Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1924, p. 5

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rt w qthr aetna 3tog jlrf hh ti1ujibdav june 6 i oft oird houses i huvn houattn newly uulluv i lirshl with paint und mwly nil i tl oy will bo for rent in n ring who will mm loiiftptinifr tliny in u link lloulillful it r mttuhiioi htiltritiikjjri huh rmnl them l turning oruuth of mur ir 10 may unnljoy 1 and with mi men who tt6 hompn i 11w tuki shall l4tbent4l for love w thine uttm injr rointllionu ah my t nunt ur mualcludm anil tho iiomiiii lh y aweutly ffiiit am thn only pay 4hiy bring twenty years aoo nurdy jun 9 1004 mr hlnylalr in iniprovln an i on lancing- j irvreehlei t un yotrn htrcol mr ulllum hiyru lif impruvlntf ml uinniuoh willi u nun i cndur hti i go improvement urn unlrr way ut tho commercial hotel mr ufinluinri in tendtf putting- h n dnit clan repair tho tennt court in the park hove been put into excellent romlltlon ml the lo vara of i hi up i end id sumo mo now enjoying excellent wrt tho howling cluli ha commenced operations and prunklln hquuro la now quite un attractive rtwori for thn lean active nmnnjr loca1 port excuvuttonn hnvu heun mndo und a temporary adding laid for tho steam ho v1 to enmmonre operation at the o t r yardtt ror the new alitlna be put in when the now ontmiice uud ticket officee at tho ark got a rout of paint they will form quite an improvement to the entrance of thl populur pleuuure the sunday school lesson for bunday june 8 1b24 canadian editors to visit flanders fields jlr w j humphries haa ben par auaded to rmaln in town and cop tlnue the tnunnacmoni of mr noble bueineaa here bev mr cameron of aoorsetown occupied the pulpit of kno church last sunday saturday w an off day with acton i iiaaahall cluh und tho fourth puna in the aerie resulted in defeat the game waa with berlin who waa o beautifully trimmed by aaton th previous saturday acton waa witn- out thetr pitcher organ und that threw the whole team out of un sroda and skinny lownon both were used up on the uth score jjet- ln 17 acton 4 married cookmarchmentaeth congr-e- gatlonal paraonoae deorgepawn on june 8 1904 by rev jl j dryadale mr william cook of acton to ml mary marchment of qlenwllllama ded mcdoxald at her home at lot 24 eonceaalon 7 naaaagaweya on sun day june 6 1904 margaret warren widow of the late qraharn mcdonald in her 5th year turning x joke to account the kay thomaa p hunt relate la his autobiography an instance of a practical joke turned agalnat tha joker to the profit of the intended victim mr hunt waa in new york eolldimng aubacrlptlon for a southern school ono man to whom he applied i i v ref film to another saying that i hi would subacrlbe fifty dollara it uie aacond man gave anything and handed a- ur hunt a lettar of introduction mr v hunt found the oeoond man la hi t oountlnatroom w w a k ft- fcy hit aurrotinded 1 trleada and preaantod the letter the man reaiflt with a amllo write mrhunt and handed it lo hut friend iptrqduclnr me and axptainlng my mujedon i sa that fun waa brewing ue dfi4ft i undaratand that you are collecting money and that you ar a minister of th teapcir yea sir t well you preach that men ought 1a giro- of what they have ff i were to oak anything of you you would have- nothing to give but your bleaa i i ing if i reftiaed to take that i should gat nothlnr tm sir if that w all 1 had to i wallalc i am a dealar in hard- war will you take thu hammer r be handed me a very ono one from his aampla coae i took it before ho had ttms to draw back thanked him for it and got him to enter his name tlrwiy book there waa a laugh hut not a m i waa treated very handoomely by all present 1 did pot care about the ham i mar hut i had my eye on tha fifty dollars promleed by the first merchant on condition that i got anything out of the tuxrderare dealer i 1 went bock with the hammer and the man paid the fifty dollar but igjighed lojjder than the deolsr in hardware it aeenva fhat the giver 6t the hammer waa a gneroue liberal and aoctal man llgav by the hun dreds to race course clubrooma anil rbul ntejent terliglom purpoac the hammer waa hi first departure the new soon apreadtthat he had given something for a religious institution the next day aa i vro passing down wall street a gentleman addreasod me and uakeq me to walk in several of ray friends of the day before were in ht room he asked to see my sub scription book aa he intended to sub scrttle he gave me ten dollara look- ing ovar my book he called to hi frlepd here 1 the hammer u cer tain as payday they enjoyed tha joke urid many a dollar i got for the sight of that name a business mans ideal to have endured earjy hardship with fortitude and ovorfcome dlflloul jea by perseverance to have founded or developed a large business useful in itself and given employment tu many to have achieved fortune inde pepdenca poaltlon und influence lu have established a tihuructer ubova re preach to have accumulated the teem the confidence und the friend hip of his fellows to have given largely of monoy to charliy and of time to altuonshlm und to havu gain ed all thla of the wend without losing the aoul by avarice or by starving th heart into hardness i say ha who has so mved ha nobly lived und be should find peace with honor whan tho shad owe begin to latigthen und the venlnu of life draws on a poor pen and a heavy hand with a gesture of imiuitlviice tho oil farmer laid asld hi psii und wont tn the door cnnie in you i he shouted but atlenoe followed 1 closed the dodr and went back lu til pair presently he went 1 t iliior again and again he round n one there v what s the multerr daked his wife that blamed dog he grumbla has been eamtchtn at the tlotir to l get in fur the last hour but he runs away every time i open it that isn t the dog he explained 4hfe the hired man wrltln a lottur an the kitchen table mlllef wurm imwdum are roinpletv in thainselvos they tu t only drlvr worms frum hid ay stent bul reiwlr th damag that worm cause snd o in vlgontt the constitution that i btdhy recover from th diorder of the dlgatloi that are thu result of th wnrk of these parasi tic intruders tho dt their work thoroughly and strengtli and aoundiieaa follow their use i l klf i 1 ncoiuafjicm tiil rxif k i- k 1 ii ir jr sr f nliii itxi i will k thit whl h vtnm iuhi und will t ring buck thul wtil i wim lrlvn bwuyi n k 34 id th text explained vereu 12 a u nlipphnr t ekoth oud thn good uliet hoi d 1 o irud inriti 1 iiim n ru nit of lh hundu of thn evil elxilxrdu the turrnrr king whi sought ihalr iwn holflu i nd und were iuicuhu uhoiit thn wolfurt of th vera 13- out from thi i nnplo 111 11 ik ii i ngtr to bo thn pry of wilt i bu si tho hiutnon iintlonx as the gix i sin herd wllh hi nlnxip wo qhi will bii wllh iiim people gaui orlng ibr hcuui ring an 1 lout rljk ur ihn nick un i thn wounded fending tin nook in eticurlty vera 16 i myelf will bo tin shut herd a pnn cr hlimiherd lovo hi ebicp nut only un u tlock hut in dlvldually he muni them carefully topping each one with til crook um it enter thti fojd uud when the c unt i short h linm llately seek until he find it verao h will fntul thm in juatlco ood will heft thut might doe not imp over right justice sttull rolgn he wtll unite hi nook undur david a their hopherd uh ideal king or duvld linn who will rend them in a peaceful und fertile land un trouhlod by beast of prey that 1 peace plcuauntnea und goodnea ahnll enrompaa thorn thl chaptnr is the boala of our lord n luirables of tha lost sheep matt 18 18 hi luke 16 3 4 and tho good shophard john 10 1 ib vamo 36 a covenant of pnaci covenant ulwuya lmpcs an ugruemopt between ivto parties here betwoen god and hi people tho early hebrew unthropotnorphla conception of jehi veh mad it very natural for the people to enter into covenant with hint hare god promlae to remove all duturbancea of peace in ho a ib thn ne 1 eomowhut different jehnvuh made- ix covenail for them with the beusta ft the fleld that they shall not hurt in hoea beast 1 used literally here figuratively moan ing foes heathen agaallants though the ngure of the flock la still main talned lev 3d 4 tha wlldemaa i the uncultivated pasture land aa distinguished from that under tillage covered with crop or fruit trees kven in the woods tha part covered wit if bush mho haunts of wild beast the flock shall sleep safely a ll david son vamo is there shall be showers of bl coxing probably to be tttkeo both literally and ngu rati vol y showers shall water the earth and make it yield luxuriant alio othar blesajnt ahall be numerous lesoon them the career of euektel the name ezsklel means god la trong or god strengthena the prophet was one or the temple prleala and the eon of e man ngnied hugl ho shared the banishment of jeholachln 697 b c the greater part of the terlod of hi prophetic ministry was spent in tha exiled jowlah settlement at tablb a place near the river chebar a canal or tributary of the ehjphratea in the vicinity of babylon this little colony of jews mostly rrom the ruling classes of jeruaajom waa granted much free dom and a large meaauroar self government by the babylonian mon government by the babylonian mon- 1 roh and continued to cherish a pas- atonal interest in the affairs of it native land ua members confidently expect that in some way they would the canadian pacific 8 q mellt on which he member of the canodiei weekly newspaper association wll sail en june 11 photoorapt d above are th cardroem d deck tha 81 and main companlonwsy gnonry m restored id their old plac of power and authority at the head if the jewlah nation at jerusalem falae prophet such a thoae who op posed jeremiah in jerusalem fostered this delusive hope and hence eueklel whose message did not promise im mediate restoration waa from the be ginning of hi ministry unpopular ksekiel s teaching of the good shepherd the prophet declares jc- hqvah cars in a most comforting way the preeenco of the shepherd furnish ed the sheep protection guidance and food bo jehovah shall seek for his nnow in a strange land- to deliver i they are captive now but tho time will come when he wul feed them upon the mountains of israel nd by the we tor course they shall lie down in a good fold and myself shall be the shepherd of myj aheep how like the twenty third psalmt and how like the words or jesus 1 am the good abepherd no message oould bo more encouraging to these sorrowful captives in faraway babylon isseklui the priest prophet cseklel was both u priest and u prophet i natural therefore that his eervloe to his people should partake of the nature of both ofdcea ha led them in wdrshlp and he taught thetn in sermons je 1 auileav 4hchurchmsn among the prophets because of his emphasis qpon symbol and ritual ho reminds u thai religion combine two important element form and euro- monies have a certain pluce in religion they are aid to wurshlp stimulate the religious emotions and fix certain valuable habits of religious conduct out positive instruction is ulso bqntlul teaching inturpret religious emotion and makes forms and care monies comprehensive the modern preacher is both u prlut and a pro phot a priest ha lead the cbngre nation in its service of worship pray with und for them administer the sucrumant und obaorve the ritual a prophet he proclaims the truth in ten rets scripture exhort udmun ishe instructs both frpra the pulpit and in private in every wuy possible he ueelgt to laud the peopln to a know ledge uf thq truth and to the obedience uf tha rlfht protestant believe in tha universal priesthood of believer ad in th mutual hellutulneu of warning uud tuunael umung believer por study and dsoulon w ho wii kacklel und whern did ha live bhw hi double aorvltrt u pile und prophet cumimfn beklel touching pf tha loml shepherd with that of tha i sulmlsl whut repeutod uo d jus inuke uf the same sym bult what assure are given us by the pieoiilu of th gool hhephenlt cull we entttr into d ovenhtil of pence wlttpgtmir yhut would b tha term of much u uoveiiantf how might the t hhcloumnes f sllch a own it hiiongtheu u in our dally pumultsj daily rdln for nxt week monluv juile karu 1 1 ii tunaduy june lo bsru 5 i 11 vv iniwday juin- ufra 4 lb thlirsduy june 12 usru 4 1734 fruluy june 13 uuru 41 1 1 saturday june 14 kara l 13 ik suiday june 16 palm 13d parrot sensst ahul said thu huud lrk i in glut jo notlo thut youm urtlving pui tuuliy now mi hlurombu o n i vu bought u luirnt a urnil what on wn foi f i tqld yeu tu get uu alarm iluok ve i did hur ufler u day ur two i got unoi to li und it dlilti t w me ho i gut u parrot ujiil now when i go lo twl i fix the alaini clock and put be wmii rag on lop w it whai the alarm gue off it bturtlus the parrnt und thou what thu uu 1 says would wuk up anybody l und 7 en otlh f ihn i iinndutn lutlon in nn lho of aftnr thn con vet waokly nevvia toronto juno 6 0 the mn und women ofth nuiuciutlon will null frum montreal on juna 11 on thn cunudlun paulflc up r molitu for u two mi nth trip to lialglum hrntir anil the united kingdom tin flmt port of rail nri cherbourg und kouthumpt n arriving ut ant wnrp saturday juno 21 on monday tha puny will imj at itruasel wlmm the holglnu gnvtriiinont will glvn mi ointl ll wnluotnn aftnr vluitlng im por nt t polntu und the ttattleflelds thn puty will ijn received by king albert thrtci dnya will be spent in pari und mumn oxcellfiil feature have bean pre i tared for ihn party hy thi parlv newpntnr ndllor and by invenua 1 rnncai uf which mnmliul koch is president prom sunday juno 29 to thuraday july to will bo pnt in london whero a great deal of entrtalnmont has leen umyiged while in london ihp itarty will no lurgely under the wing of the empire pre union and many oclil event wlu b held in their honor in eluding u visit to tho jdpnley regatta utao a tnu at iho housftof common arrangement are alo under wuy for u recaption ut lucklngham pulaoe by their mnjoaflr tho king and queen p dominion day when the mirty uuvea london on july 10 they will be taken in charge by mmlxr of up 1 ngthtli ncwpui bocloiy tim lirltlh itltmary in r celvlng vary ctueful uttnntlon ut dm hand of the ilrlfluh joint commlttnn uud there la every indication thut the provincial tour is going to bn u continuous gue cession of clvlr rncel hon und private ntnrtnlnrneal in scotland tho trouniick loch lomond loch katrine the oountry frf hoott and tho land nf hum a well as rcdtnburwh and glasgow will bo vlslmd the prn party will mil from aiuugow on friday july 26 on thn canadian pacific uncr montuurler a etop will be mudn at unlfo where sir itoberl llulrd huad of tho ilelfaat telegraph imn promlna 1 tho purty- a taste of rmil lil h hospitality on tha evening of saturday july ib thn party will ai for cunuda urrlvlng wt quebeo augunt 4 the power of grit to curry u thn back a puk wulgh ing a hundrad ivound nr mt rn moans not only stnng mucln ut a maslary or iwuiuce bi the threat mr s edward white nay that tha rtrnt tlmi ho did npy packing he had u hurd time stumbling u fnw hundre1 feet with just fifty pound on hi lutck at tha end uf that same trip he could curry a hundred pound und u lot of canoe pole and gun over s long ikirtago ivlthout aerlou inronvnnlauce at nrnt uoklng 1 aa near infernal punishment a merely mundane con dltlon can compua sixteen brand new muaclon ucho ut flrut dully then shurply than intularuhly until it neem you cannot heur it another second at iim yqu ret ovory time you foot tired thun you begin to foal vary tired overy fifty fnet thun you have to do the best you can pnd prove thl pluck that 1 in you rfilr tom priunt an old woodsman if wide experience has often teld m with rellh of hi flrxt try at mrrylng he had about sixty pound und hi companion double that umounj mr frlitn atood it for whut nmed like a row centuries und thon out down he could not have moved unuthnr tt p ir gun had ixen ut hi ir what the matlerr uakwl his com jjonion del oald frlunt im ull in 1 cunt navigate here where i quit can i you carry her uny rurthurt not another inch well pile hex un i ii carry her for irlunt looked ut him u moment in llent umaamont v lv you mean to ay that you arw going la carry jour tck und mlnu loot thuj what i inu to uy iii do it if i have lo prlunt drew u long breuth well suld ho ut last ir u little uwod off chap like you can wlggto under u hun dred on 1 nighty i sue 1 uu make it under uty thai m right uld del lmprturb ably if you think you cun you can and 1 did end irlunt with u chunk i u therein utu the whole socrnt tha work 1 irksume painful but you think you cun do it you cun for although great 1 the protest of the human frame ugalnsl whut it consider abuse greater still is tha power of u mun grit when hotlowuya com ucmover i applied to u corn 11 kllbl the root und the culoslty tome out without injury trt the hesh diversities of gifts a fulr kbare of the friction of do mestlo life comes from tha effort lo makn aver te r t ul pecullurl- tle the turtolo instructs thu huro in persistence the hare lecture thfl tortolse on ghl and eacji irritate tho other without good rnwult tha mothur win he liar duughtur lu lovu rcattlnk thu daughter prof on sawing the futhor urge hi on to folluw law the won is more intureatod in thu chpni i try uf soil thun lu wrift und tort family heartache und din appointment opuo rrupi more hmtunt dlforoie lu tuuto den jiihnsou tuund fault with shuku epeum bo uuno it vuu said of htm thut lu hi writing whktoovr he peniiud h nwver blotted out a lino suld johnun would he hud blutted a thuutuuid jlul hhakesiniaru live very prosperoualy without thu blot und tha world rtrw little far johnson s devout wlh und hu forgotten much of hi work on the othar baud to have hindered pope rrom hi pulnntuk ing correct inn an i ruvlslon would havn liiori to iheut ho worl 1 of muuy of it household word so u is the wlrni mothei ulid putleitt daughter who oicepl the gr fun luinunlifl sol thut in character und ability there ure dlvarsltle of gift tlrti hull tin song apurrow and the ruglu uch ha it pluc lu th eco imy of datura 1 ut uny one of iho would l u uud fullum in thi rule of the other j d egvp victims of niagara thn indiana held that niagara claim ed it yearly quota uf victims sveo tn day when the wind is in a certain direction and the roar of the fall hai u peculiar thunderous sound they sa niagara 1 booming i it 1 calling for another victim 1 dand long indeed is the roll call of the loat all guides point out the spot where the french lady atnoplng w oil her cup from th rnplda fell and wn whirled away in an instant nothing was eeen of her but once then for the spaoe of a flaab u hand toaoed abovq the waves thay ahow you the rock to which avery clung for twenty hour for hall u day in view of the frantic crowd who sent raft after raft to reach him yet saw him swept ilka a weed to das true tlon at lost perhaps the moat tragic story is that of the young man who waa walking with hi bride on luna island just at tha brink of tha foils thay stopped to greet a party of friends the young h unhand in merry mood took in his urm a little girl of the party teas- ingly he held bur out over the brink never doubting tho security of hi strong group the terrlflod child strug gled and acraamed and in the strugglr slipped from hi arms and fall into that whirl of foaming water overwhelmed with the uwfulner of hi act and doubtle actuated by u wild thought of saving the child tho young man leaped after her lo his own ideal h nnd the two were swept uway before tho horrified guxe of their 1erhup that bride fate who stood und saw thl uwrul tragedy was sad der i hun tha lot of the other ut tarred bride who went rowing in a little boat with her young husband on the river ixiva the falls although warned not to venture too far they rowed on and on over the mooth treachereuu fulr- menllng water till the terrible cur rent seized their hale akin and whirl- nd it into the rapid the last glimpse of them showed them standing jp in tha locking bout rlufclnwl in each i burs arm than boa t hrlde und bridegroom waru engujfed in iho re lenlles water wse mothers who know tho virtues of mothev graves warm exterminator always have h ut hand because it vn its value just for show ap katerncr on his way to call forniu was delayed by the flood in kunaus and wa obliged to spend the plght in a humble hotel tho best in the town the hill of rare at dinner time was not very elaborate but the traveller noticed with joy thai at thn bottom of tho curd printed with pau and ink was a startling variety of pi he liked pie and herd were cu turd lemon juh rhubarb wash ington chocolate mince upple and berry lues und several other varieties ha trilled the waitress to him 1 lse get me i some rhuburb pie suld he im afraid wo aln i gol any rhu barb pie she drawled he took another glaiiou at tbe lint well get tnq soma luush pi please we huven t got thut either iierry plet n lamou plot no chholt piot t im sorryi well what wrten down hern fori bill of rare tool n- well 1 ii tell you suld tha girl upulogetlcally that 111 is always written down there for huvo mh lis pie bncuuae when we have mlnco pie no one usks for anything elan lurtli ure they ol o duy i for sprulns and bruise there i nothing batter rnr sprains and con tusioiis than ur thomas kclectrta oil it wll rudm e the ewvlllng thut follows u mi ruin will oooh hi indtimed nh und druw the lulh u will tuka thn uchn out of u bruise by cuunteructlug uie lun4iinuilon a k wlu r vltu4 hiiy who doubt its iwwr tf liniment stops bm t ding at onct pri vtnts blocd poisoning removes all inflammation a valuable m ot pi eh i nd mnturhi yjiuui hei young un wujt indeed u joauph uskixl utio duy why he uoulutd with thoun i w hrutim who llvn un ipr til hill by tho rullrond iruik 7 hi n pltu1 ty lull mluihtf hi ip iu r lu mm timothy liijui- uhouii lulm to fume luitiit ip jliei iurunlhmt i uf tlmmy jr the inu ln if th guns thl motht i i mr llryn- uu she tusitilu liuiuiy to bn u polled mun un if hf gets licked in u nght she liik hlm llinniy uin befen llok ed lii uinm ii u month now moth r alio u grit ipl w limn to u glrjit in ip to llinmy htm the height of insult i 11 have pa- more lo do wld young harold percy plunnagan suld mr scannon if he come hom ha it not durken mo dure more thun wgnce what huvn ye agulnst old tom klannagnn s ioyr naked mr mo queen he too stuck on himself since he got his 4ob being alcrety to congreo mun clancy ha thut proud ho not b eaklng wld an hnneut man phwut he doner 1 phwl n he donet i wrote him w latter to wahlnton harold percy munnlgsn i say waahln ton ui dye know phwat he donet to yoo iw phwut he done i uyr i do not eaid mr mcqueen grave phwat did he dor he marked 1c u dead intther after he d opened it and give it to tha gov nrmlnt to wind hxck to me well maybe he dldn t get it i dldn t gt it h did get it he opened it twaa open in the invlllp j sent up that pur in another from the dead letther ofllffi tako buck yer either he tutym- i dan t want it yen not rood enoughrfor me he hand it the goverrainl an tnlls them to aln i it buck to mike scannon that know his father forty year tl very queer tl very innultlng if io wanted to ind it back why dllnt ha lnd it hack hirnaalf llko a gtntlomunt s rj quickly have you a nerbihrettt 50r uial rerun to hoalt then try dr thomaa eclectrlc oil in tho dreoulng- it wilt atop algughlng carry nwav he proud nsh draw out lb pus und prepare b clean way for the new kln it is u recognised heal er among oils und numbor of people cun certify that it hauled where pro perly applied the apple and its uses tha apple crop of canada lut your according to itullntln no 36 of ihn department of agriculture ut ottawa entitle t cunudlan grown apples amounted to 4 063 719 burro in this wm ulout one million barrels lew than the crop of 1033 tbeae figures com piled l y the prult branch or glvon jn nn introduction to u long hal of fruit recipe which it la hoped wlu encourige the greater use of canadian apple thl bulletin which la avail able ut the pubkcattons llrunch of tho department showu that canadian apple have been particularly ucc ful lu international competition and ure rt cognised us unsurpajuied uny- where in thp world apple uralaaal fled according to the oon in which they should bo used and aa to their suitability fur cooking dessert and other purpose th advice 1 offered that uppje houtdo cooked in earth en or granite uteimllu and otfly alive r granite or wooden spoon used for ttrring the recipes cover all man ner of dlshn that can bo made from tile king of prult no rest with astkma asthma us uully uttuck ut night itio one time whan rest 1 m ind moat hence the lo of mtrepgy uiu livlvou debility thn loss of flesh und other evil which must b ex peg led unlna rellof la b0- curvd portunululy relief i klble dr j t kehogg asthma remedy hu proved it merits through year of aorvlce a trial will suruly onvlncu you the stratbolst at the sreakpast table the imuirding bouse keeper wuu ui tnttululug u fi lend at hir youth who wu inlicli hni io4fd by the lundtud sue t a u una i ion i r two u i mnthod led thu vunmir of tltu thulitlnt houae tn loua har sucri if it hudu t imsii for my breukrunt ymtem i should uuvnfluiva bmh abl to luy by n alnglu lnny auld iho hourding ikiunk kaeper with in ides i ll lo vnur brakfut system t echoed the mem vns my breakfast system w the t risk fv ly you see my boarders fro all buali people so hey have lu im down tiiwn ut u aortslu time i svivfi the week duy breakfast piping hot o ttot thuy have tu wait a little foi thins t co i and than they have hoi inio to vat so much sunday t erve tlism rather oool und then they dun t cure lo vat hi lull holiday i make the hreukfamt es p lallytwmi und just hut enough u they decide they 11 wait a while ba ft re moving irhsp limy hurt in tended it works beautifully t humor is more than a fair weather friend many yuuug people mske humoi tluilr uomputilon in playtime hut ehut lie door ip hi face u oon a trogbh oomes w hood liumur niont whsi wa ure liavlng u hard ttmu if we tbe funny nlde of our mului tho ling is taken out uf them the tioopjo who urn aoured by their mlsfurtunn un 1 embitter- 1 by their duuppoliit inuiit ufv thito who huvn no ua fo tiuinui xrpl in thn nunny hour ii mukn vary llttlu dlfteietn- whath or or not you luuuii whan you ut having a good tlum t ut it tnukaa i tronindou dlffrmik o if you tun uugti when you ur huvlng u hut d lltnu humor i mor thun u fulr wattiur f i lent llw will mlun i hy yuu in tho lurdeat tjilsa of juur llfr- he will help you tu d mii w ik tn n lur jour ditutppolntnit pii l fill uu 1 ut keep uwm i all in the meaning mr 1 uk oh hrtiry wmt dooj lljh woi 1 oontiuct iiuunr mr lik it mcuii tu muk ujuull or toy dtur foi instance in t ux puiidl undoold toiitruot mr ll tik than it ull right harry t n im wus ooulructlng some heavy dubts wh i i w norvou till you explained it jab 3 ki a ottjef gftkmall ng besw i y2m pctuaiftino j smp enameled ware has 0 i the smooth surface and polish of g fine crockery without the brcok- age and it is so very cosy to clean just like china and therefore pukes light work of pot washing try this test take an smp enameled ware feauce pan andan allmetal sauce pan of equal size into each pour a quart of cold water put on the fire at the same time the smp sauce pan will be boiling meprily when the water in the other is just beginning to simmer smpcwware afacm ofporcmtmn and a hmart of stmf tkree bulak tarl war tw cal w searty fty euasml laauu au eel bbuaaad war utra cta ilfkt hie uj whlu mmuutm wblu lluinc cryaul war utre raat bur wklla ituos sod wtut suyal niaa dglag sheet metal products co nrl to wlnniperr cdmonton vancouvep calgary a complete uae of a m p products handled by jas symon hardware acton new lumber yard with builders supplies the georgetown lumber company ltd of georgetown a have opened a branch lumber yard m acton nnd will carry a complete stock bf lumber lath shingles sash doors frames interior tnm hardwood flooring hydratcd lime hordwall plaster plaster pans bcovcr board fibre board and cement wo also do contracting and building and will bo pleased to quote you on remodelling or now buildings mr a m mccann is in charge of the lumber yard and mr john milier will have charga of the contracting and build phone your inq6rv to 114w or 120 and you will receive prompt attention north american life assurance go solld as the continent 500000 whole life contract aa 20 annual premium 1 66 00 aq 2fi annuel premium 738 aa 30 annual premium 85 00 aq 32 annual premium 10006 an 40 annual premium t12cu5 an 48 annual premium 147 00 ah 50 annual premium 184 10 ao 63 annual premium 23330 this contract carries with it liberal cash surrender values and paid up gusrantces also rxtendod insurance and non forfeitable privileges together with out monthly guaranteed income for life f c walls district manager 504505 bank of hamilton building hamilton i wouli like full particular about your hp ciul wliolo llfo contract name address age occupation wanted a oye local agent for acton and district qljldren cry for castoria mother i fletchers costona i a harmless substitute or castor oh paregoric tcctluny drops and soothing syrups preared to relieve infantti ul urni uul children ull qc4 ol constipation wind colic fhtulciicy lo swtctili stonutch diarrlicj uegiiutc howelb aids in tlic ussiniilalion of 1 ood ioniotin cheerfulness ucst jud natural sleep without opi iils to avoid jmitallona lw llw ut llir miii illlf nf diwvvlt ifcivrn ilirtttom ml yirh infljitr iliyl uiu evcryvlniocouuucild it railway time tables namnnaiionajirailiays at acton qolna we n j b u u tn no 31 v tojbom md 33 t m jo 3r 00 i tn nn 3u h 30 v m no 1l mun lay 10 20 an qolno et vo 26 05 a m no 30 11 18am vo 34 ndpm no 34 8 17jn no 3h 8 13pm mi 34 sunday 7 ohpm toronto suburban clqctrio railway weatbaund n c3 r h i0upi no lt 11 40 u m btui 17 40 p m no 01 d to p ro wo it j 8 oo p ro no to eaatbound ll 40 pm no u 7 42 a m no eis 10 42am no ts w i n no 43 4 4pm no aa 7 43 um nir- 7o 10 43 pm sunday timetable wectbound no cs 11 40 am no 69 3 40 pro no 83 a 40 pm no 87 eaatbound 9 40 p tn no 68 lo 43am no 80 2 43 p m no 84 e 4s pinv no es 8 42 d no- 6rolht delivered hy pecla4 ejzpreaa fralahu prelajht il ket up at any ad- dro in toronto el t tuetrord aent acton 7 qpqf headaches aro caubed from eyo attaln if you buffer from headaohea you oaaht to question the condition of your eyeev oft on with vlalon apparently normaj eye areatty nw d u- help of kluaaoa a d savage optometrlat 6v ufa optician s savage optical building riom at the poat tjiftoe quelph optometrlat to th canadian i pad do railway co m t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders jjsft t e gibbons main stuiet acton ijphfes imotavlngfo miboiiiotiosrvasr tforowto camaoa i acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop pats oilcake hay and qraifi grain ttought and retailed alex l koble henry awkev manaeer l i this stores policy fn roprisliil guilds tji actly i tn their quality to sa11 t thovt u hit know und to ihodl who doit know ut a unlyoiii far piee- tt rulhii all gua unices und chct fully correct all mi i takes to debcrve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellen guelph ontakio

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