Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1924, p. 1

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jtixnt sm i 3 2 1 fortyninth year no 51 thursday morning june 10 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning june 10 1024 singlo copicfive cents the methodist church acton rev cha8 hackett p tor parsonage willow 8 1000 a m sunday hciiimii session 1100 ii mtiio minister subject a cireut lttfornior 700 p m i tim minister subject the thlnitu of others kvehyiiodv wklcomid presbyterian knox church acton mi a c suwirt m a r manse willow street 1000 a m iiiin class htudy in matthew chapter 1 1 looo a m sunday school i 1100 a m tho minister subject what men nnd ood nd 700 p m tim minister subject if r wort a tthrwiuh millionaire strangers leaving- address with the usher will bo coiled upon by tho rtor ajjl are cordtalxy invttbtd special notices found gold brooch apply i iukb piusss officb steam vulcanizing am makes nf tires and tubes vul can i set over kentners gam no il i daviohon proprietor wanted woman to do family wah- onlng ut tinmn flood to bo and delivered mrh d irrundsayt here are frocks in which you may look and feel your charming best on many y summer occasions flowertinted voiles and filmy cotton georgettes for dress occasions novelty ratines for sport boyish linen frocks for business simple crcpo costumes for the street handdrawn nnd handbeaded and handsewn dresses from france when something elaborate is required ginghams for the porch and the lawn and neighborhood visiting a fascinating choice range with an affordable pneo for you at the right place in the scale something dark but cool thats a frequent request made most frequently by women of largo proportions because tho dark shades are slenderizing and also by slight people because they are serviceable heros a splendid group of- dresses to meet that particu lar demand in cool airy voiles neatly patterned in navy blue and white or black and white effects excellent selections paige motor car for sale a pnlffo mix cylinder car for aula n ilrst- class condition may be boon nt caxtta garage 60tf john littlejohn stat convenience and term ap ply by letter jox sb freb prkss officf for rent central located apartment hot wafer hen tine wired for electric stove sun room all modrn conveniences apply to j r lj2i8hmah work wanted fainting done at sg0 per day where paints ore all readymixed firstclass work guaranteed apply p o tlojjc 341 acton or phone lr3 for bale steel gasoline tank ibs gallons cap uclty in rood condition john ckawshaw second i j no telephone oeorgetown gr31 61- card of thanks mr and mr oormo gibbons wish to thank the friends nnd neighbor for their kind now nnd many floral tributes in their recent sad boreave- menl new prick housc for sale all conveniences- full sixed base- ment 600 down balance arranged one semldetjichefl house good condu tlon and tine location 11650 aak kerr reel emf he for sale 1 misses allwool polo cloth coat alxe 30 years sprint stylo reown for sailing too small for owner tan color selling price 1600 apply p o box 341 acton or phone ir3 40s snap for quick sale solid red brick liouao 7 room hoi water heating- modem eloctrio fix ture wired for stove 3 piece bath nice lol apply to hox 37 4s4 aoton onturio for sale or exohanoe 6 roomed brick house in tosout valued at 15600 one block rrom st clair rars runted at 40 monthly will exchange for cattle and implements apply to okoitoe mtebu mg it it no 3 acton card of thanks the amity of the late mrs joseph hall desire to i express their sincere nnd heartfelt thank io the neighbors and friend for their floral tribute also to the odd follow and lady tuu bbies of acton and qeorgetwon nuu ttfo orange lodge gf acton and tho women auxiliary of st a loans church- sons and daughters paam5 for sale 48 farms in the counties of hal ton ood wellington varying ttota a to 100 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and bus i n placssrio aflton for sale vtlasna xjfelnsuraaoe money to 1 j a smxthr ileal estate anu phone 105 acton onl customers for 9weet cream wanted ws hsvo mads arransemenu to pro- a6ib a supply of freah sweet cream dally i you want nice wet crcani call at the aotun crmimery and pro cure ydur ajipply icaye your order for your dally requirement and w will uuike euro your needs are fulnhed acton ckkamkity phone 63 t j oneill 1rup wonderland friday june 20 let not man tut asunder ptom ih novel by tuiall khty starrlnir paulino kinderick nnd jiou telen- comedy creation uronaho fclxitrei tlinltft podko dipping h ijevp saturoavjune b1 caroeo kirby from the ihk suucuuf by ltooth tarkiiihloii mturrlntf jntiri ollbtrt comedy creafioti jaxsy wuekiy ha nvi tuesday june 24 dlsrwir hterrtiiir qihirud arllas und jtealnald letiny fioin the fam ous lny doplnllnu intornallunul intrigue nnd the jimniut of lull- junt mlndn in u hiiuaiflo for an empire ilomrdy oeutuin the qon hhop with ijnry helium ctmitlor h of tlio llnunlfl vstley com1no a ifoypl dfviinw r l gregory son sizes all the way from 1g years to 44 bust and prices from 595 to 1800 at 695 a notable vajuc in womens and young womens dresses of figured voiles so mo with lace trimmings sizes 16 years to 42 bust measure coper bluejind wjijto nilegreen andwrrltehoneydcw anctrose shades at 795 another noteworthy value is this in a novelty ratine with a silk check pattern rose sand orpmd and holland blue shades sizes for misses and young women of 16 to 20 years ono example of splendid value voiles ratines unens crepes a host of wash fabrics unfolding their charms linens that make the most delightful of boylino frocks a number of good color ings at the popular price of 55c dotted voiles cool and pretty as can be 75c and 85c ratines in novelties of many kinds and plain weaves 125 and 150 broadcloths in good shades solid colors at 75c in the fashionable stripes 02inch widths at 100 all white in 40inch width at per yard jl00 solid colors in broadcloth of another quality at 135 crepes at 75c 85c and 1 ginghams at 25c 35c soc free shrinkinjr a special e macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store weekend specials assorted caramels vanilla lady caramels chocolate lady caramels and nougst caramels the thrco assorted weekend special price 32c lb weekend chocolates how about trying more of our special chocolates there isnono to equal them for the price regularly 40c lb wek- end special price 32c lb our ice cream menu we have a large assortment of fancy sundaeavn ourmenu hoveyou tried a canadiun beauty it la a great favorito mt hwile3 w will sa vu mony l yu will lful quality at low price n new goods j sandals uoujcanmnr oxfords toor- slippers tennis shoes correcriy unless you comport cusmonsote dresyourz boy jreef prowly and oxfords hosujry work boots school boots try a pair of our guaranteed rubber boots wbero jualliy count with low irice try u harry harrison the shoe man new linee of travelling qegi an sulk caaea sidewalk petitions the fall fair grant drain complaints many matters occupy the atten tion of the town fathers at the session on monday evening citizens band desire to know where concerts are to be given the retuur eoealrn of the com n monday evening had councillor doll nlool and thetford iirvvent ami iteove itarber irt the chair in thn atutence of councillor holmon 1 witt movcl it ltd hptoitdetl that coutt- rlllor lll urt an chairman of finance mlee iuura wllee nhowoil u letlnr rrom mr jihimao showing that he oould not notchtho cloth and m new coat would lie neceneary the council uiemi to joy 1 7 bo for the ilumnrm uuetnlnod and mik wlieh attrtuxloi to accept thu aum mr chum wllnon and mr q klnf- hury nreeented a etatement to tho council ehowlns a fialancn from iho old time danen that wde to be for warded to the children shelter at mtuon they deelred to itnow if tho council wlahed to unroll tho amount by ranklns a reduction in the hall rent the council declde1 they could not wii a precedes by reducing thn hall rent the keeve jolnted out that the chi i drena b ho iter wee now well looked after nnd their need met by the county council and it wee not neceeeary to make a grant from the town by reduo ins the hal-rent- the finance committee breeented ie twelfth renori nnd payment of th folluwlnk account was recommended general aoeount hydro- klec trio power com i mine ion atreet lljrhtln 1s 00 llydroklectrio power com- mloelon town hall lht- inr 4 40 4 jo 7 61 4 co 22 34 bell telephone co eervlcee mlaa tenure wllee damasee to ult kmereon anderaon aahea for atreete imperial oil co eupptlca j weterworka aeoount bell telephone co i 4 31 the report woe adopted mr w j akin secretary of the acton kail fair addreed the council roqueatlmj that the arant to thuj society be inereaoed they contem plated increaalna their room for ex hibits nnd cftaklna- it poaaible ror nil the local manufacturers to have space to show helr foods- the council decided to consider it at a later meet- ln and if posalble to increase the grant mr john gibbons addressed th council yiuestliut that some action be taken to drain the water from his cellar he complained that every winter the drain frto up and the water backed up and filled his cellar the council agreed to look utter the matter and if possible make re pair the advisability of pasalna- a ourfow bylaw was discussed by the council but no action was taken two more petitions for sidewalks dm fat the stmth ast side or church atreet bet john and willow streets the other on the northeasterly side of wilbur btreet between ttower and mill tiuroets the clerk was instruoted to nd for the surveyor in order that e sidewalks petitioned cor mutht be laid mr robe scott delred to know if the streets would be under repairs during- the july lsttf celebration the iloove assured him that they would not lie torn up at that time a lotten was received rrom the acton cit sens uand acknowldins- the srant of 900 and stated their wlllln- s to give outdoor concerts as soon i u place was desutnated by the lunalt the council favored the ins of the lawn beside the town hall chief 11 m mac donald of the fire itrlaude presented to the council par- ilcutnm of iv fire truck of the iilckell firm or woodstock which would cost bout z03d the jounoll favored the idea of having a truck but did not desire to ucrrase the mlllajre this year action was deferred for the timo belns- ctronrtu hdjourned at 1000 p m obituary milh blizauktit 8wan6ton arter several montk of failing strviiajth deuui came on jupe ii to no of juelphe oldst eltlsens in the jjfcsiaja u fc w or the late walter swans ton in her 80th year tho lute mrs bwatiston was bom tn kramosa and lived there until zz years ao when she and her husband retired rrom farralns and settled in ouelph she was a lfelok tnember of the presbyterian cburcn and attended regularly as ions as ier health permitted during the world war she knitted over 100 pairs of sox for the soldiers her husband prede- eused her jl years ttfo in hjs 94lh year kour sons and two daughters lurvivu william and qeorve kro- mosu walter quelptt and andrew f owen hound mrs ilea t tie ouilph und kllmbeth at home who with lov- injt kindness cared for both parents until their death mm joseph orison hurrtston und mrs martha ilamshaw acton re sisters there are 31 krandaiihdren nd t area trahdc hit tlren surviving the funeral was con- duo tod by ltv mr unl- of uock- wood assisted by kev it a aliraham of ouelph the pallbearers were six kraudsons interment was made in the ram ii y plot at liafry cemetery mrs martha ilamshaw and mrs v w jlnlns of acton attendedthe funeial actons bijr day on july 1 a qeod pragrimmi of bssshiall rsess garden party and dane arranged the ilasehull club sis determined tn make dominion oay in aoton this year a real celebration a toronto senior o a u- a learn will battlo with- the locals who have only besti d fsied onc ths year a same will be hsld in the morning und another iii the uftariioun the tadloe lull i team will play u fltame f softball in tltu ufteruuoii und u qiutohed rues of three item will b held by local horses i tbtf men promises to be one run to win and not of tln prefunatory tyio ortrti wjtneaaed the windup of th day will be t muster sordert jmrtj at night in the imtrk with aoton cltlsens hand und u aky of our own local tulent in the ovaitlnu- 1111 will bo followod by a ddc lu tb ttnwa uau nevvs of local import st albana osrdan party dont forget to qomo to hi a buns gordon party nnxt thursday evening june 34 thokax kiin co consisting of five artists and thn acton cltlsons hand will give u full evenings pro gramme admlnsliui 36 cants v w a entshalned at knox manse on tuosduy evening hev a c ami mrs atnwurt were th hosts of u dollghtful plcnlfl toil for the members of the ynunir wumnii auxiliary of knox churcji on the manse varandah lunch was snrved following wi1i9i1 a delightful motor drive wan taken 13th unluoky for quslphs fire chlsf the tturteen although nooffrd at by skeptics as an unlucky duy has gl fir chief knighton of thn ouelph 0 department suincent reason to rerard this day with supnrstltlc april 13 chief knighton slipped down flight of steps while fighting- u fire hejmii breuklng his arm krlduy in front of his hotnn lt slipped on n txtard anil aa in fractured his arm in the sumo placir dan cupid on mr iks in aoton while all the surrounding country li huvlng june weddings galore anion date is not in tho swim an enquiry of clerk lltrmor brings out hie infor mation that only 0110 llqens has lie on issued by him so tar this month and the happy ooupls were residents of nassaguwuya there am still elevrii days lft in june und lierhups theao remulnlnr duys will sn dan cupid active and bring acton up with their quota of june woddlngs th ford movlno picture exhibit dr h a coxe the local kurd agent has completed arrangement for the holding of a free exhibit of motion pictures in the park on krldny ovonlng the pictures will illustrate tho making f kord cars from the raw product to ho finished cur other pictures of scenes methods of farm cultivation and comics wilv make up the pro gramme acton cltlsens hand will render a programme during the exhl bltlon there ts no admission charge and everyone la welcome to see this educational und entertaining- exhibit spend the legal holidays at horns for a number of yenm acton peoplo itave formed the habit of spending tbelr holiday at other surrounding towns where demonstrations of various kinds have been staged it looks as if this year surroundings towns could return the compliment and col o bra to lth acton the baseball boys are planning a days sport and monster garden party for dominion day tho orange order will celebrate the twelfth home the first time in twenty years again on clvio holiday the baseball boys ura planning tourna ment father holland former aoton boy in st josephs rjaxt sunday among the seminarian ordulnod to the priesthood y archbishop mcneil in st- michaels cathedral an june 14 was john holland father holland tang his first mass in st pu tricks church ilamllton last sunday june j s wios-ef- baseball galore in the park here the past week two gomes by the senior boll team tied the guelph team and defeated rockwood nine the ladies defeat y w c rf- team from ouelph ha selia ii was iwtcku its own again 1 th local diamond the past wnok and was evidently trying to make up r the slump of llio previous week on wednesday nvanlng lust unn 10 best local games of tlin season was played between acton and tlj ouelph intcirmedlutee the two teams wore wnll mutohod und gave a good close run all thn way through gums hud to i hi called utthe seventh innlhgs when the score was 0 nil social and personal mr will ieilrntui wuit homo from toronto over hunduy mr will itohortnou of totonto 1 home for tho weekcntl mr lloyd icenity of toronto ho in it over thn weekend mlni kuthleori log frloixls in to morrylo la unit this cuvflim of itorkwm lth a cto 11 frlniidn mr- und john pt haturday mr and mrs kohl hoinioti im wiknil with lorltuhilf frli mrs hold oarvln am garet vihikm tvtnntn frlm iruiul mr a h mo- jly of toronto wttm hi ilny sad drowning accident at fairy lake little frederick ceorge gibbons fell in near site of 0d club- h6us and was drowned family in this country only six weeks tho 11i mri mr vr then thursday night was ludlos night tho y w c a ladies soft- ball loum cume down from ouelph them by 11 score of 1si team held the upper hand c ha acton all times tils childhood in acton and am he has several relative and acquaintances in town he has consented to sing solemn high mass in st josephs churoh aoton nexj sunday june 33 he will be assisted by hev f j mc- ileavy pa a tor and itev joseph itynn of st marys cathedral hamilton father ilyan will preach the sormon on this occasion actons orangs caubmtjon o rest plans urvj helng laid far ths orange celebration to be held here this year it is twenty years since an orange celebration ho beeh held 111 acton und the local lodge 1 en deavoring to tndfce this celebration momoruble twenty lodges from wext york district have signified their in tention of participating in acton nearly ell the lodges of the county are also contemplating celebrating here the days programme will include baseball and so ft ball games und ad dresses by kiev x m moyr o c dr anderson m p capl thompson m p p geo hlllmer m- p pitev mr howard hev if o l itautfn and jrs the big- purudals scheduled for 110 und will huvo for feature a band competition prises for tho best marching lod so old out membor und besfmurchlus true lllim iodine hob in hough 4culey djrone kentnrr currln olbbons walton farmers after thieves krlday monilnss 01ole carried the following declurutlou ot war by ks- quealng- farmers on the petty thieving geuut on in the township on ao- cauat- ruul on imiultry houses during the past two weeks the farmer of ks- quesing are organ ulns themselves into committee 10 make u cleunup of the thieves und rubbers who are in fo tin- the township the thieves are believed tn be un orguiiuud guns from toronto some of the farmers have been in milton during the past few s buying rifles und shotguns and will interview the attorneygeneral as io whether or not u farmer can shoot thief currying nwuy grain poultry uthsr produce while un his property other farmers stale they will hot uwult lo interview unybody but will shoot if the thief or thieves refuse to render ssmlcei ur- nplal at ontario agrioul tural collsfle hutuhtuy brought to a cloaa u galu week ut the ontario agricultural cul- tege quelpli when itha city and ur- ndlng oountry had beuti colebrutlns the semloentoitnlul of the college icaoh duy hud u full ptogralnine ar- ruttgel in tin uiuisiings uddrosssx were givvii by former mid present professors relutivu lo the work under taken ut the colluji uunli aftfrnooii wus siient in sjnt ts und included baseball softbull tug of war und ruon the crowds uhsamblwl this your are prououtwed to be the largest vn- uttundlng one of lha ekcurslou trips to the model kurui cormor tudents of all jiaits of the empire arranged to utteild this celebration and uiuny a hearty handsliuke was given btween former students whohsd been tar separated the grounds of the o were beautiful und no time could have been inor ipkiun in having gathering of this kind for uuluro wus ut its but kilitny wss the duy ohoeii for hultuu rurmets and their fr loads tu uttwnd unit u very lurge umber rnim tlus ruuuty und thin district look ailvuiiiugu of the pluusunt litltuf an avout of dsimouil intorxst un kvlday was uume of sod ha 11 b lwen the hruce and ha ton ladle at which the hallun uidles emerged vlutorlous as in prewar days dinner was served lu the largo gathering in thn buildings vt macdonald institute it is usllnuitod that over 16000 psvpltf wore presuul ou friday saturdays game with itockwood as tho senior teams opponents was look ed forward to urn tho game of the sou- it was ideal baseball weather and the utrgst crowd of the year came to the game rockwood fans were loyal to their team and came down to support them in goodly number itut alas llockwood has deteriorated els- acton has wonderfully im proved since the victoria day tourna- ent we think it was the latter point that wus s dejldlne factor and t acton was playing t home on tltrlr own grounds ami that may hv mmt a difference in hock wo m first turn at hat they lirought in on run and it looked hopeful for them but my oh my win aoton cam to bat if they didnt wal lop king for six runs that settled it rock woods fighting spirit was broki they struggled through but they did not have a rally in any innings rnd the score was 14tj in favor of our hoys hough and koblnson were the bat teries for acton for seven innings und turned in a good game olbbons relieved hough in the seventh and they didnt gather much of nell either king and hard were the big ituns for rockwood the following is the box score ii col- fow tlayu alllatoi at mr rockwood ah hard a amide o ha mem king squires c meadows pit mint mo n v meadows dodds kennedy clark nrlnon u 46 14 scurod by innings muiik acton 0033003 14 itockwood 10 0 0 0 0 13 0 9 the acton boys certainly played good ball they hit the pill und thoy fielded like champions drones ull- round playiiig was the feature of tho game the team is rounding into shupe now andhave only one defeat this season so fur the hewstsoti girls softball team mat defeat ut the hands of the llewet- hrumpton girls at urampton tho score being 3413 brampton scored runs in the first 3 innings before the aoton girls sertlod down to play ball meryl anderson pitched for acton und in tho 8th sho bit liumo run with 3 aa bases hramptoji will visit acton ror a game in tho tiuur future when the n toutn hope to be lu better shupe tho hewetson co boys baseball am wore defeated 130 by the moun- ineers on saturday mulldoon pitching for the mountaineers was in vincible having 1h strikeouts to his credit and allowing hows loons only the locals used 4 pitchers hollo- wuy johnson 8 luc key and johnson being the moat eft out strikeouts the mounlullioer play hewetson at aoton on hat urdu y imxl w5ao itlve with a cia mb nhxt uatuhday tliv senior bull teum tnunugeuirtit huve arranged to have the jim i or maple leaf ball team of uuelphcomo acton for u gume tiuxt haturduy this tsam is ami la ted wlhtheumlor maptu leaf team und is head of their teuguo- they imve yet to bo j e on ml his season and should give aoton n good gume the ouelph toum bus promised to bring u tuulii of 13 or 13 tnen und tllelr full uoiupllmnl of pitchers- the guhit wlh tie railed ut 3 so p m chief mcphenion csiches thief who broks ipto coopers store about a month ago about h month uio oopurs gouts furnishing store wus biokmi into und two suits of clothes stolvii tin uwrcout uixl sevurut uthsr uitldvs mr cooiier had htisplcluns of who the thiof might be und infocnied chief mclluntun he andeuvoredtw incuts the inuti but wus unsuccessful on tuesday evening however howard martin the mull under uus- plcjon cume to town with his em ployer ww owns u fanp nuur arkull constubto atkins vo iii town on tuesday veiling ulul ha assisted chief mapherson in making the srmat martin was questioned at the cells by tlie police aiwl finally confessed to stealing two suits un overcoat und l hat a signed wis turn nt to this often wus procured by lte constables martin has ben working on u farm lisur arkell iiu ulso told thn pollrc that in gytuutf out of town that nigh hu was thn mun who lilt the blioni pollconiuii ut thu coriivr of mui und mulll titrvotfl and klioukud it tot iiinii distance ho had tu stop his cur and nunove it from the front before lie could pryueed muglstrula watt of uuulph was houhng court utu trying muttln ror iirfviico in tho town jiull yestor- day aftarhouu as wu wvnt to drteas spondlntf u itumloys str and mrs alfred hpir have boon npftuuthi a wek or so with friend in oalt miss margaret j- mucdonnjd is spinidlng a coupui f wks with wlnghum friends mr tommy muxom of toronto visited ut the hiunt tf mr npii mcnabb on buntluy mr und mrs a itoesor mr jvanlt and miss nellie spent thn wookond with kltrhennr friends mrs juntas warren of toronto spunt 11 few duys last wnek with her tluughtor mr john wood messrs c h harrison and j t matthews left 011 a fishing trip tuesday morning to hustings miss mary clarrldgo is spending week with friends in toronto uitle iss dorothy accompanied her mr qordon t iteardmore unt master martin loft on jthursduy on 1 holiday trip to the hrltlsh isles mr hay urown of hamilton ant miss itertha ilrown of toronto spent the wookanil nt illo parental home miss myrue dills who hus been visllxnav ut her home here the past weak returned to toronto on sunday mr und mrs itobart a coleman und children of duluth minn are visiting his mother mrs wm andor- mrs thai funeral of walter ywn iltmliiiw uttnnded the sister tlm lute mrs of uuulph on butur- mrs ti ialril la spending the sum mnr months with hr daughter mm a m dnnjilhtoun at i ted wood kalis minn 1 mr a nd mm duncan hharp und jdr jumorf hhurp of toronto iqwirit hunduy at thn home of mrs c c hpelklit mr and mtu lloyd musulos and bulie of toiutitn have hwti spending a few days ut the homo of mr howard muaalvu mr uinl xfih j a lvunnuwhi motor- ml fiom hlfllnirii humluy mnriilnu and attoiiilid cliuruh survico in knox church hen mr- unr mm kred ilalnock and mliw kunlif of mlllun spent h imk lands borough xi r and mrn john lllngham of oltjiwii vihij d tho formers undo und aunt mr und mm holier t hannutt a fw days lust week mosurs arthie and will mrfjmgor of hrn111k11 man 1110 vultlng with friends in this community whllu en route tu i ho hrituli iuum mr and mt14 krunu wiekons and daughter joan nnd mr william an derson of quit sjiont sunday ut thu home of mr wirt lund a borough miss d c drew of toronto cousin of hlr henry pollutt und mr w e n sinclair m p visited with mr mid mrs c ii harrison u fow duys this week mr arthur drown attended tho fun- erul of mrs hall of acton on wed nesday who for many yours wus a resident of tullamore urampton conservator mr klrner j i undersoil bus suc cessfully cnmplutad his fourth your ut the itoyul college of dontul hurgoon toronto mitt la now hiaiidliiif tho holi day ut his homo heru- mr and mm duncan muoarthur announce the ungugumont of thblr duughtor lloreiitii muif to mr kd- wartl k oinen of toronto the mar riage tu tuku plaao the latter part of julio mr alwrt olhbuns who hus been in th- ouuerul hospital flliolpli f two months rnturihkl lo monfirry inos winsqluralily impioved und- 1m bulug rurud tov by hs ulst mrs win bayers police court new hunry luttlu who wu wuntutlmi u uhmgii of biilug lutoxloututl and for whon u wuriant hud hen isuuol was appiukundud by chuf munp hr sun on huliduy nal- the c n 1 hacks urn wus tuku 11 into otistiidy und on m inula v paid the tint und costs that hud pi vlouuiy i hi on linpositl xvtlils fleming a man with two uhllli bvfoie muglstiutu ciu toil on saturday on ing un rocvlvlng props 1 young married un wu biought wford in hiulitp- jhurges of stoal- ileu goods 111- of arthur howsiui of tor- nniu tukuii fioin thit mnnniut hoatu of th latter ut melvlllo ivel county n 1010 und in itiu mr ilewtn who told of hundteds or dollars worth of stuff balntf lukmi spoke highly of llsmlng who hud suimred th tuturn of a large tiuunttty of uuodu iluinlnn wus found guilty uf ateulltlg lowed to uo on wilupeildcd uallt induatilti utcoual of his lent mun o it mokv k c m p uppuuivd ror thu ilefouci and hoy lent comlticlutl ttui pmsucutloil in th uliseuce of tliti crown attorney wllllaiq lib by wu found guilty ut issuing- a forgot nhaiue for 1300 un john kullor of chlnguuuousy und re mu tided until mouduy fur seiituuce slph qrsnd lod of i o o f in q this week suvuitil huudrod luulpli odtirullows und tiieintiuin of that fraternity from outside points in ouulph for thu ci rand loiigo iiiliu miniluy paratlod to tjuelph ciiittuy sunday nftwriiouii und riocotuttd the yruvus uf their departed bruthrui ptiur lo tho do- uruliim urumonlih a fotniul udtlrusn wum lllvid by imtihl hand hoburt tovell tin- prtniilpal udttress in con- luctluii willi thu lercinonus rm tlellv- eid ly i in o luke p n p u m lutnlltoii a nun ib 1 ir the brethren fmtii a ton lni of tlu i 1 o 1 uttontltnl this surylte home of mr- 1 oihhona cameron tn smitten tin htitunlay morning when their little htm iyednrlrk flooru op- plthl into lnlry ijtk 11ml wait irowitotl iutli frederick wih ihieo yrru and glt months old ami wax playing with nnother snititt boy it round u punt that was tied up at thf wuteiu etlgti near tho wlte of iho old cliililtouso mrs hulllva u imlulibor uotlrod tho two tnds untl inter mlsutil the onv sho rullol thn playmate and usknd wheru th olhir boywas ho tnjiucd that hti wus lit thowalor upon inves tigation tho hid was found near thj waters odgo in ubout u foot or two or water dr nelaon was summoned ut once und run hud lo dm ncuna tho doctor worked with tho lad for un hour or mo but wu unnhln jo in ing back llfo it 1 thought that the child struck tho bout in falling into thn water nut was stunned und full into tho water frederick wu born lu london ing- lund on november 4 1dz0 untl rums withhls parents to tltla country ubout slx weeks ago two other children comprise tho family the funeral wus hold from bt al bans church on monday afternoon the he v j i o l huugh tiluclutlng interment was inude in kulrview cemetery oeneral ayrnjiuth will ho foil for mr und mrs million lu thla sad be reavement coming hu uoo ii ufter their arrival in a strungo land 1 miss crays hecital enjoyable affair hald in knox churoh on monday evening tho annual piano recital given by the pupils ot mis lauretta amy mu hue is always an event of interest to the pupils and parents untl friends and the community id general this annual function wns hold in thn knox church school room on monday even ing und was this year fully up to the usual high stunflnrd of the perform ances given by miss grays pup lis the folldwlng is the programmo iakt i unison song hwil ami low hy nil tlwi pupils mentioned in ltti gramme und mlitu dorothy mcphnrson capricn hatliinjinn mfsslcduu johnston lullaby uvsey katharine stewart duet 7 ootid njf stars josslo young mamnrtt young thu purudo i tuts i tu itolfo jack hymon vlllugo dunce m pennington helen coxtt vosprr hell krugmiittn jimtffitontttk duet vivacity miss lauretta m gray itulph hendorson woolluntl hovels keuts ml luubd wutklns iolku musurku llchner ivy utlly wiuil tho hees hlnjf crumm xlarjory tluitlun timer winds wolroil miss lleatrln mclsauc mmljig llirtls lullaby preston doris macionuld paht ii duot murch from ltirthday muslo jeunlu orr miss iuuroltu m gray where do the old moons tlot krb helen ostruuder a star pounlngton miss kdnu henderson tho merry peasant hchumunn mac stayart ii trovaiorn vbrtlldorn ituauoll hoss hecltatlotitho kotig- my putldlo slugs clara suvujfit itlppllnf wuve anthony anna alliuou vnuo iiitpioinplll aiiibrolso ubi mav symon choruu tlio uolla of aberdovey hy all thu pupils mentioned lu pro gramme mill mum duiothy mupliarsilil dust hoist mis ictlnujuhintiin xflus isabel watklns ajr willi vurllluwwtftm juuulo per plxius uoodnlifht song hrown arthur hoiulrhon duut concert murch mis liturutta m i ray ituauiili huu miss uruy was piesuiitod with a buautlful busktilpf rutios by bu puplls lu upprodutlon of hur urfoitu lu truln- llts- them miss hduu ostiuudvl tuudu the prostitution body of child found near third lino dlaaoveted on bundsy mornlnpj by children puylna at culvert on new highway on hiilidav iiottilntf mr- j a snhlh und ills children wtu out for a whole on tho outskirts of anton umd llltlo juukls lu u playful iiimxl mi tu look in thu nulvert just outside th vlllauo limits on thu now highway near thn third line about ttvo font lu him mivirtho tlucovervtl tint hotly uf u baby hoy initl told ida fathei uf hla tllaoovury i the falhur luiiiu hack in aoum und llnllledlutoly lltitllled chluf mtilltuiuoil uiul ho untl dr menlvni ctirouor woivt to tluf uput amt nxjiuilinid thu ourroundlugm untl 1 uiiiuvotl im hotly on mouduy ntotnliiir ti jtiry wan t-tn- uuiiulled with ij j huslurd uu tho roratuuu and wi u mwomi in bt dr munivoti they vlewud thu body ut johnstonuri untleriuklug putlom all udjourniiiuit wus thou tnudu until thursmluy evening tn mtuhlu the auuiurltlos io enquire into the mutter und uppruhund thu puitleii ruupoiutlblu for planing- thu child lh10 tliuy will meat ut ulglit oclock in tho town hall this owning defining a qntlman heres mji uiinuyiutius iluilnlllou ullppuil from u ttwmptipor a mall who la ulosn initli lusldn untl out wh uolihor- lot 1 kit 1111 to th ruh inn down on tli immir who can ionu without squnullng unit win without in uggtug who a ou its i ilc 1 titu of wiuieii chlldrnu hint old puoiilo who is too hiuvo to tun geiiutous to cheat and who ills sharu of the world 51 fl

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