Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1924, p. 2

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k wrmja ijc ivctn jffrrg ffimifi i iiihttdai june 12 1034 this glohioua fand of ours ii lnkoi unil rlv i unt iho painting nool utqunlutttb if things aupernul i of things illvlui workman lurrm kaudeat ful i mi umtiiul hi ililn und nlnol n lilwlory fur older thu 1- i mankind f uiii liiln lift by initio hi nun nil unknown tmi ti of u imililni- rut ii liriy mind niliih of wlion nations ha ihtwl i in if hlllllo ntory th ilia hlxt lit glory it i lu nyutery thali iblti ill wlili ii wo in thrill uu niiivilu nw wllli pride lt all tin what it uaa uud la in im thlw i11 i of our utul mln itliw uti tli won dor ii f iliu uii- t ii tit futln rlutid fur hpreud plains uro gleumtns ith mora wealth than mldu it nl ponder on tho tti a h it r iii in uuf hand tin kirn l yond our dreaming which fnun i monty m horn have stream til tih ho nut t ur own mother our own iminiy first my brothor 1 t u luurti lo know her bettor than all lundrj iwyond tho brine ur tint best gifts of creation uod hjui given to uur nation iinirtb with bond of lovo to fetter ii thin land of your and mine i leo bhlppey a master of oe8tinv jmla10atjwlatmalmaliartiimimfat slyr 3frin jlrfbii dlfnrt tar an impromptu bull fight haitltlman i mnmmmvtmmmm th nur una i had i until lit lu ily imk r tho i te fairly priiarproi i u ft imiiiu in begin life mom duties rl t t 1 liuil ull thv c nv ut a yninu man evidently from the country sat patiently at table in a down town restaurant for many mln- utiim uiiyii tho chicago news tho wultrihhoe busy with customers wtw likbi il mom rrullful of tips passed scornfully by at last he rone and nuutlng to tiro eashiur desk calmly took u position hear it and thoreby blocked the 11 nil of entrance ml r ha luihl i to been sotting nl i hut tuhlu fur half an hour an i i un t cl wultid on the young ladles thul wultlng- un table don t seem to iiilcu ni biuml ualde please aald the cash ivr aharply vu re right in the way tho yuunt muit did not nioye ive been mttliiir m that table naif an hour un i cun t set waited on ho repeated uijmly mayi if you apoke ilka l hut to the youn adle that wultlntr un table theyd tak my order will you peaae atand to one aide and let the customer through t will you mpeak to one of them youni uiiilm that a wniunjc on table an auk hor to fit me aoroethlna to iatr i tim caahler beckoned to the pro- prlutor who cunu bus ulna up move out uf tho way here please he said parent p tor i ly let these lad lew and kntlumun through reckon it don t matter whether thvy trot through or not asld the younif man ouslly they won t set anything to cat unlesrt thu have beti i no it tliail i vo had i ve been aattlryf wr at thai table for half an hour un i uln t ik on waited on yet cjlvn the nun o mo thing to eat talleil ouu of tho men in tho waiting line jtirow tilra a pie ahoutod nnojior tho young man smiled broadly at thono miiggostloiuj und then i turned to tho proprietor mnylo you 11 apcalc tu one of them younif ladles that 8 waltlnjc on table an ask her to take my order the linrpiioiur ar t proiortlontrln an undecided way for an tnslunl and then weakened if you ii lt down ill aee that you urn walled on right way ho sftld the young man walked over to hi tabli if lm not feedlns inside of live mlnutumr be back to find out wttuts the trouble ho remarked gen ially hut four minute later with hi napkin tucked under his chin and hi ulbows squared he was at tack ins a lurco i laid of cornedbeef bash ancient monopolies in this day of trust and mercers it 1 intcroatlng parhaps a little comfort ing to find that like every other aood und evil under the sun trusts are no new thing they are at least as an cient us the pyramids tho maiuest form of trust was th cornering of foodatuff by tbe mon arch assyrian rocprd eeven oi ulghi thousand year old sire acooumt of these monopoustio transsotlona in tho days at the romans monopoly was u rccognlked institution the ro- ruan govurnmunt farmed out taxes tbe taxfarmer placed embargoes o the fool eupplles of the provinces to make up arrears in tsjtes in tbe lludte axes the trade guild controlled tbe output of certain arts and industries and also tbe means of d bit rl button this form of monopoly ilka the famutu league of tbe hanse free luuiim was for protection against competition from towns not in the league it wun in the hands gfmadx nfitptuuii amo had not the worst element uf such trusts as are oonj trolled by ofew xknrlt was a comma n practice of kngliah uiooarcbs co monoimu8s to court favorites ihe mol complete monopoly in thu allddle alius was the venetpw ountrol of hhlpnlng in tbe adriatic whlcb luawvrrul enough to turn an entire ciubmle from its holy purpose to tho iltur of u chrlmuui town which voiike wutitud it was the price the rusuth ih luid tu pay tor ship truimpi rt thorn i palestine aauie nue wu ubsolute in authority he was the hoail of u porfeot maritime trusf when the council of ton were lp tontrol its uiuniburs rew enormously rich 111 j to name ull hi among hie mill tin re wu llnriikl cluity li toy ihut km w i ly trlik ihun anrrnt mulo i hoi ii iuly ttot hur iiumi fit m fnot that her hnrnn whl h iuniu in front und mmln u lv i iltlo until tin- polnln wn nol mom tauki foui i noli i aiort renilntlad uiu of the pliikhnr on largo beetlm the other all hud nam on uo but 1 whall mentloil only the thrno etefrs dick judge ali 1 liurney and tho bull duke timothy dick uiu tall and red with the mummr uf a gtntloman judge hud u white fucn unil u look of almoat humuo aoleninlty llnnmy was bluck und white und be was ulwoy ready to fight anything tlwi worn hair ills belligerency did not extend to thu family however for ho would let n walk up to him anywhere in wood and ride him horns i namnd him one duy after i had en whip a neighbor steer that was lialf again as big a be 1 was sum was iruu- duke timothy was a throw your old durham large for hi uge and ull of life he had tho mnrlngy walk of a doer and hi head wa up high all the time except when bv wa g rasing or challenging he was a handsome animal and i was very proud of mm hvhad never ehowna lsrr ofvbl tumpter to me ur to my father and wo thought him parfactly uafu odd day in tho fall i bad legun thoj job of rebuilding tho manger and stalls in the long- stablo that took up the en tiro weal side of our burn tho lumber was piled up against tho north end and left un open floor about twelve feat wldo by fifty feet long planked over and a utile wot through the open door in the south end of the table i could ee tho cattle in the cow yard busy with a good feed timothy hay and cornstalk hlstling a i worked for was as happy as a boy of nineteen could be as soon a i had finished my work 1 was going hunting and my heart wa light at the prospect father had allowed two days for the repair work and wa willing to let me have for myself all tho time that i could save on lu i had figured that i could do tho work in a day and a half and could get more fun out of half u day in those wood than the a v crake boy of today could get in six i was blessed with a big body and strong muscles and with wellnigh perfect health at that time i measur ed ix feet one and a naif inches and weighed one hundred and eighty pounds hard work and play that was sometime harder than tbe work had toughened zny muscles my apeobtlty was catchaacatchcan wrestling and all was grist that came to my mill i never refused to wrestle any man that challenged mo regardless of bis age aloe and ability there was no form of athletic jort practiced in the wood that i did not try but because i wo rather heavy i never could run or wtr- jldthate a noil r t him tlid u in i funtr with on hi i down nmuit i the nluplr- kenornlly ut the handle on jyu i it umk it ii hu tm iiimi i ii hlui i t would liv ii t utul of hit ho dr li th lt thiil 1 hin i to pimli rd to oor to imiiti n th do nkiili hook ui ltli tbv4utpli dick and i nooupr a t the huuk into nllo fi m ho whu not mo tin am i hud lift tlm to hilt 1 utoikl utlll lllllllhu will wl or fuur fo of mo thtii iuh klj on tip hull or iiiv bowed lay hul u he lit lit horn caught in my hulf bullous i wuuaoui mid ilia two button on an hlti bond bit 0i pomt at thtr uhbi or tho door a r oiiikllrit thump i hpiunil behind mm to vet him by thu ull ullt i whx not tiiilta i k nuugb hu whirled lo thfi rltriit mi nwlflly iii it he utmoiit luniirml m und i ju it managed to dodgn hi runb by throw ing mynelf lo tho left no thnt i atruok on my hand my font dmirrllted a half circle and i cumn up nearly iwl length from the bull i tried to mli to thv buy hoi before i could nuch it liuko bad mude a half turn and wvi aklrtlntr tlat of tbe b table at fill wpood iodgltu in the loft i mailo a ouluk turn and was behind him x triod again to got a grip on hi tall but wu uu far from ucceedlng thul i very noarly ran on bl born a be whlpixxl round ut mo katjin uulmul of bla ieo he could turn wltb nionlhlpk yulckncna jio mado mo think of the ow pony tbut the cowtwy salit could turn on u dime and have a nickel to apare jt is easy to joko about it now but it was far from seeming funny to mo while it lusted livery tlmu i bowud my back to lot o of thoo shurp horns pasn my ntonutch nervous four am a hrp puln through my body i was afraid that he would strike with u aldelons owing of hw head und catch me full in tbe abdomen in quick accession he made half a dosen rushe ut me and i escaped them by effort that wet my face with rmrspl rptioo and made my leg begin to feel the alraln i realised that if i did not do tono- tblnff very soon to and thu bull at tacks in one of hi quick turn he would catch me as bo rushed at mo i again i leaped u fur to one aide aff i could but i had to wall until be was close before i leaped or he would hvu followed me o quickly thnt i should i not have bud time to recover for hi charge he turned thl time a little quicker than before and again i had to nhift like a buxornd how my back as hla head swopt aruugh under my breast this time i did not recover a i ahould have and his ahould or hit my side i graped for his neck lh both humbi nly thins within reuoli but mlaaed my grip my body whirled in a half turn und 1 fell heavily on my right ade i bad no tltnn to rise for tho bull with an angry bellow turned swiftly toward me hi great head wa fairly over my body and in un agony of desperation i reached for hlf niimrln oadriel8 trump a i urtiiln pxiellant lady of j lout on hun n treat a horror of practical jokim nntl nil other aorta of foollidi levity w4lrh dot not regnrd the right and feelliiku ip thorn tbut it wuu with ninth hiirprlao lnt br frlmitl rotentlv hoard 1 or avow thnt ulio mice in bur youthful iuh narpvtruted u pruttlcul jukn of hnr own ah ald a young mun whi wail pr kent so when ym wore young you believed in prat tlrnl jokri youiaoirt not at ull uhn un hwi rtl 1 lm rely ballnvi il in ciirhu yoiintc men of tho pruotlce of iotvo trull nk lb em if i pounlttly cuiild rieoio tetl un about it nuld hie joiinu- man vii 1 wu navnntinii year old unit wmi proltabiy ulmut aa timid ua nitifit ilr u uf my uge thitro had lee i u rwlvul of tho mlllerllo excitement in our bflgtiborhooil and some people nightly expected o itear the hound uf jubrinl m trumiiet announcing tlv nd bf thu worlr i did iiol bollevn in till but i ifmmted ut the dinner table ono duy thut if i hluiuld hoi bort bio nlctit i houd he frlghtonpd out my wlth 1 was foollnh- enough to ka ibln ronfesiiloii in die prucenen my youngiir brother who wa u iit jokr- it baipi neo thut at thl aume time itber brother a very little fellow ul u itlhg over u mllil uttaok the meualea he wa name what uhleaoino ln tho night and occa nutly ullod for a drink of tor li roll lo my lot to takt car the ihlld und in getting him th water i had to ikiimi through a dark lied chamber in ibn lloor of which i toveplpe bole had twun left ojien lo low but to tome upstair from the ttlngrotin ielow as i paaaotl out through till room to get the gla of water i noticed from the appearance of the stovepipe bole that there was a very faint light in the mom below i went on out and aa i returned softly with my class uf water i paused and looked down into the mltilngroom there i saw my smart brother standing on a chair getting ready tu thrust the mouth of a long tin dinner- horn up- into the stovepipe hole and blow a blast to frighten mo i took a step or two which he could bear and up came the mouth of the horn and then juat a he was pre paring to blow his tearful blast l iuured ray gjass of water into the mouth of the horn instead uf hearing gabriel trump i beard a great gurgling and puttering noise and tbe joker below went tumb ling out of the chair to the floor i ruahod duwnatoira to make auro that ha wu not badly choked but when i reached tho lower room ho bad vanished horn and all at the breakfast tabl next morn ing he looked so crestfallen that i could not hotp buret i ng into a at of laughter and had to tu the story and my yuunt brother i found was pretty effectually cured of practlcajj joking by the ridicule that followed j this performance a bunch of le0s vrltcm that i ruadlpit oiii lying in u hammotk t tod by a loud biimlng rhi ud on looklng lly with lt ihlrollml imioi found that lie a log mangled h llarlf bill 1 iitretrheu iy purtu ol whut wu the in a big ii ttod spld the fly utrugglcd to frtxi th woh though hent am would not brnak i ho ll tly whh h dfl not b were ibone trt munioun leg the upliler niutit hnv i mil anion inhtid ut the uiao of iiih uiiwlltlni visitor and jidvuncotl tautluualy ti tiiake u dloatir lnpfi tloit the fly wum viakluk very itrtort ti tap its loflit worn whirling rouni und round ilka the arm of an old fushlonntl windmill while th cunlor tlon of it body hook tha wboln wul like uu ertrtbuuake the uplor eooni ttl ti ruallxe that he bud u inntrui- in baifd wbuh would r- iiulr i onuld i rublo thought iwiorn k i outd ouli- ohxftilly uirrl hut u mil di nflr a fow moimmtm of inodlturuuji thl fellow mnitn bin lun and wa hunt ut work i coy hi hi v by hi metlnn that ho wu miilnulng thread ting llmni uvor the ily loga an fat u tlmy wore pun in u very ihort tln nt many of th threadi hail been wrapped around the lognj of the fly thut thoy wom no long o rouble to kick then lh nplder apun unother thread ubout four inchfm ions und fuataned it orn nwnoro umuni the former one qrabhltitf bold uf tho fro and hn b- bjin to haul juat u u nullor do4s wbon he i hulplug to itolt a ull und at every tug thu fly ugu wrnrtf drawn closer und closer together until they were ull in a bunch hard und fust now come tho aatonlahlng part of tbe atory when a parson is in great danger oy near douth ho in apt to make u birring effort to ave himself and that i just what the fly did ily a little nxtru squirming it freed it vino- and then wlthw mighty oon- ulalva jerk it wrenched ltof clear of the web but left every one uf it legs behind i can you imagine the uurprlae uf the iplder he darted down to tho inalg- ilncnnt bunch that wa left and last ed of it und i verily believe that with a ntlarosoope i nyistht have semrena- dtsguat written all over his face those bony remains must have con tained very little of tho juices that a aplder love so well tho hg were cut loose from the wb anil fpll to the ground at my feet hllo the aplder ret j red to his darkest rner where be evidently gave hlm- aolf up lu a fit of tho aulka a tebt in eraicatlon a prpfnsaor in the ffnlvt rally i f chicago told bla puplla ibal bo ehoul i conaldor them cflubftto m the hi eonse of the wont when lliey ould say ye to ovory one uf i ho four titan quedtlon that he uhoul 1 ut to thorn it may internal yoi to road the 4tuatlonu hero hay nr una your oducutlun given aympaiby with all good uuma am made you pause themt ha it mado you public prlld7 ha it inado you a brother to th weukt have yoil learned bow to timbi frleuil and koep tboint do yob know what it i to be u friend to yoursolff rx you aee anything to lovo in a little child will u lonely dog follow you in tbe can you be high minded ami happy lu the meaner drudgerlu nf llfi 7 you think wnahlnir uih- und hoeing corn just a compatible with high thinking a piano playing or golft are you good for anything to your aelft can you bo buppy a ion 7 do you look on tin world und anything except doliaf and tent a 7 pan ytu look into a mud puddle by the wajtslde and aee unytblns in puddle of mud 7 can you look into the sky ut night and see beyond the lurnt stia fcsh fkadm to sati j w kennedy son fujmisinc miatinf tinsmitiiing hie- tuuet of work in kcotcs tit homes lint bur men rlacct in aiimi r u 1iiurniilcc thai wc nrc in a ponjrmi t aiiufc you natis faction we will appreuan your off dpi and will exfcute it with iromptituok main street acton rtxatvirai no n millers worm powders tsw mstlcm oomoftjom aouotfr osj bv fht mtlucfm jjr rutoftc the child to moftmal huith narcoticflpleaflant as s a formal invitation ll wun high noun un a monday when u kiiook wun beard at the kitchen dopr the l hltiaa aervant opened the door urn fuupd a trump of lulls nd varied oxparlt urn i vo lu ii travelling ho ssld and tun in iiilbhty hard luuk lve lost ull my tpou y und lm hungry vry very hutiti inn l you pleuso give little bill f hoiiiolhlng la ewtt thu l hliulinuii uuhnrittudtt wltuiith ii hi i hi abtmovolent ilut id miuiik piud luelf over his entire coutuiuinto lou llkie iiiniit be asked i rump vtu 1 iiui huh matrate that will do i will un unytiilnu cumn lluay aald tlio liospitablo houlliuii ua ho ilotly oloaed too door one of the qood-for- nothing au 1u1 huiige reports a cultotpuy be- twiuii tint fiitlnr und rautlwr of a laxy inn who liiul given up una position ufter unother utul soemed to iiellevv tliut workluu botwtmii muuls wu in jurious to tils beulth ho utiirge i itolhk to glvu up his ptatt mmin i imt what la thb trdublb till timet unked tho father lie coinplnhui that tbe hour uro too lutiu the mother answered hmf i guess qoorgs would ilka lo work from twolv to ono with h boor ytt tor luocimm jum we m bro i wa a draft horse build it was true that i did draft horse work most f the time about ten o clock i heard sounds or trouble in the yard i had just picked up a 4oard for tbe bottom of the monger when i beard duke swear as i called it that rumbling bass dooouh meant war dropping- the board i ran to the door to what had disturbed him and fotlnd him with hla back to me his bead dowp and his hoof sending the dirt up over his back in a shower the other caltle were atarinst at him in wonder i could not make out what had angered him until i noticed dick the steer he seemed u know what the trouble was and was evidently prepared far some warlike demons tra tlon from duke hs was halfway across the yard standing quartering but at the next challenge from duke he turned until he faced him although he still held his head high and looked more dis gusted than ansry again and again the deep uoquhl came from duke the bull was plainly working himself up to the fighting pitch i ran back to stot u club from the broken scraps but found nothing ex cept a taperinc place of oneinch lumber about four foot long- as i raced back to che yard i realised that it was a very inadequate weapon but ii that i could get laa hurry i shouted to duke in an errort to score him away from dlok but the bull look it for the tarttng word and lun- ad furiously ut bis foe dick head dropped 4lke- or flaeh end i saw tbe- muscle on hi thigh roll and knot nsslvea as bo tnet th bull vquarely i knew that i had no business lu that raixup with such a weapon and so i dropped it and ran for a pitch fork there was none lu the a table and tbe only on lu sight wus up on the haymow fifteen feet above 1tom tbe aouim tron the yard i wneflihy that the struggle was becoming more furious and 1 hurried back tu the doorway to see bow tbe battle fared the two leat were vory evenly matched ariit their feet went plough ing through the dump soil of tbe yard first on would get the advuntuge and then tfte other dick pushed bull book against tbe east fence am then duke got dlut to allpplng and forced him ultuoet across to the west fenoe they tipped over thu feed ravk ondthe water barrel amushed a bran mash pal i und knocked down a year ling that was trying to urua the yard thu rest of tb cattle watched the right with as much interest as i did hartley walked up until bla head was within two feet of the helltjteruiila dunottd roundto keep bis rolelivu poal- dii ua if ite wore the rfurao al list the battle legan to awing in favor uf dick chiefly because hu ad vjrwury bee u tn o uiifry thul be was ulutwat rnxy shutting hla eym the bull would rush blindly at tho other oihh whun duke was iharuliur dick shifted hi pomllfon just a llttlu he instant that dukes heud went put the steer uwung and taught he bull oft guurd dlok bad him then whoru hu wanted him with hi hurua again the other neck und in an instant ho hod whirl od tho bull half round uud wag at talro in his mol vulnerable ipot the flank it was nit over oxcept the shoutln thon fur dlok uhasod duku rotind the yurd at hla boot nsee until i turned the bull into the stable and shut th door with my right hand and uoed my left hand on ono of his horns i felt my thumb and two fingers sink into his nostril and with a heave that took awry ounce of btrenfth thst i bud i pushed hla nose up and at the sumo time pulled down on tho horn when hi head wa in the bout position that this manoeuvre gnve it he could not use hi horns on me and he fought hard to free hlmsolf i knew that this was the crucial moment and resolved tbut i would not relax that grip while i hud any strength lu too duke heaved hla deck and etsmped hi feet und all the while blew hla breath over me like achat ba from a furnace i atruoglpd lu my knees and at once tbe bull drugged me halfway across tho stable then i rose to one knuo und one foot ataggered to both feet and bung on while the creature swuni me back and forth i had twlatod bla head halfway round and held it across iny left thigh i hnd to boar down with all roy strength on hla right horn to keep hi head in that position hound and round we whirled on the we planks at limes we aot on the dry flooring ext tbe buy mow only to swing buck ut tbe next jerk to tho wot part i aid not dare lot go hi nose or hi horn for a second but i know that i must end tho struggle soon for my arm were beginning to feel the strain in the bollow uf my elbow presently they would begin jn tremble from tbe long tension and than they would low strength rapidly twice i tried toirowthe uyiljjy jerking hi head wuddenly when hi feet hit the wot place but each lime he fulled me then i tried to turn his hose higher und to throw him u u cowboy throw teer hulldogglng they call it but hi nock was too strong fur me to twist it any farther and i went buck tu my former method tlireejimes mora i tried unaucce- him by u sudden jerk bis neck then muhagwd to get o turn n the oppoalte direct anq hi h revolved i wutcliod until ills feet bit tho wot phi ilk at that i slant summoning every ounce trength in me gave a tremendous jorkv the bulls feet hllpped a llttl h gave another quick jerk and til ay ndtoa postponing old age as the irishman said if there is any thlrur inevitable in life to one who lives long enough it is the coming of old it seem then rather unfair to the middle ago reader to raise false hones of avoiding tbo unavoidable by auah a title as that which heads this article there 1 no intention that old age can be prevented the only way tu effect tbut i to die young yet by right living the more serli changes of old age can be postponed almost indefinitely and when they do come their udveut will be so gradual an to be almoat un perceived the ehange proper to old uge con sist rundamentsily or at least prim arily it is believed in a substitution of one sot of oells tn tbo body for another set in the overwhelming and itlfling of what are the noble elements or cells by the oommoi cells tho collo that innumerable host or minute individualities of which the entire body i built up or of two very distinct sorts one set com prises the nerve cell the secreting dell the muscle cells and nil those conoemod in the performance of the vital actions digestion and aeaimtbt- llon movement thought everything in fact re la ling- to corporeal existence o cells make up the essential part the brain and nerve tbe various organ the secreting glands and the heart and other muscle of the body they ur called the noble elements or cell the other set comprise the framework of tho body the bony structures the ftbrou envelopea and connective tissue they are essentlsl an constituting the support of tho body and all its parts but they per form no vital functions and htmco urn called the common elements now the easenhst fact which under lie v physical alteration ot old age is a disturbance in equilibrium be tween these two sets of coll the common cells are tho hardier they have nothing to do but to ktow and so they grow and strangle the noble cells by their pressure the latter are killed off one by on ana thereby tho function of the aged are disturbed physical and mental strength decline- the powers of endurance are weakened digestion la impaired and in every lurt there is diminished vitality the hill ho been climbed the ai reached and after a grief tarry there exhilaration ofherullenjayj f life the descent has begun not absolutely ignorant it is commonly understood that ono of tho hewapapers of new york city has a rulu to employ none but collage graduates on it taff it uiny or may not be true nevertheless a young good address bringlnjf with him excollent recommendations an 1 equipped for journalistic work by several years experience called one day at tbo edltoriaj oolco of that paper he mado eo good an impression thst the managing editor was about to us- abjrn him to a place on tbe staff when as if aememborlng some tiring ho bud overlooked in exajnlninst the applicant lie suddenly asked by the way ot what college or uni versity are you u graduate 1 am not a graduate uf any re- plhrrrl the young man but i know better than to write pant for trous ers pled for pleaded and he wa given a chance for u chance wa giv en him i haver use tbe phrase im our midst 1 i understand thu correct use uf who and whom and of shall und will i pywfer oulter lo official 1 dwelling to residence i avoid a to whether ubhor reportorla never split an infinitive and never write a sentence long onuugb to tie in a double he got the position tuont bw out sldewlee und with a crash truck tho floor on hi aide 1 dioppvd acrtuih bis head and beld hiin down wlila i wbeexed and punted at last when i voulj breathe natural ly the bull but teuaed ra truggu uml rage when he bad vntlry leaned 11 angry blowings i ros from hla head t climbed through tbe hay bole ovei e mull gar und lay down on tbe looai hay ii tbe burn my uruim in hod from tho ions strain uud my kneo tremblud under me duku rune lo hi feat ww ik oil over to tlie ihii k of the utubla unil blood mhuulug lib head unil bit lull uluut hrtuthh of rulli f h kuan ua gluit to bu duno with the hulll i wus aftm bud rothivitra 1 from the tlon i wvtil out of thu liurn and tut buik with u io und u hurifwood uiub about tbe io of a imaoudl but with thoau in band i miu ui tbo atablit drove duku into u coinir uud put tho rope on bl horn thin i ixl blut iui through tho yard ful of mltl uml oft to the oihi r unit it win re he remained uhtll wo aohl liun u month later i wu not noii lo mm him go she was dvino to know a correspondent send a dialogue between a little girl and her mother it occurred in uiurch at the morning servle tbe preacher bad just read on these two commsndment hang ull tb law and hie prophet mamma mamma sold little efty lu a loud whisper how many shi aald her mother hut mamma just one question only i k wave of my hand in front of dick anuvououkh to stop him und ha stood still whllto i wttnt up o him and looked blip over far tiuuriau there ns only- pita and thst was- merely a crtobf which ho had v6t whan he knoekfd tho feed rack ofar with ay win of his baavy hips after psturtjr dick or a momaftt went into qn itaof j not unreasonable lth vlra ethel who bud lately boon blest baby later mild lo bur mother av p- olwlsh i bad a new doll a now dolir said her mother wbjr our old doll 1 as good a ever well answered the llttl lady so am i jus as od wwver but tin riilif syryou m ouw lhy well softly answered tbe mother seeing tlist tbo question nuut come huw many prophet were there v i dont know 1 cant you guess t no now kep quiet wero there three t oil ye bhl tour ye don t salt another question rwontyl continued lfty her ey distending tiie mother wa lu do pair ami ati- swurutl yu than mamma tell m thl i hush juat thla and by tlila time tbu little girl a voire wuu quit audihle how i oil id iwenly prophet ull hulls on two thiininuiidmoiitmt defeated but not dishonor ed thero i mi icustern proverb to tb effect that no mo ieopo beckon rnb- furtune with lotii hands it la equal ly true tbut many people have a lion a hare of mbifortpne becauae they hoose rotlior to uuffor than to inflict t a bit of philosophy from tbe up if cap n joe uu old man who was rehearsing the news tor the benefit if iummr boarder 1 worth repeating ifou remember noel adams aald well be had trouble with hi paraner about their schooner nol he got tbe wuic of it jim dobson ban boon trying to tuaku hi wife toko up spiritualism dldn t succeed vory welt he got the wuat of it in tbe end ham ueckett you know htm tiiat jived with hi brotberlulaw in that frame buue near the p int had a fuss about selling- tho property ham gut the wuat of it all our friend seem lo be unfor tunate wild thu visitor fp ugreod cup 1 joe jut re uln t any change lu the town the same kind of yolks i always get ting the wuat uf il what kind 1 thatr the kind that willing to take tbe wuat of it mclaughlinbuick master four 2437 hwi style and comfort without extravagance beautiful in its well proportioned lines and fin ish luxurious in its appointments this master pour sedan because of its style is to be found in the most select circles as for comfort examine for yourself the riding ease of this car even on the roughest roads feel the restfull- ness which its chesterfieldlike upholstery affords not ice also the solidity and rigidness of the fisher built body and this car offers you mechanical excellences that are quite in keeping with its more evident beauties includ ing the rugged powerful mclaughlinbuick valve-in- head motor disc clutch four wheel brakes etc the first cost is lower than youd expect t pay for a no t sav eff by its remarkable economy it longer life and high resale value make it the logical car for the person desiring a fine car at a price which is far from being extravagant asij us aboat the gmac plan o deferred payments fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont real greatness j- 11 ixituime glvjt bla atory vt h 1huimiiim member uf parliament who attended an agrlcultuvwl ahow iii dub lin ho urrlved late and found him elf on he outskirts of a hug crowd lifting anxious to obtain a good view r himself und a lady friend who accompanied him and presuming that he wa well knuwn to the spectator tapped a burly oaipurter on the shoulder and perornjiturlly demand rduku way there tiuru who are ye pushlnt wa hu unexpected response do you know who i um art cried ih ieidlgiuint m i i am a repre sentative ofxa people yah growled th porter a ho stood unmoved but were lb blooi in poxullu fj3fmsnvtv j to sell sununer residents city pcoplu in tho country for io sam- iner cun bo boldt grro- curitt and meats by long distance some grocery and bu tellers call up outoftown cus- toinera onco u wook und yot tholr ordem duli- vehth aro mudo by truclc or expreail somo ktoctirs urranjjro with uieir customers before thoy leave town to give thu service itiey say thoy can well afford to- pay for long distance calls on weekly orders let tu work out with you a plan for tho bjdn rounding district lossj diatanc btatln the more you tellthe more you sell the people of an actixau district mice the one which this is the centre of are al- w on thcinoyebuyiijsjliigjlal ing there is one sure way to let your wants be known to the eiitire district whether it is to buy sell or exchange use an artot 3xtt jiimb want adv the free press is read in 1500 homes and reaches over 6000 people picture in your mind ths big market and consider the biuull eost of reaching it your want adv in tiie free press talks to 6000 people every issue i want adv users are reminded that it is not economy to abbreviate waidrjidva often a want adv fails for lack of suf ficient information the following advs are illustrative of this thb wrong wav holtas iron balia3aiirul lur tkma apply tu the biqht wav good oisnlfilul lltldohh iioiibk fur dale buiublo fur tnllv hijt or farm qulataound mny 1d kami t yuu and uia prloe t rlsat l y can and look i thl animal may ault apply m i i j r- 4

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