evening when mrs grice sr of oakvlua celebrated her llt birth day at the home of her son t grtce bronte the gathering in her honor i quite a surprtssto the lady her self and proved to be most enjoyable to tbe children preaent the trafalgar agricultural society made application to the couneu for tbe usual grant from tbe tpwn of 1000 and on motion of councillor marsh and the deputy reeve the mayor and treasurer were authorised tolsaue a cheque for that mount in favor of the society complaint has rsacbtxl uta town officials of some contemptible thief stealliur tha hooks off tbe lire savlnx p pa rat us which la kept in the harbor vtetntty in case of drowning accident thl is a very selflsh trick as the sp rat u 1 not complete without tbe hooks the absence of which might iuse the drowning of some person american motorists have been mak ing a great peed way of the toronto hamilton highway thla year t durlnrf the past week ho less than etxteeit american motorists have been brought before lolee magistrate shield anl fined for speeding andrscklsa driving further protection ror motorists ove the milton road at the bronte crossing of the c n r is afforded by the recently erected algn posts 100 test from the tracks on either aide with in the last few months wigwags bau and lights ware inetaued similar paat have been put up also on either side of the radial eroaelng on the mlton road record jo kb was on the kino the late king christian of denmark was what might be termed a good sport lie onoe plunged in and saved a aallor from drowning not long be fore hi death he was cruising in his yacht ott tbe danish coast whan he as startled by the sound of or arms jls ordered th yacht to turn at full speed in the direction of the sound and soon came within rangs of a fearful spectacle worn tha deck of a t earner men were ft ring on a rowing- boat and a the wlta cam near a girl threw herself from the boat into th weter a motor launch was lowrel frontthe yiwtil and the drowning girl we hauled aboard by the king hlmeelf hi majaaty thep noted a boat with a huge osmsra and found that he had been acting for toe benefit of a clms- matorraph operator although annoy ed the king avw the humor of the sit uation and gave pertnlsalqn for tha film joybe exhibited a lonoj chase a negro boy a regular vultor to a certain library was noticed by tho attendant always to take the same book open it eagerly at the same place and then laugh hesrtuy the attendant curiosity being aroused h followed the negro boy on day and saw him open tha book ounolns oyer his shoulders he not load tbe picture of small boy being chased by a snortlny bull the attendant wa about 4o kak what titers was to laugh at when th negro buckl6v golly aint qutgbt int yett a horse should not lm given more feed than he will consume in onn hour and a half or two hour it a a waste ful and harmful practice to keep hay before horses all the tlma the horse should have eufdalent to sutufy hun ger and if his teeth are in good con dition two hours of undisturbed feed ing morning and night with an hour and a naif st noon will put a much food into hi stomach and intestine these organ can properly take care of mastication in the horse i a alow prooess it takes fifteen to twenty mlnutns to property chew and swal low wi pound of bay and from flvo to ten minute with a pound of oats tbe salivary secretion during feeding with an average horse ranges from w to low pints per hour this secretion make it possible fur tho horse to properly maatlcale and swal low the food each pound of hay mix ing with four time its hulk t saliva and each pound of oat with an equal weight after meat lea t on th ho i us of food pa to the stomach unil tie in the lesser curvature until there in ufnclent accumulation to dletond tlm organ and preas the material to the greater curvature where gns juice begins to set on it as the stomach dlaiend through food being pressed n the ingaala food on which the gastric julon are acting is rorend out though the 1 lorua info the intestine where i gastric julco have full opportunity acting if ute quantity fad 1 i mor than whl the horae can eat two hour the etomach and runilnoa can accommodate l ft full and pronr digestion if the quantity of hay and oats i uch a to beep the horse eat ing continuously most horse are glut tone feed will be forced through the stomach and in tea lino too quickly to permit of proper and full saturation with gastric juice henoe the wasteful practice of having hay before tha horse all the time when he i standing in the table there la no absorption from the stomach of the horse thl function being performed by the intestine under normal condition and rational feeding the food remains in the horse stomach long enough for the gastric juioe to convert 40 to 0 of th carbohydrate into augar and from 40 to 10 or ihe protein into pep tone overheating which cause overloading of stomach and duode- mun is just about as sensible u cooking the threshing machine and causing general wate sending grain out with the straw if a horse i fed on oats and hoy iti euccesalon the stomach will on exj 1 nation bo found to contain these sub stance unmixed and arranged strata the trt food taken being in the pylorus nd tbe but in the let curvature the contents of a horae stomach are aqueesea and pressed but not churned as is the case with cattle the regular arrangement of food in layer is disturbed when a horse is watered after feeding- portion of th food may be washed out of the stomach the water which a horse drinks does not stop in the tomach but passes directly through it on its vsy to the caecum for thla rosso i it is advisable to water nrat and feed afterwards the delicious flavor drawn from the leaves of salada green tea has won tt million of users sold by all grocers buy a package today ree sample it breestu open request uuu t0b01t0 business directory dr j a mcniven phylolan mnti burgsn ojhc una ltkldon -rrii- itom avnu and lglu htrt iliont is dr e j nelson kluuiltlck ht1ucwt acton ontario leqal i seeds and seeds now is the time to bo particular about tho kind of seed you sow you cant hnv9 good crops if ypu dont sow good seed whether it is for the garden plot ortho farm we can supply you with seeds that arc rcliablo and with proper culti vation will yield bumper crops seeds tor the garden- seeds foh the farm seeds of all kinds mill street d h lindsay acton ontario ilion no as i vox us harold nash farmer at a barrister bolloltor notary pub lie cnvyanor eto perryman block acton ont monby ilnt on mohtaaqes hour d 30 am to k p m haturdayn is 00 oclock h g meth barrister solicitor- notary publlo aorastown ont dental the worlds longest tunnel the latest triumph in esnglneerlntf science i tbe recent ucoessful com pletlon of th boring through and mn der the catsklll mountain in new york state of the longeat continuous tunnel in the world it is part of tho extension of new york citys wster- aipply system and will carry water from the artlnclal schoharie reservolr between oil boa and itattavuie to al- laben on eaopu creek it 1 mile away t the exact length of the tunnel- 1 740 feet the next longest oontln- lf tt la a nf w v city rresaure tunnel part of the present aqueduct syatem and tstfitt feet long the third longeat 1 also part of an aqueduct system the west section of tbe hatch lletohy tunnel in california 7311 feet long the long est railway tunnel is the slmplon un der the alps 601 feet in length the shandaken tunnel as the new tunnel is called rmm the part at the cat aklll range through which it runs a horseshoe shaped in cross seotlor ileven feet six inches high and ten feet three inches wide at the widest point the depth below the surface averages 750 feet and in places is 5000 feet the tonne has a flow capacity of soooooooo gallons a jay pouring this immense stream into ksopue creak and thence into th great ashokan reservoir tho resource of which it will practically double will enable tbe metropolis to draw 0- oovooo gallon of water dally even over a period of nfty years with other resource already in use this will as sure new york of so ample supply for many year to corns they loved her because she lived a clean wholesome life she was unaelnsh she turned her sprrowsptroutjlssr nnil disappointment into smiles that brightened th way ror other she did not gossip she held the conndenco of a friend a sacred trust bhe gave her inmost confidence to a very few she was not trying to hjake an im pression or to hppear wluit hn wa not she w jolly and unpretentious she was inrtnltoly tender and helpful to those in trouble she w not jealous she ws conscientious in k ell- trusted to her she enjoyed tho companionship of clean associates bhe considered religion the modt practical and beautiful tbln in ufa she wa just an ordinary glrl ireabytrun uanner no dress suits fl wellknown krtgllsh proprietor wluum fcwart iterry tell a good story concerning a friend of hi who wa blddn to the annual pre din ner at ljverpool given by the lord mayor to hi snnoyatioe when about to dree for th function he dlooverd that bis evening qiothas hadrwi been sent on in thl dilemma be had recourse to hop recommended by th hutal porter where h wa ssaured tml dress ult of nil else could b hired llul her a dlappoliittnnt awaited him th proprietor whole stuck of evening clothe ll transpired had til- ready been hired uul how is thtitt he asked th shopman shrugged hi should ere apologetically wu fit- he explained it al ways happens her when s dinner i given by in lord msyor lo the gentle men of lbs pre jtacvtyou vour mate new ssl eld rrd wulaseuyff ckw fskovn lea f j wt eni ptnawwlhy nup wo mpir success leads to sasisfacpon j w kennedy son plumbing heating tinsmithing the success of work in scores of homes and business traces in acton is a guarantee thar we are in a position to assure you satis- faction we will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude main street acton florence automatic oil stoves tim wiilm weather 1 juat at kiull unil wn have un excellent 11 do of floroiico autonuitlo oil hlovew to do wway will hot ttltiis this kumnitr this is t ltoit ll uutvti on the market unotui inuny txculv feature nut futi iid in othur oil stove conic iti ulid let us expluln about thin rniiii iviicm to null all hum the different styles on display tn th window w d talbot hooa 76 main street chevrolet gives quality transportation at the lowest cost per mile the automobile as a productive factor in canadian business has proved o greater value than any other single invention by shortening distances and time the automo- bile btggbuyccjmtlseutrlqgethcutnjoxc quickly conveniently and economically than any other means of transportation the automobile has increased man earning power many times over and chevrolet tho lowestpriced quality car in the world pro vides this efficient transportation at a lower price pef mile than does any other car built v continuous daily service under difficult con ditions only proves the complete depend ability and stamina of this practical catv in appearance chevrolet does credit to any business house or professional or private per son in appointments and equipment it is at complete as the most discriminating owner could wlslu- chevrolet is an investment that wilt pay good dividends investigate ask about tba gmjlc j3arcf pmjment plm csh chevrolet fisher king representatives foh this section i stqauon thbm at rsfroavo cborgbtown mlcjhbv wilt ctu on jfou pii freptef mb printing is always tyeatly done dr j m bell d d s l d sc dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest an est ho tic used if deslrsd onto at residence corner it 111 aad frederick street dr f- ggollop dd s l ds dental surgeon oslo over bank of nova oootia houtts 9j0 to b10 vvenlnsa by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder aooount book of all kind made to order periodicals of every description carefutiyi bound hull or neatly am promptly- done wyndhsm street oualnfa oat over williams store b p bowman ols ua he ameic land surveying and engineering 10 douglas st quelph successor to the late d a nlvan 1 s phonee oitre mi ho 3t4w dr a l price chiropractic electrotherapy 130 upper wyndhsm street gilelph over 11 wars cxmti ionce conhultationt ritte r j kerr auctioneer and real estate j agent 17 yoata icxuerletioe acton ontario bales entrusted to li j kerr re ceive attention trcm dato of 1 latins to date of asle list your sales with hie residence how or avenue acton phono 36 act on call at my expense start on monday ttiut huuoi lor i nil hi uk whirl will nu hi mi to uuy u lint- ur iwihiiiuii to join fiunul in conifmilu lotiuin irttlvi woik tlmro ur iluni of plno ftr thii betttr tiilnnl lu p to you lt wat i hut tialulmr at guelph liuuinebd college sasiok tlia entire vr iwt put it off tin mil a l gouck prlnolpsl knd proprietor 7 out of 10 headaches are cm iitua fmiu liio otmln if you sulfur from luiuturlnu you ouifht to iiiiimllnn tlm niulltum of your ovdjj oftbti with vlulon uiiiily iturtnul oytu urially iai il ll a hulp of viushiu a d savagk optomatrut a mftl optlolsn ssvu- outioal uulldlnu w at tit post ohios auhlpm optsmtrut to ti csnttdisn psolho msllwsy co the old and ueuublo graniio und marbln worku we ats tilanufaoturt dlreok importer of kll kld of uonumoutsj and hsadstons vork we ll dlrpoi to our outter-el- holejil- irio thus astlna r outtii we havens beat appllaiio and th only meohanlos 1 dominion h pan opsrals pneuuiauo tkll uruperly w oan siv rfioj fiii hundred of our oustamer in toronto and uthsr plaoes where thr have ti liv uw ults to olr to ooluol w- have tbs larsest and bt btoulc of urebj t u the iomlnion or uunt tliai n ihrss desler in th- wl we sre lctu- tnat dealer ttlij employ no ant aitd do not snnoy or peat ouaumsra b aandlnf put ignorant snt- eollott- ls orders we employ only ra and defy ooiopetluun hajmollton sons fluelph ont 4 itvl sa

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