Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1924, p. 1

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t0fff r i i ip i fjv jctim jrt wt fortyninth year no 50 thursday morning june 12 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning june 12 1024 single copiesfive cents the methodist church acton rev chas hackett pastor pirwnao willow bt 10 00 u m sunday school hosalon 1100 a m the minister subject tho consoler 7 00 p m tin minister subject tho hook of junuh lvicuyiiody wilcoiu presbytebn knox church acton minister rev a c 8uwirt m a manse willow street ltfoo u m nibin rioji study in mnlthnw chapter xii 10 00 a m sunday school 1100 a m tho minis lor hubjocl pealing with lion lit 7 00 p m tlio minister subject oods calling system btrangers leaving nddrnm with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor axi aiie coitdiaixy invited special notices room wanted furnished room with both must be quiet apply to itox 10 fkek irebh pufils wanted piano lessons taught at pupils homo ns 60c par hour apply lu p o ilox 02 acton for sale two burner coal oil stove nearly new apply to miuj rr goldham dower avenua june and summer frocks scores and scores of lovely things awaiting miladys word of choice never has our stock been more fascinating wove every thing particular folks will want from clever sport ftggcry to airy summer party frocks the variety of styles the choice of lovely fabrici the wide range of moderate prices all will delight you and youll find it an easy and happy task to choose dresses for every summer and vacation need from such a bountiful array fleep buckwheat for sale a quantity of mod buckwheat for ale apply to 0 a young il il no s 4th uno paiqe motor car for sale a pnlo nix cylinder car for male in firstclass condition uay be ait at coxas garage wtf john littlejoiin card of thanks mrs wm anderson and family do ira to express their sincere thanks for the many tokens of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received at the death of their dear husband and father seed for sale bj crop seed corn canadian gem turnip seed for sale at it n brown s il h no 2 acton phono 0rl2 work wanted painting done at 3 50 per day where pafnta are all readymlxod first class work guaranteed apply p o box 341 acton or phone lr3 43 voile dresses with drawn- worlc 10 00 to 22 50 ratine dresses street and sports styles 5 00 to 18 75 creper dreefcfes novelty woaves and plain simple styles sb 75 to 2g 00 linen dresses boyish straight line models 8 75 to 15 00 large sizes in cool dark voiles printed and dotted patterns becoming to large women sizcsup as high as 47hnsj measurti 8 75 to 1650 at 500 ratine dresses from france exploiting touches of the popular drawnwork nile green ycl low rose and lotus blue shades sizes 10 years to 34 bust measure value special at 5 00 at 6 95 voile dresses figured in navy and white black and white holland blue and white tomato and white sizes 10 years to 38 bust measure l special it 605 at 9 75 voile dresses in dark colors navy and white cjjoodwjiucjjiack nnd white women s styles as well as youthful models for misses sizes to 44 a splen did special for serviceability and becommgness room and board wanted comfortable room wanted in homo wltta bathroom and other modern con- vfinlencca prefer board in tho wm house apply to box 15 free press office new brick house for sale all convenience- full elsed base ment 600 down butanes arranged one semi detached house wood cnndl tlon ond fine location l 0 ask kerr ral estate he knows for sale white leghorns 23 last years pul lets 1 rooster good lay over 1 borf m since christmas to bo sold cheap in bulk or any quantity apply p o box 14b acton or box free press officr for sale 1 aliases all wool polo cloth coat txe 10 years spring style reason for aelllnjt too mall for owner tan color seuinc price sb 00 apply p o box ml acton or phone lrz 49s snap for quick sale solid red brick house 7 rooms hot water heating modern electric fix tures wired for stove 3 piece bath jtloa lot apply to box 7 414 acton ontario for sale or exchange g roomed hrlck bouse in toronto valued at ffi oq one block from bl clatr cars rented at 40 monthly will cpichajige for cattle and implements apply to geokge myers 601 it il no 2 acton notice to the public from this date any person or per sons who are guilty or insulting dir ectly or indirectly or who in any way pass remarks reflect in upon thu character of my dough tor mabel will be prosecuted iteitt kenyon acton june lhh 1924 notice to fishermen flshlns or trespassing is absolutely forbidden on the following farm john bennett waller umb albert young and william tuck situated on the toronto suburban hallway be tween stojs 81 0 and vi offender will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law grand river fishing club wonderland friday june 14 the merrygoround a universal huijor special ataninjr uary 1hllblnand nor man kerry a- vunaa story rotn 1914 191n omudy i rmi- tlon stay slnwu bins tlxmi aaln reel lonir ago- onu show ullpni lt less chll irwii lee adults 36c saturday june 1 ttio vawabond trair hlirrln charles junes c iim ely crhtlon on the job duflutjn reel hunnhlne fend j uf fex news tuesday june 17 on the buikii of the wabash a misslssli pi ltlver try star fin mury sn ctinpti r 13 if the haunted valley t umdy creation obelne iiw r u qbbgory son 1850for men an especially attractive price for twopiece allwool homespun and tweed sails gray sand and heather shades plain and mixed colorings stout mens models and regular three button standard styles also semi standard styles in two button effects and young mens smart two button and novelty models sizes all the way from 34 to 40 notable values at 18j0 and a splendid choice for all summer wear three piece suits in the same fabrics at 2250 to 2475 de macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store weekend specials weekend chocolates we still hajc a big assortment of flavors in our weekend chocolates try them this week end regularly 40c lb weekend special 32c lb verigood mixture a mixture of creams jellies and caramels weekend special 25c lb just fresh these arc the days when every one on joys a good dish of ice cream wo carry a full lino of fancy sundaes and plain cream also a full line of bricks wo will deliver ico cream to any house in town mill stmt acton h wiles we will save you money if you will let ue k quality at low price all new goods sandals uoujcannot oxfords loor-icl- s correctty ts tint ess you fw aresyotcrz i ypwy and tennis shoes mp0bt cushion sole boots oxfords v try n ptlr of our giurmnimd rubber boots where quality counut with low irice try us harry harrison the shoe man new lines of trsvellintrdsos and 8ult- cases news of local import oood citizens leaving town mr and mrs is b rice held a dla persul sals on haturday and sold their household affects they were loatt to break up their homo here hut the innrmltltw of elderly life required this rourno they will live at the home of their daushter mrs james whethsm llurllnston mr and mrs luce have muny friends in acton who teatly resrot their removal an old- established business sold tfte jowellery and fancy aooda bust ness of tho late qeorae ilynds has been sold u mr h in ton of toronto an experienced watehmnkor and jewel- mr illnton thus comes into pos- iton of a well established business wilch has been in nuaqeasful opera i for nourly half a century mr uyndi nxdilillshed himself nmonc the business men of acton in the old pant nice store in 1877 ha continued this business until his death a few months ago and onjoyed the confluence and esteem of tho community only two other business ho usee in town which were established when mr ilynda eo mm en cod business remain in the- same families the general store of mr j c hill and the boot and shoe business of mosars kenney jlrov tub kuks ilutas was founded the following year celebrated their golden wadding mr und mrs thomas qunton form erly nlnomgd residents celebrated their col jon wedding at their home it toronto on saturday a very enjoy ablo tlnie was spent with the members of tho funnily they wore motored to acton in the b veiling b m ivebtous and the event was further celebrated ut tho ireclous home here mr and mrs ounlon will make a visit horo tlioy were married on june 7 1h4 in the old homo in en und for fifty years mr qunton was ah officer of the great eastern hallway tn en land when ho retired from active servlco he and mrs uunton came to canada so us to bn near the members of their family who had settled here their many frlonds in acton offer their congratulations upon attaining their golden jubilee together enjoying a fair measure of health the new platform at the station the canadian national hallway workmen completed the fine new cement platform at the station laat week it is a fine piece of construction and required nearly a months work to lay it it is 300 foci long and ii foot wide at the narrowest part four foot wldor than the old platform a new cement area was laid for the bagxago and express trucks m the southeast corner of the station the platform was renforced with woven stool wire throughout it is twelve inches thick of strong sand and gravel grout with a foot of coal cinders underneath the cement walk to sflll btreet through the yards u a decided improvement mr ii u folmos station ugent deserve much credit for this splendid piece of work he used his best endeavors to have the im provoment effected church unipn is sustained by larger majority re state its own fajlholaslyn saskatchewan imllcy and to deter an enjoyable staff function on saturday evening mr and mrs 0 a llllw itower avenue entertained tiii members o tua pass piaas supper at their residence twelve sat down ut this enjoyable function which was in must respects like a happy fatnljy gathering a delightful uclul evening was spent together ir und mrs moore especially appre- latod the opportunity of meeting the nember of the staff socially on the vj of tholr leaving for their trip lo circa t lirltuln and the continent with the members of the canadian weekly newspapers association mr hoore in a brief address expressed his per- si satisfaction with the esprit de corps which oharactarlxes the members of tns lfasa fans staff and said he foil very comfortable at leaving for erseaa when he had the confidence that each member would exert himself herself to make the paper superior in his absence to what was attained hen at his desk ut home best wishes ere extundod by all for a safe and very enjoyable journey and visit to the old country to the senior members of the staff mr and mrs moore citizens band aotmuee last week the members of acton- c it irons itund called at the home of hand master a masort and presented tilm with a purse containing surflcjent ney to purchase the best cornet procurable and requested that lie pur- huso uiry instrument suitable to hs owji requirement mr mason has ducted the band for over two years wlthuut salary and this was in recog nition of his servlcesth brtnging the nd to its present state of oftlalottcy mason in a few well chosen rds thanked the members for their loyal supiort to hlto in his leadership und for the recognition of his work mr mason is now trying out the various makes of oornets suitable for bund work and when the model he duoldes on is so lee toil it will be suit ably engraved and put on exhibition in the window of tuw ymmm plows office the band lias also joined the newly- riirmaooaiarw amateur uands as woelatlon icuah member of the twen ty two now comprising the band mm hip is registered as an amateur daman and has received his mem- hlp card as soon as arrange- iu can be completed for a suitable place to hold eummer concerts the baud will give a series of outdooc programmes an unseemly and expenlverow lust munday evening rive youug mou ended their way to somewhat tm- tmluu house in main tilreet and were olgled into games at poker they pluyed until bedtime and then loft for ue while on church street they 1ommeikwl ut unseemty row one charging another with cheating at the game three young married men tamo to blowa kiud tk and bed lunguuge were msetl and two of thv umber w rher wdu ttterel up umpluliit were msde ur the fracas to chief macphorson un monday ha investigated and as a result the three were summoned befdre pullc ujuju- trate moore and ohnrged under the municipal byaw reaneoung- public murals concerning disorderly oonswot oil the street the trio pleaded gullly admitted they had been engaged in u pokr game at the house on main htivet and expressed regret that they had disturbed the peace they were fined 10 00 nd ooets it is up to authoiltlos now to glv this msln utroot house some- attention end bring llis gambling orgies there to n and the gambling proprietor to nice the perpetrator of toe row chose rather an unfortunate location fur their fracas they were across tke trtmit from the residence of the iolles msjtlslrate half a block from the real- deires ut hluiro kennedy jteeve har bor and counolllgr uell each of whom la ax officio a peavo oiooer the general assembly in session at owen sound confirms the principle by a vote of 442 tp 92 this is over 4 to 1 last vear at port arthur the vote stood asa to 12 a little over 3 to 1 the church union question nvider ly bos more supporters at the mooting of fhe general aasembly at owen bound this year than at the session at port arthur last year when union was curried by 428 to j2b the vote on the union question was taknn on tuesday evening in no un certain manner dldtho general as sembly of the presbyterian church in canada express its spiritual independ ence of tho hletea assert the sole right of the church to adjudicate in matters spiritual and declino to accept the amendments mado to tho church union lllll by tho privato mills com mittee at ottwu when by a vole of almost four to one it voted in favor the resolutions introducou by tho assrmbly s committer on church union tho resolutions which the assembly havodnptc1 rcud as follows 1 in view of the fact that tho rlgh of the church to shu i o its l inn its own dtstlny has been chul id that the whole question of the spiritual independence of tln church has definitely arisen this oeneral assembly of the presbyterian church of canada sets forth the fol lowing as nxprltsalng its conviction regarding the liberty ur christ s church in mutters spiritual this church has the right and power subject to no civil authority to legislate and to adjudicate finally in all matters of doctrfne worship gov ernment and discipline of the church to frame adopt and modify its sub ordinate standards of faith and the right to unite with any other christian church without loss of i la identity on terms which it finds lo be consistent with its own principles doctrines and religious standards 2 this assembly must therefore decline to accept the amendments which have been introduced into the preamble of the church union hill now before parliament as invading and violating these rights this as sembly respectfully urges the pari la t of canada to pass during this ion the church union lllll without any amendment which would in vail late the principle or the bill on the first resolution the vote woj s7 for and 9a against on the second 401 voted for it and 93 against tho amendment introduced by rev fisher to withdraw the bill until the courts had decided the constitutional ity of tho proceedings was it of eo ted by majority 02 voting for il and 444 nnlnt at the request of ihd moderator there was no demonstration of ap p la use nn the announcement of th vote as this is a matter on which wo sll feci df ltlii use pain to many i would ask tho assembly that there should be no de monstratlon whatever when the vote is unnouncod the church was crowded during- th debate and the taking- or the voo a quiet week in baseball more games promised for this week n and a seasons programme being booked the past week has been rather a quiet one in baseball circles the ladies team played their return game with georgetown and this time it resulted in a lie with a score of 11 all the georgetown girls put up a real snappy game and the acton team had their hands full to keep them in place the game was a good one throughout tho hewetson game with llmehousa was called off last saturday evening a game with cluelph intermediate was scheduled for last wednesday haturday s game with lock wood the park here should be the game of the season tn the hock wood tourna ment acton wa defeated by this team by a score of 10 they met again in the illllaburg tournament and aiton 1 with a score of sl ilockwood will have on their strongest line up for the battle here on sal unlay utter- noon and acton u out to win in july i two games are being ur ranged and on clvla holiday acton will have its first baseball tournament two- years the teams to take part will iki announce at a later date official bank inspection the proposed inspector general for canadian banks will have very real powers the commohs ond ho leas tho country is awaiting with u gruut doul of interest the appearetice of further detail of hon james ilobbs proposed amendment of the itunk ac providing for government inspection of charter ed banks i u to the credit if tho acting minister of finance that ho haa made up his mind regardless of the pleas placed before him bytertain interrsls io aouon to the people of the ikmunlon sut h ugutlutlon as will inspire in them inure confidence in the security of banking institutions than had been wurmnml i m fore the broad outlines of ifwy ulrwy placed before tle ufcnjtlng ctftunt by the mlnluf liidae with eum1 ieh deflniteneas thuf ho hruiautfd in spector- genera or caiuidliin banks will bays yrv vl u vry wide powers h tt t oohluontlal r ports to th txtpartmcnl will be used is the buxla of mlnisuilttl autlou lit iuch instances as all fur action the al power will remain with the min ister that kiwvr will be oxenlsed ui the advice of the inspector j judging- from the crowds who ll e churches when there is some special service there must be a lot of people who stay ut home the rest of the time helton to have bacon hog show at well attended meeting held at mlllon it was unanimously decided that helton hold s ituoun hog hhow in october probably during the w4k the tin uplendld addresses were n by a 11 uacdonald of thu dominion live htock branch ur w marrltt agricultural llepseaenta tive wen i worth und mr 1l k hem ing the show will b held under tho directions of the uiltun agricultural hoolsty and the ontario and io minion taaparuasuta of sgrtoullassj at miltim obituary william andeiihon after several years of falling strength death came suddenly to uio of our oldest and most highly etitoemod clllxens mr william anderson on monday evening- or tost week mr an derson was attacked by a stroke and gradually luat consciousness which ended ladeath on wedncaday ajuer nooni mr anderson was a staunch christian nrsaomber of the prnsby terlaiy church and by his gentle cheery disposition his untiring indus try and readiness to help those in need he won ho admiration and reaper l of all with whom he came into contact mr anderson was u black smith having learned his trade in acton with mr juris llghtheart commencing in at tho time when the grand trunk i tall way was being built he was ulao u member of tho first baud that was formed in acton nearly sixty years ago after working at his trade for several years ho sot tin a farm in nossugaweya after his second marrlaare he started tho first post office store and blacksmith shop at crowsons corners and then farmed again until 1005 when he came lo jlotonj- mr anderson was barn in nasaagawoya in 1hjs ho was the son of tho late john anderson thorp is now only one surviving member of the family mrs wm itamshaw ho flat married catherine hume and this union was blessed by eight children of whom tho following survive adam anderson of guetph mrs itobort wilson eden mills mrs il ii crippu of vancouver mrs john davidson of and mrs wm klahd of ilorden saskatchewan several years arter tho docoaso of bis fjrst wife he married matilda cripps widow of tho late andrew coleman thirty one years ago three daughters were born mrs carl hanson and misses isabel nnd nellie members of the teaching staff of acton publli school these und thrjr mothur all survive the funorul was held on friday afternoon after a brief service at the house the service was continued at the presbyterian church itev a c stewart m a officiating- thi floral tributes included pillow th family and slater wreath adam an derson and family sprays mr and mrs john davidson mr and lrs james anderson mrs and mlaa gar vin mr and mrs swlndlehurat mr sod afra nt daniels miss parker knox sunday school knox church young peoples guild the teachers of the public school and the pupils of miss andersons room among tho friends who attended from a distance were mr and mrs george anderson hornby mr and mrs noble cluelph mr and mrs swlndlehurst und mrs uevoy toronto mr und mrs wm coates mrs krunk coates und miss pranaes coates mr itlchard john stone mr and mrs thompson and miss lmraa coates llstowel mrs bayfield and daughter carlisle mrs irwin jjundss mr and mrs norman dan lob gall mr and mrs joh and daughter and mrs plummer ilockwood the pa i hearers were six grandsons them are twentyslv grandchildren und nine greatgrand children surviving may report for the acton public schools the names of those taking honor slandlnc at the examina tions held during tho month of may seven departments op public school news of local import on vult fran nlhlil lint w thieves k thlovm senlo r fourth ai a mills 493 gladys hrurruw 4uk hrui k cook 4x4 total sco s juale r jr ourth lv a who ler 29 dorothy cu ill ihlll 1d a arjor i maun ihh 1 m 30 m honnoll tout lof settlor third meryl ir ridirl fjflo lluxd c to s37 hasel kmll 010 total koo d 1 olster tom ior tltu tho company bin h htmt factory of ac on mu litlin cm a quuntlty of k j nix vii ainli i tmtttt plncos it l i ii vu th i uro in a fair wiiy foi liult bonded parties comlr ii nd junior third marjory garden 501 allan marshall 1 abblo price 440 total 600 m it moore toachoi second claoa adalul hrowii 614 luulml ilruc s07 kuthurlne htowart 402 total tfso x aiklomon toailiai junior second kathleen cook 414 teddy i lllotl 302 rsthor tuylor 3hfl first class marguotrltu itoszel 350 jack watorhouso 3b4 itli woods 342 total 00 puas sou oljajj armstrong- teacher senior first doris hollowuy 241 may chlsbolm 101 clulro garden 1gq total 300 junior first toddy hanson 107 harvey has surd 1c3 lorraine wilson 1tj total 200 n anderson tcachor ilward irthur 41 junior first mkultt 43 dorothy dorothy llabtock 41 mo senior primary i tarry uurak 41 ilarvoy ilodglns 6 janus o shea 30 total fioj u gardlnor toucher mils jostblii hall one of our real motherly cltlsens planed imvopit the tlvf on int when mrs joseph hall urock avenus died mrs hull wus a devoted mother and for ovur fifty yours was the loving companion of her la to husband who predeceased her four years ago was 111 for some five weeks about three weeks ago pneumonia set in and lis insidious ravages were attend ed with fatal results mrs hall had her birthplace at plymouth kngland 74 years ago but came to canada with her parents when a child family settled at tuharaore pool inty it was there she met her husband there they wore married and it was there the ten children bad birth all of these survive but on little son who died in infancy kjght teen years ago mr and mrs hall came to acton to make their home hero severn i members of the family having preceded them here the surviving sons and daughters are william and mrs norman mcleod acton james in toronto mrs david carnochan acton mrs john it- kcott llmehouse mrs herbert itlco acton ernest at kitchener george and mrs james taylor acton mrs hall was a mem ber of st alban s church ttlid of the orange true illue hociety in this order who took great interest aa hur husband did in the orange order two years ago when the true iilues accomiwnied tho orangemen lu guetph on the twelfth of july she was proud to march in the purudo upon return ing bums in tho evening after the strenuous proceedings of tho day she was still ready to march to the tunc of the protestant uoys und paraded ton street withtho uthcxa tlltuugn drenching ruin the runora yea terduy wus conducted by her fullow- tnembers of the true llluus und by her rector ilev mr liuugh j 11000 barn destroyed in nelson to fir the large horn on the fruit farm tif r w v hopkins uuelph hoad in nelson township widely known an llannle place was completely de stroyed by fire of un unknown origin t wednesday evening tho laas la estimated at about illooo which u partially overetl by insurance about 7 p m u call tai sent lu to the hurllngtim kirn department which muue an immedlute response but even as the alarm w sounded u column t smoke could be dearly seearor lies around the firemen succeeded i asviiur sumo of tjv smaller build ings and effort were concentrated in preventing the spreading of the damns the hu tiding- was k huge frame ttucture on a stone foundation of ight or ten test above ground un 1 was a very substantia character the horses und luws ware success fully released there was un uinount hay burned also a largv number of baskets and other rrult tontalnor mr hopkins home is a very beautl il pluie on the gtlelph hoad slid his farm lion n to place is one or thu beatknown lu the district police court news at llramptuii last wednesday after noon hubert mouse of cataract wuh charged before 1 ullce maglstrutt moor w selling liquor ar lrin on f 13 the uharga was proven and leiie went to show ths1 meuse was sngageil in booth gglug tn rutlmr u large wuy ll wts fined tuj und oata and in default si hioulhs in jult at hard labor and now both hubby and wife go the barber shop und uftur gottltig hair ut hubby guts u shave und wtu gets a weekly newspaper men met last week fifth annual convention of ths week ly newspspero associatlen held in toronto the nfth annual convention of the canadian w mkly newspapers asso ciation wus held in toronto last thursday 1 riuuy and saturday bos ons were hi ul from b 46 until 5pm i thursday und krlduy und from 30 ntll l3 on suturduy thu uit filing was one of vxcoptlona intoreut throughout und was presldiul over b 1nmldcnt j ldouurd tortln of llliuiiiui- ueuucavllie que sir hubert kulconor presttlont of thu university of toronto greeted thu tiowmniju r nmii ho ports from tho various lointultiec and tho different provlnc al divisions of tho association wero iro nled forums on advertis ing logics editorial topics job print iiibs he qsrden iki giirdin purty acton brunt h f tin i t d 1 thn ilrnl to put no on if tin no ulitr outdoor fujkltttin in tin park n this your wliloli will b li id in it wednesday evtinlnu jun 1h 1 lu ir urfair promlnns to bn u un itl enter ling om mr duiu in cowan can- n primlnr nlruilui is th lioud- r mrs a it wullk is thu ucornpuulst hi m inn rithlldrt n will sing acton cttliuns liund will tflvo a genaiuus priifrilinniii njid rovl othor than bund numbrru on juni i ht albun s will hold ihi ir unuual gaidon purty n lhu purk und on july 1 tho ilusobull club will wind up their ttuy of baseball with a big limbm puny treln derailed at train no li- wore conduit d by w h davl thur il mooiv 1 red 1 lillott un j pipu tuples of tlllul men wo lv hulomunslli c h urott u a p l d department uf 1 uychulogi unlvcrsliy of toronto ideals lu journalism p v wul lace il a truined in school uf joui nallsm columbia university furmei lecturer in juuruallsm university of alberta now if department of kng- luh university of toronto the editor us a public speaker w h greaves ii a 1 l d d partment of public speaking victoria college toronto a shop talk on typography ulus 1 rated by harry l gage new york if any one of these addrosses could be picked out as of tile most kvncra interest it was possibly that uf mr w ii greavas who spoke upon the subject of the kdiior as a public speaker coming as this address dl i after most all the members had been indulging in discussion and speaking in publiu in tho convention it was most timely utid enjoyed by the con volition tu the utmost it wus cur tain ly u truat to ull who hud the good fortune to hour it tho social features of the octant on worn not forguttuu wlthur on friday ovonlng- tho city of toronto tendered the tucmbtrs und lluilr wives u buffet lunuhoon at thu pulald lloyul at uun- uysldu boaih thu othor uttruttlous at this ikipuliir uniuneniunt park woro itlau uliij- ai diapotuu t the- i tarty on ijlurduy ufiurtiouu thu party took u lutut tilp to 1 ort dulhousu luiilii wuw hurvud them them and they rxituiiiml to tho ilty that ownlnw about u p m lhu following otlliors und dlroctorw ru dtitvil for 1uj4c i ru idol it 1 a lody thu toleacopo walkurton imtuoitiata past president kurtln l fctluiruut ueuue quo 1st vu0 lrusldont l j hull the news vrrnon u c sll i vloo prwsldeut v a j duviw tho canadian carletoii imhlo manuu- id treasurer 1 hoy suylos luroiitu advisory 1 tour i l a ldy walk trlon toliscop w ll l lioti- frww mortury j a muclureu ilurrlo 1 xuiuliier vinieut dubun chlioutiml quo lo i togres s n wynii york ton sask lntorprlui 1- it iciliott alllsiou out h raid directoirt hrltbth col u in bin hugh havagu thi leudii dtiiuuu l p hulllvun th courier ciuubiook al bvrta j a cat well die news lted deoi u d nusbltt itu mull has john muckoiuio t standard mou hukutchiwun h n xvyuu the knloii ru yorkloil h j diirnaii 1ho dlspulih alulnsila 11 t irulllwell 1 liu m icury 1stevutl cunioroi m lnto1 lhonuwu liattlu- f urd muultobu j i cowtuj the newsluptuiui curliorry jtoy c kuhtul tlitt a oludstune ontario j a mulron the lxomlnir ltuirlo kry th cliruolfile dunnvlilo shore the oitiaun port col- ikirne geortis ml telle ii the post vtir w k valu the trlbum ingersnll w it duvus tho ileroury llrilfrw v 11 llllott the jterald alllstun mukolm maclleth r uun on j j llutitni 1 hu seporlor dill qiiobol j s giles thu ylutihiiiuii latliute v dubuc l ogres lhliuuthii murltltnu 1 ro 111s h 1 uwmw tho urui hi uaiuielton n 11 11 u jjenuurg i rogi knterpi imu lunonburjr n h if uu want lo loach tlio people of this 11 mumiiwy unit farther ur that ttiutut you sluiuld itdvirtlso lu tns 1mbi iikm clr illation ahould he consldeitil when ulvortlslng und no utlmr pupci 1m lvad hi tills dlslrlol by so many people i c i it i oiiud east from dotnlt with m or a i m- aangurm wus savud fro in wn rkuji by ji tnere uccldont whim our of tho night cars wurt diruluil mar i us linch ul i 30 mopduy ulkht nolmtly wan hurt one of tho rails was torn up for nft foul by tlin druuutiib of thn trucks tho auldi tit oiourrd 011 u 30 foot embankment it in 1 tistomury lo thla tralu to- upoud along th in sect ion of thu trut k ut u mlloh an hour on monday night liowov 1 tho block signal had limn turm d und tho train luid not yet ut fully undui way rrom tho stop tvhi 11 tho t ira wurn do all imi rngliioti 1 iwur i luxputrlck toppud ills onulmi on a h in mil rum conductor josi pli mnyui llin ulmost immrdlato slop tivtrtn u panlr traf- au held ui almost four hours ut point tho puhni iu1 r woro crowded into ono remaining ptisai ngur cur und tho bukuj car until guelph notion was reuchid wiiem livo mora earn wore added train no 10 pussod east over this ttadk njwut an hour before thw mishap to no 23 mercury inspector reevely msues bio c jure tuesday of last week inspoctor hobert hoevoly recilvi 1 u tip tliat a tarluud of liquor hud ihuii uhlppod from iondon to 1 ort crodit to bo rnnnhiihhl from thi ru by bout to cuba or sumo nllmr dlutunt point is there la no im ruuitll shlpi 1k from port crodit un 1 no ixiutu thorn larger than a row bout it was very manifest to thi insp clnr that tint shipping instructions wi ro tin rely a ruse und that it uuh th tho owiiiis to ship th tho highway in ontniv act upon arrival ut urds he inspeitor fo skulking about in th vti inity of u car on tliu aiding 1i nnuuiiid uf tlio man his buslnus iio uviuhul urn question tho onlo r thou inform d him that unlouh in kuvj tuitufiiutiiry answers ho would urn at him as u vu grunt tlio niun tlnally niudo off mr ileiynlif nt ion of r along ullway commissioners ut toronto ho ntuyod with the car until thro u in on wod- nasduy win n tin wus mil vi 1 by tho provincial otllc ru tho cut tontulnod gto ruus of distill i llgum th up proxlmuto value wun ubout 3s 00o tho cur was laki n n toionio by tho iifncers this prompt und hticcosuful jot by inspector hovily hut uurni d or him very complimentary r firuiioos by uiu ontario licoiihk communloii womens institute summer meeting last thuredsy tho regular mooting- of tho womens institute wum hold thursday afternoon in tlio 1 arish ijojj willi tlio ii rvsldwnt mrs wallace lwiox- n thutr after a short business mooting uf tlio branch the summer mooting opouud by singing the institute odu aftui words welcome by thn 1 rosidutit to the visiting brunches und all pruout miss betty lowrlo of liatinockhui u gave a reading lu lior vuiy ploasmg tnau- entitlpd guilty or not guilty mrs v c itssiisy of goorgotown gave two wo i ruodotod solos willed ull enjoyoil mrs m lilowo of tor onto gavo u vury intoroatlng talk on tim valuo of tho lnutituio to tho community willi uomo sploudld sug- gostluns in tho work mua l mutlo lrcsident of limuluiuuo ltruiuli and mrs a o cluiitdgti irumldoill uf llunnockhuin liniinli uaiu luvo whorl talks mlaii appulbo of ui wurttown iuvu un uddrcus on tho dlrtirunt linos of wcnk mia hiown of llmohouuu luvo u iiudlug nitltld tho haunted llousr vfhichwni uiuth tii 1 joy ml by ull a pit nln him bcun urrungod ti bo hot i ut tlio o a c groumu gin ltli riom 1 in i ton uli 1iluuy juiu 13 lumh will bo uurvud utiilvi lymn will in woli outi aflur hluklut thu nutuuuil viithuiu u social half hour wus upnt with tho uiberu uf tlio iiulghboiing inaiiuliuu i msojatrates decision upheld by judge hu honor judgo 1 hint of llallon county court guvn nut hu jtiiuniutit u tiia john lubow uihu tlllul uhii 11 u tliw lonvlittlon mud hy 1 ml muuulruto monro in octohir lust john iidiw of nuimiu lowushlp wus huiiiid tkiioru pollro muglstrutu moor willi huvluu liquor in un unhiwrul pluui 1 vlluntu showed tliut inspector ktxtv ly uud olbor uirilurm liud disiiiviod ihiiim 011 tlm prupurty 011 uhlch lubow hud hlx nu it wuu h troti d lionldt u path iliiig from libow iioiihu to hid 11 iio wipuconvh tu 1 und tluud itlo und ioutu or thio inunthu in jul twbow h ciuiiiiiul uppiuh 1 op tho u round hut hlu rlloiitd hiiusu wus on u puhllu lilghwuy in load ullowumt uud tlurti t othutm hud iiciua- tlnn to vftor long di lay tho upptiil wuu in kin i ha jud wlioi 011 may l mr nkol jortr y of gin tpli uuxid for dufohdulit ida yhnlo in wuu uu to whbtlui ut not thn uvl 1 110s luiwod tliat tho llquoi wuu in pouuiiu- ilon or ko pliiif ot mnlrol of luhow jul ho udmlltud that if un piovldod by set tltip uk of tho o 1 a u prlnm fuoiil tiossesslon wuu shown ihuii 1 ulmw having givon any uvlduiuo in tu- buttal wum proporly convli tod unit julunca julte llliol u dt 1 ilon n- irrtis thu fact of unuhuuulmi hy lbow ml ntiholda tho juduuiuiit of tin mug- ttatu lobow hu ml i1uw pu ihii i00 me tho 1 outs tf tho miultdi ituti dui t un t tlm 1 nt of tho u iuul huui l by tin judt it will nutuiully uratiryiug to 1 ill it maulilluto moore that out if ovoi oil t un 1 h huutd nlllto iippolntlik til na i olu o muglslratii ttuir huu ho 11 inly tlno appeals ugulnt lilu diuluim und uf thomo only om upnl hioi luii 1 lih tallied by u county jilduo t hlil wan iist whli h niun- ufm lulif 1 itlmtlii 1 l county and wuu in t i l to u leolnillullty in hunyo of ku tu holding court j 1 m 1

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